//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // nav.h // Data structures and constants for the Navigation Mesh system // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), January 2003 #ifndef _NAV_H_ #define _NAV_H_ #include "modelentities.h" // for CFuncBrush /** * Below are several constants used by the navigation system. * @todo Move these into TheNavMesh singleton. */ const float GenerationStepSize = 25.0f; // (30) was 20, but bots can't fit always fit const float JumpHeight = 41.8f; // if delta Z is less than this, we can jump up on it const float JumpCrouchHeight = 64.0f; // (48) if delta Z is less than or equal to this, we can jumpcrouch up on it // There are 3 different definitions of StepHeight throughout the code, waiting to produce bugs if the 18.0 is ever changed. #ifdef INFESTED_DLL const float StepHeight = 24.0f; ///< if delta Z is greater than this, we have to jump to get up #else const float StepHeight = 18.0f; // if delta Z is greater than this, we have to jump to get up #endif // INFESTED_DLL // TERROR: Increased DeathDrop from 200, since zombies don't take falling damage const float DeathDrop = 400.0f; // (300) distance at which we will die if we fall - should be about 600, and pay attention to fall damage during pathfind const float ClimbUpHeight = 200.0f; // height to check for climbing up const float CliffHeight = 300.0f; // height which we consider a significant cliff which we would not want to fall off of // TERROR: Converted these values to use the same numbers as the player bounding boxes etc #define HalfHumanWidth 16 #define HalfHumanHeight 35.5 #define HumanHeight 71 #define HumanEyeHeight 62 #define HumanCrouchHeight 55 #define HumanCrouchEyeHeight 37 #define NAV_MAGIC_NUMBER 0xFEEDFACE // to help identify nav files /** * A place is a named group of navigation areas */ typedef unsigned int Place; #define UNDEFINED_PLACE 0 // ie: "no place" #define ANY_PLACE 0xFFFF enum NavErrorType { NAV_OK, NAV_CANT_ACCESS_FILE, NAV_INVALID_FILE, NAV_BAD_FILE_VERSION, NAV_FILE_OUT_OF_DATE, NAV_CORRUPT_DATA, NAV_OUT_OF_MEMORY, }; enum NavAttributeType { NAV_MESH_INVALID = 0, NAV_MESH_CROUCH = 0x0000001, // must crouch to use this node/area NAV_MESH_JUMP = 0x0000002, // must jump to traverse this area (only used during generation) NAV_MESH_PRECISE = 0x0000004, // do not adjust for obstacles, just move along area NAV_MESH_NO_JUMP = 0x0000008, // inhibit discontinuity jumping NAV_MESH_STOP = 0x0000010, // must stop when entering this area NAV_MESH_RUN = 0x0000020, // must run to traverse this area NAV_MESH_WALK = 0x0000040, // must walk to traverse this area NAV_MESH_AVOID = 0x0000080, // avoid this area unless alternatives are too dangerous NAV_MESH_TRANSIENT = 0x0000100, // area may become blocked, and should be periodically checked NAV_MESH_DONT_HIDE = 0x0000200, // area should not be considered for hiding spot generation NAV_MESH_STAND = 0x0000400, // bots hiding in this area should stand NAV_MESH_NO_HOSTAGES = 0x0000800, // hostages shouldn't use this area NAV_MESH_STAIRS = 0x0001000, // this area represents stairs, do not attempt to climb or jump them - just walk up NAV_MESH_NO_MERGE = 0x0002000, // don't merge this area with adjacent areas NAV_MESH_OBSTACLE_TOP = 0x0004000, // this nav area is the climb point on the tip of an obstacle NAV_MESH_CLIFF = 0x0008000, // this nav area is adjacent to a drop of at least CliffHeight NAV_MESH_FIRST_CUSTOM = 0x00010000, // apps may define custom app-specific bits starting with this value NAV_MESH_LAST_CUSTOM = 0x04000000, // apps must not define custom app-specific bits higher than with this value NAV_MESH_HAS_ELEVATOR = 0x40000000, // area is in an elevator's path NAV_MESH_NAV_BLOCKER = 0x80000000 // area is blocked by nav blocker ( Alas, needed to hijack a bit in the attributes to get within a cache line [7/24/2008 tom]) }; extern NavAttributeType NameToNavAttribute( const char *name ); enum NavDirType { NORTH = 0, EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, WEST = 3, NUM_DIRECTIONS }; /** * Defines possible ways to move from one area to another */ enum NavTraverseType { // NOTE: First 4 directions MUST match NavDirType GO_NORTH = 0, GO_EAST, GO_SOUTH, GO_WEST, GO_LADDER_UP, GO_LADDER_DOWN, GO_JUMP, GO_ELEVATOR_UP, GO_ELEVATOR_DOWN, NUM_TRAVERSE_TYPES }; enum NavCornerType { NORTH_WEST = 0, NORTH_EAST = 1, SOUTH_EAST = 2, SOUTH_WEST = 3, NUM_CORNERS }; enum NavRelativeDirType { FORWARD = 0, RIGHT, BACKWARD, LEFT, UP, DOWN, NUM_RELATIVE_DIRECTIONS }; struct Extent { Vector lo, hi; void Init( void ) { lo.Init(); hi.Init(); } void Init( CBaseEntity *entity ) { entity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &lo, &hi ); } float SizeX( void ) const { return hi.x - lo.x; } float SizeY( void ) const { return hi.y - lo.y; } float SizeZ( void ) const { return hi.z - lo.z; } float Area( void ) const { return SizeX() * SizeY(); } // Increase bounds to contain the given point void Encompass( const Vector &pos ) { for ( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) { if ( pos[i] < lo[i] ) { lo[i] = pos[i]; } else if ( pos[i] > hi[i] ) { hi[i] = pos[i]; } } } // Increase bounds to contain the given extent void Encompass( const Extent &extent ) { Encompass( extent.lo ); Encompass( extent.hi ); } /// return true if 'pos' is inside of this extent bool Contains( const Vector &pos ) const { return (pos.x >= lo.x && pos.x <= hi.x && pos.y >= lo.y && pos.y <= hi.y && pos.z >= lo.z && pos.z <= hi.z); } /// return true if this extent overlaps the given one bool IsOverlapping( const Extent &other ) const { return (lo.x <= other.hi.x && hi.x >= other.lo.x && lo.y <= other.hi.y && hi.y >= other.lo.y && lo.z <= other.hi.z && hi.z >= other.lo.z); } }; struct Ray { Vector from, to; }; class CNavArea; class CNavNode; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline NavDirType OppositeDirection( NavDirType dir ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: return SOUTH; case SOUTH: return NORTH; case EAST: return WEST; case WEST: return EAST; } return NORTH; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline NavDirType DirectionLeft( NavDirType dir ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: return WEST; case SOUTH: return EAST; case EAST: return NORTH; case WEST: return SOUTH; } return NORTH; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline NavDirType DirectionRight( NavDirType dir ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: return EAST; case SOUTH: return WEST; case EAST: return SOUTH; case WEST: return NORTH; } return NORTH; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void AddDirectionVector( Vector *v, NavDirType dir, float amount ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: v->y -= amount; return; case SOUTH: v->y += amount; return; case EAST: v->x += amount; return; case WEST: v->x -= amount; return; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline float DirectionToAngle( NavDirType dir ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: return 270.0f; case SOUTH: return 90.0f; case EAST: return 0.0f; case WEST: return 180.0f; } return 0.0f; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline NavDirType AngleToDirection( float angle ) { while( angle < 0.0f ) angle += 360.0f; while( angle > 360.0f ) angle -= 360.0f; if (angle < 45 || angle > 315) return EAST; if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) return SOUTH; if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) return WEST; return NORTH; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void DirectionToVector2D( NavDirType dir, Vector2D *v ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH: v->x = 0.0f; v->y = -1.0f; break; case SOUTH: v->x = 0.0f; v->y = 1.0f; break; case EAST: v->x = 1.0f; v->y = 0.0f; break; case WEST: v->x = -1.0f; v->y = 0.0f; break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CornerToVector2D( NavCornerType