//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #ifndef PHONEEDITOR_H #define PHONEEDITOR_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include <mxtk/mx.h> class CAudioSource; class CAudioMixer; class mxBitmapButton; class mxButton; #include "utlvector.h" #include "faceposertoolwindow.h" #define IDC_PHONEME_SCROLL 1001 #define IDC_PHONEME_PLAY_ORIG 1002 #define IDC_EDIT_PHONEME 1004 #define IDC_EDIT_INSERTPHONEMEBEFORE 1005 #define IDC_EDIT_INSERTPHONEMEAFTER 1006 #define IDC_EDIT_DELETEPHONEME 1007 #define IDC_PLAY_EDITED_SELECTION 1008 #define IDC_REDO_PHONEMEEXTRACTION 1009 #define IDC_REDO_PHONEMEEXTRACTION_SELECTION 1010 #define IDC_DESELECT 1011 #define IDC_PLAY_EDITED 1012 #define IDC_SAVE_LINGUISTIC 1013 #define IDC_CANCELPLAYBACK 1014 #define IDC_EDITWORDLIST 1015 #define IDC_SNAPWORDS 1016 #define IDC_SEPARATEWORDS 1017 #define IDC_LOADWAVEFILE 1018 #define IDC_SNAPPHONEMES 1019 #define IDC_SEPARATEPHONEMES 1020 #define IDC_COMMITEXTRACTED 1021 #define IDC_CLEAREXTRACTED 1022 #define IDC_ADDTAG 1023 #define IDC_DELETETAG 1024 #define IDC_CVUNDO 1025 #define IDC_CVREDO 1026 #define IDC_EDIT_DELETEWORD 1027 #define IDC_EDIT_WORD 1028 #define IDC_EDIT_INSERTWORDBEFORE 1029 #define IDC_EDIT_INSERTWORDAFTER 1030 #define IDC_EDIT_INSERTFIRSTPHONEMEOFWORD 1031 #define IDC_SELECT_WORDSRIGHT 1032 #define IDC_SELECT_WORDSLEFT 1033 #define IDC_SELECT_PHONEMESRIGHT 1034 #define IDC_SELECT_PHONEMESLEFT 1035 #define IDC_DESELECT_PHONEMESANDWORDS 1036 #define IDC_CLEANUP 1037 #define IDC_CLEARUNDO 1038 #define IDC_PLAYBUTTON 1039 #define IDC_MODE_TAB 1040 #define IDC_EMPHASIS_DELETE 1041 #define IDC_EMPHASIS_DESELECT 1042 #define IDC_EMPHASIS_SELECTALL 1043 #define IDC_PLAYBACKRATE 1044 #define IDC_REALIGNPHONEMES 1045 #define IDC_REALIGNWORDS 1046 // Support for multiple speech api's #define IDC_API_SAPI 1050 #define IDC_API_LIPSINC 1051 #define IDC_EXPORT_SENTENCE 1075 #define IDC_IMPORT_SENTENCE 1076 #define IDC_TOGGLE_VOICEDUCK 1077 #define IDC_PE_LANGUAGESTART 1100 // #define IDC_PE_LANGUAGEEND 1106 or so class IterateOutputRIFF; class IterateRIFF; class CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper; class CChoreoEvent; class CEventRelativeTag; class CChoreoView; class IPhonemeExtractor; class CPhonemeModeTab; class mxPopupMenu; #include "sentence.h" enum { COLOR_PHONEME_BACKGROUND = 0, COLOR_PHONEME_TEXT, COLOR_PHONEME_LIGHTTEXT, COLOR_PHONEME_PLAYBACKTICK, COLOR_PHONEME_WAVDATA, COLOR_PHONEME_TIMELINE, COLOR_PHONEME_TIMELINE_MAJORTICK, COLOR_PHONEME_TIMELINE_MINORTICK, COLOR_PHONEME_EXTRACTION_RESULT_FAIL, COLOR_PHONEME_EXTRACTION_RESULT_SUCCESS, COLOR_PHONEME_EXTRACTION_RESULT_ERROR, COLOR_PHONEME_EXTRACTION_RESULT_OTHER, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_BORDER, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_BORDER_SELECTED, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_FILLER_NORMAL, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_SELECTED, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_TEXT, COLOR_PHONEME_TAG_TEXT_SELECTED, COLOR_PHONEME_WAV_ENDPOINT, COLOR_PHONEME_AB, COLOR_PHONEME_AB_LINE, COLOR_PHONEME_AB_TEXT, COLOR_PHONEME_ACTIVE_BORDER, COLOR_PHONEME_SELECTED_BORDER, COLOR_PHONEME_TIMING_TAG, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_BG, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_BG_STRONG, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_BG_WEAK, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_BORDER, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_LINECOLOR, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_DOTCOLOR, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_DOTCOLOR_SELECTED, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_TEXT, COLOR_PHONEME_EMPHASIS_MIDLINE, NUM_COLORS, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Shows WAV data and allows blanking it out and tweaking phoneme tags //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PhonemeEditor : public