//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $


#include "tier0/dbg.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>

template <class T, int nBlockSize, int nMaxBlocks>
class BlockArray
		nCount = nBlocks = 0;

	T& operator[] (int iIndex);
	void SetCount(int nObjects);
	int GetCount() { return nCount; }

	T * Blocks[nMaxBlocks+1];
	short nCount;
	short nBlocks;
	void GetBlocks(int nNewBlocks);

template <class T, int nBlockSize, int nMaxBlocks>
void BlockArray<T,nBlockSize,nMaxBlocks>::
	GetBlocks(int nNewBlocks)
	for(int i = nBlocks; i < nNewBlocks; i++)
		Blocks[i] = new T[nBlockSize];
	for(int i = nNewBlocks; i < nBlocks; i++)
		delete[] Blocks[i];

	nBlocks = nNewBlocks;

template <class T, int nBlockSize, int nMaxBlocks>
void BlockArray<T,nBlockSize,nMaxBlocks>::
	SetCount(int nObjects)
	if(nObjects == nCount)

	// find the number of blocks required by nObjects, checking for
	// integer rounding error
	int nNewBlocks = (nObjects / nBlockSize);
	if ((nNewBlocks * nBlockSize) < nObjects)

	if(nNewBlocks != nBlocks)
		// Make sure we don't get an overrun.
		if ( nNewBlocks > ARRAYSIZE( Blocks ) )
			Error( "BlockArray< ?, %d, %d > - too many blocks needed.", nBlockSize, nMaxBlocks );
	nCount = nObjects;

template <class T, int nBlockSize, int nMaxBlocks>
T& BlockArray<T,nBlockSize,nMaxBlocks>::operator[] (int iIndex)
	// Cast to unsigned so that this check will reject negative values as
	// well as overly large values.
	if((unsigned)iIndex >= (unsigned)nCount)
		Error( "BlockArray< %d, %d > - invalid block index.", iIndex, nCount );
	return Blocks[iIndex / nBlockSize][iIndex % nBlockSize];

#include <tier0/memdbgoff.h>

#endif // _BLOCKARRAY_H