//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A Scene Image file aggregates all the compiled binary VCD files into
// a single file.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "commonmacros.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_crc.h"

#define SCENE_IMAGE_ID			MAKEID( 'V','S','I','F' )

// scene summary: cached calcs for commmon startup queries, variable sized
struct SceneImageSummary_t
	unsigned int	msecs;
	int				numSounds;
	int				soundStrings[1];	// has numSounds

// stored sorted by crc filename for binary search
struct SceneImageEntry_t
	CRC32_t	crcFilename;			// expected to be normalized as scenes\???.vcd
	int		nDataOffset;			// offset to dword aligned data from start
	int		nDataLength;
	int		nSceneSummaryOffset;	// offset to summary

struct SceneImageHeader_t
	int nId;
	int	nVersion;
	int nNumScenes;				// number of scene files
	int	nNumStrings;			// number of unique strings in table
	int nSceneEntryOffset;

	inline const char *String( short iString )
		if ( iString < 0 || iString >= nNumStrings )
			Assert( 0 );
			return NULL;

		// access string table (after header) to access pool
		unsigned int *pTable = (unsigned int *)((byte *)this + sizeof( SceneImageHeader_t ));
		return (char *)this + pTable[iString];