//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "mathlib/vector2d.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/vector4d.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattribute.h"

template< class C, bool D > class CDmeHandle;

// Specialization for color
class CDmaColor : public CDmaVar< Color >
	// Set methods
	void SetColor( int r, int g, int b, int a = 0 );
	void SetRed( int r );
	void SetGreen( int g );
	void SetBlue( int b );
	void SetAlpha( int a );

	// Sets the color as a 32-bit integer
	void SetRawColor( int color );

	// Get methods
	unsigned char r() const;
	unsigned char g() const;
	unsigned char b() const;
	unsigned char a() const;
	const unsigned char &operator[]( int index ) const;

// Specialization for object ids
class CDmaObjectId : public CDmaVar< DmObjectId_t >
	void CreateObjectId( );
	void Invalidate( );
	bool IsValid( ) const;
	bool IsEqual( const DmObjectId_t &id ) const;
	const DmObjectId_t &operator=( const DmObjectId_t& src );
	const CDmaObjectId& operator=( const CDmaObjectId& src );
	const DmObjectId_t& Set( const DmObjectId_t &src );

// Specialization for binary block
class CDmaBinaryBlock : public CDmaVar< CUtlBinaryBlock >
	void Get( void *pValue, int nMaxLen ) const;
	void Set( const void *pValue, int nLen );
	const void *Get() const;
	const unsigned char& operator[]( int i ) const;

	// Returns buffer length
	int	Length() const;

// Specialization for elements
template <class T>
class CDmaElement : public CDmaVar< DmElementHandle_t >
	typedef CDmaVar< DmElementHandle_t > BaseClass;

	// Used to initialize the attribute in an element's OnConstruction method
	void InitAndCreate( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, const char *pElementName = NULL, int flags = 0 );
	void Init( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, int flags = 0 );

	// Returns the type of elements allowed into this attribute. UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL allows everything.
	UtlSymId_t GetElementType() const;

	// Get/set
	void Set( T* pElement );
	T* GetElement() const;

	// Cast
	T* operator->() const;
	operator T*() const;

	// NULL check
	bool operator!() const;

	// Assignment.. wish I knew how to un-inline these methods
	template <class S> CDmaElement<T> &operator=( S* pElement )
		Set( static_cast<T*>( pElement ) );
		return *this;

	template <class S> CDmaElement<T> &operator=( const CDmaElement<S>& src )
		Set( static_cast<T*>( src.Get() ) );
		return *this;

	template <class S> bool operator==( const CDmaElement<S>& src )	const
		return Value() == src.Value();

	template <class S> bool operator!=( const CDmaElement<S>& src )	const
		return Value() != src.Value();

// Can access any array attribute, regardless of type
// See below for type-specific array accessors which have more features
class CDmrGenericArrayConst
	CDmrGenericArrayConst( const CDmAttribute* pAttribute );
	CDmrGenericArrayConst( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName );

	// Array count
	int			Count() const;

	// Gets 
	const void*	GetUntyped( int i ) const;

	// String conversion
	const char* GetAsString( int i, char *pBuffer, size_t nBufLen ) const;

	const CDmAttribute *GetAttribute() const;
	bool IsValid() const;

	void Init( const CDmAttribute *pAttribute );
	void Init( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName );

	CDmAttribute *m_pAttribute;

class CDmrGenericArray : public CDmrGenericArrayConst
	CDmrGenericArray( CDmAttribute* pAttribute );
	CDmrGenericArray( CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName );

	void	EnsureCount( int num );

	// Sets multiple elements at the same time
	int		AddToTail();
	void	Remove( int elem );		// preserves order, shifts elements
	void	RemoveAll();				// doesn't deallocate memory
	void	SetMultiple( int i, int nCount, DmAttributeType_t valueType, const void *pValue );
	void	Set( int i, DmAttributeType_t valueType, const void *pValue );

	// String conversion
	void SetFromString( int i, const char *pValue );

	CDmAttribute *GetAttribute();
	const CDmAttribute *GetAttribute() const;

