def c0, 1,0,0,0
def c1, 0,1,0,0
def c2, 0,0,1,0

; Computes the diffuse component of lighting using lightmap + bumpmap
; t0 - Normalmap
; t1 - Lightmap1
; t2 - Lightmap2
; t3 - Lightmap3
; The texture coordinates need to be defined as follows:
; tc0 - Normalmap and lightmap texture coordinates

; Get the 3-vector from the normal map
tex t0

; Sample the lightmaps
tex t1 
tex t2 
tex t3 

; output = lightmapColor[0] * n.r + lightmapColor[1] * n.g + lightmapColor[2] * n.b

mov r0, t0
dp3 r1, t0, c0
mul r0.rgb, r1, t1
dp3 r1, t0, c1
mad r0.rgb, r1, t2, r0
dp3 r1, t0, c2
mad r0.rgb, r1, t3, r0