//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: build a sheet data file and a large image out of multiple images

#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/progressbar.h"
#include "bitmap/float_bm.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlstringmap.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "bitmap/float_bm.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

#include "tier0/dbg.h"


struct Sequence;

struct SequenceFrame
	SequenceFrame() : m_mapSequences( DefLessFunc( Sequence * ) ) {}

	FloatBitMap_t *m_pImage;
	int m_XCoord, m_YCoord;									// where it ended up packed
	CUtlMap< Sequence *, int > m_mapSequences;

enum PackingMode_t
	PCKM_FLAT,			// Default mode - every frame consumes entire RGBA space
	PCKM_RGB_A,			// Some sequences consume RGB space and some Alpha space

static CUtlStringMap<SequenceFrame *> ImageList;
static PackingMode_t s_ePackingMode = PCKM_FLAT;

struct SequenceEntry
	SequenceFrame *m_pSeqFrame[MAX_IMAGES_PER_FRAME];
	float m_fDisplayTime;

struct Sequence
	enum SeqMode_t
		SQM_RGBA = 0,	// Sequence occupies entire RGBA space
		SQM_RGB = 1,	// Sequence occupies only RGB space
		SQM_ALPHA = 2	// Sequence occupies only Alpha space

	int m_nSequenceNumber;
	bool m_Clamp;											// as opposed to loop
	SeqMode_t m_eMode;
	CUtlVector<SequenceEntry> m_Frames;

	Sequence( void )
		m_Clamp = true;
		m_eMode = SQM_RGBA;


static int GetChannelIndexFromChar( char c )
	// r->0 b->1 g->2 a->3 else -1

	static char s_ChannelIDs[]="rgba";

	char const *pChanChar = strchr( s_ChannelIDs, c );
	if ( ! pChanChar )
		printf( " bad channel name '%c'\n", c );
		return -1;
		return pChanChar - s_ChannelIDs;

static FloatBitMap_t *CreateFBM( const char * fname )
	if ( strchr( fname, ',' ) )
		// parse extended specifications
		CUtlVector<char *> Images;
		V_SplitString( fname, ",", Images);
		FloatBitMap_t *pBM = NULL;
		// now, process bitmaps, performing copy operations specified by {} syntax
		for(int i=0; i < Images.Count(); i++)
			char fnamebuf[MAX_PATH];
			strcpy( fnamebuf, Images[i] );
			char * pBrace=strchr( fnamebuf, '{' );
			if ( pBrace )
				*pBrace = 0;								// null it
				pBrace++;									// point at control specifier
				char *pEndBrace = strchr( pBrace, '}' );
				if ( ! pEndBrace )
					printf( "bad extended bitmap synax (no close brace) - %s \n", Images[i] );
			FloatBitMap_t NewBM( fnamebuf );
			if ( ! pBM )
				// first image sets size
			   pBM = new FloatBitMap_t( &NewBM );
			// now, process operation specifiers of the form "{chan=chan}" or "{chan=0}"
			if ( pBrace )
				if ( pBrace[1] == '=' )
					int nDstChan = GetChannelIndexFromChar( pBrace[0] );
					if ( nDstChan != -1 )
						if ( pBrace[2] == '0' )
							// zero the channel
							for(int y = 0; y < NewBM.Height; y++ )
								for(int x=0; x < NewBM.Width; x++ )
									pBM->Pixel( x, y, nDstChan ) = 0;
							int nSrcChan = GetChannelIndexFromChar( pBrace[2] );
							if ( nSrcChan != -1 )
								// perform the channel copy
								for(int y = 0; y < NewBM.Height; y++ )
									for(int x=0; x < NewBM.Width; x++ )
										pBM->Pixel( x, y, nDstChan ) = NewBM.Pixel( x, y, nSrcChan );
		return pBM;
		return new FloatBitMap_t( fname );

static CUtlVector< Sequence *> Sequences;

static Sequence *pCurSequence=NULL;

static int s_nWidth;
static int s_nHeight;

static void ApplyMacros( char * in_buf )
	CUtlVector<char *> Words;
	V_SplitString( in_buf, " ", Words);
	if ( ( Words.Count() == 4 ) && (! stricmp( Words[0],"ga_frame") ) )
		// ga_frame frm1 frm2 n -> frame frm1{r=a},frm1{g=a},frm1{b=a},frm2{a=a} n
		sprintf(in_buf, "frame %s{r=0},%s{g=a},%s{b=0},%s{a=a} %s",

static void ReadTextControlFile( char const *fname )
	CRequiredInputTextFile f( fname );
	char linebuffer[4096];
	bool numActualLinesRead = 0;
	while ( f.ReadLine( linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer) ) )
		++ numActualLinesRead;

