//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: This header, which must be the final include in a .cpp (or .h) file, // causes all crt methods to use debugging versions of the memory allocators. // NOTE: Use memdbgoff.h to disable memory debugging. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // SPECIAL NOTE! This file must *not* use include guards; we need to be able // to include this potentially multiple times (since we can deactivate debugging // by including memdbgoff.h) #if !defined(STEAM) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) // SPECIAL NOTE #2: This must be the final include in a .cpp or .h file!!! #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG) #define USE_MEM_DEBUG 1 #endif // If debug build or ndebug and not already included MS custom alloc files, or already included this file #if (defined(_DEBUG) || !defined(_INC_CRTDBG)) || defined(MEMDBGON_H) #include "basetypes.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <tchar.h> #else #include <wchar.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "commonmacros.h" #include "memalloc.h" #if defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG) #if defined( POSIX ) #define _NORMAL_BLOCK 1 #include <cstddef> #ifndef ANDROID #include <glob.h> #endif #include <new> #include <sys/types.h> #if !defined( DID_THE_OPERATOR_NEW ) #define DID_THE_OPERATOR_NEW // posix doesn't have a new of this form, so we impl our own #ifdef OSX void* operator new( size_t nSize, int blah, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) throw (std::bad_alloc); void* operator new[]( size_t nSize, int blah, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) throw (std::bad_alloc); #else void* operator new( size_t nSize, int blah, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); void* operator new[]( size_t nSize, int blah, const char *pFileName, int nLine ); #endif #endif #else // defined(POSIX) // Include crtdbg.h and make sure _DEBUG is set to 1. #if !defined(_DEBUG) #define _DEBUG 1 #include <crtdbg.h> #undef _DEBUG #else #include <crtdbg.h> #endif // !defined(_DEBUG) #endif // defined(POSIX) #endif #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" // -------------------------------------------------------- // Debug/non-debug agnostic elements #define MEM_OVERRIDE_ON 1 #undef malloc #undef realloc #undef calloc #undef _expand #undef free #undef _msize #undef _aligned_malloc #undef _aligned_free #ifndef MEMDBGON_H inline void *MemAlloc_InlineCallocMemset( void *pMem, size_t nCount, size_t nElementSize) { memset(pMem, 0, nElementSize * nCount); return pMem; } #endif #define calloc(c, s) MemAlloc_InlineCallocMemset(malloc(c*s), c, s) #define free(p) g_pMemAlloc->Free( p ) #define _msize(p) g_pMemAlloc->GetSize( p ) #define _expand(p, s) _expand_NoLongerSupported(p, s) #define _aligned_free( p ) MemAlloc_FreeAligned( p ) // -------------------------------------------------------- // Debug path #if defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG) #define malloc(s) g_pMemAlloc->Alloc( s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define realloc(p, s) g_pMemAlloc->Realloc( p, s, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) #define _aligned_malloc( s, a ) MemAlloc_AllocAligned( s, a, __FILE__, __LINE__ ) #ifdef _malloc_dbg #undef _malloc_dbg #endif #define _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l) WHYCALLINGTHISDIRECTLY(s) #if !defined( POSIX ) #if defined(__AFX_H__) && defined(DEBUG_NEW) #define new DEBUG_NEW #else #undef new #define MEMALL_DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define new MEMALL_DEBUG_NEW #endif #endif #undef _strdup #undef strdup #undef _wcsdup #undef wcsdup #define _strdup(s) MemAlloc_StrDup(s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define strdup(s) MemAlloc_StrDup(s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define _wcsdup(s) MemAlloc_WcStrDup(s, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define wcsdup(s) MemAlloc_WcStrDup(s, __FILE__, __LINE__) // Make