//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // DiffMemStats.cpp : processes two "memstats<n>.txt" memory dumps from the game into a 'diff' text file // which Excel will display in legible form (useful for tracking mem leaks) #include <math.h> #include <iostream> #include <tchar.h> #include <assert.h> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef map<string,float> CItemMap; typedef pair<string, float> CDelta; struct Sequence { const char *m_name; float *m_values; float m_maxDelta; float m_endDelta; }; // The number of chains which will be output (the top N, after sorting and skipping) int gNumSequencesToOutput = 16; // The number of chains which will be skipped before output (the top N, after sorting) int gNumSequencesToSkip = 0; // If this is true, we sort chains by their maximum delta from the starting value, // otherwise we sort by the change from the start to the end value bool gSortByMaxChange = false; // If this is true, we use the absolute value of deltas for sorting // (so large negative deltas rank high as well as large position ones) bool gSortByAbsDeltas = false; // By default, we expect the input sequence of memstats files to be in chronological // order and from the same play session - if true, this relaxes that restriction: bool gAllowArbitraryInputSequence = false; // Output deltas from the first value in each sequence, rather than the current value // (outputs N-1 values instead of N) bool gOutputDeltas = false; // If this is true, output absolute values (by default, output values are relative to // those in the first input file - the first value in each sequence is subtracted out) bool gOutputAbsolute = false; // Output MB instead of KB bool gOutputMB = false; bool GetQuotedString( ifstream & file, string & item ) { // Skip the opening quote char ch; while ( file.get( ch ) && ( ch != '"' ) ); // Get the string getline( file, item, '"' ); // Skip the comma file.get( ch ); return ( !file.eof() ); } string & CleanupName( string & name ) { // Strip everything before "\src\", to make memstats files from different peoples' machines compatible const char * pSrc = strstr( name.c_str(), "src\\" ); if ( pSrc && ( pSrc != name.c_str() ) ) { string strippedName( pSrc ); name = strippedName; } return name; } bool ParseFile( char *pszFile, CItemMap *pResult ) { ifstream file; string item; float size; // Is this a CSV file? bool bIsCSV = !!strstr( pszFile, ".csv" ); pResult->clear(); file.open( pszFile ); if ( !file.is_open() ) { printf( "Failed to open %s\n", pszFile ); return false; } // Skip the header getline( file, item ); float maxEntrySize = 0; while ( !file.eof() ) { if ( bIsCSV ) { // Comma-separated data if ( !GetQuotedString( file, item ) ) break; } else { // Tab-delimited data getline( file, item, '\t' ); if ( !item.length() ) break; } file >> size; maxEntrySize = max( maxEntrySize, size ); pResult->insert( make_pair( CleanupName( item ), size ) ); getline( file, item ); // skip the end of line } // XBox 360 has 512MB of RAM, so we can tell if data is in MB or KB // (and it's pretty unlikely we have no allocation entries greater than 512KB!) bool bInputDataInKB = ( maxEntrySize > 512 ); // Convert the output to either KB or MB, as requested float multiplier = 1.0f; if ( bInputDataInKB && gOutputMB ) multiplier = 1.0f / 1024.0f; else if ( !bInputDataInKB && !gOutputMB ) multiplier = 1024.0f; CItemMap::iterator p1; for ( p1 = pResult->begin(); p1 != pResult->end(); p1++ ) { p1->second = p1->second*multiplier; } return ( pResult->size() > 0 ); } bool FillMissingEntries( CItemMap *items, int numItems, int * numAllocations ) { // First, generate a list of all unique allocations CItemMap allAllocations; CItemMap::const_iterator p1, p2; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ ) { for ( p1 = items[i].begin(); p1 != items[i].end(); p1++ ) { p2 = allAllocations.find( p1->first ); if ( p2 == allAllocations.end() ) allAllocations.insert( make_pair( p1->first, 0.0f ) ); } } // Determine how many sequences we have in total *numAllocations = (int)allAllocations.size(); // Now make sure each allocation is present in every CItemMap. Where absent, assign the // previous known value, and where there is no known value assign zero. // 'Validity' requires that a given allocation will always be present in CItemMaps after // the first one in which it occurs (this is what you would get if the input files represent // memdumps in chronological order, all from the same play session). bool isValid = true; for ( p1 = allAllocations.begin(); p1 != allAllocations.end(); p1++ ) { float curValue = 0.0f; bool foundFirstOccurrence = false; for ( int i = 0;i < numItems; i++ ) { p2 = items[i].find( p1->first ); if ( p2 != items[i].end() ) { // Entry already present, update current value curValue = p2->second; foundFirstOccurrence = true; } else { // Entry missing, add it (and check validity) items[i].insert( make_pair( p1->first, curValue ) ); if ( foundFirstOccurrence ) isValid = false; } } } return isValid; } bool CompareSequence( const Sequence * & lhs, const Sequence * & rhs ) { if ( gSortByMaxChange ) return ( lhs->m_maxDelta > rhs->m_maxDelta ); else return ( lhs->m_endDelta > rhs->m_endDelta ); } vector<const Sequence *> & CreateSequences( CItemMap *items, int numItems ) { // Create a vector of Sequence objects, each of which holds the // sequence of 'Allocation Size' values for each allocation vector<const Sequence *> & sequences = *new vector<const Sequence *>(); CItemMap::const_iterator p1, p2; for ( p1 = items[0].begin(); p1 != items[0].end(); p1++ ) { Sequence * seq = new Sequence; seq->m_name = p1->first.c_str(); seq->m_values = new float[ numItems ]; float startVal = p1->second; float maxDelta = 0.0f; float endDelta = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; i++ ) { p2 = items[ i ].find( seq->m_name ); assert( p2 != items[i].end() ); if ( p2 != items[i].end() ) { seq->m_values[i] = p2->second; float delta = p2->second - startVal; if ( gSortByAbsDeltas ) delta = fabs( delta ); if ( delta > maxDelta ) maxDelta = delta; endDelta = delta; } } seq->m_endDelta = endDelta; seq->m_maxDelta = maxDelta; sequences.push_back( seq ); } // Now sort the sequences vector sort( sequences.begin(), sequences.end(), CompareSequence ); return sequences; } void Usage() { printf( "diffmemstats is used for hunting down memory leaks\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " USAGE: diffmemstats [options] <file1> <file2> [<file3>, ...]