		// kill newline
		char *pChop=strchr( linebuffer, '\n' );
		if ( pChop )
			*pChop = 0;

		char *comment=Q_strstr( linebuffer, "//" );
		if ( comment )
			*comment = 0;
		char *in_str=linebuffer;
		while( ( in_str[0]==' ' ) || ( in_str[0]=='\t') )

		if (in_str[0])
			strlwr( in_str );
			ApplyMacros( in_str );
			CUtlVector<char *> Words;
			V_SplitString( in_str, " ", Words);
			if ( ( Words.Count() == 1) && (! stricmp( Words[0],"loop" ) ) )
				if ( pCurSequence )
					pCurSequence->m_Clamp = false;
			else if ( ( Words.Count() == 2 ) && (! stricmp( Words[0], "packmode" ) ) )
				PackingMode_t eRequestedMode = PCKM_INVALID;
				if ( !stricmp( Words[1], "flat" ) || !stricmp( Words[1], "rgba" ) )
					eRequestedMode = PCKM_FLAT;
				else if ( !stricmp( Words[1], "rgb+a" ) )
					eRequestedMode = PCKM_RGB_A;
				if ( eRequestedMode == PCKM_INVALID )
					printf( "*** line %d: invalid packmode specified, allowed values are 'rgba' or 'rgb+a'!\n", numActualLinesRead ),
					exit( -1 );
				else if ( !Sequences.Count() )
					s_ePackingMode = eRequestedMode;
				else if ( s_ePackingMode != eRequestedMode )
					// Allow special changes:
					// flat -> rgb+a
					if ( s_ePackingMode == PCKM_FLAT && eRequestedMode == PCKM_RGB_A )
						s_ePackingMode = eRequestedMode; 
					// everything else
						printf( "*** line %d: incompatible packmode change when %d sequences already defined!\n", numActualLinesRead, Sequences.Count() ),
						exit( -1 );
			else if ( ( Words.Count() == 2) && StringHasPrefix( Words[0], "sequence" ) )
				int seq_no = atoi( Words[1] );
				pCurSequence = new Sequence;
				pCurSequence->m_nSequenceNumber = seq_no;

				// Figure out the sequence type
				char const *szSeqType = StringAfterPrefix( Words[0], "sequence" );
				if ( !stricmp( szSeqType, "" ) || !stricmp( szSeqType, "-rgba" ) )
					pCurSequence->m_eMode = Sequence::SQM_RGBA;
				else if ( !stricmp( szSeqType, "-rgb" ) )
					pCurSequence->m_eMode = Sequence::SQM_RGB;
				else if ( !stricmp( szSeqType, "-a" ) )
					pCurSequence->m_eMode = Sequence::SQM_ALPHA;
					printf( "*** line %d: invalid sequence type '%s', allowed 'sequence-rgba' or 'sequence-rgb' or 'sequence-a'!\n", numActualLinesRead, Words[0] ),
					exit( -1 );

				// Validate sequence type
				switch ( s_ePackingMode )
				case PCKM_FLAT:
					switch ( pCurSequence->m_eMode )
					case Sequence::SQM_RGBA:	break;
						printf( "*** line %d: invalid sequence type '%s', packing 'flat' allows only 'sequence-rgba'!\n", numActualLinesRead, Words[0] ),
							exit( -1 );
				case PCKM_RGB_A:
					switch ( pCurSequence->m_eMode )
					case Sequence::SQM_RGB:
					case Sequence::SQM_ALPHA:	break;
						printf( "*** line %d: invalid sequence type '%s', packing 'rgb+a' allows only 'sequence-rgb' or 'sequence-a'!\n", numActualLinesRead, Words[0] ),
						exit( -1 );

				Sequences.AddToTail( pCurSequence );
			else if  ( ( Words.Count() >= 3) && (! stricmp( Words[0],"frame" ) ) )
				if ( pCurSequence )
					float ftime = atof( Words[ Words.Count() - 1 ] );
					SequenceEntry new_entry;
					new_entry.m_fDisplayTime = ftime;
					for(int i=0;i < Words.Count()-2; i++)
						SequenceFrame *pBM;
						char * fnamebuf = Words[i+1];
						if ( ! ( ImageList.Defined( fnamebuf ) ) )
							SequenceFrame *pNew_frm = new SequenceFrame;
							pNew_frm->m_pImage = CreateFBM( fnamebuf );
							ImageList[ fnamebuf ] = pNew_frm;
							pBM = ImageList[ fnamebuf ];
						new_entry.m_pSeqFrame[i] = pBM;

