//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "hud.h" #include "cstrikeclientscoreboard.h" #include "c_team.h" #include "c_cs_playerresource.h" #include "c_cs_player.h" #include "cs_gamerules.h" #include "backgroundpanel.h" #include "clientmode.h" #include <KeyValues.h> #include <vgui/IScheme.h> #include <vgui/ILocalize.h> #include <vgui/ISurface.h> #include <vgui/IVGui.h> #include <vgui_controls/SectionedListPanel.h> #include <vgui_controls/ScalableImagePanel.h> #include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h" #include "voice_status.h" #include "vgui_avatarimage.h" #include "achievementmgr.h" #include "engine/imatchmaking.h" using namespace vgui; const int kInvalidImageID = -1; const int kMaxMVPCount = 9999; const float kScaleMVP = 0.75f; // scale of the MVP star relative to the player name height const float kUpdateInterval = 1.0f; // how often the scoreboard refreshes const float kTeamScoreMargin = 0.15f; // margin as a ratio of avatar height const float kTeamScoreLineLeadingRatio = 0.25f; // padding as a ratio of avatar height // CT player data colors ConVar cl_scoreboard_ct_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_ct_color_red", "150", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player data red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_ct_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_ct_color_green", "200", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player data green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_ct_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_ct_color_blue", "255", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player data blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); // T player data colors ConVar cl_scoreboard_t_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_t_color_red", "240", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player data red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_t_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_t_color_green", "90", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player data green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_t_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_t_color_blue", "90", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player data blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); // Dead player data colors ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_dead_color_red", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player data red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_dead_color_green", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player data green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_dead_color_blue", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player data blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); // Clan colors ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_red", "150", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player clan tag red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_green", "200", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player clan tag green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_blue", "255", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard CT player clan tag blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_red", "240", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player clan tag red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_green", "90", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player clan tag green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_blue", "90", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard T player clan tag blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_red( "cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_red", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player clan tag red channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_green( "cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_green", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player clan tag green channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); ConVar cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_blue( "cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_blue", "125", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Scoreboard dead player clan tag blue channel", true, 0.0f, true, 255.0f ); // [tj] These ConVars are defined at various places in the global scope. Just declaring them here so we can use them extern ConVar mp_winlimit; extern ConVar mp_maxrounds; extern ConVar mp_timelimit; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::CCSClientScoreBoardDialog( IViewPort *pViewPort ) : CClientScoreBoardDialog( pViewPort ), m_DeadPlayerDataColor( 125, 125, 125, 125 ), m_PlayerDataBgColor( 0, 0, 0, 0 ), m_DeadPlayerClanColor( 125, 125, 125, 125 ) { m_teamDisplayT.playerDataColor = Color( 240, 90, 90, 255 ); m_teamDisplayT.playerClanColor = Color( 240, 90, 90, 255 ); m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor = Color( 150, 200, 255, 255 ); m_teamDisplayCT.playerClanColor = Color( 150, 200, 255, 255 ); m_iImageDead = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageDominated = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageNemesis = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageBomb = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageVIP = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageFriend = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageNemesisDead = kInvalidImageID; m_iImageDominationDead = kInvalidImageID; m_pWinConditionLabel = new Label( this, "WinConditionLabel", "" ); m_pClockLabel = new Label( this, "Icon_Clock", "" ); m_pLabelMapName = new Label( this, "MapName", "" ); m_pServerLabel = new Label( this, "ServerNameLabel", "" ); ListenForGameEvent( "server_spawn" ); ListenForGameEvent( "game_newmap" ); ListenForGameEvent( "match_end_conditions" ); ListenForGameEvent( "cs_win_panel_match" ); SetDialogVariable( "server", "" ); SetVisible( false ); SetProportional(true); SetPaintBorderEnabled(false); SetScheme( "ClientScheme" ); // [pfreese] Make the scoreboard a popup so it renders over the chat interface (which is also a popup). Hacky. MakePopup(); m_listItemFont = NULL; m_LocalPlayerItemID = -1; m_iImageMVP = -1; m_gameOver = false; if ( g_pClientMode && g_pClientMode->GetMapName() ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pMapName, g_pClientMode->GetMapName(), sizeof( m_pMapName ) ); SetDialogVariable( "mapname", m_pMapName ); m_pLabelMapName->SetVisible( true ); } SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true ); for ( int i = 0; i < cMaxScoreLines; ++i ) { PlayerDisplay* pPlayerDisplay; pPlayerDisplay = &m_teamDisplayCT.playerDisplay[i]; pPlayerDisplay->pClanLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pNameLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pScoreLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pDeathsLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pPingLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pMVPCountLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pAvatar = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pStatusImage = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pMVPImage = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pSelect = NULL; pPlayerDisplay = &m_teamDisplayT.playerDisplay[i]; pPlayerDisplay->pClanLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pNameLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pScoreLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pDeathsLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pPingLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pMVPCountLabel = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pAvatar = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pStatusImage = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pMVPImage = NULL; pPlayerDisplay->pSelect = NULL; } m_pServerName[0] = L'\0'; m_pStatsEnabled[0] = L'\0'; m_pStatsDisabled[0] = L'\0'; m_MVPXOffset = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::~CCSClientScoreBoardDialog() { for (int i = 0; i < cMaxScoreLines; ++i) { PlayerDisplay* pPlayerDisplay; pPlayerDisplay = &m_teamDisplayCT.playerDisplay[i]; delete pPlayerDisplay->pClanLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pNameLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pScoreLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pDeathsLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pPingLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pMVPCountLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pAvatar; delete pPlayerDisplay->pStatusImage; delete pPlayerDisplay->pMVPImage; delete pPlayerDisplay->pSelect; pPlayerDisplay = &m_teamDisplayT.playerDisplay[i]; delete pPlayerDisplay->pClanLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pNameLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pScoreLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pDeathsLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pPingLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pMVPCountLabel; delete pPlayerDisplay->pAvatar; delete pPlayerDisplay->pStatusImage; delete pPlayerDisplay->pMVPImage; delete pPlayerDisplay->pSelect; } } const wchar_t *LocalizeFindSafe( const char *pTokenName ) { const wchar_t *pStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pTokenName ); return pStr ? pStr : L"\0"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Apply scheme settings //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); // // [smessick] Note: ApplySchemeSettings is called multiple times for the scoreboard. // Therefore, we must make sure to delete previously allocated items. // LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/scoreboard.res" ); //Just used for a background alpha value. 50% opacity m_listItemFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardBody_1", IsProportional() ); m_listItemFontSmaller = pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardBody_2", IsProportional() ); m_listItemFontSmallest = pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardBody_3", IsProportional() ); m_MVPFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardMVP", IsProportional() ); SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetBorder( pScheme->GetBorder( "BaseBorder" ) ); // turn off the default player list since we have our own if ( m_pPlayerList ) { m_pPlayerList->SetVisible( false ); } // Set the player colors from the convars. UpdatePlayerColors(); m_MVPXOffset = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 2 ); SetupTeamDisplay( m_teamDisplayCT, "CT" ); SetupTeamDisplay( m_teamDisplayT, "T" ); // Set the server name (in the case of a resolution change). if ( m_pServerName[0] == L'\0' && g_pClientMode->GetServerName() != NULL ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pServerName, g_pClientMode->GetServerName(), sizeof( m_pServerName ) ); } // Cache the stats enabled string. if ( m_pStatsEnabled[0] == L'\0' ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pStatsEnabled, LocalizeFindSafe( "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_StatsEnabled" ), sizeof( m_pStatsEnabled ) ); } // Cache the stats disabled string. if ( m_pStatsDisabled[0] == L'\0' ) { V_wcsncpy( m_pStatsDisabled, LocalizeFindSafe( "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_StatsDisabled" ), sizeof( m_pStatsDisabled ) ); } SetVisible( false ); } void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::SetupTeamDisplay( TeamDisplayInfo& teamDisplay, const char* szTeamPrefix ) { const int selectMargin = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 1 ); const int mvpLabelWidth = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 20 ); const int mvpLabelYOffset = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 2 ); char tmpName[32]; V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerArea", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerArea = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerAvatar0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerAvatar0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerClan0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerClan0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerName0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerName0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerStatus0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerStatus0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerScore0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerScore0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerDeaths0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerDeaths0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); V_snprintf( tmpName, sizeof(tmpName), "%sPlayerLatency0", szTeamPrefix ); Panel *pPlayerLatency0 = FindChildByName( tmpName ); // Get the bounds of the player area. int playerX = 0; int playerY = 0; int playerWide = 0; int playerTall = 0; if ( pPlayerArea ) pPlayerArea->GetBounds( playerX, playerY, playerWide, playerTall ); // determine the line height needed int x, y, wide, tall; teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = 0; teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = INT_MAX; teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = INT_MIN; if ( pPlayerAvatar0 != NULL ) { pPlayerAvatar0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerClan0 != NULL ) { pPlayerClan0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerName0 != NULL ) { pPlayerName0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerScore0 != NULL ) { pPlayerScore0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerDeaths0 != NULL ) { pPlayerDeaths0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerLatency0 != NULL ) { pPlayerLatency0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } if ( pPlayerStatus0 != NULL ) { pPlayerStatus0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight = MAX( tall, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX = MIN( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX, x ); teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX = MAX( teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX, x + wide ); } int marginY = RoundFloatToInt(teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight * kTeamScoreMargin); teamDisplay.scoreAreaInnerHeight = playerTall - 2 * marginY; teamDisplay.scoreAreaLinePreferredLeading = RoundFloatToInt(teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight * kTeamScoreLineLeadingRatio); teamDisplay.scoreAreaStartY = playerY + marginY; teamDisplay.maxPlayersVisible = MIN(cMaxScoreLines, teamDisplay.scoreAreaInnerHeight / teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight); // Calculate the starting point for player data. int startY = teamDisplay.scoreAreaStartY; int spacingY = teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight + teamDisplay.scoreAreaLinePreferredLeading; for ( int i = 0; i < cMaxScoreLines; ++i, startY += spacingY ) { PlayerDisplay& playerDisplay = teamDisplay.playerDisplay[i]; int wide = 0; int tall = 0; int x = 0; int y = 0; // avatar if ( pPlayerAvatar0 != NULL ) { pPlayerAvatar0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playeravatar%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pAvatar; playerDisplay.pAvatar = (CAvatarImagePanel*)SETUP_PANEL( new CAvatarImagePanel( this, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetDefaultAvatar( scheme()->GetImage( &teamDisplay == &m_teamDisplayCT ? CSTRIKE_DEFAULT_CT_AVATAR : CSTRIKE_DEFAULT_T_AVATAR, true ) ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetShouldScaleImage( true ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetVisible( false ); } // clan if ( pPlayerClan0 != NULL ) { pPlayerClan0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerclan%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pClanLabel; playerDisplay.pClanLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetFgColor( m_teamDisplayCT.playerClanColor ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_east ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetVisible( false ); } // name if ( pPlayerName0 != NULL ) { pPlayerName0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playername%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pNameLabel; playerDisplay.pNameLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetFgColor( m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_west ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetVisible( false ); // mvp int wideMVP = RoundFloatToInt(teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight * kScaleMVP); int tallMVP = RoundFloatToInt(teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight * kScaleMVP); int yMVP = ( teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight - tallMVP ) / 2; V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_mvp%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pMVPImage; playerDisplay.pMVPImage = (ImagePanel*)SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetBounds( x, startY + yMVP, wideMVP, tallMVP ); playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetImage( "../hud/scoreboard_mvp" ); playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetShouldScaleImage( true ); playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetVisible( false ); // mvp count V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_mvpcount%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel; playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, "" ) ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetFont( m_MVPFont ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetBounds( 0, -mvpLabelYOffset, mvpLabelWidth, tallMVP ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetVisible( false ); // Pin to the mvp image. V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_mvp%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->PinToSibling( tmpName, PIN_CENTER_LEFT, PIN_CENTER_RIGHT ); } // score if ( pPlayerScore0 != NULL ) { pPlayerScore0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerscore%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pScoreLabel; playerDisplay.pScoreLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, "" ) ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetFgColor( m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetVisible( false ); } // deaths if ( pPlayerDeaths0 != NULL ) { pPlayerDeaths0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerdeaths%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel; playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, "" ) ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetFgColor( m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetVisible( false ); } // latency if ( pPlayerLatency0 != NULL ) { pPlayerLatency0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerping%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pPingLabel; playerDisplay.pPingLabel = (Label*)SETUP_PANEL( new Label( this, tmpName, "" ) ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetFgColor( m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetContentAlignment( Label::a_center ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetVisible( false ); } // status if ( pPlayerStatus0 != NULL ) { pPlayerStatus0->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerstatus%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pStatusImage; playerDisplay.pStatusImage = (ImagePanel*)SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetBounds( x, startY, wide, tall ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetImage( "../hud/scoreboard_dead" ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetShouldScaleImage( true ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetVisible( false ); } // select { int x1 = teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX - selectMargin; int y1 = startY - selectMargin; int x2 = teamDisplay.scoreAreaMaxX + selectMargin; int y2 = startY + teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight + selectMargin; V_snprintf( tmpName, 32, "_%s_playerselect%d", szTeamPrefix, i ); delete playerDisplay.pSelect; playerDisplay.pSelect = (ImagePanel*)SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, tmpName ) ); playerDisplay.pSelect->SetBounds( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ); playerDisplay.pSelect->SetImage( "../vgui/scoreboard/scoreboard-select" ); playerDisplay.pSelect->SetShouldScaleImage( true ); playerDisplay.pSelect->SetVisible( false ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Used for sorting players //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::PlayerSortFunction( PlayerScoreInfo* const* pLeft, PlayerScoreInfo* const* pRight ) { // a return value < 0 puts pLeft earlier in the list, > 0 puts pRight earlier const PlayerScoreInfo* pPlayer1 = *pLeft; const PlayerScoreInfo* pPlayer2 = *pRight; Assert( pPlayer1 && pPlayer2 ); // bail out early if either player is an empty slot, i.e. has a player index of -1 if( pPlayer1->playerIndex == -1 ) return 1; if( pPlayer2->playerIndex == -1 ) return -1; // first compare scores if ( pPlayer1->frags > pPlayer2->frags ) return -1; if ( pPlayer1->frags < pPlayer2->frags ) return 1; // second compare deaths if ( pPlayer1->deaths > pPlayer2->deaths ) return 1; if ( pPlayer1->deaths < pPlayer2->deaths ) return -1; // if score and deaths are the same, use player index to get deterministic sort if ( pPlayer1->playerIndex < pPlayer2->playerIndex ) return -1; else return 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::Update() { if ( m_pServerLabel ) { m_pServerLabel->SetText( m_pServerName ); } // Update the stats status. CAchievementMgr *pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast<CAchievementMgr*>( engine->GetAchievementMgr() ); if ( pAchievementMgr != NULL && pAchievementMgr->CheckAchievementsEnabled() ) { SetDialogVariable( "statsstatus", m_pStatsEnabled ); } else { SetDialogVariable( "statsstatus", m_pStatsDisabled ); } UpdateTeamInfo(); UpdatePlayerList(); UpdateSpectatorList(); UpdateHLTVList(); UpdateMatchEndText(); UpdateMvpElements(); // update every second m_fNextUpdateTime = gpGlobals->curtime + kUpdateInterval; // Catch the case where we call ShowPanel before ApplySchemeSettings, eg when going from windowed <-> fullscreen if ( m_pImageList == NULL ) { InvalidateLayout( true, true ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates information about teams //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateTeamInfo() { if ( g_PR == NULL ) { return; } // update the team sections in the scoreboard for ( int teamIndex = TEAM_TERRORIST; teamIndex <= TEAM_CT; teamIndex++ ) { wchar_t *teamName = NULL; C_Team *team = GetGlobalTeam( teamIndex ); if ( team ) { // choose dialog variables to set depending on team const char *pDialogVarTeamName = NULL; const char *pDialogVarAliveCount = NULL; const char *pDialogVarTeamScore = NULL; switch ( teamIndex ) { case TEAM_TERRORIST: teamName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Team_T" ); pDialogVarTeamName = "t_teamname"; pDialogVarAliveCount = "t_alivecount"; pDialogVarTeamScore = "t_totalteamscore"; break; case TEAM_CT: teamName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Team_CT" ); pDialogVarTeamName = "ct_teamname"; pDialogVarAliveCount = "ct_alivecount"; pDialogVarTeamScore = "ct_totalteamscore"; break; default: Assert( false ); break; } // Set the team name if it hasn't been set. wchar_t name[64]; if ( !teamName && team && team->Get_Name() != NULL ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( team->Get_Name(), name, sizeof( name ) ); teamName = name; } // Count the players on the team. int numPlayers = 0; int numAlive = 0; for ( int playerIndex = 1 ; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; playerIndex++ ) { if ( g_PR->IsConnected( playerIndex ) && g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) == teamIndex ) { numPlayers++; if ( g_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) ) { ++numAlive; } } } SetDialogVariable( pDialogVarTeamName, teamName ); // Team score wchar_t wNumScore[16]; V_snwprintf( wNumScore, ARRAYSIZE( wNumScore ), L"%i", team->Get_Score() ); SetDialogVariable( pDialogVarTeamScore, wNumScore ); // Number of alive players wchar_t numAliveString[32]; V_snwprintf( numAliveString, ARRAYSIZE( numAliveString ), L"%i / %i", numAlive, numPlayers); SetDialogVariable( pDialogVarAliveCount, numAliveString ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper to shrink font size when a string gets too long for its label //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::AdjustFontToFit( const char *pString, vgui::Label *pLabel ) { if ( !pString || !pLabel ) return; int len = Q_strlen( pString ); if ( !len ) return; int arraySize = len + 1; wchar_t *pWideString = new wchar_t[arraySize]; V_UTF8ToUnicode( pString, pWideString, (arraySize * sizeof(wchar_t)) ); int stringWidth, stringHeight; g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( m_listItemFont, pWideString, stringWidth, stringHeight ); int labelWidth = pLabel->GetWide(); if ( stringWidth <= labelWidth ) { pLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFont ); } else { g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( m_listItemFontSmaller, pWideString, stringWidth, stringHeight ); if ( stringWidth <= labelWidth ) { pLabel->SetFont( m_listItemFontSmaller ); } else { pLabel->SetFont(m_listItemFontSmallest); } } delete [] pWideString; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the player list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerList() { m_teamDisplayT.playerScores.