// Helper template for external array attribute vars
// NOTE: To use this class, don't use CDmaArrayBase directly. Instead, use
//		CDmaArray<T> var;	<- Instantiate an array attribute var as a member of a element class
//		CDmrArray<T> var;	<- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read/modify it
//		CDmrArrayConst<T> var;	<- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read it (no modify)
// Also, there is a CDmaStringArray/CDmrStringArray/CDmrStringArrayConst for strings
// and a CDmaElementArray/CDmrElementArray/CDmrElementArrayConst for elements
template< class T, class B >
class CDmaArrayConstBase : public B
	// Accessors
	const CUtlVector<T> &Get() const;
	const T *Base() const;

	// Iteration
	int		Count() const;
	const T& operator[]( int i ) const;
	const T& Element( int i ) const;
	const T& Get( int i ) const;
	const void*	GetUntyped( int i ) const;
	bool	IsValidIndex( int i ) const;
	int		InvalidIndex( void ) const;

	// Search
	int		Find( const T &value ) const;

	// Attribute-related methods
	const CDmAttribute *GetAttribute() const;
	CDmElement *GetOwner();
	bool IsDirty() const;

	CDmaArrayConstBase( );

	CDmAttribute *m_pAttribute;

template< class T, class B >
class CDmaArrayBase : public CDmaArrayConstBase< T, B >
	// Insertion
	int		AddToTail();
	int		InsertBefore( int elem );
	int		AddToTail( const T& src );
	int		InsertBefore( int elem, const T& src );
	int		AddMultipleToTail( int num );
	int		InsertMultipleBefore( int elem, int num );
	void	EnsureCount( int num );

	// Element Modification
	void	Set( int i, const T& value );
	void	SetMultiple( int i, int nCount, const T* pValue );
	void	Swap( int i, int j );

	// Copy related methods
	void	CopyArray( const T *pArray, int size );

	// this is basically just a faster version of CopyArray which uses pointer swap
	// NOTE: This doesn't work for element arrays
	void	SwapArray( CUtlVector< T > &array );

	// Removal
	void	FastRemove( int elem );
	void	Remove( int elem );
	void	RemoveMultiple( int elem, int num );
	void	RemoveAll();

	// Memory management
	void	EnsureCapacity( int num );
	void	Purge();

	// Attribute-related methods
	CDmAttribute *GetAttribute();
	const CDmAttribute *GetAttribute() const;

// Specialization for string arrays
// NOTE: To use this class, don't use CDmaStringArrayBase directly. Instead, use
//		CDmaStringArray var;	<- Instantiate an array attribute var as a member of a element class
//		CDmrStringArray var;	<- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read/modify it
//		CDmrStringArrayConst var; <- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read it (no modify)
template< class BaseClass >
class CDmaStringArrayConstBase : public BaseClass
	const char *operator[]( int i ) const;
	const char *Element( int i ) const;
	const char *Get( int i ) const;
	const CUtlVector< CUtlString > &Get() const;

	// Returns strlen of element i
	int	Length( int i ) const;

template< class B >
class CDmaStringArrayBase : public CDmaStringArrayConstBase< CDmaArrayBase< CUtlString, B > >
	typedef CDmaStringArrayConstBase< CDmaArrayBase< CUtlString, B > > BaseClass;

	// Sets an element in the array
	void Set( int i, const char * pValue );

	// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
	int	AddToTail( const char *pValue );
	int	InsertBefore( int elem, const char *pValue );

// Specialization for elements
// NOTE: To use this class, don't use CDmaElementArrayBase directly. Instead, use
//		CDmaElementArray< element_type > var;	<- Instantiate an array attribute var as a member of a element class
//		CDmrElementArray< element_type >  var;	<- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read/modify it
//		CDmrElementArrayConst< element_type > var; <- Used to reference an existing array attribute + read it (no modify)
template< class E, class BaseClass >
class CDmaElementArrayConstBase : public BaseClass
	// Returns the element type
	UtlSymId_t GetElementType() const;

