//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ================================== // // // Purpose: // //============================================================================================== // #include "pch_materialsystem.h" #include "ctexturecompositor.h" #include "materialsystem/itexture.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h" #include "materialsystem/combineoperations.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #define MATSYS_INTERNAL // Naughty! #include "cmaterialsystem.h" #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #ifndef _WINDOWS #define sscanf_s sscanf #endif // If this is 0 or unset, we won't use the caching functionality. #define WITH_TEX_COMPOSITE_CACHE 1 #ifdef STAGING_ONLY // Always should remain staging only. ConVar r_texcomp_dump( "r_texcomp_dump", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Whether we should dump the textures to disk or not. 1: Save all; 2: Save Final; 3: Save Final with name suitable for scripting; 4: Save Final and skip saving workshop icons." ); #endif const int cMaxSelectors = 16; // Ugh, this is annoying and matches TF's enums. That's lame. We should workaround this. enum { Neutral = 0, Red = 2, Blue = 3 }; static int s_nDumpCount = 0; static CInterlockedInt s_nCompositeCount = 0; void ComputeTextureMatrixFromRectangle( VMatrix* pOutMat, const Vector2D& bl, const Vector2D& tl, const Vector2D& tr ); bool HasCycle( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pStartTempl ); CTextureCompositorTemplate* Advance( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTmpl, int nSteps ); void PrintMinimumCycle( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pStartTempl ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct CTCStageResult_t { ITexture* m_pTexture; ITexture* m_pRenderTarget; float m_fAdjustBlackPoint; float m_fAdjustWhitePoint; float m_fAdjustGamma; matrix3x4_t m_mUvAdjust; inline CTCStageResult_t() : m_pTexture(NULL) , m_pRenderTarget(NULL) , m_fAdjustBlackPoint(0.0f) , m_fAdjustWhitePoint(1.0f) , m_fAdjustGamma(1.0f) { SetIdentityMatrix( m_mUvAdjust ); } inline void Cleanup( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { if ( m_pRenderTarget ) _comp->ReleaseCompositorRenderTarget( m_pRenderTarget ); m_pTexture = NULL; m_pRenderTarget = NULL; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CTCStage : public IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver { public: CTCStage(); protected: // Called by Release() virtual ~CTCStage(); public: // IAsyncTextureOperationReceiver virtual int AddRef() OVERRIDE; virtual int Release() OVERRIDE; virtual int GetRefCount() const OVERRIDE { return m_nReferenceCount; } virtual void OnAsyncCreateComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnAsyncFindComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnAsyncMapComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs, void* pMemory, int pPitch ) OVERRIDE { } virtual void OnAsyncReadbackBegin( ITexture* pDst, ITexture* pSrc, void* pExtraArgs ) OVERRIDE { } // Our stuff. void Resolve( bool bFirstTime, CTextureCompositor* _comp ); inline ECompositeResolveStatus GetResolveStatus() const { return m_ResolveStatus; } inline const CTCStageResult_t& GetResult() const { Assert( GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_Complete ); return m_Result; } bool HasTeamSpecifics() const; void ComputeRandomValues( int* pCurIndex, CUniformRandomStream* pRNGs, int nRNGCount ); inline void SetFirstChild( CTCStage* _stage ) { m_pFirstChild = _stage; } inline void SetNextSibling( CTCStage* _stage ) { m_pNextSibling = _stage; } inline CTCStage* GetFirstChild() { return m_pFirstChild; } inline CTCStage* GetNextSibling() { return m_pNextSibling; } inline const CTCStage* GetFirstChild() const { return m_pFirstChild; } inline const CTCStage* GetNextSibling() const { return m_pNextSibling; } void AppendChildren( const CUtlVector< CTCStage* >& _children ) { // Do these in reverse order, they will wind up in the right order FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( _children, i ) { CTCStage* childStage = _children[i]; childStage->SetNextSibling( GetFirstChild() ); SetFirstChild( childStage ); } } void CleanupChildResults( CTextureCompositor* _comp ); // Render a quad with _mat using _inputs to _destRT void Render( ITexture* _destRT, IMaterial* _mat, const CUtlVector<CTCStageResult_t>& _inputs, CTextureCompositor* _comp, bool bClear ); void Cleanup( CTextureCompositor* _comp ); // Does this stage target a render target or a texture? virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const = 0; inline void SetResult( const CTCStageResult_t& _result ) { Assert( m_ResolveStatus != ECRS_Complete ); m_Result = _result; m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Complete; } protected: inline void SetResolveStatus( ECompositeResolveStatus _status ) { m_ResolveStatus = _status; } // This function is called only once during the first ResolveTraversal, and is // for the compositor to request its textures. Textures should not be requested // before this or they can be held waaaay too long. virtual void RequestTextures() = 0; // This function will be called during Resolve traversal. At the point when this is called, // all of this node's children will have had their resolve completed. Our siblings will // not have resolved yet. virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) = 0; // This function is called during HasTeamSpecifics traversal. virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const = 0; virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) = 0; private: CInterlockedInt m_nReferenceCount; CTCStage* m_pFirstChild; CTCStage* m_pNextSibling; CTCStageResult_t m_Result; ECompositeResolveStatus m_ResolveStatus; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef void ( *ParseSingleKV )( KeyValues* _kv, void* _dest ); struct ParseTableEntry { const char* keyName; ParseSingleKV parseFunc; size_t structOffset; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct Range { float low; float high; Range( ) : low( 0 ) , high( 0 ) { } Range( float _l, float _h ) : low( _l ) , high( _h ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParseBoolFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { bool* realDest = ( bool* ) _pDest; ( *realDest ) = _kv->GetBool(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<int N> void ParseIntVectorFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { CCopyableUtlVector<int>* realDest = ( CCopyableUtlVector<int>* ) _pDest; const int parsedValue = _kv->GetInt(); if ( realDest->Size() < N ) { realDest->AddToTail( parsedValue ); } else { DevWarning( "Too many numbers (>%d), ignoring the value '%d'.\n", N, parsedValue ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class T > CUtlString AsStringT( const T& _val ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Not sure why linux is unhappy here. Error messages unhelpful. Thanks, GCC. static_assert( false, "Must add specialization for typename T" ); #endif return CUtlString( "" ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> CUtlString AsStringT< int >( const int& _val ) { char buffer[ 12 ]; V_sprintf_safe( buffer, "%d", _val ); return CUtlString( buffer ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class T > void ParseTFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Not sure why linux is unhappy here. Error messages unhelpful. Thanks, GCC. static_assert( false, "Must add specialization for typename T" ); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void ParseTFromKV< int >( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { int* realDest = ( int* ) _pDest; ( *realDest ) = _kv->GetInt(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void ParseTFromKV< Vector2D >( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { Vector2D* realDest = ( Vector2D* ) _pDest; Vector2D tmpDest; int count = sscanf_s( _kv->GetString(), "%f %f", &tmpDest.x, &tmpDest.y ); if ( count != 2 ) { Error( "Expected exactly two values, %d were provided.\n", count ); return; } *realDest = tmpDest; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class T, int N = INT_MAX > void ParseVectorFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { CCopyableUtlVector< T >* realDest = ( CCopyableUtlVector< T >* ) _pDest; T parsedValue = T(); ParseTFromKV<T>( _kv, &parsedValue ); if ( realDest->Size() < N ) { realDest->AddToTail( parsedValue ); } else { DevWarning( "Too many entries (>%d), ignoring the value '%s'.\n", N, AsStringT( parsedValue ).Get() ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParseRangeFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { Range* realDest = ( Range* ) _pDest; Range tmpDest; int count = sscanf_s( _kv->GetString(), "%f %f", &tmpDest.low, &tmpDest.high ); switch (count) { case 1: // If we parse one, use the same value for low and high. ( *realDest ).low = tmpDest.low; ( *realDest ).high = tmpDest.low; break; case 2: // If we parse two, they're both correct. ( *realDest ).low = tmpDest.low; ( *realDest ).high = tmpDest.high; break; // error cases case EOF: case 0: default: Error( "Incorrect number of numbers while parsing, using defaults. This error message should be improved\n" ); }; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParseInverseRangeFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { const float kSubstValue = 0.00001; ParseRangeFromKV( _kv, _pDest ); Range* realDest = ( Range* ) _pDest; if ( realDest->low != 0.0f ) { ( *realDest ).low = 1.0f / realDest->low; } else { Error( "Specified 0.0 for low value, that is illegal in this field. Substituting %.5f\n", kSubstValue ); ( *realDest ).low = kSubstValue; } if ( realDest->high != 0.0f ) { ( *realDest ).high = 1.0f / realDest->high; } else { Error( "Specified 0.0 for high value, that is illegal in this field. Substituting %.5f\n", kSubstValue ); ( *realDest ).high = kSubstValue; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < int Div > void ParseRangeThenDivideBy( KeyValues *_kv, void* _pDest ) { static_assert( Div != 0, "Cannot specify a divisor of 0." ); float fDiv = (float) Div; ParseRangeFromKV( _kv, _pDest ); Range* realDest = ( Range* ) _pDest; ( *realDest ).low = ( *realDest ).low / fDiv; ( *realDest ).high = ( *realDest ).high / fDiv; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParseStringFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { CUtlString* realDest = ( CUtlString* ) _pDest; (*realDest) = _kv->GetString(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct TextureStageParameters { CUtlString m_pTexFilename; CUtlString m_pTexRedFilename; CUtlString m_pTexBlueFilename; Range m_AdjustBlack; Range m_AdjustOffset; Range m_AdjustGamma; Range m_Rotation; Range m_TranslateU; Range m_TranslateV; Range m_ScaleUV; bool m_AllowFlipU; bool m_AllowFlipV; bool m_Evaluate; TextureStageParameters() : m_AdjustBlack( 0, 0 ) , m_AdjustOffset( 1, 1 ) , m_AdjustGamma( 1, 1 ) , m_Rotation( 0 , 0 ) , m_TranslateU( 0, 0 ) , m_TranslateV( 0, 0 ) , m_ScaleUV( 1, 1 ) , m_AllowFlipU( false ) , m_AllowFlipV( false ) , m_Evaluate( true ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ParseTableEntry cTextureStageParametersParseTable[] = { { "texture", ParseStringFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_pTexFilename ) }, { "texture_red", ParseStringFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_pTexRedFilename ) }, { "texture_blue", ParseStringFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_pTexBlueFilename ) }, { "adjust_black", ParseRangeThenDivideBy<255>, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_AdjustBlack ) }, { "adjust_offset", ParseRangeThenDivideBy<255>, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_AdjustOffset ) }, { "adjust_gamma", ParseInverseRangeFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_AdjustGamma ) }, { "rotation", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_Rotation ) }, { "translate_u", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_TranslateU ) }, { "translate_v", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_TranslateV ) }, { "scale_uv", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_ScaleUV ) }, { "flip_u", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_AllowFlipU ) }, { "flip_v", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_AllowFlipV ) }, { "evaluate?", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( TextureStageParameters, m_Evaluate ) }, { 0, 0 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CTCTextureStage : public CTCStage { public: CTCTextureStage( const TextureStageParameters& _tsp, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) : m_Parameters( _tsp ) , m_pTex( NULL ) , m_pTexRed( NULL ) , m_pTexBlue( NULL ) { } virtual ~CTCTextureStage() { SafeRelease( &m_pTex ); SafeRelease( &m_pTexBlue ); SafeRelease( &m_pTexRed ); } virtual void OnAsyncFindComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) { switch ( ( int ) pExtraArgs ) { case Neutral: SafeAssign( &m_pTex, pTex ); break; case Red: SafeAssign( &m_pTexRed, pTex ); break; case Blue: SafeAssign( &m_pTexBlue, pTex ); break; default: Assert( !"Unexpected value passed to OnAsyncFindComplete" ); break; }; } virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const { return false; } protected: bool AreTexturesLoaded() const { if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.IsEmpty() && !m_pTex ) return false; if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexRedFilename.IsEmpty() && !m_pTexRed ) return false; if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexBlueFilename.IsEmpty() && !m_pTexBlue ) return false; return true; } ITexture* GetTeamSpecificTexture( int nTeam ) { if ( nTeam == Red && m_pTexRed ) return m_pTexRed; if ( nTeam == Blue && m_pTexBlue ) return m_pTexBlue; return m_pTex; } virtual void RequestTextures() { if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.IsEmpty() ) materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, ( void* ) Neutral, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexRedFilename.IsEmpty() ) materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_pTexRedFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, ( void* ) Red, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); if ( !m_Parameters.m_pTexBlueFilename.IsEmpty() ) materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_pTexBlueFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, ( void* ) Blue, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); } virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); // We shouldn't have any children, we're going to ignore them anyways. Assert( GetFirstChild() == NULL ); ECompositeResolveStatus resolveStatus = GetResolveStatus(); // If we're done, we're done. if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Complete || resolveStatus == ECRS_Error ) return; if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Scheduled ) SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // Someone is misusing this node if this assert fires. Assert( GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // When the texture has finished loading, this will be set to the texture we should use. if ( !AreTexturesLoaded() ) return; if ( !m_pTex && !m_pTexRed && !m_pTexBlue ) { _comp->Error( false, "Invalid texture_lookup node, must specify at least texture (or texture_red and texture_blue) or all of them.\n" ); return; } if ( m_pTex && m_pTex->IsError() ) { _comp->Error( false, "Failed to load texture '%s', this is non-recoverable.\n", m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.Get() ); return; } if ( m_pTexRed && m_pTexRed->IsError() ) { _comp->Error( false, "Failed to load texture_red '%s', this is non-recoverable.\n", m_Parameters.m_pTexRedFilename.Get() ); return; } if ( m_pTexBlue && m_pTexBlue->IsError() ) { _comp->Error( false, "Failed to load texture_blue '%s', this is non-recoverable.\n", m_Parameters.m_pTexBlueFilename.Get() ); return; } CTCStageResult_t res; res.m_pTexture = GetTeamSpecificTexture( _comp->GetTeamNumber() ); res.m_fAdjustBlackPoint = m_fAdjustBlack; res.m_fAdjustWhitePoint = m_fAdjustWhite; res.m_fAdjustGamma = m_fAdjustGamma; // Store the matrix into the uv adjustment matrix m_mTextureAdjust.Set3x4( res.m_mUvAdjust ); SetResult( res ); CleanupChildResults( _comp ); tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Completed: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const OVERRIDE { return !m_Parameters.m_pTexBlueFilename.IsEmpty(); } virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) OVERRIDE { // If you change the order of these random numbers being generated, or add new ones, you will // change the look of existing players' weapons! Don't do that. const bool shouldFlipU = m_Parameters.m_AllowFlipU ? pRNG->RandomInt( 0, 1 ) != 0 : false; const bool shouldFlipV = m_Parameters.m_AllowFlipV ? pRNG->RandomInt( 0, 1 ) != 0 : false; const float translateU = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_TranslateU.low, m_Parameters.m_TranslateU.high ); const float translateV = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_TranslateV.low, m_Parameters.m_TranslateV.high ); const float rotation = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_Rotation.low, m_Parameters.m_Rotation.high ); const float scaleUV = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_ScaleUV.low, m_Parameters.m_ScaleUV.high ); const float adjustBlack = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.high ); const float adjustOffset = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.high ); const float adjustGamma = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.high ); const float adjustWhite = adjustBlack + adjustOffset; m_fAdjustBlack = adjustBlack; m_fAdjustWhite = adjustWhite; m_fAdjustGamma = adjustGamma; const float finalScaleU = scaleUV * ( shouldFlipU ? -1.0f : 1.0f ); const float finalScaleV = scaleUV * ( shouldFlipV ? -1.0f : 1.0f ); MatrixBuildRotateZ( m_mTextureAdjust, rotation ); m_mTextureAdjust = m_mTextureAdjust.Scale( Vector( finalScaleU, finalScaleV, 1.0f ) ); MatrixTranslate( m_mTextureAdjust, Vector( translateU, translateV, 0 ) ); // Copy W into Z because we're doing a texture matrix. m_mTextureAdjust[ 0 ][ 2 ] = m_mTextureAdjust[ 0 ][ 3 ]; m_mTextureAdjust[ 1 ][ 2 ] = m_mTextureAdjust[ 1 ][ 3 ]; m_mTextureAdjust[ 2 ][ 2 ] = 1.0f; return true; } private: TextureStageParameters m_Parameters; ITexture* m_pTex; ITexture* m_pTexRed; ITexture* m_pTexBlue; // Random values here float m_fAdjustBlack; float m_fAdjustWhite; float m_fAdjustGamma; VMatrix m_mTextureAdjust; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Keep in sync with CombineOperation const char* cCombineMaterialName[] = { "dev/CompositorMultiply", "dev/CompositorAdd", "dev/CompositorLerp", "dev/CompositorSelect", "\0 ECO_Legacy_Lerp_FirstPass", // Procedural; starting with \0 will skip precaching "\0 ECO_Legacy_Lerp_SecondPass", // Procedural; starting with \0 will skip precaching "dev/CompositorBlend", "\0 ECO_LastPrecacheMaterial", // "CompositorError", NULL }; static_assert( ARRAYSIZE( cCombineMaterialName ) == ECO_COUNT + 1, "cCombineMaterialName and ECombineOperation are out of sync." ); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct CombineStageParameters { ECombineOperation m_CombineOp; Range m_AdjustBlack; Range m_AdjustOffset; Range m_AdjustGamma; Range m_Rotation; Range m_TranslateU; Range m_TranslateV; Range m_ScaleUV; bool m_AllowFlipU; bool m_AllowFlipV; bool m_Evaluate; CombineStageParameters() : m_CombineOp( ECO_Error ) , m_AdjustBlack( 0, 0 ) , m_AdjustOffset( 1, 1 ) , m_AdjustGamma( 1, 1 ) , m_Rotation( 0 , 0 ) , m_TranslateU( 0, 0 ) , m_TranslateV( 0, 0 ) , m_ScaleUV( 1, 1 ) , m_AllowFlipU( false ) , m_AllowFlipV( false ) , m_Evaluate( true ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ParseOperationFromKV( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { ECombineOperation* realDest = ( ECombineOperation* ) _pDest; const char* opStr = _kv->GetString(); if ( V_stricmp( "multiply", opStr ) == 0 ) (*realDest) = ECO_Multiply; else if ( V_stricmp( "add", opStr ) == 0 ) (*realDest) = ECO_Add; else if ( V_stricmp( "lerp", opStr) == 0 ) (*realDest) = ECO_Lerp; else (*realDest) = ECO_Error; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ParseTableEntry cCombineStageParametersParseTable[] = { { "adjust_black", ParseRangeThenDivideBy<255>, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_AdjustBlack ) }, { "adjust_offset", ParseRangeThenDivideBy<255>, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_AdjustOffset ) }, { "adjust_gamma", ParseInverseRangeFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_AdjustGamma ) }, { "rotation", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_Rotation ) }, { "translate_u", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_TranslateU ) }, { "translate_v", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_TranslateV ) }, { "scale_uv", ParseRangeFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_ScaleUV ) }, { "flip_u", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_AllowFlipU ) }, { "flip_v", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_AllowFlipV ) }, { "evaluate?", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( CombineStageParameters, m_Evaluate ) }, { 0, 0 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CTCCombineStage : public CTCStage { public: CTCCombineStage( const CombineStageParameters& _csp, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) : m_Parameters( _csp ) , m_pMaterial( NULL ) { Assert( m_Parameters.m_CombineOp >= 0 && m_Parameters.m_CombineOp < ECO_COUNT ); SafeAssign( &m_pMaterial, materials->FindMaterial( cCombineMaterialName[ m_Parameters.m_CombineOp ], TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE ) ); } virtual ~CTCCombineStage() { SafeRelease( &m_pMaterial ); } virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const { return true; } protected: virtual void RequestTextures() { /* No textures here */ } virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); ECompositeResolveStatus resolveStatus = GetResolveStatus(); // If we're done, we're done. if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Complete || resolveStatus == ECRS_Error ) return; if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Scheduled ) SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // Someone is misusing this node if this assert fires. Assert( GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); for ( CTCStage* child = GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling() ) { // If any child isn't ready to go, we're not ready to go. if ( child->GetResolveStatus() != ECRS_Complete ) return; } ITexture* pRenderTarget = _comp->AllocateCompositorRenderTarget(); CUtlVector<CTCStageResult_t> results; uint childCount = 0; for ( CTCStage* child = GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling() ) { results.AddToTail( child->GetResult() ); ++childCount; } // TODO: If there are more than 8 children, need to split them into multiple groups here. Skip it for now. Render( pRenderTarget, m_pMaterial, results, _comp, true ); CTCStageResult_t res; res.m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; res.m_fAdjustBlackPoint = m_fAdjustBlack; res.m_fAdjustWhitePoint = m_fAdjustWhite; res.m_fAdjustGamma = m_fAdjustGamma; SetResult( res ); // As soon as we have scheduled the read of a child render target, we can release that // texture back to the pool for use by another stage. Everything is pipelined, so this just // works. CleanupChildResults( _comp ); tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Completed: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const OVERRIDE{ return false; } virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) OVERRIDE { const float adjustBlack = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.high ); const float adjustOffset = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.high ); const float adjustGamma = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.high ); const float adjustWhite = adjustBlack + adjustOffset; m_fAdjustBlack = adjustBlack; m_fAdjustWhite = adjustWhite; m_fAdjustGamma = adjustGamma; return true; } private: CombineStageParameters m_Parameters; IMaterial* m_pMaterial; float m_fAdjustBlack; float m_fAdjustWhite; float m_fAdjustGamma; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct SelectStageParameters { CUtlString m_pTexFilename; CCopyableUtlVector<int> m_Select; bool m_Evaluate; SelectStageParameters() : m_Evaluate( true ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ParseTableEntry cSelectStageParametersParseTable[] = { { "groups", ParseStringFromKV, offsetof( SelectStageParameters, m_pTexFilename ) }, { "select", ParseVectorFromKV< int, cMaxSelectors >, offsetof( SelectStageParameters, m_Select ) }, { "evaluate?", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( SelectStageParameters, m_Evaluate ) }, { 0, 0 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CTCSelectStage : public CTCStage { public: CTCSelectStage( const SelectStageParameters& _ssp, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) : m_Parameters( _ssp ) , m_pMaterial( NULL ) , m_pTex( NULL ) { SafeAssign( &m_pMaterial, materials->FindMaterial( cCombineMaterialName[ ECO_Select ], TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE ) ); } virtual ~CTCSelectStage() { SafeRelease( &m_pMaterial ); SafeRelease( &m_pTex ); } virtual void OnAsyncFindComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) { SafeAssign( &m_pTex, pTex ); } virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const { return true; } protected: virtual void RequestTextures() { materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, NULL, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); } virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); // We shouldn't have any children, we're going to ignore them anyways. Assert( GetFirstChild() == NULL ); ECompositeResolveStatus resolveStatus = GetResolveStatus(); // If we're done, we're done. if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Complete || resolveStatus == ECRS_Error ) return; if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Scheduled ) SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // Someone is misusing this node if this assert fires. Assert( GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // When the texture has finished loading, this will be set to the texture we should use. if ( m_pTex == NULL ) return; if ( m_pTex->IsError() ) { _comp->Error( false, "Failed to load texture %s, this is non-recoverable.\n", m_Parameters.m_pTexFilename.Get() ); return; } ITexture* pRenderTarget = _comp->AllocateCompositorRenderTarget(); char buffer[128]; for ( int i = 0; i < cMaxSelectors; ++i ) { bool bFound = false; V_snprintf( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ), "$selector%d", i ); IMaterialVar* pVar = m_pMaterial->FindVar( buffer, &bFound ); Assert(bFound); if ( i < m_Parameters.m_Select.Size() ) pVar->SetIntValue( m_Parameters.m_Select[i] ); else pVar->SetIntValue( 0 ); } CTCStageResult_t inRes; inRes.m_pTexture = m_pTex; CUtlVector<CTCStageResult_t> fakeResults; fakeResults.AddToTail( inRes ); Render( pRenderTarget, m_pMaterial, fakeResults, _comp, true ); CTCStageResult_t outRes; outRes.m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; SetResult( outRes ); CleanupChildResults( _comp ); tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Completed: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) OVERRIDE { // No RNG here. return false; } private: SelectStageParameters m_Parameters; IMaterial* m_pMaterial; ITexture* m_pTex; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct Sticker_t { float m_fWeight; // Random likelihood this one is to be selected CUtlString m_baseFilename; // Name of the base file for the sticker (the albedo). CUtlString m_specFilename; // Name of the specular file for the sticker, or if blank we will assume it is baseFilename + _spec + baseExtension Sticker_t() : m_fWeight( 1.0 ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<> void ParseTFromKV< Sticker_t >( KeyValues* _kv, void* _pDest ) { Sticker_t* realDest = ( Sticker_t* ) _pDest; Sticker_t tmpDest; tmpDest.m_fWeight = _kv->GetFloat( "weight", 1.0 ); tmpDest.m_baseFilename = _kv->GetString( "base" ); KeyValues* pSpec = _kv->FindKey( "spec" ); if ( pSpec ) tmpDest.m_specFilename = pSpec->GetString(); else { CUtlString specPath = tmpDest.m_baseFilename.StripExtension() + "_s" + tmpDest.m_baseFilename.GetExtension(); tmpDest.m_specFilename = specPath; } *realDest = tmpDest; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template <> CUtlString AsStringT< Sticker_t >( const Sticker_t& _val ) { char buffer[ 80 ]; V_sprintf_safe( buffer, "[ weight %.2f; base \"%s\"; spec \"%s\" ]", _val.m_fWeight, _val.m_baseFilename.Get(), _val.m_specFilename.Get() ); return CUtlString( buffer ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template< class T > struct Settable_t { T m_val; bool m_bSet; Settable_t() : m_val( T() ) , m_bSet( false ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template < class T > void ParseSettable( KeyValues *_kv, void* _pDest ) { Settable_t<T> *pSettable = ( Settable_t<T>* )_pDest; ParseTFromKV<T>( _kv, &pSettable->m_val ); ( *pSettable ).m_bSet = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct ApplyStickerStageParameters { CCopyableUtlVector< Sticker_t > m_possibleStickers; Settable_t< Vector2D > m_vDestBL; Settable_t< Vector2D > m_vDestTL; Settable_t< Vector2D > m_vDestTR; Range m_AdjustBlack; Range m_AdjustOffset; Range m_AdjustGamma; bool m_Evaluate; ApplyStickerStageParameters() : m_AdjustBlack( 0, 0 ) , m_AdjustOffset( 1, 1 ) , m_AdjustGamma( 1, 1 ) , m_Evaluate( true ) { } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ParseTableEntry cApplyStickerStageParametersParseTable[] = { { "sticker", ParseVectorFromKV< Sticker_t >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_possibleStickers ) }, { "dest_bl", ParseSettable< Vector2D >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_vDestBL ) }, { "dest_tl", ParseSettable< Vector2D >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_vDestTL ) }, { "dest_tr", ParseSettable< Vector2D >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_vDestTR ) }, { "adjust_black", ParseRangeThenDivideBy< 255 >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_AdjustBlack ) }, { "adjust_offset", ParseRangeThenDivideBy< 255 >, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_AdjustOffset ) }, { "adjust_gamma", ParseInverseRangeFromKV, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_AdjustGamma ) }, { "evaluate?", ParseBoolFromKV, offsetof( ApplyStickerStageParameters, m_Evaluate ) }, { 0, 0 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CTCApplyStickerStage : public CTCStage { enum { Albedo = 0, Specular = 1 }; public: CTCApplyStickerStage( const ApplyStickerStageParameters& _assp, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) : m_Parameters( _assp ) , m_pMaterial( NULL ) , m_pTex( NULL ) , m_pTexSpecular( NULL ) , m_nChoice( 