2020-11-04 01:02:29 +00:00
// pubkey.h - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
/** \file
This file contains helper classes / functions for implementing public key algorithms .
The class hierachies in this . h file tend to look like this :
< pre >
/ \
y1 z1
| |
x2 < y1 > x2 < z1 >
| |
y2 z2
| |
x3 < y2 > x3 < z2 >
| |
y3 z3
< / pre >
- x1 , y1 , z1 are abstract interface classes defined in cryptlib . h
- x2 , y2 , z2 are implementations of the interfaces using " abstract policies " , which
are pure virtual functions that should return interfaces to interchangeable algorithms .
These classes have " Base " suffixes .
- x3 , y3 , z3 hold actual algorithms and implement those virtual functions .
These classes have " Impl " suffixes .
The " TF_ " prefix means an implementation using trapdoor functions on integers .
The " DL_ " prefix means an implementation using group operations ( in groups where discrete log is hard ) .
# include "modarith.h"
# include "filters.h"
# include "eprecomp.h"
# include "fips140.h"
# include "argnames.h"
# include <memory>
// VC60 workaround: this macro is defined in shlobj.h and conflicts with a template parameter used in this file
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TrapdoorFunctionBounds
public :
virtual ~ TrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) { }
virtual Integer PreimageBound ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual Integer ImageBound ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual Integer MaxPreimage ( ) const { return - - PreimageBound ( ) ; }
virtual Integer MaxImage ( ) const { return - - ImageBound ( ) ; }
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE RandomizedTrapdoorFunction : public TrapdoorFunctionBounds
public :
virtual Integer ApplyRandomizedFunction ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const Integer & x ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool IsRandomized ( ) const { return true ; }
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TrapdoorFunction : public RandomizedTrapdoorFunction
public :
Integer ApplyRandomizedFunction ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const Integer & x ) const
{ return ApplyFunction ( x ) ; }
bool IsRandomized ( ) const { return false ; }
virtual Integer ApplyFunction ( const Integer & x ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE RandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverse
public :
virtual ~ RandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverse ( ) { }
virtual Integer CalculateRandomizedInverse ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const Integer & x ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool IsRandomized ( ) const { return true ; }
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TrapdoorFunctionInverse : public RandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverse
public :
virtual ~ TrapdoorFunctionInverse ( ) { }
Integer CalculateRandomizedInverse ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const Integer & x ) const
{ return CalculateInverse ( rng , x ) ; }
bool IsRandomized ( ) const { return false ; }
virtual Integer CalculateInverse ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const Integer & x ) const = 0 ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! message encoding method for public key encryption
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod
public :
virtual ~ PK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod ( ) { }
virtual bool ParameterSupported ( const char * name ) const { return false ; }
//! max size of unpadded message in bytes, given max size of padded message in bits (1 less than size of modulus)
virtual size_t MaxUnpaddedLength ( size_t paddedLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual void Pad ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * raw , size_t inputLength , byte * padded , size_t paddedBitLength , const NameValuePairs & parameters ) const = 0 ;
virtual DecodingResult Unpad ( const byte * padded , size_t paddedBitLength , byte * raw , const NameValuePairs & parameters ) const = 0 ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
template < class TFI , class MEI >
protected :
virtual const TrapdoorFunctionBounds & GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) const = 0 ;
typedef TFI TrapdoorFunctionInterface ;
virtual const TrapdoorFunctionInterface & GetTrapdoorFunctionInterface ( ) const = 0 ;
typedef MEI MessageEncodingInterface ;
virtual const MessageEncodingInterface & GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
template < class BASE >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_FixedLengthCryptoSystemImpl : public BASE
public :
size_t MaxPlaintextLength ( size_t ciphertextLength ) const
{ return ciphertextLength = = FixedCiphertextLength ( ) ? FixedMaxPlaintextLength ( ) : 0 ; }
size_t CiphertextLength ( size_t plaintextLength ) const
{ return plaintextLength < = FixedMaxPlaintextLength ( ) ? FixedCiphertextLength ( ) : 0 ; }
virtual size_t FixedMaxPlaintextLength ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t FixedCiphertextLength ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
template < class INTERFACE , class BASE >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_CryptoSystemBase : public PK_FixedLengthCryptoSystemImpl < INTERFACE > , protected BASE
public :
bool ParameterSupported ( const char * name ) const { return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ParameterSupported ( name ) ; }
size_t FixedMaxPlaintextLength ( ) const { return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . MaxUnpaddedLength ( PaddedBlockBitLength ( ) ) ; }
size_t FixedCiphertextLength ( ) const { return this - > GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) . MaxImage ( ) . ByteCount ( ) ; }
protected :
size_t PaddedBlockByteLength ( ) const { return BitsToBytes ( PaddedBlockBitLength ( ) ) ; }
size_t PaddedBlockBitLength ( ) const { return this - > GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) . PreimageBound ( ) . BitCount ( ) - 1 ; }
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_DecryptorBase : public TF_CryptoSystemBase < PK_Decryptor , TF_Base < TrapdoorFunctionInverse , PK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod > >
public :
DecodingResult Decrypt ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * ciphertext , size_t ciphertextLength , byte * plaintext , const NameValuePairs & parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs ) const ;
