//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #if defined(WIN32) && !defined( _X360 ) #include <windows.h> #endif #include "filesystem.h" #include "filesystem_init.h" #include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h" #include "appframework/IAppSystem.h" #include "appframework/AppFramework.h" #include "filesystem_helpers.h" #include "matsys_controls/QCGenerator.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "tier2/vconfig.h" #include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h" #include "vgui_controls/Button.h" #include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h" #include "vgui_controls/DirectorySelectDialog.h" #include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/CheckButton.h" #include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h" #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "vgui/IInput.h" #include "vgui/Cursor.h" #include "vgui_controls/KeyBoardEditorDialog.h" #if defined( _X360 ) #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h" #endif using namespace vgui; #define MAX_KEYVALUE 1024 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns a pointer to the 'count' occurence of a character from the end of a string // returns 0 of there aren't 'count' number of the character in the string //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *strrchrcount(char *string, int character, int count ) { int j = count; int numChars = strlen( string ); for( int i = numChars; i > 0; i-- ) { if( string[i-1] == character ) { j--; } if( j == 0 ) { return string + i-1; } } return 0; } class CModalPreserveMessageBox : public vgui::MessageBox { public: CModalPreserveMessageBox(const char *title, const char *text, vgui::Panel *parent) : vgui::MessageBox( title, text, parent ) { m_PrevAppFocusPanel = vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface(); } ~CModalPreserveMessageBox() { vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( m_PrevAppFocusPanel ); } public: vgui::VPANEL m_PrevAppFocusPanel; }; void VGUIMessageBox( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle, const char *pMsg, ... ) { char msg[4096]; va_list marker; va_start( marker, pMsg ); Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), pMsg, marker ); va_end( marker ); vgui::MessageBox *dlg = new CModalPreserveMessageBox( pTitle, msg, pParent ); dlg->DoModal(); dlg->Activate(); dlg->RequestFocus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Places all the info from the vgui controls into the QCInfo struct //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QCInfo::SyncFromControls() { char tempText[MAX_PATH]; vgui::Panel *pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "staticPropCheck" ); bStaticProp = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "mostlyOpaqueCheck" ); bMostlyOpaque = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "disableCollisionsCheck" ); bDisableCollision = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "referencePhysicsCheck" ); bReferenceAsPhys = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "concaveCheck" ); bConcave = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "automassCheck" ); bAutomass = ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->IsSelected(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "massField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->GetText(tempText, MAX_PATH); fMass = atof(tempText); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "scaleField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->GetText(tempText, MAX_PATH); fScale = atof(tempText); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "collisionSMDField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->GetText( tempText, MAX_PATH ); V_strcpy_safe( pszCollisionPath, tempText ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "surfacePropertyDropDown" ); ((ComboBox *)pTargetField)->GetText( tempText, MAX_PATH ); V_strcpy_safe( pszSurfaceProperty, tempText ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "materialsField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->GetText( tempText, MAX_PATH ); V_strcpy_safe( pszMaterialPath, tempText ); LODs.RemoveAll(); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "LODList" ); int numLOD = ((ListPanel *)pTargetField)->GetItemCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < numLOD; i++ ) { KeyValues *key = ((ListPanel *)pTargetField)->GetItem( i ); LODInfo