//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Tool used for picking entities for filling out entity properties and
//			I/O connections. Anywhere you see an entity name field there should
//			be an eyedropper button next to it for picking the entity.
//			TODO: make the entity field / picker button a single control?
//			TODO: combine the face picker with the entity picker?

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "MapEntity.h"
#include "ToolInterface.h"

class CMapView3D;
class CMapViewLogical;
class CToolPickEntity;

// Selection states for entries in our list of selected faces.
enum EntityState_t
	EntityState_Select = 0,			// 
	EntityState_Partial,			// Used for multiselect; the face is in at least one of the face lists being edited.
	EntityState_None,				// Used for multiselect; to deselect partially selected faces. Otherwise they are removed from the list.

// An entry in our list of selected entities.
struct SelectedEntity_t
	CMapEntity *pEntity;				// Pointer to the entity.
	EntityState_t eState;				// The current selection state of this entity.
	EntityState_t eOriginalState;		// The original selection state of this entity.

// Interface for notification by the entity picking tool. Inherit from this if you
// are a client of the entity picker.
class IPickEntityTarget
	virtual void OnNotifyPickEntity(CToolPickEntity *pTool) = 0;

class CToolPickEntity : public CBaseTool

	// Constructor/Destructor

	// CBaseTool virtual implementations
	virtual void OnDeactivate();
	virtual ToolID_t GetToolID(void) { return TOOL_PICK_ENTITY; }

	virtual bool OnLMouseUp3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
    virtual bool OnLMouseDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
    virtual bool OnLMouseDblClk3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
	virtual bool OnRMouseUp3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
    virtual bool OnRMouseDown3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
	virtual bool OnMouseMove3D(CMapView3D *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);

	virtual bool OnLMouseUpLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { return true; }
	virtual bool OnLMouseDownLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);
    virtual bool OnLMouseDblClkLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { return true; }
	virtual bool OnRMouseUpLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { return true; }
    virtual bool OnRMouseDownLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint) { return true; }
	virtual bool OnMouseMoveLogical(CMapViewLogical *pView, UINT nFlags, const Vector2D &vPoint);

	// Functions specific to this tool.
	inline void Attach(IPickEntityTarget *pTarget);
	void AllowMultiSelect(bool bAllow);
	void GetSelectedEntities(CMapEntityList &EntityListFull, CMapEntityList &EntityListPartial);
	void SetSelectedEntities(CMapEntityList &EntityListFull, CMapEntityList &EntityListPartial);


	void CycleSelectEntity(CMapEntity *pEntity);
	void DeselectAll(void);
	void DeselectEntity(int nIndex);
	void DeselectEntity(CMapEntity *pEntity);
	int FindEntity(CMapEntity *pEntity);
	void SelectEntity(CMapEntity *pEntity);

	void AddToList(CMapEntity *pEntity, EntityState_t eState);
	void RemoveFromList(int nIndex);

	void SetEyedropperCursor(void);

	IPickEntityTarget *m_pNotifyTarget;			// Object to notify when selection events occur.
	bool m_bAllowMultiSelect;					// If false, only one entity can be selected at a time.
	CUtlVector <SelectedEntity_t> m_Entities;	// Picked entities and their selection state (partial or full).

// Purpose: Attaches the given notification target to this tool. That object
//			will be used for all future notifications and updates by the tool.
void CToolPickEntity::Attach(IPickEntityTarget *pNotifyTarget)
	m_pNotifyTarget = pNotifyTarget;