//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "ivp_surman_polygon.hxx" #include "ivp_compact_ledge.hxx" #include "ivp_compact_ledge_solver.hxx" #include "ivp_mindist.hxx" #include "ivp_mindist_intern.hxx" #include "ivp_friction.hxx" #include "ivp_phantom.hxx" #include "ivp_listener_collision.hxx" #include "ivp_clustering_visualizer.hxx" #include "ivp_anomaly_manager.hxx" #include "ivp_collision_filter.hxx" #include "hk_mopp/ivp_surman_mopp.hxx" #include "hk_mopp/ivp_compact_mopp.hxx" #include "ivp_compact_surface.hxx" #include "physics_trace.h" #include "physics_shadow.h" #include "physics_friction.h" #include "physics_constraint.h" #include "bspflags.h" #include "vphysics/player_controller.h" #include "vphysics/friction.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" extern IPhysicsCollision *physcollision; // UNDONE: Make this a stack variable / member variable of some save/load object or function? // NOTE: This keeps a list of objects who were saved while asleep, but not created asleep // So some info will be lost unless it's regenerated after loading. struct postrestore_objectlist_t { CPhysicsObject *pObject; bool growFriction; bool enableCollisions; void Defaults() { pObject = NULL; growFriction = false; enableCollisions = false; } }; static CUtlVector g_PostRestoreObjectList; // This angular basis is the integral of each differential drag area's torque over the whole OBB // For each axis, each face, the integral is (1/Iaxis) * (1/3 * w^2l^3 + 1/2 * w^4l + lw^2h^2) // l,w, & h are half widths - where l is in the direction of the axis, w is in the plane (l/w plane) of the face, // and h is perpendicular to the face. So for each axis, you sum up this integral over 2 pairs of faces // (this function returns the integral for one pair of opposite faces, not one face) static float AngDragIntegral( float invInertia, float l, float w, float h ) { float w2 = w*w; float l2 = l*l; float h2 = h*h; return invInertia * ( (1.f/3.f)*w2*l*l2 + 0.5 * w2*w2*l + l*w2*h2 ); } CPhysicsObject::CPhysicsObject( void ) { #ifdef _WIN32 void *pData = ((char *)this) + sizeof(void *); // offset beyond vtable int dataSize = sizeof(*this) - sizeof(void *); Assert( pData == &m_pGameData ); memset( pData, 0, dataSize ); #elif POSIX //!!HACK HACK - rework this if we ever change compiler versions (from gcc 3.2!!!) void *pData = ((char *)this) + sizeof(void *); // offset beyond vtable int dataSize = sizeof(*this) - sizeof(void *); Assert( pData == &m_pGameData ); memset( pData, 0, dataSize ); #else #error #endif // HACKHACK: init this as a sphere until someone attaches a surfacemanager m_collideType = COLLIDE_BALL; m_contentsMask = CONTENTS_SOLID; m_hasTouchedDynamic = 0; } void CPhysicsObject::Init( const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, IVP_Real_Object *pObject, int materialIndex, float volume, float drag, float angDrag ) { m_pCollide = pCollisionModel; m_materialIndex = materialIndex; m_pObject = pObject; // pObject->client_data = (void *)this; m_pGameData = NULL; m_gameFlags = 0; m_gameIndex = 0; m_sleepState = OBJ_SLEEP; // objects start asleep m_callbacks = CALLBACK_GLOBAL_COLLISION|CALLBACK_GLOBAL_FRICTION|CALLBACK_FLUID_TOUCH|CALLBACK_GLOBAL_TOUCH|CALLBACK_GLOBAL_COLLIDE_STATIC|CALLBACK_DO_FLUID_SIMULATION; m_activeIndex = 0xFFFF; m_pShadow = NULL; m_shadowTempGravityDisable = false; m_forceSilentDelete = false; m_dragBasis = vec3_origin; m_angDragBasis = vec3_origin; if ( !IsStatic() && GetCollide() ) { RecomputeDragBases(); } else { drag = 0; angDrag = 0; } m_dragCoefficient = drag; m_angDragCoefficient = angDrag; SetVolume( volume ); } CPhysicsObject::~CPhysicsObject( void ) { RemoveShadowController(); if ( m_pObject ) { // prevents callbacks to the game code / unlink from this object m_callbacks = 0; m_pGameData = 0; m_pObject->client_data = 0; IVP_Core *pCore = m_pObject->get_core(); if ( pCore->physical_unmoveable == IVP_TRUE && pCore->controllers_of_core.n_elems ) { // go ahead and notify them if this happens in the real world for(int i = pCore->controllers_of_core.len()-1; i >=0 ;i-- ) { IVP_Controller *my_controller = pCore->controllers_of_core.element_at(i); my_controller->core_is_going_to_be_deleted_event(pCore); Assert(my_controller==pCore->environment->get_gravity_controller()); } } // UNDONE: Don't free the surface manager here // UNDONE: Remove reference to it by calling something in physics_collide IVP_SurfaceManager *pSurman = GetSurfaceManager(); CPhysicsEnvironment *pVEnv = GetVPhysicsEnvironment(); // BUGBUG: Sometimes IVP will call a "revive" on the object we're deleting! MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); if ( m_forceSilentDelete || (pVEnv && pVEnv->ShouldQuickDelete()) || !m_hasTouchedDynamic ) { m_pObject->delete_silently(); } else { m_pObject->delete_and_check_vicinity(); } delete pSurman; } } void CPhysicsObject::Wake( void ) { //m_pObject->ensure_in_simulation(); } void CPhysicsObject::WakeNow( void ) { //m_pObject->ensure_in_simulation_now(); } // supported void CPhysicsObject::Sleep( void ) { //m_pObject->disable_simulation(); } bool CPhysicsObject::IsAsleep() const { if ( m_sleepState == OBJ_AWAKE ) return false; // double-check that we aren't pending //if ( m_pObject->get_core()->is_in_wakeup_vec ) // return false; return true; } void CPhysicsObject::NotifySleep( void ) { // if ( m_sleepState == OBJ_AWAKE ) // { // m_sleepState = OBJ_STARTSLEEP; // } // else { // UNDONE: This fails sometimes and we get sleep calls for a sleeping object, debug? //Assert(m_sleepState==OBJ_STARTSLEEP); m_sleepState = OBJ_SLEEP; } } void CPhysicsObject::NotifyWake( void ) { m_asleepSinceCreation = false; m_sleepState = OBJ_AWAKE; } void CPhysicsObject::SetCallbackFlags( unsigned short callbackflags ) { #if IVP_ENABLE_VISUALIZER unsigned short changedFlags = m_callbacks ^ callbackflags; if ( changedFlags & CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_TEST ) { if ( callbackflags & CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_TEST ) { ENABLE_SHORTRANGE_VISUALIZATION(m_pObject); ENABLE_LONGRANGE_VISUALIZATION(m_pObject); } else { DISABLE_SHORTRANGE_VISUALIZATION(m_pObject); DISABLE_LONGRANGE_VISUALIZATION(m_pObject); } } #endif m_callbacks = callbackflags; } unsigned short CPhysicsObject::GetCallbackFlags() const { return m_callbacks; } void CPhysicsObject::SetGameFlags( unsigned short userFlags ) { m_gameFlags = userFlags; } unsigned short CPhysicsObject::GetGameFlags() const { return m_gameFlags; } void CPhysicsObject::SetGameIndex( unsigned short gameIndex ) { m_gameIndex = gameIndex; } unsigned short CPhysicsObject::GetGameIndex() const { return m_gameIndex; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsStatic() const { return true; } void CPhysicsObject::EnableCollisions( bool enable ) { } void CPhysicsObject::RecheckCollisionFilter() { if ( CallbackFlags() & CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::RecheckContactPoints() { } CPhysicsEnvironment *CPhysicsObject::GetVPhysicsEnvironment() { return NULL; //(CPhysicsEnvironment *) (m_pObject->get_environment()->client_data); } const CPhysicsEnvironment *CPhysicsObject::GetVPhysicsEnvironment() const { return NULL; // (CPhysicsEnvironment *) (m_pObject->get_environment()->client_data); } bool CPhysicsObject::IsControlling( const IVP_Controller *pController ) const { return false; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsGravityEnabled() const { return false; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsDragEnabled() const { if ( !IsStatic() ) { return IsControlling( GetVPhysicsEnvironment()->GetDragController() ); } return false; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsMotionEnabled() const { return false; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsMoveable() const { if ( IsStatic() || !IsMotionEnabled() ) return false; return true; } void CPhysicsObject::EnableGravity( bool enable ) { if ( IsStatic() ) return; bool isEnabled = IsGravityEnabled(); if ( enable == isEnabled ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::EnableDrag( bool enable ) { if ( IsStatic() ) return; bool isEnabled = IsDragEnabled(); if ( enable == isEnabled ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::SetDragCoefficient( float *pDrag, float *pAngularDrag ) { if ( pDrag ) { m_dragCoefficient = *pDrag; } if ( pAngularDrag ) { m_angDragCoefficient = *pAngularDrag; } EnableDrag( m_dragCoefficient || m_angDragCoefficient ); } void CPhysicsObject::RecomputeDragBases() { if ( IsStatic() || !GetCollide() ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::EnableMotion( bool enable ) { if ( IsStatic() ) return; bool isMoveable = IsMotionEnabled(); // no change if ( isMoveable == enable ) return; if ( enable && IsHinged() ) { BecomeHinged( m_hingedAxis-1 ); } RecheckCollisionFilter(); RecheckContactPoints(); } bool CPhysicsObject::IsControlledByGame() const { if (m_pShadow && !m_pShadow->IsPhysicallyControlled()) return true; if ( CallbackFlags() & CALLBACK_IS_PLAYER_CONTROLLER ) return true; return false; } IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *CPhysicsObject::CreateFrictionSnapshot() { return ::CreateFrictionSnapshot( m_pObject ); } void CPhysicsObject::DestroyFrictionSnapshot( IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot ) { ::DestroyFrictionSnapshot(pSnapshot); } bool CPhysicsObject::IsMassCenterAtDefault() const { return false; } Vector CPhysicsObject::GetMassCenterLocalSpace() const { return Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); } void CPhysicsObject::SetGameData( void *pGameData ) { m_pGameData = pGameData; } void *CPhysicsObject::GetGameData( void ) const { return m_pGameData; } void CPhysicsObject::SetMass( float mass ) { bool reset = false; if ( !IsMoveable() ) { reset = true; EnableMotion(true); } Assert( mass > 0 ); mass = clamp( mass, 1.f, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); //m_pObject->change_mass( mass ); SetVolume( m_volume ); RecomputeDragBases(); if ( reset ) { EnableMotion(false); } } float CPhysicsObject::GetMass( void ) const { return 0.f; } float CPhysicsObject::GetInvMass( void ) const { return 1.f; } Vector CPhysicsObject::GetInertia( void ) const { return Vector(0, 0, 0); } Vector CPhysicsObject::GetInvInertia( void ) const { return Vector(0, 0, 0); } void CPhysicsObject::SetInertia( const Vector &inertia ) { } void CPhysicsObject::GetDamping( float *speed, float *rot ) const { } void CPhysicsObject::SetDamping( const float *speed, const float *rot ) { } void CPhysicsObject::SetVolume( float