newLOD; V_strcpy_safe( newLOD.pszFilename, key->GetString( "SMD" ) ); newLOD.iLOD = key->GetInt( "LOD" ); LODs.AddToTail( newLOD ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called during intialization to setup the initial state of the VGUI controls //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QCInfo::SyncToControls() { char tempText[MAX_PATH]; vgui::Panel *pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "staticPropCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bStaticProp ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "mostlyOpaqueCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bMostlyOpaque ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "disableCollisionsCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bDisableCollision ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "referencePhysicsCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bReferenceAsPhys ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "concaveCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bConcave ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "automassCheck" ); ((CheckButton *)pTargetField)->SetSelected( bAutomass ); Q_snprintf( tempText, 10, "%d", (int)fMass ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "massField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( tempText ); Q_snprintf( tempText, 10, "%d", (int)fScale ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "scaleField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( tempText ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "collisionSMDField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( pszCollisionPath ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "materialsField" ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( pszMaterialPath ); pTargetField = pQCGenerator->FindChildByName( "surfacePropertyDropDown" ); int numItems = ((ComboBox *)pTargetField)->GetItemCount(); for( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ ) { ((ComboBox *)pTargetField)->GetItemText( i, tempText, MAX_PATH ); if ( !Q_strcmp( tempText, pszSurfaceProperty ) ) { ((ComboBox *)pTargetField)->SetItemEnabled( i, true ); ((ComboBox *)pTargetField)->SetText( tempText ); break; } } } CBrowseButton::CBrowseButton( vgui::Panel *pParent ) : BaseClass( pParent, "Browse Button", "...", pParent, "browse" ) { SetParent( pParent ); pszStartingDirectory = NULL; pszFileFilter = NULL; pszTargetField = NULL; } CBrowseButton::~CBrowseButton() { } void CBrowseButton::SetCharVar( char **pVar, const char *pszNewText ) { if ( *pVar && pszNewText && !Q_strcmp( *pVar, pszNewText ) ) { return; } if ( *pVar ) { delete [] *pVar; *pVar = NULL; } if ( pszNewText ) { int len = Q_strlen( pszNewText ) + 1; *pVar = new char[ len ]; Q_strncpy( *pVar, pszNewText, len ); } } void CBrowseButton::InitBrowseInfo( int x, int y, const char *pszName, const char *pszDir, const char *pszFilter, const char *pszField ) { SetSize( 24, 24 ); SetPos( x, y ); SetName( pszName ); SetCharVar( GetStartingDirectory(), pszDir ); SetCharVar( GetFileFilter(), pszFilter ); SetCharVar( GetTargetField(), pszField ); SetActionMessage(); } void CBrowseButton::SetActionMessage() { KeyValues *newActionMessage = new KeyValues( "browse", "directory", pszStartingDirectory, "filter", pszFileFilter); newActionMessage->SetString( "targetField", pszTargetField ); SetCommand( newActionMessage ); } const char *ParseKeyvalue( const char *pBuffer, char *key, char *value ) { char com_token[1024]; pBuffer = (const char *)ParseFile( pBuffer, com_token, NULL ); if ( Q_strlen( com_token ) < MAX_KEYVALUE ) { Q_strncpy( key, com_token, MAX_KEYVALUE ); Q_strlower( key ); } // no value on a close brace if ( !Q_strcmp( key, "}" ) ) { value[0] = 0; return pBuffer; } pBuffer = (const char *)ParseFile( pBuffer, com_token, NULL ); if ( Q_strlen( com_token ) < MAX_KEYVALUE ) { Q_strncpy( value, com_token, MAX_KEYVALUE ); Q_strlower( value ); } return pBuffer; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQCGenerator::CQCGenerator( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszPath, const char *pszScene ) : BaseClass( pParent, "QCGenerator" ) { m_QCInfo_t.Init( this ); SetMinimumSize(846, 770); m_pLODPanel = new ListPanel(this, "LODList"); m_pLODPanel->SetSelectIndividualCells( true ); m_pLODPanel->AddColumnHeader(0, "SMD", "LOD SMD", 450, 0); m_pLODPanel->AddColumnHeader(1, "LOD", "LOD Distance", 50, 