//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements an autoselection combo box that color codes the text
//			based on whether the current selection represents a single entity,
//			multiple entities, or an unresolved entity targetname.
//			The fonts are as follows:
//			Single entity		black, normal weight
//			Multiple entities	black, bold
//			Unresolved			red, normal weight

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "TargetNameCombo.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>

#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTargetNameComboBox, CFilteredComboBox)

// Purpose: 
CTargetNameComboBox::CTargetNameComboBox( CFilteredComboBox::ICallbacks *pPassThru ) : 
	BaseClass( this )
	m_pEntityList = NULL;
	m_pPassThru = pPassThru;

// Purpose: Frees allocated memory.

// Purpose: 
void CTargetNameComboBox::FreeSubLists(void)
	POSITION pos = m_SubLists.GetHeadPosition();
	while (pos != NULL)
		CMapEntityList *pList = m_SubLists.GetNext(pos);
		delete pList;


void CTargetNameComboBox::CreateFonts()
	// Create a normal and bold font.
	if (!m_BoldFont.m_hObject)
		CFont &nf = GetNormalFont();
		if ( nf.m_hObject )
			LOGFONT LogFont;
			LogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;

CTargetNameComboBox* CTargetNameComboBox::Create( CFilteredComboBox::ICallbacks *pCallbacks, DWORD dwStyle, RECT rect, CWnd *pParentWnd, UINT nID )
	CTargetNameComboBox *pRet = new CTargetNameComboBox( pCallbacks );
	pRet->BaseClass::Create( dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID );
	return pRet;

// Purpose: Attaches an entity list to the combo box. This list will be used
//			for matching targetnames to entities in the world.
// Input  : pEntityList - The beauty of Hungarian notation and meaningful naming
//				makes this comment utterly unnecessary.
void CTargetNameComboBox::SetEntityList(const CMapEntityList *pEntityList)
	// We want all notifications, even if the current text doesn't match an exact entity name.
	SetOnlyProvideSuggestions( false );
	// Setup the list.
	m_pEntityList = pEntityList;



	if (m_pEntityList != NULL)
		FOR_EACH_OBJ( *m_pEntityList, pos )
			CMapEntity *pEntity = m_pEntityList->Element(pos);
			const char *pszTargetName = pEntity->GetKeyValue("targetname");
			if (pszTargetName != NULL)
				// If the targetname is not in the combo box, add it to the combo as the
				// first entry in an entity list. The list is necessary because there
				// may be several entities in the map with the same targetname.
				int nIndex = m_EntityLists.Find( pszTargetName );
				if (nIndex == m_EntityLists.InvalidIndex())
					CMapEntityList *pList = new CMapEntityList;

					m_EntityLists.Insert( pszTargetName, pList );

					// Keep track of all the sub lists so we can delete them later.
				// Else append the entity to the given targetname's list.
					CMapEntityList *pList = m_EntityLists[nIndex];

	// Setup the suggestions.
	CUtlVector<CString> suggestions;
	for ( int i=m_EntityLists.First(); i != m_EntityLists.InvalidIndex(); i=m_EntityLists.Next( i ) )
		suggestions.AddToTail( m_EntityLists.GetElementName( i ) );
	SetSuggestions( suggestions );

CMapEntityList* CTargetNameComboBox::GetSubEntityList( const char *pName )
	int testIndex = m_EntityLists.Find( pName );
	if ( testIndex != m_EntityLists.InvalidIndex() )
		return m_EntityLists[testIndex];
	return NULL;	

void CTargetNameComboBox::OnTextChanged( const char *pText )
	// Make sure our fonts are created.
	// Update the fonts.
	int nCount = 0;
	CMapEntityList *pList = GetSubEntityList( pText );
	if ( pList )
		nCount = pList->Count();
	// Figure out the font and color that we want.
	CFont *pWantedFont = &m_BoldFont;
	if ( (nCount == 0) || (nCount == 1) )
		pWantedFont = &GetNormalFont();

	COLORREF clrWanted = RGB(255,0,0);
	if ( nCount > 0 )
		clrWanted = RGB(0,0,0);

	SetEditControlFont( *pWantedFont );
	SetEditControlTextColor( clrWanted );

	// Pass it through to the owner if they want notification.
	if ( m_pPassThru )
		m_pPassThru->OnTextChanged( pText );	