\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "Input is a sequence of memstats<n>.txt files (saved from game using 'mem_dump')\n" ); printf( "and output is a single tab-separated text file, where each line represents a\n" ); printf( "given allocation's size as it varies over time through the memstats sequence\n" ); printf( "(lines are sorted by maximum change over time - see sortend/sortmax options).\n" ); printf( "This text file can then be graphed in Excel using a 'stacked column' chart.\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "NOTE: input files must be in chronological order, from a SINGLE play session\n" ); printf( " (unless -allowmismatch is specified).\n" ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "options:\n" ); printf( "[-numchains:N] the top N sequences are output (default: 16)\n" ); printf( "[-skipchains:M] skip the top M sequences before output (default: 0)\n" ); printf( "[-delta] output deltas between adjacent values in each sequence\n" ); printf( " (the first delta for each sequence will always be zero)\n" ); printf( "[-absolute] output absolute values (default is to subtract out the\n" ); printf( " first value in each sequence), overridden by '-delta'\n" ); printf( "[-sortend] sort sequences by start-to-end change (default)\n" ); printf( "[-sortmax] sort sequences by start-to-max-value change\n" ); printf( "[-sortabs] sort by absolute change values\n" ); printf( "[-allowmismatch] don't check that the input file sequence is in\n" ); printf( " chronological order and from the same play session\n" ); printf( "[-mb] output values in MB (default is KB)\n" ); } bool ParseOption( _TCHAR* option ) { if ( option[0] != '-' ) return false; option++; int numChains, numRead = sscanf( option, "numchains:%d", &numChains ); if ( numRead == 1 ) { if ( numChains >= 0 ) { gNumSequencesToOutput = numChains; return true; } return false; } int skipChains, numRead2 = sscanf( option, "skipchains:%d", &skipChains ); if ( numRead2 == 1 ) { if ( skipChains >= 0 ) { gNumSequencesToSkip = skipChains; return true; } return false; } if ( !stricmp( option, "delta" ) ) { gOutputDeltas = true; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "absolute" ) ) { gOutputAbsolute = true; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "sortend" ) ) { gSortByMaxChange = false; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "sortmax" ) ) { gSortByMaxChange = true; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "sortabs" ) ) { gSortByAbsDeltas = true; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "allowmismatch" ) ) { gAllowArbitraryInputSequence = true; return true; } if ( !stricmp( option, "mb" ) ) { gOutputMB = true; return true; } return false; } // NOTE: this app doesn't bother with little things like freeing memory int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if ( argc < 3 ) { Usage(); return 1; } // Grab options int numOptions = 0; argv++; while ( argv[0][0] == '-' ) { if ( !ParseOption( argv[0] ) ) { Usage(); return 1; } numOptions++; argv++; } // TODO: allow the user to pass a starting filename and have the program figure out the sequence of files // in that folder (using Aaron's naming scheme: <map_name>_<mmdd>_<hhmmss>_<count>.txt) int numFiles = argc - 1 - numOptions; CItemMap *items = new CItemMap[ numFiles ]; string *names = new string[ numFiles ]; for ( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) { strlwr( argv[0] ); if ( !ParseFile( argv[0], &items[i] ) ) return 1; // Create a label for each column of output data string name = argv[0]; if ( ( name.find( ".csv" ) == ( name.length() - 4 ) ) || ( name.find( ".txt" ) == ( name.length() - 4 ) ) ) { name = name.substr( 0, name.length() - 4 ); } names[ i ] = ( gOutputDeltas ? "[delta] " : "[size] " ) + name; argv++; } // Generate missing entries (i.e. make it so that each allocation // occurs in every CItemMap, so we have a sequence of 'numFiles' value, duplicating ) int numAllocations = 0; bool isValidSequence = FillMissingEntries( items, numFiles, &numAllocations ); if ( !isValidSequence && !gAllowArbitraryInputSequence ) { printf( "ERROR: input files did not all come from the same play session, or are in the wrong order (to allow this, specify -allowmismatch)\n" ); return 1; } // Create a vector of Sequence objects, each of which holds the sequence of 'size' // values for each allocation. The vector is sorted based on max change from the // start value, or the start-to-end change (gSortByMaxChange). vector<const Sequence *> & sequences = CreateSequences( items, numFiles ); // Headings printf( "Allocation type" ); for ( int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++ ) { printf( "\t%s", names[ i ].c_str() ); } printf("\n"); for ( int i = gNumSequencesToSkip; (i < (gNumSequencesToSkip + gNumSequencesToOutput)) && (i < numAllocations); i++ ) { const Sequence & seq = *sequences.at(i); printf( seq.m_name ); for ( int j = 0; j < numFiles; j++ ) { // Subtract out either the first (want change since the sequence start) // or the prior value (want change from one value to the next). int base = 0; if ( gOutputDeltas && ( j > 0 ) ) base = j - 1; float baseVal = seq.m_values[base]; if ( gOutputAbsolute && !gOutputDeltas ) baseVal = 0.0f; printf( "\t%.2f", (seq.m_values[j] - baseVal) ); } printf( "\n" ); } return 0; }