	// Array access
	E *operator[]( int i ) const;
	E *Element( int i ) const;
	E *Get( int i ) const;
	const DmElementHandle_t& GetHandle( int i ) const;
	const CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > &Get() const;

	// Search
	int	Find( const E *pValue ) const;
	int	Find( DmElementHandle_t h ) const;

template < class E, class B >
class CDmaElementArrayBase : public CDmaElementArrayConstBase< E, CDmaArrayBase< DmElementHandle_t, B > >
	typedef CDmaElementArrayConstBase< E, CDmaArrayBase< DmElementHandle_t, B > > BaseClass;

	void SetHandle( int i, DmElementHandle_t h );
	void Set( int i, E *pElement );

	// Insertion
	int	AddToTail( );
	int	AddToTail( DmElementHandle_t src );
	int	AddToTail( E *pValue );
	int InsertBefore( int elem );
	int	InsertBefore( int elem, DmElementHandle_t src );
	int	InsertBefore( int elem, E *pValue );

	template< class C, bool D > int AddToTail( const CDmeHandle<C,D>& value )
		return BaseClass::AddToTail( value.GetHandle() );

	template< class C, bool D > int InsertBefore( int elem, const CDmeHandle<C,D>& value )
		return BaseClass::InsertBefore( elem, value.GetHandle() );

// NOTE: The next couple classes are implementation details used to create CDmrAray/CDmaArray

// Base classes that contain data or refer to it; used for array accessor classes
template< typename T >
class CDmaDataInternal
	typedef typename CDmAttributeInfo< T >::StorageType_t D;

	const T& Value() const { return m_Storage; }
	T& Value( ) { return m_Storage; }
	const D& Data() const { return m_Storage; }
	D& Data( ) { return m_Storage; }

	D m_Storage;

template< typename T >
class CDmaDataExternal
	typedef typename CDmAttributeInfo< T >::StorageType_t D;

	CDmaDataExternal() : m_pStorage(0) {}
	void Attach( void *pData ) { m_pStorage = (D*)pData; }
	const T& Value() const { return *m_pStorage; }
	T& Value( ) { return *m_pStorage; }
	const D& Data() const { return *m_pStorage; }
	D& Data( ) { return *m_pStorage; }

	D* m_pStorage;

// Versions for access, or for attribute vars
template< class T, class B >
class CDmaDecorator : public B
	void Init( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, int flags = 0 );

template< class T, class BaseClass >
class CDmrDecoratorConst : public BaseClass
	void Init( const CDmAttribute* pAttribute );
	void Init( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName );

	bool IsValid() const;

template< class T, class BaseClass >
class CDmrDecorator : public BaseClass
	void Init( CDmAttribute* pAttribute );
	void Init( CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName, bool bAddAttribute = false );

	bool IsValid() const;

#define DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_VARIABLE( _className, _elementType )	\
	public:																\
		_className() {}

#define DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_REFERENCE( _className, _elementType )	\
	public:																\
		_className() {}													\
		_className( CDmAttribute* pAttribute ) { BaseClass::Init( pAttribute ); }	\
		_className( CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName, bool bAddAttribute = false ) { BaseClass::Init( pElement, pAttributeName, bAddAttribute ); } \
		_className( CDmaArray<_className>& var ) { BaseClass::Init( var.GetAttribute() ); } \
		_className( CDmrArray<_className>& var ) { BaseClass::Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }

#define DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_CONST_REFERENCE( _className, _elementType )	\
	public:																	\
		_className() {}														\
		_className( const CDmAttribute* pAttribute ) { BaseClass::Init( pAttribute ); } \
		_className( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName ) { BaseClass::Init( pElement, pAttributeName ); } \
		_className( const CDmaArray<_className>& var ) { BaseClass::Init( var.GetAttribute() ); } \
		_className( const CDmrArrayConst<_className>& var ) { BaseClass::Init( var.GetAttribute() ); } \
		_className( const CDmrArray<_className>& var ) { BaseClass::Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }

template<class T> class CDmrArray;
template<class T> class CDmrArrayConst;
template<class T> class CDmaArray;