						// Validate that frame packing is correct
						if ( s_ePackingMode == PCKM_RGB_A )
							for ( uint16 idx = 0; idx < pBM->m_mapSequences.Count(); ++ idx )
								Sequence *pSeq = pBM->m_mapSequences.Key( idx );
								if ( pSeq->m_eMode != Sequence::SQM_RGBA &&
									pSeq->m_eMode != pCurSequence->m_eMode )
									printf( "*** line %d: 'rgb+a' packing cannot pack frame '%s' belonging to sequences %d and %d!\n", numActualLinesRead,
										pSeq->m_nSequenceNumber, pCurSequence->m_nSequenceNumber ),
									exit( -1 );

						pBM->m_mapSequences.Insert( pCurSequence, 1 );
						if (i == 0 )
							for( int j=1; j<MAX_IMAGES_PER_FRAME; j++ )
					pCurSequence->m_Frames.AddToTail( new_entry );
				printf("*** line %d: Bad command \"%s\"!\n", numActualLinesRead, in_str ),
				exit( -1 );

inline float UCoord( int u )
	float uc=u+0.5;
	return uc/(float) s_nWidth;
inline float VCoord( int v )
	float vc=v+0.5;
	return vc/(float) s_nHeight;

bool PackImages_Flat( char const *pFname, int nWidth )
	// !! bug !! packing algorithm is dumb and no error checking is done!
	FloatBitMap_t output( nWidth, 2048);
	int cur_line=0;
	int cur_column=0;
	int next_line=0;
	int max_column_written=0;

	for(int i=0; i < ImageList.GetNumStrings(); i++)
		SequenceFrame &frm=*(ImageList[i]);
		if ( cur_column+frm.m_pImage->Width > output.Width )
			// no room!
			cur_column = 0;
			cur_line = next_line;
			next_line = cur_line;
		// now, pack
		if ( ( cur_column+frm.m_pImage->Width > output.Width ) ||
			 ( cur_line+frm.m_pImage->Height > output.Height ) )
			return false;									// didn't fit! doh
		if ( pFname )										// don't actually pack the pixel if we're not keeping them
			for(int y=0;y<frm.m_pImage->Height; y++)
				for(int x=0;x<frm.m_pImage->Width; x++)
					for(int c=0;c<4;c++)
						output.Pixel(x+cur_column,y+cur_line, c)=
							frm.m_pImage->Pixel(x, y, c);

		next_line=max(next_line, cur_line+frm.m_pImage->Height );
		cur_column += frm.m_pImage->Width;
		max_column_written=max(max_column_written, cur_column);
	// now, truncate height
	int h=1;
	for(h; h<next_line; h*=2) 
	// truncate width;
	int w=1;
	for(1; w<max_column_written; w*=2)
	if ( pFname )
		FloatBitMap_t cropped_output( w, h);
		for(int y=0;y<cropped_output.Height; y++)
			for(int x=0;x<cropped_output.Width; x++)
				for(int c=0;c<4;c++)
					cropped_output.Pixel(x,y,c) = output.Pixel(x,y,c);

		bool bWritten = cropped_output.WriteTGAFile( pFname );
		if ( !bWritten )
			printf( "Error: failed to save TGA \"%s\"!\n", pFname );
			printf( "Ok: successfully saved TGA \"%s\"\n", pFname );

	// Store these for UV calculation later on
	s_nHeight = h;
	s_nWidth = w;
	return true;

bool PackImages_Rgb_A( char const *pFname, int nWidth )
	// !! bug !! packing algorithm is dumb and no error checking is done!
	FloatBitMap_t output( nWidth, 2048);
	int cur_line[2] = {0};
	int cur_column[2] = {0};
	int next_line[2] = {0};
	int max_column_written[2] = {0};

	bool bPackingRGBA = true;

	for(int i=0; i < ImageList.GetNumStrings(); i++)
		SequenceFrame &frm=*(ImageList[i]);

