//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $Workfile:     $
// $NoKeywords: $

// Purpose: a global list of all the entities in the game.  All iteration through
//			entities is done through this object.
#include "cbase.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Globals

// Create interface
static CClientEntityList s_EntityList;
CBaseEntityList *g_pEntityList = &s_EntityList;

// Expose list to engine

// Store local pointer to interface for rest of client .dll only 
//  (CClientEntityList instead of IClientEntityList )
CClientEntityList *cl_entitylist = &s_EntityList; 

bool PVSNotifierMap_LessFunc( IClientUnknown* const &a, IClientUnknown* const &b )
	return a < b;

// Purpose: 
CClientEntityList::CClientEntityList( void ) : 
	m_PVSNotifierMap( 0, 0, PVSNotifierMap_LessFunc )
	m_iMaxUsedServerIndex = -1;
	m_iMaxServerEnts = 0;


// Purpose: 
CClientEntityList::~CClientEntityList( void )

// Purpose: Clears all entity lists and releases entities
void CClientEntityList::Release( void )
	// Free all the entities.
	ClientEntityHandle_t iter = FirstHandle();
	while( iter != InvalidHandle() )
		// Try to call release on anything we can.
		IClientNetworkable *pNet = GetClientNetworkableFromHandle( iter );
		if ( pNet )
			// Try to call release on anything we can.
			IClientThinkable *pThinkable = GetClientThinkableFromHandle( iter );
			if ( pThinkable )
		RemoveEntity( iter );

		iter = FirstHandle();

	m_iNumServerEnts = 0;
	m_iMaxServerEnts = 0;
	m_iNumClientNonNetworkable = 0;
	m_iMaxUsedServerIndex = -1;

IClientNetworkable* CClientEntityList::GetClientNetworkable( int entnum )
	Assert( entnum >= 0 );
	Assert( entnum < MAX_EDICTS );
	return m_EntityCacheInfo[entnum].m_pNetworkable;

IClientEntity* CClientEntityList::GetClientEntity( int entnum )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetListedEntity( entnum );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetIClientEntity() : 0;

int CClientEntityList::NumberOfEntities( bool bIncludeNonNetworkable )
	if ( bIncludeNonNetworkable == true )
		 return m_iNumServerEnts + m_iNumClientNonNetworkable;

	return m_iNumServerEnts;

void CClientEntityList::SetMaxEntities( int maxents )
	m_iMaxServerEnts = maxents;

int CClientEntityList::GetMaxEntities( void )
	return m_iMaxServerEnts;

// Convenience methods to convert between entindex + ClientEntityHandle_t
int CClientEntityList::HandleToEntIndex( ClientEntityHandle_t handle )
	if ( handle == INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX )
		return -1;
	C_BaseEntity *pEnt = GetBaseEntityFromHandle( handle );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->entindex() : -1; 

// Purpose: Because m_iNumServerEnts != last index
// Output : int
int CClientEntityList::GetHighestEntityIndex( void )
	return m_iMaxUsedServerIndex;

void CClientEntityList::RecomputeHighestEntityUsed( void )
	m_iMaxUsedServerIndex = -1;

	// Walk backward looking for first valid index
	int i;
	for ( i = MAX_EDICTS - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		if ( GetListedEntity( i ) != NULL )
			m_iMaxUsedServerIndex = i;

// Purpose: Add a raw C_BaseEntity to the entity list.
// Input  : index - 

// Purpose: 
// Input  : index - 

C_BaseEntity* CClientEntityList::GetBaseEntity( int entnum )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetListedEntity( entnum );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetBaseEntity() : 0;

ICollideable* CClientEntityList::GetCollideable( int entnum )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetListedEntity( entnum );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetCollideable() : 0;

IClientNetworkable* CClientEntityList::GetClientNetworkableFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetClientNetworkable() : 0;

IClientEntity* CClientEntityList::GetClientEntityFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetIClientEntity() : 0;

IClientRenderable* CClientEntityList::GetClientRenderableFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetClientRenderable() : 0;

C_BaseEntity* CClientEntityList::GetBaseEntityFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetBaseEntity() : 0;

ICollideable* CClientEntityList::GetCollideableFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetCollideable() : 0;

