//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
#if defined( USE_SDL )
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_syswm.h"

#if defined( OSX )
#include <objc/message.h>


#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION )
#include "winlite.h"
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"

#if defined( IS_WINDOWS_PC ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	#include <winsock.h>
#elif defined(_X360)
	// nothing to include for 360
#elif defined(OSX)
#elif defined(LINUX)
	#include "tier0/dynfunction.h"
#elif defined(_WIN32)
	#include "tier0/dynfunction.h"
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"

#include "igame.h"
#include "cl_main.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
#include "iengine.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageDialog.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
#ifdef WIN32
  #include "unicode/unicode.h"
#include "GameUI/IGameUI.h"
#include "matchmaking.h"
#include "sv_main.h"
#include "video/ivideoservices.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"

#if defined( _X360 )
  #include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
  #include "hl2orange.spa.h"

#if defined( LINUX )
  #include "snd_dev_sdl.h"


  #define AssertExit( _exp )		Assert( _exp )
  #define AssertExitF( _exp )		Assert( _exp )


  #define AssertExit( _exp )		if ( !( _exp ) ) return;
  #define AssertExitF( _exp )		if ( !( _exp ) ) return false;


// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

void S_BlockSound (void);
void S_UnblockSound (void);
void ClearIOStates( void );

// Game input events
enum GameInputEventType_t
	IE_Close = IE_FirstAppEvent,

#ifdef WIN32
static 	IUnicodeWindows *unicode = NULL;

// Purpose: Main game interface, including message pump and window creation
class CGame : public IGame
					CGame( void );
	virtual			~CGame( void );

	bool			Init( void *pvInstance );
	bool			Shutdown( void );

	bool			CreateGameWindow( void );
	void			DestroyGameWindow();
	void			SetGameWindow( void* hWnd );

	// This is used in edit mode to override the default wnd proc associated w/
	bool			InputAttachToGameWindow();
	void			InputDetachFromGameWindow();

	void			PlayStartupVideos( void );
	// This is the SDL_Window* under SDL, HWND otherwise.
	void*			GetMainWindow( void );
	// This will be the HWND under D3D + Windows (both with and without SDL), SDL_Window* everywhere else.
	void*			GetMainDeviceWindow( void );
	// This will be the HWND under Windows, the WindowRef under Mac, and (for now) NULL on Linux
	void*			GetMainWindowPlatformSpecificHandle( void );
	void**			GetMainWindowAddress( void );

	void			GetDesktopInfo( int &width, int &height, int &refreshrate );

	void			SetWindowXY( int x, int y );
	void			SetWindowSize( int w, int h );
	void			GetWindowRect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h );

	bool			IsActiveApp( void );

	void			SetCanPostActivateEvents( bool bEnable );
	bool			CanPostActivateEvents();

#ifdef USE_SDL
	void			SetMainWindow( SDL_Window* window );
#ifdef WIN32
	int				WindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
	void			SetMainWindow( HWND window );
	void			SetActiveApp( bool active );

	bool			LoadUnicode();
	void			UnloadUnicode();

// Message handlers.
	void	HandleMsg_WindowMove( const InputEvent_t &event );
	void	HandleMsg_ActivateApp( const InputEvent_t &event );
	void	HandleMsg_Close( const InputEvent_t &event );

	// Call the appropriate HandleMsg_ function.
	void	DispatchInputEvent( const InputEvent_t &event );

	// Dispatch all the queued up messages.
	virtual void	DispatchAllStoredGameMessages();
	void			AppActivate( bool fActive );
	void			PlayVideoAndWait( const char *filename, bool bNeedHealthWarning = false); // plays a video file and waits till it's done to return. Can be interrupted by user.
	void AttachToWindow();
	void DetachFromWindow();

#ifndef _X360
	static const wchar_t CLASSNAME[];
	static const char CLASSNAME[];

	bool			m_bExternallySuppliedWindow;

#if defined( WIN32 )
	HWND			m_hWindow;
	#if !defined( USE_SDL )
		HINSTANCE		m_hInstance;

		// Stores a wndproc to chain message calls to
		WNDPROC			m_ChainedWindowProc;

		RECT			m_rcLastRestoredClientRect;

#if defined( USE_SDL )
	SDL_Window		*m_pSDLWindow;

	int				m_x;
	int				m_y;
	int				m_width;
	int				m_height;
	bool			m_bActiveApp;
	CSysModule		*m_hUnicodeModule;

	bool			m_bCanPostActivateEvents;
	int				m_iDesktopWidth, m_iDesktopHeight, m_iDesktopRefreshRate;
	void			UpdateDesktopInformation();
#ifdef WIN32
	void			UpdateDesktopInformation( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );

static CGame g_Game;
IGame *game = ( IGame * )&g_Game;

#if !defined( _X360 )
const wchar_t CGame::CLASSNAME[] = L"Valve001";
const char CGame::CLASSNAME[] = "Valve001";

// In VCR playback mode, it sleeps this amount each frame.
int g_iVCRPlaybackSleepInterval = 0;

