
; c0 EnablePixelShaderOverbright()
; c2 ?
; c3 ComputeModulationColor()
; c4 flEmissiveBlendStrength, flEmissiveBlendStrength, flEmissiveBlendStrength, bWarping
; c5 1, 1, 1, 1

tex t0 ; Base color
tex t1 ; Emissive texture

mul_sat t1, c1, t1		; Emissive texture * selfIllumTint
mul r0, t0, c3			; Base color
mul r0.rgb, t1, r0		; Base * emissive
mul r0.rgb, r0, c4		; * flEmissiveBlendStrength
mul_x2 r0.rgb, c0, r0   ; * 2 * (overbrightFactor/2)
mov r0.a, c4.a			; Should this be 0 for the refract effect?