IClientThinkable* CClientEntityList::GetClientThinkableFromHandle( ClientEntityHandle_t hEnt )
	IClientUnknown *pEnt = GetClientUnknownFromHandle( hEnt );
	return pEnt ? pEnt->GetClientThinkable() : 0;

void CClientEntityList::AddPVSNotifier( IClientUnknown *pUnknown )
	IClientRenderable *pRen = pUnknown->GetClientRenderable();
	if ( pRen )
		IPVSNotify *pNotify = pRen->GetPVSNotifyInterface();
		if ( pNotify )
			unsigned short index = m_PVSNotifyInfos.AddToTail();
			CPVSNotifyInfo *pInfo = &m_PVSNotifyInfos[index];
			pInfo->m_pNotify = pNotify;
			pInfo->m_pRenderable = pRen;
			pInfo->m_InPVSStatus = 0;
			pInfo->m_PVSNotifiersLink = index;

			m_PVSNotifierMap.Insert( pUnknown, index );

void CClientEntityList::RemovePVSNotifier( IClientUnknown *pUnknown )
	IClientRenderable *pRenderable = pUnknown->GetClientRenderable();
	if ( pRenderable )
		IPVSNotify *pNotify = pRenderable->GetPVSNotifyInterface();
		if ( pNotify )
			unsigned short index = m_PVSNotifierMap.Find( pUnknown );
			if ( !m_PVSNotifierMap.IsValidIndex( index ) )
				Warning( "PVS notifier not in m_PVSNotifierMap\n" );
				Assert( false );

			unsigned short indexIntoPVSNotifyInfos = m_PVSNotifierMap[index];
			Assert( m_PVSNotifyInfos[indexIntoPVSNotifyInfos].m_pNotify == pNotify );
			Assert( m_PVSNotifyInfos[indexIntoPVSNotifyInfos].m_pRenderable == pRenderable );
			m_PVSNotifyInfos.Remove( indexIntoPVSNotifyInfos );
			m_PVSNotifierMap.RemoveAt( index );

	// If it didn't report itself as a notifier, let's hope it's not in the notifier list now
	// (which would mean that it reported itself as a notifier earlier, but not now).
#ifdef _DEBUG
	unsigned short index = m_PVSNotifierMap.Find( pUnknown );
	Assert( !m_PVSNotifierMap.IsValidIndex( index ) );

void CClientEntityList::AddListenerEntity( IClientEntityListener *pListener )
	if ( m_entityListeners.Find( pListener ) >= 0 )
		AssertMsg( 0, "Can't add listeners multiple times\n" );
	m_entityListeners.AddToTail( pListener );

void CClientEntityList::RemoveListenerEntity( IClientEntityListener *pListener )
	m_entityListeners.FindAndRemove( pListener );

void CClientEntityList::OnAddEntity( IHandleEntity *pEnt, CBaseHandle handle )
	int entnum = handle.GetEntryIndex();
	EntityCacheInfo_t *pCache = &m_EntityCacheInfo[entnum];

	if ( entnum >= 0 && entnum < MAX_EDICTS )
		// Update our counters.
		if ( entnum > m_iMaxUsedServerIndex )
			m_iMaxUsedServerIndex = entnum;

		// Cache its networkable pointer.
		Assert( dynamic_cast< IClientUnknown* >( pEnt ) );
		Assert( ((IClientUnknown*)pEnt)->GetClientNetworkable() ); // Server entities should all be networkable.
		pCache->m_pNetworkable = ((IClientUnknown*)pEnt)->GetClientNetworkable();

	IClientUnknown *pUnknown = (IClientUnknown*)pEnt;

	// If this thing wants PVS notifications, hook it up.
	AddPVSNotifier( pUnknown );

	// Store it in a special list for fast iteration if it's a C_BaseEntity.
	C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity = pUnknown->GetBaseEntity();
	if ( pBaseEntity )
		pCache->m_BaseEntitiesIndex = m_BaseEntities.AddToTail( pBaseEntity );

		if ( pBaseEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_SAVE_NON_NETWORKABLE  )

		//DevMsg(2,"Created %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
		for ( int i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
			m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntityCreated( pBaseEntity );
		pCache->m_BaseEntitiesIndex = m_BaseEntities.InvalidIndex();


#if defined( STAGING_ONLY )

// Defined in tier1 / interface.cpp for Windows and native for POSIX platforms.
extern "C" int backtrace( void **buffer, int size );

static struct
	int entnum;
	float time;
	C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity;
	void *backtrace_addrs[ 16 ];
} g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ 1024 ];
static uint32 g_RemoveEntityBacktracesIndex = 0;

static void OnRemoveEntityBacktraceHook( int entnum, C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity )
	int index = g_RemoveEntityBacktracesIndex++;
	if ( g_RemoveEntityBacktracesIndex >= ARRAYSIZE( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces ) )
		g_RemoveEntityBacktracesIndex = 0;

	g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].entnum = entnum;
	g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].time = gpGlobals->curtime;
	g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].pBaseEntity = pBaseEntity;

	memset( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].backtrace_addrs, 0, sizeof( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].backtrace_addrs ) );
	backtrace( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].backtrace_addrs, ARRAYSIZE( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ index ].backtrace_addrs ) );