volume ) { m_volume = volume; if ( volume != 0.f ) { // minimum volume is 5 cubic inches - otherwise buoyancy can get unstable if ( volume < 5.0f ) { volume = 5.0f; } volume *= HL2IVP_FACTOR*HL2IVP_FACTOR*HL2IVP_FACTOR; float density = GetMass() / volume; float matDensity; physprops->GetPhysicsProperties( GetMaterialIndexInternal(), &matDensity, NULL, NULL, NULL ); m_buoyancyRatio = density / matDensity; } else { m_buoyancyRatio = 1.0f; } } float CPhysicsObject::GetVolume() const { return m_volume; } void CPhysicsObject::SetBuoyancyRatio( float ratio ) { m_buoyancyRatio = ratio; } void CPhysicsObject::SetContents( unsigned int contents ) { m_contentsMask = contents; } // converts HL local units to HL world units void CPhysicsObject::LocalToWorld( Vector *worldPosition, const Vector &localPosition ) const { matrix3x4_t matrix; GetPositionMatrix( &matrix ); // copy in case the src == dest VectorTransform( Vector(localPosition), matrix, *worldPosition ); } // Converts world HL units to HL local/object units void CPhysicsObject::WorldToLocal( Vector *localPosition, const Vector &worldPosition ) const { matrix3x4_t matrix; GetPositionMatrix( &matrix ); // copy in case the src == dest VectorITransform( Vector(worldPosition), matrix, *localPosition ); } void CPhysicsObject::LocalToWorldVector( Vector *worldVector, const Vector &localVector ) const { matrix3x4_t matrix; GetPositionMatrix( &matrix ); // copy in case the src == dest VectorRotate( Vector(localVector), matrix, *worldVector ); } void CPhysicsObject::WorldToLocalVector( Vector *localVector, const Vector &worldVector ) const { matrix3x4_t matrix; GetPositionMatrix( &matrix ); // copy in case the src == dest VectorIRotate( Vector(worldVector), matrix, *localVector ); } // Apply force impulse (momentum) to the object void CPhysicsObject::ApplyForceCenter( const Vector &forceVector ) { if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::ApplyForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition ) { if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; IVP_U_Point pos; IVP_U_Float_Point force; ConvertForceImpulseToIVP( forceVector, force ); ConvertPositionToIVP( worldPosition, pos ); Wake(); ClampVelocity(); } void CPhysicsObject::CalculateForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerForce, AngularImpulse *centerTorque ) const { } void CPhysicsObject::CalculateVelocityOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerVelocity, AngularImpulse *centerAngularVelocity ) const { } void CPhysicsObject::ApplyTorqueCenter( const AngularImpulse &torqueImpulse ) { if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; Wake(); ClampVelocity(); } void CPhysicsObject::GetPosition( Vector *worldPosition, QAngle *angles ) const { } void CPhysicsObject::GetPositionMatrix( matrix3x4_t *positionMatrix ) const { } void CPhysicsObject::GetImplicitVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) const { if ( !velocity && !angularVelocity ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::GetVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) const { if ( !velocity && !angularVelocity ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::GetVelocityAtPoint( const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *pVelocity ) const { } // UNDONE: Limit these? void CPhysicsObject::AddVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) { Assert(IsMoveable()); if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; Wake(); ClampVelocity(); } void CPhysicsObject::SetPosition( const Vector &worldPosition, const QAngle &angles, bool isTeleport ) { } void CPhysicsObject::SetPositionMatrix( const matrix3x4_t& matrix, bool isTeleport ) { } void CPhysicsObject::SetVelocityInstantaneous( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) { Assert(IsMoveable()); if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::SetVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) { if ( !IsMoveable() ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::ClampVelocity() { if ( m_pShadow ) return; } void GetWorldCoordFromSynapse( IVP_Synapse_Friction *pfriction, IVP_U_Point &world ) { world.set(pfriction->get_contact_point()->get_contact_point_ws()); } bool CPhysicsObject::GetContactPoint( Vector *contactPoint, IPhysicsObject **contactObject ) const { IVP_Synapse_Friction *pfriction = m_pObject->get_first_friction_synapse(); if ( !pfriction ) return false; if ( contactPoint ) { IVP_U_Point world; GetWorldCoordFromSynapse( pfriction, world ); ConvertPositionToHL( world, *contactPoint ); } if ( contactObject ) { IVP_Real_Object *pivp = GetOppositeSynapseObject( pfriction ); *contactObject = static_cast(pivp->client_data); } return true; } void CPhysicsObject::SetShadow( float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed, bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation ) { return; } void CPhysicsObject::UpdateShadow( const Vector &targetPosition, const QAngle &targetAngles, bool tempDisableGravity, float timeOffset ) { if ( tempDisableGravity != m_shadowTempGravityDisable ) { m_shadowTempGravityDisable = tempDisableGravity; if ( !m_pShadow || m_pShadow->AllowsTranslation() ) { EnableGravity( !m_shadowTempGravityDisable ); } } if ( m_pShadow ) { m_pShadow->Update( targetPosition, targetAngles, timeOffset ); } } void CPhysicsObject::RemoveShadowController() { if ( m_pShadow ) { CPhysicsEnvironment *pVEnv = GetVPhysicsEnvironment(); pVEnv->DestroyShadowController( m_pShadow ); m_pShadow = NULL; } } // Back door to allow save/restore of backlink between shadow controller and physics object void CPhysicsObject::RestoreShadowController( IPhysicsShadowController *pShadowController ) { Assert( !m_pShadow ); m_pShadow = pShadowController; } int CPhysicsObject::GetShadowPosition( Vector *position, QAngle *angles ) const { IVP_U_Matrix matrix; IVP_Environment *pEnv = m_pObject->get_environment(); double psi = pEnv->get_next_PSI_time().get_seconds(); m_pObject->calc_at_matrix( psi, &matrix ); if ( angles ) { ConvertRotationToHL( matrix, *angles ); } if ( position ) { ConvertPositionToHL( matrix.vv, *position ); } return 1; } IPhysicsShadowController *CPhysicsObject::GetShadowController( void ) const { return m_pShadow; } const CPhysCollide *CPhysicsObject::GetCollide( void ) const { return m_pCollide; } IVP_SurfaceManager *CPhysicsObject::GetSurfaceManager( void ) const { if ( m_collideType != COLLIDE_BALL ) { return m_pObject->get_surface_manager(); } return NULL; } float CPhysicsObject::GetDragInDirection( const IVP_U_Float_Point &velocity ) const { IVP_U_Float_Point local; const IVP_U_Matrix *m_world_f_core = m_pObject->get_core()->get_m_world_f_core_PSI(); m_world_f_core->vimult3( &velocity, &local ); return m_dragCoefficient * IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( local.k[0] * m_dragBasis.x ) + IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( local.k[1] * m_dragBasis.y ) + IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( local.k[2] * m_dragBasis.z ); } float CPhysicsObject::GetAngularDragInDirection( const IVP_U_Float_Point &angVelocity ) const { return m_angDragCoefficient * IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( angVelocity.k[0] * m_angDragBasis.x ) + IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( angVelocity.k[1] * m_angDragBasis.y ) + IVP_Inline_Math::fabsd( angVelocity.k[2] * m_angDragBasis.z ); } const char *CPhysicsObject::GetName() const { return m_pObject->get_name(); } void CPhysicsObject::SetMaterialIndex( int materialIndex ) { if ( m_materialIndex == materialIndex ) return; m_materialIndex = materialIndex; IVP_Material *pMaterial = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( materialIndex ); Assert(pMaterial); m_pObject->l_default_material = pMaterial; m_callbacks |= CALLBACK_ENABLING_COLLISION; BEGIN_IVP_ALLOCATION(); m_pObject->recompile_material_changed(); END_IVP_ALLOCATION(); m_callbacks &= ~CALLBACK_ENABLING_COLLISION; if ( GetShadowController() ) { GetShadowController()->ObjectMaterialChanged( materialIndex ); } } // convert square velocity magnitude from IVP to HL float CPhysicsObject::GetEnergy() const { IVP_Core *pCore = m_pObject->get_core(); IVP_FLOAT energy = 0.0f; IVP_U_Float_Point tmp; energy = 0.5f * pCore->get_mass() * pCore->speed.dot_product(&pCore->speed); // 1/2mvv tmp.set_pairwise_mult(&pCore->rot_speed, pCore->get_rot_inertia()); // wI energy += 0.5f * tmp.dot_product(&pCore->rot_speed); // 1/2mvv + 1/2wIw return ConvertEnergyToHL( energy ); } float CPhysicsObject::ComputeShadowControl( const hlshadowcontrol_params_t ¶ms, float secondsToArrival, float dt ) { return ComputeShadowControllerHL( this, params, secondsToArrival, dt ); } float CPhysicsObject::GetSphereRadius() const { if ( m_collideType != COLLIDE_BALL ) return 0; return ConvertDistanceToHL( m_pObject->to_ball()->get_radius() ); } float CPhysicsObject::CalculateLinearDrag( const Vector &unitDirection ) const { IVP_U_Float_Point ivpDir; ConvertDirectionToIVP( unitDirection, ivpDir ); return GetDragInDirection( ivpDir ); } float CPhysicsObject::CalculateAngularDrag( const Vector &objectSpaceRotationAxis ) const { IVP_U_Float_Point ivpAxis; ConvertDirectionToIVP( objectSpaceRotationAxis, ivpAxis ); // drag factor is per-radian, convert to per-degree return GetAngularDragInDirection( ivpAxis ) * DEG2RAD(1.0); } void CPhysicsObject::BecomeTrigger() { if ( IsTrigger() ) return; } void CPhysicsObject::RemoveTrigger() { } bool CPhysicsObject::IsTrigger() const { return false; } bool CPhysicsObject::IsFluid() const { return false; } // sets the object to be hinged. Fixed it place, but able to rotate around one axis. void CPhysicsObject::BecomeHinged( int localAxis ) { } void CPhysicsObject::RemoveHinged() { m_hingedAxis = 0; } // dumps info about the object to Msg() void CPhysicsObject::OutputDebugInfo() const { Msg("-----------------\nObject: %s\n", m_pObject->get_name()); Msg("Mass: %.3e (inv %.3e)\n", GetMass(), GetInvMass() ); Vector inertia = GetInertia(); Vector invInertia = GetInvInertia(); Msg("Inertia: %.3e, %.3e, %.3e (inv %.3e, %.3e, %.3e)\n", inertia.x, inertia.y, inertia.z, invInertia.x, invInertia.y, invInertia.z ); Vector speed, angSpeed; GetVelocity( &speed, &angSpeed ); Msg("Velocity: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f \n", speed.x, speed.y, speed.z ); Msg("Ang Velocity: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f \n", angSpeed.x, angSpeed.y, angSpeed.z ); float damp, angDamp; GetDamping( &damp, &angDamp ); Msg("Damping %.3e linear, %.3e