0); m_pLODPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pLODPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( true ); LoadControlSettings( "QCGenerator.res" ); m_pCollisionBrowseButton = new CBrowseButton( this ); m_pCollisionBrowseButton->InitBrowseInfo( 808, 158, "collisionBrowseButton", pszPath, "*.smd", "collisionSMDField" ); char szTerminatedPath[1024] = "\0"; sprintf( szTerminatedPath, "%s\\", pszPath ); InitializeSMDPaths( szTerminatedPath, pszScene ); char *pszMaterialsStart = strrchrcount( szTerminatedPath, '\\', 3 ) + 1; char *pszMaterialsEnd = strrchr( szTerminatedPath, '\\'); Q_strncpy( m_QCInfo_t.pszMaterialPath, pszMaterialsStart, pszMaterialsEnd - pszMaterialsStart + 1 ); SetParent( pParent ); char szGamePath[1024] = "\0"; char szSearchPath[2048] = "\0"; // Get the currently set game configuration GetVConfigRegistrySetting( GAMEDIR_TOKEN, szGamePath, sizeof( szGamePath ) ); static const char *pSurfacePropFilename = "\\scripts\\surfaceproperties.txt"; snprintf( szSearchPath, sizeof(szSearchPath), "%s%s", szGamePath, pSurfacePropFilename ); FileHandle_t fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( szSearchPath, "rb" ); if ( !fp ) { //the set game configuration didn't have a surfaceproperties file; we are grabbing it from hl2 //TODO: This only works if they are in a subdirectory that is a peer to an hl2 directory // that contains the file. It potentially needs to search the entire drive or prompt for the location char *pszEndGamePath = Q_strrchr( szGamePath, '\\' ); pszEndGamePath[0] = 0; V_strcat_safe( szGamePath, "\\hl2" ); snprintf( szSearchPath, sizeof(szSearchPath), "%s%s", szGamePath, pSurfacePropFilename ); fp = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( szSearchPath, "rb" ); } int len = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( fp ); const char *szSurfacePropContents = new char[len+1]; g_pFullFileSystem->Read( (void *)szSurfacePropContents, len, fp ); char key[MAX_KEYVALUE], value[MAX_KEYVALUE]; vgui::Panel *pSurfacePropDropDown = FindChildByName( "surfacePropertyDropDown" ); //filling up the surface property dropdown while ( szSurfacePropContents ) { szSurfacePropContents = ParseKeyvalue( szSurfacePropContents, key, value ); ((ComboBox *)pSurfacePropDropDown)->AddItem( key, NULL ); while ( szSurfacePropContents ) { szSurfacePropContents = ParseKeyvalue( szSurfacePropContents, key, value ); if (!stricmp( key, "}" ) ) { break; } } } m_QCInfo_t.SyncToControls(); m_pLODEdit = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CQCGenerator::~CQCGenerator() { } void CQCGenerator::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( Q_stricmp( command, "createQC" ) == 0 ) { m_QCInfo_t.SyncFromControls(); GenerateQCFile(); } if ( Q_stricmp( command, "deleteSeq" ) == 0 ) { //delete it DeleteLOD(); } if ( Q_stricmp( command, "editSeq" ) == 0 ) { //edit EditLOD(); } BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } void CQCGenerator::OnKeyCodeTyped( KeyCode code ) { switch ( code ) { case KEY_ENTER: EditLOD(); } } void CQCGenerator::OnBrowse( KeyValues *data ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szTargetField, data->GetString( "targetField" ) ); const char *filter = data->GetString( "filter" ); if ( Q_strlen( filter ) == 0 ) { // BrowseDirectory( data ); } else { BrowseFile( data ); } } /* //This function is no longer used in the current version of the program. void CQCGenerator::BrowseDirectory( KeyValues *data ) { DirectorySelectDialog *pDialog = new DirectorySelectDialog( this, "Select Directory" ); pDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pDialog->DoModal(); pDialog->SetStartDirectory( data->GetString( "directory" ) ); } */ void CQCGenerator::BrowseFile( KeyValues *data ) { const char *filter = data->GetString( "filter" ); FileOpenDialog *pDialog = new FileOpenDialog( this, "Select File", true ); pDialog->AddFilter( filter, filter, true ); pDialog->AddActionSignalTarget(this); pDialog->SetStartDirectory( data->GetString( "directory" ) ); pDialog->DoModal( true ); } void CQCGenerator::OnFileSelected( KeyValues *data ) { if ( m_szTargetField ) { vgui::Panel *pTargetField = FindChildByName( m_szTargetField ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( data->GetString( "fullpath" ) ); Repaint(); } } void CQCGenerator::OnDirectorySelected( KeyValues *data ) { if ( m_szTargetField ) { vgui::Panel *pTargetField = FindChildByName( m_szTargetField ); ((TextEntry *)pTargetField)->SetText( data->GetString( "dir" ) ); Repaint(); } } bool