//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A set of utilities to deal with camera transforms


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "Color.h"

// Forward declarations
class Vector;
class QAngle;
class IMaterial;
struct matrix3x4_t;
class VMatrix;

// Camera state
// TODO: Maybe this should be a base class of CViewSetup?
struct Camera_t
	Vector m_origin;
	QAngle m_angles;
	float m_flFOV;
	float m_flZNear;
	float m_flZFar;

// accessors for generated matrices
void ComputeViewMatrix( VMatrix *pWorldToCamera, const Camera_t& camera );
void ComputeViewMatrix( matrix3x4_t *pWorldToCamera, const Camera_t& camera );
void ComputeProjectionMatrix( VMatrix *pCameraToProjection, const Camera_t& camera, int width, int height );

// Computes the screen space position given a screen size
void ComputeScreenSpacePosition( Vector2D *pScreenPosition, const Vector &vecWorldPosition, 
	const Camera_t &camera, int width, int height );