		int idxfrm;
		Sequence::SeqMode_t eMode = frm.m_mapSequences.Key( 0 )->m_eMode;
		switch ( eMode )
		case Sequence::SQM_RGB: idxfrm = 0; bPackingRGBA = false; break;
		case Sequence::SQM_ALPHA: idxfrm = 1; bPackingRGBA = false; break;
		case Sequence::SQM_RGBA:
			if ( !bPackingRGBA )
				printf( "*** error when packing 'rgb+a', bad sequence %d encountered for frame '%s' after all rgba frames packed!\n", frm.m_mapSequences.Key( 0 )->m_nSequenceNumber, ImageList.String( i ) ),
				exit( -1 );
			idxfrm = 0; break;
			printf( "*** error when packing 'rgb+a', bad sequence %d encountered for frame '%s'!\n", frm.m_mapSequences.Key( 0 )->m_nSequenceNumber, ImageList.String( i ) ),
			exit( -1 );

		if ( cur_column[idxfrm] + frm.m_pImage->Width > output.Width )
			// no room!
			cur_column[idxfrm] = 0;
			cur_line[idxfrm] = next_line[idxfrm];
			next_line[idxfrm] = cur_line[idxfrm];
		// now, pack
		if ( ( cur_column[idxfrm] + frm.m_pImage->Width > output.Width ) ||
			( cur_line[idxfrm] + frm.m_pImage->Height > output.Height ) )
			return false;									// didn't fit! doh

		frm.m_XCoord = cur_column[idxfrm];
		frm.m_YCoord = cur_line[idxfrm];

		if ( pFname )										// don't actually pack the pixel if we're not keeping them
			for ( int y = 0; y < frm.m_pImage->Height; y++ )
				for (int x = 0; x < frm.m_pImage->Width; x++ )
					for(int c = 0; c < 4; c ++)
						switch ( eMode )
							case Sequence::SQM_RGB:		if ( c < 3 )	goto setpx; else break;
							case Sequence::SQM_ALPHA:	if ( c == 3 )	goto setpx; else break;
							case Sequence::SQM_RGBA:	if ( c < 4 )	goto setpx; else break;
								output.Pixel( x + cur_column[idxfrm], y + cur_line[idxfrm], c ) = frm.m_pImage->Pixel(x, y, c);

		next_line[idxfrm] = max( next_line[idxfrm], cur_line[idxfrm] + frm.m_pImage->Height );
		cur_column[idxfrm] += frm.m_pImage->Width;
		max_column_written[idxfrm] = max( max_column_written[idxfrm], cur_column[idxfrm] );

		if ( bPackingRGBA )
			cur_line[1] = cur_line[0];
			cur_column[1] = cur_column[0];
			next_line[1] = next_line[0];
			max_column_written[1] = max_column_written[0];

	// now, truncate height
	int h=1;
	for ( int idxfrm = 0; idxfrm < 2; ++ idxfrm )
		for ( h; h < next_line[idxfrm]; h*=2 )
	// truncate width;
	int w=1;
	for ( int idxfrm = 0; idxfrm < 2; ++ idxfrm )
		for ( w; w < max_column_written[idxfrm]; w*=2 )

	if ( pFname )
		FloatBitMap_t cropped_output( w, h );
		for(int y=0;y<cropped_output.Height; y++)
			for(int x=0;x<cropped_output.Width; x++)
				for(int c=0;c<4;c++)
					cropped_output.Pixel(x,y,c) = output.Pixel(x,y,c);

		bool bWritten = cropped_output.WriteTGAFile( pFname );
		if ( !bWritten )
			printf( "Error: failed to save TGA \"%s\"!\n", pFname );
			printf( "Ok: successfully saved TGA \"%s\"\n", pFname );

	// Store these for UV calculation later on
	s_nHeight = h;
	s_nWidth = w;
	return true;

bool PackImages( char const *pFname, int nWidth )
	switch ( s_ePackingMode )
	case PCKM_FLAT:
		return PackImages_Flat( pFname, nWidth );
	case PCKM_RGB_A:
		return PackImages_Rgb_A( pFname, nWidth );
		return false;

void main(int argc,char **argv)
	InitCommandLineProgram( argc, argv );
	if ( argc < 2 || argc > 4 )
		printf( "format is 'mksheet sheet.mks [output.sht] [output.tga]'\n" );

	char pMksFileBuf[MAX_PATH];
	char pShtFileBuf[MAX_PATH];
	char pTgaFileBuf[MAX_PATH];