angular\n", damp, angDamp ); Msg("Linear Drag: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f (factor %.2f)\n", m_dragBasis.x, m_dragBasis.y, m_dragBasis.z, m_dragCoefficient ); Msg("Angular Drag: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f (factor %.2f)\n", m_angDragBasis.x, m_angDragBasis.y, m_angDragBasis.z, m_angDragCoefficient ); if ( IsHinged() ) { const char *pAxisNames[] = {"x", "y", "z"}; Msg("Hinged on %s axis\n", pAxisNames[m_hingedAxis-1] ); } Msg("attached to %d controllers\n", m_pObject->get_core()->controllers_of_core.len() ); for (int k = m_pObject->get_core()->controllers_of_core.len()-1; k>=0;k--) { // NOTE: Set a breakpoint here and take a look at what it's hooked to IVP_Controller *pController = m_pObject->get_core()->controllers_of_core.element_at(k); Msg("%d) %s\n", k, pController->get_controller_name() ); } Msg("State: %s, Collision %s, Motion %s, %sFlags %04X (game %04x, index %d)\n", IsAsleep() ? "Asleep" : "Awake", IsCollisionEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", IsStatic() ? "Static" : (IsMotionEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), (GetCallbackFlags() & CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_TEST) ? "Debug! " : "", (int)GetCallbackFlags(), (int)GetGameFlags(), (int)GetGameIndex() ); float matDensity = 0; float matThickness = 0; float matFriction = 0; float matElasticity = 0; physprops->GetPhysicsProperties( GetMaterialIndexInternal(), &matDensity, &matThickness, &matFriction, &matElasticity ); Msg("Material: %s : density(%.1f), thickness(%.2f), friction(%.2f), elasticity(%.2f)\n", physprops->GetPropName(GetMaterialIndexInternal()), matDensity, matThickness, matFriction, matElasticity ); if ( GetCollide() ) { OutputCollideDebugInfo( GetCollide() ); } } bool CPhysicsObject::IsAttachedToConstraint( bool bExternalOnly ) const { return false; } static void InitObjectTemplate( IVP_Template_Real_Object &objectTemplate, int materialIndex, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) { objectTemplate.mass = clamp( pParams->mass, VPHYSICS_MIN_MASS, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); if ( materialIndex >= 0 ) { objectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( materialIndex ); } else { materialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ); objectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( materialIndex ); } // HACKHACK: Do something with this name? BEGIN_IVP_ALLOCATION(); if ( IsPC() ) { objectTemplate.set_name(pParams->pName); } END_IVP_ALLOCATION(); #if USE_COLLISION_GROUP_STRING objectTemplate.set_nocoll_group_ident( NULL ); #endif objectTemplate.physical_unmoveable = isStatic ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE; objectTemplate.rot_inertia_is_factor = IVP_TRUE; float inertia = pParams->inertia; // don't allow <=0 inertia!!!! if ( inertia <= 0 ) inertia = 1.0; if ( inertia > 1e14f ) inertia = 1e14f; objectTemplate.rot_inertia.set(inertia, inertia, inertia); objectTemplate.rot_speed_damp_factor.set(pParams->rotdamping, pParams->rotdamping, pParams->rotdamping); objectTemplate.speed_damp_factor = pParams->damping; objectTemplate.auto_check_rot_inertia = pParams->rotInertiaLimit; } static PxRigidActor *CreatePxActor(PxTransform &transform, PxShape *shape, int materialIndex, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) { PxRigidActor *actor; if( isStatic ) actor = gPxPhysics->createRigidStatic(transform); else actor = gPxPhysics->createRigidDynamic(transform); while( shape ) { actor->attachShape( *shape ); shape = (PxShape*)shape->userData; } if( isStatic ) return actor; float mass = clamp( pParams->mass, VPHYSICS_MIN_MASS, VPHYSICS_MAX_MASS ); PxRigidDynamic *dynamic = (PxRigidDynamic*)actor; PxRigidBodyExt::setMassAndUpdateInertia( *dynamic, mass ); // if ( materialIndex >= 0 ) // { // objectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( materialIndex ); // } // else // { // materialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ); // objectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( materialIndex ); // } PxVec3 massInertia = dynamic->getMassSpaceInertiaTensor(); massInertia *= pParams->inertia; dynamic->setMassSpaceInertiaTensor(massInertia); dynamic->setAngularDamping( pParams->rotdamping ); dynamic->setLinearDamping( pParams->damping ); return actor; } CPhysicsObject *CreatePhysicsObject( CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle& angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) { if ( materialIndex < 0 ) { materialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ); } AssertOnce(materialIndex>=0 && materialIndex<127); IVP_Template_Real_Object objectTemplate; IVP_U_Quat rotation; IVP_U_Point pos; Assert( position.IsValid() ); Assert( angles.IsValid() ); #if _WIN32 if ( !position.IsValid() || !angles.IsValid() ) { DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); Warning("Invalid initial position on %s\n", pParams->pName ); Vector *pPos = (Vector *)&position; QAngle *pRot = (QAngle *)&angles; if ( !pPos->IsValid() ) pPos->Init(); if ( !pRot->IsValid() ) pRot->Init(); } #endif ConvertRotationToIVP( angles, rotation ); ConvertPositionToIVP( position, pos ); InitObjectTemplate( objectTemplate, materialIndex, pParams, isStatic ); IVP_U_Matrix