
; t0: 
;		texture: dudv map
;		texcoords: dudvmap texcoords
; t1:
;		texture: refraction render target
;		texcoords: 

tex t0			; sample dudv map
texbem t1, t0		; refraction
tex t2			; The normal map
tex t3			; Normalize the tangent-space vector to the eye

; dot eye-vector with per-pixel normal from t2
dp3_sat r1.rgba, t2_bx2, t3_bx2

mul r0.a, 1-r1.a, 1-r1.a			; squared
mul r0.a, r0.a, r0.a				; quartic

mul r0.rgb, t1, c0
+mul_sat r0.a, r0.a, 1-r1.a			; quintic

add_sat r0.a, r0.a, v0.a			; cheap water distance