#!perl # read stdio_test_list.cfg and perform all tests $create_refs=0; $subset_string=shift; @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun); ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime(); $year = 1900 + $yearOffset; $dstamp = "$weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth $year".sprintf(" %02d:%02d:%02d", $hour,$minute,$second); $changelist_counter=`p4 counter main_changelist`; # grab value of p4 counter $dstamp.=" $changelist_counter"; $dstamp=~ s/[\n\r]//g; $computername=$ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'}; # first, set our priority to high and affinity to 1 to try to get more repeatable benchmark results #my $pid = $$; #my $cmd="datafiles\\process.exe -p $pid High"; #print STDERR `$cmd`; #$cmd="datafiles\\process.exe -a $pid 01"; #print STDERR `$cmd`; if ( open(CFGFILE, "filecompare_tests.cfg") ) { while(<CFGFILE>) { s/[\n\r]//g; s@//.*$@@; # kill comments if (/^([^,]*),([^,]*),(.*$)/) { $testname=$1; $testfile=$2; $testcommand=$3; next if ( length($subset_string) && ( ! ( $testname=~/$subset_string/i) ) ); $ext=".txt"; if ( length($testfile ) ) { $ext=""; $ext = $1 if ( $testfile=~/(\..*)$/ ); # copy extension unlink $testfile if ( -e $testfile); # kill it if it exists } print STDOUT "running $testname : $testcommand ($testfile)\n"; # suck the reference output in. use binary mode unless stdio $refname="reference_output/$testname$ext"; # run the test my $stime=time; $output=`$testcommand`; $stime=time-$stime; if ( open(REF,$refname)) { if ( length($testfile )) { binmode REF; } $ref_output= do { local( $/ ) ; <REF> } ; # slurp comparison output in close REF; if ( length( $testfile ) ) { print STDERR $output; # file case if ( open(TESTFILE, $testfile )) { binmode TESTFILE; $new_output= do { local( $/ ) ; <TESTFILE> } ; # slurp comparison output in close TESTFILE; if ($new_output ne $ref_output ) { $errout.="ERROR: test $testname ($testcommand) : test produced file $testfile (length=". length($new_output).") but it doesn't match the reference (length=".length($ref_output).")\n"; } else { &UpdateMetrics( $testname, $output, $stime ); } } else { $errout.="ERROR: test $testname ($testcommand) : test was supposed to create $testfile, but didn't.\n"; } } else { # strip metrics (like timing) for comparison my $massaged_ref = $ref_output; my $massaged_output = $output; $massaged_ref =~ s/:=\s*[0-9\.]+//g; $massaged_output =~ s/:=\s*[0-9\.]+//g; if ($massaged_output ne $massaged_ref ) { # print STDERR "o=$massaged_output r=$massaged_ref\n"; $errout.="ERROR: test $testname ($testcommand) : output does not match reference output.\n"; } else { &UpdateMetrics( $testname, $output, $stime ); } } } else { $errout.="ERROR: Can't open reference $refname for $testname\n"; if ($create_refs) { if ( length($testfile ) ) { if ( -e $testfile ) { $oname=$refname; $oname=~s@/@\\@g; print STDERR "copy $testfile $oname"; print STDERR `copy $testfile $oname`; print STDERR `p4 add $oname`; } } else { if ( open(REFOUT,">$refname") ) { print REFOUT $output; } close REFOUT; print STDERR `p4 add $refname`; } } } } } } else { $errout.="Can't open stdio_test_list.cfg\n"; } if (length($errout)) { print STDERR "There were errors: $errout"; open(ERRORS,">errors.txt") || die "huh - can't write"; print ERRORS $errout; close ERRORS; } sub UpdateMetrics { return unless length($computername); local( $tname, $output, $runtime) = @_; $output .= "\ntest runtime := $runtime\n"; foreach $_ ( split(/\n/,$output)) { if (/^(.+):=(.*$)/) { my $varname=$1; my $etime=$2; $varname=~s@^\s*@@g; $varname=~s@\s*$@@g; mkdir "\\\\fileserver\\user\\perf\\$computername"; mkdir "\\\\fileserver\\user\\perf\\$computername\\$tname"; if ( open(COUT,">>\\\\fileserver\\user\\perf\\$computername\\$tname\\$varname.csv") ) { print COUT "\"$dstamp\",$etime\n"; close COUT; } } } }