//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #include "replaysystem.h" #include "tier2/tier2.h" #include "iserver.h" #include "iclient.h" #include "icliententitylist.h" #include "igameevents.h" #include "replay/ireplaymovierenderer.h" #include "replay/ireplayscreenshotsystem.h" #include "replay/replayutils.h" #include "replay/replaylib.h" #include "sv_sessionrecorder.h" #include "sv_recordingsession.h" #include "cl_screenshotmanager.h" #include "netmessages.h" #include "thinkmanager.h" #include "managertest.h" #include "vprof.h" #include "sv_fileservercleanup.h" #if !defined( _X360 ) #include "winlite.h" #include "xbox/xboxstubs.h" #endif // TODO: Deal with linux build includes #ifdef IS_WINDOWS_PC #include <winsock.h> #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #undef CreateEvent // Can't call IGameEventManager2::CreateEvent() without this //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined( DEDICATED ) IEngineClientReplay *g_pEngineClient = NULL; CClientReplayContext *g_pClientReplayContextInternal = NULL; IVDebugOverlay *g_pDebugOverlay = NULL; IDownloadSystem *g_pDownloadSystem = NULL; #endif vgui::ILocalize *g_pVGuiLocalize = NULL; CServerReplayContext *g_pServerReplayContext = NULL; IClientReplay *g_pClient = NULL; IServerReplay *g_pServer = NULL; IEngineReplay *g_pEngine = NULL; IGameEventManager2 *g_pGameEventManager = NULL; IEngineTrace *g_pEngineTraceClient = NULL; IReplayDemoPlayer *g_pReplayDemoPlayer = NULL; IClientEntityList *entitylist = NULL; // icliententitylist.h forces the use of this name by externing in the header //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define REPLAY_INIT( exp_ ) \ if ( !( exp_ ) ) \ { \ Warning( "CReplaySystem::Connect() failed on: \"%s\"!\n", #exp_ ); \ return false; \ } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CReplaySystem : public CTier2AppSystem< IReplaySystem > { typedef CTier2AppSystem< IReplaySystem > BaseClass; public: virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn fnFactory ) { REPLAY_INIT( fnFactory ); REPLAY_INIT( BaseClass::Connect( fnFactory ) ); ConVar_Register( FCVAR_CLIENTDLL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pFullFileSystem ); g_pEngine = (IEngineReplay *)fnFactory( ENGINE_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pEngine ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pEngine->IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ); #if !defined( DEDICATED ) g_pEngineClient = (IEngineClientReplay *)fnFactory( ENGINE_REPLAY_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pEngineClient ); g_pEngineTraceClient = (IEngineTrace *)fnFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_ENGINETRACE_CLIENT, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pEngineTraceClient ); g_pReplayDemoPlayer = (IReplayDemoPlayer *)fnFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_REPLAYDEMOPLAYER, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pReplayDemoPlayer ); g_pVGuiLocalize = (vgui::ILocalize *)fnFactory( VGUI_LOCALIZE_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pVGuiLocalize ); g_pDebugOverlay = ( IVDebugOverlay * )fnFactory( VDEBUG_OVERLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pDebugOverlay ); #endif g_pGameEventManager = (IGameEventManager2 *)fnFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_GAMEEVENTSMANAGER2, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pGameEventManager ); #if !defined( DEDICATED ) g_pDownloadSystem = (IDownloadSystem *)fnFactory( INTERFACEVERSION_DOWNLOADSYSTEM, NULL ); REPLAY_INIT( g_pDownloadSystem ); // Create client context now if not running a dedicated server if ( !g_pEngine->IsDedicated() ) { g_pClientReplayContextInternal = new CClientReplayContext(); } // ...and create server replay context if we are else #endif { g_pServerReplayContext = new CServerReplayContext(); } #if defined( DEDICATED ) REPLAY_INIT( ReplayLib_Init( g_pEngine->GetGameDir(), NULL ) ) // Init without the client replay context #else REPLAY_INIT( ReplayLib_Init( g_pEngine->GetGameDir(), g_pClientReplayContextInternal ) ); #endif Test(); return true; } virtual void Disconnect() { BaseClass::Disconnect(); } virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() { InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init(); if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK ) return nRetVal; return INIT_OK; } virtual void Shutdown() { BaseClass::Shutdown(); #if !defined( DEDICATED ) delete g_pClientReplayContextInternal; g_pClientReplayContextInternal = NULL; #endif delete