sure we don't define strdup twice #if !defined(MEMDBGON_H) inline char *MemAlloc_StrDup(const char *pString, const char *pFileName, unsigned nLine) { char *pMemory; if (!pString) return NULL; size_t len = strlen(pString) + 1; if ((pMemory = (char *)g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(len, pFileName, nLine)) != NULL) { return strcpy( pMemory, pString ); } return NULL; } inline wchar_t *MemAlloc_WcStrDup(const wchar_t *pString, const char *pFileName, unsigned nLine) { wchar_t *pMemory; if (!pString) return NULL; size_t len = (wcslen(pString) + 1); if ((pMemory = (wchar_t *)g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t), pFileName, nLine)) != NULL) { return wcscpy( pMemory, pString ); } return NULL; } #endif // DBMEM_DEFINED_STRDUP #else // -------------------------------------------------------- // Release path #define malloc(s) g_pMemAlloc->Alloc( s ) #define realloc(p, s) g_pMemAlloc->Realloc( p, s ) #define _aligned_malloc( s, a ) MemAlloc_AllocAligned( s, a ) #ifdef _malloc_dbg #undef _malloc_dbg #endif #define _malloc_dbg(s, t, f, l) WHYCALLINGTHISDIRECTLY(s) #undef new #undef _strdup #undef strdup #undef _wcsdup #undef wcsdup #define _strdup(s) MemAlloc_StrDup(s) #define strdup(s) MemAlloc_StrDup(s) #define _wcsdup(s) MemAlloc_WcStrDup(s) #define wcsdup(s) MemAlloc_WcStrDup(s) // Make sure we don't define strdup twice #if !defined(MEMDBGON_H) inline char *MemAlloc_StrDup(const char *pString) { char *pMemory; if (!pString) return NULL; size_t len = strlen(pString) + 1; if ((pMemory = (char *)g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(len)) != NULL) { return strcpy( pMemory, pString ); } return NULL; } inline wchar_t *MemAlloc_WcStrDup(const wchar_t *pString) { wchar_t *pMemory; if (!pString) return NULL; size_t len = (wcslen(pString) + 1); if ((pMemory = (wchar_t *)g_pMemAlloc->Alloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t))) != NULL) { return wcscpy( pMemory, pString ); } return NULL; } #endif // DBMEM_DEFINED_STRDUP #endif // USE_MEM_DEBUG #define MEMDBGON_H // Defined here so can be used above #else #if defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG) #ifndef _STATIC_LINKED #pragma message ("Note: file includes crtdbg.h directly, therefore will cannot use memdbgon.h in non-debug build") #else #error "Error: file includes crtdbg.h directly, therefore will cannot use memdbgon.h in non-debug build. Not recoverable in static build" #endif #endif #endif // _INC_CRTDBG #else // Needed for MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(), MemAlloc_Alloc(), etc. #include "memalloc.h" #if !defined( VALVE_ALLOCS_DEFINED ) #define VALVE_ALLOCS_DEFINED #include "tier0/mem.h" inline void *valve_malloc_check_oom( size_t size ) { void *ptr = malloc( size ); if ( !ptr ) MemAllocOOMError( size ); return ptr; } inline void *valve_realloc_check_oom( void *ptr, size_t size ) { void *ret = realloc( ptr, size ); if ( !ret ) MemAllocOOMError( size ); return ret; } inline void *valve_calloc_check_oom( size_t num, size_t size ) { void *ptr = calloc( num, size ); if (!ptr) MemAllocOOMError( num * size ); return ptr; } inline void *valve_memalign_check_oom( size_t alignment, size_t size ) { void *ptr = memalign( alignment, size ); if (!ptr) MemAllocOOMError(size); return ptr; } inline void *valve_aligned_malloc_check_oom( size_t size, size_t alignment ) { void *ptr = _aligned_malloc( size, alignment ); if (!ptr) MemAllocOOMError( size ); return ptr; } #endif // VALVE_ALLOCS_DEFINED #define malloc valve_malloc_check_oom #define realloc valve_realloc_check_oom #define calloc valve_calloc_check_oom #define memalign valve_memalign_check_oom #define _aligned_malloc valve_aligned_malloc_check_oom #endif // !STEAM && !NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE #if defined( NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE ) #undef malloc #undef realloc #undef calloc #undef memalign #undef _aligned_malloc #endif // NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE