//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // nav_area.cpp // AI Navigation areas // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), January 2003 #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_nav_mesh.h" #include "cs_nav_area.h" #include "nav_pathfind.h" #include "nav_colors.h" #include "fmtstr.h" #include "props_shared.h" #include "func_breakablesurf.h" #include "Color.h" #include "collisionutils.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning (disable:4701) // disable warning that variable *may* not be initialized #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor used during normal runtime. */ CCSNavArea::CCSNavArea( void ) { m_approachCount = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Destructor */ CCSNavArea::~CCSNavArea() { } void CCSNavArea::OnServerActivate( void ) { CNavArea::OnServerActivate(); } void CCSNavArea::OnRoundRestart( void ) { CNavArea::OnRoundRestart(); } void CCSNavArea::Save( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version ) const { CNavArea::Save( fileBuffer, version ); // // Save the approach areas for this area // // save number of approach areas fileBuffer.PutUnsignedChar(m_approachCount); // save approach area info for( int a=0; a<m_approachCount; ++a ) { if (m_approach[a].here.area) fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(m_approach[a].here.area->GetID()); else fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(0); if (m_approach[a].prev.area) fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(m_approach[a].prev.area->GetID()); else fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(0); fileBuffer.PutUnsignedChar(m_approach[a].prevToHereHow); if (m_approach[a].next.area) fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(m_approach[a].next.area->GetID()); else fileBuffer.PutUnsignedInt(0); fileBuffer.PutUnsignedChar(m_approach[a].hereToNextHow); } } NavErrorType CCSNavArea::Load( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version, unsigned int subVersion ) { if ( version < 15 ) return LoadLegacy(fileBuffer, version, subVersion); // load base class data NavErrorType error = CNavArea::Load( fileBuffer, version, subVersion ); switch ( subVersion ) { case 1: // // Load number of approach areas // m_approachCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); // load approach area info (IDs) for( int a = 0; a < m_approachCount; ++a ) { m_approach[a].here.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].prev.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].prevToHereHow = (NavTraverseType)fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); m_approach[a].next.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].hereToNextHow = (NavTraverseType)fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); } if ( !fileBuffer.IsValid() ) error = NAV_INVALID_FILE; // fall through case 0: // legacy version break; default: Warning( "Unknown NavArea sub-version number\n" ); error = NAV_INVALID_FILE; } return error; } NavErrorType CCSNavArea::PostLoad( void ) { NavErrorType error = CNavArea::PostLoad(); // resolve approach area IDs for ( int a = 0; a < m_approachCount; ++a ) { m_approach[a].here.area = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( m_approach[a].here.id ); if (m_approach[a].here.id && m_approach[a].here.area == NULL) { Msg( "CNavArea::PostLoad: Corrupt navigation data. Missing Approach Area (here).\n" ); error = NAV_CORRUPT_DATA; } m_approach[a].prev.area = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( m_approach[a].prev.id ); if (m_approach[a].prev.id && m_approach[a].prev.area == NULL) { Msg( "CNavArea::PostLoad: Corrupt navigation data. Missing Approach Area (prev).\n" ); error = NAV_CORRUPT_DATA; } m_approach[a].next.area = TheNavMesh->GetNavAreaByID( m_approach[a].next.id ); if (m_approach[a].next.id && m_approach[a].next.area == NULL) { Msg( "CNavArea::PostLoad: Corrupt navigation data. Missing Approach Area (next).\n" ); error = NAV_CORRUPT_DATA; } } return error; } void CCSNavArea::Draw( void ) const { CNavArea::Draw(); } void CCSNavArea::CustomAnalysis( bool isIncremental /*= false */ ) { ComputeApproachAreas(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Load legacy navigation area from the file */ NavErrorType CCSNavArea::LoadLegacy( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int version, unsigned int subVersion ) { // load ID m_id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); // update nextID to avoid collisions if (m_id >= m_nextID) m_nextID = m_id+1; // load attribute flags if ( version <= 8 ) { m_attributeFlags = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); } else if ( version < 13 ) { m_attributeFlags = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedShort(); } else { m_attributeFlags = fileBuffer.GetInt(); } // load extent of area fileBuffer.Get( &m_nwCorner, 3*sizeof(float) ); fileBuffer.Get( &m_seCorner, 3*sizeof(float) ); m_center.x = (m_nwCorner.x + m_seCorner.x)/2.0f; m_center.y = (m_nwCorner.y + m_seCorner.y)/2.0f; m_center.z = (m_nwCorner.z + m_seCorner.z)/2.0f; if ( ( m_seCorner.x - m_nwCorner.x ) > 0.0f && ( m_seCorner.y - m_nwCorner.y ) > 0.0f ) { m_invDxCorners = 1.0f / ( m_seCorner.x - m_nwCorner.x ); m_invDyCorners = 1.0f / ( m_seCorner.y - m_nwCorner.y ); } else { m_invDxCorners = m_invDyCorners = 0; DevWarning( "Degenerate Navigation Area #%d at setpos %g %g %g\n", m_id, m_center.x, m_center.y, m_center.z ); } // load heights of implicit corners m_neZ = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); m_swZ = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); CheckWaterLevel(); // load connections (IDs) to adjacent areas // in the enum order NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST for( int d=0; d<NUM_DIRECTIONS; d++ ) { // load number of connections for this direction unsigned int count = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); Assert( fileBuffer.IsValid() ); m_connect[d].EnsureCapacity( count ); for( unsigned int i=0; i<count; ++i ) { NavConnect connect; connect.