// During VCR playback, if this is true, then it'll pause at the end of each frame.
bool g_bVCRSingleStep = false;

bool g_bWaitingForStepKeyUp = false;	// Used to prevent it from running frames while you hold the S key down.

bool g_bShowVCRPlaybackDisplay = true;

// These are all the windows messages that can change game state.
// See CGame::WindowProc for a description of how they work.
struct GameMessageHandler_t
	int	m_nEventType;
	void (CGame::*pFn)( const InputEvent_t &event );

GameMessageHandler_t g_GameMessageHandlers[] = 
	{ IE_AppActivated,			&CGame::HandleMsg_ActivateApp },
	{ IE_WindowMove,			&CGame::HandleMsg_WindowMove },
	{ IE_Close,					&CGame::HandleMsg_Close },
	{ IE_Quit,					&CGame::HandleMsg_Close },

void CGame::AppActivate( bool fActive )
	// If text mode, force it to be active.
	if ( g_bTextMode )
		fActive = true;

	// Don't bother if we're already in the correct state
	if ( IsActiveApp() == fActive )

	// Don't let video modes changes queue up another activate event
	SetCanPostActivateEvents( false );

#ifndef SWDS
	if ( videomode )
		if ( fActive )

	if ( host_initialized )
		if ( fActive )
			// Clear keyboard states (should be cleared already but...)
			// VGui_ActivateMouse will reactivate the mouse soon.
			// Clear keyboard input and deactivate the mouse while we're away.

			if ( g_ClientDLL )
#endif // SWDS
	SetActiveApp( fActive );

#ifdef _XBOX
	if ( host_initialized )
		if ( fActive )
	SetActiveApp( fActive );

	// Allow queueing of activation events
	SetCanPostActivateEvents( true );

void CGame::HandleMsg_WindowMove( const InputEvent_t &event )
	game->SetWindowXY( event.m_nData, event.m_nData2 );
#ifndef SWDS

void CGame::HandleMsg_ActivateApp( const InputEvent_t &event )
	AppActivate( event.m_nData ? true : false );

void CGame::HandleMsg_Close( const InputEvent_t &event )
	if ( eng->GetState() == IEngine::DLL_ACTIVE )
		eng->SetQuitting( IEngine::QUIT_TODESKTOP );

void CGame::DispatchInputEvent( const InputEvent_t &event )
	switch( event.m_nType )
	// Handle button events specially, 
	// since we have all manner of crazy filtering going on	when dealing with them
	case IE_ButtonPressed:
	case IE_ButtonDoubleClicked:
	case IE_ButtonReleased:
		Key_Event( event );
	case IE_FingerDown:
	case IE_FingerUp:
	case IE_FingerMotion:
		if( g_ClientDLL )
			g_ClientDLL->IN_TouchEvent( event.m_nType, event.m_nData, event.m_nData2, event.m_nData3 );
		// Let vgui have the first whack at events
		if ( g_pMatSystemSurface && g_pMatSystemSurface->HandleInputEvent( event ) )

		for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_GameMessageHandlers ); i++ )
			if ( g_GameMessageHandlers[i].m_nEventType == event.m_nType )
				(this->*g_GameMessageHandlers[i].pFn)( event );

void CGame::DispatchAllStoredGameMessages()
#if !defined( NO_VCR )
	if ( VCRGetMode() == VCR_Playback )
		InputEvent_t event;
		while ( VCRHook_PlaybackGameMsg( &event ) )
			event.m_nTick = g_pInputSystem->GetPollTick();
			DispatchInputEvent( event );
		int nEventCount = g_pInputSystem->GetEventCount();
		const InputEvent_t* pEvents = g_pInputSystem->GetEventData( );
		for ( int i = 0; i < nEventCount; ++i )
			VCRHook_RecordGameMsg( pEvents[i] );
			DispatchInputEvent( pEvents[i] );
	int nEventCount = g_pInputSystem->GetEventCount();
	const InputEvent_t* pEvents = g_pInputSystem->GetEventData( );
	for ( int i = 0; i < nEventCount; ++i )
		DispatchInputEvent( pEvents[i] );

void VCR_EnterPausedState()
	// Turn this off in case they're in single-step mode.
	g_bVCRSingleStep = false;

#ifdef WIN32
	// This is cheesy, but GetAsyncKeyState is blocked (in protected_things.h) 
	// from being accidentally used, so we get it through it by getting its pointer directly.
	static HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary( "user32.dll" );
	if ( !hInst )

	typedef SHORT (WINAPI *GetAsyncKeyStateFn)( int vKey );
	static GetAsyncKeyStateFn pfn = (GetAsyncKeyStateFn)GetProcAddress( hInst, "GetAsyncKeyState" );
	if ( !pfn )

