//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //===========================================================================// #ifndef DMECONTROLS_UTILS_H #define DMECONTROLS_UTILS_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "datamodel/dmelement.h" #include "datamodel/dmattribute.h" #include "datamodel/dmattributevar.h" #include "movieobjects/timeutils.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper method to insert + extract DmElement handles into keyvalues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SetElementKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pName, CDmElement *pElement ) { pKeyValues->SetInt( pName, pElement ? pElement->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); } template< class T > T* GetElementKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pName ) { DmElementHandle_t h = (DmElementHandle_t)pKeyValues->GetInt( pName, DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); return GetElement<T>( h ); } inline KeyValues *CreateElementKeyValues( const char *pName, const char *pKey, CDmElement *pElement ) { return new KeyValues( pName, pKey, pElement ? ( int )pElement->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); } inline void AddStandardElementKeys( KeyValues *pKeyValues, CDmElement *pElement ) { SetElementKeyValue( pKeyValues, "dmeelement", pElement ); if ( pElement ) { char buf[ 256 ]; UniqueIdToString( pElement->GetId(), buf, sizeof( buf ) ); pKeyValues->SetString( "text", buf ); pKeyValues->SetString( "type", pElement->GetTypeString() ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper method to insert + extract DmeTime_t into keyvalues //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void SetDmeTimeKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pName, DmeTime_t t ) { pKeyValues->SetInt( pName, t.GetTenthsOfMS() ); } inline DmeTime_t GetDmeTimeKeyValue( KeyValues *pKeyValues, const char *pName, DmeTime_t defaultTime = DMETIME_ZERO ) { return DmeTime_t( pKeyValues->GetInt( pName, defaultTime.GetTenthsOfMS() ) ); } inline bool ElementTree_IsArrayItem( KeyValues *itemData ) { return !itemData->IsEmpty( "arrayIndex" ); } inline CDmAttribute *ElementTree_GetAttribute( KeyValues *itemData ) { CDmElement *pOwner = GetElementKeyValue< CDmElement >( itemData, "ownerelement" ); if ( !pOwner ) return NULL; const char *pAttributeName = itemData->GetString( "attributeName", "" ); return pOwner->GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); } inline DmAttributeType_t ElementTree_GetAttributeType( KeyValues *itemData ) { CDmElement *pOwner = GetElementKeyValue< CDmElement >( itemData, "ownerelement" ); if ( !pOwner ) return AT_UNKNOWN; const char *pAttributeName = itemData->GetString( "attributeName", "" ); CDmAttribute *pAttribute = pOwner->GetAttribute( pAttributeName ); if ( !pAttribute ) return AT_UNKNOWN; return pAttribute->GetType(); } inline bool ElementTree_GetDroppableItems( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msglist, const char *elementType, CUtlVector< CDmElement * >& list ) { int c = msglist.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { KeyValues *data = msglist[ i ]; CDmElement *e = GetElementKeyValue<CDmElement>( data, "dmeelement" ); if ( !e ) { continue; } //if ( !e->IsA( elementType ) ) //{ // continue; //} list.AddToTail( e ); } return list.Count() != 0; } inline void ElementTree_RemoveListFromArray( CDmAttribute *pArrayAttribute, CUtlVector< CDmElement * >& list ) { CDmrElementArray<> array( pArrayAttribute ); int c = array.Count(); for ( int i = c - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i ) { CDmElement *element = array[ i ]; if ( list.Find( element ) != list.InvalidIndex() ) { array.Remove( i ); } } } #endif // DMECONTROLS_UTILS_H