//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Medic's portable power generator // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "tf_obj_buff_station.h" #include "tf_player.h" #include "rope.h" #include "rope_shared.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "VGuiScreen.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "tf_team.h" //============================================================================= // // Console Variables // static ConVar obj_buff_station_damage_modifier( "obj_buff_station_damage_modifier", "1.5", 0, "Scales the damage a player does while connected to the buff station." ); static ConVar obj_buff_station_heal_rate( "obj_buff_station_heal_rate", "10" ); static ConVar obj_buff_station_range( "obj_buff_station_range", "300" ); static ConVar obj_buff_station_obj_range( "obj_buff_station_obj_range", "800" ); static ConVar obj_buff_station_health( "obj_buff_station_health","100", FCVAR_NONE, "Buff Station health" ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Buff Station defines //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BUFF_STATION_MINS Vector( -30, -30, 0 ) #define BUFF_STATION_MAXS Vector( 30, 30, 50 ) #define BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_MODEL "models/objects/human_obj_buffstation.mdl" #define BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL "models/objects/human_obj_buffstation_build.mdl" #define BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_MODEL "models/objects/alien_obj_buffstation.mdl" #define BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL "models/objects/alien_obj_buffstation_build.mdl" #define BUFF_STATION_VGUI_SCREEN "screen_obj_buffstation" #define BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT "BoostPlayerThink" #define BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_CONTEXT "BoostObjectThink" #define BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_INTERVAL 0.1f #define BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_INTERVAL 2.0f #define BUFF_STATION_BUFF_RANGE ( 600 * 600 ) //============================================================================= // // Data Description // BEGIN_DATADESC( CObjectBuffStation ) DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "PlayerSpawned", InputPlayerSpawned ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "PlayerAttachedToGenerator", InputPlayerAttachedToGenerator ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "PlayerEnteredVehicle", InputPlayerSpawned ), // NJS: Detach player from buff pack. END_DATADESC() //============================================================================= // // Server Class // IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CObjectBuffStation, DT_ObjectBuffStation ) SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nPlayerCount ), BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYER_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropArray( SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO_ARRAY( m_hPlayers ) ), m_hPlayers ), SendPropInt( SENDINFO( m_nObjectCount ), BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECT_BITS, SPROP_UNSIGNED ), SendPropArray( SendPropEHandle( SENDINFO_ARRAY( m_hObjects ) ), m_hObjects ), END_SEND_TABLE() //============================================================================= // // Linking and Precache // LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( obj_buff_station, CObjectBuffStation ); PRECACHE_REGISTER( obj_buff_station ); // Backwards compatability... LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( obj_portable_power_generator, CObjectBuffStation ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CObjectBuffStation::CObjectBuffStation() { // Verify networking data. COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS < ( 1 << BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYER_BITS ) ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS >= ( 1 << ( BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYER_BITS - 1 ) ) ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS < ( 1 << BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECT_BITS ) ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS >= ( 1 << ( BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECT_BITS - 1 ) ) ); // Uses the client-side animation system. UseClientSideAnimation(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Spawn //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::Spawn() { // This must be set before calling the base class spawn. m_iHealth = obj_buff_station_health.GetInt(); BaseClass::Spawn(); SetModel( BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_MODEL ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); SetType( OBJ_BUFF_STATION ); UTIL_SetSize( this, BUFF_STATION_MINS, BUFF_STATION_MAXS ); m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; // Initialize buff station attachment data. InitAttachmentData(); // Thinking SetContextThink( BoostPlayerThink, 1.0f, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT ); SetContextThink( BoostObjectThink, 2.0f, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_CONTEXT ); m_bBuilding = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Precache model, vgui elements, and sound. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::Precache() { // Models PrecacheModel( BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_MODEL ); PrecacheModel( BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_MODEL ); // Build models PrecacheModel( BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL ); PrecacheModel( BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL ); // VGUI Screen PrecacheVGuiScreen( BUFF_STATION_VGUI_SCREEN ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::SetupTeamModel( void ) { if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_HUMANS ) { if ( m_bBuilding ) { SetModel( BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL ); } else { SetModel( BUFF_STATION_HUMAN_MODEL ); } } else { if ( m_bBuilding ) { SetModel( BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_ASSEMBLING_MODEL ); } else { SetModel( BUFF_STATION_ALIEN_MODEL ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Gets info about the control panels //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::GetControlPanelInfo( int nControlPanelIndex, const char *&pPanelName ) { pPanelName = BUFF_STATION_VGUI_SCREEN; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Remove this object from it's team and mark it for deletion. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DestroyObject( void ) { // Detach all players. for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { DetachPlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); } // Detach all objects. for( int iObject = m_nObjectCount - 1; iObject >= 0; --iObject ) { DetachObjectByIndex( iObject ); } // Inform all other buff stations on this team to attempt to power object (cover for this one). if ( GetTFTeam() ) { GetTFTeam()->UpdateBuffStations( this, NULL, false ); } // We shouldn't get any more messages g_pNotify->ClearEntity( this ); BaseClass::DestroyObject(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::OnGoInactive( void ) { BaseClass::OnGoInactive(); // Detach all players. for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = m_hPlayers[iPlayer].Get(); if ( pPlayer ) { ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Lost power to Buff Station!" ); } DetachPlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); } // Detach all objects. for ( int iObject = m_nObjectCount - 1; iObject >= 0; --iObject ) { DetachObjectByIndex( iObject ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Attach to players who touch me //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( useType == USE_ON ) { // See if the activator is a player if ( !pActivator->IsPlayer() || !InSameTeam( pActivator ) || !pActivator->CanBePoweredUp() ) return; CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBaseTFPlayer*>(pActivator); if ( pPlayer ) { UpdatePlayerAttachment( pPlayer ); } } BaseClass::Use( pActivator, pCaller, useType, value ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handle commands sent from vgui panels on the client //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CObjectBuffStation::ClientCommand( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer, const char *pCmd, ICommandArguments *pArg ) { if ( FStrEq( pCmd, "toggle_connect" ) ) { UpdatePlayerAttachment( pPlayer ); return true; } return BaseClass::ClientCommand( pPlayer, pCmd, pArg ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::InitAttachmentData( void ) { // Initialize the attachment data. char szAttachName[13]; m_nPlayerCount = 0; Q_strncpy( szAttachName, "playercable1", 13 ); for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; ++iPlayer ) { m_hPlayers.Set( iPlayer, NULL ); szAttachName[11] = '1' + iPlayer; m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iPlayer].m_iAttachPoint = LookupAttachment( szAttachName ); } m_nObjectCount = 0; Q_strncpy( szAttachName, "objectcable1", 13 ); for ( int iObject = 0; iObject < BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS; ++iObject ) { m_hObjects.Set( iObject, NULL ); szAttachName[11] = '1' + iObject; m_aObjectAttachInfo[iObject].m_iAttachPoint = LookupAttachment( szAttachName ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create "Buff Station" cable (rope). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRopeKeyframe *CObjectBuffStation::CreateRope( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer, int iAttachPoint ) { CRopeKeyframe *pRope = CRopeKeyframe::Create( this, pPlayer, iAttachPoint, 0 ); if ( pRope ) { pRope->m_RopeLength = obj_buff_station_range.GetFloat(); pRope->m_Slack = 0.0f; pRope->m_Width = 2; pRope->m_nSegments = ROPE_MAX_SEGMENTS; pRope->m_RopeFlags |= ROPE_COLLIDE; pRope->EnablePlayerWeaponAttach( true ); pRope->ActivateStartDirectionConstraints( true ); if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_HUMANS ) { pRope->SetMaterial( "cable/human_buffcable.vmt" ); } else { pRope->SetMaterial( "cable/alien_buffcable.vmt" ); } } return pRope; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Create "Buff Station" cable (rope). //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRopeKeyframe *CObjectBuffStation::CreateRope( CBaseObject *pObject, int iAttachPoint, int iObjectAttachPoint ) { CRopeKeyframe *pRope = CRopeKeyframe::Create( this, pObject, iAttachPoint, iObjectAttachPoint ); if ( pRope ) { pRope->m_RopeLength = obj_buff_station_obj_range.GetFloat(); pRope->m_Slack = 0.0f; pRope->m_Width = 2; pRope->m_nSegments = ROPE_MAX_SEGMENTS; pRope->m_RopeFlags |= ROPE_COLLIDE; pRope->EnablePlayerWeaponAttach( true ); pRope->ActivateStartDirectionConstraints( true ); if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_HUMANS ) { pRope->SetMaterial( "cable/human_buffcable.vmt" ); } else { pRope->SetMaterial( "cable/alien_buffcable.vmt" ); } } return pRope; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Is a particular player attached? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CObjectBuffStation::IsPlayerAttached( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { if ( m_hPlayers[iPlayer].Get() == pPlayer ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Is a particular object attached? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CObjectBuffStation::IsObjectAttached( CBaseObject *pObject ) { for ( int iObject = 0; iObject < m_nObjectCount; ++iObject ) { if ( m_hObjects[iObject].Get() == pObject ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Attach the player to the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::AttachPlayer( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { // Player shouldn't already be attached. Assert( !IsPlayerAttached( pPlayer ) ); // Check to see if the player is alive and on the correct team. if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() || !pPlayer->InSameTeam( this ) ) return; // Check attachment availability. if ( m_nPlayerCount == BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS ) { // Unless the player is the owner he cannot connect. if ( pPlayer != GetOwner() ) return; // Kick a non-owning player off. DetachPlayerByIndex( BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS - 1 ); } // This will disconnect the player from other Buff Stations, and keep track of important player events. g_pNotify->ReportNamedEvent( pPlayer, "PlayerAttachedToGenerator" ); g_pNotify->AddEntity( this, pPlayer ); // Connect player. // Find the nearest empty slot int iNearest = BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; float flNearestDist = 9999*9999; for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { if ( !m_hPlayers[iPlayer] ) { Vector vecPoint; QAngle angPoint; GetAttachment( m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iPlayer].m_iAttachPoint, vecPoint, angPoint ); float flDistance = ( vecPoint - pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); if ( flDistance < flNearestDist ) { flNearestDist = flDistance; iNearest = iPlayer; } } } Assert( iNearest != BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS ); m_hPlayers.Set( iNearest, pPlayer ); m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iNearest].m_DamageModifier.SetModifier( obj_buff_station_damage_modifier.GetFloat() ); m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iNearest].m_hRope = CreateRope( pPlayer, m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iNearest].m_iAttachPoint ); m_nPlayerCount++; // Tell the player to constrain his movement. pPlayer->ActivateMovementConstraint( this, GetAbsOrigin(), obj_buff_station_range.GetFloat(), 75.0f, 0.15f ); // Update think. if ( GetNextThink(BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT) > gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_INTERVAL ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_INTERVAL, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Detach the player from the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DetachPlayer( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { if ( m_hPlayers[iPlayer].Get() == pPlayer ) { DetachPlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Detach the player from the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DetachPlayerByIndex( int nIndex ) { // Valid index? Assert( nIndex < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS ); // Get the player. CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = m_hPlayers[nIndex].Get(); if ( !pPlayer ) { m_hPlayers.Set( nIndex, NULL ); return; } // Remove the damage modifier. m_aPlayerAttachInfo[nIndex].m_DamageModifier.RemoveModifier(); // Remove the rope (cable). if ( m_aPlayerAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope.Get() ) { m_aPlayerAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope->DetachPoint( 1 ); m_aPlayerAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope->DieAtNextRest(); } // Unconstrain the player movement. pPlayer->DeactivateMovementConstraint(); // Keep track of player events. g_pNotify->RemoveEntity( this, pPlayer ); // Reduce player count. m_nPlayerCount--; m_hPlayers.Set( nIndex, NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Attach the object to the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::AttachObject( CBaseObject *pObject, bool bPlacing ) { // Check to see if the object is already attached. if ( IsObjectAttached( pObject ) ) return; // Check to see if the object is on the correct team. if ( !pObject->InSameTeam( this ) ) return; // Check to see if the object is already being buffed by another station. if ( pObject->IsHookedAndBuffed() ) return; // Check attachment availability. if ( m_nObjectCount == BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS ) return; // Attach cable to object - get the