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_EncryptorBase : public TF_CryptoSystemBase < PK_Encryptor , TF_Base < RandomizedTrapdoorFunction , PK_EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod > >
public :
void Encrypt ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * plaintext , size_t plaintextLength , byte * ciphertext , const NameValuePairs & parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs ) const ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
typedef std : : pair < const byte * , size_t > HashIdentifier ;
//! interface for message encoding method for public key signature schemes
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod
public :
virtual ~ PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod ( ) { }
virtual size_t MinRepresentativeBitLength ( size_t hashIdentifierLength , size_t digestLength ) const
{ return 0 ; }
virtual size_t MaxRecoverableLength ( size_t representativeBitLength , size_t hashIdentifierLength , size_t digestLength ) const
{ return 0 ; }
bool IsProbabilistic ( ) const
{ return true ; }
bool AllowNonrecoverablePart ( ) const
{ throw NotImplemented ( " PK_MessageEncodingMethod: this signature scheme does not support message recovery " ) ; }
virtual bool RecoverablePartFirst ( ) const
{ throw NotImplemented ( " PK_MessageEncodingMethod: this signature scheme does not support message recovery " ) ; }
// for verification, DL
virtual void ProcessSemisignature ( HashTransformation & hash , const byte * semisignature , size_t semisignatureLength ) const { }
// for signature
virtual void ProcessRecoverableMessage ( HashTransformation & hash ,
const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ,
const byte * presignature , size_t presignatureLength ,
SecByteBlock & semisignature ) const
if ( RecoverablePartFirst ( ) )
assert ( ! " ProcessRecoverableMessage() not implemented " ) ;
virtual void ComputeMessageRepresentative ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng ,
const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ,
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool VerifyMessageRepresentative (
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual DecodingResult RecoverMessageFromRepresentative ( // for TF
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ,
byte * recoveredMessage ) const
{ throw NotImplemented ( " PK_MessageEncodingMethod: this signature scheme does not support message recovery " ) ; }
virtual DecodingResult RecoverMessageFromSemisignature ( // for DL
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier ,
const byte * presignature , size_t presignatureLength ,
const byte * semisignature , size_t semisignatureLength ,
byte * recoveredMessage ) const
{ throw NotImplemented ( " PK_MessageEncodingMethod: this signature scheme does not support message recovery " ) ; }
// VC60 workaround
struct HashIdentifierLookup
template < class H > struct HashIdentifierLookup2
static HashIdentifier CRYPTOPP_API Lookup ( )
return HashIdentifier ( ( const byte * ) NULL , 0 ) ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_DeterministicSignatureMessageEncodingMethod : public PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod
public :
bool VerifyMessageRepresentative (
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const ;
} ;
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_RecoverableSignatureMessageEncodingMethod : public PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod
public :
bool VerifyMessageRepresentative (
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const ;
} ;
class CRYPTOPP_DLL DL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_DSA : public PK_DeterministicSignatureMessageEncodingMethod
public :
void ComputeMessageRepresentative ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng ,
const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ,
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const ;
} ;
class CRYPTOPP_DLL DL_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod_NR : public PK_DeterministicSignatureMessageEncodingMethod
public :
void ComputeMessageRepresentative ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng ,
const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ,
HashTransformation & hash , HashIdentifier hashIdentifier , bool messageEmpty ,
byte * representative , size_t representativeBitLength ) const ;
} ;
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_MessageAccumulatorBase : public PK_MessageAccumulator
public :
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase ( ) : m_empty ( true ) { }
virtual HashTransformation & AccessHash ( ) = 0 ;
void Update ( const byte * input , size_t length )
AccessHash ( ) . Update ( input , length ) ;
m_empty = m_empty & & length = = 0 ;
SecByteBlock m_recoverableMessage , m_representative , m_presignature , m_semisignature ;
Integer m_k , m_s ;
bool m_empty ;
} ;
template < class HASH_ALGORITHM >
class PK_MessageAccumulatorImpl : public PK_MessageAccumulatorBase , protected ObjectHolder < HASH_ALGORITHM >
public :
HashTransformation & AccessHash ( ) { return this - > m_object ; }
} ;
//! _
template < class INTERFACE , class BASE >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_SignatureSchemeBase : public INTERFACE , protected BASE
public :
size_t SignatureLength ( ) const
{ return this - > GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) . MaxPreimage ( ) . ByteCount ( ) ; }
size_t MaxRecoverableLength ( ) const
{ return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . MaxRecoverableLength ( MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) , GetHashIdentifier ( ) . second , GetDigestSize ( ) ) ; }
size_t MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength ( size_t signatureLength ) const
{ return this - > MaxRecoverableLength ( ) ; }
bool IsProbabilistic ( ) const
{ return this - > GetTrapdoorFunctionInterface ( ) . IsRandomized ( ) | | this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . IsProbabilistic ( ) ; }
bool AllowNonrecoverablePart ( ) const
{ return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . AllowNonrecoverablePart ( ) ; }
bool RecoverablePartFirst ( ) const
{ return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . RecoverablePartFirst ( ) ; }
protected :
size_t MessageRepresentativeLength ( ) const { return BitsToBytes ( MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) ) ; }
size_t MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) const { return this - > GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) . ImageBound ( ) . BitCount ( ) - 1 ; }
virtual HashIdentifier GetHashIdentifier ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t GetDigestSize ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_SignerBase : public TF_SignatureSchemeBase < PK_Signer , TF_Base < RandomizedTrapdoorFunctionInverse , PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod > >
public :
void InputRecoverableMessage ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ) const ;
size_t SignAndRestart ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , byte * signature , bool restart = true ) const ;
} ;
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_VerifierBase : public TF_SignatureSchemeBase < PK_Verifier , TF_Base < TrapdoorFunction , PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod > >
public :
void InputSignature ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , const byte * signature , size_t signatureLength ) const ;
bool VerifyAndRestart ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator ) const ;
DecodingResult RecoverAndRestart ( byte * recoveredMessage , PK_MessageAccumulator & recoveryAccumulator ) const ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
struct TF_CryptoSchemeOptions
typedef T1 AlgorithmInfo ;
typedef T2 Keys ;
typedef typename Keys : : PrivateKey PrivateKey ;
typedef typename Keys : : PublicKey PublicKey ;
typedef T3 MessageEncodingMethod ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
struct TF_SignatureSchemeOptions : public TF_CryptoSchemeOptions < T1 , T2 , T3 >
typedef T4 HashFunction ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SCHEME_OPTIONS , class KEY_CLASS >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_ObjectImplBase : public AlgorithmImpl < BASE , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : AlgorithmInfo >
public :
typedef SCHEME_OPTIONS SchemeOptions ;
typedef KEY_CLASS KeyClass ;
PublicKey & AccessPublicKey ( ) { return AccessKey ( ) ; }
const PublicKey & GetPublicKey ( ) const { return GetKey ( ) ; }
PrivateKey & AccessPrivateKey ( ) { return AccessKey ( ) ; }
const PrivateKey & GetPrivateKey ( ) const { return GetKey ( ) ; }
virtual const KeyClass & GetKey ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual KeyClass & AccessKey ( ) = 0 ;
const KeyClass & GetTrapdoorFunction ( ) const { return GetKey ( ) ; }
PK_MessageAccumulator * NewSignatureAccumulator ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng ) const
return new PK_MessageAccumulatorImpl < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : HashFunction > ;
PK_MessageAccumulator * NewVerificationAccumulator ( ) const
return new PK_MessageAccumulatorImpl < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : HashFunction > ;
protected :
const typename BASE : : MessageEncodingInterface & GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : MessageEncodingMethod > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
const TrapdoorFunctionBounds & GetTrapdoorFunctionBounds ( ) const
{ return GetKey ( ) ; }
const typename BASE : : TrapdoorFunctionInterface & GetTrapdoorFunctionInterface ( ) const
{ return GetKey ( ) ; }
// for signature scheme
HashIdentifier GetHashIdentifier ( ) const
typedef CPP_TYPENAME SchemeOptions : : MessageEncodingMethod : : HashIdentifierLookup : : template HashIdentifierLookup2 < CPP_TYPENAME SchemeOptions : : HashFunction > L ;
return L : : Lookup ( ) ;
size_t GetDigestSize ( ) const
typedef CPP_TYPENAME SchemeOptions : : HashFunction H ;
return H : : DIGESTSIZE ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SCHEME_OPTIONS , class KEY >
class TF_ObjectImplExtRef : public TF_ObjectImplBase < BASE , SCHEME_OPTIONS , KEY >
public :
TF_ObjectImplExtRef ( const KEY * pKey = NULL ) : m_pKey ( pKey ) { }
void SetKeyPtr ( const KEY * pKey ) { m_pKey = pKey ; }
const KEY & GetKey ( ) const { return * m_pKey ; }
KEY & AccessKey ( ) { throw NotImplemented ( " TF_ObjectImplExtRef: cannot modify refererenced key " ) ; }
private :
const KEY * m_pKey ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SCHEME_OPTIONS , class KEY_CLASS >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE TF_ObjectImpl : public TF_ObjectImplBase < BASE , SCHEME_OPTIONS , KEY_CLASS >
public :
typedef KEY_CLASS KeyClass ;
const KeyClass & GetKey ( ) const { return m_trapdoorFunction ; }
KeyClass & AccessKey ( ) { return m_trapdoorFunction ; }
private :
KeyClass m_trapdoorFunction ;
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class TF_DecryptorImpl : public TF_ObjectImpl < TF_DecryptorBase , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PrivateKey >
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class TF_EncryptorImpl : public TF_ObjectImpl < TF_EncryptorBase , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PublicKey >
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class TF_SignerImpl : public TF_ObjectImpl < TF_SignerBase , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PrivateKey >
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class TF_VerifierImpl : public TF_ObjectImpl < TF_VerifierBase , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PublicKey >
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE MaskGeneratingFunction
public :
virtual ~ MaskGeneratingFunction ( ) { }
virtual void GenerateAndMask ( HashTransformation & hash , byte * output , size_t outputLength , const byte * input , size_t inputLength , bool mask = true ) const = 0 ;
} ;
CRYPTOPP_DLL void CRYPTOPP_API P1363_MGF1KDF2_Common ( HashTransformation & hash , byte * output , size_t outputLength , const byte * input , size_t inputLength , const byte * derivationParams , size_t derivationParamsLength , bool mask , unsigned int counterStart ) ;
//! _
class P1363_MGF1 : public MaskGeneratingFunction
public :
static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName ( ) { return " MGF1 " ; }
void GenerateAndMask ( HashTransformation & hash , byte * output , size_t outputLength , const byte * input , size_t inputLength , bool mask = true ) const
P1363_MGF1KDF2_Common ( hash , output , outputLength , input , inputLength , NULL , 0 , mask , 0 ) ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
template < class H >
class P1363_KDF2
public :
static void CRYPTOPP_API DeriveKey ( byte * output , size_t outputLength , const byte * input , size_t inputLength , const byte * derivationParams , size_t derivationParamsLength )
H h ;
P1363_MGF1KDF2_Common ( h , output , outputLength , input , inputLength , derivationParams , derivationParamsLength , false , 1 ) ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! to be thrown by DecodeElement and AgreeWithStaticPrivateKey
