//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= // Standard includes #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <direct.h> #include <Windows.h> // Valve includes #include "itemtest/itemtest_controls.h" #include "vgui/IVGui.h" #include "vgui/IInput.h" #include "vgui/ISystem.h" #include "vgui/IPanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/CheckButton.h" #include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h" #include "vgui_controls/Menu.h" #include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h" #include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/PanelListPanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h" #include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h" #include "tier1/fmtstr.h" // Local includes #include "dualpanellist.h" // Last include #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CItemUploadDialog *g_pItemUploadDialog = NULL; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= CStatusLabel::CStatusLabel( vgui::Panel *pPanel, const char *pszName, bool bValid /* = false */ ) : BaseClass( pPanel, pszName, "" ) , m_bValid( bValid ) , m_cValid( 0, 192, 0, 255 ) , m_cInvalid( 192, 0, 0, 255 ) { SetText( m_bValid ? "#valid" : "#invalid" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStatusLabel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_center ); m_cValid = pScheme->GetColor( "StatusLabel.ValidColor", m_cValid ); m_cInvalid = pScheme->GetColor( "StatusLabel.InvalidColor", m_cInvalid ); UpdateColors(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStatusLabel::SetValid( bool bValid ) { if ( bValid == m_bValid ) return; m_bValid = bValid; SetText( m_bValid ? "#valid" : "#invalid" ); UpdateColors(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CStatusLabel::GetValid() const { return m_bValid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStatusLabel::UpdateColors() { // TODO: Set valid/invalid colors in scheme .res file... if ( GetValid() ) { SetBgColor( m_cValid ); } else { SetBgColor( m_cInvalid ); } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= CItemUploadSubPanel::CItemUploadSubPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszName, const char *pszNextName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pszName ) , m_sNextName( pszNextName ) { // Set the Wizard panel if the parent is a Wizard panel (it should be) vgui::WizardPanel *pWizardPanel = dynamic_cast< vgui::WizardPanel * >( pParent ); if ( pWizardPanel ) { SetWizardPanel( pWizardPanel ); } CFmtStr sTmp; // Create the two standard widgets if ( CItemUpload::GetDevMode() ) { sTmp.sprintf( "#itemtest_wizard_%s_info_dev", GetName() ); const char *pszCheck = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( sTmp ); if ( pszCheck == sTmp.Access() ) { sTmp.Clear(); } } if ( sTmp.Length() <= 0 ) { sTmp.sprintf( "#itemtest_wizard_%s_info", GetName() ); } m_pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "info", sTmp ); m_pPanelListPanel = new vgui::PanelListPanel( this, "list" ); m_pStatusLabel = new CStatusLabel( this, "statusLabel", false ); m_pStatusText = new vgui::Label( this, "statusText", "wonk" ); sTmp.sprintf( "itemtest_wizard_%s.res", GetName() ); LoadControlSettings( sTmp ); m_pLabel->SetAutoResize( PIN_TOPLEFT, AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_pLabel->SizeToContents(); // Supposedly doesn't work until layout but kind of does... m_pLabel->SetWrap( true ); m_pStatusLabel->SetAutoResize( PIN_BOTTOMLEFT, AUTORESIZE_NO, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( GetWizardPanel() && pszNextName == NULL ) { GetWizardPanel()->SetFinishButtonEnabled( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadSubPanel::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int nOldWide = m_pLabel->GetWide(); m_pLabel->SizeToContents(); m_pLabel->SetWide( nOldWide ); int nX = 0; int nY = 0; m_pLabel->GetPos( nX, nY ); int nX1 = 0; int nY1 = 0; m_pStatusLabel->GetPos( nX1, nY1 ); m_pPanelListPanel->SetBounds( nX, nY + m_pLabel->GetTall() + 10, m_pLabel->GetWide(), nY1 - nY - m_pLabel->GetTall() - 20 ); bool bDone = false; for ( int i = 1; i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2 ) { vgui::Panel *pPanelA0 = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemLabel( i - 1 ); vgui::Panel *pPanelA1 = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i - 1 ); vgui::Panel *pPanelB0 = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemLabel( i ); vgui::Panel *pPanelB1 = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i ); pPanelA0->SetTall( pPanelA1->GetTall() ); pPanelB1->SetTall( pPanelB0->GetTall() ); if ( !bDone ) { bDone = true; m_pStatusLabel->SetSize( pPanelA0->GetWide(), pPanelB0->GetTall() ); } } m_pStatusLabel->GetPos( nX, nY ); m_pStatusText->SetPos( nX + m_pStatusLabel->GetWide() + 5, nY ); m_pStatusText->SetWide( m_pLabel->GetWide() - nX ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadSubPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); if ( dynamic_cast< CGlobalSubPanel * >( this ) ) return; if ( dynamic_cast< CGeometrySubPanel * >( this ) ) return; /* #ifdef _DEBUG m_pLabel->SetBgColor( Color( 255, 127, 0, 255 ) ); m_pPanelListPanel->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 127, 0 ) ); for ( int i = 1; i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2 ) { vgui::Panel *pPanel = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i ); if ( pPanel ) { pPanel->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 