0 ) { SafeAssign( &m_pMaterial, materials->FindMaterial( cCombineMaterialName[ ECO_Blend ], TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE ) ); } virtual ~CTCApplyStickerStage() { SafeRelease( &m_pTex ); SafeRelease( &m_pTexSpecular ); SafeRelease( &m_pMaterial ); } virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const { return true; } protected: bool AreTexturesLoaded() const { if ( !m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_baseFilename.IsEmpty() && !m_pTex ) return false; if ( !m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_specFilename.IsEmpty() && !m_pTexSpecular ) return false; return true; } virtual void RequestTextures() { if ( !m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_baseFilename.IsEmpty() ) materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_baseFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, ( void* ) Albedo, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); if ( !m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_specFilename.IsEmpty() ) materials->AsyncFindTexture( m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ m_nChoice ].m_specFilename.Get(), TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, this, ( void* ) Specular, false, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); } virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); ECompositeResolveStatus resolveStatus = GetResolveStatus(); // If we're done, we're done. if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Complete || resolveStatus == ECRS_Error ) return; if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Scheduled ) SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); // Someone is misusing this node if this assert fires. Assert( GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); CTCStage* pChild = GetFirstChild(); if ( pChild != NULL && pChild->GetResolveStatus() != ECRS_Complete ) return; if ( !AreTexturesLoaded() ) return; // Ensure we only have zero or one direct children. Assert( !pChild || pChild->GetNextSibling() == NULL ); // We expect exactly one or zero children. If we have a child, use its render target to render to, otherwise // Get one and use that. ITexture* pRenderTarget = _comp->AllocateCompositorRenderTarget(); CUtlVector<CTCStageResult_t> results; // If we have a child, great! Use it. If not, if ( pChild ) results.AddToTail( pChild->GetResult() ); else { CTCStageResult_t fakeRes; fakeRes.m_pTexture = materials->FindTexture( "black", TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE ); } CTCStageResult_t baseTex, specTex; baseTex.m_pTexture = m_pTex; m_mTextureAdjust.Set3x4( baseTex.m_mUvAdjust ); results.AddToTail( baseTex ); specTex.m_pTexture = m_pTexSpecular; m_mTextureAdjust.Set3x4( specTex.m_mUvAdjust ); results.AddToTail( specTex ); Render( pRenderTarget, m_pMaterial, results, _comp, pChild == NULL ); CTCStageResult_t res; res.m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget; res.m_fAdjustBlackPoint = m_fAdjustBlack; res.m_fAdjustWhitePoint = m_fAdjustWhite; res.m_fAdjustGamma = m_fAdjustGamma; SetResult( res ); // As soon as we have scheduled the read of a child render target, we can release that // texture back to the pool for use by another stage. Everything is pipelined, so this just // works. CleanupChildResults( _comp ); tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Completed: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const OVERRIDE{ return false; } virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) OVERRIDE { float m_fTotalWeight = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers, i ) { m_fTotalWeight += m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ i ].m_fWeight; } float fWeight = pRNG->RandomFloat( 0.0f, m_fTotalWeight ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers, i ) { const float thisWeight = m_Parameters.m_possibleStickers[ i ].m_fWeight; if ( fWeight < thisWeight ) { m_nChoice = i; break; } else { fWeight -= thisWeight; } } const float adjustBlack = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustBlack.high ); const float adjustOffset = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustOffset.high ); const float adjustGamma = pRNG->RandomFloat( m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.low, m_Parameters.m_AdjustGamma.high ); const float adjustWhite = adjustBlack + adjustOffset; m_fAdjustBlack = adjustBlack; m_fAdjustWhite = adjustWhite; m_fAdjustGamma = adjustGamma; ComputeTextureMatrixFromRectangle( &m_mTextureAdjust, m_Parameters.m_vDestBL.m_val, m_Parameters.m_vDestTL.m_val, m_Parameters.m_vDestTR.m_val ); return true; } virtual void OnAsyncFindComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) { switch ( ( int ) pExtraArgs ) { case Albedo: SafeAssign( &m_pTex, pTex ); break; case Specular: // It's okay if this is the case, we just need to substitute with the black texture. if ( pTex->IsError() ) { pTex = materials->FindTexture( "black", TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE ); } SafeAssign( &m_pTexSpecular, pTex ); break; default: Assert( !"Unexpected value passed to OnAsyncFindComplete" ); break; }; } private: ApplyStickerStageParameters m_Parameters; IMaterial* m_pMaterial; ITexture* m_pTex; ITexture* m_pTexSpecular; int m_nChoice; float m_fAdjustBlack; float m_fAdjustWhite; float m_fAdjustGamma; VMatrix m_mTextureAdjust; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This is a procedural stage we use to copy the results of a composite into a texture so we can // release the render targets back to a pool to be used later. class CTCCopyStage : public CTCStage { public: CTCCopyStage() : m_pTex( NULL ) { } ~CTCCopyStage() { SafeRelease( &m_pTex ); } virtual void OnAsyncCreateComplete( ITexture* pTex, void* pExtraArgs ) { SafeAssign( &m_pTex, pTex ); tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Completed: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool DoesTargetRenderTarget() const { return false; } private: virtual void RequestTextures() { /* No input textures */ } virtual void ResolveThis( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); ECompositeResolveStatus resolveStatus = GetResolveStatus(); // If we're done, we're done. if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Complete || resolveStatus == ECRS_Error ) return; if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_Scheduled ) SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingTextureLoads ); Assert( GetFirstChild() != NULL ); // Can't move forward until the child is done. if ( GetFirstChild()->GetResolveStatus() != ECRS_Complete ) return; // Compositing has completed! if ( m_pTex ) { if ( m_pTex->IsError() ) { _comp->Error( false, "Error occurred copying render target to texture. This is fatal." ); return; } CTCStageResult_t res; res.m_pTexture = m_pTex; #ifdef STAGING_ONLY if ( r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 2 ) { char buffer[128]; V_snprintf( buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), "composite_%s_result_%02d.tga", _comp->GetName().Get(), s_nDumpCount++ ); GetFirstChild()->GetResult().m_pRenderTarget->SaveToFile( buffer ); } #endif SetResult( res ); return; } if ( resolveStatus == ECRS_PendingComposites ) return; ImageFormat fmt = IMAGE_FORMAT_DXT5_RUNTIME; if ( _comp->GetCreateFlags() & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_NO_COMPRESSION ) fmt = IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888; bool bGenMipmaps = !( _comp->GetCreateFlags() & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_NO_MIPMAPS ); // We want to do this once only. char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; _comp->GetTextureName( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ) ); int nCreateFlags = TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP | TEXTUREFLAGS_TRILINEAR | TEXTUREFLAGS_ANISOTROPIC; #if defined( STAGING_ONLY ) #if WITH_TEX_COMPOSITE_CACHE if ( r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 0 && ( _comp->GetCreateFlags() & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_FORCE ) == 0 ) nCreateFlags = 0; #endif #endif CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); pRenderContext->AsyncCreateTextureFromRenderTarget( GetFirstChild()->GetResult().m_pRenderTarget, buffer, fmt, bGenMipmaps, nCreateFlags, this, NULL ); SetResolveStatus( ECRS_PendingComposites ); // Don't clean up here just yet, we'll get cleaned up when the composite is totally complete. tmMessage( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMMF_ICON_NOTE, "Begun: %s", __FUNCTION__ ); } virtual bool HasTeamSpecificsThis() const OVERRIDE { return false; } virtual bool ComputeRandomValuesThis( CUniformRandomStream* pRNG ) OVERRIDE { // No RNG here. return false; } ITexture* m_pTex; CUtlString m_FinalTextureName; uint32 m_nTexCompositeCreateFlags; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositor::CTextureCompositor( int _width, int _height, int nTeam, const char* pCompositeName, uint64 nRandomSeed, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) : m_nReferenceCount( 0 ) , m_nWidth( _width ) , m_nHeight( _height ) , m_nTeam( nTeam ) , m_nRandomSeed( nRandomSeed ) , m_pRootStage( NULL ) , m_ResolveStatus( ECRS_Idle ) , m_bError( false ) , m_bFatal( false ) , m_nRenderTargetsAllocated( 0 ) , m_CompositeName( pCompositeName ) , m_nTexCompositeCreateFlags( nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) , m_bHasTeamSpecifics( false ) , m_nCompositePaintKitId( 0 ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositor::~CTextureCompositor() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); Assert ( m_nReferenceCount == 0 ); // Have to clean up the stages before cleaning up the render target pool, because cleanup up // stages will throw things back to the render target pool. SafeRelease( &m_pRootStage ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RenderTargetPool, i ) { RenderTarget_t& rt = m_RenderTargetPool[ i ]; SafeRelease( &rt.m_pRT ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::Restart() { Assert(!"TODO! Need to clone the root node, then cleanup the old root and start the new work."); // CTCStage* clone = m_pRootStage->Clone(); SafeRelease( &m_pRootStage ); // m_pRootStage = clone; m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Scheduled; // Kick it off again m_pRootStage->Resolve( true, this ); m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_PendingTextureLoads; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::Shutdown() { // If this thing is a template, then it's a faker and doesn't have an m_pRootStage. This is // only true during startup when we're just verifying that the templates look sane--later // they should have real data. if ( m_pRootStage ) m_pRootStage->Cleanup( this ); // These should match now. Assert( m_nRenderTargetsAllocated == m_RenderTargetPool.Count() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CTextureCompositor::AddRef() { return ++m_nReferenceCount; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CTextureCompositor::Release() { int retVal = --m_nReferenceCount; Assert( retVal >= 0 ); if ( retVal == 0 ) { Shutdown(); delete this; } return retVal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::Update() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); Assert( m_pRootStage ); if ( m_bError ) { if ( !m_bFatal ) { m_bError = false; Restart(); } else m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Error; return; } if ( m_pRootStage->GetResolveStatus() != ECRS_Complete ) m_pRootStage->Resolve( false, this ); if ( m_pRootStage->GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_Complete ) { #ifdef STAGING_ONLY // One time, go ahead and dump out the texture if we're supposed to right here, at completion time. if ( ( r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 3 || r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 4 ) && m_ResolveStatus != ECRS_Complete ) { char filename[_MAX_PATH]; V_sprintf_safe( filename, "%s.tga", m_CompositeName.Get() ); m_pRootStage->GetResult().m_pTexture->SaveToFile( filename ); } #endif m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Complete; #ifdef RAD_TELEMETRY_ENABLED char buffer[ 256 ]; GetTextureName( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ) ); tmEndTimeSpan( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, m_nCompositePaintKitId, 0, "Composite: %s", tmDynamicString( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, buffer ) ); #endif } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITexture* CTextureCompositor::GetResultTexture() const { Assert( m_pRootStage && m_pRootStage->GetResolveStatus() == ECRS_Complete ); Assert( m_pRootStage->GetResult().m_pTexture ); return m_pRootStage->GetResult().m_pTexture; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ECompositeResolveStatus CTextureCompositor::GetResolveStatus() const { return m_ResolveStatus; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::ScheduleResolve( ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); Assert( m_pRootStage ); Assert( m_ResolveStatus == ECRS_Idle ); #if WITH_TEX_COMPOSITE_CACHE if ( ( GetCreateFlags() & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_FORCE ) == 0) { char buffer[ _MAX_PATH ]; GetTextureName( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ) ); // I think there's a race condition here, add a flag to FindTexture that says only if loaded, and bumps ref? if ( materials->IsTextureLoaded( buffer ) ) { ITexture* resTexture = materials->FindTexture( buffer, TEXTURE_GROUP_RUNTIME_COMPOSITE, false, 0 ); if ( resTexture && resTexture->IsError() == false ) { m_pRootStage->OnAsyncCreateComplete( resTexture, NULL ); CTCStageResult_t res; res.m_pTexture = resTexture; m_pRootStage->SetResult( res ); m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Complete; return; } } } #endif #ifdef RAD_TELEMETRY_ENABLED m_nCompositePaintKitId = ++s_nCompositeCount; char buffer[256]; GetTextureName( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ) ); tmBeginTimeSpan( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, m_nCompositePaintKitId, 0, "Composite: %s", tmDynamicString( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, buffer ) ); #endif m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Scheduled; // Naughty. extern CMaterialSystem g_MaterialSystem; g_MaterialSystem.ScheduleTextureComposite( this ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::Resolve() { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); // We can actually get in multiply times for the same one because of the way EconItemView works. // So if that's the case, bail. if ( m_ResolveStatus != ECRS_Scheduled ) return; m_pRootStage->Resolve( true, this ); // Update our resolve status m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_PendingTextureLoads; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::Error( bool _retry, const char* _debugDevMsg, ... ) { m_bError = true; m_bFatal = !_retry; va_list args; va_start( args, _debugDevMsg ); WarningV( _debugDevMsg, args ); va_end( args ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::SetRootStage( CTCStage* rootStage ) { SafeAssign( &m_pRootStage, rootStage ); // After we set a root, compute everyone's RNG values. Do this once, early, to ensure the values are stable. uint32 seedhi = 0; uint32 seedlo = 0; GetSeed( &seedhi, &seedlo ); CUniformRandomStream streams[2]; streams[0].SetSeed( seedhi ); streams[1].SetSeed( seedlo ); int currentIndex = 0; m_pRootStage->ComputeRandomValues( ¤tIndex, streams, ARRAYSIZE( streams ) ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: Need to accept format and depth status ITexture* CTextureCompositor::AllocateCompositorRenderTarget( ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RenderTargetPool, i ) { const RenderTarget_t& rt = m_RenderTargetPool[ i ]; if ( rt.m_nWidth == m_nWidth && rt.m_nHeight == m_nHeight ) { ITexture* retVal = rt.m_pRT; m_RenderTargetPool.Remove( i ); return retVal; } } // Lie to the material system that we are asking for this allocation way back at the beginning of time. // This used to matter to GPUs for perf, but hasn't in a long time. materials->OverrideRenderTargetAllocation( true ); ITexture* retVal = materials->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx( "", m_nWidth, m_nHeight, RT_SIZE_LITERAL_PICMIP, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_NONE, TEXTUREFLAGS_IMMEDIATE_CLEANUP ); Assert( retVal ); materials->OverrideRenderTargetAllocation( false ); // Used to count how many we actually allocated so we can verify we cleaned them all up at // shutdown ++m_nRenderTargetsAllocated; return retVal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::ReleaseCompositorRenderTarget( ITexture* _tex ) { Assert( _tex ); int w = _tex->GetMappingWidth(); int h = _tex->GetMappingHeight(); RenderTarget_t rt = { w, h, _tex }; m_RenderTargetPool.AddToTail( rt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::GetTextureName( char* pOutBuffer, int nBufferLen ) const { uint32 seedhi = 0; uint32 seedlo = 0; GetSeed( &seedhi, &seedlo ); Assert( m_pRootStage != NULL ); if ( m_pRootStage->HasTeamSpecifics() ) V_snprintf( pOutBuffer, nBufferLen, "proc/texcomp/%s_flags%08x_seedhi%08x_seedlo%08x_team%d_w%d_h%d", GetName().Get(), GetCreateFlags(), seedhi, seedlo, m_nTeam, m_nWidth, m_nHeight ); else V_snprintf( pOutBuffer, nBufferLen, "proc/texcomp/%s_flags%08x_seedhi%08x_seedlo%08x_w%d_h%d", GetName().Get(), GetCreateFlags(), seedhi, seedlo, m_nWidth, m_nHeight ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTextureCompositor::GetSeed( uint32* pOutHi, uint32* pOutLo ) const { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL2, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); Assert( pOutHi && pOutLo ); ( *pOutHi ) = 0; ( *pOutLo ) = 0; // This is most definitely not the most efficient way to do this. for ( int i = 0; i < 32; ++i ) { ( *pOutHi ) |= (uint32)( ( m_nRandomSeed & ( uint64( 1 ) << ( ( 2 * i ) + 0 ) ) ) >> i ); ( *pOutLo ) |= (uint32)( ( m_nRandomSeed & ( uint64( 1 ) << ( ( 2 * i ) + 1 ) ) ) >> ( i + 1 ) ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTCStage::CTCStage() : m_nReferenceCount( 1 ) // This is 1 because the common case is to assign these as children, and we don't want to play with refs there. , m_pFirstChild( NULL ) , m_pNextSibling( NULL ) , m_ResolveStatus( ECRS_Idle ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTCStage::~CTCStage() { Assert ( m_nReferenceCount == 0 ); SafeRelease( &m_pFirstChild ); SafeRelease( &m_pNextSibling ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CTCStage::AddRef() { return ++m_nReferenceCount; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CTCStage::Release() { int retVal = --m_nReferenceCount; if ( retVal == 0 ) delete this; return retVal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTCStage::Resolve( bool bFirstTime, CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { if ( m_pFirstChild ) m_pFirstChild->Resolve( bFirstTime, _comp ); // Update our status, which may be updated below. Only do this the first time through. if ( bFirstTime ) { m_ResolveStatus = ECRS_Scheduled; // Request textures here. We used to request in the constructor, but it caused us // to potentially hold all paintkitted textures for all time. That's bad for Mac, // where we are super memory constrained. RequestTextures(); } ResolveThis( _comp ); if ( m_pNextSibling ) m_pNextSibling->Resolve( bFirstTime, _comp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CTCStage::HasTeamSpecifics( ) const { if ( m_pFirstChild && m_pFirstChild->HasTeamSpecifics() ) return true; if ( HasTeamSpecificsThis() ) return true; return m_pNextSibling && m_pNextSibling->HasTeamSpecifics(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTCStage::ComputeRandomValues( int* pCurIndex, CUniformRandomStream* pRNGs, int nRNGCount ) { Assert( pCurIndex != NULL ); Assert( pRNGs != NULL ); Assert( nRNGCount != 0 ); // We do a depth-first traversal here, but we hit ourselves first. if ( ComputeRandomValuesThis( &pRNGs[*pCurIndex] ) ) { // Switch which RNG the next person will use. ( *pCurIndex ) = ( ( *pCurIndex ) + 1 ) % nRNGCount; } if ( m_pFirstChild ) m_pFirstChild->ComputeRandomValues( pCurIndex, pRNGs, nRNGCount ); if ( m_pNextSibling ) m_pNextSibling->ComputeRandomValues( pCurIndex, pRNGs, nRNGCount ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTCStage::CleanupChildResults( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { // This does not recurse. We call it as we move through the tree to clean up our // first-generation children. for ( CTCStage* child = GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling() ) { child->m_Result.Cleanup( _comp ); child->m_Result = CTCStageResult_t(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTCStage::Render( ITexture* _destRT, IMaterial* _mat, const