class DL_BadElement : public InvalidDataFormat
public :
DL_BadElement ( ) : InvalidDataFormat ( " CryptoPP: invalid group element " ) { }
} ;
//! interface for DL group parameters
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_GroupParameters : public CryptoParameters
typedef DL_GroupParameters < T > ThisClass ;
public :
typedef T Element ;
DL_GroupParameters ( ) : m_validationLevel ( 0 ) { }
// CryptoMaterial
bool Validate ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , unsigned int level ) const
if ( ! GetBasePrecomputation ( ) . IsInitialized ( ) )
return false ;
if ( m_validationLevel > level )
return true ;
bool pass = ValidateGroup ( rng , level ) ;
pass = pass & & ValidateElement ( level , GetSubgroupGenerator ( ) , & GetBasePrecomputation ( ) ) ;
m_validationLevel = pass ? level + 1 : 0 ;
return pass ;
bool GetVoidValue ( const char * name , const std : : type_info & valueType , void * pValue ) const
return GetValueHelper ( this , name , valueType , pValue )
bool SupportsPrecomputation ( ) const { return true ; }
void Precompute ( unsigned int precomputationStorage = 16 )
AccessBasePrecomputation ( ) . Precompute ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . BitCount ( ) , precomputationStorage ) ;
void LoadPrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation )
AccessBasePrecomputation ( ) . Load ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , storedPrecomputation ) ;
m_validationLevel = 0 ;
void SavePrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation ) const
GetBasePrecomputation ( ) . Save ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , storedPrecomputation ) ;
// non-inherited
virtual const Element & GetSubgroupGenerator ( ) const { return GetBasePrecomputation ( ) . GetBase ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) ) ; }
virtual void SetSubgroupGenerator ( const Element & base ) { AccessBasePrecomputation ( ) . SetBase ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , base ) ; }
virtual Element ExponentiateBase ( const Integer & exponent ) const
return GetBasePrecomputation ( ) . Exponentiate ( GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , exponent ) ;
virtual Element ExponentiateElement ( const Element & base , const Integer & exponent ) const
Element result ;
SimultaneousExponentiate ( & result , base , & exponent , 1 ) ;
return result ;
virtual const DL_GroupPrecomputation < Element > & GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & GetBasePrecomputation ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & AccessBasePrecomputation ( ) = 0 ;
virtual const Integer & GetSubgroupOrder ( ) const = 0 ; // order of subgroup generated by base element
virtual Integer GetMaxExponent ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual Integer GetGroupOrder ( ) const { return GetSubgroupOrder ( ) * GetCofactor ( ) ; } // one of these two needs to be overriden
virtual Integer GetCofactor ( ) const { return GetGroupOrder ( ) / GetSubgroupOrder ( ) ; }
virtual unsigned int GetEncodedElementSize ( bool reversible ) const = 0 ;
virtual void EncodeElement ( bool reversible , const Element & element , byte * encoded ) const = 0 ;
virtual Element DecodeElement ( const byte * encoded , bool checkForGroupMembership ) const = 0 ;
virtual Integer ConvertElementToInteger ( const Element & element ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool ValidateGroup ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , unsigned int level ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool ValidateElement ( unsigned int level , const Element & element , const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > * precomp ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool FastSubgroupCheckAvailable ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool IsIdentity ( const Element & element ) const = 0 ;
virtual void SimultaneousExponentiate ( Element * results , const Element & base , const Integer * exponents , unsigned int exponentsCount ) const = 0 ;
protected :
void ParametersChanged ( ) { m_validationLevel = 0 ; }
private :
mutable unsigned int m_validationLevel ;
} ;
//! _
template < class GROUP_PRECOMP , class BASE_PRECOMP = DL_FixedBasePrecomputationImpl < CPP_TYPENAME GROUP_PRECOMP : : Element > , class BASE = DL_GroupParameters < CPP_TYPENAME GROUP_PRECOMP : : Element > >
class DL_GroupParametersImpl : public BASE
public :
typedef GROUP_PRECOMP GroupPrecomputation ;
typedef typename GROUP_PRECOMP : : Element Element ;
typedef BASE_PRECOMP BasePrecomputation ;
const DL_GroupPrecomputation < Element > & GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) const { return m_groupPrecomputation ; }
const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & GetBasePrecomputation ( ) const { return m_gpc ; }
DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & AccessBasePrecomputation ( ) { return m_gpc ; }
protected :
GROUP_PRECOMP m_groupPrecomputation ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T >
public :
virtual const DL_GroupParameters < T > & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual DL_GroupParameters < T > & AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) = 0 ;
} ;
//! interface for DL public keys
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_PublicKey : public DL_Key < T >
typedef DL_PublicKey < T > ThisClass ;
public :
typedef T Element ;
bool GetVoidValue ( const char * name , const std : : type_info & valueType , void * pValue ) const
return GetValueHelper ( this , name , valueType , pValue , & this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) )
void AssignFrom ( const NameValuePairs & source ) ;
// non-inherited
virtual const Element & GetPublicElement ( ) const { return GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) . GetBase ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) ) ; }
virtual void SetPublicElement ( const Element & y ) { AccessPublicPrecomputation ( ) . SetBase ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , y ) ; }
virtual Element ExponentiatePublicElement ( const Integer & exponent ) const
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
return GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) . Exponentiate ( params . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , exponent ) ;
virtual Element CascadeExponentiateBaseAndPublicElement ( const Integer & baseExp , const Integer & publicExp ) const
