//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "beam_shared.h" #include "ai_default.h" #include "ai_task.h" #include "ai_schedule.h" #include "ai_node.h" #include "ai_hull.h" #include "ai_hint.h" #include "ai_memory.h" #include "ai_route.h" #include "ai_motor.h" #include "ai_senses.h" #include "hl1_npc_hgrunt.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "game.h" #include "npcevent.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "activitylist.h" #include "animation.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "ammodef.h" #include "basecombatweapon.h" #include "hl1_basegrenade.h" #include "soundenvelope.h" #include "hl1_CBaseHelicopter.h" #include "IEffects.h" #include "smoke_trail.h" extern short g_sModelIndexFireball; typedef struct { int isValid; EHANDLE hGrunt; Vector vecOrigin; Vector vecAngles; } t_ospreygrunt; #define LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS 0 //WORST NAME EVER! #define UNLOADING_GRUNTS 1 #define GRUNTS_DEPLOYED 2 //Waiting for them to finish repelin #define SF_WAITFORTRIGGER 0x40 #define MAX_CARRY 24 #define DEFAULT_SPEED 250 #define HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL 0.1 class CNPC_Osprey : public CBaseHelicopter { DECLARE_CLASS( CNPC_Osprey, CBaseHelicopter ); public: int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; } void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); Class_T Classify( void ) { return CLASS_NONE; }; int BloodColor( void ) { return DONT_BLEED; } void FindAllThink( void ); void DeployThink( void ); bool HasDead( void ); void Flight( void ); void HoverThink( void ); CAI_BaseNPC *MakeGrunt( Vector vecSrc ); void InitializeRotorSound( void ); void PrescheduleThink( void ); void DyingThink( void ); void CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); /* void CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void DyingThink( void ); void CommandUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); */ void TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator ); float m_startTime; float m_flIdealtilt; float m_flRotortilt; float m_flRightHealth; float m_flLeftHealth; int m_iUnits; EHANDLE m_hGrunt[MAX_CARRY]; Vector m_vecOrigin[MAX_CARRY]; EHANDLE m_hRepel[4]; int m_iSoundState; int m_iSpriteTexture; int m_iPitch; int m_iExplode; int m_iTailGibs; int m_iBodyGibs; int m_iEngineGibs; int m_iDoLeftSmokePuff; int m_iDoRightSmokePuff; int m_iRepelState; float m_flPrevGoalVel; int m_iRotorAngle; int m_nDebrisModel; CHandle<SmokeTrail> m_hLeftSmoke; CHandle<SmokeTrail> m_hRightSmoke; DECLARE_DATADESC(); int m_iNextCrashModel; //which gib to explode with next }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_osprey, CNPC_Osprey ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CNPC_Osprey ) DEFINE_FIELD( m_startTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flIdealtilt, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flRotortilt, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flRightHealth, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLeftHealth, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iRepelState, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iUnits, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_hGrunt, FIELD_EHANDLE, MAX_CARRY ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_vecOrigin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR, MAX_CARRY ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_hRepel, FIELD_EHANDLE, 4 ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iTailGibs, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iBodyGibs, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iEngineGibs, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_nDebrisModel, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iSoundState, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iSpriteTexture, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iPitch, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flPrevGoalVel, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iRotorAngle, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hLeftSmoke, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hRightSmoke, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iNextCrashModel, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iDoLeftSmokePuff, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iDoRightSmokePuff, FIELD_INTEGER ), //DEFINE_FIELD( m_iExplode, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_THINKFUNC( FindAllThink ), DEFINE_THINKFUNC( DeployThink ), DEFINE_ENTITYFUNC( CrashTouch ), /* DEFINE_FUNCTION ( HoverThink ), DEFINE_FUNCTION ( DyingThink ), DEFINE_FUNCTION ( CommandUse ),*/ END_DATADESC() void CNPC_Osprey::Spawn( void ) { Precache( ); // motor SetModel( "models/osprey.mdl" ); BaseClass::Spawn(); Vector mins, maxs; ExtractBbox( 0, mins, maxs ); UTIL_SetSize( this, mins, maxs ); UTIL_SetOrigin( this, GetAbsOrigin() ); AddFlag( FL_NPC ); m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; m_flRightHealth = 200; m_flLeftHealth = 200; m_iHealth = 400; m_flFieldOfView = 0; // 180 degrees SetSequence( 0 ); ResetSequenceInfo( ); SetCycle( random->RandomInt( 0,0xFF ) ); // InitBoneControllers(); m_startTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1; //FindAllThink(); // SetUse( CommandUse ); /* if (!( m_spawnflags & SF_WAITFORTRIGGER)) { SetThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0 ); }*/ m_flMaxSpeed = (float)BASECHOPPER_MAX_SPEED / 2; m_iRepelState = LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS; m_flPrevGoalVel = 9999; m_iRotorAngle = -1; SetBoneController( 0, m_iRotorAngle ); m_hLeftSmoke = NULL; m_hRightSmoke = NULL; } void CNPC_Osprey::Precache( void ) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_human_grunt" ); PrecacheModel("models/osprey.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/HVR.mdl"); m_iSpriteTexture = PrecacheModel( "sprites/rope.vmt" ); m_iExplode = PrecacheModel( "sprites/fexplo.vmt" ); m_iTailGibs = PrecacheModel( "models/osprey_tailgibs.mdl" ); m_iBodyGibs = PrecacheModel( "models/osprey_bodygibs.mdl" ); m_iEngineGibs = PrecacheModel( "models/osprey_enginegibs.mdl" ); m_nDebrisModel = PrecacheModel( "models/mechgibs.mdl" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Apache.RotorSpinup" ); BaseClass::Precache(); } void CNPC_Osprey::TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator ) { float flDamage = info.GetDamage(); // Hit right engine if (ptr->hitgroup == 3 ) { if( m_flRightHealth <= 0 ) return; else m_flRightHealth -= flDamage; if( m_flRightHealth <= 0 ) { Assert( m_hRightSmoke == NULL ); if ( (m_hRightSmoke = SmokeTrail::CreateSmokeTrail()) != NULL ) { m_hRightSmoke->m_Opacity = 1.0f; m_hRightSmoke->m_SpawnRate = 60; m_hRightSmoke->m_ParticleLifetime = 1.3f; m_hRightSmoke->m_StartColor.Init( 0.65f, 0.65f , 0.65f ); m_hRightSmoke->m_EndColor.Init( 0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f ); m_hRightSmoke->m_StartSize = 12; m_hRightSmoke->m_EndSize = 80; m_hRightSmoke->m_SpawnRadius = 8; m_hRightSmoke->m_MinSpeed = 2; m_hRightSmoke->m_MaxSpeed = 24; m_hRightSmoke->SetLifetime( 1e6 ); m_hRightSmoke->FollowEntity( this, "right" ); } } } // Hit left engine if (ptr->hitgroup == 2 ) { if( m_flLeftHealth <= 0 ) return; else m_flLeftHealth -= flDamage; if( m_flLeftHealth <= 0 ) { //create smoke trail Assert( m_hLeftSmoke == NULL ); if ( (m_hLeftSmoke = SmokeTrail::CreateSmokeTrail()) != NULL ) { m_hLeftSmoke->m_Opacity = 1.0f; m_hLeftSmoke->m_SpawnRate = 60; m_hLeftSmoke->m_ParticleLifetime = 1.3f; m_hLeftSmoke->m_StartColor.Init( 0.65f, 0.65f , 0.65f ); m_hLeftSmoke->m_EndColor.Init( 0.65f, 0.65f, 0.65f ); m_hLeftSmoke->m_StartSize = 12; m_hLeftSmoke->m_EndSize = 64; m_hLeftSmoke->m_SpawnRadius = 8; m_hLeftSmoke->m_MinSpeed = 2; m_hLeftSmoke->m_MaxSpeed = 24; m_hLeftSmoke->SetLifetime( 1e6 ); m_hLeftSmoke->FollowEntity( this, "left" ); } } } // hit hard, hits cockpit, hits engines if (flDamage > 50 || ptr->hitgroup == 1 || ptr->hitgroup == 2 || ptr->hitgroup == 3) { AddMultiDamage( info, this ); } else { g_pEffects->Sparks( ptr->endpos ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CNPC_Osprey::InitializeRotorSound( void ) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ); m_pRotorSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), CHAN_STATIC, "Apache.RotorSpinup", 0.2 ); BaseClass::InitializeRotorSound(); } void CNPC_Osprey::FindAllThink( void ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; m_iUnits = 0; while ( ( pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "monster_human_grunt" ) ) != NULL) { if ( m_iUnits > MAX_CARRY ) break; if (pEntity->IsAlive()) { m_hGrunt[m_iUnits] = pEntity; m_vecOrigin[m_iUnits] = pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(); m_iUnits++; } } if (m_iUnits == 0) { Msg( "osprey error: no grunts to resupply\n"); UTIL_Remove( this ); return; } m_startTime = 0.0f; } void CNPC_Osprey::DeployThink( void ) { Vector vecForward; Vector vecRight; Vector vecUp; Vector vecSrc; SetLocalAngularVelocity( QAngle ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); SetAbsVelocity( Vector ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp ); trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, -4096.0), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this,COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr); CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_DANGER, tr.endpos, 400, 0.3 ); vecSrc = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 32 + vecRight * 100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[0] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * -64 + vecRight * 100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[1] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 32 + vecRight * -100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[2] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * -64 + vecRight * -100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[3] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); m_iRepelState = GRUNTS_DEPLOYED; HoverThink(); } bool CNPC_Osprey::HasDead( ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_iUnits; i++) { if (m_hGrunt[i] == NULL || !m_hGrunt[i]->IsAlive()) { return TRUE; } else { m_vecOrigin[i] = m_hGrunt[i]->GetAbsOrigin(); // send them to where they died } } return FALSE; } void CNPC_Osprey::HoverThink( void ) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { CBaseEntity *pRepel = (CBaseEntity*)m_hRepel[i]; if ( pRepel != NULL && pRepel->m_iHealth > 0 && pRepel->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY ) { break; } } if ( i == 4 ) m_iRepelState = LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS; if( m_iRepelState != LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS ) { // angle of engines should approach vertical m_iRotorAngle = UTIL_Approach(0, m_iRotorAngle, 5); } } CAI_BaseNPC *CNPC_Osprey::MakeGrunt( Vector vecSrc ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity; CAI_BaseNPC *pGrunt; trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + Vector( 0, 0, -4096.0), MASK_NPCSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr); if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->GetSolid() != SOLID_BSP) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < m_iUnits; i++) { if (m_hGrunt[i] == NULL || !m_hGrunt[i]->IsAlive()) { if (m_hGrunt[i] != NULL && m_hGrunt[i]->m_nRenderMode == kRenderNormal) { m_hGrunt[i]->SUB_StartFadeOut( ); } pEntity = Create( "monster_human_grunt", vecSrc, GetAbsAngles() ); pGrunt = pEntity->MyNPCPointer( ); pGrunt->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY ); pGrunt->SetGravity( 0.0001 ); Vector spd = Vector( 0, 0, random->RandomFloat( -196, -128 ) ); pGrunt->SetLocalVelocity( spd ); pGrunt->SetActivity( ACT_GLIDE ); pGrunt->SetGroundEntity( NULL ); pGrunt->SetOwnerEntity(this); CBeam *pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/rope.vmt", 1.0 ); pBeam->PointEntInit( vecSrc + Vector(0,0,112), pGrunt ); pBeam->SetBeamFlags( FBEAM_SOLID ); pBeam->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); pBeam->SetThink( &CBaseEntity::SUB_Remove ); pBeam->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + -4096.0 * tr.fraction / pGrunt->GetAbsVelocity().z + 0.5 ); // ALERT( at_console, "%d at %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", i, m_vecOrigin[i].x, m_vecOrigin[i].y, m_vecOrigin[i].z ); pGrunt->m_vecLastPosition = m_vecOrigin[i]; m_hGrunt[i] = pGrunt; return pGrunt; } } // ALERT( at_console, "none dead\n"); return NULL; } void CNPC_Osprey::Flight( void ) { if ( m_iRepelState == LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS ) { BaseClass::Flight(); // adjust angle of osprey rotors if ( m_angleVelocity > 0 ) { m_iRotorAngle = UTIL_Approach(-45, m_iRotorAngle, 5 * (m_angleVelocity / 10)); } else { m_iRotorAngle = UTIL_Approach(-1, m_iRotorAngle, 5); } SetBoneController( 0, m_iRotorAngle ); } } void CNPC_Osprey::PrescheduleThink( void ) { BaseClass::PrescheduleThink(); StudioFrameAdvance( ); if ( m_startTime != 0.0 && m_startTime <= gpGlobals->curtime ) FindAllThink(); if ( GetGoalEnt() ) { if ( m_flPrevGoalVel != GetGoalEnt()->m_flSpeed ) { if ( m_flPrevGoalVel == 0 && GetGoalEnt()->m_flSpeed != 0 ) { if ( HasDead() && m_iRepelState == LOADED_WITH_GRUNTS ) m_iRepelState = UNLOADING_GRUNTS; } m_flPrevGoalVel = GetGoalEnt()->m_flSpeed; } } if ( m_iRepelState == UNLOADING_GRUNTS ) DeployThink(); else if ( m_iRepelState == GRUNTS_DEPLOYED ) HoverThink(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Lame, temporary death //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNPC_Osprey::DyingThink( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance( ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextCrashExplosion ) { CPASFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() ); Vector pos; QAngle dummy; int rand = RandomInt(0,10); if( rand < 4 ) { int iAttach = LookupAttachment( rand % 2 ? "left" : "right" ); GetAttachment( iAttach, pos, dummy ); } else { pos = GetAbsOrigin(); pos.x += random->RandomFloat( -150, 150 ); pos.y += random->RandomFloat( -150, 150 ); pos.z += random->RandomFloat( -150, -50 ); } te->Explosion( filter, 0.0, &pos, g_sModelIndexFireball, 10, 15, TE_EXPLFLAG_NONE, 100, 0 ); m_flNextCrashExplosion = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.4, 0.7 ); Vector vecSize = Vector( 500, 500, 60 ); switch( m_iNextCrashModel ) { case 0: { te->BreakModel( filter, 0.0, GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, vecSize, vec3_origin, m_iTailGibs, 100, 0, 2.5, BREAK_METAL ); break; } case 1: { te->BreakModel( filter, 0.0, GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, vecSize, vec3_origin, m_iBodyGibs, 100, 0, 2.5, BREAK_METAL ); break; } case 2: { te->BreakModel( filter, 0.0, GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, vecSize, vec3_origin, m_iEngineGibs, 100, 0, 2.5, BREAK_METAL ); break; } case 3: { te->BreakModel( filter, 0.0, GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, vecSize, vec3_origin, m_nDebrisModel, 100, 0, 2.5, BREAK_METAL ); break; } } m_iNextCrashModel++; if( m_iNextCrashModel > 3 ) m_iNextCrashModel = 0; } QAngle angVel = GetLocalAngularVelocity(); if( angVel.y < 400 ) { angVel.y *= 1.1; SetLocalAngularVelocity( angVel ); } Vector vecImpulse( 0, 0, 0 ); // add gravity vecImpulse.z -= 38.4; // 32ft/sec ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecImpulse ); } void CNPC_Osprey::CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { Vector vecSize = Vector( 120, 120, 30 ); CPVSFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() ); te->BreakModel( filter, 0.0, GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle, vecSize, vec3_origin, m_iTailGibs, 100, 0, 2.5, BREAK_METAL ); if( m_hLeftSmoke ) { m_hLeftSmoke->SetLifetime(0.1f); m_hLeftSmoke = NULL; } if( m_hRightSmoke ) { m_hRightSmoke->SetLifetime(0.1f); m_hRightSmoke = NULL; } BaseClass::CrashTouch( pOther ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN_DATADESC( CBaseHelicopter ) DEFINE_THINKFUNC( HelicopterThink ), DEFINE_THINKFUNC( CallDyingThink ), DEFINE_ENTITYFUNC( CrashTouch ), DEFINE_ENTITYFUNC( FlyTouch ), DEFINE_SOUNDPATCH( m_pRotorSound ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flForce, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_fHelicopterFlags, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecDesiredFaceDir, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecDesiredPosition,FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecGoalOrientation,FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastSeen, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flPrevSeen, FIELD_TIME ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_iSoundState, FIELD_INTEGER ), // Don't save, precached DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecTarget, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecTargetPosition, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_angleVelocity, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextCrashExplosion, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flMaxSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flMaxSpeedFiring, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flGoalSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flInitialSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT, "InitialSpeed" ), // Inputs DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "ChangePathCorner", InputChangePathCorner), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Activate", InputActivate), // Outputs DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_AtTarget, "AtPathCorner" ), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_LeaveTarget, "LeavePathCorner" ),//<<TEMP>> Undone END_DATADESC() IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CBaseHelicopter, DT_BaseHelicopter ) END_SEND_TABLE() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : // Notes : Have your derived Helicopter's Spawn() function call this one FIRST //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::Precache( void ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : // Notes : Have your derived Helicopter's Spawn() function call this one FIRST //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::Spawn( void ) { Precache( ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_STEP ); AddFlag( FL_FLY ); m_lifeState = LIFE_ALIVE; // This base class assumes the helicopter has no guns or missiles. // Set the appropriate flags in your derived class' Spawn() function. m_fHelicopterFlags &= ~BITS_HELICOPTER_MISSILE_ON; m_fHelicopterFlags &= ~BITS_HELICOPTER_GUN_ON; m_pRotorSound = NULL; SetCycle( 0 ); ResetSequenceInfo(); AddFlag( FL_NPC ); m_flMaxSpeed = BASECHOPPER_MAX_SPEED; m_flMaxSpeedFiring = BASECHOPPER_MAX_FIRING_SPEED; m_takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; // Don't start up if the level designer has asked the // helicopter to start disabled. if ( !