// Versions for access, or for attribute vars
template<class T>
class CDmaArray : public CDmaDecorator< T, CDmaArrayBase< T, CDmaDataInternal< CUtlVector< T > > > >

	const CDmaArray<T>& operator=( const CDmaArray<T> &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	template< class C > const CDmaArray<T>& operator=( const C &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	CDmaArray( const CDmaArray& array ) {}

template<class T>
class CDmrArrayConst : public CDmrDecoratorConst< T, CDmaArrayConstBase< T, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< T > > > >
	typedef CDmrDecoratorConst< T, CDmaArrayConstBase< T, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< T > > > > BaseClass;

template<class T>
class CDmrArray : public CDmrDecorator< T, CDmaArrayBase< T, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< T > > > >
	typedef CDmrDecorator< T, CDmaArrayBase< T, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< T > > > > BaseClass;

	const CDmrArray<T>& operator=( const CDmrArray<T> &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	template< class C > const CDmrArray<T>& operator=( const C &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

class CDmrStringArray;

class CDmaStringArray : public CDmaDecorator< CUtlString, CDmaStringArrayBase< CDmaDataInternal< CUtlVector< CUtlString > > > >

	const CDmaStringArray& operator=( const CDmaStringArray &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	template< class C > const CDmaStringArray& operator=( const C &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	CDmaStringArray( const CDmaStringArray& array ) {}

class CDmrStringArray : public CDmrDecorator< CUtlString, CDmaStringArrayBase< CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< CUtlString > > > >
	typedef CDmrDecorator< CUtlString, CDmaStringArrayBase< CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< CUtlString > > > > BaseClass;

	CDmrStringArray( CDmaStringArray& var ) { Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }
	CDmrStringArray( CDmrStringArray& var ) { Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }

	const CDmrStringArray& operator=( const CDmrStringArray &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	template< class C > const CDmrStringArray& operator=( const C &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

class CDmrStringArrayConst : public CDmrDecoratorConst< CUtlString, CDmaStringArrayConstBase< CDmaArrayConstBase< CUtlString, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< CUtlString > > > > >
	typedef CDmrDecoratorConst< CUtlString, CDmaStringArrayConstBase< CDmaArrayConstBase< CUtlString, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< CUtlString > > > > > BaseClass;

	CDmrStringArrayConst( const CDmaStringArray& var )		{ Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }
	CDmrStringArrayConst( const CDmrStringArray& var )		{ Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }
	CDmrStringArrayConst( const CDmrStringArrayConst& var )	{ Init( var.GetAttribute() ); }

// Prevent CDmaArray for DmElementHandle_t
template<> class CDmaArray<DmElementHandle_t> { private: CDmaArray(); };

template< class E > class CDmrElementArray;

template< class E = CDmElement >
class CDmaElementArray : public CDmaElementArrayBase< E, CDmaDataInternal< CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > > >
	DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_VARIABLE( CDmaElementArray, DmElementHandle_t );

	void Init( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, int flags = 0 )
		Assert( pOwner );
		this->m_pAttribute = pOwner->AddExternalAttribute( pAttributeName, AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY, &CDmaElementArrayBase< E, CDmaDataInternal< CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > > >::Value() );
		this->m_pAttribute->SetElementTypeSymbol( E::GetStaticTypeSymbol() );
		if ( flags )
			this->m_pAttribute->AddFlag( flags );

	template< typename C > CDmaElementArray<E>& operator=( const C &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	// NOTE: The copy operator= must be defined in addition to the generic one
	const CDmaElementArray<E>& operator=( const CDmaElementArray<E> &val ) 
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	template< class C > CDmaElementArray( const CDmaElementArray<C>& var );

template< class E = CDmElement >
class CDmrElementArrayConst : public CDmaElementArrayConstBase< E, CDmaArrayConstBase< DmElementHandle_t, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > > > >
		this->m_pAttribute = NULL;

	CDmrElementArrayConst( const CDmAttribute* pAttribute )
		Init( pAttribute );