attachment point. int nObjectAttachPoint = pObject->LookupAttachment( "boostpoint" ); if ( nObjectAttachPoint <= 0 ) nObjectAttachPoint = 1; // Connect object. m_hObjects.Set( m_nObjectCount, pObject ); m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount].m_DamageModifier.SetModifier( obj_buff_station_damage_modifier.GetFloat() ); m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount].m_hRope = CreateRope( pObject, m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount].m_iAttachPoint, nObjectAttachPoint ); m_nObjectCount += 1; // If we're placing, we're pretending to buff objects, but not really powering them pObject->SetBuffStation( this, bPlacing ); // Update think. if ( GetNextThink(BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_CONTEXT) > gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_INTERVAL ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_INTERVAL, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_CONTEXT ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Detach the object from the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DetachObject( CBaseObject *pObject ) { for ( int iObject = 0; iObject < m_nObjectCount; ++iObject ) { if ( m_hObjects[iObject].Get() == pObject ) { DetachObjectByIndex( iObject ); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Detach the object from the "Buff Station." //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DetachObjectByIndex( int nIndex ) { // Valid index? Assert( nIndex >= 0 ); Assert( nIndex < m_nObjectCount ); // Get the object. CBaseObject *pObject = m_hObjects[nIndex].Get(); if ( !pObject ) return; // Remove the damage modifier. m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex].m_DamageModifier.RemoveModifier(); // Remove the rope (cable). if ( m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope.Get() ) { m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope->DetachPoint( 1 ); m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex].m_hRope->DieAtNextRest(); } // Reduce object count. m_nObjectCount -= 1; // Set the object as unbuffed. pObject->SetBuffStation( NULL, false ); // If the detached object wasn't the last object in the list, swap placement. if ( nIndex != m_nObjectCount ) { SwapObjectAttachment( nIndex ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::UpdatePlayerAttachment( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { // Valid player? if ( !pPlayer ) return; // Attach/Detach (toggle). if ( IsPlayerAttached( pPlayer ) ) { DetachPlayer( pPlayer ); } else { // Check for power, do not attach to unpowered generator. if ( !IsPowered() ) { ClientPrint( pPlayer, HUD_PRINTCENTER, "No power source for the Buff Station!" ); } else { AttachPlayer( pPlayer ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::SwapObjectAttachment( int nIndex ) { bool bModifierActive = m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount].m_DamageModifier.GetCharacter() != NULL; m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount].m_DamageModifier.RemoveModifier(); m_hObjects.Set( nIndex, m_hObjects[m_nObjectCount] ); m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex] = m_aObjectAttachInfo[m_nObjectCount]; if ( bModifierActive ) { m_aObjectAttachInfo[nIndex].m_DamageModifier.AddModifierToEntity( m_hObjects[nIndex].Get() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::InputPlayerSpawned( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( inputdata.pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBaseTFPlayer*>( inputdata.pActivator ); if ( IsPlayerAttached( pPlayer ) ) { DetachPlayer( pPlayer ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Input handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::InputPlayerAttachedToGenerator( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( inputdata.pActivator->IsPlayer() ) { CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBaseTFPlayer*>( inputdata.pActivator ); if ( IsPlayerAttached( pPlayer ) ) { DetachPlayer( pPlayer ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Boost those attached to me as long as I'm not EMPed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::BoostPlayerThink( void ) { // Are we emped? bool bIsEmped = HasPowerup( POWERUP_EMP ); // Get range (squared = faster test). float flMaxRangeSq = obj_buff_station_range.GetFloat(); flMaxRangeSq *= flMaxRangeSq; // Boost all attached players and objects. for ( int iPlayer = 0; iPlayer < BUFF_STATION_MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ ) { // Clean up dangling pointers + dead players, subversion, disconnection CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = m_hPlayers[iPlayer].Get(); if ( !pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsAlive() || !InSameTeam( pPlayer ) || !pPlayer->PlayerClass() ) { DetachPlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); continue; } // Check for out of range. float flDistSq = GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() ); if ( flDistSq > flMaxRangeSq ) { DetachPlayerByIndex( iPlayer ); continue; } bool bBoosted = false; if ( !bIsEmped ) { float flHealAmount = obj_buff_station_heal_rate.GetFloat() * BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_INTERVAL; bBoosted = pPlayer->AttemptToPowerup( POWERUP_BOOST, 