
; See the vertex shader for info
; This shader takes:
;	t0 = normal map
;	t1 = base texture
;	v0 = directional light color
;	t2 = directional light direction (biased into 0-1)
;	c0 = percent of dirlight to add as ambient
; Output:
;	(t0 dot t1) * v0

tex			t0						; Get the 3-vector from the normal map
tex			t1						; Interpret tcoord t1 as color data.
texcoord	t2			

dp3			r1, t0_bx2, t2_bx2		; r1 = normalMap dot dirLightDir
add			r0, r1, c0				; + 0.5

mul			r1, v0, r0				; scale the dot product by the dirlight's actual color
mul			r0.rgb, r1, t1 +		; scale by the texture color

mul			r0.a, t1.a, v0.a