	CDmrElementArrayConst( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName )
		Init( pElement, pAttributeName );

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArrayConst( const CDmaElementArray<C>& var )
		Init( var.GetAttribute() );

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArrayConst( const CDmrElementArray<C>& var )
		Init( var.GetAttribute() );

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArrayConst( const CDmrElementArrayConst<C>& var )
		Init( var.GetAttribute() );

	void Init( const CDmAttribute* pAttribute )
		if ( pAttribute && pAttribute->GetType() == AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY )
			this->m_pAttribute = const_cast<CDmAttribute*>( pAttribute );
			this->Attach( this->m_pAttribute->GetAttributeData() );
			this->m_pAttribute = NULL;
			this->Attach( NULL );

	void Init( const CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName )
		const CDmAttribute *pAttribute = NULL;
		if ( pElement && pAttributeName && pAttributeName[0] )
			pAttribute = (CDmAttribute*)pElement->GetAttribute( pAttributeName );
		Init( pAttribute );

	bool IsValid() const
		return this->m_pAttribute != NULL;

template< class T = CDmElement >
class CDmrElementArray : public CDmaElementArrayBase< T, CDmaDataExternal< CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > > >
		this->m_pAttribute = NULL;

	CDmrElementArray( CDmAttribute* pAttribute )
		Init( pAttribute );

	CDmrElementArray( CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName, bool bAddAttribute = false )
		Init( pElement, pAttributeName, bAddAttribute );

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArray( CDmaElementArray<C>& var )
		Init( var.GetAttribute() );

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArray( CDmrElementArray<C>& var )
		Init( var.GetAttribute() );

	void Init( CDmAttribute* pAttribute )
		if ( pAttribute && pAttribute->GetType() == AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY )
			this->m_pAttribute = pAttribute;
			this->Attach( this->m_pAttribute->GetAttributeData() );
			this->m_pAttribute = NULL;
			this->Attach( NULL );

	void Init( CDmElement *pElement, const char *pAttributeName, bool bAddAttribute = false )
		CDmAttribute *pAttribute = NULL;
		if ( pElement && pAttributeName && pAttributeName[0] )
			pAttribute = pElement->GetAttribute( pAttributeName );
			if ( bAddAttribute && !pAttribute )
				pAttribute = pElement->CreateAttribute( pAttributeName, AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY );

				// FIXME: Should we do this?
				pAttribute->SetElementTypeSymbol( T::GetStaticTypeSymbol() );
		Init( pAttribute );

	bool IsValid() const
		return this->m_pAttribute != NULL;

	template< typename C > CDmrElementArray<T>& operator=( const C &val )
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

	// NOTE: The copy operator= must be defined in addition to the generic one
	const CDmrElementArray<T>& operator=( const CDmrElementArray<T> &val )
		CopyArray( val.Base(), val.Count() ); 
		return *this; 

// Inline methods for CDmaVar
template< class T > inline CDmaVar<T>::CDmaVar( )
	m_pAttribute = NULL;
	CDmAttributeInfo<T>::SetDefaultValue( m_Storage );

template< class T > inline void CDmaVar<T>::Init( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, int flags )
	Assert( pOwner );
	m_pAttribute = pOwner->AddExternalAttribute( pAttributeName, CDmAttributeInfo<T>::AttributeType(), &m_Storage );
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	if ( flags )
		m_pAttribute->AddFlag( flags );

template< class T > inline void CDmaVar<T>::InitAndSet( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, const T &value, int flags )
	Init( pOwner, pAttributeName );
	Set( value );

	// this has to happen AFTER set so the set happens before FATTRIB_READONLY
	if ( flags )
		m_pAttribute->AddFlag( flags );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::Set( const T &val )
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( val );
	return m_Storage;

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( val );

template< class T > inline const CDmaVar<T>& CDmaVar<T>::operator=( const CDmaVar<T>& src )
	Set( src.Get() );
	return *this;