0, flHealAmount, this, &m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iPlayer].m_DamageModifier ); } if ( !bBoosted ) { m_aPlayerAttachInfo[iPlayer].m_DamageModifier.RemoveModifier(); } } // Set next think time. if ( m_nPlayerCount > 0 ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_INTERVAL, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT ); } else { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_PLAYER_THINK_CONTEXT ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::BoostObjectThink( void ) { // Set next boost object think time. SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_INTERVAL, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_CONTEXT ); // If we're emped, placing, or building, we're not ready to powerup if ( IsPlacing() || IsBuilding() || HasPowerup( POWERUP_EMP ) ) return; float flMaxRangeSq = obj_buff_station_obj_range.GetFloat(); flMaxRangeSq *= flMaxRangeSq; // Boost objects. for ( int iObject = m_nObjectCount; --iObject >= 0; ) { CBaseObject *pObject = m_hObjects[iObject].Get(); if ( !pObject || !InSameTeam( pObject ) ) { DetachObjectByIndex( iObject ); continue; } // Check for out of range. float flDistSq = GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pObject->GetAbsOrigin() ); if ( flDistSq > flMaxRangeSq ) { DetachObjectByIndex( iObject ); continue; } // Don't powerup it until it's finished building if ( pObject->IsPlacing() || pObject->IsBuilding() ) continue; // Boost it if ( !pObject->AttemptToPowerup( POWERUP_BOOST, BUFF_STATION_BOOST_OBJECT_THINK_INTERVAL, 0, this, &m_aObjectAttachInfo[iObject].m_DamageModifier ) ) { m_aObjectAttachInfo[iObject].m_DamageModifier.RemoveModifier(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::DeBuffObject( CBaseObject *pObject ) { DetachObject( pObject ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Find nearby objects and buff them. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::BuffNearbyObjects( CBaseObject *pObjectToTarget, bool bPlacing ) { // ROBIN: Disabled object buffing for now return; // Check for a team. if ( !GetTFTeam() ) return; // Am I ready to power anything? if ( IsBuilding() || ( !bPlacing && IsPlacing() ) ) return; // Am I already full? if ( m_nObjectCount >= BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS ) return; // Do we have a specific target? if ( pObjectToTarget ) { if( !pObjectToTarget->CanBeHookedToBuffStation() || pObjectToTarget->GetBuffStation() ) return; if ( IsWithinBuffRange( pObjectToTarget ) ) { AttachObject( pObjectToTarget, bPlacing ); } } else { // Find nearby objects for ( int iObject = 0; iObject < GetTFTeam()->GetNumObjects(); iObject++ ) { CBaseObject *pObject = GetTFTeam()->GetObject( iObject ); assert(pObject); if ( pObject == this || !pObject->CanBeHookedToBuffStation() || pObject->GetBuffStation() ) continue; // Make sure it's within range if ( IsWithinBuffRange( pObject ) ) { AttachObject( pObject, bPlacing ); // Am I now full? if ( m_nObjectCount >= BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS ) break; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Update buff connections on the fly while placing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CObjectBuffStation::CalculatePlacement( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { bool bReturn = BaseClass::CalculatePlacement( pPlayer ); // First, disconnect any connections that should break (too far away). for ( int iObject = m_nObjectCount - 1; iObject >= 0; --iObject ) { if ( GetBuffedObject( iObject ) ) { CheckBuffConnection( GetBuffedObject( iObject ) ); } } // If we have any spare connections, look for nearby objects to buff if ( m_nObjectCount < BUFF_STATION_MAX_OBJECTS ) { BuffNearbyObjects( NULL, true ); } return bReturn; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::FinishedBuilding( void ) { BaseClass::FinishedBuilding(); for( int iObject = 0; iObject < m_nObjectCount; ++iObject ) { if ( GetBuffedObject( iObject ) ) { GetBuffedObject( iObject )->SetBuffStation( this, false ); } } BuffNearbyObjects( NULL, false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::CheckBuffConnection( CBaseObject *pObject ) { if ( !pObject->CanBeHookedToBuffStation() ) return; // Check to see if the object is within the buff range. if ( IsWithinBuffRange( pObject ) ) return; // It's obscured, or out of range. Remove it. DetachObject( pObject ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Return true if this object is powerable //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CObjectBuffStation::IsWithinBuffRange( CBaseObject *pObject ) { if ( ( pObject->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr() < BUFF_STATION_BUFF_RANGE ) { // Can I see it? // Ignore things we're attached to trace_t tr; CTraceFilterWorldAndPropsOnly buffFilter; UTIL_TraceLine( WorldSpaceCenter(), pObject->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, &buffFilter, &tr ); CBaseEntity *pEntity = tr.m_pEnt; if ( ( tr.fraction == 1.0 ) || ( pEntity == pObject ) ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : act - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CObjectBuffStation::OnActivityChanged( Activity act ) { BaseClass::OnActivityChanged( act ); switch ( act ) { case ACT_OBJ_ASSEMBLING: m_bBuilding = true; break; default: m_bBuilding = false; break; } SetupTeamModel(); }