	// In this mode, we enter a wait state where we only pay attention to R and Q.
	while ( 1 )
		if ( pfn( 'R' ) & 0x8000 )

		if ( pfn( 'Q' ) & 0x8000 )
			TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 );

		if ( pfn( 'S' ) & 0x8000 )
			if ( !g_bWaitingForStepKeyUp )
				// Do a single step.
				g_bVCRSingleStep = true;
				g_bWaitingForStepKeyUp = true;	// Don't do another single step until they release the S key.
			// Ok, they released the S key, so we'll process it next time the key goes down.
			g_bWaitingForStepKeyUp = false;
		Sleep( 2 );
	Assert( !"Impl me" );

#ifdef WIN32
void VCR_HandlePlaybackMessages( 
	HWND hWnd,
    UINT uMsg,
    WPARAM wParam,
    LPARAM lParam 
	if ( uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN )
		if ( wParam == VK_SUBTRACT || wParam == 0xbd )
			g_iVCRPlaybackSleepInterval += 5;
		else if ( wParam == VK_ADD || wParam == 0xbb )
			g_iVCRPlaybackSleepInterval -= 5;
		else if ( toupper( wParam ) == 'Q' )
			TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 );
		else if ( toupper( wParam ) == 'P' )
		else if ( toupper( wParam ) == 'S' && !g_bVCRSingleStep )
			g_bWaitingForStepKeyUp = true;
		else if ( toupper( wParam ) == 'D' )
			g_bShowVCRPlaybackDisplay = !g_bShowVCRPlaybackDisplay;

		g_iVCRPlaybackSleepInterval = clamp( g_iVCRPlaybackSleepInterval, 0, 500 );

// Calls the default window procedure
// FIXME: It would be nice to remove the need for this, which we can do
// if we can make unicode work when running inside hammer.
static LONG WINAPI CallDefaultWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	if ( unicode )
		return unicode->DefWindowProcW( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
	return DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

// Purpose: The user has accepted an invitation to a game, we need to detect if 
//			it's TF2 and restart properly if it is
void XBX_HandleInvite( DWORD nUserId )
#ifdef _X360
	// Grab our invite info
	XINVITE_INFO inviteInfo;
	DWORD dwError = XInviteGetAcceptedInfo( nUserId, &inviteInfo );
	if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS )

	// We only care if we're asked to join an Orange Box session
	if ( inviteInfo.dwTitleID != TITLEID_THE_ORANGE_BOX )
		// Do the normal "we've been invited to a game" behavior

	// Otherwise, launch depending on our current MOD
	if ( !Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "tf" ) )
		// We're already running TF2, so just join the session
		if ( nUserId != XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() )
			// Switch users, the other had the invite
			XBX_SetPrimaryUserId( nUserId );

		// Kick off our join
		g_pMatchmaking->JoinInviteSession( &(inviteInfo.hostInfo) );
		// Save off our session ID for later retrieval
		// NOTE: We may need to actually save off the inviter's XID and search for them later on if we took too long or the
		//		 session they were a part of went away
		XBX_SetInviteSessionId( inviteInfo.hostInfo.sessionID );
		XBX_SetInvitedUserId( nUserId );

		// Quit via the menu path "QuitNoConfirm"
		EngineVGui()->SystemNotification( SYSTEMNOTIFY_INVITE_SHUTDOWN );

#endif //_X360

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
// Main windows procedure
int CGame::WindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	LONG			lRet = 0;
	HDC				hdc;

	// NOTE: the way this function works is to handle all messages that just call through to
	// Windows or provide data to it.
	// Any messages that change the engine's internal state (like key events) are stored in a list
	// and processed at the end of the frame. This is necessary for VCR mode to work correctly because
	// Windows likes to pump messages during some of its API calls like SetWindowPos, and unless we add
	// custom code around every Windows API call so VCR mode can trap the wndproc calls, VCR mode can't 
	// reproduce the calls to the wndproc.

	if ( eng->GetQuitting() != IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING )
		return CallWindowProc( m_ChainedWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

	// If we're playing back, listen to a couple input things used to drive VCR mode
	if ( VCRGetMode() == VCR_Playback )
		VCR_HandlePlaybackMessages( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

	// Note: NO engine state should be changed in here while in VCR record or playback. 
	// We can send whatever we want to Windows, but if we change its state in here instead of 
	// in DispatchAllStoredGameMessages, the playback may not work because Windows messages 
	// are not deterministic, so you might get different messages during playback than you did during record.
	InputEvent_t event;
	memset( &event, 0, sizeof(event) );
	event.m_nTick = g_pInputSystem->GetPollTick();

	switch ( uMsg )
	case WM_CREATE:
		::SetForegroundWindow( hWnd );

			if ( CanPostActivateEvents() )
				bool bActivated = ( wParam == 1 );
				event.m_nType = IE_AppActivated;
				event.m_nData = bActivated;
				g_pInputSystem->PostUserEvent( event );

		// Don't go into Sleep mode when running engine, we crash on resume for some reason (as
		//  do half of the apps I have running usually anyway...)
		if ( wParam == PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND )
			Msg( "OS requested hibernation, ignoring request.\n" );

		lRet = CallWindowProc( m_ChainedWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

		if ( ( wParam == SC_MONITORPOWER ) || ( wParam == SC_KEYMENU ) || ( wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE ) )
            return lRet;
		if ( wParam == SC_CLOSE ) 
#if !defined( NO_VCR )
			// handle the close message, but make sure 
			// it's not because we accidently hit ALT-F4
			if ( HIBYTE(VCRHook_GetKeyState(VK_LMENU)) || HIBYTE(VCRHook_GetKeyState(VK_RMENU) ) )
				return lRet;
			Cbuf_AddText( "quit\n" );