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator+=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() + val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator-=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() - val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator/=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() / val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator*=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() * val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator^=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() ^ val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator|=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() | val );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::operator&=( const T &val ) 
	return Set( Value() & val );

template< class T > inline T CDmaVar<T>::operator++()
	return Set( Value() + 1 );

template< class T > inline T CDmaVar<T>::operator--()
	return Set( Value() - 1 );

template< class T > inline T CDmaVar<T>::operator++( int ) // postfix version..
	T oldValue = Value();
	Set( Value() + 1 );
	return oldValue;

template< class T > inline T CDmaVar<T>::operator--( int ) // postfix version..
	T oldValue = Value();
	Set( Value() - 1 );
	return oldValue;

template< class T > inline CDmaVar<T>::operator const T&() const 
	return Value(); 

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::Get() const 
	return Value(); 

template< class T > inline const T* CDmaVar<T>::operator->() const 
	return &Value(); 

template< class T > inline CDmAttribute *CDmaVar<T>::GetAttribute()
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;

template< class T > inline const CDmAttribute *CDmaVar<T>::GetAttribute() const
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;

template< class T > inline bool CDmaVar<T>::IsDirty() const
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute->IsFlagSet( FATTRIB_DIRTY );

template< class T > inline const T& CDmaVar<T>::Value() const 
	return m_Storage; 

template< class T > inline T& CDmaVar<T>::Value() 
	return m_Storage; 

template<> inline const DmElementHandle_t& CDmaVar< DmElementHandle_t >::Value() const 
	return m_Storage.m_Handle;

template<> inline DmElementHandle_t& CDmaVar< DmElementHandle_t >::Value() 
	return m_Storage.m_Handle;

template< class T > inline const typename CDmaVar<T>::D& CDmaVar<T>::Storage() const 
	return m_Storage; 

template< class T > inline typename CDmaVar<T>::D& CDmaVar<T>::Storage() 
	return m_Storage; 

// Inline methods for CDmaColor
inline void CDmaColor::SetColor( int r, int g, int b, int a )
	Color clr( r, g, b, a );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( clr );

inline void CDmaColor::SetRed( int r )
	Color org = Value();
	org[ 0 ] = r;
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( org );

inline void CDmaColor::SetGreen( int g )
	Color org = Value();
	org[ 1 ] = g;
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( org );

inline void CDmaColor::SetBlue( int b )
	Color org = Value();
	org[ 2 ] = b;
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( org );

inline void CDmaColor::SetAlpha( int a )
	Color org = Value();
	org[ 3 ] = a;
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( org );

inline unsigned char CDmaColor::r() const
	return (unsigned char)Value().r();

inline unsigned char CDmaColor::g() const
	return (unsigned char)Value().g();

inline unsigned char CDmaColor::b() const
	return (unsigned char)Value().b();

inline unsigned char CDmaColor::a() const
	return (unsigned char)Value().a();

inline const unsigned char &CDmaColor::operator[](int index) const
	return Value()[index];

inline void CDmaColor::SetRawColor( int color )
	Color clr;
	clr.SetRawColor( color );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( clr );

// Inline methods for CDmaObjectId
inline void CDmaObjectId::CreateObjectId( )
	DmObjectId_t id;
	CreateUniqueId( &id );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( id );

inline void CDmaObjectId::Invalidate( )
	DmObjectId_t id;
	InvalidateUniqueId( &id );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( id );

inline bool CDmaObjectId::IsValid( ) const
	return IsUniqueIdValid( Value() );

inline bool CDmaObjectId::IsEqual( const DmObjectId_t &id ) const
	return IsUniqueIdEqual( Value(), id );

inline const DmObjectId_t &CDmaObjectId::operator=( const DmObjectId_t& src )
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( src );
	return Value();

inline const CDmaObjectId& CDmaObjectId::operator=( const CDmaObjectId& src )
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( src.Get() );
	return *this;

inline const DmObjectId_t& CDmaObjectId::Set( const DmObjectId_t &src )
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( src );
	return Value();