(m_spawnflags & SF_AWAITINPUT) ) { Startup(); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CBaseHelicopter::FireGun( void ) { return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : The main think function for the helicopters // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::HelicopterThink( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); // Don't keep this around for more than one frame. ClearCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ); // Animate and dispatch animation events. DispatchAnimEvents( this ); PrescheduleThink(); ShowDamage( ); // ----------------------------------------------- // If AI is disabled, kill any motion and return // ----------------------------------------------- if (CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugDisableAI) { SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + HELICOPTER_THINK_INTERVAL ); return; } Hunt(); HelicopterPostThink(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::Hunt( void ) { FlyPathCorners( ); if( HasCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) ) { SetEnemy( NULL ); } // Look for my best enemy. If I change enemies, // be sure and change my prevseen/lastseen timers. if( m_lifeState == LIFE_ALIVE ) { GetSenses()->Look( 4092 ); ChooseEnemy(); if( HasEnemy() ) { CheckEnemy( GetEnemy() ); if (FVisible( GetEnemy() )) { if (m_flLastSeen < gpGlobals->curtime - 2) { m_flPrevSeen = gpGlobals->curtime; } m_flLastSeen = gpGlobals->curtime; m_vecTargetPosition = GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter(); } } else { // look at where we're going instead m_vecTargetPosition = m_vecDesiredPosition; } } else { // If we're dead or dying, forget our enemy and don't look for new ones(sjb) SetEnemy( NULL ); } if ( 1 ) { Vector targetDir = m_vecTargetPosition - GetAbsOrigin(); Vector desiredDir = m_vecDesiredPosition - GetAbsOrigin(); VectorNormalize( targetDir ); VectorNormalize( desiredDir ); if ( !IsCrashing() && m_flLastSeen + 5 > gpGlobals->curtime ) //&& DotProduct( targetDir, desiredDir) > 0.25) { // If we've seen the target recently, face the target. //Msg( "Facing Target \n" ); m_vecDesiredFaceDir = targetDir; } else { // Face our desired position. // Msg( "Facing Position\n" ); m_vecDesiredFaceDir = desiredDir; } } else { // Face the way the path corner tells us to. //Msg( "Facing my path corner\n" ); m_vecDesiredFaceDir = m_vecGoalOrientation; } Flight(); UpdatePlayerDopplerShift( ); // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f %.0f %.0f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_flLastSeen, m_flPrevSeen ); if (m_fHelicopterFlags & BITS_HELICOPTER_GUN_ON) { if ( (m_flLastSeen + 1 > gpGlobals->curtime) && (m_flPrevSeen + 2 < gpGlobals->curtime) ) { if (FireGun( )) { // slow down if we're firing if (m_flGoalSpeed > m_flMaxSpeedFiring ) { m_flGoalSpeed = m_flMaxSpeedFiring; } } } } if (m_fHelicopterFlags & BITS_HELICOPTER_MISSILE_ON) { AimRocketGun(); } // Finally, forget dead enemies. if( GetEnemy() != NULL && !GetEnemy()->IsAlive() ) { SetEnemy( NULL ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::FlyPathCorners( void ) { if ( GetGoalEnt() == NULL && m_target != NULL_STRING )// this monster has a target { SetGoalEnt( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_target ) ); if (GetGoalEnt()) { m_vecDesiredPosition = GetGoalEnt()->GetLocalOrigin(); // FIXME: orienation removed from path_corners! AngleVectors( GetGoalEnt()->GetLocalAngles(), &m_vecGoalOrientation ); } } // walk route if (GetGoalEnt()) { // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f\n", flLength ); if ( HasReachedTarget( ) ) { // If we get this close to the desired position, it's assumed that we've reached // the desired position, so move on. // Fire target that I've reached my goal m_AtTarget.FireOutput( GetGoalEnt(), this ); OnReachedTarget( GetGoalEnt() ); SetGoalEnt( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, GetGoalEnt()->m_target ) ); if (GetGoalEnt()) { m_vecDesiredPosition = GetGoalEnt()->GetAbsOrigin(); // FIXME: orienation removed from path_corners! AngleVectors( GetGoalEnt()->GetLocalAngles(), &m_vecGoalOrientation ); // NDebugOverlay::Box( m_vecDesiredPosition, Vector( -16, -16, -16 ), Vector( 16, 16, 16 ), 0,255,0, false, 30.0); } } } else { // If we can't find a new target, just stay where we are. m_vecDesiredPosition = GetAbsOrigin(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::UpdatePlayerDopplerShift( ) { // ----------------------------- // make rotor, engine sounds // ----------------------------- if (m_iSoundState == 0) { // Sound startup. InitializeRotorSound(); } else { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; // UNDONE: this needs to send different sounds to every player for multiplayer. // FIXME: this isn't the correct way to find a player!!! pPlayer = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, "!player" ); if (pPlayer) { Vector dir = pPlayer->GetLocalOrigin() - GetLocalOrigin(); VectorNormalize(dir); float velReceiver = -DotProduct( pPlayer->GetAbsVelocity(), dir ); float velTransmitter = -DotProduct( GetAbsVelocity(), dir ); // speed of sound == 13049in/s int iPitch = 100 * ((1 - velReceiver / 13049) / (1 + velTransmitter / 13049)); // clamp pitch shifts if (iPitch > 250) iPitch = 250; if (iPitch < 50) iPitch = 50; // Msg( "Pitch:%d\n", iPitch ); UpdateRotorSoundPitch( iPitch ); //Msg( "%.0f\n", pitch ); //Msg( "%.0f\n", flVol ); } else { Msg( "Chopper didn't find a player!\n" ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::Flight( void ) { if( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) { //This would be really bad. SetGroundEntity( NULL ); } // Generic speed up if (m_flGoalSpeed < m_flMaxSpeed) { m_flGoalSpeed += GetAcceleration(); } // NDebugOverlay::Line(GetAbsOrigin(), m_vecDesiredPosition, 0,0,255, true, 0.1); // estimate where I'll be facing in one seconds Vector forward, right, up; AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles() + GetLocalAngularVelocity() * 2, &forward, &right, &up ); QAngle angVel = GetLocalAngularVelocity(); float flSide = DotProduct( m_vecDesiredFaceDir, right ); if (flSide < 0) { if ( angVel.y < 8 ) { angVel.y += 2; } else if (angVel.y < 60) { angVel.y += 8; } } else { if ( angVel.y > -8 ) { angVel.y -= 2; } else if (angVel.y > -60) { angVel.y -= 8; } } angVel.y *= ( 0.98 ); // why?! (sjb) // estimate where I'll be in two seconds AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles() + angVel, NULL, NULL, &up ); Vector vecEst = GetAbsOrigin() + GetAbsVelocity() * 2.0 + up * m_flForce * 20 - Vector( 0, 0, 384 * 2 ); // add immediate force AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward, &right, &up ); Vector vecImpulse( 0, 0, 0 ); vecImpulse.x += up.x * m_flForce; vecImpulse.y += up.y * m_flForce; vecImpulse.z += up.z * m_flForce; // add gravity vecImpulse.z -= 38.4; // 32ft/sec ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecImpulse ); float flSpeed = GetAbsVelocity().Length(); float flDir = DotProduct( Vector( forward.x, forward.y, 0 ), Vector( GetAbsVelocity().x, GetAbsVelocity().y, 0 ) ); if (flDir < 0) { flSpeed = -flSpeed; } float flDist = DotProduct( m_vecDesiredPosition - vecEst, forward ); // float flDist = (m_vecDesiredPosition - vecEst).Length(); // float flSlip = DotProduct( GetAbsVelocity(), right ); float flSlip = -DotProduct( m_vecDesiredPosition - vecEst, right ); // fly sideways if (flSlip > 0) { if (GetLocalAngles().z > -30 && angVel.z > -15) angVel.z -= 4; else angVel.z += 2; } else { if (GetLocalAngles().z < 30 && angVel.z < 15) angVel.z += 4; else angVel.z -= 2; } // These functions contain code Ken wrote that used to be right here as part of the flight model, // but we want different helicopter vehicles to have different drag characteristics, so I made // them virtual functions (sjb) ApplySidewaysDrag( right ); ApplyGeneralDrag(); // apply power to stay correct height // FIXME: these need to be per class variables #define MAX_FORCE 80 #define FORCE_POSDELTA 12 #define FORCE_NEGDELTA 8 if (m_flForce < MAX_FORCE && vecEst.z < m_vecDesiredPosition.z) { m_flForce += FORCE_POSDELTA; } else if (m_flForce > 30) { if (vecEst.z > m_vecDesiredPosition.z) m_flForce -= FORCE_NEGDELTA; } // pitch forward or back to get to target //----------------------------------------- // Pitch is reversed since Half-Life! (sjb) //----------------------------------------- // when we're way out, lean forward up to 40 degrees to accelerate to target // not exceeding our goal speed. #if 0 float nodeSpeed = GetGoalEnt()->m_flSpeed; if ( flDist > 300 && flSpeed < m_flGoalSpeed && GetLocalAngles().x + angVel.x < 25 ) { angVel.x += 8.0; //lean forward } else if ( flDist < 500 && GetLocalAngles().x + angVel.x > -30 && nodeSpeed == 0) { angVel.x -= 8.0; // lean backwards as we approach the target } else if (GetLocalAngles().x + angVel.x < -20 ) { // ALERT( at_console, "f " ); angVel.x += 2.0; } else if (GetLocalAngles().x + angVel.x > 20 ) { // ALERT( at_console, "b " ); angVel.x -= 2.0; } #else m_angleVelocity = GetLocalAngles().x + angVel.x; float angleX = angVel.x; // Msg("AngVel %f, %f\n", m_angleVelocity, flDist); if (flDist > 128 && flSpeed < m_flGoalSpeed && m_angleVelocity < 30) { // ALERT( at_console, "F " ); // lean forward angleX += 6; } else if (flDist < -128 && flSpeed > -50 && m_angleVelocity > -20) { // ALERT( at_console, "B " ); // lean backward angleX -= 12.0; } else if ( (m_angleVelocity < -20) || (m_angleVelocity < 0 && flDist < 128) ) { // ALERT( at_console, "f " ); if ( abs(m_angleVelocity) < 5 ) { angleX += 1.0; } else { angleX += 4.0; } } else if ( (m_angleVelocity > 20) || (m_angleVelocity > 0 && flDist < 128) ) { // ALERT( at_console, "b " ); if ( abs(m_angleVelocity) < 5 ) { angleX -= 1.0; } else { angleX -= 4.0; } } angVel.x = angleX; //Msg("AngVel.x %f %f\n", angVel.x, angleX ); #endif SetLocalAngularVelocity( angVel ); // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f %.0f : %.0f %.0f : %.0f %.0f : %.0f\n", GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsVelocity().x, flDist, flSpeed, GetLocalAngles().x, m_vecAngVelocity.x, m_flForce ); // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f %.0f : %.0f %0.f : %.0f\n", GetAbsOrigin().z, GetAbsVelocity().z, vecEst.z, m_vecDesiredPosition.z, m_flForce ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::InitializeRotorSound( void ) { if (m_pRotorSound) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); // Get the rotor sound started up. controller.Play( m_pRotorSound, 0.0, 100 ); controller.SoundChangeVolume(m_pRotorSound, GetRotorVolume(), 2.0); } m_iSoundState = SND_CHANGE_PITCH; // hack for going through level transitions } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::UpdateRotorSoundPitch( int iPitch ) { if (m_pRotorSound) { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); controller.SoundChangePitch( m_pRotorSound, iPitch, 0.1 ); controller.SoundChangeVolume( m_pRotorSound, GetRotorVolume(), 0.1 ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::FlyTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { // bounce if we hit something solid if ( pOther->GetSolid() == SOLID_BSP) { const trace_t &tr = CBaseEntity::GetTouchTrace( ); // UNDONE, do a real bounce ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( tr.plane.normal * (GetAbsVelocity().Length() + 200) ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { // only crash if we hit something solid if ( pOther->GetSolid() == SOLID_BSP) { SetTouch( NULL ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); CPASFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() ); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Vector pos = GetAbsOrigin(); pos.x += random->RandomFloat( -150, 150 ); pos.y += random->RandomFloat( -150, 150 ); pos.z += random->RandomFloat( -150, -50 ); te->Explosion( filter, MIN( 0.99, i * 0.2 ), &pos, g_sModelIndexFireball, 10, 15, TE_EXPLFLAG_NONE, 100, 0 ); } UTIL_Remove( this ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::DyingThink( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance( ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); SetLocalAngularVelocity( GetLocalAngularVelocity() * 1.02 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CBaseHelicopter::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { #if 0 // This code didn't port easily. WTF does it do? (sjb) if (pevInflictor->m_owner == pev) return 0; #endif /* if ( (bitsDamageType & DMG_BULLET) && flDamage > 50) { // clip bullet damage at 50 flDamage = 50; } */ return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Override base class to add display of fly direction // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(void) { if (m_pfnThink!