CUtlVector<CTCStageResult_t>& _inputs, CTextureCompositor* _comp, bool bClear ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); CUtlVector< IMaterialVar* > varsToClean; bool bFound = false; char buffer[128]; FOR_EACH_VEC( _inputs, i ) { const CTCStageResult_t& stageParams = _inputs[ i ]; Assert( stageParams.m_pTexture || stageParams.m_pRenderTarget ); ITexture* inTex = stageParams.m_pTexture ? stageParams.m_pTexture : stageParams.m_pRenderTarget; V_snprintf( buffer, ARRAYSIZE( buffer ), "$srctexture%d", i ); // Set the texture IMaterialVar* var = _mat->FindVar( buffer, &bFound ); Assert( bFound ); var->SetTextureValue( inTex ); varsToClean.AddToTail( var ); // And the levels parameters V_snprintf( buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), "$texadjustlevels%d", i ); var = _mat->FindVar( buffer, &bFound ); Assert(bFound); var->SetVecValue( stageParams.m_fAdjustBlackPoint, stageParams.m_fAdjustWhitePoint, stageParams.m_fAdjustGamma ); // And the expected transform V_snprintf( buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), "$textransform%d", i ); var = _mat->FindVar( buffer, &bFound ); Assert(bFound); var->SetMatrixValue( stageParams.m_mUvAdjust ); } IMaterialVar* var = _mat->FindVar( "$textureinputcount", &bFound ); Assert( bFound ); var->SetIntValue( _inputs.Count() ); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials ); int w = _destRT->GetActualWidth(); int h = _destRT->GetActualHeight(); pRenderContext->PushRenderTargetAndViewport( _destRT, 0, 0, w, h ); if ( bClear ) { pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( 0, 0, 0, 255 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, false, false ); } // Perform the render! pRenderContext->DrawScreenSpaceQuad( _mat ); #ifdef STAGING_ONLY if (r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 1) { FOR_EACH_VEC(_inputs, i) { if (_inputs[i].m_pTexture) { V_snprintf(buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), "composite_%s_input_%02d_in%01d_%08x.tga", _comp->GetName().Get(), s_nDumpCount, i, (int) this); _inputs[i].m_pTexture->SaveToFile(buffer); } } V_snprintf(buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), "composite_%s_result_%02d_%08x.tga", _comp->GetName().Get(), s_nDumpCount++, (int) this); _destRT->SaveToFile(buffer); } #endif // Restore previous state pRenderContext->PopRenderTargetAndViewport(); // After rendering, clean up the leftover texture references or they will be there for a long // time. FOR_EACH_VEC( varsToClean, i ) { varsToClean[ i ]->SetUndefined(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CTCStage::Cleanup( CTextureCompositor* _comp ) { if ( m_pFirstChild ) m_pFirstChild->Cleanup( _comp ); m_Result.Cleanup( _comp ); if ( m_pNextSibling ) m_pNextSibling->Cleanup( _comp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef bool ( *TBuildNodeFromKVFunc )( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); bool TexStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); template<int Type> bool CombineStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); bool SelectStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); bool ApplyStickerStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); struct NodeDefinitionEntry { const char* keyName; TBuildNodeFromKVFunc buildFunc; }; NodeDefinitionEntry cNodeParseTable[] = { { "texture_lookup", TexStageFromKV }, { "combine_add", CombineStageFromKV<ECO_Add> }, { "combine_lerp", CombineStageFromKV<ECO_Lerp> }, { "combine_multiply", CombineStageFromKV<ECO_Multiply> }, { "select", SelectStageFromKV }, { "apply_sticker", ApplyStickerStageFromKV }, { 0, 0 } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<typename S> void ParseIntoStruct( S* _outStruct, CUtlVector< KeyValues *>* _leftovers, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, const ParseTableEntry* _entries ) { Assert( _leftovers ); const char* keyName = _kv->GetName(); keyName; FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( _kv, thisKey ) { bool parsed = false; for ( int e = 0; _entries[e].keyName; ++e ) { if ( V_stricmp( _entries[e].keyName, thisKey->GetName() ) == 0 ) { // If we're instancing, go ahead and run the parse function. If we're just doing template verification // then the right hand side may still have variables that need to be expanded, so just verify that the // left hand side is sane. if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) == 0 ) { void* pDest = ((unsigned char*)_outStruct) + _entries[e].structOffset; _entries[e].parseFunc( thisKey, pDest ); } parsed = true; break; } } if ( !parsed ) { ( *_leftovers ).AddToTail( thisKey ); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ParseNodes( CUtlVector< CTCStage* >* _outStages, const CUtlVector< KeyValues *>& _kvs, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_NONE, "%s", __FUNCTION__ ); bool anyFails = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( _kvs, thisKey ) { KeyValues *thisKV = _kvs[ thisKey ]; bool parsed = false; for ( int e = 0; cNodeParseTable[ e ].keyName; ++e ) { if ( V_stricmp( cNodeParseTable[ e ].keyName, thisKV->GetName() ) == 0 ) { CTCStage* pNewStage = NULL; if ( !cNodeParseTable[ e ].buildFunc( &pNewStage, thisKV->GetName(), thisKV, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) anyFails = true; (*_outStages).AddToTail( pNewStage ); parsed = true; break; } } if (!parsed) { DevWarning( "Compositor Error: Unexpected key '%s' while parsing definition.\n", thisKV->GetName() ); anyFails = true; } } return !anyFails; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool TexStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { Assert( ppOutStage != NULL ); TextureStageParameters tsp; CUtlVector< KeyValues* > leftovers; CUtlVector< CTCStage* > childNodes; ParseIntoStruct( &tsp, &leftovers, _kv, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, cTextureStageParametersParseTable ); if ( !ParseNodes( &childNodes, leftovers, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) return false; if ( !( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_SCHEMA_ONLY ) ) { ( *ppOutStage ) = new CTCTextureStage( tsp, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); ( *ppOutStage )->AppendChildren( childNodes ); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template <int Type> bool CombineStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { Assert( ppOutStage != NULL ); static_assert( Type >= 0 && Type < ECO_Error, "Invalid type, you need to update the enum." ); CombineStageParameters csp; csp.m_CombineOp = (ECombineOperation) Type; CUtlVector< KeyValues* > leftovers; CUtlVector< CTCStage* > childNodes; ParseIntoStruct( &csp, &leftovers, _kv, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, cCombineStageParametersParseTable ); if ( !ParseNodes( &childNodes, leftovers, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) return false; if ( !( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_SCHEMA_ONLY ) ) { ( *ppOutStage ) = new CTCCombineStage( csp, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); ( *ppOutStage )->AppendChildren( childNodes ); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool SelectStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { Assert( ppOutStage != NULL ); SelectStageParameters ssp; CUtlVector< KeyValues* > leftovers; CUtlVector< CTCStage* > childNodes; ParseIntoStruct( &ssp, &leftovers, _kv, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, cSelectStageParametersParseTable ); if ( !ParseNodes( &childNodes, leftovers, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) return false; if ( !( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_SCHEMA_ONLY ) ) { ( *ppOutStage ) = new CTCSelectStage( ssp, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); ( *ppOutStage )->AppendChildren( childNodes ); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ApplyStickerStageFromKV( CTCStage** ppOutStage, const char* _key, KeyValues* _kv, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { Assert( ppOutStage != NULL ); ApplyStickerStageParameters assp; CUtlVector< KeyValues* > leftovers; CUtlVector< CTCStage* > childNodes; ParseIntoStruct( &assp, &leftovers, _kv, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, cApplyStickerStageParametersParseTable ); if ( !ParseNodes( &childNodes, leftovers, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) return false; // These stages can have exactly one child. if ( childNodes.Count() > 1 ) return false; int setCount = 0; if ( assp.m_vDestBL.m_bSet ) ++setCount; if ( assp.m_vDestTL.m_bSet ) ++setCount; if ( assp.m_vDestTR.m_bSet ) ++setCount; if ( setCount != 3 ) return false; if ( !( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_SCHEMA_ONLY ) ) { ( *ppOutStage ) = new CTCApplyStickerStage( assp, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); ( *ppOutStage )->AppendChildren( childNodes ); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char *GetCombinedMaterialName( ECombineOperation eMaterial ) { Assert( eMaterial >= ECO_FirstPrecacheMaterial && eMaterial < ECO_COUNT ); return cCombineMaterialName[eMaterial]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KeyValues* ResolveTemplate( const char* pRootName, KeyValues* pValues, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, bool *pInOutAllocdNew ) { Assert( pRootName != NULL && pValues != NULL && pInOutAllocdNew != NULL ); const char* pTemplateName = NULL; bool bImplementsTemplate = false; bool bHasOtherNodes = false; // First, figure out if the tree is sensible. FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pValues, pChild ) { const char* pChildName = pChild->GetName(); if ( V_stricmp( pChildName, "implements" ) == 0 ) { if ( bImplementsTemplate ) { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: implements field can only appear once, seen a second time as 'implements \"%s\"\n", pRootName, pChild->GetString() ); return NULL; } bImplementsTemplate = true; pTemplateName = pChild->GetString(); } else if ( pChildName && pChildName[0] != '$' ) { bHasOtherNodes = true; } } if ( bImplementsTemplate && bHasOtherNodes ) { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: if using 'implements', can only have variable definitions--other fields not allowed.