     File:       CGPattern.h
     Contains:   CoreGraphics base types
     Version:    QuickTime 7.3
     Copyright:  (c) 2007 (c) 2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
     Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
                 the World Wide Web:
#ifndef CGPATTERN_H_
#define CGPATTERN_H_

#ifndef __CGBASE__
#include <CGBase.h>

#ifndef __CGCONTEXT__
#include <CGContext.h>

/* kCGPatternTilingNoDistortion: The pattern cell is not distorted when
 * painted, however the spacing between pattern cells may vary by as much
 * as 1 device pixel.
 * kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion: Pattern cells are
 * spaced consistently, however the pattern cell may be distorted by as
 * much as 1 device pixel when the pattern is painted.
 * kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing: Pattern cells are spaced consistently
 * as with kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion, however the
 * pattern cell may be distorted additionally to permit a more efficient
 * implementation. */

#pragma once

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#pragma import on

    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)

    #if defined(__fourbyteints__) && !__fourbyteints__ 
        #pragma fourbyteints on
    #pragma enumsalwaysint on
    #pragma option enum=int
    #if __option(pack_enums)
        #pragma options(!pack_enums)

enum CGPatternTiling {
  kCGPatternTilingNoDistortion  = 0,
  kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacingMinimalDistortion = 1,
  kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing = 2
typedef enum CGPatternTiling CGPatternTiling;

/* The drawing of the pattern is delegated to the callbacks.  The callbacks
 * may be called one or many times to draw the pattern.
 * `version' is the version number of the structure passed in as a
 * parameter to the CGPattern creation functions. The structure defined
 * below is version 0.
 * `drawPattern' should draw the pattern in the context `c'. `info' is the
 * parameter originally passed to the CGPattern creation functions.
 * `releaseInfo' is called when the pattern is deallocated. */
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( void , CGDrawPatternProcPtr )(void *info, CGContextRef c);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( void , CGReleaseInfoProcPtr )(void * info);
struct CGPatternCallbacks {
  unsigned int        version;
  CGDrawPatternProcPtr  drawPattern;
  CGReleaseInfoProcPtr  releaseInfo;
typedef struct CGPatternCallbacks       CGPatternCallbacks;
/* Create a pattern. */
 *  CGPatternCreate()
 *  Availability:
 *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
 *    CarbonLib:        not available
 *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later
EXTERN_API_C( CGPatternRef )
  void *                      info,
  CGRect                      bounds,
  CGAffineTransform           matrix,
  float                       xStep,
  float                       yStep,
  CGPatternTiling             tiling,
  int                         isColored,
  const CGPatternCallbacks *  callbacks);

/* Increment the retain count of `pattern' and return it.  All patterns are
 * created with an initial retain count of 1. */
 *  CGPatternRetain()
 *  Availability:
 *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
 *    CarbonLib:        not available
 *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later
EXTERN_API_C( CGPatternRef )
CGPatternRetain(CGPatternRef pattern);

/* Decrement the retain count of `pattern'.  If the retain count reaches 0,
 * then free it and release any associated resources. */
 *  CGPatternRelease()
 *  Availability:
 *    Non-Carbon CFM:   not available
 *    CarbonLib:        not available
 *    Mac OS X:         in version 10.1 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
CGPatternRelease(CGPatternRef pattern);

    #pragma enumsalwaysint reset
        #pragma fourbyteints off
    #pragma option enum=reset
    #pragma options(pack_enums)

    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()

#pragma import off
#pragma import reset

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* CGPATTERN_H_ */