/* * Demo of how to construct your own engine and using it. The basis of this * engine is RSAref, an old reference of the RSA algorithm which can still be * found a little here and there. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "./source/global.h" #include "./source/rsaref.h" #include "./source/rsa.h" #include "./source/des.h" #include <openssl/err.h> #define OPENSSL_NO_MD2 #define OPENSSL_NO_MD5 #include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/bn.h> #include <openssl/engine.h> #define RSAREF_LIB_NAME "rsaref engine" #include "rsaref_err.c" /***************************************************************************** *** Function declarations and global variable definitions *** *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Constants used when creating the ENGINE **/ static const char *engine_rsaref_id = "rsaref"; static const char *engine_rsaref_name = "RSAref engine support"; /***************************************************************************** * Functions to handle the engine **/ static int rsaref_destroy(ENGINE *e); static int rsaref_init(ENGINE *e); static int rsaref_finish(ENGINE *e); #if 0 static int rsaref_ctrl(ENGINE *e, int cmd, long i, void *p, void (*f) ()); #endif /***************************************************************************** * Engine commands **/ static const ENGINE_CMD_DEFN rsaref_cmd_defns[] = { {0, NULL, NULL, 0} }; /***************************************************************************** * RSA functions **/ static int rsaref_private_decrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); static int rsaref_private_encrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); static int rsaref_public_encrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); static int rsaref_public_decrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); static int bnref_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx); static int rsaref_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r0, const BIGNUM *I, RSA *rsa); /***************************************************************************** * Our RSA method **/ static RSA_METHOD rsaref_rsa = { "RSAref PKCS#1 RSA", rsaref_public_encrypt, rsaref_public_decrypt, rsaref_private_encrypt, rsaref_private_decrypt, rsaref_mod_exp, bnref_mod_exp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /***************************************************************************** * Symetric cipher and digest function registrars **/ static int rsaref_ciphers(ENGINE *e, const EVP_CIPHER **cipher, const int **nids, int nid); static int rsaref_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest, const int **nids, int nid); static int rsaref_cipher_nids[] = { NID_des_cbc, NID_des_ede3_cbc, NID_desx_cbc, 0 }; static int rsaref_digest_nids[] = { NID_md2, NID_md5, 0 }; /***************************************************************************** * DES functions **/ static int cipher_des_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc); static int cipher_des_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl); static int cipher_des_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *); static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc); static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl); static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *); static int cipher_desx_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc); static int cipher_desx_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl); static int cipher_desx_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *); /***************************************************************************** * Our DES ciphers **/ static const EVP_CIPHER cipher_des_cbc = { NID_des_cbc, 8, 8, 8, 0 | EVP_CIPH_CBC_MODE, cipher_des_cbc_init, cipher_des_cbc_code, cipher_des_cbc_clean, sizeof(DES_CBC_CTX), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static const EVP_CIPHER cipher_des_ede3_cbc = { NID_des_ede3_cbc, 8, 24, 8, 0 | EVP_CIPH_CBC_MODE, cipher_des_ede3_cbc_init, cipher_des_ede3_cbc_code, cipher_des_ede3_cbc_clean, sizeof(DES3_CBC_CTX), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; static const EVP_CIPHER cipher_desx_cbc = { NID_desx_cbc, 8, 24, 8, 0 | EVP_CIPH_CBC_MODE, cipher_desx_cbc_init, cipher_desx_cbc_code, cipher_desx_cbc_clean, sizeof(DESX_CBC_CTX), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /***************************************************************************** * MD