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
return params . GetBasePrecomputation ( ) . CascadeExponentiate ( params . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , baseExp , GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) , publicExp ) ;
virtual const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < T > & GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < T > & AccessPublicPrecomputation ( ) = 0 ;
} ;
//! interface for DL private keys
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_PrivateKey : public DL_Key < T >
typedef DL_PrivateKey < T > ThisClass ;
public :
typedef T Element ;
void MakePublicKey ( DL_PublicKey < T > & pub ) const
pub . AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . AssignFrom ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ) ;
pub . SetPublicElement ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . ExponentiateBase ( GetPrivateExponent ( ) ) ) ;
bool GetVoidValue ( const char * name , const std : : type_info & valueType , void * pValue ) const
return GetValueHelper ( this , name , valueType , pValue , & this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) )
void AssignFrom ( const NameValuePairs & source )
this - > AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . AssignFrom ( source ) ;
AssignFromHelper ( this , source )
virtual const Integer & GetPrivateExponent ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void SetPrivateExponent ( const Integer & x ) = 0 ;
} ;
template < class T >
void DL_PublicKey < T > : : AssignFrom ( const NameValuePairs & source )
DL_PrivateKey < T > * pPrivateKey = NULL ;
if ( source . GetThisPointer ( pPrivateKey ) )
pPrivateKey - > MakePublicKey ( * this ) ;
this - > AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . AssignFrom ( source ) ;
AssignFromHelper ( this , source )
class OID ;
//! _
template < class PK , class GP , class O = OID >
class DL_KeyImpl : public PK
public :
typedef GP GroupParameters ;
O GetAlgorithmID ( ) const { return GetGroupParameters ( ) . GetAlgorithmID ( ) ; }
// void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
// {PK::BERDecode(bt);}
// void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
// {PK::DEREncode(bt);}
bool BERDecodeAlgorithmParameters ( BufferedTransformation & bt )
{ AccessGroupParameters ( ) . BERDecode ( bt ) ; return true ; }
bool DEREncodeAlgorithmParameters ( BufferedTransformation & bt ) const
{ GetGroupParameters ( ) . DEREncode ( bt ) ; return true ; }
const GP & GetGroupParameters ( ) const { return m_groupParameters ; }
GP & AccessGroupParameters ( ) { return m_groupParameters ; }
private :
GP m_groupParameters ;
} ;
class X509PublicKey ;
class PKCS8PrivateKey ;
//! _
template < class GP >
class DL_PrivateKeyImpl : public DL_PrivateKey < CPP_TYPENAME GP : : Element > , public DL_KeyImpl < PKCS8PrivateKey , GP >
public :
typedef typename GP : : Element Element ;
// GeneratableCryptoMaterial
bool Validate ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , unsigned int level ) const
bool pass = GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . Validate ( rng , level ) ;
const Integer & q = GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) ;
const Integer & x = GetPrivateExponent ( ) ;
pass = pass & & x . IsPositive ( ) & & x < q ;
if ( level > = 1 )
pass = pass & & Integer : : Gcd ( x , q ) = = Integer : : One ( ) ;
return pass ;
bool GetVoidValue ( const char * name , const std : : type_info & valueType , void * pValue ) const
return GetValueHelper < DL_PrivateKey < Element > > ( this , name , valueType , pValue ) . Assignable ( ) ;
void AssignFrom ( const NameValuePairs & source )
AssignFromHelper < DL_PrivateKey < Element > > ( this , source ) ;
void GenerateRandom ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const NameValuePairs & params )
if ( ! params . GetThisObject ( this - > AccessGroupParameters ( ) ) )
this - > AccessGroupParameters ( ) . GenerateRandom ( rng , params ) ;
// std::pair<const byte *, int> seed;
Integer x ( rng , Integer : : One ( ) , GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetMaxExponent ( ) ) ;
// Integer::ANY, Integer::Zero(), Integer::One(),
// params.GetValue("DeterministicKeyGenerationSeed", seed) ? &seed : NULL);
SetPrivateExponent ( x ) ;
bool SupportsPrecomputation ( ) const { return true ; }
void Precompute ( unsigned int precomputationStorage = 16 )
{ AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . Precompute ( precomputationStorage ) ; }
void LoadPrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation )
{ AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . LoadPrecomputation ( storedPrecomputation ) ; }
void SavePrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation ) const
{ GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . SavePrecomputation ( storedPrecomputation ) ; }
// DL_Key
const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) const { return this - > GetGroupParameters ( ) ; }
DL_GroupParameters < Element > & AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) { return this - > AccessGroupParameters ( ) ; }
// DL_PrivateKey
const Integer & GetPrivateExponent ( ) const { return m_x ; }
void SetPrivateExponent ( const Integer & x ) { m_x = x ; }
// PKCS8PrivateKey
void BERDecodePrivateKey ( BufferedTransformation & bt , bool , size_t )
{ m_x . BERDecode ( bt ) ; }
void DEREncodePrivateKey ( BufferedTransformation & bt ) const
{ m_x . DEREncode ( bt ) ; }
private :
Integer m_x ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SIGNATURE_SCHEME >
class DL_PrivateKey_WithSignaturePairwiseConsistencyTest : public BASE
public :
void GenerateRandom ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const NameValuePairs & params )
BASE : : GenerateRandom ( rng , params ) ;
if ( FIPS_140_2_ComplianceEnabled ( ) )
typename SIGNATURE_SCHEME : : Signer signer ( * this ) ;
typename SIGNATURE_SCHEME : : Verifier verifier ( signer ) ;
SignaturePairwiseConsistencyTest_FIPS_140_Only ( signer , verifier ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class GP >
class DL_PublicKeyImpl : public DL_PublicKey < typename GP : : Element > , public DL_KeyImpl < X509PublicKey , GP >
public :
typedef typename GP : : Element Element ;
// CryptoMaterial
bool Validate ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , unsigned int level ) const
bool pass = GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . Validate ( rng , level ) ;