\n", pRootName ); return NULL; } // If we're not doing templates, we're all finished. if ( !bImplementsTemplate ) return pValues; KeyValues* pNewKV = NULL; if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) == 0 ) { CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTmpl = TextureManager()->FindTextureCompositorTemplate( pTemplateName ); if ( !pTmpl ) { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: Couldn't find template named '%s'.\n", pRootName, pTemplateName ); return NULL; } Assert( pTmpl->GetKV() ); // If the verify flag isn't set, we're instancing the template so do all the logic. if ( pTmpl->ImplementsTemplate() ) { pNewKV = ResolveTemplate( pRootName, pTmpl->GetKV(), nTexCompositeCreateFlags, pInOutAllocdNew ); } else { // The root-most template will allocate the memory for all of us. pNewKV = pTmpl->GetKV()->MakeCopy(); pNewKV->SetName( pRootName ); ( *pInOutAllocdNew ) = true; } } else { // Just return the original KV back to the caller, who just wants a success code here. return pValues; } // Now, copy any child var definitions from pValues into pNewKV. Because of the recursive call stack, // this has the net effect that more concrete templates will write their values later than more remote templates. FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pValues, pChild ) { const char* pChildName = pChild->GetName(); if ( pChildName && pChildName[0] == '$' ) { pNewKV->AddSubKey( pChild->MakeCopy() ); } } // Success! return pNewKV; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ typedef CUtlDict< const char* > VariableDefs_t; KeyValues* ExtractVariableDefinitions( VariableDefs_t* pOutVarDefs, const char* pRootName, KeyValues* pKeyValues ) { Assert( pOutVarDefs ); FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKeyValues, pChild ) { const char* pChildName = pChild->GetName(); if ( pChildName[0] == '$' ) { if ( pChild->GetFirstTrueSubKey() ) { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: All variable definitions must be simple strings, '%s' was a full subtree.\n", pRootName, pChildName ); return NULL; } int ndx = ( *pOutVarDefs ).Find( pChildName + 1 ); if ( pOutVarDefs->IsValidIndex( ndx ) ) ( *pOutVarDefs )[ ndx ] = pChild->GetString(); else ( *pOutVarDefs ).Insert( pChildName + 1, pChild->GetString() ); } } return pKeyValues; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CUtlString GetErrorTrail( CUtlVector< const char* >& errorStack ) { if ( errorStack.Count() == 0 ) return CUtlString( "" ); const int stackLength = errorStack.Count(); const int stackLengthMinusOne = stackLength - 1; const char* cStageSep = " -> "; const int cStageSepStrLen = V_strlen( cStageSep ); int totalStrLength = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < stackLength; ++i ) { totalStrLength += V_strlen( errorStack[ i ] ); } totalStrLength += stackLengthMinusOne * cStageSepStrLen; CUtlString retStr; retStr.SetLength( totalStrLength ); char* pDstOrig = retStr.GetForModify(); pDstOrig; char* pDst = retStr.GetForModify(); int destPos = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < stackLength; ++i ) { // Copy the string const char* pSrc = errorStack[ i ]; while ( ( *pDst++ = *pSrc++ ) != 0 ) ++destPos; --pDst; if ( i < stackLengthMinusOne ) { // Now copy our separator pSrc = cStageSep; while ( ( *pDst++ = *pSrc++ ) != 0 ) ++destPos; --pDst; } } Assert( destPos == totalStrLength ); Assert( pDst - retStr.Get() == totalStrLength ); // SetLength above already included the +1 to length for the null terminator. *pDst = '\0'; return retStr; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum ParseMode { Copy, DetermineStringForReplace, }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the number of characters written into pOutBuffer or -1 if there was an error. int SubstituteVarsRecursive( char* pOutBuffer, int* pOutSubsts, CUtlVector< const char* >& errorStack, const char* pStr, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, const VariableDefs_t& varDefs ) { ParseMode mode = Copy; char* pCurVariable = NULL; char* pDst = pOutBuffer; int srcPos = 0; int dstPos = 0; while ( pStr[ srcPos ] != 0 ) { const char* srcC = pStr + srcPos; switch ( mode ) { case Copy: if ( srcC[ 0 ] == '$' && srcC[ 1 ] == '[' ) { mode = DetermineStringForReplace; srcPos += 2; pCurVariable = const_cast< char* >( pStr + srcPos ); continue; } else if ( pOutBuffer ) { pDst[ dstPos++ ] = pStr[ srcPos++ ]; } else { ++dstPos; ++srcPos; } break; case DetermineStringForReplace: if ( srcC[ 0 ] == ']' ) { // Make a modification so we can just do the lookup from this buffer. pCurVariable[ srcC - pCurVariable ] = 0; // Lookup our substitution value. int ndx = varDefs.Find( pCurVariable ); const char* pSubstText = NULL; if ( ndx != varDefs.InvalidIndex() ) { pSubstText = varDefs[ ndx ]; } else if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) != 0 ) { pSubstText = ""; // It's fine to run into these when verifying the template only. } else { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: Couldn't find variable named $%s that was requested to be substituted.\n", ( const char* ) GetErrorTrail( errorStack ), pCurVariable ); // Restore the string first. pCurVariable[ srcC - pCurVariable ] = ']'; return -1; } // Put it back. pCurVariable[ srcC - pCurVariable ] = ']'; int charsWritten = SubstituteVarsRecursive( pOutBuffer ? &pDst[ dstPos ] : NULL, pOutSubsts, errorStack, pSubstText, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, varDefs ); if ( charsWritten < 0 ) return -1; ++( *pOutSubsts ); dstPos += charsWritten; ++srcPos; mode = Copy; } else { ++srcPos; } break; } } if ( mode == DetermineStringForReplace ) { Warning( "ERROR[%s]: Variable $[%s missing closing bracket ].\n", ( const char* ) GetErrorTrail( errorStack ), pCurVariable ); return -1; } return dstPos; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns true if successful, false otherwise. bool SubstituteVars( CUtlString* pOutStr, int* pOutSubsts, CUtlVector< const char* >& errorStack, const char* pStr, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, const VariableDefs_t& varDefs ) { Assert( pOutStr != NULL && pOutSubsts != NULL && pStr != NULL ); ( *pOutSubsts ) = 0; // Even though this involves a traversal, we're saving a malloc by walking this thing once looking for the start token. const char* pFirstRepl = V_strstr( pStr, "$[" ); // No substitutions, so bail out now. if ( pFirstRepl == NULL ) { ( *pOutStr ) = pStr; return true; } // We could do this as we go, but we're trying to avoid re-mallocing memory repeatedly in here so process once // to find out what the size is. int expectedLen = SubstituteVarsRecursive( NULL, pOutSubsts, errorStack, pStr, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, varDefs ); if ( expectedLen < 0 ) return false; // We don't need to actually write the string, and we shouldn't. If we're just verifying, exit now with success. if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) != 0 ) return true; CUtlString& outStr = ( *pOutStr ); outStr.SetLength( expectedLen ); // SetLength does +1 to the length for us. int finalLen = SubstituteVarsRecursive( outStr.GetForModify(), pOutSubsts, errorStack, pStr, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, varDefs ); if ( finalLen < 0 ) return false; // Otherwise things have gone horribly wrong. Assert( outStr.Length() == expectedLen ); Assert( expectedLen == finalLen ); // Success! return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool ResolveAllVariablesRecursive( CUtlVector< const char* >& errorStack, const VariableDefs_t& varDefs, KeyValues* pKeyValues, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, CUtlString& tmpStr ) { // hope for the best bool success = true; FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKeyValues, pChild ) { if ( pChild->GetName()[ 0 ] == '$' ) continue; errorStack.AddToTail( pChild->GetName() ); if ( pChild->GetFirstSubKey() ) { if ( !ResolveAllVariablesRecursive( errorStack, varDefs, pChild, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, tmpStr ) ) success = false; } else { int nSubsts = 0; if ( !SubstituteVars( &tmpStr, &nSubsts, errorStack, pChild->GetString(), nTexCompositeCreateFlags, varDefs ) ) success = false; // Did we do any substitutions? if ( nSubsts > 0 && ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) == 0 ) ) pChild->SetStringValue( tmpStr ); } errorStack.RemoveMultipleFromTail( 1 ); } return success; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KeyValues* ResolveAllVariables( const char* pRootName, const VariableDefs_t& varDefs, KeyValues* pKeyValues, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, bool *pInOutAllocdNew ) { KeyValuesAD kvad_onError( ( KeyValues* ) nullptr ); // Let's just assume first that if we have any vars, we will need to substitute them. // But if we're just verifying the template, no need. if ( !( *pInOutAllocdNew ) && varDefs.Count() > 0 && ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) == 0 ) ) { pKeyValues = pKeyValues->MakeCopy(); kvad_onError.Assign( pKeyValues ); ( *pInOutAllocdNew ) = true; } CUtlString str; CUtlVector< const char* > errorStack; errorStack.AddToHead( pRootName ); if ( !ResolveAllVariablesRecursive( errorStack, varDefs, pKeyValues, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, str ) ) return NULL; kvad_onError.Assign( NULL ); return pKeyValues; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Perform all template expansion and variable substitution here. What should be output // should look like v1.0 paintkits without templates or variables. Return NULL // if var substitution fails or if we can't resolve a template or something // (after outputting a meaningful error message, of course). KeyValues* ParseTopLevelIntoKV( const char* pRootName, KeyValues* pValues, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags, bool *pOutAllocdNew ) { Assert( pRootName != NULL ); Assert( pOutAllocdNew != NULL ); if ( !pValues ) return NULL; bool bRequiresCleanup = false; KeyValues* pExpandedKV = NULL; KeyValuesAD autoCleanup_pExpandedKV( pExpandedKV ); VariableDefs_t varDefs; pExpandedKV = ResolveTemplate( pRootName, pValues, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, &bRequiresCleanup ); if ( pExpandedKV == NULL ) return NULL; if ( bRequiresCleanup ) { Assert( autoCleanup_pExpandedKV == nullptr || autoCleanup_pExpandedKV == pExpandedKV ); autoCleanup_pExpandedKV.Assign( pExpandedKV ); } pExpandedKV = ExtractVariableDefinitions( &varDefs, pRootName, pExpandedKV ); if ( pExpandedKV == NULL ) return NULL; // Only resolve the variables if we're instantiating. During verification time, we'll // just check that the keys are sensible and we can skip this. pExpandedKV = ResolveAllVariables( pRootName, varDefs, pExpandedKV, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, &bRequiresCleanup); if ( pExpandedKV == NULL ) return NULL; Assert( bRequiresCleanup || varDefs.Count() == 0 || ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) != 0 ) ); varDefs.RemoveAll(); // These won't be valid after we cleanup the tree to remove variable definitions. if ( bRequiresCleanup ) { KeyValues* pChild = pExpandedKV->GetFirstSubKey(); while ( pChild ) { const char* pChildName = pChild->GetName(); if ( pChildName[ 0 ] == '$' ) { KeyValues* pNext = pChild->GetNextKey(); pExpandedKV->RemoveSubKey( pChild ); pChild->deleteThis(); pChild = pNext; } else pChild = pChild->GetNextKey(); } } // We don't need to clean up the KeyValues we created, so clear the AD. autoCleanup_pExpandedKV.Assign( NULL ); ( *pOutAllocdNew ) = bRequiresCleanup; return pExpandedKV; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool HasTemplateOrVariables( const char** ppOutTemplateName, KeyValues* pKV) { Assert( ppOutTemplateName ); bool retVal = false; ( *ppOutTemplateName ) = NULL; FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKV, pChild ) { const char* pName = pChild->GetName(); if ( V_stricmp( pName, "implements" ) == 0 ) { ( *ppOutTemplateName ) = pChild->GetString(); retVal = true; } if ( pName[ 0 ] == '$' ) retVal = true; } return retVal; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositor* CreateTextureCompositor( int _w, int _h, const char* pCompositeName, int nTeamNum, uint64 nRandomSeed, KeyValues* _stageDesc, uint32 nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) { TM_ZONE_DEFAULT( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0 ); #ifdef STAGING_ONLY if ( r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 3 || r_texcomp_dump.GetInt() == 4 ) { // Skip compression because it breaks saving render targets out // Also don't pollute the cache (or use it) nTexCompositeCreateFlags |= ( TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_NO_COMPRESSION | TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_FORCE ); } #endif CUtlVector< CTCStage* > vecStage; CUtlVector< KeyValues* > kvs; KeyValuesAD kvAutoCleanup( (KeyValues*) nullptr ); bool bRequiresCleanup = false; if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_LOG_NODES_ONLY ) != 0 ) { DevMsg( 0, "%s\n{\n", pCompositeName ); KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( _stageDesc, 1, 0 ); DevMsg( 0, "}\n" ); } _stageDesc = ParseTopLevelIntoKV( pCompositeName, _stageDesc, nTexCompositeCreateFlags, &bRequiresCleanup ); if ( !_stageDesc ) { if ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_LOG_NODES_ONLY ) != 0 ) Msg( "ERROR[%s]: Failed to create compositor, errors above.\n", pCompositeName ); return NULL; } // Set ourselves up for future cleanup. if ( bRequiresCleanup ) kvAutoCleanup.Assign( _stageDesc ); if ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_LOG_NODES_ONLY ) { if ( bRequiresCleanup ) { DevMsg( 0, "With expansion:\n%s\n{\n", pCompositeName ); KeyValuesDumpAsDevMsg( _stageDesc, 1, 0 ); DevMsg( 0, "}\n" ); } return NULL; } const char* pTemplateName = NULL; // If we're just doing a template verification, and we still have keys or values that look like template stuff, bail out now. if ( HasTemplateOrVariables( &pTemplateName, _stageDesc ) && ( ( nTexCompositeCreateFlags & TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ) != 0 ) ) { CTextureCompositor* pComp = new CTextureCompositor( _w, _h, nTeamNum, pCompositeName, nRandomSeed, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); if ( pTemplateName ) pComp->SetTemplate( pTemplateName ); return pComp; } KeyValues* kv = _stageDesc->GetFirstTrueSubKey(); if ( !kv ) return NULL; kvs.AddToTail( kv ); if ( !ParseNodes( &vecStage, kvs, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ) ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( vecStage, i ) { SafeRelease( &vecStage[ i ] ); } return NULL; } // Should only get 1 here. Assert( vecStage.Count() == 1 ); CTCStage* rootStage = vecStage[ 0 ]; // Need to add a copy as the new root. CTCStage* copyStage = new CTCCopyStage; copyStage->SetFirstChild( rootStage ); rootStage = copyStage; CTextureCompositor* texCompositor = new CTextureCompositor( _w, _h, nTeamNum, pCompositeName, nRandomSeed, nTexCompositeCreateFlags ); if ( pTemplateName ) texCompositor->SetTemplate( pTemplateName ); texCompositor->SetRootStage( rootStage ); SafeRelease( &rootStage ); return texCompositor; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositorTemplate* CTextureCompositorTemplate::Create( const char* pName, KeyValues* pTmplDesc ) { if ( !pName || !pTmplDesc ) return NULL; CTextureCompositor* texCompositor = CreateTextureCompositor( 1, 1, pName, 2, 0, pTmplDesc, TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_SCHEMA_ONLY | TEX_COMPOSITE_CREATE_FLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_ONLY ); if ( texCompositor ) { CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTemplate = new CTextureCompositorTemplate( pName, pTmplDesc ); if ( texCompositor->UsesTemplate() ) { pTemplate->SetImplementsName( texCompositor->GetTemplateName() ); } // Bump then release the ref. texCompositor->AddRef(); texCompositor->Release(); return pTemplate; } return NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositorTemplate::~CTextureCompositorTemplate() { // We don't own the KV we were created with--don't delete it. } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CTextureCompositorTemplate::ResolveDependencies() const { // If we don't reference another template, then our verification was validated at construction // time. if ( m_ImplementsName.IsEmpty() ) return true; CTextureCompositorTemplate* pImplementsTmpl = TextureManager()->FindTextureCompositorTemplate( m_ImplementsName ); // If we couldn't find our child, then we are not okay. if ( pImplementsTmpl == NULL ) { Warning( "ERROR[paintkit_template %s]: Couldn't find template '%s' which we claim to implement.\n", (const char*) m_Name, (const char*)m_ImplementsName ); return false; } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CTextureCompositorTemplate::HasDependencyCycles() { // Uses Floyd's algorithm to determine if there's a cycle. TM_ZONE_DEFAULT( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1 ); if ( HasCycle( this ) ) { // Print the cycle. This also marks the nodes as having been tested for cycles. PrintMinimumCycle( this ); return true; } else { // Mark everything in this lineage as having been tested for cycles. CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTmpl = this; while ( pTmpl != NULL ) { if ( pTmpl->HasCheckedForCycles() ) break; pTmpl->SetCheckedForCycles( true ); pTmpl = Advance( pTmpl, 1 ); } } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ComputeTextureMatrixFromRectangle( VMatrix* pOutMat, const Vector2D& bl, const Vector2D& tl, const Vector2D& tr ) { Assert( pOutMat != NULL ); Vector2D leftEdge = bl - tl; Vector2D topEdge = tr - tl; Vector2D topEdgePerpLeft( -topEdge.y, topEdge.x ); float magLeftEdge = leftEdge.Length(); float magTopEdge = topEdge.Length(); float xScalar = ( topEdgePerpLeft.Dot( leftEdge ) > 0 ) ? 1 : -1; // Simplification of acos( ( A . L ) / ( mag( A ) * mag( L ) ) // Because A is ( 0, 1), which means A . L is just L.y // and mag( A ) * mag( L ) is just mag( L ) float rotationD = RAD2DEG( acos( leftEdge.y / magLeftEdge ) ) * ( leftEdge.x < 0 ? 1 : -1 ); VMatrix tmpMat; tmpMat.Identity(); MatrixTranslate( tmpMat, Vector( tl.x, tl.y, 0 ) ); MatrixRotate( tmpMat, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), rotationD ); tmpMat = tmpMat.Scale( Vector( xScalar * magTopEdge, magLeftEdge, 1.0f ) ); MatrixInverseGeneral( tmpMat, *pOutMat ); // Copy W into Z because this is a 2-D matrix. ( *pOutMat )[ 0 ][ 2 ] = ( *pOutMat )[ 0 ][ 3 ]; ( *pOutMat )[ 1 ][ 2 ] = ( *pOutMat )[ 1 ][ 3 ]; ( *pOutMat )[ 2 ][ 2 ] = 1.0f; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CTextureCompositorTemplate* Advance( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTmpl, int nSteps ) { Assert( pTmpl != NULL ); for ( int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i ) { if ( pTmpl->ImplementsTemplate() ) { pTmpl = TextureManager()->FindTextureCompositorTemplate( pTmpl->GetImplementsName() ); } else return NULL; } return pTmpl; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool HasCycle( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pStartTempl ) { Assert( pStartTempl != NULL ); CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTortoise = pStartTempl; CTextureCompositorTemplate* pHare = Advance( pStartTempl, 1 ); while ( pHare != NULL ) { Assert( pTortoise != NULL ); // pTortoise should never be NULL unless pHare already is. if ( pTortoise == pHare ) return true; // There may still actually be a cycle here, but we've already reported it if so, // so go ahead and bail out and say "no cycle found." if ( pTortoise->HasCheckedForCycles() || pHare->HasCheckedForCycles() ) return false; pTortoise = Advance( pTortoise, 1 ); pHare = Advance( pHare, 1 ); } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void PrintMinimumCycle( CTextureCompositorTemplate* pTmpl ) { TM_ZONE_DEFAULT( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1 ); const char* pFirstNodeName = pTmpl->GetName(); // Also mark the nodes as having been cycle-tested to save execution of retesting the same templates. // Finding a minimum cycle is O( n log n ) using a map, but we only do this when there's an error. CUtlMap< CTextureCompositorTemplate*, int > cycles( DefLessFunc( CTextureCompositorTemplate* ) ); CUtlLinkedList< const char* > cycleBuilder; while ( pTmpl != NULL) { // Add before we bail so that the first looping element is in the list twice. cycleBuilder.AddToTail( pTmpl->GetName() ); if ( cycles.IsValidIndex( cycles.Find( pTmpl ) ) ) break; pTmpl->SetCheckedForCycles( true ); cycles.Insert( pTmpl ); pTmpl = Advance( pTmpl, 1 ); } // If this hits, we didn't actually have a cycle. What? Assert( pTmpl ); Warning( "ERROR[paintkit_template %s]: Detected cycle in paintkit template dependency chain: ", pFirstNodeName ); FOR_EACH_LL( cycleBuilder, i ) { Warning( "%s -> ", cycleBuilder[ i ] ); } Warning( "...\n" ); }