#ifndef SWDS
		if ( VCRGetMode() == VCR_Disabled )

		lRet = CallWindowProc( m_ChainedWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

#ifndef SWDS
		if ( VCRGetMode() == VCR_Disabled )

	case WM_CLOSE:
		// Handle close messages
		event.m_nType = IE_Close;
		g_pInputSystem->PostUserEvent( event );
		return 0;

	case WM_MOVE:
		event.m_nType = IE_WindowMove;
		event.m_nData = (short)LOWORD(lParam);
		event.m_nData2 = (short)HIWORD(lParam);
		g_pInputSystem->PostUserEvent( event );

	case WM_SIZE:
		if ( wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED )
			// Update restored client rect
			::GetClientRect( hWnd, &m_rcLastRestoredClientRect );
#ifndef _X360
			// Fix the window rect to have same client area as it used to have
			// before it got minimized
			RECT rcWindow;
			::GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rcWindow );

			rcWindow.right = rcWindow.left + m_rcLastRestoredClientRect.right;
			rcWindow.bottom = rcWindow.top + m_rcLastRestoredClientRect.bottom;

			::AdjustWindowRect( &rcWindow, ::GetWindowLong( hWnd, GWL_STYLE ), FALSE );
			::MoveWindow( hWnd, rcWindow.left, rcWindow.top,
				rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left, rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top, FALSE );

		// keep Alt-Space from happening

		// Hammer -> engine remote console command.
		// Return true to indicate that the message was handled.
		Cbuf_AddText( (const char *)(((COPYDATASTRUCT *)lParam)->lpData) );
		Cbuf_AddText( "\n" );
		lRet = 1;

#if defined( _X360 )
		Cbuf_AddText( (const char*)lParam );
		Cbuf_AddText( "\n" );

		if ( !EngineVGui()->IsGameUIVisible() )

		S_EnableMusic( lParam != 0 );

		XBX_HandleInvite( LOWORD( lParam ) );

		if ( XUserGetSigninState( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId() ) == eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn )
			// X360TBD: User signed out - pause the game?

	case WM_SYS_UI:
		if ( lParam )
			// Don't activate it if it's already active (a sub window may be active)
			// Multiplayer doesn't want the UI to appear, since it can't pause anyway
			if ( !EngineVGui()->IsGameUIVisible() && g_ServerGlobalVariables.maxClients == 1 )
				Cbuf_AddText( "gameui_activate" );


			if ( XInputGetCapabilities( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId(), XINPUT_FLAG_GAMEPAD, &caps ) == ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED )
				if ( EngineVGui()->IsGameUIVisible() == false )


	case WM_PAINT:
		hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
		RECT rcClient;
		GetClientRect( hWnd, &rcClient );
#ifndef SWDS		
		// Only renders stuff if running -noshaderapi
		if ( videomode )
			videomode->DrawNullBackground( hdc, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom );
		EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

#ifndef _X360
		if ( !m_iDesktopHeight || !m_iDesktopWidth )
			UpdateDesktopInformation( wParam, lParam );

		switch ( wParam )

#ifndef SWDS
		case 14:
            if ( !videomode->IsWindowedMode() )
				return 0;
		return CallWindowProc( m_ChainedWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);

		lRet = CallWindowProc( m_ChainedWindowProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

    // return 0 if handled message, 1 if not
    return lRet;
#elif defined(OSX)

#elif defined(LINUX)

#elif defined(_WIN32)


#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
// Creates the game window 
static LONG WINAPI HLEngineWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM  wParam, LPARAM  lParam )
	return g_Game.WindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );

#define DEFAULT_EXE_ICON 101

static void DoSomeSocketStuffInOrderToGetZoneAlarmToNoticeUs( void )
	WSAData wsaData;
	if ( ! WSAStartup( 0x0101, &wsaData ) )
		SOCKET tmpSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
		if ( tmpSocket != INVALID_SOCKET )
			char Options[]={ 1 };
			setsockopt( tmpSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, Options, sizeof(Options));
			char pszHostName[256];
			gethostname( pszHostName, sizeof( pszHostName ) );
			hostent *hInfo = gethostbyname( pszHostName );
			if ( hInfo )
				sockaddr_in myIpAddress;
				memset( &myIpAddress, 0, sizeof( myIpAddress ) );
				myIpAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
				myIpAddress.sin_port = htons( 27015 );			// our normal server port
				myIpAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 = hInfo->h_addr_list[0][0];
				myIpAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 = hInfo->h_addr_list[0][1];
				myIpAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 = hInfo->h_addr_list[0][2];
				myIpAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 = hInfo->h_addr_list[0][3];
				if ( bind( tmpSocket, ( sockaddr * ) &myIpAddress, sizeof( myIpAddress ) ) != -1 )
					if ( sendto( tmpSocket, pszHostName, 1, 0, ( sockaddr *) &myIpAddress, sizeof( myIpAddress ) ) == -1 )
						// error?

