//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Dme version of a body groups. Each body group contains a list
// of LOD lists which are the various options to switch in for that part
// of the body


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "datamodel/dmelement.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h"

// Forward Declarations
class CDmeBodyPart;
class CDmeLODList;

// A class representing a body group. Each element of the body parts array
// is an option that can be switched into that part of the body.
class CDmeBodyGroup : public CDmElement
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeBodyGroup, CDmElement );

	// Finds a body part by name 
	CDmeLODList *FindBodyPart( const char *pName );

	CDmaElementArray< CDmeBodyPart > m_BodyParts;