//====== Copyright (c) 1996-2010, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =====
// Maya Plugin For Win32 - Same As source_dll_qt_win32_base.vpc except:
//  * QT_ROOT is left unspecified, the part VPC script needs to define it
//    as it varies with the version of Maya
//  * QT_NO_DEBUG is always defined.
//  * Only release versions of Qt libraries are linked
//    Maya is linked with release Qt libs, linking a plug-in with debug
//    libs will crash when a Qt widget is created

$MacroRequired "QT_ROOT"

$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\source_dll_base.vpc"
$Include "$SRCDIR\vpc_scripts\qt_base.vpc"

		$AdditionalIncludeDirectories		"$BASE;.\;$QT_ROOT\include;.\$QT_TARGET_SUBDIR"
		$DisableSpecificWarnings			"4127;4512;$BASE"

	$Folder "Link Libraries"
		$Lib								"$QT_ROOT\lib\qtcore4"
		$Lib								"$QT_ROOT\lib\qtgui4"