// basecode.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai //! \file //! \brief Base classes for working with encoders and decoders. #ifndef CRYPTOPP_BASECODE_H #define CRYPTOPP_BASECODE_H #include "cryptlib.h" #include "filters.h" #include "algparam.h" #include "argnames.h" NAMESPACE_BEGIN(CryptoPP) //! \class BaseN_Encoder //! \brief Encoder for bases that are a power of 2 class CRYPTOPP_DLL BaseN_Encoder : public Unflushable<Filter> { public: //! \brief Construct a BaseN_Encoder //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object BaseN_Encoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : m_alphabet(NULL), m_padding(0), m_bitsPerChar(0) , m_outputBlockSize(0), m_bytePos(0), m_bitPos(0) {Detach(attachment);} //! \brief Construct a BaseN_Encoder //! \param alphabet table of ASCII characters to use as the alphabet //! \param log2base the log<sub>2</sub>base //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object //! \param padding the character to use as padding //! \pre log2base must be between 1 and 7 inclusive //! \throws InvalidArgument if log2base is not between 1 and 7 BaseN_Encoder(const byte *alphabet, int log2base, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, int padding=-1) : m_alphabet(NULL), m_padding(0), m_bitsPerChar(0) , m_outputBlockSize(0), m_bytePos(0), m_bitPos(0) { Detach(attachment); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::EncodingLookupArray(), alphabet) (Name::Log2Base(), log2base) (Name::Pad(), padding != -1) (Name::PaddingByte(), byte(padding))); } void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking); private: const byte *m_alphabet; int m_padding, m_bitsPerChar, m_outputBlockSize; int m_bytePos, m_bitPos; SecByteBlock m_outBuf; }; //! \class BaseN_Decoder //! \brief Decoder for bases that are a power of 2 class CRYPTOPP_DLL BaseN_Decoder : public Unflushable<Filter> { public: //! \brief Construct a BaseN_Decoder //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object //! \details padding is set to -1, which means use default padding. If not //! required, then the value must be set via IsolatedInitialize(). BaseN_Decoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : m_lookup(0), m_padding(0), m_bitsPerChar(0) , m_outputBlockSize(0), m_bytePos(0), m_bitPos(0) {Detach(attachment);} //! \brief Construct a BaseN_Decoder //! \param lookup table of values //! \param log2base the log<sub>2</sub>base //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object //! \details log2base is the exponent (like 5 in 2<sup>5</sup>), and not //! the number of elements (like 32). //! \details padding is set to -1, which means use default padding. If not //! required, then the value must be set via IsolatedInitialize(). BaseN_Decoder(const int *lookup, int log2base, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : m_lookup(0), m_padding(0), m_bitsPerChar(0) , m_outputBlockSize(0), m_bytePos(0), m_bitPos(0) { Detach(attachment); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::DecodingLookupArray(), lookup)(Name::Log2Base(), log2base)); } void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking); //! \brief Intializes BaseN lookup array //! \param lookup table of values //! \param alphabet table of ASCII characters //! \param base the base for the encoder //! \param caseInsensitive flag indicating whether the alpabet is case sensitivie //! \pre COUNTOF(lookup) == 256 //! \pre COUNTOF(alphabet) == base //! \details Internally, the function sets the first 256 elements in the lookup table to // their value from the alphabet array or -1. base is the number of element (like 32), //! and not an exponent (like 5 in 2<sup>5</sup>) static void CRYPTOPP_API InitializeDecodingLookupArray(int *lookup, const byte *alphabet, unsigned int base, bool caseInsensitive); private: const int *m_lookup; int m_padding, m_bitsPerChar, m_outputBlockSize; int m_bytePos, m_bitPos; SecByteBlock m_outBuf; }; //! \class Grouper //! \brief Filter that breaks input stream into groups of fixed size class CRYPTOPP_DLL Grouper : public Bufferless<Filter> { public: //! \brief Construct a Grouper //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object Grouper(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : m_groupSize(0), m_counter(0) {Detach(attachment);} //! \brief Construct a Grouper //! \param groupSize the size of the grouping //! \param separator the separator to use between groups //! \param terminator the terminator appeand after processing //! \param attachment a BufferedTransformation to attach to this object Grouper(int groupSize, const std::string &separator, const std::string &terminator, BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL) : m_groupSize(0), m_counter(0) { Detach(attachment); IsolatedInitialize(MakeParameters(Name::GroupSize(), groupSize) (Name::Separator(), ConstByteArrayParameter(separator)) (Name::Terminator(), ConstByteArrayParameter(terminator))); } void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs ¶meters); size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking); private: SecByteBlock m_separator, m_terminator; size_t m_groupSize, m_counter; }; NAMESPACE_END #endif