= NULL) { // ------------------------------ // Draw route if requested // ------------------------------ if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NPC_ROUTE_BIT) { NDebugOverlay::Line(GetAbsOrigin(), m_vecDesiredPosition, 0,0,255, true, 0); } } BaseClass::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator ) { CTakeDamageInfo dmgInfo = info; // ALERT( at_console, "%d %.0f\n", ptr->iHitgroup, flDamage ); // HITGROUPS don't work currently. // ignore blades // if (ptr->hitgroup == 6 && (info.GetDamageType() & (DMG_ENERGYBEAM|DMG_BULLET|DMG_CLUB))) // return; // hit hard, hits cockpit if (info.GetDamage() > 50 || ptr->hitgroup == 11 ) { // ALERT( at_console, "%map .0f\n", flDamage ); AddMultiDamage( dmgInfo, this ); // m_iDoSmokePuff = 3 + (info.GetDamage() / 5.0); } else { // do half damage in the body dmgInfo.ScaleDamage(0.5); AddMultiDamage( dmgInfo, this ); g_pEffects->Ricochet( ptr->endpos, ptr->plane.normal ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBaseHelicopter::NullThink( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance( ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f ); } void CBaseHelicopter::Startup( void ) { m_flGoalSpeed = m_flInitialSpeed; SetThink( &CBaseHelicopter::HelicopterThink ); SetTouch( &CBaseHelicopter::FlyTouch ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); } void CBaseHelicopter::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { m_lifeState = LIFE_DYING; SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY ); SetGravity( UTIL_ScaleForGravity( 240 ) ); // use a lower gravity // Kill the rotor sound. UTIL_SetSize( this, Vector( -32, -32, -64), Vector( 32, 32, 0) ); SetThink( &CBaseHelicopter::CallDyingThink ); SetTouch( &CBaseHelicopter::CrashTouch ); m_flNextCrashExplosion = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.0f; SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); m_iHealth = 0; m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; /* if (m_spawnflags & SF_NOWRECKAGE) { m_flNextRocket = gpGlobals->curtime + 4.0; } else { m_flNextRocket = gpGlobals->curtime + 15.0; } */ m_OnDeath.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), this ); } void CBaseHelicopter::StopLoopingSounds() { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); controller.SoundDestroy( m_pRotorSound ); m_pRotorSound = NULL; BaseClass::StopLoopingSounds(); } void CBaseHelicopter::GibMonster( void ) { } void CBaseHelicopter::ChangePathCorner( const char *pszName ) { if( m_lifeState != LIFE_ALIVE ) { // Disregard this if dead or dying. return; } if (GetGoalEnt()) { SetGoalEnt( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, pszName ) ); // I don't think we need to do this. The FLIGHT() code will do it for us (sjb) if (GetGoalEnt()) { m_vecDesiredPosition = GetGoalEnt()->GetLocalOrigin(); AngleVectors( GetGoalEnt()->GetLocalAngles(), &m_vecGoalOrientation ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Slams the chopper's current path corner and sends it to a new one. // This code does NOT check that the path from the current position // to the wished path corner is clear! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::InputChangePathCorner( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { ChangePathCorner( inputdata.value.String() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Call Startup for a helicopter that's been flagged to start disabled //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if( m_spawnflags & SF_AWAITINPUT ) { Startup(); // Now clear the spawnflag to protect from // subsequent calls. m_spawnflags &= ~SF_AWAITINPUT; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::ApplySidewaysDrag( const Vector &vecRight ) { Vector vecNewVelocity = GetAbsVelocity(); vecNewVelocity.x *= 1.0 - fabs( vecRight.x ) * 0.05; vecNewVelocity.y *= 1.0 - fabs( vecRight.y ) * 0.05; vecNewVelocity.z *= 1.0 - fabs( vecRight.z ) * 0.05; SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::ApplyGeneralDrag( void ) { Vector vecNewVelocity = GetAbsVelocity(); vecNewVelocity *= 0.995; SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBaseHelicopter::ChooseEnemy( void ) { // See if there's a new enemy. CBaseEntity *pNewEnemy; pNewEnemy = BestEnemy(); if( ( pNewEnemy != GetEnemy() ) && pNewEnemy != NULL ) { //New enemy! Clear the timers and set conditions. SetEnemy( pNewEnemy ); m_flLastSeen = m_flPrevSeen = gpGlobals->curtime; return true; } else { ClearCondition( COND_NEW_ENEMY ); return false; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseHelicopter::CheckEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ) { // ------------------- // If enemy is dead // ------------------- if ( !pEnemy->IsAlive() ) { SetCondition( COND_ENEMY_DEAD ); ClearCondition( COND_SEE_ENEMY ); ClearCondition( COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED ); return; } } bool CBaseHelicopter::HasReachedTarget( void ) { float flDist = (WorldSpaceCenter() - m_vecDesiredPosition).Length(); if( GetGoalEnt()->m_flSpeed <= 0 ) return ( flDist < 145 ); else return( flDist < 512 ); }