CQCGenerator::GenerateQCFile() { //TODO: clean this up. Consider creating a datatype that includes the string to write out when the QC file is created char *nameBegin = strrchr( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, '\\' ); char szPath[MAX_PATH]; char szName[MAX_PATH]; Q_strncpy( szPath, m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, nameBegin - m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath + 2 ); V_strcpy_safe( szName, szPath); V_strcat_safe( szName, m_QCInfo_t.pszSceneName); V_strcat_safe( szName, ".qc" ); FileHandle_t pSaveFile = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( szName, "wt" ); if (!pSaveFile) { char szSaveError[1024] = ""; Q_snprintf( szSaveError, 1024, "Save failed: invalid file name '%s'\n\nDirectory '%s' must exist.", szName, szPath ); VGUIMessageBox( this, "QC Generator error", szSaveError ); return 0; } //write qc header g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "//\n// .qc file version 1.0\n\n"); //write out modelname info char szModelName[MAX_PATH]; char *modelStart = strrchrcount( szName, '\\', 2) + 1; char *modelEnd = strrchr( szName, '.' ); Q_strncpy( szModelName, modelStart, modelEnd - modelStart + 1 ); V_strcat_safe( szModelName, ".mdl" ); g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$modelname %s\n\n", szModelName ); //write out scale info g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$scale %f\n", m_QCInfo_t.fScale ); //write out body info g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$body \"Body\" \"%s\"\n", strrchr( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, '\\' ) + 1 ); if ( m_QCInfo_t.bStaticProp == true ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$staticprop\n" ); } if ( m_QCInfo_t.bMostlyOpaque == true ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$mostlyopaque\n" ); } //write out surfaceprop info g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$surfaceprop \"%s\"\n\n", m_QCInfo_t.pszSurfaceProperty ); //write materials g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$cdmaterials %s\n\n", m_QCInfo_t.pszMaterialPath); if ( m_QCInfo_t.bStaticProp || m_QCInfo_t.bNoAnimation ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "// --------- Animation sequences -------\n"); g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$sequence \"idle\" \"%s\" fps 30\n\n", strrchr(m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, '\\')+1); } //write out lod info for( int i = 0; i < m_QCInfo_t.LODs.Count(); i++ ) { LODInfo thisLOD = m_QCInfo_t.LODs.Element( i ); g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$lod %d\n{\n\treplacemodel \"%s\" \"%s\"\n}\n\n", thisLOD.iLOD, strrchr(m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, '\\')+1, thisLOD.pszFilename ); } if ( m_QCInfo_t.bDisableCollision != true ) { //write out collision header g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "\n" ); //write out collision info if ( m_QCInfo_t.bReferenceAsPhys == true ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$collisionmodel \"%s\"", strrchr( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, '\\' ) + 1 ); } else { if( Q_strcmp( m_QCInfo_t.pszCollisionPath, "" ) ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "$collisionmodel \"%s\"", strrchr( m_QCInfo_t.pszCollisionPath, '\\' ) + 1 ); } } g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, " {\n\t// Mass in kilograms\n "); if ( m_QCInfo_t.bAutomass == true ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "\t$automass\n" ); } else { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "\t$mass %f\n", m_QCInfo_t.fMass ); } if ( m_QCInfo_t.bConcave == true ) { g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "\t$concave\n" ); } g_pFullFileSystem->FPrintf( pSaveFile, "}\n\n"); } g_pFullFileSystem->Close( pSaveFile ); char szCommand[MAX_PATH]; char szGamePath[MAX_PATH]; char studiomdlPath[512]; g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath( "studiomdl.bat", NULL, studiomdlPath, sizeof( studiomdlPath )); GetVConfigRegistrySetting( GAMEDIR_TOKEN, szGamePath, sizeof( szGamePath ) ); #ifdef WIN32 STARTUPINFO startup; PROCESS_INFORMATION process; memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(startup)); startup.cb = sizeof(startup); sprintf( szCommand, "%s -game %s %s", studiomdlPath, szGamePath, szName); bool bReturn = CreateProcess( NULL, szCommand, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &startup, &process); #else