//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "sdk_hud_chat.h" //#include "c_sdk_player.h" //#include "c_sdk_playerresource.h" #include "hud_macros.h" #include "text_message.h" #include "vguicenterprint.h" #include "vgui/ILocalize.h" #include "ihudlcd.h" ConVar cl_showtextmsg( "cl_showtextmsg", "1", 0, "Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen." ); float g_ColorGreen[3] = { 153, 255, 153 }; float g_ColorYellow[3] = { 255, 178.5, 0.0 }; float *GetClientColor( int clientIndex ) { if ( clientIndex == 0 ) // console msg { return g_ColorGreen; } else { return g_ColorYellow; } } // converts all '\r' characters to '\n', so that the engine can deal with the properly // returns a pointer to str static char* ConvertCRtoNL( char *str ) { for ( char *ch = str; *ch != 0; ch++ ) if ( *ch == '\r' ) *ch = '\n'; return str; } // converts all '\r' characters to '\n', so that the engine can deal with the properly // returns a pointer to str static wchar_t* ConvertCRtoNL( wchar_t *str ) { for ( wchar_t *ch = str; *ch != 0; ch++ ) if ( *ch == L'\r' ) *ch = L'\n'; return str; } static void StripEndNewlineFromString( char *str ) { int s = strlen( str ) - 1; if ( s >= 0 ) { if ( str[s] == '\n' || str[s] == '\r' ) str[s] = 0; } } static void StripEndNewlineFromString( wchar_t *str ) { int s = wcslen( str ) - 1; if ( s >= 0 ) { if ( str[s] == L'\n' || str[s] == L'\r' ) str[s] = 0; } } DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, SayText ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, TextMsg ); //===================== //CHudChatLine //===================== void CHudChatLine::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); m_hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ChatFont" ); SetBorder( NULL ); SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetFgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetFont( m_hFont ); } void CHudChatLine::PerformFadeout( void ) { // Flash + Extra bright when new float curtime = gpGlobals->curtime; int lr = m_clrText[0]; int lg = m_clrText[1]; int lb = m_clrText[2]; //CSPort chat only fades out, no blinking. if ( curtime <= m_flExpireTime && curtime > m_flExpireTime - CHATLINE_FADE_TIME ) { float frac = ( m_flExpireTime - curtime ) / CHATLINE_FADE_TIME; int alpha = frac * 255; alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, 255 ); wchar_t wbuf[4096]; GetText(0, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf)); SetText( "" ); if ( m_iNameLength > 0 ) { wchar_t wText[4096]; // draw the first x characters in the player color wcsncpy( wText, wbuf, MIN( m_iNameLength + 1, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+32) ); wText[ MIN( m_iNameLength, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+31) ] = 0; m_clrNameColor[3] = alpha; InsertColorChange( m_clrNameColor ); InsertString( wText ); wcsncpy( wText, wbuf + ( m_iNameLength ), wcslen( wbuf + m_iNameLength ) ); wText[ wcslen( wbuf + m_iNameLength ) ] = '\0'; InsertColorChange( Color( g_ColorYellow[0], g_ColorYellow[1], g_ColorYellow[2], alpha ) ); InsertString( wText ); InvalidateLayout( true ); } else { InsertColorChange( Color( lr, lg, lb, alpha ) ); InsertString( wbuf ); } } OnThink(); } //===================== //CHudChatInputLine //===================== void CHudChatInputLine::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); vgui::HFont hFont = pScheme->GetFont( "ChatFont" ); m_pPrompt->SetFont( hFont ); m_pInput->SetFont( hFont ); m_pInput->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "Chat.TypingText", pScheme->GetColor( "Panel.FgColor", Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ) ) ); } //===================== //CHudChat //===================== CHudChat::CHudChat( const char *pElementName ) : BaseClass( pElementName ) { } void CHudChat::CreateChatInputLine( void ) { m_pChatInput = new CHudChatInputLine( this, "ChatInputLine" ); m_pChatInput->SetVisible( false ); } void CHudChat::CreateChatLines( void ) { for ( int i = 0; i < CHAT_INTERFACE_LINES; i++ ) { char sz[ 32 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "ChatLine%02i", i ); m_ChatLines[ i ] = new CHudChatLine( this, sz ); m_ChatLines[ i ]->SetVisible( false ); } } void CHudChat::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetFgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); } void CHudChat::Init( void ) { BaseClass::Init(); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, SayText ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, TextMsg ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Overrides base reset to not cancel chat at round restart //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudChat::Reset( void ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pszName - // iSize - // *pbuf - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudChat::MsgFunc_SayText( bf_read &msg ) { char szString[256]; int client = msg.ReadByte(); msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) ); bool bWantsToChat = msg.ReadByte(); if ( bWantsToChat ) { // print raw chat text ChatPrintf( client, "%s", szString ); } else { // try to lookup translated string Printf( "%s", hudtextmessage->LookupString( szString ) ); } Msg( "%s", szString ); } wchar_t* ReadLocalizedRadioCommandString( bf_read &msg, wchar_t *pOut, int outSize, bool bStripNewline ) { char szString[2048]; msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) ); const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szString ); if ( pBuf ) { wcsncpy( pOut, pBuf, outSize/sizeof(wchar_t) ); pOut[outSize/sizeof(wchar_t)-1] = 0; } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szString, pOut, outSize ); } if ( bStripNewline ) StripEndNewlineFromString( pOut ); return pOut; } // Message handler for text messages // displays a string, looking them up from the titles.txt file, which can be localised // parameters: // byte: message