functions **/ static int digest_md2_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx); static int digest_md2_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long count); static int digest_md2_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md); static int digest_md5_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx); static int digest_md5_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long count); static int digest_md5_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md); /***************************************************************************** * Our MD digests **/ static const EVP_MD digest_md2 = { NID_md2, NID_md2WithRSAEncryption, 16, 0, digest_md2_init, digest_md2_update, digest_md2_final, NULL, NULL, EVP_PKEY_RSA_method, 16, sizeof(MD2_CTX) }; static const EVP_MD digest_md5 = { NID_md5, NID_md5WithRSAEncryption, 16, 0, digest_md5_init, digest_md5_update, digest_md5_final, NULL, NULL, EVP_PKEY_RSA_method, 64, sizeof(MD5_CTX) }; /***************************************************************************** *** Function definitions *** *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Functions to handle the engine **/ static int bind_rsaref(ENGINE *e) { const RSA_METHOD *meth1; if (!ENGINE_set_id(e, engine_rsaref_id) || !ENGINE_set_name(e, engine_rsaref_name) || !ENGINE_set_RSA(e, &rsaref_rsa) || !ENGINE_set_ciphers(e, rsaref_ciphers) || !ENGINE_set_digests(e, rsaref_digests) || !ENGINE_set_destroy_function(e, rsaref_destroy) || !ENGINE_set_init_function(e, rsaref_init) || !ENGINE_set_finish_function(e, rsaref_finish) /* || !ENGINE_set_ctrl_function(e, rsaref_ctrl) */ /* * || !ENGINE_set_cmd_defns(e, rsaref_cmd_defns) */ ) return 0; /* Ensure the rsaref error handling is set up */ ERR_load_RSAREF_strings(); return 1; } #ifdef ENGINE_DYNAMIC_SUPPORT static int bind_helper(ENGINE *e, const char *id) { if (id && (strcmp(id, engine_rsaref_id) != 0)) return 0; if (!bind_rsaref(e)) return 0; return 1; } IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CHECK_FN() IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_BIND_FN(bind_helper) #else static ENGINE *engine_rsaref(void) { ENGINE *ret = ENGINE_new(); if (!ret) return NULL; if (!bind_rsaref(ret)) { ENGINE_free(ret); return NULL; } return ret; } void ENGINE_load_rsaref(void) { /* Copied from eng_[openssl|dyn].c */ ENGINE *toadd = engine_rsaref(); if (!toadd) return; ENGINE_add(toadd); ENGINE_free(toadd); ERR_clear_error(); } #endif /* Initiator which is only present to make sure this engine looks available */ static int rsaref_init(ENGINE *e) { return 1; } /* Finisher which is only present to make sure this engine looks available */ static int rsaref_finish(ENGINE *e) { return 1; } /* Destructor (complements the "ENGINE_ncipher()" constructor) */ static int rsaref_destroy(ENGINE *e) { ERR_unload_RSAREF_strings(); return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * RSA functions **/ static int rsaref_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r0, const BIGNUM *I, RSA *rsa) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_MOD_EXP, ERR_R_SHOULD_NOT_HAVE_BEEN_CALLED); return (0); } static int bnref_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_BNREF_MOD_EXP, ERR_R_SHOULD_NOT_HAVE_BEEN_CALLED); return (0); } /* unsigned char *to: [max] */ static int RSAref_bn2bin(BIGNUM *from, unsigned char *to, int max) { int i; i = BN_num_bytes(from); if (i > max) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_BN2BIN, RSAREF_R_LEN); return (0); } memset(to, 0, (unsigned int)max); if (!BN_bn2bin(from, &(to[max - i]))) return (0); return (1); } #ifdef undef /* unsigned char *from: [max] */ static BIGNUM *RSAref_bin2bn(unsigned char *from, BIGNUM *to, int max) { int i; BIGNUM *ret; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (from[i]) break; ret = BN_bin2bn(&(from[i]), max - i, to); return (ret); } static int RSAref_Public_ref2eay(RSArefPublicKey * from, RSA *to) { to->n = RSAref_bin2bn(from->m, NULL, RSAref_MAX_LEN); to->e = RSAref_bin2bn(from->e, NULL, RSAref_MAX_LEN); if ((to->n == NULL) || (to->e == NULL)) return (0); return (1); } #endif static int RSAref_Public_eay2ref(RSA *from, R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY * to) { to->bits = BN_num_bits(from->n); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->n, to->modulus, MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->e, to->exponent, MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN)) return (0); return (1); } #ifdef undef static int RSAref_Private_ref2eay(RSArefPrivateKey * from, RSA *to) { if ((to->n = RSAref_bin2bn(from->m, NULL, RSAref_MAX_LEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->e = RSAref_bin2bn(from->e, NULL, RSAref_MAX_LEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->d = RSAref_bin2bn(from->d, NULL, RSAref_MAX_LEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->p = RSAref_bin2bn(from->prime[0], NULL, RSAref_MAX_PLEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->q = RSAref_bin2bn(from->prime[1], NULL, RSAref_MAX_PLEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->dmp1 = RSAref_bin2bn(from->pexp[0], NULL, RSAref_MAX_PLEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->dmq1 = RSAref_bin2bn(from->pexp[1], NULL, RSAref_MAX_PLEN)) == NULL) return (0); if ((to->iqmp = RSAref_bin2bn(from->coef, NULL, RSAref_MAX_PLEN)) == NULL) return (0); return (1); } #endif static int RSAref_Private_eay2ref(RSA *from, R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY * to) { to->bits = BN_num_bits(from->n); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->n, to->modulus, MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->e, to->publicExponent, MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->d, to->exponent, MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->p, to->prime[0], MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->q, to->prime[1], MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->dmp1, to->primeExponent[0], MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->dmq1, to->primeExponent[1], MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN)) return (0); if (!RSAref_bn2bin(from->iqmp, to->coefficient, MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN)) return (0); return (1); } static int rsaref_private_decrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { int i, outlen = -1; R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY RSAkey; if (!RSAref_Private_eay2ref(rsa, &RSAkey)) goto err; if ((i = RSAPrivateDecrypt(to, (unsigned int *)&outlen, (unsigned char *)from, len, &RSAkey)) != 0) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PRIVATE_DECRYPT, i); outlen = -1; } err: memset(&RSAkey, 0, sizeof(RSAkey)); return (outlen); } static int rsaref_private_encrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { int i, outlen = -1; R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY RSAkey; if (padding != RSA_PKCS1_PADDING) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PRIVATE_ENCRYPT, RSA_R_UNKNOWN_PADDING_TYPE); goto err; } if (!RSAref_Private_eay2ref(rsa, &RSAkey)) goto err; if ((i = RSAPrivateEncrypt(to, (unsigned int *)&outlen, (unsigned char *)from, len, &RSAkey)) != 0) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PRIVATE_ENCRYPT, i); outlen = -1; } err: memset(&RSAkey, 0, sizeof(RSAkey)); return (outlen); } static int rsaref_public_decrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { int i, outlen = -1; R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY RSAkey; if (!RSAref_Public_eay2ref(rsa, &RSAkey)) goto err; if ((i = RSAPublicDecrypt(to, (unsigned int *)&outlen, (unsigned char *)from, len, &RSAkey)) != 0) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PUBLIC_DECRYPT, i); outlen = -1; } err: memset(&RSAkey, 0, sizeof(RSAkey)); return (outlen); } static int rsaref_public_encrypt(int len, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { int outlen = -1; int i; R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY RSAkey; R_RANDOM_STRUCT rnd; unsigned char buf[16]; if (padding != RSA_PKCS1_PADDING && padding != RSA_SSLV23_PADDING) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PUBLIC_ENCRYPT, RSA_R_UNKNOWN_PADDING_TYPE); goto err; } R_RandomInit(&rnd); R_GetRandomBytesNeeded((unsigned int *)&i, &rnd); while (i > 0) { if (RAND_bytes(buf, 16) <= 0) goto err; R_RandomUpdate(&rnd, buf, (unsigned int)((i > 16) ? 