//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Singleton dialog that generates and presents the entity report. // //===========================================================================// #include "EntityReportPanel.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "tier1/utlbuffer.h" #include "iregistry.h" #include "vgui/ivgui.h" #include "vgui_controls/listpanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/textentry.h" #include "vgui_controls/checkbutton.h" #include "vgui_controls/combobox.h" #include "vgui_controls/radiobutton.h" #include "vgui_controls/messagebox.h" #include "dmevmfentity.h" #include "foundrydoc.h" #include "foundrytool.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> using namespace vgui; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sort by target name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int __cdecl TargetNameSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("targetname"); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("targetname"); int nRetVal = Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); if ( nRetVal != 0 ) return nRetVal; string1 = item1.kv->GetString("classname"); string2 = item2.kv->GetString("classname"); return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sort by class name //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int __cdecl ClassNameSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &item1, const ListPanelItem &item2 ) { const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("classname"); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("classname"); int nRetVal = Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); if ( nRetVal != 0 ) return nRetVal; string1 = item1.kv->GetString("targetname"); string2 = item2.kv->GetString("targetname"); return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEntityReportPanel::CEntityReportPanel( CFoundryDoc *pDoc, vgui::Panel* pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ), m_pDoc( pDoc ) { m_bSuppressEntityListUpdate = false; m_iFilterByType = FILTER_SHOW_EVERYTHING; m_bFilterByKeyvalue = false; m_bFilterByClass = false; m_bFilterByHidden = false; m_bFilterByKeyvalue = false; m_bExact = false; m_bFilterTextChanged = false; SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true ); m_pEntities = new vgui::ListPanel( this, "Entities" ); m_pEntities->AddColumnHeader( 0, "targetname", "Name", 52, ListPanel::COLUMN_RESIZEWITHWINDOW ); m_pEntities->AddColumnHeader( 1, "classname", "Class Name", 52, ListPanel::COLUMN_RESIZEWITHWINDOW ); m_pEntities->SetColumnSortable( 0, true ); m_pEntities->SetColumnSortable( 1, true ); m_pEntities->SetEmptyListText( "No Entities" ); // m_pEntities->SetDragEnabled( true ); m_pEntities->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pEntities->SetSortFunc( 0, TargetNameSortFunc ); m_pEntities->SetSortFunc( 1, ClassNameSortFunc ); m_pEntities->SetSortColumn( 0 ); // Filtering checkboxes m_pFilterByClass = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "ClassnameCheck", "" ); m_pFilterByClass->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pFilterByKeyvalue = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "KeyvalueCheck", "" ); m_pFilterByKeyvalue->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pFilterByHidden = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "HiddenCheck", "" ); m_pFilterByHidden->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pExact = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "ExactCheck", "" ); m_pExact->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); // Filtering text entries m_pFilterKey = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "KeyTextEntry" ); m_pFilterValue = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "ValueTextEntry" ); // Classname combobox m_pFilterClass = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "ClassNameComboBox", 16, true ); // Filter by type radio buttons m_pFilterEverything = new vgui::RadioButton( this, "EverythingRadio", "" ); m_pFilterPointEntities = new vgui::RadioButton( this, "PointRadio", "" ); m_pFilterBrushModels = new vgui::RadioButton( this, "BrushRadio", "" ); LoadControlSettings( "resource/entityreportpanel.res" ); ReadSettingsFromRegistry(); // Used for updating filter while changing text ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 300 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads settings from registry //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::ReadSettingsFromRegistry() { m_bSuppressEntityListUpdate = true; const char *pKeyBase = g_pFoundryTool->GetRegistryName(); m_pFilterByKeyvalue->SetSelected( registry->ReadInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByKeyvalue", 0) ); m_pFilterByClass->SetSelected( registry->ReadInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByClass", 0) ); m_pFilterByHidden->SetSelected( registry->ReadInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByHidden", 1) ); m_pExact->SetSelected( registry->ReadInt(pKeyBase, "Exact", 0) ); m_iFilterByType = (FilterType_t)registry->ReadInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByType", FILTER_SHOW_EVERYTHING); m_pFilterEverything->SetSelected( m_iFilterByType == FILTER_SHOW_EVERYTHING ); m_pFilterPointEntities->SetSelected( m_iFilterByType == FILTER_SHOW_POINT_ENTITIES ); m_pFilterBrushModels->SetSelected( m_iFilterByType == FILTER_SHOW_BRUSH_ENTITIES ); // Gotta call change functions manually since SetText doesn't post an action signal const char *pValue = registry->ReadString( pKeyBase, "FilterClass", "" ); m_pFilterClass->SetText( pValue ); OnChangeFilterclass( pValue ); pValue = registry->ReadString( pKeyBase, "FilterKey", "" ); m_pFilterKey->SetText( pValue ); OnChangeFilterkey( pValue ); pValue = registry->ReadString( pKeyBase, "FilterValue", "" ); m_pFilterValue->SetText( pValue ); OnChangeFiltervalue( pValue ); m_bSuppressEntityListUpdate = false; UpdateEntityList(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Writes settings to registry //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::SaveSettingsToRegistry() { const char *pKeyBase = g_pFoundryTool->GetRegistryName(); registry->WriteInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByKeyvalue", m_bFilterByKeyvalue); registry->WriteInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByClass", m_bFilterByClass); registry->WriteInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByHidden", m_bFilterByHidden); registry->WriteInt(pKeyBase, "FilterByType", m_iFilterByType); registry->WriteInt(pKeyBase, "Exact", m_bExact); registry->WriteString(pKeyBase, "FilterClass", m_szFilterClass); registry->WriteString(pKeyBase, "FilterKey", m_szFilterKey); registry->WriteString(pKeyBase, "FilterValue", m_szFilterValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Shows the most recent selected object in properties window //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnProperties(void) { int iSel = m_pEntities->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *kv = m_pEntities->GetItem( iSel ); CDmeVMFEntity *pEntity = (CDmeVMFEntity *)kv->GetPtr( "entity" ); g_pFoundryTool->ShowEntityInEntityProperties( pEntity ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Deletes the marked objects. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnDeleteEntities(void) { // This is undoable CAppUndoScopeGuard guard( NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Delete Entities", "Delete Entities" ); int iSel = m_pEntities->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); // // Build a list of objects to delete. // int nCount = m_pEntities->GetSelectedItemsCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { int nItemID = m_pEntities->GetSelectedItem(i); KeyValues *kv = m_pEntities->GetItem( nItemID ); CDmeVMFEntity *pEntity = (CDmeVMFEntity *)kv->GetPtr( "entity" ); if ( pEntity ) { m_pDoc->DeleteEntity( pEntity ); } } guard.Release(); UpdateEntityList(); // Update the list box selection. if (iSel >= m_pEntities->GetItemCount()) { iSel = m_pEntities->GetItemCount() - 1; } m_pEntities->SetSingleSelectedItem( iSel ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called when buttons are clicked //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "delete" ) ) { // Confirm we want to do it MessageBox *pConfirm = new MessageBox( "#FoundryDeleteObjects", "#FoundryDeleteObjectsMsg", g_pFoundryTool->GetRootPanel() ); pConfirm->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pConfirm->SetOKButtonText( "Yes" ); pConfirm->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "DeleteEntities" ) ); pConfirm->SetCancelButtonVisible( true ); pConfirm->SetCancelButtonText( "No" ); pConfirm->DoModal(); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "ShowProperties" ) ) { OnProperties(); return; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Call this when our settings are dirty //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::MarkDirty( bool bFilterDirty ) { float flTime = Plat_FloatTime(); m_bRegistrySettingsChanged = true; m_flRegistryTime = flTime; if ( bFilterDirty && !m_bFilterTextChanged ) { m_bFilterTextChanged = true; m_flFilterTime = flTime; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods related to filtering //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnFilterByHidden( bool bState ) { m_bFilterByHidden = bState; UpdateEntityList(); MarkDirty( false ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnFilterByKeyvalue( bool bState ) { m_bFilterByKeyvalue = bState; UpdateEntityList(); MarkDirty( false ); m_pFilterKey->SetEnabled( bState ); m_pFilterValue->SetEnabled( bState ); m_pExact->SetEnabled( bState ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnFilterKeyValueExact( bool bState ) { m_bExact = bState; UpdateEntityList(); MarkDirty( false ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnFilterByType( FilterType_t type ) { m_iFilterByType = type; UpdateEntityList(); MarkDirty( false ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnFilterByClass( bool bState ) { m_bFilterByClass = bState; UpdateEntityList(); MarkDirty( false ); m_pFilterClass->SetEnabled( bState ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnChangeFilterkey( const char *pText ) { m_szFilterKey = pText; MarkDirty( true ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnChangeFiltervalue( const char *pText ) { m_szFilterValue = pText; MarkDirty( true ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnChangeFilterclass( const char *pText ) { m_szFilterClass = pText; MarkDirty( true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deals with all check buttons //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnTextChanged( KeyValues *kv ) { TextEntry *pPanel = (TextEntry*)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); int nLength = pPanel->GetTextLength(); char *pBuf = (char*)_alloca( nLength + 1 ); pPanel->GetText( pBuf, nLength+1 ); if ( pPanel == m_pFilterClass ) { OnChangeFilterclass( pBuf ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterKey ) { OnChangeFilterkey( pBuf ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterValue ) { OnChangeFiltervalue( pBuf ); return; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Deals with all check buttons //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnButtonToggled( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel*)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); bool bState = kv->GetInt( "state", 0 ) != 0; if ( pPanel == m_pFilterByClass ) { OnFilterByClass( bState ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterByKeyvalue ) { OnFilterByKeyvalue( bState ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterByHidden ) { OnFilterByHidden( bState ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pExact ) { OnFilterKeyValueExact( bState ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterEverything ) { OnFilterByType( FILTER_SHOW_EVERYTHING ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterPointEntities ) { OnFilterByType( FILTER_SHOW_POINT_ENTITIES ); return; } if ( pPanel == m_pFilterBrushModels ) { OnFilterByType( FILTER_SHOW_BRUSH_ENTITIES ); return; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: Necessary because SetSelected doesn't cause a ButtonToggled message to trigger //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnCheckButtonChecked( KeyValues *kv ) { OnButtonToggled( kv ); } void CEntityReportPanel::OnRadioButtonChecked( KeyValues *kv ) { OnButtonToggled( kv ); } #if 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Centers the 2D and 3D views on the selected entities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnGoto() { MarkSelectedEntities(); m_pDoc->CenterViewsOnSelection(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::MarkSelectedEntities() { m_pDoc->SelectObject(NULL, CMapDoc::scClear); for(int i = 0; i < m_cEntities.GetCount(); i++) { if(!m_cEntities.GetSel(i)) continue; CMapEntity *pEntity = (CMapEntity*) m_cEntities.GetItemDataPtr(i); m_pDoc->SelectObject(pEntity, CMapDoc::scSelect); } m_pDoc->SelectObject(NULL, CMapDoc::scUpdateDisplay); } #endif void CEntityReportPanel::OnTick( ) { BaseClass::OnTick(); // check filters float flTime = Plat_FloatTime(); if ( m_bFilterTextChanged ) { if ( (flTime - m_flFilterTime) > 1e-3 ) { m_bFilterTextChanged = false; m_flFilterTime = flTime; UpdateEntityList(); } } if ( m_bRegistrySettingsChanged ) { if ( (flTime - m_flRegistryTime) > 1e-3 ) { m_bRegistrySettingsChanged = false; m_flRegistryTime = flTime; SaveSettingsToRegistry(); } } } bool CEntityReportPanel::ShouldAddEntityToList( CDmeVMFEntity *pEntity ) { // nope. if ( !m_bFilterByHidden && !pEntity->IsVisible() ) return false; /* if (!pDlg->m_pDoc->selection.IsEmpty() && !pEntity->IsSelected()) return true; */ if ( m_iFilterByType == FILTER_SHOW_POINT_ENTITIES && pEntity->IsPlaceholder() ) return false; if ( m_iFilterByType == FILTER_SHOW_BRUSH_ENTITIES && !pEntity->IsPlaceholder() ) return false; const char* pClassName = pEntity->GetClassName(); if ( m_bFilterByClass ) { if ( !m_szFilterClass.IsEmpty() ) { if ( !Q_stristr( pClassName, m_szFilterClass ) ) return false; } } if ( !m_bFilterByKeyvalue || m_szFilterValue.IsEmpty() ) return true; CUtlBuffer buf( 256, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); for ( CDmAttribute *pKey = pEntity->FirstEntityKey(); pKey; pKey = pEntity->NextEntityKey( pKey ) ) { // first, check key if ( m_szFilterKey.IsEmpty() || !Q_stricmp( m_szFilterKey, pKey->GetName() ) ) { // now, check value (as a string) buf.Clear(); pKey->Serialize( buf ); const char *pValue = (const char*)buf.Base(); if ( (!m_bExact && Q_stristr( pValue, m_szFilterValue ) ) || !Q_stricmp( pValue, m_szFilterValue ) ) return true; } } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::UpdateEntityList(void) { if ( m_bSuppressEntityListUpdate ) return; m_bFilterTextChanged = false; m_pEntities->RemoveAll(); const CDmrElementArray<CDmElement> entityList( m_pDoc->GetEntityList() ); int nCount = entityList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeVMFEntity *pEntity = CastElement<CDmeVMFEntity>( entityList[i] ); if ( ShouldAddEntityToList( pEntity ) ) { const char *pClassName = pEntity->GetClassName( ); const char *pTargetName = pEntity->GetTargetName( ); if ( !pTargetName || !pTargetName[0] ) { pTargetName = "<no name>"; } if ( !pClassName || !pClassName[0] ) { pClassName = "<no class>"; } KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "targetname", pTargetName ); kv->SetString( "classname", pClassName ); kv->SetPtr( "entity", pEntity ); m_pEntities->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false ); } } m_pEntities->SortList(); } #if 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::GenerateReport() { POSITION p = pGD->Classes.GetHeadPosition(); CString str; while(p) { GDclass *pc = pGD->Classes.GetNext(p); if(!pc->IsBaseClass()) { str = pc->GetName(); if(str != "worldspawn") m_cFilterClass.AddString(str); } } SetTimer(1, 500, NULL); OnFilterbykeyvalue(); OnFilterbytype(); OnFilterbyclass(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnSelChangeEntityList() { MarkSelectedEntities(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnDblClkEntityList() { m_pDoc->CenterViewsOnSelection(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnOK() { DestroyWindow(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnClose() { DestroyWindow(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when our window is being destroyed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CEntityReportPanel::OnDestroy() { SaveToIni(); s_pDlg = NULL; delete this; } #endif