g_pServerReplayContext; g_pServerReplayContext = NULL; } virtual void Think() { VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplaySystem::Think", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_REPLAY ); g_pThinkManager->Think(); } virtual bool IsReplayEnabled() { extern ConVar replay_enable; return replay_enable.GetInt() != 0; } virtual bool IsRecording() { // NOTE: demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() needs to be checked here, as "replay_enable" and // "replay_recording" will inevitably get stored with signon data in any playing demo. // If the !demoplayer->IsPlayingBack() line is omitted below, Replay_IsRecording() // becomes useless during demo playback and will always return true. extern ConVar replay_recording; #if !defined( DEDICATED ) return IsReplayEnabled() && replay_recording.GetInt() && !g_pEngineClient->IsDemoPlayingBack(); #else return IsReplayEnabled() && replay_recording.GetInt(); #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Client-specific implementation: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual bool CL_Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnClientFactory ) { #if !defined( DEDICATED ) g_pClient = (IClientReplay *)fnClientFactory( CLIENT_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pClient ) return false; entitylist = (IClientEntityList *)fnClientFactory( VCLIENTENTITYLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !entitylist ) return false; if ( !g_pClientReplayContextInternal->Init( fnClientFactory ) ) return false; return true; #else return false; #endif } virtual void CL_Shutdown() { #if !defined( DEDICATED ) if ( g_pClientReplayContextInternal && g_pClientReplayContextInternal->IsInitialized() ) { g_pClientReplayContextInternal->Shutdown(); } #endif } virtual void CL_Render() { #if !defined( DEDICATED ) // If the replay system wants to take a screenshot, do it now if ( g_pClientReplayContextInternal->m_pScreenshotManager->ShouldCaptureScreenshot() ) { g_pClientReplayContextInternal->m_pScreenshotManager->DoCaptureScreenshot(); return; } // Currently rendering? NOTE: GetMovieRenderer() only returns a valid ptr during rendering IReplayMovieRenderer *pReplayMovieRenderer = g_pClientReplayContextInternal->GetMovieRenderer(); if ( !pReplayMovieRenderer ) return; pReplayMovieRenderer->RenderVideo(); #endif } virtual IClientReplayContext *CL_GetContext() { #if !defined( DEDICATED ) return g_pClientReplayContextInternal; #else return NULL; #endif } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Server-specific implementation: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual bool SV_Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnServerFactory ) { if ( !g_pEngine->IsDedicated() || !g_pServerReplayContext ) return false; g_pServer = (IServerReplay *)fnServerFactory( SERVER_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pServer ) return false; Assert( !ReplayServer() ); return g_pServerReplayContext->Init( fnServerFactory ); } virtual void SV_Shutdown() { if ( g_pServerReplayContext && g_pServerReplayContext->IsInitialized() ) { g_pServerReplayContext->Shutdown(); } } virtual IServerReplayContext *SV_GetContext() { return g_pServerReplayContext; } virtual bool SV_ShouldBeginRecording( bool bIsInWaitingForPlayers ) { extern ConVar replay_enable; return !bIsInWaitingForPlayers && #if !defined( DEDICATED ) !g_pEngineClient->IsPlayingReplayDemo() && #endif replay_enable.GetBool(); } virtual void SV_NotifyReplayRequested() { if ( !g_pEngine->IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) return; CServerRecordingSession *pSession = SV_GetRecordingSessionInProgress(); if ( !pSession ) return; // A replay was requested - notify the session so we don't throw it away at the end of the round pSession->NotifyReplayRequested(); } virtual void SV_SendReplayEvent( const char *pEventName, int nClientSlot ) { // Attempt to create the event IGameEvent *pEvent = g_pGameEventManager->CreateEvent( pEventName, true ); if ( !pEvent ) return; SV_SendReplayEvent( pEvent, nClientSlot ); } virtual void SV_SendReplayEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent, int nClientSlot/*=-1*/ ) { IServer *pGameServer = g_pEngine->GetGameServer(); if ( !pEvent ) return; // Write event info to SVC_GameEvent msg char buffer_data[MAX_EVENT_BYTES]; SVC_GameEvent msg; msg.SetReliable( false ); msg.m_DataOut.StartWriting( buffer_data, sizeof( buffer_data ) ); if ( !g_pGameEventManager->SerializeEvent( pEvent, &msg.m_DataOut ) ) { DevMsg( "Replay_SendReplayEvent(): failed to serialize event '%s'.