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); Assert( fileBuffer.IsValid() ); // don't allow self-referential connections if ( connect.id != m_id ) { m_connect[d].AddToTail( connect ); } } } // // Load hiding spots // // load number of hiding spots unsigned char hidingSpotCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); if (version == 1) { // load simple vector array Vector pos; for( int h=0; h<hidingSpotCount; ++h ) { fileBuffer.Get( &pos, 3 * sizeof(float) ); // create new hiding spot and put on master list HidingSpot *spot = TheNavMesh->CreateHidingSpot(); spot->SetPosition( pos ); spot->SetFlags( HidingSpot::IN_COVER ); m_hidingSpots.AddToTail( spot ); } } else { // load HidingSpot objects for this area for( int h=0; h<hidingSpotCount; ++h ) { // create new hiding spot and put on master list HidingSpot *spot = TheNavMesh->CreateHidingSpot(); spot->Load( fileBuffer, version ); m_hidingSpots.AddToTail( spot ); } } if ( version < 15 ) { // // Load number of approach areas // m_approachCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); // load approach area info (IDs) for( int a = 0; a < m_approachCount; ++a ) { m_approach[a].here.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].prev.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].prevToHereHow = (NavTraverseType)fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); m_approach[a].next.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); m_approach[a].hereToNextHow = (NavTraverseType)fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); } } // // Load encounter paths for this area // unsigned int count = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); if (version < 3) { // old data, read and discard for( unsigned int e=0; e<count; ++e ) { SpotEncounter encounter; encounter.from.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); encounter.to.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); fileBuffer.Get( &encounter.path.from.x, 3 * sizeof(float) ); fileBuffer.Get( &encounter.path.to.x, 3 * sizeof(float) ); // read list of spots along this path unsigned char spotCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); for( int s=0; s<spotCount; ++s ) { fileBuffer.GetFloat(); fileBuffer.GetFloat(); fileBuffer.GetFloat(); fileBuffer.GetFloat(); } } return NAV_OK; } for( unsigned int e=0; e<count; ++e ) { SpotEncounter *encounter = new SpotEncounter; encounter->from.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); unsigned char dir = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); encounter->fromDir = static_cast<NavDirType>( dir ); encounter->to.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); dir = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); encounter->toDir = static_cast<NavDirType>( dir ); // read list of spots along this path unsigned char spotCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); SpotOrder order; for( int s=0; s<spotCount; ++s ) { order.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); unsigned char t = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); order.t = (float)t/255.0f; encounter->spots.AddToTail( order ); } m_spotEncounters.AddToTail( encounter ); } if (version < 5) return NAV_OK; // // Load Place data // PlaceDirectory::IndexType entry = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedShort(); // convert entry to actual Place SetPlace( placeDirectory.IndexToPlace( entry ) ); if ( version < 7 ) return NAV_OK; // load ladder data for ( int dir=0; dir<CNavLadder::NUM_LADDER_DIRECTIONS; ++dir ) { count = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); for( unsigned int i=0; i<count; ++i ) { NavLadderConnect connect; connect.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); bool alreadyConnected = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ladder[dir], j ) { if ( m_ladder[dir][j].id == connect.id ) { alreadyConnected = true; break; } } if ( !alreadyConnected ) { m_ladder[dir].AddToTail( connect ); } } } if ( version < 8 ) return NAV_OK; // load earliest occupy times for( int i=0; i<MAX_NAV_TEAMS; ++i ) { // no spot in the map should take longer than this to reach m_earliestOccupyTime[i] = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); } if ( version < 11 ) return NAV_OK; // load light intensity for ( int i=0; i<NUM_CORNERS; ++i ) { m_lightIntensity[i] = fileBuffer.GetFloat(); } if ( version < 16 ) return NAV_OK; // load visibility information unsigned int visibleAreaCount = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); if ( !IsX360() ) { m_potentiallyVisibleAreas.EnsureCapacity( visibleAreaCount ); } else { /* TODO: Re-enable when latest 360 code gets integrated (MSB 5/5/09) size_t nBytes = visibleAreaCount * sizeof( AreaBindInfo ); m_potentiallyVisibleAreas.~CAreaBindInfoArray(); new ( &m_potentiallyVisibleAreas ) CAreaBindInfoArray( (AreaBindInfo *)engine->AllocLevelStaticData( nBytes ), visibleAreaCount ); */ } for( unsigned int j=0; j<visibleAreaCount; ++j ) { AreaBindInfo info; info.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); info.attributes = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedChar(); m_potentiallyVisibleAreas.AddToTail( info ); } // read area from which we inherit visibility m_inheritVisibilityFrom.id = fileBuffer.GetUnsignedInt(); return NAV_OK; }