//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: A simple application demonstrating the HL2 demo file format ( subject to change!!! ) // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include <windows.h> #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "FileSystem_Tools.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "tooldemofile.h" static bool uselogfile = false; static bool spewed = false; #define LOGFILE_NAME "log.txt" #define COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE 8192 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Prints to stdout and to the developer console and optionally to a log file // Input : depth - // *fmt - // ... - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vprint( int depth, const char *fmt, ... ) { char string[ 8192 ]; va_list va; va_start( va, fmt ); vsprintf( string, fmt, va ); va_end( va ); FILE *fp = NULL; if ( uselogfile ) { fp = fopen( LOGFILE_NAME, "ab" ); } while ( depth-- > 0 ) { printf( " " ); OutputDebugString( " " ); if ( fp ) { fprintf( fp, " " ); } } ::printf( "%s", string ); OutputDebugString( string ); if ( fp ) { char *p = string; while ( *p ) { if ( *p == '\n' ) { fputc( '\r', fp ); } fputc( *p, fp ); p++; } fclose( fp ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Warning/Msg call back through this API // Input : type - // *pMsg - // Output : SpewRetval_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SpewRetval_t SpewFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg ) { spewed = true; switch ( type ) { default: case SPEW_MESSAGE: case SPEW_ASSERT: case SPEW_LOG: vprint( 0, "%s", pMsg ); break; case SPEW_WARNING: if ( verbose ) { vprint( 0, "%s", pMsg ); } break; case SPEW_ERROR: vprint( 0, "%s\n", pMsg ); break; } return SPEW_CONTINUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Shows usage information //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void printusage( void ) { vprint( 0, "usage: demoinfo <.dem file>\n\ \t-v = verbose output\n\ \t-l = log to file log.txt\n\ \ne.g.: demoinfo -v u:/hl2/hl2/foo.dem\n" ); // Exit app exit( 1 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Removes previous log file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckLogFile( void ) { if ( uselogfile ) { _unlink( LOGFILE_NAME ); vprint( 0, " Outputting to log.txt\n" ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Prints banner //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PrintHeader() { vprint( 0, "Valve Software - demoinfo.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ ); vprint( 0, "--- Demo File Info Sample ---\n" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Parses all "smoothing" info from .dem file // Input : &demoFile - // smooth - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ParseSmoothingInfo( CToolDemoFile &demoFile, CUtlVector< demosmoothing_t >& smooth ) { democmdinfo_t info; int dummy; bool demofinished = false; while ( !demofinished ) { int tick = 0; byte cmd; bool swallowmessages = true; do { demoFile.ReadCmdHeader( cmd, tick ); // COMMAND HANDLERS switch ( cmd ) { case dem_synctick: break; case dem_stop: { swallowmessages = false; demofinished = true; } break; case dem_consolecmd: { demoFile.ReadConsoleCommand(); } break; case dem_datatables: { demoFile.ReadNetworkDataTables( NULL ); } break; case dem_usercmd: { demoFile.ReadUserCmd( NULL, dummy ); } break; default: { swallowmessages = false; } break; } } while ( swallowmessages ); if ( demofinished ) { // StopPlayback(); return; } int curpos = demoFile.GetCurPos(); demoFile.ReadCmdInfo( info ); demoFile.ReadSequenceInfo( dummy, dummy ); demoFile.ReadRawData( NULL, 0 ); demosmoothing_t smoothing_entry; smoothing_entry.file_offset = curpos; smoothing_entry.frametick = tick; smoothing_entry.info = info; smoothing_entry.samplepoint = false; smoothing_entry.vecmoved = info.GetViewOrigin(); smoothing_entry.angmoved = info.GetViewAngles(); smoothing_entry.targetpoint = false; smoothing_entry.vectarget = info.GetViewOrigin(); // Add to end of list smooth.AddToTail( smoothing_entry ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Resets all smoothing data back to original values // Input : smoothing - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ClearSmoothingInfo( CSmoothingContext& smoothing ) { int c = smoothing.smooth.Count(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { demosmoothing_t *p = &smoothing.smooth[ i ]; p->info.Reset(); p->vecmoved = p->info.GetViewOrigin(); p->angmoved = p->info.GetViewAngles(); p->samplepoint = false; p->vectarget = p->info.GetViewOrigin(); p->targetpoint = false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for copying sub-chunk of file // Input : dst - // src - // nSize - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COM_CopyFileChunk( FileHandle_t dst, FileHandle_t src, int nSize ) { int copysize = nSize; char copybuf[COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE]; while (copysize > COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE) { g_pFileSystem->Read ( copybuf, COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE, src ); g_pFileSystem->Write( copybuf, COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE, dst ); copysize -= COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE; } g_pFileSystem->Read ( copybuf, copysize, src ); g_pFileSystem->Write( copybuf, copysize, dst ); g_pFileSystem->Flush ( src ); g_pFileSystem->Flush ( dst ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Writes out a new .dem file based on the existing dem file with new camera positions saved into the dem file // Note: The new file is named filename_smooth.dem // Input : *filename - // smoothing - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SaveSmoothingInfo( char const *filename, CSmoothingContext& smoothing ) { // Nothing to do int c = smoothing.smooth.Count(); if ( !c ) return; IBaseFileSystem *fs = g_pFileSystem; FileHandle_t infile, outfile; infile = fs->Open( filename, "rb", "GAME" ); if ( infile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) return; int filesize = fs->Size( infile ); char outfilename[ 512 ]; Q_StripExtension( filename, outfilename, sizeof( outfilename ) ); Q_strncat( outfilename, "_smooth", sizeof(outfilename), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); Q_DefaultExtension( outfilename, ".dem", sizeof( outfilename ) ); outfile = fs->Open( outfilename, "wb", "GAME" ); if ( outfile == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) { fs->Close( infile ); return; } int i; // The basic algorithm is to seek to each sample and "overwrite" it during copy with the new data... int lastwritepos = 0; for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { demosmoothing_t *p = &smoothing.smooth[ i ]; int copyamount = p->file_offset - lastwritepos; COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, copyamount ); fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); // wacky hacky overwriting fs->Write( &p->info, sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), outfile ); lastwritepos = fs->Tell( outfile ); fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset + sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD ); } // Copy the final bit of data, if any... int final = filesize - lastwritepos; COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, final ); fs->Close( outfile ); fs->Close( infile ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Helper for spewing verbose sample information // Input : flags - // Output : char const //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- char const *DescribeFlags( int flags ) { static char outbuf[ 256 ]; outbuf[ 0 ] = 0; if ( flags & FDEMO_USE_ORIGIN2 ) { Q_strncat( outbuf, "USE_ORIGIN2, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( flags & FDEMO_USE_ANGLES2 ) { Q_strncat( outbuf, "USE_ANGLES2, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } if ( flags & FDEMO_NOINTERP ) { Q_strncat( outbuf, "NOINTERP, ", sizeof( outbuf ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); } int len = Q_strlen( outbuf ); if ( len > 2 ) { outbuf[ len - 2 ] = 0; } else { Q_strncpy( outbuf, "N/A", sizeof( outbuf ) ); } return outbuf; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Loads up all camera samples from a .dem file into the passed in context. // Input : *filename - // smoothing - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadSmoothingInfo( const char *filename, CSmoothingContext& smoothing ) { char name[ MAX_OSPATH ]; Q_strncpy (name, filename, sizeof(name) ); Q_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) ); CToolDemoFile demoFile; if ( !demoFile.Open( filename, true ) ) { Warning( "ERROR: couldn't open %s.\n", name ); return; } demoheader_t * header = demoFile.ReadDemoHeader(); if ( !header ) { demoFile.Close(); return; } Msg( "\n\n" ); Msg( "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); Msg( "demofilestamp: '%s'\n", header->demofilestamp ); Msg( "demoprotocol: %i\n", header->demoprotocol ); Msg( "networkprotocol: %i\n", header->networkprotocol ); Msg( "servername: '%s'\n", header->servername ); Msg( "clientname: '%s'\n", header->clientname ); Msg( "mapname: '%s'\n", header->mapname ); Msg( "gamedirectory: '%s'\n", header->gamedirectory ); Msg( "playback_time: %f seconds\n", header->playback_time ); Msg( "playback_ticks: %i ticks\n", header->playback_ticks ); Msg( "playback_frames: %i frames\n", header->playback_frames ); Msg( "signonlength: %s\n", Q_pretifymem( header->signonlength ) ); smoothing.active = true; Q_strncpy( smoothing.filename, name, sizeof(smoothing.filename) ); smoothing.smooth.RemoveAll(); ClearSmoothingInfo( smoothing ); ParseSmoothingInfo( demoFile, smoothing.smooth ); Msg( "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); Msg( "smoothing data: %i samples\n", smoothing.smooth.Count() ); if ( verbose ) { int c = smoothing.smooth.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { demosmoothing_t& sample = smoothing.smooth[ i ]; Msg( "Sample %i:\n", i ); Msg( " file pos: %i\n", sample.file_offset ); Msg( " tick: %i\n", sample.frametick ); Msg( " flags: %s\n", DescribeFlags( sample.info.flags ) ); Msg( " Original Data:\n" ); Msg( " origin: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewOrigin.x, sample.info.viewOrigin.y, sample.info.viewOrigin.z ); Msg( " viewangles: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewAngles.x, sample.info.viewAngles.y, sample.info.viewAngles.z ); Msg( " localviewangles: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.localViewAngles.x, sample.info.localViewAngles.y, sample.info.localViewAngles.z ); Msg( " Resampled Data:\n" ); Msg( " origin: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewOrigin2.x, sample.info.viewOrigin2.y, sample.info.viewOrigin2.z ); Msg( " viewangles: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewAngles2.x, sample.info.viewAngles2.y, sample.info.viewAngles2.z ); Msg( " localviewangles: %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.localViewAngles2.x, sample.info.localViewAngles2.y, sample.info.localViewAngles2.z ); Msg( "\n" ); } } demoFile.Close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : argc - // argv[] - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { SpewOutputFunc( SpewFunc ); SpewActivate( "demoinfo", 2 ); int i = 1; for ( i ; i<argc ; i++) { if ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' ) { switch( argv[ i ][ 1 ] ) { case 'l': uselogfile = true; break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'g': ++i; break; default: printusage(); break; } } } if ( argc < 2 || ( i != argc ) ) { PrintHeader(); printusage(); } CheckLogFile(); PrintHeader(); vprint( 0, " Info for %s..\n", argv[ i - 1 ] ); char workingdir[ 256 ]; workingdir[0] = 0; Q_getwd( workingdir, sizeof( workingdir ) ); if ( !FileSystem_Init( NULL, 0, FS_INIT_FULL ) ) return 1; // Add this so relative filenames work. g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( workingdir, "game", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ); // Load the demo CSmoothingContext context; LoadSmoothingInfo( argv[ i - 1 ], context ); // Note to tool makers: // Do your work here!!! //Performsmoothing( context ); // Save out updated .dem file // UNCOMMENT THIS TO ENABLE OUTPUTTING NEW .DEM FILES!!! // SaveSmoothingInfo( argv[ i - 1 ], context ); FileSystem_Term(); return 0; }