pass = pass & & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . ValidateElement ( level , this - > GetPublicElement ( ) , & GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) ) ;
return pass ;
bool GetVoidValue ( const char * name , const std : : type_info & valueType , void * pValue ) const
return GetValueHelper < DL_PublicKey < Element > > ( this , name , valueType , pValue ) . Assignable ( ) ;
void AssignFrom ( const NameValuePairs & source )
AssignFromHelper < DL_PublicKey < Element > > ( this , source ) ;
bool SupportsPrecomputation ( ) const { return true ; }
void Precompute ( unsigned int precomputationStorage = 16 )
AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . Precompute ( precomputationStorage ) ;
AccessPublicPrecomputation ( ) . Precompute ( GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . BitCount ( ) , precomputationStorage ) ;
void LoadPrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation )
AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . LoadPrecomputation ( storedPrecomputation ) ;
AccessPublicPrecomputation ( ) . Load ( GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , storedPrecomputation ) ;
void SavePrecomputation ( BufferedTransformation & storedPrecomputation ) const
GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . SavePrecomputation ( storedPrecomputation ) ;
GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) . Save ( GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) , storedPrecomputation ) ;
// DL_Key
const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) const { return this - > GetGroupParameters ( ) ; }
DL_GroupParameters < Element > & AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) { return this - > AccessGroupParameters ( ) ; }
// DL_PublicKey
const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) const { return m_ypc ; }
DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & AccessPublicPrecomputation ( ) { return m_ypc ; }
// non-inherited
bool operator = = ( const DL_PublicKeyImpl < GP > & rhs ) const
{ return this - > GetGroupParameters ( ) = = rhs . GetGroupParameters ( ) & & this - > GetPublicElement ( ) = = rhs . GetPublicElement ( ) ; }
private :
typename GP : : BasePrecomputation m_ypc ;
} ;
//! interface for Elgamal-like signature algorithms
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm
public :
virtual void Sign ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params , const Integer & privateKey , const Integer & k , const Integer & e , Integer & r , Integer & s ) const = 0 ;
virtual bool Verify ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params , const DL_PublicKey < T > & publicKey , const Integer & e , const Integer & r , const Integer & s ) const = 0 ;
virtual Integer RecoverPresignature ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params , const DL_PublicKey < T > & publicKey , const Integer & r , const Integer & s ) const
{ throw NotImplemented ( " DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm: this signature scheme does not support message recovery " ) ; }
virtual size_t RLen ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params ) const
{ return params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . ByteCount ( ) ; }
virtual size_t SLen ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params ) const
{ return params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . ByteCount ( ) ; }
} ;
//! interface for DL key agreement algorithms
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm
public :
typedef T Element ;
virtual Element AgreeWithEphemeralPrivateKey ( const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & params , const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & publicPrecomputation , const Integer & privateExponent ) const = 0 ;
virtual Element AgreeWithStaticPrivateKey ( const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & params , const Element & publicElement , bool validateOtherPublicKey , const Integer & privateExponent ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! interface for key derivation algorithms used in DL cryptosystems
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm
public :
virtual bool ParameterSupported ( const char * name ) const { return false ; }
virtual void Derive ( const DL_GroupParameters < T > & groupParams , byte * derivedKey , size_t derivedLength , const T & agreedElement , const T & ephemeralPublicKey , const NameValuePairs & derivationParams ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! interface for symmetric encryption algorithms used in DL cryptosystems
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm
public :
virtual bool ParameterSupported ( const char * name ) const { return false ; }
virtual size_t GetSymmetricKeyLength ( size_t plaintextLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t GetSymmetricCiphertextLength ( size_t plaintextLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t GetMaxSymmetricPlaintextLength ( size_t ciphertextLength ) const = 0 ;
virtual void SymmetricEncrypt ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * key , const byte * plaintext , size_t plaintextLength , byte * ciphertext , const NameValuePairs & parameters ) const = 0 ;
virtual DecodingResult SymmetricDecrypt ( const byte * key , const byte * ciphertext , size_t ciphertextLength , byte * plaintext , const NameValuePairs & parameters ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
template < class KI >
protected :
typedef KI KeyInterface ;
typedef typename KI : : Element Element ;
const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) const { return GetKeyInterface ( ) . GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ; }
DL_GroupParameters < Element > & AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) { return AccessKeyInterface ( ) . AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ; }
virtual KeyInterface & AccessKeyInterface ( ) = 0 ;
virtual const KeyInterface & GetKeyInterface ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
template < class INTERFACE , class KEY_INTERFACE >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_SignatureSchemeBase : public INTERFACE , public DL_Base < KEY_INTERFACE >
public :
size_t SignatureLength ( ) const
return GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) . RLen ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) )
+ GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) . SLen ( this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ) ;
size_t MaxRecoverableLength ( ) const