Assert( !"Implement me, why aren't we using a thread tool abstraction?" ); bool bReturn = false; #endif return bReturn; } void CQCGenerator::InitializeSMDPaths( const char *pszPath, const char *pszScene ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSceneName, pszScene ); FileFindHandle_t *pFileHandle = new FileFindHandle_t(); g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pszPath, "SMD_DIR" ); const char *filename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( "*.smd", pFileHandle ); bool bFoundReference = false; bool bFoundCollision = false; bool bFoundLOD = false; //iterate through .smd files const char *startName = pszScene; int nSearchLength = Q_strlen( pszScene ); int currentLOD = 1; while( filename ) { if ( !strncmp( startName, filename, nSearchLength ) ) { const char *filenameEnd = filename + nSearchLength; if ( !strncmp( filenameEnd, "_ref", 4 ) || !strncmp( filenameEnd, ".smd", 4 ) ) { bFoundReference = true; //we have found the reference smd. V_strcpy_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, pszPath ); V_strcat_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, filename ); } if ( !strncmp( filenameEnd, "_phy", 4) || !strncmp( filenameEnd, "_col", 4 ) ) { bFoundCollision = true; //we have found the collision smd. V_strcpy_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszCollisionPath, pszPath ); V_strcat_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszCollisionPath, filename ); } if ( !strncmp( filenameEnd, "_lod", 4) ) { bFoundLOD = true; //we found an LOD smd. char lodName[255]; Q_snprintf( lodName, Q_strlen( lodName ), "lod%d", currentLOD ); //we found an LOD KeyValues *newKv = new KeyValues( lodName, "SMD", filename, "LOD", "10" ); m_pLODPanel->AddItem( newKv, currentLOD, false, false ); currentLOD++; } } filename = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( *pFileHandle ); } char pszMessage[2048] = ""; char pszRefMessage[1024] = ""; char pszColMessage[1024] = ""; if (!bFoundReference ) { V_strcat_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, pszPath ); V_strcat_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, pszScene ); V_strcat_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath, ".smd" ); Q_snprintf( pszRefMessage, 1024, "Reference SMD not found.\n\nValid default reference SMDs are %s%s_ref*.smd and %s%s.smd\nUsing default of %s. Model will not compile.\n\n", pszPath, pszScene, pszPath, pszScene, m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath ); } if ( !bFoundCollision ) { Q_snprintf( pszColMessage, 1024, "Collision SMD not found.\n\nThe valid default collision SMD is %s%s_phy*.smd.\nUsing reference SMD as default.\n", pszPath, pszScene ); V_strcpy_safe( m_QCInfo_t.pszCollisionPath, m_QCInfo_t.pszSMDPath ); m_QCInfo_t.bReferenceAsPhys = true; } if ( !bFoundReference || !bFoundCollision) { V_strcpy_safe( pszMessage, pszRefMessage ); V_strcat_safe( pszMessage, pszColMessage ); VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error Initializing Paths", pszMessage ); } } void CQCGenerator::DeleteLOD() { int numSelected = m_pLODPanel->GetSelectedItemsCount(); int selected; for ( int i = numSelected-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { selected = m_pLODPanel->GetSelectedItem( i ); m_pLODPanel->RemoveItem( selected ); } } void CQCGenerator::EditLOD() { int numSelected = m_pLODPanel->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( numSelected == 1 && !m_pLODPanel->IsInEditMode() ) { if ( m_pLODEdit ) { m_pLODEdit->MarkForDeletion(); m_pLODEdit = NULL; } m_pLODEdit = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "Edit" ); m_pLODEdit->SendNewLine( true ); m_nSelectedSequence = m_pLODPanel->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); m_nSelectedColumn = m_pLODPanel->GetSelectedColumn(); m_pLODPanel->EnterEditMode( m_nSelectedSequence, m_nSelectedColumn, m_pLODEdit ); } } void CQCGenerator::OnNewLODText() { KeyValues *pEditItem = m_pLODPanel->GetItem( m_nSelectedSequence ); KeyValues *pListItem = pEditItem; wchar_t szEditText[MAX_PATH]; pEditItem = pEditItem->GetFirstValue(); const char *name = pEditItem->GetName(); for( int i = 0; i < m_nSelectedColumn; i++ ) { pEditItem = pEditItem->GetNextValue(); name = pEditItem->GetName(); } m_pLODEdit->GetText( szEditText, MAX_PATH ); pListItem->SetWString( name, szEditText ); m_pLODPanel->LeaveEditMode(); m_pLODPanel->InvalidateLayout(); return; }