			closesocket( tmpSocket );

bool CGame::CreateGameWindow( void )
	// get the window name
	char windowName[256];
	windowName[0] = 0;
	KeyValues *modinfo = new KeyValues("ModInfo");
	if (modinfo->LoadFromFile(g_pFileSystem, "gameinfo.txt"))
		Q_strncpy( windowName, modinfo->GetString("game"), sizeof(windowName) );

	if (!windowName[0])
		Q_strncpy( windowName, "HALF-LIFE 2", sizeof(windowName) );

	if ( IsOpenGL() )
		V_strcat( windowName, " - OpenGL", sizeof( windowName ) );

	// PIX_ENABLE/PIX_INSTRUMENTATION is a big slowdown (that should never be checked in, but sometimes is by accident), so add this to the Window title too.
	V_strcat( windowName, " - PIX_ENABLE", sizeof( windowName ) );

	const char *p = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-window_name_suffix", "" );
	if ( p && V_strlen( p ) )
		V_strcat( windowName, " - ", sizeof( windowName ) );
		V_strcat( windowName, p, sizeof( windowName ) );

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
#ifndef SWDS
	if ( IsPC() )
		if ( !LoadUnicode() )
			return false;

#if !defined( _X360 )
	memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc ) );

    wc.style         = CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS;
    wc.lpfnWndProc   = CallDefaultWindowProc;
    wc.hInstance     = m_hInstance;
    wc.lpszClassName = CLASSNAME;

	// find the icon file in the filesystem
	if ( IsPC() )
		char localPath[ MAX_PATH ];
		if ( g_pFileSystem->GetLocalPath( "resource/game.ico", localPath, sizeof(localPath) ) )
			g_pFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( localPath );
			wc.hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(NULL, localPath, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_DEFAULTSIZE);
			wc.hIcon = (HICON)LoadIcon( GetModuleHandle( 0 ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( DEFAULT_EXE_ICON ) );

#ifndef SWDS
	char const *pszGameType = modinfo->GetString( "type" );
	if ( pszGameType && Q_stristr( pszGameType, "multiplayer" ) )

	wchar_t uc[512];
	if ( IsPC() )
		::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, windowName, -1, uc, sizeof( uc ) / sizeof(wchar_t));

	modinfo = NULL;
	// Oops, we didn't clean up the class registration from last cycle which
	// might mean that the wndproc pointer is bogus
#ifndef _X360
	unicode->UnregisterClassW( CLASSNAME, m_hInstance );
	// Register it again
    unicode->RegisterClassW( &wc );
	RegisterClass( &wc );

	// Note, it's hidden
	// Give it a frame if we want a border
	if ( videomode->IsWindowedMode() )
		if( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-noborder" ) )
			style &= ~WS_THICKFRAME;

	// Never a max box
	style &= ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX;

	int w, h;

	// Create a full screen size window by default, it'll get resized later anyway
	w = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN );
	h = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN );

	// Create the window
	DWORD exFlags = 0;
	if ( g_bTextMode )
		style &= ~WS_VISIBLE;
		exFlags |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; // So it doesn't show up in the taskbar.

#if !defined( _X360 )
	HWND hwnd = unicode->CreateWindowExW( exFlags, CLASSNAME, uc, style, 
		0, 0, w, h, NULL, NULL, m_hInstance, NULL );
	// NOTE: On some cards, CreateWindowExW slams the FPU control word
	HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx( exFlags, CLASSNAME, windowName, style, 
			0, 0, w, h, NULL, NULL, m_hInstance, NULL );

	if ( !hwnd )
		Error( "Fatal Error:  Unable to create game window!" );
		return false;

	SetMainWindow( hwnd );

	AttachToWindow( );
	return true;
	return true;
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
	bool windowed = videomode->IsWindowedMode();

	modinfo = NULL;

	if ( !g_pLauncherMgr->CreateGameWindow( windowName, windowed, 0, 0 ) )
		Error( "Fatal Error:  Unable to create game window!" );
		return false;
	char localPath[ MAX_PATH ];
	if ( g_pFileSystem->GetLocalPath( "resource/game-icon.bmp", localPath, sizeof(localPath) ) )
		g_pFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( localPath );
		g_pLauncherMgr->SetApplicationIcon( localPath );

	SetMainWindow( (SDL_Window*)g_pLauncherMgr->GetWindowRef() );

	AttachToWindow( );
	return true;

// Destroys the game window 
void CGame::DestroyGameWindow()
#if defined( USE_SDL )
	// Destroy all things created when the window was created
	if ( !m_bExternallySuppliedWindow )
		DetachFromWindow( );

		if ( m_hWindow )
			DestroyWindow( m_hWindow );
			m_hWindow = (HWND)0;

