// // mxToolKit (c) 1999 by Mete Ciragan // // file: mxWidget.cpp // implementation: Win32 API // last modified: Mar 19 1999, Mete Ciragan // copyright: The programs and associated files contained in this // distribution were developed by Mete Ciragan. The programs // are not in the public domain, but they are freely // distributable without licensing fees. These programs are // provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or // implied. // #include "mxtk/mxWidget.h" #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> void mxTab_resizeChild (HWND hwnd); void mx_addWidget (mxWidget *widget); void mx_removeWidget (mxWidget *widget); class mxWidget_i { public: mxWindow *d_parent_p; HWND d_hwnd; void *d_userData; int d_type; }; mxWidget::mxWidget (mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label) { d_this = new mxWidget_i; setHandle (0); setType (-1); setParent (parent); setBounds (x, y, w, h); setVisible (true); setEnabled (true); setId (0); setUserData (0); setLabel (label); mx_addWidget (this); } mxWidget::~mxWidget () { mx_removeWidget (this); if (d_this->d_type == MX_MENU || d_this->d_type == MX_MENUBAR || d_this->d_type == MX_POPUPMENU) DestroyMenu ((HMENU) d_this->d_hwnd); else DestroyWindow (d_this->d_hwnd); delete d_this; } bool mxWidget::CanClose() { // Assume yes return true; } void mxWidget::OnDelete() { // Nothing } void mxWidget::setHandle (void *handle) { d_this->d_hwnd = (HWND) handle; } void mxWidget::setType (int type) { d_this->d_type = type; } void mxWidget::setParent (mxWindow *parentWindow) { d_this->d_parent_p = parentWindow; } void mxWidget::setBounds (int x, int y, int w, int h) { char str[128]; GetClassName (d_this->d_hwnd, str, 128); if (!strcmp (str, "COMBOBOX")) MoveWindow (d_this->d_hwnd, x, y, w, h + 100, TRUE); else MoveWindow (d_this->d_hwnd, x, y, w, h, TRUE); if (!strcmp (str, WC_TABCONTROL)) mxTab_resizeChild (d_this->d_hwnd); } void mxWidget::setLabel (const char *format, ... ) { if (format == NULL) { if (d_this->d_hwnd) { SetWindowText (d_this->d_hwnd, NULL); } return; } va_list argptr; static char string[1024]; va_start (argptr, format); vsprintf (string, format,argptr); va_end (argptr); if (d_this->d_hwnd) { SetWindowText (d_this->d_hwnd, string); } } void mxWidget::setVisible (bool b) { if (b) SetWindowPos (d_this->d_hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); else ShowWindow (d_this->d_hwnd, SW_HIDE); } void mxWidget::setEnabled (bool b) { EnableWindow (d_this->d_hwnd, b); } void mxWidget::setId (int id) { SetWindowLong (d_this->d_hwnd, GWL_ID, (LONG) id); } void mxWidget::setUserData (void *userData) { d_this->d_userData = userData; } void* mxWidget:: getHandle () const { return (void *) d_this->d_hwnd; } int mxWidget::getType () const { return d_this->d_type; } mxWindow* mxWidget::getParent () const { return d_this->d_parent_p; } int mxWidget::x () const { RECT rc; GetWindowRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) rc.left; } int mxWidget::y () const { RECT rc; GetWindowRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) rc.top; } int mxWidget::w () const { RECT rc; GetWindowRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) (rc.right - rc.left); } int mxWidget::h () const { RECT rc; GetWindowRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) (rc.bottom - rc.top); } int mxWidget::w2 () const { RECT rc; GetClientRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) (rc.right - rc.left); } int mxWidget::h2 () const { RECT rc; GetClientRect (d_this->d_hwnd, &rc); return (int) (rc.bottom - rc.top); } const char* mxWidget::getLabel () const { static char label[256]; GetWindowText (d_this->d_hwnd, label, 256); return label; } bool mxWidget::isVisible () const { return ( IsWindowVisible (d_this->d_hwnd) ? true : false ); } bool mxWidget::isEnabled () const { return ( IsWindowEnabled (d_this->d_hwnd) ? true : false ); } int mxWidget::getId () const { return (int) GetWindowLong (d_this->d_hwnd, GWL_ID); } void* mxWidget::getUserData () const { return d_this->d_userData; }