//	Base Settings for Source(TM) Projects

$IgnoreRedundancyWarning	"ON"

$MacroRequired				"SRCDIR"
$MacroRequired				"OUTBINNAME"
$MacroRequired				"OUTBINDIR"
$MacroRequired				"LIBPUBLIC"
$MacroRequired				"LIBCOMMON"
$MacroRequired				"PLATSUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty	"GAMENAME"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty	"INTERMEDIATESUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty	"_UNITYSUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty	"_STATICSUBDIR"

$Configuration "Debug"
		// General
		$OutputDirectory					".\Debug$_SUBDIRSUFFIX"
		$IntermediateDirectory				".\Debug$_SUBDIRSUFFIX"

		// Project Defaults
		$ConfigurationType					"Application (.exe)"
		$CharacterSet						"Use Multi-Byte Character Set"

		// Action

		// General
		$AdditionalIncludeDirectories			"$SRCDIR\common;$SRCDIR\public;$SRCDIR\public\tier0;$SRCDIR\public\tier1"
		$DebugInformationFormat					"Program Database for Edit & Continue (/ZI)" [$WIN32]
		$DebugInformationFormat					"Program Database (/Zi)" [$WIN64]
		$WarningLevel							"Level 4 (/W4)"
		$TreatWarningsAsErrors					"No"
		$UseUNICODEResponseFiles				"No"

		// Optimization
		$Optimization							"Disabled (/Od)"

		// Preprocessor

		// Code Generation
		$EnableStringPooling					"Yes (/GF)"
		// EnableMinimalRebuild is incompatible with /MP (multi-processor builds)
		// and it also makes it hard to iterate on warnings because the compiler
		// detects that there is no reason to recompile when you request it.
		// It should always be off? It should definitely be off for /analyze builds.
		//$EnableMinimalRebuild				"Yes (/Gm)" [!$ANALYZE]
		$EnableC++Exceptions					"No"
		$BasicRuntimeChecks						"Default"
		$RuntimeLibrary							"Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)"
		$BufferSecurityCheck					"Yes"
		$FloatingPointModel						"Fast (/fp:fast)"

		// Language
		$DefaultCharUnsigned					"No"
		$TreatWCHAR_TAsBuiltInType				"Yes (/Zc:wchar_t)"
		$ForceConformanceInForLoopScope			"Yes (/Zc:forScope)"
		$EnableRunTimeTypeInfo					"Yes (/GR)"
		$OpenMPSupport							"No"

		// Precompiled Headers
		$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader			"Not Using Precompiled Headers"

		// Output Files
		$ExpandAttributedSource					"No"
		$AssemblerOutput						"No Listing"
		$ASMListLocation						"$(IntDir)/"
		$ObjectFileName							"$(IntDir)/"
		$ProgramDatabaseFileName				"$(IntDir)/"

		// Browse Information
		$EnableBrowseInformation				"None"
		$BrowseFile								"$(IntDir)/"

		// Advanced
		$CompileAs								"Compile as C++ Code (/TP)"
		$UseFullPaths							"Yes (/FC)"
		$ErrorReporting							"Prompt Immediately (/errorReport:prompt)"

		// Command Line

		// General
		$OutputFile								"$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.exe"
		$ShowProgress							"Not Set"
		$EnableIncrementalLinking				"Yes (/INCREMENTAL)"
		$SuppressStartupBanner					"Yes (/NOLOGO)"
		$UseUNICODEResponseFiles				"No"

		// Input
		$IgnoreSpecificLibrary					"libc;libcd;libcmt;libcpmt;libcpmt1"

		// Manifest File
		$GenerateManifest						"Yes"

		// Debugging
		$GenerateDebugInfo						"Yes (/DEBUG)"
		$GenerateProgramDatabaseFile			"$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).pdb"

		// System
		$SubSystem								"Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)"

		// DYNAMICBASE/ASLR in debug builds is annoying and not helpful.
		$RandomizedBaseAddress				"false"

		// Optimization

		// Embedded IDL

		// Advanced
		$ErrorReporting							"Prompt Immediately (/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT)"
		// SAFE_SEH should always be disabled on debug builds.
		$ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers		"false"

		// Command Line

		// General
		$SuppressStartupBanner				"Yes (/nologo)"

		// Input And Output
		$AdditionalManifestFiles			"$SRCDIR\public\windows_default.manifest" [!$SOURCESDK]

		// Isolated COM

		// Advanced

		// Command Line

		// General
		$SuppressStartupBanner				"Yes (/nologo)"

		$SuppressStartupBanner				"Yes (/nologo)"	
		$OutputFile							"$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.bsc"

		// General
		$PreprocessorDefinitions				"_DEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
		$Culture								"English (United States) (0x409)"

		// Command Line

		$ExcludedFromBuild						"No"

		$ExcludedFromBuild						"No"

		$ExcludedFromBuild						"No"

		// General