//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Image.h>

#include <utlvector.h>
#include <UtlSortVector.h>

class KeyValues;

namespace vgui

struct label_colorchange_t
	Color	color;
	int		textStreamIndex;

// Used to sort the color changes into sequential order.
class CColorChangeListLess
	bool Less( const label_colorchange_t &src1, const label_colorchange_t &src2, void *pCtx )
		if ( src1.textStreamIndex < src2.textStreamIndex )
			return true;

		return false;

// Purpose: Image that handles drawing of a text string
class TextImage : public Image
	TextImage(const char *text);
	TextImage(const wchar_t *wszText);

	// takes the string and looks it up in the localization file to convert it to unicode
	virtual void SetText(const char *text);
	// sets unicode text directly
	virtual void SetText(const wchar_t *text, bool bClearUnlocalizedSymbol = false);
	// get the full text in the image
	virtual void GetText(char *buffer, int bufferSize);
	virtual void GetText(wchar_t *buffer, int bufferLength);
	// get the text in it's unlocalized form
	virtual void GetUnlocalizedText(char *buffer, int bufferSize);
	virtual StringIndex_t GetUnlocalizedTextSymbol();

	// set the font of the text
	virtual void SetFont(vgui::HFont font);
	// get the font of the text
	virtual vgui::HFont GetFont();

	// set the width of the text to be drawn
	// use this function if the textImage is in another window to cause 
	// the text to be truncated to the width of the window (elipsis added)
	void SetDrawWidth(int width);
	// get the width of the text to be drawn
	void GetDrawWidth(int &width); 

    void ResizeImageToContent();
	void ResizeImageToContentMaxWidth( int nMaxWidth );

	// set the size of the image
	virtual void SetSize(int wide,int tall);

	// get the full size of a text string
	virtual void GetContentSize(int &wide, int &tall);

	// draws the text
	virtual void Paint();

	void SetWrap( bool bWrap );
	void RecalculateNewLinePositions();

	void SetUseFallbackFont( bool bState, HFont hFallback );

	void SetAllCaps( bool bAllCaps );
	void SetCenterWrap( bool bWrap );
	void RecalculateCenterWrapIndents();

	const wchar_t *GetUText( void ) { return _utext; }

	void AddColorChange( Color col, int iTextStreamIndex );
	void SetColorChangeStream( CUtlSortVector<label_colorchange_t,CColorChangeListLess> *pUtlVecStream );
	void ClearColorChangeStream( void ) { m_ColorChangeStream.Purge(); }

	const wchar_t *GetEllipsesPosition( void ) const { return m_pwszEllipsesPosition; }
	bool IsWrapping() const { return m_LineBreaks.Count() != 0; }

	// truncate the _text string to fit into the draw width
	void SizeText(wchar_t *tempText, int stringLength);
	// gets the size of a specified piece of text
	virtual void GetTextSize(int &wide, int &tall);

	void RecalculateEllipsesPosition();

	wchar_t *_utext;	// unicode version of the text
	short _textBufferLen;	// size of the text buffer
	short _textLen;		// length of the text string
	vgui::HFont _font;	// font of the text string
	vgui::HFont _fallbackFont;
	int _drawWidth;		// this is the width of the window we are drawing into. 
						// if there is not enough room truncate the txt	and add an elipsis

	StringIndex_t _unlocalizedTextSymbol;	// store off the unlocalized text index for build mode
	wchar_t *m_pwszEllipsesPosition;

	bool m_bRecalculateTruncation : 1;
	bool m_bWrap : 1;
	bool m_bUseFallbackFont : 1;
	bool m_bRenderUsingFallbackFont : 1;
	bool m_bAllCaps : 1;
	CUtlVector<wchar_t *>		m_LineBreaks;		// an array that holds the index in the buffer to wrap lines at

	bool m_bWrapCenter;								// Separate from m_bWrap to ensure it doesn't break legacy code.
	CUtlVector<int>				m_LineXIndent;		// For centered word wrap. The X indent for each line.

	CUtlSortVector<label_colorchange_t,CColorChangeListLess>		m_ColorChangeStream;

} // namespace vgui

#endif // TEXTIMAGE_H