dir, Vector2D *v ) { switch( dir ) { case NORTH_WEST: v->x = -1.0f; v->y = -1.0f; break; case NORTH_EAST: v->x = 1.0f; v->y = -1.0f; break; case SOUTH_EAST: v->x = 1.0f; v->y = 1.0f; break; case SOUTH_WEST: v->x = -1.0f; v->y = 1.0f; break; } v->NormalizeInPlace(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gets the corner types that surround the given direction inline void GetCornerTypesInDirection( NavDirType dir, NavCornerType *first, NavCornerType *second ) { switch ( dir ) { case NORTH: *first = NORTH_WEST; *second = NORTH_EAST; break; case SOUTH: *first = SOUTH_WEST; *second = SOUTH_EAST; break; case EAST: *first = NORTH_EAST; *second = SOUTH_EAST; break; case WEST: *first = NORTH_WEST; *second = SOUTH_WEST; break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline float RoundToUnits( float val, float unit ) { val = val + ((val < 0.0f) ? -unit*0.5f : unit*0.5f); return (float)( unit * ( ((int)val) / (int)unit ) ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if given entity can be ignored when moving */ #define WALK_THRU_PROP_DOORS 0x01 #define WALK_THRU_FUNC_DOORS 0x02 #define WALK_THRU_DOORS (WALK_THRU_PROP_DOORS | WALK_THRU_FUNC_DOORS) #define WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES 0x04 #define WALK_THRU_TOGGLE_BRUSHES 0x08 #define WALK_THRU_EVERYTHING (WALK_THRU_DOORS | WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES | WALK_THRU_TOGGLE_BRUSHES) extern ConVar nav_solid_props; inline bool IsEntityWalkable( CBaseEntity *entity, unsigned int flags ) { if (FClassnameIs( entity, "worldspawn" )) return false; if (FClassnameIs( entity, "player" )) return false; // if we hit a door, assume its walkable because it will open when we touch it if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_door*" )) return (flags & WALK_THRU_FUNC_DOORS) ? true : false; if (FClassnameIs( entity, "prop_door*" )) return (flags & WALK_THRU_PROP_DOORS) ? true : false; // if we hit a clip brush, ignore it if it is not BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_brush" )) { CFuncBrush *brush = (CFuncBrush *)entity; switch ( brush->m_iSolidity ) { case CFuncBrush::BRUSHSOLID_ALWAYS: return false; case CFuncBrush::BRUSHSOLID_NEVER: return true; case CFuncBrush::BRUSHSOLID_TOGGLE: return (flags & WALK_THRU_TOGGLE_BRUSHES) ? true : false; } } // if we hit a breakable object, assume its walkable because we will shoot it when we touch it if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_breakable" ) && entity->GetHealth() && entity->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_YES) return (flags & WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES) ? true : false; if (FClassnameIs( entity, "func_breakable_surf" ) && entity->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_YES) return (flags & WALK_THRU_BREAKABLES) ? true : false; if ( FClassnameIs( entity, "func_playerinfected_clip" ) == true ) return true; if ( nav_solid_props.GetBool() && FClassnameIs( entity, "prop_*" ) ) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Trace filter that ignores players, NPCs, and objects that can be walked through */ class CTraceFilterWalkableEntities : public CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer { public: CTraceFilterWalkableEntities( const IHandleEntity *passentity, int collisionGroup, unsigned int flags ) : CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer( passentity, collisionGroup ), m_flags( flags ) { } virtual bool ShouldHitEntity( IHandleEntity *pServerEntity, int contentsMask ) { if ( CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer::ShouldHitEntity(pServerEntity, contentsMask) ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = EntityFromEntityHandle( pServerEntity ); return ( !IsEntityWalkable( pEntity, m_flags ) ); } return false; } private: unsigned int m_flags; }; extern bool IsWalkableTraceLineClear( const Vector &from, const Vector &to, unsigned int flags = 0 ); #endif // _NAV_H_