mxWindow, public IFacePoserToolWindow { public: enum { BOUNDARY_NONE = 0, BOUNDARY_PHONEME, BOUNDARY_WORD, }; typedef enum { MODE_PHONEMES = 0, MODE_EMPHASIS } EditorMode; // Construction PhonemeEditor( mxWindow *parent ); ~PhonemeEditor( void ); virtual void Think( float dt ); virtual void OnDelete(); virtual bool CanClose(); void ValidateSpeechAPIIndex(); virtual int handleEvent( mxEvent *event ); virtual void redraw( void ); virtual bool PaintBackground( void ); EditorMode GetMode( void ) const; void SetupPhonemeEditorColors( void ); COLORREF PEColor( int colornum ); void OnModeChanged( void ); // Change wave file being edited void SetCurrentWaveFile( const char *wavefile, bool force = false, CChoreoEvent *event = NULL ); // called when scene is unloaded in choreview or when event/channel/actor gets deleted // so we don't have dangling pointers to tags, events, scene void ClearEvent( void ); void Play(); private: void DrawWords( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rcWorkSpace, CSentence &sentence, int type, bool showactive = true ); void DrawPhonemes( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rcWorkSpace, CSentence &sentence, int type, bool showactive = true ); void DrawRelativeTags( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rc ); void Emphasis_Redraw( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper, RECT& rcWorkSpace ); void Emphasis_GetRect( RECT const & rcWorkSpace, RECT& rcEmphasis ); void Emphasis_Init( void ); CEmphasisSample *Emphasis_GetSampleUnderMouse( mxEvent *event ); void Emphasis_DeselectAll( void ); void Emphasis_SelectAll( void ); void Emphasis_Delete( void ); void Emphasis_AddSample( CEmphasisSample const& sample ); void Emphasis_CountSelected( void ); void Emphasis_ShowContextMenu( mxEvent *event ); void Emphasis_MouseDrag( int x, int y ); bool Emphasis_IsValid( void ); void Emphasis_SelectPoints( void ); // Data int m_nNumSelected; // Readjust slider void MoveTimeSliderToPos( int x ); // Handle scrollbar void SetTimeZoomScale( int scale ); float GetTimeZoomScale( void ); float GetPixelsPerSecond( void ); // Adjust scroll bars void RepositionHSlider( void ); // Edit commands void EditPhoneme( CPhonemeTag *pPhoneme, bool positionDialog = false ); void EditPhoneme( void ); void EditInsertPhonemeBefore( void ); void EditInsertPhonemeAfter( void ); void EditDeletePhoneme( void ); void SelectPhonemes( bool forward ); void EditInsertFirstPhonemeOfWord( void ); void EditWord( CWordTag *pWord, bool positionDialog = false ); void EditWord( void ); void EditInsertWordBefore( void ); void EditInsertWordAfter( void ); void EditDeleteWord( void ); void SelectWords( bool forward ); // Edit word list void EditWordList( void ); void SentenceFromString( CSentence& sentence, char const *str ); // Wav processing commands void RedoPhonemeExtraction( void ); // Redo extraction of selected words only void RedoPhonemeExtractionSelected( void ); void Deselect( void ); void PlayEditedWave( bool selection = false ); void CommitChanges( void ); // Context menu void ShowPhonemeMenu( CPhonemeTag *pho, int mx, int my ); void ShowWordMenu( CWordTag *word, int mx, int my ); void ShowContextMenu( int mx, int my ); void ShowContextMenu_Phonemes( int mx, int my ); void ShowContextMenu_Emphasis( int mx, int my ); // UI helpers void GetWorkspaceRect( RECT &rc ); bool IsMouseOverWordRow( int my ); bool IsMouseOverPhonemeRow( int my ); int IsMouseOverBoundary( mxEvent *event ); int GetWordUnderMouse( int mx, int my ); int ComputeHPixelsNeeded( void ); void DrawFocusRect( char *reason ); void StartDragging( int dragtype, int startx, int starty, HCURSOR cursor ); void FinishPhonemeMove( int startx, int endx ); void FinishPhonemeDrag( int startx, int endx ); void FinishWordMove( int startx, int endx ); void FinishWordDrag( int startx, int endx ); float GetTimeForPixel( int mx ); void GetScreenStartAndEndTime( float &starttime, float& endtime ); float GetTimePerPixel( void ); int