#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0

#pragma comment(lib, "nvtristrip")

// Public interface for stripifier

//GeForce1 and 2 cache size

//GeForce3 cache size

enum PrimType

struct PrimitiveGroup
	PrimType type;
	unsigned int numIndices;
	unsigned short* indices;


	PrimitiveGroup() : type(PT_STRIP), numIndices(0), indices(NULL) {}
			delete[] indices;
		indices = NULL;

// SetCacheSize()
// Sets the cache size which the stripfier uses to optimize the data.
// Controls the length of the generated individual strips.
// This is the "actual" cache size, so 24 for GeForce3 and 16 for GeForce1/2
// You may want to play around with this number to tweak performance.
// Default value: 16
void SetCacheSize(const unsigned int cacheSize);

// SetStitchStrips()
// bool to indicate whether to stitch together strips into one huge strip or not.
// If set to true, you'll get back one huge strip stitched together using degenerate
//  triangles.
// If set to false, you'll get back a large number of separate strips.
// Default value: true
void SetStitchStrips(const bool bStitchStrips);

// SetMinStripSize()
// Sets the minimum acceptable size for a strip, in triangles.
// All strips generated which are shorter than this will be thrown into one big, separate list.
// Default value: 0
void SetMinStripSize(const unsigned int minSize);

// SetListsOnly()
// If set to true, will return an optimized list, with no strips at all.
// Default value: false
void SetListsOnly(const bool bListsOnly);

// GenerateStrips()
// in_indices: input index list, the indices you would use to render
// in_numIndices: number of entries in in_indices
// primGroups: array of optimized/stripified PrimitiveGroups
// numGroups: number of groups returned
// Be sure to call delete[] on the returned primGroups to avoid leaking mem
void GenerateStrips(const unsigned short* in_indices, const unsigned int in_numIndices,
					PrimitiveGroup** primGroups, unsigned short* numGroups);

// RemapIndices()
// Function to remap your indices to improve spatial locality in your vertex buffer.
// in_primGroups: array of PrimitiveGroups you want remapped
// numGroups: number of entries in in_primGroups
// numVerts: number of vertices in your vertex buffer, also can be thought of as the range
//  of acceptable values for indices in your primitive groups.
// remappedGroups: array of remapped PrimitiveGroups
// Note that, according to the remapping handed back to you, you must reorder your 
//  vertex buffer.
// Credit goes to the MS Xbox crew for the idea for this interface.
void RemapIndices(const PrimitiveGroup* in_primGroups, const unsigned short numGroups, 
				  const unsigned short numVerts, PrimitiveGroup** remappedGroups);