255 ) ); } } #endif // _DEBUG */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadSubPanel::OnDisplay() { UpdateGUI(); // UpdateStatus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vgui::WizardSubPanel *CItemUploadSubPanel::GetNextSubPanel() { return dynamic_cast< WizardSubPanel * >( GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName( m_sNextName.Get() ) ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CItemUploadSubPanel::UpdateStatus() { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return false; if ( pItemUploadWizard->GetCurrentItemUploadSubPanel() != this ) return false; CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); CFmtStr sTmp; sTmp.sprintf( "#itemtest_wizard_%s_title", GetName() ); CUtlString sRelativeDir; asset.GetRelativeDir( sRelativeDir, NULL ); const char *pszTitle = g_pVGuiLocalize->FindAsUTF8( sTmp ); CUtlString sStatusMsg; if ( asset.IsOk( sStatusMsg ) && !sRelativeDir.IsEmpty() && pszTitle ) { sTmp.sprintf( "%s : %s", pszTitle, sRelativeDir.Get() ); } else if ( !sStatusMsg.IsEmpty() ) { } pItemUploadWizard->SetTitle( sTmp, true ); bool bValid = true; for ( int i = 1; bValid && i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2 ) { CStatusLabel *pStatusLabel = dynamic_cast< CStatusLabel * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemLabel( i ) ); if ( !pStatusLabel ) continue; bValid = bValid && pStatusLabel->GetValid(); } m_pStatusLabel->SetValid( bValid ); sTmp.sprintf( "#itemtest_wizard_%s_%s", GetName(), bValid ? "valid" : "invalid" ); m_pStatusText->SetText( sTmp ); pItemUploadWizard->SetNextButtonEnabled( bValid ); if ( pItemUploadWizard->GetCurrentSubPanel() == this ) { pItemUploadWizard->SetFinishButtonEnabled( m_sNextName.IsEmpty() ? true : false ); } return bValid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadSubPanel::AddStatusPanels( const char *pszPrefix ) { CFmtStr sTmp; sTmp.sprintf( "%sStatusLabel", pszPrefix ); CStatusLabel *pStatusLabel = new CStatusLabel( this, sTmp ); sTmp.sprintf( "%sStatusText", pszPrefix ); vgui::Label *pStatusText = new vgui::Label( this, sTmp, "" ); m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( pStatusLabel, pStatusText ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadSubPanel::SetStatus( bool bValid, const char *pszPrefix, const char *pszMessage /* = NULL */, bool bHide /* = false */ ) { CFmtStr sTmp; sTmp.sprintf( "%sStatusLabel", pszPrefix ); CStatusLabel *pStatusLabel = dynamic_cast< CStatusLabel * >( m_pPanelListPanel->FindChildByName( sTmp, true ) ); if ( pStatusLabel ) { pStatusLabel->SetValid( bValid ); pStatusLabel->SetVisible( !bHide ); } sTmp.sprintf( "%sStatusText", pszPrefix ); vgui::Label *pStatusText = dynamic_cast< vgui::Label * >( m_pPanelListPanel->FindChildByName( sTmp, true ) ); if ( pStatusText ) { if ( pszMessage ) { pStatusText->SetText( pszMessage ); } else { sTmp.sprintf( "#%s%s", pszPrefix, bValid ? "Valid" : "Invalid" ); pStatusText->SetText( sTmp ); } pStatusText->SetVisible( !bHide ); } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CFileLocationPanel : public vgui::Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFileLocationPanel, vgui::Panel ); public: CFileLocationPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, int nLodIndex ) : BaseClass( pParent ) { m_pButtonBrowse = new vgui::Button( this, "BrowseButton", "#BrowseButton", pParent ); m_pButtonBrowse->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "Open" ) ); m_pButtonBrowse->AddActionSignalTarget( pParent ); m_pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "FileLabel", "" ); } virtual void PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int w = 0; int h = 0; GetSize( w, h ); m_pButtonBrowse->SizeToContents(); SetTall( m_pButtonBrowse->GetTall() ); m_pButtonBrowse->SetPos( w - m_pButtonBrowse->GetWide(), 0 ); m_pLabel->SetSize( w - m_pButtonBrowse->GetWide(), m_pButtonBrowse->GetTall() ); m_pLabel->SetPos( 0, 0 ); } vgui::Button *m_pButtonBrowse; vgui::Label *m_pLabel; }; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CLODFileLocationPanel : public vgui::Panel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CLODFileLocationPanel, vgui::Panel ); public: CLODFileLocationPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, int nLodIndex ) : BaseClass( pParent ) { CFmtStr sButtonDelete; sButtonDelete.sprintf( "#LOD%dDelete", nLodIndex ); m_pButtonDelete = new vgui::Button( this, sButtonDelete, sButtonDelete ); m_pButtonDelete->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "Delete", "nLODIndex", nLodIndex ) ); m_pButtonDelete->AddActionSignalTarget( pParent ); CFmtStr sButton; sButton.sprintf( "#LOD%dButton", nLodIndex ); m_pButtonBrowse = new vgui::Button( this, sButton, sButton, pParent ); m_pButtonBrowse->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "Open", "nLODIndex", nLodIndex ) ); m_pButtonBrowse->AddActionSignalTarget( pParent ); CFmtStr sTextEntry; sTextEntry.sprintf( "#LOD%dTextEntry", nLodIndex ); m_pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, sTextEntry, "" ); } virtual void PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int w = 0; int h = 0; GetSize( w, h ); m_pButtonDelete->SizeToContents(); m_pButtonBrowse->SizeToContents(); SetTall( m_pButtonBrowse->GetTall() ); m_pButtonDelete->SetPos( w - m_pButtonDelete->GetWide(), 0 ); m_pButtonBrowse->SetPos( w - ( m_pButtonDelete->GetWide() + m_pButtonBrowse->GetWide() ), 0 ); m_pLabel->SetSize( w - ( m_pButtonDelete->GetWide() + m_pButtonBrowse->GetWide() ), m_pButtonBrowse->GetTall() ); m_pLabel->SetPos( 0, 0 ); } vgui::Button *m_pButtonBrowse; vgui::Button *m_pButtonDelete; vgui::Label *m_pLabel; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGeometrySubPanel::CGeometrySubPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszName, const char *pszNextName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pszName, pszNextName ) { m_pFileOpenStateMachine = new vgui::FileOpenStateMachine( this, this ); m_pFileOpenStateMachine->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeometrySubPanel::UpdateGUI() { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return; CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); int nGeometryCount = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; for ( int i = 0; i < asset.TargetDMXCount(); ++i ) { if ( i >= nGeometryCount ) { AddGeometry(); nGeometryCount = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; } if ( i >= nGeometryCount ) break; // unrecoverable error CLODFileLocationPanel *pFileLocationPanel = dynamic_cast< CLODFileLocationPanel * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i * 2 ) ); if ( !pFileLocationPanel ) continue; vgui::Label *pLabel = pFileLocationPanel->m_pLabel; if ( !pLabel ) continue; CSmartPtr< CTargetDMX > pTargetDmx = asset.GetTargetDMX( i ); if ( !pTargetDmx ) continue; pLabel->SetText( pTargetDmx->GetInputFile().Get() ); } // Ensure an empty blank one at the end if ( nGeometryCount == asset.TargetDMXCount() ) { AddGeometry(); } else { // Remove superfluous while ( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2 > ( asset.TargetDMXCount() + 1 ) ) { m_pPanelListPanel->RemoveItem( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 1 ); m_pPanelListPanel->RemoveItem( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 1 ); } // Set last one to empty if ( ( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2 ) == ( asset.TargetDMXCount() + 1 ) ) { CLODFileLocationPanel *pFileLocationPanel = dynamic_cast< CLODFileLocationPanel * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 2 ) ); if ( pFileLocationPanel ) { vgui::Label *pLabel = pFileLocationPanel->m_pLabel; if ( pLabel ) { pLabel->SetText( "" ); } } } } UpdateStatus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CGeometrySubPanel::UpdateStatus() { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return false; CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); CFmtStr sTmp; CFmtStr sErrString; int nLODIndex = 0; int nThisPolyCount = 0; int nLastPolyCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2, ++nLODIndex ) { CLODFileLocationPanel *pFileLocationPanel = dynamic_cast< CLODFileLocationPanel * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i ) ); if ( !pFileLocationPanel ) continue; vgui::Label *pLabel = pFileLocationPanel->m_pLabel; if ( !pLabel ) continue; if ( i == ( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 4 ) ) { pFileLocationPanel->m_pButtonDelete->SetEnabled( true ); } else { pFileLocationPanel->m_pButtonDelete->SetEnabled( false ); } sTmp.sprintf( "LOD%d", nLODIndex ); if ( i < ( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 2 ) ) { CSmartPtr< CTargetDMX > pTargetDMX = asset.GetTargetDMX( nLODIndex ); if ( !pTargetDMX ) { sErrString.sprintf( "Invalid Geometry: LOD %d is NULL", nLODIndex ); SetStatus( false, sTmp, sErrString ); continue; } CUtlString sStatusMsg; if ( !pTargetDMX->IsOk( sStatusMsg ) ) { SetStatus( false, sStatusMsg.Get() ); continue; } nLastPolyCount = nThisPolyCount; nThisPolyCount = pTargetDMX->GetPolyCount(); if ( nThisPolyCount <= 0 ) { sErrString.sprintf( "LOD %d has bad polygon count: %d", i, nThisPolyCount ); SetStatus( false, sTmp, sErrString ); continue; } if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( nThisPolyCount == nLastPolyCount ) ) { sErrString.sprintf( "LOD %d (%d polys) has the same number of polygons as previous LOD %d (%d polys)", nLODIndex, nThisPolyCount, nLODIndex - 1, nLastPolyCount ); SetStatus( false, sTmp, sErrString ); continue; } if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( nThisPolyCount >= nLastPolyCount ) ) { sErrString.sprintf( "LOD %d (%d polys) has more polygons than previous LOD %d (%d polys)", nLODIndex, nThisPolyCount, nLODIndex - 1, nLastPolyCount ); SetStatus( false, sTmp, sErrString ); continue; } SetStatus( true, sTmp ); } else { SetStatus( true, sTmp, NULL, true ); } } bool bValid = BaseClass::UpdateStatus(); // In this case there are more validation checks to be performed // Ensure each LOD is non-empty if ( bValid ) { sErrString.Clear(); // Ensure at least two LODs if ( CItemUpload::GetDevMode() ) { if ( asset.TargetDMXCount() < 1 ) { bValid = false; sErrString.sprintf( "At least 1 LOD is required" ); } } else if ( asset.TargetDMXCount() < 2 ) { bValid = false; sErrString.sprintf( "At least 2 LODs are required" ); } // Any other overall checks can go here m_pStatusLabel->SetValid( bValid ); if ( !bValid ) { // Not sure how to translate this message with parameters, etc... m_pStatusText->SetText( sErrString ); } pItemUploadWizard->SetNextButtonEnabled( bValid ); } return bValid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeometrySubPanel::SetupFileOpenDialog( vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog, bool bOpenFile, const char *pszFileName, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { char pszStartingDir[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !vgui::system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\itemtest\\geometry\\opendir", pszStartingDir, sizeof( pszStartingDir ) ) ) { _getcwd( pszStartingDir, ARRAYSIZE( pszStartingDir )); CUtlString sVMod; CUtlString sContentDir; if ( CItemUpload::GetVMod( sVMod ) && !sVMod.IsEmpty() && CItemUpload::GetContentDir( sContentDir ) && !sContentDir.IsEmpty() && CItemUpload::FileExists( sContentDir.Get() ) ) { sContentDir += "/"; sContentDir += sVMod; sContentDir += "/models"; CUtlString sTmp = sContentDir; sTmp += "/player"; if ( CItemUpload::FileExists( sTmp.Get() ) ) { sContentDir = sTmp; sTmp += "/items"; if ( CItemUpload::FileExists( sTmp.Get() ) ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( pItemUploadWizard ) { CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); sContentDir = sTmp; sTmp += "/"; sTmp += asset.GetClass(); } // TODO: Add steam id? V_FixupPathName( pszStartingDir, ARRAYSIZE( pszStartingDir ), sTmp.Get() ); } } } } pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "itemtest_geometry_browser", pszStartingDir ); if ( bOpenFile ) { pDialog->AddFilter( "*.obj", "OBJ File (*.obj)", true, "obj" ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.smd", "Valve SMD File (*.smd)", false, "smd" ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.dmx", "Valve DMX File (*.dmx)", false, "dmx" ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.*", "All Files (*.*)", false, "geometry" ); pDialog->SetTitle( "Open Geometry ( OBJ/SMD/DMX ) File", true ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CGeometrySubPanel::OnReadFileFromDisk( const char *pszFileName, const char *pszFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return false; const int nLODIndex = pContextKeyValues->GetInt( "nLODIndex", -1 ); if ( nLODIndex < 0 ) return false; char szBuf0[ MAX_PATH ]; char szBuf1[ MAX_PATH ]; // Extract path and save to registry to open browser there next time { V_strncpy( szBuf0, pszFileName, sizeof( szBuf0 ) ); V_FixSlashes( szBuf0 ); V_StripFilename( szBuf0 ); _fullpath( szBuf1, szBuf0, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); vgui::system()->SetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\itemtest\\geometry\\opendir", szBuf1 ); } // Get the full path _fullpath( szBuf1, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); for ( int i = 0; i < asset.TargetDMXCount(); ++i ) { CSmartPtr< CTargetDMX > pTargetDMX = asset.GetTargetDMX( i ); if ( !pTargetDMX ) continue; if ( !V_strcmp( pTargetDMX->GetInputFile().Get(), szBuf1 ) ) { vgui::MessageBox *pMessageBox = new vgui::MessageBox( "#duplicate_file_title", "#duplicate_file_text", this ); if ( pMessageBox ) { pMessageBox->SetSize( 640, 480 ); pMessageBox->SetMinimumSize( 320, 120 ); pMessageBox->DoModal(); } return false; } } bool bRet = false; if ( nLODIndex < asset.TargetDMXCount() ) { bRet = asset.SetTargetDMX( nLODIndex, szBuf1 ); } else if ( nLODIndex == asset.TargetDMXCount() ) { const int nCheck = asset.AddTargetDMX( szBuf1 ); Assert( nCheck == nLODIndex ); bRet = ( nCheck >= 0 ); } UpdateGUI(); return bRet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CGeometrySubPanel::OnWriteFileToDisk( const char *pszFileName, const char *pszFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeometrySubPanel::OnOpen( int nLodIndex ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "FileOpen", "nLODIndex", nLodIndex ); m_pFileOpenStateMachine->OpenFile( "geometry", pContextKeyValues ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeometrySubPanel::OnDelete( int nLodIndex ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return; CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); asset.RemoveTargetDMX( nLodIndex ); UpdateGUI(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGeometrySubPanel::AddGeometry() { const int nLodIndex = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; CFmtStr sLabel; sLabel.sprintf( "#LOD%dLabel", nLodIndex ); vgui::Label *pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, sLabel, sLabel ); pLabel->SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_center ); CLODFileLocationPanel *pFileLocationPanel = new CLODFileLocationPanel( this, nLodIndex ); m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( pLabel, pFileLocationPanel ); pFileLocationPanel->m_pLabel->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pFileLocationPanel->m_pButtonBrowse->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); sLabel.sprintf( "lod%d", nLodIndex ); AddStatusPanels( sLabel ); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CVmtEntry : public CDualPanelList { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CVmtEntry, CDualPanelList ); public: MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnTextChanged, "TextChanged", panel ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PTR( OnOpen, "Open", panel ); CVmtEntry( CMaterialSubPanel *pMaterialSubPanel, const char *pszName, int nVmtIndex ) : CDualPanelList( pMaterialSubPanel, pszName ) , m_pMaterialSubPanel( pMaterialSubPanel ) , m_nVmtIndex( nVmtIndex ) { { vgui::Label *pMaterialLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "MaterialLabel", "#MaterialLabel" ); m_pMaterialName = new vgui::Label( this, "MaterialName", "#MaterialName" ); AddItem( pMaterialLabel, m_pMaterialName ); } { vgui::Label *pMaterialTypeLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "MaterialTypeLabel", "#MaterialTypeLabel" ); m_pMaterialType = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "MaterialTypeComboBox", 0, false ); m_pMaterialType->AddItem( "#Invalid", new KeyValues( "Invalid" ) ); m_pMaterialType->AddItem( "#Primary", new KeyValues( "Primary" ) ); m_pMaterialType->AddItem( "#Secondary", new KeyValues( "Secondary" ) ); m_pMaterialType->AddItem( "#DuplicateOfPrimary", new KeyValues( "DuplicateOfPrimary" ) ); m_pMaterialType->AddItem( "#DuplicateOfSecondary", new KeyValues( "DuplicateOfSecondary" ) ); m_pMaterialType->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); AddItem( pMaterialTypeLabel, m_pMaterialType ); } { vgui::Label *pRedBlueLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "CommonRedBlueLabel", "#CommonRedBlueLabel" ); m_pCommonRedBlue = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "CommonRedBlue", 0, false ); m_pCommonRedBlue->AddItem( "#Common", new KeyValues( "Common" ) ); m_pCommonRedBlue->AddItem( "#RedAndBlue", new KeyValues( "RedAndBlue" ) ); m_pCommonRedBlue->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_nCommonRedBlueId = AddItem( pRedBlueLabel, m_pCommonRedBlue ); } { vgui::Label *pCommonTextureLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "CommonTextureLabel", "#CommonTextureLabel" ); m_pCommonTextureFileLocation = new CFileLocationPanel( this, 0 ); m_nCommonId = AddItem( pCommonTextureLabel, m_pCommonTextureFileLocation ); } { vgui::Label *pRedTextureLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "RedTextureLabel", "#RedTextureLabel" ); m_pRedTextureFileLocation = new CFileLocationPanel( this, 1 ); m_nRedId = AddItem( pRedTextureLabel, m_pRedTextureFileLocation ); } { vgui::Label *pBlueTextureLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "BlueTextureLabel", "#BlueTextureLabel" ); m_pBlueTextureFileLocation = new CFileLocationPanel( this, 1 ); m_nBlueId = AddItem( pBlueTextureLabel, m_pBlueTextureFileLocation ); } { vgui::Label *pColorAlphaLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "ColorAlphaLabel", "#ColorAlphaLabel" ); m_pColorAlpha = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "ColorAlphaComboBox", 0, false ); m_pColorAlpha->AddItem( "#Nothing", new KeyValues( "None" ) ); m_pColorAlpha->AddItem( "#Transparency", new KeyValues( "Transparency" ) ); m_pColorAlpha->AddItem( "#Paintable", new KeyValues( "Paintable" ) ); m_pColorAlpha->AddItem( "#SpecPhong", new KeyValues( "SpecPhong" ) ); m_pColorAlpha->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_nColorAlphaId = AddItem( pColorAlphaLabel, m_pColorAlpha ); } { vgui::Label *pNormalMapLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "NormalMapLabel", "#NormalMapLabel" ); m_pNormalTextureFileLocation = new CFileLocationPanel( this, 2 ); m_nNormalId = AddItem( pNormalMapLabel, m_pNormalTextureFileLocation ); } { vgui::Label *pNormalAlphaLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "NormalAlphaLabel", "#NormalAlphaLabel" ); m_pNormalAlpha = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "NormalAlphaComboBox", 0, false ); m_pNormalAlpha->AddItem( "#Nothing", new KeyValues( "None" ) ); m_pNormalAlpha->AddItem( "#SpecPhong", new KeyValues( "SpecPhong" ) ); m_pNormalAlpha->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_nNormalAlphaId = AddItem( pNormalAlphaLabel, m_pNormalAlpha ); } m_pCommonRedBlue->ActivateItem( 0 ); SetItemVisible( m_nColorAlphaId, false ); m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItem( 0 ); SetItemVisible( m_nNormalAlphaId, false ); m_pNormalAlpha->SilentActivateItem( 0 ); } int m_nCommonRedBlueId; int m_nCommonId; int m_nRedId; int m_nBlueId; int m_nColorAlphaId; int m_nNormalId; int m_nNormalAlphaId; vgui::Label *m_pMaterialName; vgui::ComboBox *m_pMaterialType; vgui::ComboBox *m_pCommonRedBlue; CFileLocationPanel *m_pCommonTextureFileLocation; CFileLocationPanel *m_pRedTextureFileLocation; CFileLocationPanel *m_pBlueTextureFileLocation; vgui::ComboBox *m_pColorAlpha; CFileLocationPanel *m_pNormalTextureFileLocation; vgui::ComboBox *m_pNormalAlpha; CMaterialSubPanel *m_pMaterialSubPanel; int m_nVmtIndex; void SetMaterialId( const char *pszMaterialName ) { if ( !m_pMaterialName ) return; m_pMaterialName->SetText( pszMaterialName ); } }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVmtEntry::OnTextChanged( vgui::Panel *pPanel ) { CTargetVMT *pTargetVMT = m_pMaterialSubPanel->GetTargetVMT( m_nVmtIndex ); if ( !pTargetVMT ) return; bool bUpdate = false; if ( pPanel == m_pMaterialType ) { KeyValues *pUserData = m_pMaterialType->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( pUserData ) { if ( !V_strcmp( "Invalid", pUserData->GetName() ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetMaterialType( CTargetVMT::kInvalidMaterialType ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( "Primary", pUserData->GetName() ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetMaterialType( CTargetVMT::kPrimary ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( "Secondary", pUserData->GetName() ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetMaterialType( CTargetVMT::kSecondary ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( "DuplicateOfPrimary", pUserData->GetName() ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetDuplicate( CTargetVMT::kPrimary ); } else if ( !V_strcmp( "DuplicateOfSecondary", pUserData->GetName() ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetDuplicate( CTargetVMT::kSecondary ); } else { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unknown Material Type: %s\n", pUserData->GetName() ); } bUpdate = true; } } else if ( pPanel == m_pCommonRedBlue ) { KeyValues *pUserData = m_pCommonRedBlue->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( pUserData ) { const bool bCommon = !V_strcmp( "Common", pUserData->GetName() ); pTargetVMT->SetColorMapCommon( bCommon ); bUpdate = true; } } else if ( pPanel == m_pColorAlpha ) { KeyValues *pUserData = m_pColorAlpha->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( pUserData ) { const char *pszUserData = pUserData->GetName(); if ( StringHasPrefix( pszUserData, "T" ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetColorAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kTransparency ); } else if ( StringHasPrefix( pszUserData, "P" ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetColorAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kPaintable ); } else if ( StringHasPrefix( pszUserData, "S" ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetColorAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kColorSpecPhong ); } else { pTargetVMT->SetColorAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kNoColorAlpha ); } bUpdate = true; } } else if ( pPanel == m_pNormalAlpha ) { KeyValues *pUserData = m_pNormalAlpha->GetActiveItemUserData(); if ( pUserData ) { const char *pszUserData = pUserData->GetName(); if ( StringHasPrefix( pszUserData, "S" ) ) { pTargetVMT->SetNormalAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kNormalSpecPhong ); } else { pTargetVMT->SetNormalAlphaType( CTargetVMT::kNoNormalAlpha ); } bUpdate = true; } } if ( bUpdate ) { InvalidateLayout(); m_pMaterialSubPanel->InvalidateLayout(); m_pMaterialSubPanel->UpdateGUI(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CVmtEntry::OnOpen( vgui::Panel *pPanel ) { if ( !m_pMaterialSubPanel ) return; if ( pPanel == m_pCommonTextureFileLocation->m_pButtonBrowse ) { m_pMaterialSubPanel->Browse( this, CMaterialSubPanel::kCommon ); } else if ( pPanel == m_pRedTextureFileLocation->m_pButtonBrowse ) { m_pMaterialSubPanel->Browse( this, CMaterialSubPanel::kRed ); } else if ( pPanel == m_pBlueTextureFileLocation->m_pButtonBrowse ) { m_pMaterialSubPanel->Browse( this, CMaterialSubPanel::kBlue ); } else if ( pPanel == m_pNormalTextureFileLocation->m_pButtonBrowse ) { m_pMaterialSubPanel->Browse( this, CMaterialSubPanel::kNormal ); } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= CMaterialSubPanel::CMaterialSubPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszName, const char *pszNextName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pszName, pszNextName ) { m_pFileOpenStateMachine = new vgui::FileOpenStateMachine( this, this ); m_pFileOpenStateMachine->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialSubPanel::InvalidateLayout() { BaseClass::InvalidateLayout(); m_pPanelListPanel->InvalidateLayout(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialSubPanel::UpdateGUI() { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return; CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); int nMaterialCount = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; CFmtStr sTmp; // Add new gui elements & update existing for ( int i = 0; i < asset.GetTargetVMTCount(); ++i ) { if ( i >= nMaterialCount ) { AddMaterial(); nMaterialCount = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; } if ( i >= nMaterialCount ) break; // unrecoverable error CTargetVMT *pTargetVmt = asset.GetTargetVMT( i ); Assert( pTargetVmt ); if ( !pTargetVmt ) continue; CVmtEntry *pVmtEntry = dynamic_cast< CVmtEntry * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i * 2 ) ); if ( !pVmtEntry ) continue; CUtlString sMaterialId; pTargetVmt->GetMaterialId( sMaterialId ); pVmtEntry->SetMaterialId( sMaterialId.Get() ); const bool bCommon = pTargetVmt->GetColorMapCommon(); pVmtEntry->m_pCommonRedBlue->SilentActivateItemByRow( bCommon ? 0 : 1 ); bool bVisible = true; if ( pTargetVmt->GetDuplicate() ) { bVisible = false; switch ( pTargetVmt->GetMaterialType() ) { case CTargetVMT::kInvalidMaterialType: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 0 ); break; case CTargetVMT::kPrimary: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 3 ); break; case CTargetVMT::kSecondary: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 4 ); break; default: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->ActivateItem( 0 ); break; } } else { switch ( pTargetVmt->GetMaterialType() ) { case CTargetVMT::kInvalidMaterialType: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 0 ); break; case CTargetVMT::kPrimary: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 1 ); break; case CTargetVMT::kSecondary: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->SilentActivateItemByRow( 2 ); break; default: pVmtEntry->m_pMaterialType->ActivateItem( 0 ); break; } } pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nCommonRedBlueId, bVisible ); pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nCommonId, bVisible && bCommon ); pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nRedId, bVisible && !bCommon ); pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nBlueId, bVisible && !bCommon ); pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nNormalId, bVisible ); bool bColorVisible = false; CSmartPtr< CTargetVTF > pCommonTargetVTF = pTargetVmt->GetCommonTargetVTF(); if ( pCommonTargetVTF.IsValid() ) { pVmtEntry->m_pCommonTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( pCommonTargetVTF->GetInputFile() ); if ( pTargetVmt->GetColorMapCommon() && pCommonTargetVTF->HasAlpha() ) { bColorVisible = true; } } else { pVmtEntry->m_pCommonTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( "" ); bColorVisible = false; } switch ( pTargetVmt->GetColorAlphaType() ) { case CTargetVMT::kNoColorAlpha: pVmtEntry->m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kNoColorAlpha ); break; case CTargetVMT::kTransparency: pVmtEntry->m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kTransparency ); break; case CTargetVMT::kPaintable: pVmtEntry->m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kPaintable ); break; case CTargetVMT::kColorSpecPhong: pVmtEntry->m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kColorSpecPhong ); break; default: pVmtEntry->m_pColorAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kNoColorAlpha ); break; } CSmartPtr< CTargetVTF > pRedTargetVTF = pTargetVmt->GetRedTargetVTF(); CSmartPtr< CTargetVTF > pBlueTargetVTF = pTargetVmt->GetBlueTargetVTF(); if ( pRedTargetVTF.IsValid() ) { pVmtEntry->m_pRedTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( pRedTargetVTF->GetInputFile() ); } else { pVmtEntry->m_pRedTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( "" ); } if ( pBlueTargetVTF.IsValid() ) { pVmtEntry->m_pBlueTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( pBlueTargetVTF->GetInputFile() ); } else { pVmtEntry->m_pBlueTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( "" ); } if ( !pTargetVmt->GetColorMapCommon() && pRedTargetVTF.IsValid() && pBlueTargetVTF.IsValid() ) { if ( pRedTargetVTF->HasAlpha() && pBlueTargetVTF->HasAlpha() ) { bColorVisible = true; } } pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nColorAlphaId, bVisible && bColorVisible ); bool bNormalVisible = false; CSmartPtr< CTargetVTF > pNormalTargetVTF = pTargetVmt->GetNormalTargetVTF(); if ( pNormalTargetVTF.IsValid() ) { pVmtEntry->m_pNormalTextureFileLocation->m_pLabel->SetText( pNormalTargetVTF->GetInputFile() ); if ( pNormalTargetVTF->HasAlpha() ) { bNormalVisible = true; } } switch ( pTargetVmt->GetNormalAlphaType() ) { case CTargetVMT::kNoNormalAlpha: pVmtEntry->m_pNormalAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kNoNormalAlpha ); break; case CTargetVMT::kNormalSpecPhong: pVmtEntry->m_pNormalAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kNormalSpecPhong ); break; default: pVmtEntry->m_pNormalAlpha->SilentActivateItemByRow( CTargetVMT::kNoNormalAlpha ); break; } pVmtEntry->SetItemVisible( pVmtEntry->m_nNormalAlphaId, bVisible && bNormalVisible ); pVmtEntry->InvalidateLayout(); } // Remove superfluous while ( ( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2 ) > asset.GetTargetVMTCount() ) { m_pPanelListPanel->RemoveItem( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 1 ); m_pPanelListPanel->RemoveItem( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() - 1 ); } InvalidateLayout(); UpdateStatus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO: Set status //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMaterialSubPanel::UpdateStatus() { CFmtStr sTmp; int nIndex = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2, ++nIndex ) { CVmtEntry *pVmtEntry = dynamic_cast< CVmtEntry * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i ) ); if ( !pVmtEntry ) continue; CTargetVMT *pTargetVMT = GetTargetVMT( pVmtEntry->m_nVmtIndex ); Assert( pTargetVMT ); if ( !pTargetVMT ) continue; sTmp.sprintf( "VMT%d", nIndex ); CUtlString sMsg; if ( pTargetVMT->IsOk( sMsg ) ) { SetStatus( true, sTmp ); continue; } if ( sMsg.IsEmpty() ) { SetStatus( false, sTmp, "VMT is not valid\n" ); } else { SetStatus( false, sTmp, sMsg.Get() ); } } bool bValid = BaseClass::UpdateStatus(); return bValid; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialSubPanel::SetupFileOpenDialog( vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog, bool bOpenFile, const char *pszFileName, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { char pszStartingDir[ MAX_PATH ]; if ( !vgui::system()->GetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\itemtest\\texture\\opendir", pszStartingDir, sizeof( pszStartingDir ) ) ) { _getcwd( pszStartingDir, ARRAYSIZE( pszStartingDir )); CUtlString sVMod; CUtlString sContentDir; if ( CItemUpload::GetVMod( sVMod ) && !sVMod.IsEmpty() && CItemUpload::GetContentDir( sContentDir ) && !sContentDir.IsEmpty() && CItemUpload::FileExists( sContentDir.Get() ) ) { sContentDir += "/"; sContentDir += sVMod; sContentDir += "/materialsrc/models"; CUtlString sTmp = sContentDir; sTmp += "/player"; if ( CItemUpload::FileExists( sTmp.Get() ) ) { sContentDir = sTmp; sTmp += "/items"; if ( CItemUpload::FileExists( sTmp.Get() ) ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( pItemUploadWizard ) { CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); sContentDir = sTmp; sTmp += "/"; sTmp += asset.GetClass(); } // TODO: Add steam id? V_FixupPathName( pszStartingDir, ARRAYSIZE( pszStartingDir ), sTmp.Get() ); } } } } pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "itemtest_texture_browser", pszStartingDir ); // TODO: Remember the mask the user likes if ( bOpenFile ) { pDialog->AddFilter( "*.tga", "Targa TrueVision File (*.tga)", true, "tga" ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.psd", "Photoshop Document (*.psd)", false, "psd" ); pDialog->SetTitle( "Open Texture