// Should help us track down CL_PreserveExistingEntity Host_Error() issues:
//  1. Set cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture to 1.
//  2. When error hits, run "cl_removeentity_backtrace_dump [entnum]".
//  3. In debugger, track down what functions the spewed addresses refer to.
static ConVar cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture( "cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture", "0", 0,
	"For debugging. Capture backtraces for CClientEntityList::OnRemoveEntity calls." );

CON_COMMAND( cl_removeentity_backtrace_dump, "Dump backtraces for client OnRemoveEntity calls." )
	if ( !cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture.GetBool() )
		Msg( "cl_removeentity_backtrace_dump error: cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture not enabled. Backtraces not captured.\n" );

	int entnum = ( args.ArgC() >= 2 ) ? atoi( args[ 1 ] ) : -1;

	for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces ); i++ )
		if ( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].time && 
			( entnum == -1 || g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].entnum == entnum ) )
			Msg( "%d: time:%.2f pBaseEntity:%p\n", g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[i].entnum,
				g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].time, g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].pBaseEntity );
			for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE( g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].backtrace_addrs ); j++ )
				Msg( "  %p\n", g_RemoveEntityBacktraces[ i ].backtrace_addrs[ j ] );

#endif // STAGING_ONLY

void CClientEntityList::OnRemoveEntity( IHandleEntity *pEnt, CBaseHandle handle )
	int entnum = handle.GetEntryIndex();
	EntityCacheInfo_t *pCache = &m_EntityCacheInfo[entnum];

	if ( entnum >= 0 && entnum < MAX_EDICTS )
		// This is a networkable ent. Clear out our cache info for it.
		pCache->m_pNetworkable = NULL;

		if ( entnum >= m_iMaxUsedServerIndex )

	IClientUnknown *pUnknown = (IClientUnknown*)pEnt;

	// If this is a PVS notifier, remove it.
	RemovePVSNotifier( pUnknown );

	C_BaseEntity *pBaseEntity = pUnknown->GetBaseEntity();

#if defined( STAGING_ONLY )
	if ( cl_removeentity_backtrace_capture.GetBool() )
		OnRemoveEntityBacktraceHook( entnum, pBaseEntity );
#endif // STAGING_ONLY

	if ( pBaseEntity )
		if ( pBaseEntity->ObjectCaps() & FCAP_SAVE_NON_NETWORKABLE )

		//DevMsg(2,"Deleted %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
		for ( int i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
			m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntityDeleted( pBaseEntity );

	if ( pCache->m_BaseEntitiesIndex != m_BaseEntities.InvalidIndex() )
		m_BaseEntities.Remove( pCache->m_BaseEntitiesIndex );

	pCache->m_BaseEntitiesIndex = m_BaseEntities.InvalidIndex();

// Use this to iterate over all the C_BaseEntities.
C_BaseEntity* CClientEntityList::FirstBaseEntity() const
	const CEntInfo *pList = FirstEntInfo();
	while ( pList )
		if ( pList->m_pEntity )
			IClientUnknown *pUnk = static_cast<IClientUnknown*>( pList->m_pEntity );
			C_BaseEntity *pRet = pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
			if ( pRet )
				return pRet;
		pList = pList->m_pNext;

	return NULL;


C_BaseEntity* CClientEntityList::NextBaseEntity( C_BaseEntity *pEnt ) const
	if ( pEnt == NULL )
		return FirstBaseEntity();

	// Run through the list until we get a C_BaseEntity.
	const CEntInfo *pList = GetEntInfoPtr( pEnt->GetRefEHandle() );
	if ( pList )
		pList = NextEntInfo(pList);

	while ( pList )
		if ( pList->m_pEntity )
			IClientUnknown *pUnk = static_cast<IClientUnknown*>( pList->m_pEntity );
			C_BaseEntity *pRet = pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
			if ( pRet )
				return pRet;
		pList = pList->m_pNext;
	return NULL; 

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// C_AllBaseEntityIterator
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

void C_AllBaseEntityIterator::Restart()
	m_CurBaseEntity = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.Head();

C_BaseEntity* C_AllBaseEntityIterator::Next()
	if ( m_CurBaseEntity == ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.InvalidIndex() )
		return NULL;

	C_BaseEntity *pRet = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities[m_CurBaseEntity];
	m_CurBaseEntity = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.Next( m_CurBaseEntity );
	return pRet;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// C_BaseEntityIterator
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

void C_BaseEntityIterator::Restart()
	m_CurBaseEntity = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.Head();

C_BaseEntity* C_BaseEntityIterator::Next()
	// Skip dormant entities
	while ( m_CurBaseEntity != ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.InvalidIndex() )
		C_BaseEntity *pRet = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities[m_CurBaseEntity];
		m_CurBaseEntity = ClientEntityList().m_BaseEntities.Next( m_CurBaseEntity );

		if (!pRet->IsDormant())
			return pRet;

	return NULL;