	const char *pSourceFile;
	const char *pShtFile;
	const char *pTgaFile;
	Q_strncpy( pMksFileBuf, argv[1], sizeof(pMksFileBuf) );
	Q_DefaultExtension( pMksFileBuf, ".mks", sizeof(pMksFileBuf) );
	pSourceFile = pMksFileBuf;

	if ( argc < 4 )
		Q_StripExtension( pSourceFile, pTgaFileBuf, sizeof(pTgaFileBuf) );
		Q_SetExtension( pTgaFileBuf, ".tga", sizeof(pTgaFileBuf) );
		pTgaFile = pTgaFileBuf;
		pTgaFile = argv[3];

	if ( argc < 3 )
		Q_StripExtension( pSourceFile, pShtFileBuf, sizeof(pShtFileBuf) );
		Q_SetExtension( pShtFileBuf, ".sht", sizeof(pShtFileBuf) );
		pShtFile = pShtFileBuf;
		pShtFile = argv[2];

	ReportProgress("reading text file",0,0);
	ReadTextControlFile( pSourceFile );
	// now, determine best packing
	int nBestWidth = -1;
	int nBestSize = (1 << 30 );
	int nBestSquareness = ( 1 << 30 ); // how square the texture is
	for( int nTryWidth = 2048 ; nTryWidth >= 64; nTryWidth >>= 1 )
		bool bSuccess = PackImages( NULL, nTryWidth );
		if ( bSuccess )
			printf( "Packing option: %dx%d (%d pixels)\n", s_nWidth, s_nHeight, s_nWidth * s_nHeight );

			bool bPreferThisPack = false;

			int thisSize = s_nHeight * s_nWidth;
			int thisSquareness = ( s_nWidth == s_nHeight ) ? 1 : ( s_nHeight / s_nWidth + s_nWidth / s_nHeight );

			if ( thisSize < nBestSize )
				bPreferThisPack = true;
			else if ( thisSize == nBestSize &&
				thisSquareness < nBestSquareness )
				bPreferThisPack = true;

			if ( bPreferThisPack )
				nBestWidth = nTryWidth;
				nBestSize = thisSize;
				nBestSquareness = thisSquareness;
	if ( nBestWidth < 0 )
		printf( "Packing error: failed to pack images!\n" );

	s_nWidth = nBestWidth;
	s_nHeight = nBestSize / nBestWidth;
	printf( "Best option: %dx%d (%d pixels)%s\n", s_nWidth, s_nHeight, s_nWidth * s_nHeight, ( s_nWidth == s_nHeight ) ? " : square texture" : "" );
	PackImages( pTgaFile, nBestWidth );
	// now, write ouput
	ReportProgress("Writing SHT output file",0,0);
	COutputFile Outfile( pShtFile );
	if ( Outfile.IsOk() )
		Outfile.PutInt( 1 );								// version #
		Outfile.PutInt( Sequences.Count() );
		for(int i=0;i<Sequences.Count();i++)
			Outfile.PutInt( Sequences[i]->m_nSequenceNumber );
			Outfile.PutInt( Sequences[i]->m_Clamp );
			Outfile.PutInt( Sequences[i]->m_Frames.Count() );
			// write total sequence length
			float fTotal=0.;
			for(int j=0;j<Sequences[i]->m_Frames.Count(); j++ )
				fTotal += Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_fDisplayTime;
			Outfile.PutFloat( fTotal );
			for(int j=0;j<Sequences[i]->m_Frames.Count(); j++ )
				Outfile.PutFloat( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_fDisplayTime );
				// output texture coordinates
				for(int t=0; t<MAX_IMAGES_PER_FRAME; t++)
					Outfile.PutFloat( UCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_XCoord ) );
					Outfile.PutFloat( VCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_YCoord ) );
						UCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_XCoord+
								Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_pImage->Width-1 ));
						VCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_YCoord+
								Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_pImage->Height-1 ));
	// 				printf( "T %d UV1:( %.2f, %.2f ) UV2:( %.2f, %.2f )\n", t,
	// 					UCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_XCoord ),
	// 					VCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_YCoord ),
	// 					UCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_XCoord+Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_pImage->Width-1 ),
	// 					VCoord( Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_YCoord+Sequences[i]->m_Frames[j].m_pSeqFrame[t]->m_pImage->Height-1 ));
		printf( "Ok: successfully saved SHT \"%s\"\n", pShtFile );
		printf( "Error: failed to write SHT \"%s\"!\n", pShtFile );