massCenterMatrix; massCenterMatrix.init(); if ( pParams->massCenterOverride ) { IVP_U_Point center; ConvertPositionToIVP( *pParams->massCenterOverride, center ); massCenterMatrix.shift_os( ¢er ); objectTemplate.mass_center_override = &massCenterMatrix; } CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject(); short collideType; // IVP_SurfaceManager *pSurman = CreateSurfaceManager( pCollisionModel, collideType ); // if ( !pSurman ) // return NULL; pObject->m_collideType = collideType; pObject->m_asleepSinceCreation = true; BEGIN_IVP_ALLOCATION(); // IVP_Polygon *realObject = pEnvironment->GetIVPEnvironment()->create_polygon(pSurman, &objectTemplate, &rotation, &pos); if( !pCollisionModel ) return NULL; PxScene *scene = pEnvironment->GetPxScene(); PxShape *shape = pCollisionModel->GetPxShape(); if( shape ) { RadianEuler radian(angles); Quaternion qw(radian); PxQuat q( qw.x, qw.y, qw.z, qw.w ); PxTransform t(PxVec3(position.x, position.y, position.z), q); PxRigidActor *body = CreatePxActor( t, shape, materialIndex, pParams, isStatic ); scene->addActor(*body); } pObject->Init( pCollisionModel, NULL, materialIndex, pParams->volume, pParams->dragCoefficient, pParams->dragCoefficient ); pObject->SetGameData( pParams->pGameData ); if ( pParams->enableCollisions ) { pObject->EnableCollisions( true ); } if ( !isStatic && pParams->dragCoefficient != 0.0f ) { pObject->EnableDrag( true ); } END_IVP_ALLOCATION(); return pObject; } CPhysicsObject *CreatePhysicsSphere( CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, float radius, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) { IVP_U_Quat rotation; IVP_U_Point pos; ConvertRotationToIVP( angles, rotation ); ConvertPositionToIVP( position, pos ); IVP_Template_Real_Object objectTemplate; InitObjectTemplate( objectTemplate, materialIndex, pParams, isStatic ); IVP_Template_Ball ballTemplate; ballTemplate.radius = ConvertDistanceToIVP( radius ); MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); IVP_Ball *realObject = pEnvironment->GetIVPEnvironment()->create_ball( &ballTemplate, &objectTemplate, &rotation, &pos ); float volume = pParams->volume; if ( volume <= 0 ) { volume = 4.0f * radius * radius * radius * M_PI / 3.0f; } CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject(); pObject->Init( NULL, realObject, materialIndex, volume, 0, 0 ); //, pParams->dragCoefficient, pParams->dragCoefficient pObject->SetGameData( pParams->pGameData ); if ( pParams->enableCollisions ) { pObject->EnableCollisions( true ); } // drag is not supported on spheres //pObject->EnableDrag( false ); return pObject; } class CMaterialIndexOps : public CDefSaveRestoreOps { public: // save data type interface virtual void Save( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, ISave *pSave ) { int materialIndex = *((int *)fieldInfo.pField); const char *pMaterialName = physprops->GetPropName( materialIndex ); if ( !pMaterialName ) { pMaterialName = physprops->GetPropName( 0 ); } int len = strlen(pMaterialName) + 1; pSave->WriteInt( &len ); pSave->WriteString( pMaterialName ); } virtual void Restore( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo, IRestore *pRestore ) { char nameBuf[1024]; int nameLen = pRestore->ReadInt(); pRestore->ReadString( nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), nameLen ); int *pMaterialIndex = (int *)fieldInfo.pField; *pMaterialIndex = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( nameBuf ); if ( *pMaterialIndex < 0 ) { *pMaterialIndex = 0; } } virtual bool IsEmpty( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo ) { int *pMaterialIndex = (int *)fieldInfo.pField; return (*pMaterialIndex == 0); } virtual void MakeEmpty( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t &fieldInfo ) { int *pMaterialIndex = (int *)fieldInfo.pField; *pMaterialIndex = 0; } }; static CMaterialIndexOps g_MaterialIndexDataOps; ISaveRestoreOps* MaterialIndexDataOps() { return &g_MaterialIndexDataOps; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t ) // DEFINE_FIELD( pCollide, FIELD_??? ), // don't save this // DEFINE_FIELD( pName, FIELD_??? ), // don't save this DEFINE_FIELD( sphereRadius, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( isStatic, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( collisionEnabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( gravityEnabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( dragEnabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( motionEnabled, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( isAsleep, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( isTrigger, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( asleepSinceCreation, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( hasTouchedDynamic, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_CUSTOM_FIELD( materialIndex, &g_MaterialIndexDataOps ), DEFINE_FIELD( mass, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( rotInertia, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( speedDamping, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( rotSpeedDamping, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( massCenterOverride, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( callbacks, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( gameFlags, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( contentsMask, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( volume, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( dragCoefficient, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( angDragCoefficient, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( hasShadowController,FIELD_BOOLEAN ), //DEFINE_VPHYSPTR( pShadow ), DEFINE_FIELD( origin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( angles, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( velocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( angVelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( collideType, FIELD_SHORT ), DEFINE_FIELD( gameIndex, FIELD_SHORT ), DEFINE_FIELD( hingeAxis, FIELD_INTEGER ), END_DATADESC() bool CPhysicsObject::IsCollisionEnabled() const { return false; } void CPhysicsObject::WriteToTemplate( vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t &objectTemplate ) { if ( m_collideType == COLLIDE_BALL ) { objectTemplate.pCollide = NULL; objectTemplate.sphereRadius = GetSphereRadius(); } else { objectTemplate.pCollide = GetCollide(); objectTemplate.sphereRadius = 0; } objectTemplate.isStatic = IsStatic(); objectTemplate.collisionEnabled = IsCollisionEnabled(); objectTemplate.gravityEnabled = IsGravityEnabled(); objectTemplate.dragEnabled = IsDragEnabled(); objectTemplate.motionEnabled = IsMotionEnabled(); objectTemplate.isAsleep = IsAsleep(); objectTemplate.isTrigger = IsTrigger(); objectTemplate.asleepSinceCreation = m_asleepSinceCreation; objectTemplate.materialIndex = m_materialIndex; objectTemplate.mass = GetMass(); objectTemplate.rotInertia = GetInertia(); GetDamping( &objectTemplate.speedDamping, &objectTemplate.rotSpeedDamping ); objectTemplate.massCenterOverride.Init(); if ( !IsMassCenterAtDefault() ) { objectTemplate.massCenterOverride = GetMassCenterLocalSpace(); } objectTemplate.callbacks = m_callbacks; objectTemplate.gameFlags = m_gameFlags; objectTemplate.volume = GetVolume(); objectTemplate.dragCoefficient = m_dragCoefficient; objectTemplate.angDragCoefficient = m_angDragCoefficient; objectTemplate.pShadow = m_pShadow; objectTemplate.hasShadowController = (m_pShadow != NULL) ? true : false; objectTemplate.hasTouchedDynamic = HasTouchedDynamic(); //bool m_shadowTempGravityDisable; objectTemplate.collideType = m_collideType; objectTemplate.gameIndex = m_gameIndex; objectTemplate.contentsMask = m_contentsMask; objectTemplate.hingeAxis = m_hingedAxis; GetPosition( &objectTemplate.origin, &objectTemplate.angles ); GetVelocity( &objectTemplate.velocity, &objectTemplate.angVelocity ); } void CPhysicsObject::InitFromTemplate( CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, void *pGameData, const vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t &objectTemplate ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_collideType = objectTemplate.collideType; IVP_Template_Real_Object ivpObjectTemplate; IVP_U_Quat rotation; IVP_U_Point pos; ConvertRotationToIVP( objectTemplate.angles, rotation ); ConvertPositionToIVP( objectTemplate.origin, pos ); ivpObjectTemplate.mass = objectTemplate.mass; if ( objectTemplate.materialIndex >= 0 ) { ivpObjectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( objectTemplate.materialIndex ); } else { ivpObjectTemplate.material = physprops->GetIVPMaterial( physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( "default" ) ); } Assert( ivpObjectTemplate.material ); // HACKHACK: Pass this name in for debug ivpObjectTemplate.set_name(objectTemplate.pName); #if USE_COLLISION_GROUP_STRING ivpObjectTemplate.set_nocoll_group_ident( NULL ); #endif ivpObjectTemplate.physical_unmoveable = objectTemplate.isStatic ? IVP_TRUE : IVP_FALSE; ivpObjectTemplate.rot_inertia_is_factor = IVP_TRUE; ivpObjectTemplate.rot_inertia.set( 1,1,1 ); ivpObjectTemplate.rot_speed_damp_factor.set( objectTemplate.rotSpeedDamping, objectTemplate.rotSpeedDamping, objectTemplate.rotSpeedDamping ); ivpObjectTemplate.speed_damp_factor = objectTemplate.speedDamping; IVP_U_Matrix massCenterMatrix; massCenterMatrix.init(); if ( objectTemplate.massCenterOverride != vec3_origin ) { IVP_U_Point center; ConvertPositionToIVP( objectTemplate.massCenterOverride, center ); massCenterMatrix.shift_os( ¢er ); ivpObjectTemplate.mass_center_override = &massCenterMatrix; } IVP_Real_Object *realObject = NULL; if ( m_collideType == COLLIDE_BALL ) { IVP_Template_Ball ballTemplate; ballTemplate.radius = ConvertDistanceToIVP( objectTemplate.sphereRadius ); realObject = pEnvironment->GetIVPEnvironment()->create_ball( &ballTemplate, &ivpObjectTemplate, &rotation, &pos ); } else { short collideType; IVP_SurfaceManager *surman = CreateSurfaceManager( objectTemplate.pCollide, collideType ); m_collideType = collideType; realObject = pEnvironment->GetIVPEnvironment()->create_polygon(surman, &ivpObjectTemplate, &rotation, &pos); } m_pObject = realObject; SetInertia( objectTemplate.rotInertia ); Init( objectTemplate.pCollide, realObject, objectTemplate.materialIndex, objectTemplate.volume, objectTemplate.dragCoefficient, objectTemplate.dragCoefficient ); SetCallbackFlags( (unsigned short) objectTemplate.callbacks ); SetGameFlags( (unsigned short) objectTemplate.gameFlags ); SetGameIndex( objectTemplate.gameIndex ); SetGameData( pGameData ); SetContents( objectTemplate.contentsMask ); if ( objectTemplate.dragEnabled ) { Assert( !objectTemplate.isStatic ); EnableDrag( true ); } if ( !objectTemplate.motionEnabled ) { Assert( !objectTemplate.isStatic ); EnableMotion( false ); } if ( objectTemplate.isTrigger ) { BecomeTrigger(); } if ( !objectTemplate.gravityEnabled ) { EnableGravity( false ); } if ( objectTemplate.collisionEnabled ) { EnableCollisions( true ); } m_asleepSinceCreation = objectTemplate.asleepSinceCreation; if ( objectTemplate.velocity.LengthSqr() != 0 || objectTemplate.angVelocity.LengthSqr() != 0 ) { // will wake up the object SetVelocityInstantaneous( &objectTemplate.velocity, &objectTemplate.angVelocity ); } else if( !objectTemplate.isAsleep ) { Assert( !objectTemplate.isStatic ); WakeNow(); } if( objectTemplate.isAsleep ) { Sleep(); } if ( objectTemplate.hingeAxis ) { BecomeHinged( objectTemplate.hingeAxis-1 ); } if ( objectTemplate.hasTouchedDynamic ) { SetTouchedDynamic(); } m_pShadow = NULL; } bool SavePhysicsObject( const physsaveparams_t ¶ms, CPhysicsObject *pObject ) { vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t objectTemplate; memset( &objectTemplate, 0, sizeof(objectTemplate) ); pObject->WriteToTemplate( objectTemplate ); params.pSave->WriteAll( &objectTemplate ); if ( objectTemplate.hasShadowController ) { return SavePhysicsShadowController( params, objectTemplate.pShadow ); } return true; } bool RestorePhysicsObject( const physrestoreparams_t ¶ms, CPhysicsObject **ppObject ) { vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t objectTemplate; memset( &objectTemplate, 0, sizeof(objectTemplate) ); params.pRestore->ReadAll( &objectTemplate ); Assert(objectTemplate.origin.IsValid()); Assert(objectTemplate.angles.IsValid()); objectTemplate.pCollide = params.pCollisionModel; objectTemplate.pName = params.pName; *ppObject = new CPhysicsObject(); postrestore_objectlist_t entry; entry.Defaults(); if ( objectTemplate.collisionEnabled ) { // queue up the collision enable for these in case their entities have other dependent // physics handlers (like controllers) that need to be restored before callbacks are useful entry.pObject = *ppObject; entry.enableCollisions = true; objectTemplate.collisionEnabled = false; } (*ppObject)->InitFromTemplate( static_cast(params.pEnvironment), params.pGameData, objectTemplate ); if ( (*ppObject)->IsAsleep() && !(*ppObject)->m_asleepSinceCreation && !(*ppObject)->IsStatic() ) { entry.pObject = *ppObject; entry.growFriction = true; } if ( entry.pObject ) { g_PostRestoreObjectList.AddToTail( entry ); } if ( objectTemplate.hasShadowController ) { bool restored = RestorePhysicsShadowControllerInternal( params, &objectTemplate.pShadow, *ppObject ); (*ppObject)->RestoreShadowController( objectTemplate.pShadow ); return restored; } return true; } IPhysicsObject *CreateObjectFromBuffer( CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, void *pGameData, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned int bufferSize, bool enableCollisions ) { CPhysicsObject *pObject = new CPhysicsObject(); if ( bufferSize >= sizeof(vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t)) { vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t *pTemplate = reinterpret_cast(pBuffer); pTemplate->hasShadowController = false; // this hasn't been saved separately so cannot be supported via this path pObject->InitFromTemplate( pEnvironment, pGameData, *pTemplate ); if ( pTemplate->collisionEnabled && enableCollisions ) { pObject->EnableCollisions(true); } return pObject; } return NULL; } IPhysicsObject *CreateObjectFromBuffer_UseExistingMemory( CPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment, void *pGameData, unsigned char *pBuffer, unsigned int bufferSize, CPhysicsObject *pExistingMemory ) { if ( bufferSize >= sizeof(vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t)) { vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t *pTemplate = reinterpret_cast(pBuffer); // Allow the placement new. If we don't do this, then it'll get a compile error because new // might be defined as the special form in MEMALL_DEBUG_NEW. #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" pExistingMemory = new ( pExistingMemory ) CPhysicsObject(); #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" pExistingMemory->InitFromTemplate( pEnvironment, pGameData, *pTemplate ); if ( pTemplate->collisionEnabled ) { pExistingMemory->EnableCollisions(true); } return pExistingMemory; } return NULL; } // regenerate the friction systems for these objects. Because when it was saved it had them (came to rest with the contact points). // So now we need to recreate them or some objects may not wake up when this object (or its neighbors) are deleted. void PostRestorePhysicsObject() { for ( int i = g_PostRestoreObjectList.Count()-1; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( g_PostRestoreObjectList[i].pObject ) { if ( g_PostRestoreObjectList[i].growFriction ) { g_PostRestoreObjectList[i].pObject->GetObject()->force_grow_friction_system(); } if ( g_PostRestoreObjectList[i].enableCollisions ) { g_PostRestoreObjectList[i].pObject->EnableCollisions( true ); } } } g_PostRestoreObjectList.Purge(); }