direction ( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, HUD_PRINTCENTER, HUD_PRINTTALK ) // string: message // optional parameters: // string: message parameter 1 // string: message parameter 2 // string: message parameter 3 // string: message parameter 4 // any string that starts with the character '#' is a message name, and is used to look up the real message in titles.txt // the next (optional) one to four strings are parameters for that string (which can also be message names if they begin with '#') void CHudChat::MsgFunc_TextMsg( bf_read &msg ) { char szString[2048]; int msg_dest = msg.ReadByte(); wchar_t szBuf[5][128]; wchar_t outputBuf[256]; for ( int i=0; i<5; ++i ) { msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) ); char *tmpStr = hudtextmessage->LookupString( szString, &msg_dest ); const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( tmpStr ); if ( pBuf ) { // Copy pBuf into szBuf[i]. int nMaxChars = sizeof( szBuf[i] ) / sizeof( wchar_t ); wcsncpy( szBuf[i], pBuf, nMaxChars ); szBuf[i][nMaxChars-1] = 0; } else { if ( i ) { StripEndNewlineFromString( tmpStr ); // these strings are meant for subsitution into the main strings, so cull the automatic end newlines } g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( tmpStr, szBuf[i], sizeof(szBuf[i]) ); } } if ( !cl_showtextmsg.GetInt() ) return; int len; switch ( msg_dest ) { case HUD_PRINTCENTER: g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( outputBuf, sizeof(outputBuf), szBuf[0], 4, szBuf[1], szBuf[2], szBuf[3], szBuf[4] ); internalCenterPrint->Print( ConvertCRtoNL( outputBuf ) ); break; case HUD_PRINTNOTIFY: g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( outputBuf, sizeof(outputBuf), szBuf[0], 4, szBuf[1], szBuf[2], szBuf[3], szBuf[4] ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( outputBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) ); len = strlen( szString ); if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' ) { Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 ); } Msg( "%s", ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) ); break; case HUD_PRINTTALK: g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( outputBuf, sizeof(outputBuf), szBuf[0], 4, szBuf[1], szBuf[2], szBuf[3], szBuf[4] ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( outputBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) ); len = strlen( szString ); if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' ) { Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 ); } Printf( "%s", ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) ); break; case HUD_PRINTCONSOLE: g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( outputBuf, sizeof(outputBuf), szBuf[0], 4, szBuf[1], szBuf[2], szBuf[3], szBuf[4] ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( outputBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) ); len = strlen( szString ); if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' ) { Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 ); } Msg( "%s", ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) ); break; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *fmt - // ... - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHudChat::ChatPrintf( int iPlayerIndex, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list marker; char msg[4096]; va_start(marker, fmt); Q_vsnprintf(msg, sizeof( msg), fmt, marker); va_end(marker); // Strip any trailing '\n' if ( strlen( msg ) > 0 && msg[ strlen( msg )-1 ] == '\n' ) { msg[ strlen( msg ) - 1 ] = 0; } // Strip leading \n characters ( or notify/color signifiers ) char *pmsg = msg; while ( *pmsg && ( *pmsg == '\n' || *pmsg == 1 || *pmsg == 2 ) ) { pmsg++; } if ( !*pmsg ) return; if ( *pmsg < 32 ) { hudlcd->AddChatLine( pmsg + 1 ); } else { hudlcd->AddChatLine( pmsg ); } CHudChatLine *line = (CHudChatLine *)FindUnusedChatLine(); if ( !line ) { ExpireOldest(); line = (CHudChatLine *)FindUnusedChatLine(); } if ( !line ) { return; } line->SetText( "" ); int iNameLength = 0; player_info_t sPlayerInfo; if ( iPlayerIndex == 0 ) { Q_memset( &sPlayerInfo, 0, sizeof(player_info_t) ); Q_strncpy( sPlayerInfo.name, "Console", sizeof(sPlayerInfo.name) ); } else { engine->GetPlayerInfo( iPlayerIndex, &sPlayerInfo ); } const char *pName = sPlayerInfo.name; if ( pName ) { const char *nameInString = strstr( pmsg, pName ); if ( nameInString ) { iNameLength = strlen( pName ) + (nameInString - pmsg); } } else line->InsertColorChange( Color( g_ColorYellow[0], g_ColorYellow[1], g_ColorYellow[2], 255 ) ); char *buf = static_cast<char *>( _alloca( strlen( pmsg ) + 1 ) ); wchar_t *wbuf = static_cast<wchar_t *>( _alloca( (strlen( pmsg ) + 1 ) * sizeof(wchar_t) ) ); if ( buf ) { float *flColor = GetClientColor( iPlayerIndex ); line->SetExpireTime(); // draw the first x characters in the player color Q_strncpy( buf, pmsg, MIN( iNameLength + 1, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+32) ); buf[ MIN( iNameLength, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH+31) ] = 0; line->InsertColorChange( Color( flColor[0], flColor[1], flColor[2], 255 ) ); line->InsertString( buf ); Q_strncpy( buf, pmsg + iNameLength, strlen( pmsg )); buf[ strlen( pmsg + iNameLength ) ] = '\0'; line->InsertColorChange( Color( g_ColorYellow[0], g_ColorYellow[1], g_ColorYellow[2], 255 ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( buf, wbuf, strlen(pmsg)*sizeof(wchar_t)); line->InsertString( wbuf ); line->SetVisible( true ); line->SetNameLength( iNameLength ); line->SetNameColor( Color( flColor[0], flColor[1], flColor[2], 255 ) ); } CLocalPlayerFilter filter; C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, -1 /*SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER*/, "HudChat.Message" ); } int CHudChat::GetChatInputOffset( void ) { if ( m_pChatInput->IsVisible() ) { return m_iFontHeight; } else return 0; }