{ return GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . MaxRecoverableLength ( 0 , GetHashIdentifier ( ) . second , GetDigestSize ( ) ) ; }
size_t MaxRecoverableLengthFromSignatureLength ( size_t signatureLength ) const
{ assert ( false ) ; return 0 ; } // TODO
bool IsProbabilistic ( ) const
{ return true ; }
bool AllowNonrecoverablePart ( ) const
{ return GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . AllowNonrecoverablePart ( ) ; }
bool RecoverablePartFirst ( ) const
{ return GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . RecoverablePartFirst ( ) ; }
protected :
size_t MessageRepresentativeLength ( ) const { return BitsToBytes ( MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) ) ; }
size_t MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) const { return this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . BitCount ( ) ; }
virtual const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < CPP_TYPENAME KEY_INTERFACE : : Element > & GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod & GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual HashIdentifier GetHashIdentifier ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual size_t GetDigestSize ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_SignerBase : public DL_SignatureSchemeBase < PK_Signer , DL_PrivateKey < T > >
public :
// for validation testing
void RawSign ( const Integer & k , const Integer & e , Integer & r , Integer & s ) const
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PrivateKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
r = params . ConvertElementToInteger ( params . ExponentiateBase ( k ) ) ;
alg . Sign ( params , key . GetPrivateExponent ( ) , k , e , r , s ) ;
void InputRecoverableMessage ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , const byte * recoverableMessage , size_t recoverableMessageLength ) const
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma = static_cast < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & > ( messageAccumulator ) ;
ma . m_recoverableMessage . Assign ( recoverableMessage , recoverableMessageLength ) ;
this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ProcessRecoverableMessage ( ma . AccessHash ( ) ,
recoverableMessage , recoverableMessageLength ,
ma . m_presignature , ma . m_presignature . size ( ) ,
ma . m_semisignature ) ;
size_t SignAndRestart ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , byte * signature , bool restart ) const
this - > GetMaterial ( ) . DoQuickSanityCheck ( ) ;
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma = static_cast < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & > ( messageAccumulator ) ;
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PrivateKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
SecByteBlock representative ( this - > MessageRepresentativeLength ( ) ) ;
this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ComputeMessageRepresentative (
rng ,
ma . m_recoverableMessage , ma . m_recoverableMessage . size ( ) ,
ma . AccessHash ( ) , this - > GetHashIdentifier ( ) , ma . m_empty ,
representative , this - > MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) ) ;
ma . m_empty = true ;
Integer e ( representative , representative . size ( ) ) ;
// hash message digest into random number k to prevent reusing the same k on a different messages
// after virtual machine rollback
if ( rng . CanIncorporateEntropy ( ) )
rng . IncorporateEntropy ( representative , representative . size ( ) ) ;
Integer k ( rng , 1 , params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) - 1 ) ;
Integer r , s ;
r = params . ConvertElementToInteger ( params . ExponentiateBase ( k ) ) ;
alg . Sign ( params , key . GetPrivateExponent ( ) , k , e , r , s ) ;
Integer r , s ;
if ( this - > MaxRecoverableLength ( ) > 0 )
r . Decode ( ma . m_semisignature , ma . m_semisignature . size ( ) ) ;
r . Decode ( ma . m_presignature , ma . m_presignature . size ( ) ) ;
alg . Sign ( params , key . GetPrivateExponent ( ) , ma . m_k , e , r , s ) ;
size_t rLen = alg . RLen ( params ) ;
r . Encode ( signature , rLen ) ;
s . Encode ( signature + rLen , alg . SLen ( params ) ) ;
if ( restart )
RestartMessageAccumulator ( rng , ma ) ;
return this - > SignatureLength ( ) ;
protected :
void RestartMessageAccumulator ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma ) const
// k needs to be generated before hashing for signature schemes with recovery
// but to defend against VM rollbacks we need to generate k after hashing.
// so this code is commented out, since no DL-based signature scheme with recovery
// has been implemented in Crypto++ anyway
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
ma . m_k . Randomize ( rng , 1 , params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) - 1 ) ;
ma . m_presignature . New ( params . GetEncodedElementSize ( false ) ) ;
params . ConvertElementToInteger ( params . ExponentiateBase ( ma . m_k ) ) . Encode ( ma . m_presignature , ma . m_presignature . size ( ) ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_VerifierBase : public DL_SignatureSchemeBase < PK_Verifier , DL_PublicKey < T > >
public :
void InputSignature ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator , const byte * signature , size_t signatureLength ) const
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma = static_cast < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & > ( messageAccumulator ) ;
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
size_t rLen = alg . RLen ( params ) ;
ma . m_semisignature . Assign ( signature , rLen ) ;
ma . m_s . Decode ( signature + rLen , alg . SLen ( params ) ) ;
this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ProcessSemisignature ( ma . AccessHash ( ) , ma . m_semisignature , ma . m_semisignature . size ( ) ) ;
bool VerifyAndRestart ( PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator ) const
this - > GetMaterial ( ) . DoQuickSanityCheck ( ) ;
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma = static_cast < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & > ( messageAccumulator ) ;
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PublicKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
SecByteBlock representative ( this - > MessageRepresentativeLength ( ) ) ;
this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ComputeMessageRepresentative ( NullRNG ( ) , ma . m_recoverableMessage , ma . m_recoverableMessage . size ( ) ,
ma . AccessHash ( ) , this - > GetHashIdentifier ( ) , ma . m_empty ,
representative , this - > MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) ) ;