#if !defined( _X360 )
		unicode->UnregisterClassW( CLASSNAME, m_hInstance );
		UnregisterClass( CLASSNAME, m_hInstance );
		m_hWindow = (HWND)0;
		m_bExternallySuppliedWindow = false;
#endif // !defined( SWDS )

// This is used in edit mode to specify a particular game window (created by hammer)
void CGame::SetGameWindow( void *hWnd )
	m_bExternallySuppliedWindow = true;
#if defined( USE_SDL )
	SDL_RaiseWindow( (SDL_Window *)hWnd );
    SetMainWindow( (HWND)hWnd );

void CGame::AttachToWindow()
#if defined( WIN32 )
	if ( !m_hWindow )
#if !defined( USE_SDL )
	m_ChainedWindowProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtrW( m_hWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC );
	SetWindowLongPtrW( m_hWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)HLEngineWindowProc );
#endif // WIN32
	if ( g_pInputSystem )
		// Attach the input system window proc
#if defined( WIN32 )
		g_pInputSystem->AttachToWindow( (void *)m_hWindow );
		g_pInputSystem->AttachToWindow( (void *)m_pSDLWindow );
		g_pInputSystem->EnableInput( true );
		g_pInputSystem->EnableMessagePump( false );

	if ( g_pMatSystemSurface )
		// Attach the vgui matsurface window proc
#if defined( WIN32 )
		g_pMatSystemSurface->AttachToWindow( (void *)m_hWindow, true );
		g_pMatSystemSurface->AttachToWindow( (void *)m_pSDLWindow, true );
		g_pMatSystemSurface->EnableWindowsMessages( true );

void CGame::DetachFromWindow()
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	if ( !m_hWindow || !m_ChainedWindowProc )
		m_ChainedWindowProc = NULL;

	if ( g_pMatSystemSurface )
		// Detach the vgui matsurface window proc
		g_pMatSystemSurface->AttachToWindow( NULL );

	if ( g_pInputSystem )
		// Detach the input system window proc
		g_pInputSystem->EnableInput( false );
		g_pInputSystem->DetachFromWindow( );

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	Assert( (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtrW( m_hWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC ) == HLEngineWindowProc );
	SetWindowLongPtrW( m_hWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)m_ChainedWindowProc );

// This is used in edit mode to override the default wnd proc associated w/
// the game window specified in SetGameWindow. 
bool CGame::InputAttachToGameWindow()
	// We can't use this feature unless we didn't control the creation of the window
	if ( !m_bExternallySuppliedWindow )
		return true;


	vgui::surface()->OnScreenSizeChanged( videomode->GetModeStereoWidth(), videomode->GetModeStereoHeight() );

	// We don't get WM_ACTIVATEAPP messages in this case; simulate one.
	AppActivate( true );

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	// Capture + hide the mouse
	SetCapture( m_hWindow );
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
	Assert( !"Impl me" );
	return false;
	return true;

void CGame::InputDetachFromGameWindow()
	// We can't use this feature unless we didn't control the creation of the window
	if ( !m_bExternallySuppliedWindow )

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	if ( !m_ChainedWindowProc )

	// Release + show the mouse
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
	Assert( !"Impl me" );
    #error "have no idea what OS we are building for"

	// We don't get WM_ACTIVATEAPP messages in this case; simulate one.
	AppActivate( false );


void CGame::PlayStartupVideos( void )
	if ( IsX360() || Plat_IsInBenchmarkMode() )

#ifndef SWDS
	// Wait for the mode to change and stabilized
	// FIXME: There's really no way to know when this is completed, so we have to guess a time that will mostly be correct
	if ( videomode->IsWindowedMode() == false )
		Sys_Sleep( 1000 );

	bool bEndGame = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-endgamevid" );
	bool bRecap = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-recapvid" );	// FIXME: This is a temp addition until the movie playback is centralized -- jdw
	bool bNeedHealthWarning = false;

	const char *HealthFile = "media/HealthWarning.txt";

	FileHandle_t	hFile;

	COM_OpenFile( HealthFile, &hFile );	
	//There is no access to steam at this point so we are checking for the presence of an empty file that will only exist in the chinese depot
		bNeedHealthWarning = true;
		COM_CloseFile( hFile );

	if (!bNeedHealthWarning && !bEndGame && !bRecap && (CommandLine()->CheckParm("-dev") || CommandLine()->CheckParm("-novid") || CommandLine()->CheckParm("-allowdebug")))

	const char *pszFile = "media/StartupVids.txt";
	if ( bEndGame )
		// Don't go back into the map that triggered this.
		CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+map" );
		CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+load" );
		pszFile = "media/EndGameVids.txt";
	else if ( bRecap )
		pszFile = "media/RecapVids.txt";
	int vidFileLength;

	// have to use the malloc memory allocation option in COM_LoadFile since the memory system isn't set up at this point.
	const char *buffer = (char *) COM_LoadFile( pszFile, 5, &vidFileLength );
	if ((buffer == NULL) || (vidFileLength == 0))

	// hide cursor while playing videos
  #if defined( USE_SDL )
	g_pLauncherMgr->SetMouseVisible( false );
  #elif defined( WIN32 )
	::ShowCursor( FALSE );

#if defined( LINUX )
	extern void VAudioInit();

	const char *start = buffer;

	while( true )
		start = COM_Parse(start);
		if ( Q_strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )

		// get the path to the media file and play it.
		char localPath[MAX_PATH];

 		    g_pFileSystem->GetLocalPath( com_token, localPath, sizeof(localPath) );
		PlayVideoAndWait( localPath, bNeedHealthWarning );
		localPath[0] = 0; // just to make sure we don't play the same avi file twice in the case that one movie is there but another isn't.

