//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Redirect.cpp : implementation file // // Creates a child process that runs a user-specified command and redirects its // standard output and standard error to a CEdit control. // // Written by Matt Brunk (brunk@gorge.net) // Copyright (C) 1999 Matt Brunk // All rights reserved. // // This code may be used in compiled form in any way. This file may be // distributed by any means providing it is not sold for profit without // the written consent of the author, and providing that this notice and the // author's name is included in the distribution. If the compiled form of the // source code in this file is used in a commercial application, an e-mail to // the author would be appreciated. // // Thanks to Dima Shamroni (dima@abirnet.co.il) for providing the essential // code for this class. // // Thanks to Chris Maunder (chrismaunder@codeguru.com) for the PeekAndPump() // function (from his CProgressWnd class). // // Initial Release Feb 8, 1999 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "stdafx.h" #include <string.h> #include <string> #include "Redirect.h" const int BUF_SIZE = 8192; CRedirect::~CRedirect() { } void CRedirect::Run( LPCTSTR szCommand, CEdit *pEdit, LPCTSTR pszCurrentDirectory ) { m_pEdit = pEdit; m_bStopped = false; if ( !Open( szCommand, pszCurrentDirectory ) ) { AppendText("\nFAILED TO SPAWN PROCESS\n"); return; } for (;;) { //------------------------------------------------------------------ // If the child process has completed, break out. //------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( !m_hThread || MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, &m_hThread, FALSE, 20, QS_ALLINPUT) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { break; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Peek and pump messages. //------------------------------------------------------------------ PeekAndPump(); //------------------------------------------------------------------ // If the user cancelled the operation, terminate the process. //------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( m_bStopped ) { Close(); } } } void CRedirect::PeekAndPump() { MSG Msg; while (::PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { (void)AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage(); //lint !e1924 (warning about C-style cast) } } void CRedirect::Stop() { m_bStopped = true; } void CRedirect::AppendText(LPCTSTR Text) { char *pszCurrent = const_cast<char *>(Text); int Length; Length = m_pEdit->GetWindowTextLength(); if ( Length + strlen(Text) > m_pEdit->GetLimitText() ) m_pEdit->SetLimitText( m_pEdit->GetLimitText() * 2 ); if ( *pszCurrent == '\n' ) pszCurrent++; while ( pszCurrent && *pszCurrent ) { char *pszLineEnd = strchr( pszCurrent, '\r' ); if ( pszLineEnd ) *pszLineEnd = 0; Length = m_pEdit->GetWindowTextLength(); m_pEdit->SetSel(Length, Length); m_pEdit->ReplaceSel(pszCurrent); //OutputDebugString(pszCurrent); if ( pszLineEnd ) { Length = m_pEdit->GetWindowTextLength(); m_pEdit->SetSel(Length, Length); m_pEdit->ReplaceSel("\r\n"); //OutputDebugString("\r\n"); } m_pEdit->LineScroll( m_pEdit->GetLineCount() ); PeekAndPump(); if ( pszLineEnd ) { *pszLineEnd = '\r'; pszCurrent = pszLineEnd + 1; if ( *pszCurrent == '\n' ) pszCurrent++; } else pszCurrent = NULL; }; } void CRedirect::WriteStdOut(LPCSTR pszOutput) { AppendText( pszOutput ); } void CRedirect::WriteStdError(LPCSTR pszError) { AppendText( CString(pszError) ); }