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_teamDisplayCT.playerScores.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( !pLocalPlayer ) return; // Set the player colors from the convars. UpdatePlayerColors(); for( int playerIndex = 1 ; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; playerIndex++ ) { if( g_PR->IsConnected( playerIndex ) ) { PlayerScoreInfo* playerScoreInfo = new PlayerScoreInfo; if ( !GetPlayerScoreInfo( playerIndex, *playerScoreInfo ) ) { delete playerScoreInfo; continue; } if ( g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) == TEAM_TERRORIST ) { m_teamDisplayT.playerScores.AddToTail(playerScoreInfo); } else if ( g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) == TEAM_CT ) { m_teamDisplayCT.playerScores.AddToTail(playerScoreInfo); } else { // [mhansen] make sure we don't leak here delete playerScoreInfo; } } } // Sort the lists of players m_teamDisplayT.playerScores.Sort(PlayerSortFunction); m_teamDisplayCT.playerScores.Sort(PlayerSortFunction); // Force the local player to be visible when he is below the visible portion of the sorted list if ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST ) ForceLocalPlayerVisible(m_teamDisplayT); else if ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT ) ForceLocalPlayerVisible(m_teamDisplayCT); UpdateTeamPlayerDisplay(m_teamDisplayT); UpdateTeamPlayerDisplay(m_teamDisplayCT); } void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateTeamPlayerDisplay( TeamDisplayInfo& teamDisplay ) { const int selectMargin = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValueEx( GetScheme(), 1 ); C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ); if ( !cs_PR ) return; int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex(); int maxTeamSize = MAX(m_teamDisplayT.playerScores.Count(), m_teamDisplayCT.playerScores.Count()); // adjust spacing int leadingAvailable = teamDisplay.scoreAreaInnerHeight - maxTeamSize * teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight; int leading = 0; if ( maxTeamSize > 1 ) // only makes sense if we have more than one player { leading = clamp(leadingAvailable / (maxTeamSize - 1), 0, teamDisplay.scoreAreaLinePreferredLeading); } int spacingY = teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight + leading; // temp values for updating just the y position of elements int xPos, yPos; int i = 0; int startY = teamDisplay.scoreAreaStartY; for ( i = 0; i < MIN( cMaxScoreLines, teamDisplay.playerScores.Count() ); ++i, startY += spacingY ) { if ( startY + teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight > teamDisplay.scoreAreaStartY + teamDisplay.scoreAreaInnerHeight ) break; PlayerDisplay& playerDisplay = teamDisplay.playerDisplay[i]; const PlayerScoreInfo* pPlayerScore = teamDisplay.playerScores[i]; if ( pPlayerScore ) { int playerIndex = pPlayerScore->playerIndex; const char* pUTF8Name = pPlayerScore->szName; // int bufsize; // if ( g_PR->IsFakePlayer( playerIndex ) ) // bufsize = strlen( oldName ) * 2 + 14 + 1; // else // bufsize = strlen( oldName ) * 2 + 1; // // char *newName = (char *)_alloca( bufsize ); // UTIL_MakeSafeName( oldName, newName, bufsize ); if ( pUTF8Name != NULL && V_strlen( pUTF8Name ) > 0 ) { bool isAlive = cs_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ); Color fgColor = ( isAlive ? teamDisplay.playerDataColor : m_DeadPlayerDataColor ); Color fgClanColor = ( isAlive ? teamDisplay.playerClanColor : m_DeadPlayerClanColor ); if ( playerDisplay.pNameLabel != NULL ) { AdjustFontToFit( pUTF8Name, playerDisplay.pNameLabel ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetText( pUTF8Name ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor ); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetPos(xPos, startY); int tallMVP = RoundFloatToInt(teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight * kScaleMVP); int yMVP = ( teamDisplay.scoreAreaLineHeight - tallMVP ) / 2; playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetPos( xPos, startY + yMVP); } if ( playerDisplay.pClanLabel != NULL ) { const char* pUTF8Clan = pPlayerScore->szClanTag; AdjustFontToFit( pUTF8Clan, playerDisplay.pClanLabel ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetText( pUTF8Clan ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetFgColor( fgClanColor ); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetPos(xPos, startY); } char tmpbuf[16]; if ( playerDisplay.pScoreLabel != NULL ) { Q_snprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), "%d", pPlayerScore->frags); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetText( tmpbuf ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor ); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetPos(xPos, startY); } if ( playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel != NULL ) { Q_snprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), "%d", pPlayerScore->deaths); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetText( tmpbuf ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor ); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetPos(xPos, startY); } if ( playerDisplay.pPingLabel != NULL ) { if ( pPlayerScore->ping >= 0 ) Q_snprintf( tmpbuf, sizeof( tmpbuf ), "%d", pPlayerScore->ping); else Q_strcpy( tmpbuf, "BOT"); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetText( tmpbuf ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetBgColor( m_PlayerDataBgColor ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor ); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetPos(xPos, startY); } } if ( playerDisplay.pStatusImage != NULL ) { if ( pPlayerScore->szStatus == NULL ) { playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetVisible( false ); } else { playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetImage( pPlayerScore->szStatus ); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetPos(xPos, startY); playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetDrawColor(pPlayerScore->bStatusPlayerColor ? teamDisplay.playerDataColor : COLOR_WHITE); } } if ( playerDisplay.pAvatar != NULL ) { playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetVisible( true ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetPlayer( playerIndex, k_EAvatarSize32x32 ); playerDisplay.pAvatar->GetPos(xPos, yPos); playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetPos(xPos, startY); } if ( playerDisplay.pSelect != NULL ) { playerDisplay.pSelect->SetVisible( pPlayerScore->playerIndex == iLocalPlayerIndex ); playerDisplay.pSelect->SetPos(teamDisplay.scoreAreaMinX - selectMargin, startY - selectMargin); } } } // set any remaining entries to non-visible for ( ; i < cMaxScoreLines; ++i ) { PlayerDisplay& playerDisplay = teamDisplay.playerDisplay[i]; if ( playerDisplay.pClanLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pClanLabel->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pNameLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pNameLabel->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pScoreLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pScoreLabel->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pDeathsLabel->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pPingLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pPingLabel->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pStatusImage != NULL ) playerDisplay.pStatusImage->SetVisible(false); if ( playerDisplay.pAvatar != NULL ) playerDisplay.pAvatar->SetVisible( false ); if ( playerDisplay.pMVPImage != NULL ) playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetVisible( false ); if ( playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel != NULL ) playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetVisible( false ); if ( playerDisplay.pSelect != NULL ) playerDisplay.pSelect->SetVisible( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the spectator list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateSpectatorList() { if ( g_PR == NULL ) { return; } const int listTextLen = 100; wchar_t listText[listTextLen]; listText[0] = L'\0'; const wchar_t *delimText = L", "; const int delimTextLen = V_wcslen( delimText ); // Count the number of spectators and build up a list. int nSpectators = 0; for ( int playerIndex = 1 ; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; ++playerIndex ) { if ( ShouldShowAsSpectator( playerIndex ) ) { const char *playerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( playerIndex ); if ( playerName != NULL ) { // Convert the name to wide char. wchar_t playerBuf[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; playerBuf[0] = L'\0'; V_UTF8ToUnicode( playerName, playerBuf, sizeof( playerBuf ) ); // // Check to see if there is space for the player name and delimiter. // bool addDelim = ( nSpectators > 0 ); int playerNameLen = V_wcslen( playerBuf ); if ( addDelim ) { playerNameLen += delimTextLen; } int currentLen = V_wcslen( listText ); int remainingLen = listTextLen - currentLen - playerNameLen - 1; if ( remainingLen >= 0 ) { // Append the delimiter. if ( addDelim ) { V_wcscat_safe( listText, delimText ); } // Append the player name. V_wcscat_safe( listText, playerBuf ); } } ++nSpectators; } } wchar_t labelText[512]; labelText[0] = L'\0'; if ( nSpectators == 0 ) { // No spectators. wchar_t *noSpectators = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_NoSpectators" ); if ( noSpectators != NULL ) { V_wcsncpy( labelText, noSpectators, sizeof( labelText ) ); } } else { // Build the text for the number of spectators. const int countTextLen = 16; wchar_t countText[countTextLen]; countText[0] = L'\0'; V_snwprintf( countText, countTextLen, L"%i", nSpectators ); countText[countTextLen - 1] = L'\0'; // Build the combined count and spectator list text. wchar_t *formatLabel = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ( nSpectators == 1 ) ? "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_Spectator" : "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_Spectators" ); if ( formatLabel != NULL ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( labelText, sizeof( labelText ), formatLabel, 2, countText, listText ); } } SetDialogVariable( "spectators", labelText ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Display the number of HLTV viewers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateHLTVList( void ) { // Build the text for the number of viewers. const int countTextLen = 16; wchar_t countText[countTextLen]; countText[0] = L'\0'; V_snwprintf( countText, countTextLen, L"%i", m_HLTVSpectators ); countText[countTextLen - 1] = L'\0'; // Build the combined text. wchar_t labelText[512]; labelText[0] = L'\0'; wchar_t *formatLabel = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Scoreboard_HLTV" ); if ( formatLabel != NULL ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( labelText, sizeof( labelText ), formatLabel, 1, countText ); } SetDialogVariable( "sourcetv", labelText ); } /** * Special processing for MVP UI elements */ void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateMvpElements() { C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ); if ( cs_PR == NULL ) { return; } for ( int teamIndex = TEAM_TERRORIST; teamIndex <= TEAM_CT; ++teamIndex ) { TeamDisplayInfo& teamDisplay = ( teamIndex == TEAM_TERRORIST ) ? m_teamDisplayT : m_teamDisplayCT; for ( int i = 0; i < cMaxScoreLines && i < teamDisplay.playerScores.Count(); ++i ) { PlayerDisplay& playerDisplay = teamDisplay.playerDisplay[i]; // Get the player index. int playerIndex = -1; if ( teamDisplay.playerScores[i] != NULL ) { playerIndex = teamDisplay.playerScores[i]->playerIndex; } if ( playerIndex == -1 ) continue; // early out fail conditions if ( playerDisplay.pNameLabel == NULL || playerDisplay.pMVPImage == NULL || playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel == NULL ) continue; // Get the number of MVPs and cap it. int numMVPs = MIN( kMaxMVPCount, cs_PR->GetNumMVPs( playerIndex ) ); // No MVPs. if ( numMVPs == 0 ) { playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetVisible( false ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetVisible( false ); continue; } // Get the dimensions of the player label. int xName = 0; int yName = 0; int wideName = 0; int tallName = 0; playerDisplay.pNameLabel->GetBounds( xName, yName, wideName, tallName ); wchar_t playerName[64]; playerDisplay.pNameLabel->GetText( playerName, sizeof(playerName) ); // Find the actual width of the rendered player name. int actualWideName = 0; int actualTallName = 0; g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( playerDisplay.pNameLabel->GetFont(), playerName, actualWideName, actualTallName ); if ( actualWideName > wideName ) { actualWideName = wideName; } // Get the dimensions of the mvp image. int xMVPImage = 0; int yMVPImage = 0; int wideMVPImage = 0; int tallMVPImage = 0; playerDisplay.pMVPImage->GetBounds( xMVPImage, yMVPImage, wideMVPImage, tallMVPImage ); // The MVP label is hidden for only one star. bool showMVPNumber = ( numMVPs > 1 ); // Set the MVP label text and get the actual size. int actualWideMVPLabel = 0; if ( showMVPNumber ) { const int mvpTextSize = 8; wchar_t mvpText[mvpTextSize]; V_snwprintf( mvpText, ARRAYSIZE( mvpText ), L"%i", numMVPs ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetText( mvpText ); playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->SetVisible( true ); int actualTallMVPLabel = 0; g_pMatSystemSurface->GetTextSize( playerDisplay.pMVPCountLabel->GetFont(), mvpText, actualWideMVPLabel, actualTallMVPLabel ); } // Calculate the total width of the mvp stuff. int wideMVPTotal = wideMVPImage; if ( showMVPNumber ) { wideMVPTotal += actualWideMVPLabel; } // Calculate the optimal place for the mvp. int x = xName + actualWideName + m_MVPXOffset; // Get the position of the status image. if ( playerDisplay.pStatusImage ) { int xStatus = 0; int yStatus = 0; playerDisplay.pStatusImage->GetPos( xStatus, yStatus ); if ( x + wideMVPTotal > xStatus ) { // Don't run over the status image. Back up. x = xStatus - wideMVPTotal; } } playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetPos( x, yMVPImage ); playerDisplay.pMVPImage->SetVisible( true ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns whether the specified player index is a spectator //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::ShouldShowAsSpectator( int iPlayerIndex ) { C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ); if ( !cs_PR ) return false; // see if player is connected if ( cs_PR->IsConnected( iPlayerIndex ) ) { // either spectator or unassigned team should show in spectator list int iTeam = cs_PR->GetTeam( iPlayerIndex ); if ( TEAM_SPECTATOR == iTeam || TEAM_UNASSIGNED == iTeam ) return true; } return false; } void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( event == NULL ) return; const char *pEventName = event->GetName(); if ( pEventName == NULL ) return; if ( Q_strcmp( pEventName, "server_spawn" ) == 0 ) { // set server name in scoreboard const char *hostname = event->GetString( "hostname" ); if ( hostname != NULL ) { wchar_t wzHostName[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( hostname, wzHostName, sizeof( wzHostName ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( m_pServerName, sizeof(m_pServerName), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_SB_Server" ), 1, wzHostName ); if ( m_pServerLabel ) { m_pServerLabel->SetText( m_pServerName ); } if ( m_gameOver ) { ResetFromGameOverState(); } // Save the server name for use after this panel is reconstructed if ( g_pClientMode ) { g_pClientMode->SetServerName( m_pServerName ); } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( pEventName, "game_newmap" ) == 0 ) { const char *mapName = event->GetString( "mapname" ); if ( mapName != NULL ) { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( mapName, m_pMapName, sizeof( m_pMapName ) ); SetDialogVariable( "mapname", m_pMapName ); if ( m_gameOver ) { ResetFromGameOverState(); } // Save the map name for use after this panel is reconstructed if ( g_pClientMode ) { g_pClientMode->SetMapName( m_pMapName ); } } } else if ( Q_strcmp( pEventName, "match_end_conditions" ) == 0 ) { UpdateMatchEndText(); } else if ( Q_strcmp( pEventName, "cs_win_panel_match" ) == 0 ) { m_gameOver = true; UpdateMatchEndText(); } BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a new row to the scoreboard, from the playerinfo structure //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::GetPlayerScoreInfo( int playerIndex, PlayerScoreInfo& playerScoreInfo ) { if ( g_PR == NULL ) return false; // Clean up the player name const char *oldName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( playerIndex ); if ( oldName == NULL ) return false; playerScoreInfo.szName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( playerIndex ); playerScoreInfo.playerIndex = playerIndex; playerScoreInfo.frags = g_PR->GetPlayerScore( playerIndex ); playerScoreInfo.deaths = g_PR->GetDeaths( playerIndex ); if ( g_PR->GetPing( playerIndex ) < 1 ) { if ( g_PR->IsFakePlayer( playerIndex ) ) { playerScoreInfo.ping = -1; } else { playerScoreInfo.ping = 0; } } else { playerScoreInfo.ping = g_PR->GetPing( playerIndex ); } // get CS specific infos C_CS_PlayerResource *cs_PR = dynamic_cast<C_CS_PlayerResource *>( g_PR ); C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( !cs_PR || !pLocalPlayer ) { return false; } // Get the clan tag playerScoreInfo.szClanTag = cs_PR->GetClanTag( playerIndex ); bool bShowExtraInfo = ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) || // we're not spawned yet ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) || // we are a spectator ( pLocalPlayer->IsPlayerDead() && mp_forcecamera.GetInt() == OBS_ALLOW_ALL ) || // we are dead and allowed to spectate opponents ( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) ); // we're on the same team playerScoreInfo.szStatus = NULL; playerScoreInfo.bStatusPlayerColor = false; // set the status icon; lowest priority icons are tested first, and highest last if ( cs_PR->IsVIP( playerIndex ) && bShowExtraInfo ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_clock"; playerScoreInfo.bStatusPlayerColor = true; } if ( !g_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) && g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) > TEAM_SPECTATOR ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_dead"; } if ( g_PR->IsHLTV( playerIndex ) ) { // // show #spectators in class field, it's transmitted as player's score // char numspecs[32]; // Q_snprintf( numspecs, sizeof( numspecs ), "%i Spectators", m_HLTVSpectators ); // kv->SetString( "class", numspecs ); } // Set the dominated icon if ( pLocalPlayer->IsPlayerDominatingMe( playerIndex ) ) { if ( g_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_nemesis"; } else { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_nemesis-dead"; } } if ( pLocalPlayer->IsPlayerDominated(playerIndex) ) { if ( g_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_dominated"; } else { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_domination-dead"; } } if ( cs_PR->HasC4( playerIndex ) && bShowExtraInfo ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_bomb"; playerScoreInfo.bStatusPlayerColor = true; } if ( cs_PR->HasDefuser( playerIndex ) && bShowExtraInfo ) { playerScoreInfo.szStatus = "../hud/scoreboard_defuser"; playerScoreInfo.bStatusPlayerColor = true; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the time/round remaining display and server and map name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdateMatchEndText() { // Hide the win condition. if ( m_pWinConditionLabel ) { m_pWinConditionLabel->SetVisible( false ); } // Hide the clock. if ( m_pClockLabel ) { m_pClockLabel->SetVisible( false ); } if ( !m_gameOver ) { SetDialogVariable( "mapname", m_pMapName ); wchar_t wzMatchEndCausesLabel[128], wzMatchEndCause[32]; // Time limit if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() != 0 ) { int timeTillEndOfMatch = CSGameRules()->GetMapRemainingTime(); bool showTime = ( timeTillEndOfMatch != -1 ); if ( showTime ) { if ( m_pWinConditionLabel ) { V_snwprintf( wzMatchEndCause, ARRAYSIZE( wzMatchEndCause ), L"%.2i:%.2i", timeTillEndOfMatch / 60, timeTillEndOfMatch % 60 ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzMatchEndCausesLabel, sizeof( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Time_LeftVariable" ), 1, wzMatchEndCause ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetText( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetVisible( true ); } if ( m_pClockLabel ) { m_pClockLabel->SetVisible( true ); } } } // Round limit else if ( mp_maxrounds.GetInt() != 0 ) { if ( m_pWinConditionLabel ) { // Get the number of rounds played. int roundsPlayed = 0; for ( int teamIndex = TEAM_TERRORIST; teamIndex <= TEAM_CT; teamIndex++ ) { C_Team *team = GetGlobalTeam( teamIndex ); if ( team ) { roundsPlayed += team->Get_Score(); } } V_snwprintf( wzMatchEndCause, ARRAYSIZE( wzMatchEndCause ), L"%d", mp_maxrounds.GetInt() - roundsPlayed ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzMatchEndCausesLabel, sizeof( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Rounds_LeftVariable" ), 1, wzMatchEndCause ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetText( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetVisible( true ); } } // Win limit else if ( mp_winlimit.GetInt() != 0 ) { if ( m_pWinConditionLabel ) { V_snwprintf( wzMatchEndCause, ARRAYSIZE( wzMatchEndCause ), L"%d", mp_winlimit.GetInt() ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzMatchEndCausesLabel, sizeof( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Cstrike_Wins_NeededVariable" ), 1, wzMatchEndCause ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetText( wzMatchEndCausesLabel ); m_pWinConditionLabel->SetVisible( true ); } } } } // Resets all changes made by the scoreboard's state at the match end void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::ResetFromGameOverState() { m_gameOver = false; if ( m_pLabelMapName ) { m_pLabelMapName->SetVisible( true ); } UpdateMatchEndText(); } // [tj] We hook into the show command so we can lock or unlock all the elements that need to be hidden // // [pfreese] This used to enable/disable keyboard input, but since the scoreboard is now a popup, we have // to leave the keyboard disabled void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::ShowPanel( bool state ) { BaseClass::ShowPanel(state); int iRenderGroup = gHUD.LookupRenderGroupIndexByName( "hide_for_scoreboard" ); if ( state ) { gHUD.LockRenderGroup( iRenderGroup ); } else { gHUD.UnlockRenderGroup( iRenderGroup ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Grabs the player data colors from the convars. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerColors( void ) { m_teamDisplayT.playerDataColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_t_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_t_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_t_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); m_teamDisplayCT.playerDataColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_ct_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_ct_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_ct_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); m_DeadPlayerDataColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_dead_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_dead_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_dead_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); m_teamDisplayT.playerClanColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_clan_t_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); m_teamDisplayCT.playerClanColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_clan_ct_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); m_DeadPlayerClanColor.SetColor( cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_red.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_green.GetInt(), cl_scoreboard_dead_clan_color_blue.GetInt(), 255 ); } // [tj] Disabling joystick input if you are dead. void CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::OnThink() { BaseClass::OnThink(); #ifdef _XBOX C_CSPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( pLocalPlayer ) { bool mouseEnabled = IsMouseInputEnabled(); if (pLocalPlayer->IsAlive() == mouseEnabled) { SetMouseInputEnabled( !mouseEnabled ); } } #endif } bool CCSClientScoreBoardDialog::ForceLocalPlayerVisible( TeamDisplayInfo& teamDisplay ) { int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex(); // Look for the local player in the non-visible portion of the member list for (int i = teamDisplay.maxPlayersVisible; i < teamDisplay.playerScores.Count(); ++i) { PlayerScoreInfo* pPlayerScore = teamDisplay.playerScores[i]; Assert(pPlayerScore != NULL); // Determine if this is the local player's entry if ( pPlayerScore->playerIndex == iLocalPlayerIndex ) { // Remove the local player entry from the current position teamDisplay.playerScores.Remove(i); // Re-insert the local player entry at the end of the visible list teamDisplay.playerScores.InsertBefore( teamDisplay.maxPlayersVisible - 1, pPlayerScore ); return true; } } return false; }