16 : i)); i -= 16; } if (!RSAref_Public_eay2ref(rsa, &RSAkey)) goto err; if ((i = RSAPublicEncrypt(to, (unsigned int *)&outlen, (unsigned char *)from, len, &RSAkey, &rnd)) != 0) { RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_RSAREF_PUBLIC_ENCRYPT, i); outlen = -1; goto err; } err: memset(&RSAkey, 0, sizeof(RSAkey)); R_RandomFinal(&rnd); memset(&rnd, 0, sizeof(rnd)); return (outlen); } /***************************************************************************** * Symetric cipher and digest function registrars **/ static int rsaref_ciphers(ENGINE *e, const EVP_CIPHER **cipher, const int **nids, int nid) { int ok = 1; if (!cipher) { /* We are returning a list of supported nids */ *nids = rsaref_cipher_nids; return (sizeof(rsaref_cipher_nids) - 1) / sizeof(rsaref_cipher_nids[0]); } /* We are being asked for a specific cipher */ switch (nid) { case NID_des_cbc: *cipher = &cipher_des_cbc; break; case NID_des_ede3_cbc: *cipher = &cipher_des_ede3_cbc; break; case NID_desx_cbc: *cipher = &cipher_desx_cbc; break; default: ok = 0; *cipher = NULL; break; } return ok; } static int rsaref_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest, const int **nids, int nid) { int ok = 1; if (!digest) { /* We are returning a list of supported nids */ *nids = rsaref_digest_nids; return (sizeof(rsaref_digest_nids) - 1) / sizeof(rsaref_digest_nids[0]); } /* We are being asked for a specific digest */ switch (nid) { case NID_md2: *digest = &digest_md2; break; case NID_md5: *digest = &digest_md5; break; default: ok = 0; *digest = NULL; break; } return ok; } /***************************************************************************** * DES functions **/ #undef data #define data(ctx) ((DES_CBC_CTX *)(ctx)->cipher_data) static int cipher_des_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc) { DES_CBCInit(data(ctx), (unsigned char *)key, (unsigned char *)iv, enc); return 1; } static int cipher_des_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl) { int ret = DES_CBCUpdate(data(ctx), out, (unsigned char *)in, inl); switch (ret) { case RE_LEN: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_LENGTH_NOT_BLOCK_ALIGNED); break; case 0: break; default: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_UNKNOWN_FAULT); } return !ret; } static int cipher_des_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx) { memset(data(ctx), 0, ctx->cipher->ctx_size); return 1; } #undef data #define data(ctx) ((DES3_CBC_CTX *)(ctx)->cipher_data) static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc) { DES3_CBCInit(data(ctx), (unsigned char *)key, (unsigned char *)iv, enc); return 1; } static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl) { int ret = DES3_CBCUpdate(data(ctx), out, (unsigned char *)in, inl); switch (ret) { case RE_LEN: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_LENGTH_NOT_BLOCK_ALIGNED); break; case 0: break; default: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_UNKNOWN_FAULT); } return !ret; } static int cipher_des_ede3_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx) { memset(data(ctx), 0, ctx->cipher->ctx_size); return 1; } #undef data #define data(ctx) ((DESX_CBC_CTX *)(ctx)->cipher_data) static int cipher_desx_cbc_init(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *key, const unsigned char *iv, int enc) { DESX_CBCInit(data(ctx), (unsigned char *)key, (unsigned char *)iv, enc); return 1; } static int cipher_desx_cbc_code(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inl) { int ret = DESX_CBCUpdate(data(ctx), out, (unsigned char *)in, inl); switch (ret) { case RE_LEN: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_LENGTH_NOT_BLOCK_ALIGNED); break; case 0: break; default: RSAREFerr(RSAREF_F_CIPHER_DES_CBC_CODE, RSAREF_R_UNKNOWN_FAULT); } return !ret; } static int cipher_desx_cbc_clean(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx) { memset(data(ctx), 0, ctx->cipher->ctx_size); return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * MD functions **/ #undef data #define data(ctx) ((MD2_CTX *)(ctx)->md_data) static int digest_md2_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) { MD2Init(data(ctx)); return 1; } static int digest_md2_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long count) { MD2Update(data(ctx), (unsigned char *)data, (unsigned int)count); return 1; } static int digest_md2_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md) { MD2Final(md, data(ctx)); return 1; } #undef data #define data(ctx) ((MD5_CTX *)(ctx)->md_data) static int digest_md5_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx) { MD5Init(data(ctx)); return 1; } static int digest_md5_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long count) { MD5Update(data(ctx), (unsigned char *)data, (unsigned int)count); return 1; } static int digest_md5_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md) { MD5Final(md, data(ctx)); return 1; }