\n", pEvent->GetName() ); goto free_event; } // Send to all clients? if ( nClientSlot == -1 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < pGameServer->GetClientCount(); ++i ) { IClient *pClient = pGameServer->GetClient( i ); if ( pClient ) { // Send the message pClient->SendNetMsg( msg ); } } } else // Send to just the one client? { IClient *pClient = pGameServer->GetClient( nClientSlot ); if ( pClient ) { // Send the message pClient->SendNetMsg( msg ); } } free_event: g_pGameEventManager->FreeEvent( pEvent ); } virtual void SV_EndRecordingSession( bool bForceSynchronousPublish/*=false*/ ) { if ( !g_pEngine->IsSupportedModAndPlatform() ) return; if ( !ReplayServer() ) return; SV_GetSessionRecorder()->StopRecording( false ); if ( bForceSynchronousPublish ) { // Publish all files SV_GetSessionRecorder()->PublishAllSynchronous(); // This should unlock all sessions SV_GetSessionRecorder()->UpdateSessionLocks(); // Let the session manager do any cleanup - this will remove files associated with a ditched // session. For example, if the server was shut down in the middle of a round where no one // saved a replay, the files will be published synchronously above and then cleaned up // synchronously here. SV_GetRecordingSessionManager()->DoSessionCleanup(); // Since the recording session manager will kick off a cleanup job, we need to wait for it // here since we're shutting down. SV_GetFileserverCleaner()->BlockForCompletion(); } } void Test() { #if !defined( DEDICATED ) && _DEBUG // This gets called after interfaces are hooked up, and before any of the // internal replay systems get init'd. CTestManager::Test(); #endif } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static CReplaySystem s_Replay; IReplaySystem *g_pReplay = &s_Replay; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CReplaySystem, IReplaySystem, REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION, s_Replay ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Replay_MsgBox( const char *pText ) { g_pClient->DisplayReplayMessage( pText, false, true, NULL ); } void Replay_MsgBox( const wchar_t *pText ) { g_pClient->DisplayReplayMessage( pText, false, true, NULL ); } const char *Replay_GetDownloadURLPath() { static char s_szDownloadURLPath[MAX_OSPATH]; extern ConVar replay_fileserver_path; // NOTE: replicated V_strcpy_safe( s_szDownloadURLPath, replay_fileserver_path.GetString() ); V_StripTrailingSlash( s_szDownloadURLPath ); V_FixSlashes( s_szDownloadURLPath, '/' ); // Get rid of starting slash if ( s_szDownloadURLPath[0] == '/' ) return &s_szDownloadURLPath[1]; return s_szDownloadURLPath; } const char *Replay_GetDownloadURL() { #if 0 // Get the local host name char szHostname[MAX_OSPATH]; if ( gethostname( szHostname, sizeof( szHostname ) ) == -1 ) { Error( "Failed to send to Replay to client - couldn't get local IP.\n" ); return ""; } #endif // Construct the URL based on replicated cvars static char s_szFileURL[ MAX_OSPATH ]; extern ConVar replay_fileserver_protocol; extern ConVar replay_fileserver_host; extern ConVar replay_fileserver_port; V_snprintf( s_szFileURL, sizeof( s_szFileURL ), "%s://%s:%i/%s/", replay_fileserver_protocol.GetString(), replay_fileserver_host.GetString(), replay_fileserver_port.GetInt(), Replay_GetDownloadURLPath() ); // Cleanup V_FixDoubleSlashes( s_szFileURL + V_strlen("http://") ); return s_szFileURL; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: (client/server) Crack a URL into a base and a path // NOTE: the URL *must contain a port* ! // // Example: http://some.base.url:8080/a/path/here.txt cracks into: // pBaseURL = "http://some.base.url:8080" // pURLPath = "/a/path/here.txt" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Replay_CrackURL( const char *pURL, char *pBaseURLOut, char *pURLPathOut ) { const char *pColon; const char *pURLPath; // Must at least have "http://" if ( V_strlen(pURL) < 6 ) goto fail; // Skip protocol ':' (eg http://) pColon = V_strstr( pURL, ":" ); if ( !pColon ) goto fail; // Find next colon pColon = V_strstr( pColon + 1, ":" ); if ( !pColon ) goto fail; // Copies "http[s]://<address>:<port> pURLPath = V_strstr( pColon, "/" ); V_strncpy( pBaseURLOut, pURL, pURLPath - pURL + 1 ); V_strcpy( pURLPathOut, pURLPath ); return; fail: AssertMsg( 0, "Replay_CrackURL() was passed an invalid URL and has failed. This should never happen." ); } #ifndef DEDICATED void Replay_HudMsg( const char *pText, const char *pSound, bool bUrgent ) { g_pClient->DisplayReplayMessage( pText, bUrgent, false, pSound ); } #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------