GetSampleForMouse( int mx ); int GetPixelForSample( int sample ); bool FindSpanningPhonemes( float time, CPhonemeTag **pp1, CPhonemeTag **pp2 ); bool FindSpanningWords( float time, CWordTag **pp1, CWordTag **pp2 ); int FindWordForTime( float time ); CPhonemeTag *FindPhonemeForTime( float time ); void DeselectWords( void ); void SnapWords( void ); void SeparateWords( void ); void DeselectPhonemes( void ); void SnapPhonemes( void ); void SeparatePhonemes( void ); void CreateEvenWordDistribution( const char *wordlist ); // Dirty flag void SetDirty( bool dirty, bool clearundo = true ); bool GetDirty( void ); // FIXME: Do something else here void ResampleChunk( IterateOutputRIFF& store, void *format, int chunkname, char *buffer, int buffersize, int start_silence = 0, int end_silence = 0 ); // Mouse control over selected samples void SelectSamples( int start, int end ); void FinishSelect( int startx, int mx ); void FinishMoveSelection( int startx, int mx ); void FinishMoveSelectionStart( int startx, int mx ); void FinishMoveSelectionEnd( int startx, int mx ); bool IsMouseOverSamples( int mx, int my ); bool IsMouseOverSelection( int mx, int my ); bool IsMouseOverSelectionStartEdge( mxEvent *event ); bool IsMouseOverSelectionEndEdge( mxEvent *event ); bool IsMouseOverTag( int mx, int my ); void FinishEventTagDrag( int startx, int endx ); CEventRelativeTag *GetTagUnderMouse( int mx ); bool IsMouseOverTagRow( int my ); void ShowTagMenu( int mx, int my ); void AddTag( void ); void DeleteTag( void ); // After running liset/sapi, retrieve phoneme tag data from stream void RetrieveLinguisticData( void ); // Copy current phoneme chunk over existing data chunk of .wav file void SaveLinguisticData( void ); void StoreValveDataChunk( IterateOutputRIFF& store ); void ExportValveDataChunk( char const *tempfile ); void ImportValveDataChunk( char const *tempfile ); void OnImport(); void OnExport(); // Playback (returns true if sound had been playing) bool StopPlayback( void ); CPhonemeTag *GetPhonemeTagUnderMouse( int mx, int my ); CWordTag *GetWordTagUnderMouse( int mx, int my ); void ReadLinguisticTags( void ); void LoadWaveFile( void ); void GetPhonemeTrayTopBottom( RECT& rc ); void GetWordTrayTopBottom( RECT& rc ); void GetWordRect( const CWordTag *tag, RECT& rc ); void GetPhonemeRect( const CPhonemeTag *tag, RECT& rc ); int GetMouseForTime( float time ); void CommitExtracted( void ); void ClearExtracted( void ); const char * GetExtractionResultString( int resultCode ); void AddFocusRect( RECT& rc ); void CountSelected( void ); typedef void (PhonemeEditor::*PEWORDITERFUNC)( CWordTag *word, float fparam ); typedef void (PhonemeEditor::*PEPHONEMEITERFUNC)( CPhonemeTag *phoneme, CWordTag *word, float fparam ); void TraverseWords( PEWORDITERFUNC pfn, float fparam ); void TraversePhonemes( PEPHONEMEITERFUNC pfn, float fparam ); // Iteration functions void ITER_MoveSelectedWords( CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_MoveSelectedPhonemes( CPhonemeTag *phoneme, CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_ExtendSelectedPhonemeEndTimes( CPhonemeTag *phoneme, CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_ExtendSelectedWordEndTimes( CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_AddFocusRectSelectedWords( CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_AddFocusRectSelectedPhonemes( CPhonemeTag *phoneme, CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_CountSelectedWords( CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_CountSelectedPhonemes( CPhonemeTag *phoneme, CWordTag *word, float amount ); void ITER_SelectSpanningWords( CWordTag *word, float amount ); // Undo/Redo void Undo( void ); void Redo( void ); void ClearUndo( void ); // Do push before changes void PushUndo( void ); // Do this push after changes, must match pushundo 1for1 void PushRedo( void ); void WipeUndo( void ); void WipeRedo( void ); CPhonemeTag *GetClickedPhoneme( void ); CWordTag *GetClickedWord( void ); void SetClickedPhoneme( int word, int phoneme ); void ShiftSelectedPhoneme( int direction ); void ExtendSelectedPhonemeEndTime( int direction ); void SelectNextPhoneme( int direction ); void SelectNextWord( int direction ); bool IsPhonemeSelected( CWordTag *word ); void ShiftSelectedWord( int direction ); void ExtendSelectedWordEndTime( int direction ); float GetTimeGapToNextWord( bool forward, CWordTag *currentWord, CWordTag **ppNextWord = NULL ); float GetTimeGapToNextPhoneme( bool forward, CPhonemeTag *currentPhoneme, CWordTag **ppword = NULL, CPhonemeTag **phoneme = NULL ); int IndexOfWord( CWordTag *word ); CPhonemeTag *GetSelectedPhoneme( void ); CWordTag *GetSelectedWord( void ); void OnMouseMove( mxEvent *event ); bool AreSelectedWordsContiguous( void ); bool AreSelectedPhonemesContiguous( void ); bool CreateCroppedWave( char const *filename, int startsample, int endsample ); void CleanupWordsAndPhonemes( bool prepareundo ); void RealignPhonemesToWords( bool prepareundo ); void RealignWordsToPhonemes( bool prepareundo ); void SortWords( bool prepareundo ); void SortPhonemes( bool prepareundo ); float ComputeMaxWordShift( bool forward, bool allowcrop ); float ComputeMaxPhonemeShift( bool forward, bool allowcrop ); int PixelsForDeltaTime( float dt ); void ClearDragLimit( void ); void SetDragLimit( int dragtype ); void LimitDrag( int& mousex ); void SelectExpression( CPhonemeTag *tag ); void OnSAPI( void ); void OnLipSinc( void ); bool CheckSpeechAPI( void ); char const *GetSpeechAPIName( void ); void LoadPhonemeConverters(); void UnloadPhonemeConverters(); bool IsMouseOverScrubHandle( mxEvent *event ); bool IsMouseOverScrubArea( mxEvent *event ); void GetScrubHandleRect( RECT& rcHandle, bool clipped = false ); void GetScrubAreaRect( RECT& rcArea ); void DrawScrubHandle(); void DrawScrubHandle( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper ); void ScrubThink( float dt, bool scrubbing ); void SetScrubTime( float t ); void SetScrubTargetTime( float t ); float GetTimeForSample( int sample ); void ClampTimeToSelectionInterval( float& timeval ); void OnToggleVoiceDuck(); // Data private: // Type of mouse movement enum { DRAGTYPE_NONE = 0, DRAGTYPE_PHONEME , DRAGTYPE_WORD, DRAGTYPE_SELECTSAMPLES, DRAGTYPE_MOVESELECTION, DRAGTYPE_MOVESELECTIONSTART, DRAGTYPE_MOVESELECTIONEND, DRAGTYPE_MOVEWORD, DRAGTYPE_MOVEPHONEME, DRAGTYPE_EVENTTAG_MOVE, DRAGTYPE_EMPHASIS_SELECT, DRAGTYPE_EMPHASIS_MOVE, DRAGTYPE_SCRUBBER }; float m_flScrub; float m_flScrubTarget; EditorMode m_CurrentMode; // Graph scale float m_flPixelsPerSecond; // Graph scale int m_nTimeZoom; int m_nTimeZoomStep; int m_nTickHeight; // Current wave file CAudioSource *m_pWaveFile; CAudioMixer *m_pMixer; CChoreoEvent *m_pEvent; int m_nClickX; struct CWorkFile { public: char m_szWaveFile[ 256 ]; char m_szWorkingFile[ 256 ]; char m_szBasePath[ 256 ]; bool m_bDirty; }; CWorkFile m_WorkFile; mxScrollbar *m_pHorzScrollBar; // Current sb value int m_nLeftOffset; CPhonemeModeTab *m_pModeTab; mxSlider *m_pPlaybackRate; float m_flPlaybackRate; mxButton *m_btnRedoPhonemeExtraction; mxButton *m_btnSave; mxButton *m_btnLoad; mxButton *m_btnPlay; // selection or full depending // Mouse dragging HCURSOR m_hPrevCursor; int m_nStartX; int m_nStartY; int m_nLastX; int m_nLastY; int m_nDragType; struct CFocusRect { RECT m_rcOrig; RECT m_rcFocus; }; CUtlVector < CFocusRect > m_FocusRects; int m_nClickedPhoneme; int m_nClickedWord; // Current set of tags CSentence m_Tags; CSentence m_TagsExt; int m_nSelection[ 2 ]; bool m_bSelectionActive; int m_nLastExtractionResult; int m_nSelectedPhonemeCount; int m_nSelectedWordCount; bool m_bWordsActive; struct PEUndo { CSentence *undo; CSentence *redo; }; CUtlVector< PEUndo * > m_UndoStack; int m_nUndoLevel; bool m_bRedoPending; bool m_bLimitDrag; int m_nLeftLimit; int m_nRightLimit; IPhonemeExtractor *m_pPhonemeExtractor; float m_flScrubberTimeOffset; }; extern PhonemeEditor *g_pPhonemeEditor; #endif // PHONEEDITOR_H