//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $


#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once

#include <mempool.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Flags used in the flags field in AI_Waypoint_T
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum WaypointFlags_t 
	// The type of waypoint
	bits_WP_TO_DETOUR =			0x01, // move to detour point.
	bits_WP_TO_PATHCORNER =		0x02, // move to a path corner
	bits_WP_TO_NODE =			0x04, // move to a node
	bits_WP_TO_GOAL =			0x08, // move to an arbitrary point
	bits_WP_TO_DOOR =			0x10, // move to position to open a door

	// Other flags for waypoint
	bits_WP_DONT_SIMPLIFY =		0x20, // Don't let the route code simplify this waypoint

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Waypoints that make up an NPC's route. 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct AI_Waypoint_t
	AI_Waypoint_t( const Vector &vecPosition, float flYaw, Navigation_t navType, int fWaypointFlags, int nNodeID );
	AI_Waypoint_t( const AI_Waypoint_t &from )
		memcpy( this, &from, sizeof(*this) );
		flPathDistGoal = -1;
		pNext = pPrev = NULL;

	AI_Waypoint_t &operator=( const AI_Waypoint_t &from )
		memcpy( this, &from, sizeof(*this) );
		flPathDistGoal = -1;
		pNext = pPrev = NULL;
		return *this;

		if ( pNext )
			pNext->pPrev = pPrev;
		if ( pPrev )
			pPrev->pNext = pNext;


	void AssertValid() const
#ifdef DEBUG
		Assert( !pNext || pNext->pPrev == this );
		Assert( !pPrev || pPrev->pNext == this );

	int					Flags() const;
	Navigation_t		NavType() const;

	// Flag modification method
	void				ModifyFlags( int fFlags, bool bEnable );

	bool				IsReducible() { return (pNext && m_iWPType == pNext->m_iWPType && !(m_fWaypointFlags & (bits_WP_TO_GOAL | bits_WP_TO_PATHCORNER | bits_WP_DONT_SIMPLIFY)) ); }

	void				SetNext( AI_Waypoint_t *p );
	AI_Waypoint_t *		GetNext()					{ return pNext; }
	const AI_Waypoint_t *GetNext() const			{ return pNext; }
	AI_Waypoint_t *		GetPrev()					{ return pPrev; }
	const AI_Waypoint_t *GetPrev() const			{ return pPrev; }
	AI_Waypoint_t *		GetLast();

	const Vector &		GetPos() const				{ return vecLocation; }
	void 				SetPos(const Vector &newPos) { vecLocation = newPos; }

	EHANDLE				GetEHandleData() { return m_hData; }
	// Basic info
	Vector			vecLocation;
	float			flYaw;				// Waypoint facing dir 
	int				iNodeID;			// If waypoint is a node, which one
	// Precalculated distances
	float			flPathDistGoal;

	// If following a designer laid path, the path-corner entity (if any)
	EHANDLE			hPathCorner;

	// Data specific to the waypoint type:
	// PATHCORNER:	The path corner entity.
	// DOOR:		If moving to position to open a door, the handle of the door to open.
	EHANDLE			m_hData;

	int				m_fWaypointFlags;	// See WaypointFlags_t
	Navigation_t	m_iWPType;			// The type of waypoint

	AI_Waypoint_t *pNext;
	AI_Waypoint_t *pPrev;



// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline methods associated with AI_Waypoint_t
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline int AI_Waypoint_t::Flags() const
	return m_fWaypointFlags;

inline Navigation_t AI_Waypoint_t::NavType() const
	return m_iWPType;

inline void AI_Waypoint_t::ModifyFlags( int fFlags, bool bEnable )
	if (bEnable)
		m_fWaypointFlags |= fFlags;
		m_fWaypointFlags &= ~fFlags;

inline void AI_Waypoint_t::SetNext( AI_Waypoint_t *p )	
	if (pNext) 
		pNext->pPrev = NULL; 

	pNext = p; 

	if ( pNext ) 
		if ( pNext->pPrev )
			pNext->pPrev->pNext = NULL;

		pNext->pPrev = this; 

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Holds an maintains a chain of waypoints

class CAI_WaypointList
	 :	m_pFirstWaypoint( NULL )

	CAI_WaypointList( AI_Waypoint_t *pFirstWaypoint)
	 :	m_pFirstWaypoint( pFirstWaypoint )
	void			Set(AI_Waypoint_t* route);

	void 			PrependWaypoints( AI_Waypoint_t *pWaypoints );
	void 			PrependWaypoint( const Vector &newPoint, Navigation_t navType, unsigned waypointFlags, float flYaw = 0 );
	bool 			IsEmpty() const				{ return ( m_pFirstWaypoint == NULL ); }
	AI_Waypoint_t *		 GetFirst()				{ return m_pFirstWaypoint; }
	const AI_Waypoint_t *GetFirst() const	{ return m_pFirstWaypoint; }

	AI_Waypoint_t *		 GetLast();
	const AI_Waypoint_t *GetLast() const;

	void 			RemoveAll();


	AI_Waypoint_t*	m_pFirstWaypoint;					// Linked list of waypoints

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef DEBUG
void AssertRouteValid( AI_Waypoint_t* route );
#define AssertRouteValid( route ) ((void)0)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities

void DeleteAll( AI_Waypoint_t *pWaypointList );

// ------------------------------------

inline void DeleteAll( AI_Waypoint_t **ppWaypointList )
	DeleteAll( *ppWaypointList );
	*ppWaypointList = NULL;

// ------------------------------------

void AddWaypointLists(AI_Waypoint_t *pLeft, AI_Waypoint_t *pRight);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#endif // AI_WAYPOINT_H