// Inline methods for CDmaString
inline const char *CDmaString::Get( ) const
	return Value().Get();

inline CDmaString::operator const char*() const
	return Value().Get();

inline void CDmaString::Set( const char *pValue )
	CUtlString str( pValue, pValue ? Q_strlen( pValue ) + 1 : 0 );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( str );

// Returns strlen
inline int CDmaString::Length() const
	return Value().Length();

inline CDmaString &CDmaString::operator=( const char *src )
	Set( src );
	return *this;

inline const CDmaString& CDmaString::operator=( const CDmaString& src )
	Set( src.Get() );
	return *this;

// Inline methods for CDmaBinaryBlock
inline void CDmaBinaryBlock::Get( void *pValue, int nMaxLen ) const
	Value().Get( pValue, nMaxLen );

inline void CDmaBinaryBlock::Set( const void *pValue, int nLen )
	CUtlBinaryBlock block( pValue, nLen );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( block );

inline const void *CDmaBinaryBlock::Get() const
	return Value().Get();

inline const unsigned char& CDmaBinaryBlock::operator[]( int i ) const
	return Value()[i];

inline int CDmaBinaryBlock::Length() const
	return Value().Length();

// Inline methods for CDmaElement
template <class T>
inline void CDmaElement<T>::InitAndCreate( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, const char *pElementName, int flags )
	Init( pOwner, pAttributeName );

	DmElementHandle_t hElement = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID;
	if ( !g_pDataModel->IsUnserializing() )
		hElement = g_pDataModel->CreateElement( T::GetStaticTypeSymbol(), pElementName, pOwner->GetFileId() );
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( hElement );

	// this has to happen AFTER set so the set happens before FATTRIB_READONLY
	m_pAttribute->AddFlag( flags | FATTRIB_MUSTCOPY );

template <class T>
inline void CDmaElement<T>::Init( CDmElement *pOwner, const char *pAttributeName, int flags )
	BaseClass::Init( pOwner, pAttributeName );

	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	m_pAttribute->SetElementTypeSymbol( T::GetStaticTypeSymbol() );
	if ( flags )
		m_pAttribute->AddFlag( flags );

template <class T>
inline UtlSymId_t CDmaElement<T>::GetElementType() const
	return this->Data().m_ElementType;

template <class T>
inline T* CDmaElement<T>::GetElement() const
	CDmElement *pElement = g_pDataModel->GetElement( Value() );
	Assert( !pElement || pElement->IsA( T::GetStaticTypeSymbol() ) );
	return static_cast< T* >( pElement );

template <class T>
inline T* CDmaElement<T>::operator->() const
	return GetElement();

template <class T>
inline CDmaElement<T>::operator T*() const
	return GetElement();

template <class T>
inline void CDmaElement<T>::Set( T* pElement )
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	m_pAttribute->SetValue( pElement ? pElement->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID );

template <class T>
inline bool CDmaElement<T>::operator!() const
	return ( GetElement() == NULL );

// Inline methods for CDmaArrayBase
template< class T, class B >
inline const CUtlVector<T>& CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::Get() const
	return this->Value();

template< class T, class B >
inline const T *CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::Base() const
	return this->Value().Base();

template< class T, class B >
inline const T& CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::operator[]( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ];

template< class T, class B >
const T& CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::Element( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ];

template< class T, class B >
inline const T& CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::Get( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ];

template< class T, class B >
const void* CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::GetUntyped( int i ) const
	return &( this->Value()[ i ] );

template< class T, class B >
inline int CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::Count() const
	return this->Value().Count();

template< class T, class B >
inline bool CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::IsValidIndex( int i ) const
	return this->Value().IsValidIndex( i );

template< class T, class B >
inline int CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::InvalidIndex( void ) const
	return this->Value().InvalidIndex();

template< class T, class B >
inline const CDmAttribute *CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::GetAttribute() const
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;

template< class T, class B >
inline CDmElement *CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::GetOwner()
	return m_pAttribute->GetOwner();

template< class T, class B >
inline bool CDmaArrayConstBase<T,B>::IsDirty() const
	return m_pAttribute->IsFlagSet( FATTRIB_DIRTY );

template< class T, class B >
inline CDmAttribute *CDmaArrayBase<T,B>::GetAttribute()
	Assert( this->m_pAttribute );
	return this->m_pAttribute;

template< class T, class B >
inline const CDmAttribute *CDmaArrayBase<T,B>::GetAttribute() const
	Assert( this->m_pAttribute );
	return this->m_pAttribute;