File", true ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMaterialSubPanel::OnReadFileFromDisk( const char *pszFileName, const char *pszFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return false; char szBuf0[ MAX_PATH ]; char szBuf1[ MAX_PATH ]; // Extract path and save to registry to open browser there next time { V_strncpy( szBuf0, pszFileName, sizeof( szBuf0 ) ); V_FixSlashes( szBuf0 ); V_StripFilename( szBuf0 ); _fullpath( szBuf1, szBuf0, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); vgui::system()->SetRegistryString( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Valve\\itemtest\\texture\\opendir", szBuf1 ); } // Get the full path _fullpath( szBuf1, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf1 ) ); CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset(); CVmtEntry *pVmtEntry = reinterpret_cast< CVmtEntry * >( pContextKeyValues->GetPtr( "pVmtEntry" ) ); const Browse_t nBrowseType = static_cast< Browse_t >( pContextKeyValues->GetInt( "nBrowseType" ) ); bool bReturnVal = false; for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount(); i += 2 ) { if ( pVmtEntry == dynamic_cast< CVmtEntry * >( m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemPanel( i ) ) ) { const int nVmtIndex = i / 2; CTargetVMT *pTargetVMT = asset.GetTargetVMT( nVmtIndex ); if ( pTargetVMT ) { bReturnVal = true; switch( nBrowseType ) { case CMaterialSubPanel::kCommon: pTargetVMT->SetCommonTargetVTF( szBuf1 ); break; case CMaterialSubPanel::kRed: pTargetVMT->SetRedTargetVTF( szBuf1 ); break; case CMaterialSubPanel::kBlue: pTargetVMT->SetBlueTargetVTF( szBuf1 ); break; case CMaterialSubPanel::kNormal: pTargetVMT->SetNormalTargetVTF( szBuf1 ); break; default: bReturnVal = false; break; } } break; } } UpdateGUI(); return bReturnVal; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CMaterialSubPanel::OnWriteFileToDisk( const char *pszFileName, const char *pszFileFormat, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialSubPanel::Browse( CVmtEntry *pVmtEntry, Browse_t nBrowseType ) { if ( !pVmtEntry ) return; KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "FileOpen", "nBrowseType", nBrowseType ); pContextKeyValues->SetPtr( "pVmtEntry", pVmtEntry ); m_pFileOpenStateMachine->OpenFile( "geometry", pContextKeyValues ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTargetVMT *CMaterialSubPanel::GetTargetVMT( int nTargetVMTIndex ) { CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() ); if ( !pItemUploadWizard ) return NULL; return pItemUploadWizard->Asset().GetTargetVMT( nTargetVMTIndex ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMaterialSubPanel::AddMaterial() { const int nIndex = m_pPanelListPanel->GetItemCount() / 2; CFmtStr sLabel; sLabel.sprintf( "#VMT%dLabel", nIndex ); vgui::Label *pLabel = new vgui::Label( this, sLabel, sLabel ); pLabel->SetContentAlignment( vgui::Label::a_center ); sLabel.sprintf( "#VMT%dLabel2", nIndex ); CVmtEntry *pVmtEntry = new CVmtEntry( this, sLabel, nIndex ); pVmtEntry->SetAutoResize( PIN_TOPLEFT, AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( pLabel, pVmtEntry ); sLabel.sprintf( "vmt%d", nIndex ); AddStatusPanels( sLabel ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CItemUploadWizard::CItemUploadWizard( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pszName ) { SetSize( 1024, 768 ); SetMinimumSize( 640, 480 ); vgui::WizardSubPanel *pSubPanel = NULL; vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::WizardSubPanel > hSubPanel; pSubPanel = new CGlobalSubPanel( this, "global", "geometry" ); pSubPanel->SetVisible( false ); hSubPanel = pSubPanel; m_hSubPanelList.AddToTail( hSubPanel ); pSubPanel = new CGeometrySubPanel( this, "geometry", "texture" ); pSubPanel->SetVisible( false ); hSubPanel = pSubPanel; m_hSubPanelList.AddToTail( hSubPanel ); pSubPanel = new CMaterialSubPanel( this, "texture", "final" ); pSubPanel->SetVisible( false ); hSubPanel = pSubPanel; m_hSubPanelList.AddToTail( hSubPanel ); m_pFinalSubPanel = new CFinalSubPanel( this, "final", NULL ); pSubPanel = m_pFinalSubPanel; pSubPanel->SetVisible( false ); hSubPanel = pSubPanel; m_hSubPanelList.AddToTail( hSubPanel ); Run(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CItemUploadWizard::~CItemUploadWizard() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadWizard::Run() { vgui::WizardSubPanel *pStartPanel = dynamic_cast< vgui::WizardSubPanel * >( FindChildByName( "global" ) ); if ( !pStartPanel ) { Error( "Missing CItemUploadWizard global Panel" ); } BaseClass::Run( pStartPanel ); MoveToCenterOfScreen(); Activate(); vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( GetVPanel() ); CGlobalSubPanel *pGlobalSubPanel = dynamic_cast< CGlobalSubPanel * >( pStartPanel ); if ( pGlobalSubPanel ) { pGlobalSubPanel->UpdateStatus(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadWizard::UpdateGUI() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_hSubPanelList.Count(); ++i ) { CItemUploadSubPanel *pSubPanel = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadSubPanel * >( m_hSubPanelList.Element( i ).Get() ); if ( !pSubPanel ) continue; pSubPanel->UpdateGUI(); } CItemUploadSubPanel *pItemUploadSubPanel = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadSubPanel * >( GetCurrentSubPanel() ); if ( pItemUploadSubPanel ) { pItemUploadSubPanel->UpdateStatus(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CItemUploadWizard::OnFinishButton() { m_pFinalSubPanel->OnZip(); }