	// show cursor again
  #if defined( USE_SDL )
	g_pLauncherMgr->SetMouseVisible( true );
  #elif defined( WIN32 )
	::ShowCursor( TRUE );

	// call free on the buffer since the buffer was malloc'd in COM_LoadFile
	free( (void *)buffer );

#endif // SWDS

// Purpose: Plays a video until the video completes or ESC is pressed
// Input  : *filename - Name of the file (relative to the filesystem)
void CGame::PlayVideoAndWait( const char *filename, bool bNeedHealthWarning )
	// do we have a filename and a video system, and not on a console?
	if ( !filename || !filename[0] || g_pVideo == NULL )

	// is it the valve logo file?		
	bool bIsValveLogo = ( Q_strstr( filename, "valve.") != NULL );

	//Chinese health messages appears for 11 seconds, so we force a minimum delay time for those
	float forcedMinTime = ( bIsValveLogo && bNeedHealthWarning ) ? 11.0f : -1.0f;

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined ( _X360 )	&& !defined( USE_SDL )
	// Black out the back of the screen once at the beginning of each video (since we're not scaling to fit)
	HDC dc = ::GetDC( m_hWindow );

	RECT rect;
	rect.top = 0;
	rect.bottom = m_height;
	rect.left = 0;
	rect.right = m_width;

	HBRUSH hBlackBrush = (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH );
	::SetViewportOrgEx( dc, 0, 0, NULL );
	::FillRect( dc, &rect, hBlackBrush );
	::ReleaseDC( (HWND) GetMainWindow(), dc );
	// need OS specific way to clear screen

	VideoResult_t status = 	g_pVideo->PlayVideoFileFullScreen( filename, "GAME", GetMainWindowPlatformSpecificHandle (),
	                                                           m_width, m_height, m_iDesktopWidth, m_iDesktopHeight, videomode->IsWindowedMode(),
	                                                           forcedMinTime, VideoPlaybackFlags::DEFAULT_FULLSCREEN_OPTIONS | VideoPlaybackFlags::FILL_WINDOW );

	// Everything ok?
	if ( status == VideoResult::SUCCESS )

	// We don't worry if it could not find something to could play
	if ( status == VideoResult::VIDEO_FILE_NOT_FOUND )	

	// Debug Builds, we want an error looked at by a developer, Release builds just send a message to the spew
#ifdef _DEBUG
	Error( "Error %d occurred attempting to play video file %s\n", (int) status, filename );
	Msg( "Error %d occurred attempting to play video file %s\n", (int) status, filename );


// Purpose: Constructor
#if defined( USE_SDL )
	m_pSDLWindow = 0;

#if defined( WIN32 )
#if !defined( USE_SDL )
	unicode = NULL;
	m_hUnicodeModule = NULL;
	m_hInstance = 0;
	m_ChainedWindowProc = NULL;

	m_hWindow = 0;

	m_x = m_y = 0;
	m_width = m_height = 0;
	m_bActiveApp = false;
	m_bCanPostActivateEvents = true;
	m_iDesktopWidth = 0;
	m_iDesktopHeight = 0;
	m_iDesktopRefreshRate = 0;

// Purpose: Destructor

// Purpose: 
bool CGame::Init( void *pvInstance )
	m_bExternallySuppliedWindow = false;

#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	vinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vinfo);

	if ( !GetVersionEx( &vinfo ) )
		return false;

	if ( vinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s )
		return false;

	m_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)pvInstance;
	return true;

bool CGame::Shutdown( void )
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
	m_hInstance = 0;
	return true;

bool CGame::LoadUnicode( void )
#ifdef WIN32
	m_hUnicodeModule = Sys_LoadModule( "unicode" );
	if ( !m_hUnicodeModule )
		Error( "Unable to load unicode.dll" );
		return false;

	CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory( m_hUnicodeModule );
	if ( !factory )
		Error( "Unable to get factory from unicode.dll" );
		return false;

	unicode = ( IUnicodeWindows * )factory( VENGINE_UNICODEINTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
	if ( !unicode )
		Error( "Unable to load interface '%s' from unicode.dll", VENGINE_UNICODEINTERFACE_VERSION );
		return false;

	return true;

void CGame::UnloadUnicode()
#ifdef WIN32
	unicode = NULL;

	if ( m_hUnicodeModule )
		Sys_UnloadModule( m_hUnicodeModule );
		m_hUnicodeModule = NULL;

void *CGame::GetMainWindow( void )
#ifdef USE_SDL
	return (void*)m_pSDLWindow;
	return GetMainWindowPlatformSpecificHandle();

void *CGame::GetMainDeviceWindow( void )
#if defined( DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION ) && defined( USE_SDL )
	return (void*)m_pSDLWindow;
	return (void*)m_hWindow;

void *CGame::GetMainWindowPlatformSpecificHandle( void )
#ifdef WIN32
	return (void*)m_hWindow;
	SDL_SysWMinfo pInfo;
	SDL_VERSION( &pInfo.version );
	if ( !SDL_GetWindowWMInfo( (SDL_Window*)m_pSDLWindow, &pInfo ) )
		Error( "Fatal Error: Unable to get window info from SDL." );
		return NULL;

#ifdef OSX
	id nsWindow = (id)pInfo.info.cocoa.window;
	SEL selector = sel_registerName("windowRef");
	id windowRef = objc_msgSend( nsWindow, selector );
	return windowRef;
	// Not used on Linux.
	return NULL;

#endif // !WIN32

void** CGame::GetMainWindowAddress( void )
#ifdef WIN32
	return (void**)&m_hWindow;
	return NULL;

void CGame::GetDesktopInfo( int &width, int &height, int &refreshrate )
#if defined( USE_SDL )

	width = 640;
	height = 480;
	refreshrate = 0;

	// Go through all the displays and return the size of the largest.
	for( int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); i++ )
		SDL_Rect rect;

		if ( !SDL_GetDisplayBounds( i, &rect ) )
			if ( ( rect.w > width ) || ( ( rect.w == width ) && ( rect.h > height ) ) )
				width = rect.w;
				height = rect.h;
	// order of initialization means that this might get called early.  In that case go ahead and grab the current
	// screen window and setup based on that.
	// we need to do this when initializing the base list of video modes, for example
	if ( m_iDesktopWidth == 0 )
		HDC dc = ::GetDC( NULL );
		width = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES);
		height = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTRES);
		refreshrate = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VREFRESH);
		::ReleaseDC( NULL, dc );
	width = m_iDesktopWidth;
	height = m_iDesktopHeight;
	refreshrate = m_iDesktopRefreshRate;

void CGame::UpdateDesktopInformation( )
#if defined( USE_SDL )
	// Get the size of the display we will be displayed fullscreen on.
	static ConVarRef sdl_displayindex( "sdl_displayindex" );
	int displayIndex = sdl_displayindex.IsValid() ? sdl_displayindex.GetInt() : 0;

	SDL_DisplayMode mode;
	SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode( displayIndex, &mode );

	m_iDesktopWidth = mode.w;
	m_iDesktopHeight = mode.h;
	m_iDesktopRefreshRate = mode.refresh_rate;
	HDC dc = ::GetDC( m_hWindow );
	m_iDesktopWidth = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES);
	m_iDesktopHeight = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTRES);
	m_iDesktopRefreshRate = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VREFRESH);
	::ReleaseDC( m_hWindow, dc );

#ifdef WIN32
void CGame::UpdateDesktopInformation( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	m_iDesktopWidth = LOWORD( lParam );
	m_iDesktopHeight = HIWORD( lParam );

#ifndef USE_SDL
void CGame::SetMainWindow( HWND window )
	m_hWindow = window;
	// update our desktop info (since the results will change if we are going to fullscreen mode)
	if ( !m_iDesktopWidth || !m_iDesktopHeight )
void CGame::SetMainWindow( SDL_Window* window )
#if defined( WIN32 )
	// For D3D, we need to access the underlying HWND of the SDL_Window.
	// We also can't do this in GetMainDeviceWindow and just use that, because for some reason
	// people use GetMainWindowAddress and store that pointer to our member.
	SDL_SysWMinfo pInfo;
	SDL_VERSION( &pInfo.version );
	if ( !SDL_GetWindowWMInfo( (SDL_Window*)g_pLauncherMgr->GetWindowRef(), &pInfo ) )
		Error( "Fatal Error: Unable to get window info from SDL." );

	m_hWindow = pInfo.info.win.window;

	m_pSDLWindow = window;

	// update our desktop info (since the results will change if we are going to fullscreen mode)
	if ( !m_iDesktopWidth || !m_iDesktopHeight )

void CGame::SetWindowXY( int x, int y )
	m_x = x;
	m_y = y;

void CGame::SetWindowSize( int w, int h )
	m_width = w;
	m_height = h;

void CGame::GetWindowRect( int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h )
	if ( x )
		*x = m_x;
	if ( y )
		*y = m_y;
	if ( w )
		*w = m_width;
	if ( h )
		*h = m_height;

bool CGame::IsActiveApp( void )
	return m_bActiveApp;

void CGame::SetCanPostActivateEvents( bool bEnabled )
	m_bCanPostActivateEvents = bEnabled;

bool CGame::CanPostActivateEvents()
	return m_bCanPostActivateEvents;

void CGame::SetActiveApp( bool active )
	m_bActiveApp = active;