// Inline methods for CDmaStringArrayBase
template< class B >
inline const char *CDmaStringArrayConstBase<B>::operator[]( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ].Get();

template< class B >
inline const char *CDmaStringArrayConstBase<B>::Element( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ].Get();

template< class B >
inline const char *CDmaStringArrayConstBase<B>::Get( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[ i ].Get();

template< class B >
inline const CUtlVector< CUtlString > &CDmaStringArrayConstBase<B>::Get() const
	return this->Value();

// Returns strlen of element i
template< class B >
inline int CDmaStringArrayConstBase<B>::Length( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[i].Length();

template< class B >
inline void CDmaStringArrayBase<B>::Set( int i, const char * pValue )
	CUtlString str( pValue, Q_strlen( pValue ) + 1 );
	BaseClass::Set( i, str );

// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
template< class B >
inline int CDmaStringArrayBase<B>::AddToTail( const char *pValue )
	CUtlString str( pValue, Q_strlen( pValue ) + 1 );
	return BaseClass::AddToTail( str );

template< class B >
inline int CDmaStringArrayBase<B>::InsertBefore( int elem, const char *pValue )
	CUtlString str( pValue, Q_strlen( pValue ) + 1 );
	return BaseClass::InsertBefore( elem, str );

// Inline methods for CDmaElementArrayBase
template< class E, class B > 
inline UtlSymId_t CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::GetElementType() const
	return this->Data().m_ElementType;

template< class E, class B >
inline E *CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::operator[]( int i ) const
	return GetElement<E>( this->Value()[i] );

template< class E, class B >
inline E *CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::Element( int i ) const
	return GetElement<E>( this->Value()[i] );

template< class E, class B >
inline E *CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::Get( int i ) const
	return GetElement<E>( this->Value()[i] );

template< class E, class B >
inline const DmElementHandle_t& CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::GetHandle( int i ) const
	return this->Value()[i];

template< class E, class B >
inline const CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > &CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::Get() const
	return this->Value();

// Search
template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::Find( const E *pValue ) const
	if ( !pValue )
		return -1;
	return B::Find( pValue->GetHandle() );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayConstBase<E,B>::Find( DmElementHandle_t h ) const
	return B::Find( h );

template< class E, class B >
inline void CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::SetHandle( int i, DmElementHandle_t h )
	BaseClass::Set( i, h );

template< class E, class B >
inline void CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::Set( int i, E *pElement )
	BaseClass::Set( i, pElement ? pElement->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID );

// Adds an element, uses copy constructor
template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::AddToTail( )
	return BaseClass::AddToTail( );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::AddToTail( E *pValue )
	return BaseClass::AddToTail( pValue ? pValue->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::AddToTail( DmElementHandle_t src )
	return BaseClass::AddToTail( src );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::InsertBefore( int elem )
	return BaseClass::InsertBefore( elem );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::InsertBefore( int elem, E *pValue )
	return BaseClass::InsertBefore( elem, pValue ? pValue->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID );

template< class E, class B >
inline int CDmaElementArrayBase<E,B>::InsertBefore( int elem, DmElementHandle_t src )
	return BaseClass::InsertBefore( elem, src );

// Inline methods for CDmrGenericArray
inline const CDmAttribute *CDmrGenericArrayConst::GetAttribute() const
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;

inline bool CDmrGenericArrayConst::IsValid() const
	return m_pAttribute != NULL;

inline CDmAttribute *CDmrGenericArray::GetAttribute()
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;

inline const CDmAttribute *CDmrGenericArray::GetAttribute() const
	Assert( m_pAttribute );
	return m_pAttribute;