ma . m_empty = true ;
Integer e ( representative , representative . size ( ) ) ;
Integer r ( ma . m_semisignature , ma . m_semisignature . size ( ) ) ;
return alg . Verify ( params , key , e , r , ma . m_s ) ;
DecodingResult RecoverAndRestart ( byte * recoveredMessage , PK_MessageAccumulator & messageAccumulator ) const
this - > GetMaterial ( ) . DoQuickSanityCheck ( ) ;
PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & ma = static_cast < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase & > ( messageAccumulator ) ;
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < T > & alg = this - > GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PublicKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
SecByteBlock representative ( this - > MessageRepresentativeLength ( ) ) ;
this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . ComputeMessageRepresentative (
NullRNG ( ) ,
ma . m_recoverableMessage , ma . m_recoverableMessage . size ( ) ,
ma . AccessHash ( ) , this - > GetHashIdentifier ( ) , ma . m_empty ,
representative , this - > MessageRepresentativeBitLength ( ) ) ;
ma . m_empty = true ;
Integer e ( representative , representative . size ( ) ) ;
ma . m_presignature . New ( params . GetEncodedElementSize ( false ) ) ;
Integer r ( ma . m_semisignature , ma . m_semisignature . size ( ) ) ;
alg . RecoverPresignature ( params , key , r , ma . m_s ) . Encode ( ma . m_presignature , ma . m_presignature . size ( ) ) ;
return this - > GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) . RecoverMessageFromSemisignature (
ma . AccessHash ( ) , this - > GetHashIdentifier ( ) ,
ma . m_presignature , ma . m_presignature . size ( ) ,
ma . m_semisignature , ma . m_semisignature . size ( ) ,
recoveredMessage ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class PK , class KI >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_CryptoSystemBase : public PK , public DL_Base < KI >
public :
typedef typename DL_Base < KI > : : Element Element ;
size_t MaxPlaintextLength ( size_t ciphertextLength ) const
unsigned int minLen = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetEncodedElementSize ( true ) ;
return ciphertextLength < minLen ? 0 : GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) . GetMaxSymmetricPlaintextLength ( ciphertextLength - minLen ) ;
size_t CiphertextLength ( size_t plaintextLength ) const
size_t len = GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) . GetSymmetricCiphertextLength ( plaintextLength ) ;
return len = = 0 ? 0 : this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetEncodedElementSize ( true ) + len ;
bool ParameterSupported ( const char * name ) const
{ return GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( ) . ParameterSupported ( name ) | | GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) . ParameterSupported ( name ) ; }
protected :
virtual const DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < Element > & GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm < Element > & GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual const DL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm & GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) const = 0 ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_DecryptorBase : public DL_CryptoSystemBase < PK_Decryptor , DL_PrivateKey < T > >
public :
typedef T Element ;
DecodingResult Decrypt ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * ciphertext , size_t ciphertextLength , byte * plaintext , const NameValuePairs & parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs ) const
const DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < T > & agreeAlg = this - > GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm < T > & derivAlg = this - > GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm & encAlg = this - > GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PrivateKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
Element q = params . DecodeElement ( ciphertext , true ) ;
size_t elementSize = params . GetEncodedElementSize ( true ) ;
ciphertext + = elementSize ;
ciphertextLength - = elementSize ;
Element z = agreeAlg . AgreeWithStaticPrivateKey ( params , q , true , key . GetPrivateExponent ( ) ) ;
SecByteBlock derivedKey ( encAlg . GetSymmetricKeyLength ( encAlg . GetMaxSymmetricPlaintextLength ( ciphertextLength ) ) ) ;
derivAlg . Derive ( params , derivedKey , derivedKey . size ( ) , z , q , parameters ) ;
return encAlg . SymmetricDecrypt ( derivedKey , ciphertext , ciphertextLength , plaintext , parameters ) ;
catch ( DL_BadElement & )
return DecodingResult ( ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_EncryptorBase : public DL_CryptoSystemBase < PK_Encryptor , DL_PublicKey < T > >
public :
typedef T Element ;
void Encrypt ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * plaintext , size_t plaintextLength , byte * ciphertext , const NameValuePairs & parameters = g_nullNameValuePairs ) const
const DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < T > & agreeAlg = this - > GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm < T > & derivAlg = this - > GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm & encAlg = this - > GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) ;
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = this - > GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
const DL_PublicKey < T > & key = this - > GetKeyInterface ( ) ;
Integer x ( rng , Integer : : One ( ) , params . GetMaxExponent ( ) ) ;
Element q = params . ExponentiateBase ( x ) ;
params . EncodeElement ( true , q , ciphertext ) ;
unsigned int elementSize = params . GetEncodedElementSize ( true ) ;
ciphertext + = elementSize ;
Element z = agreeAlg . AgreeWithEphemeralPrivateKey ( params , key . GetPublicPrecomputation ( ) , x ) ;
SecByteBlock derivedKey ( encAlg . GetSymmetricKeyLength ( plaintextLength ) ) ;
derivAlg . Derive ( params , derivedKey , derivedKey . size ( ) , z , q , parameters ) ;
encAlg . SymmetricEncrypt ( rng , derivedKey , plaintext , plaintextLength , ciphertext , parameters ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 >
struct DL_SchemeOptionsBase
typedef T1 AlgorithmInfo ;
typedef T2 GroupParameters ;
typedef typename GroupParameters : : Element Element ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 >
struct DL_KeyedSchemeOptions : public DL_SchemeOptionsBase < T1 , typename T2 : : PublicKey : : GroupParameters >
typedef T2 Keys ;
typedef typename Keys : : PrivateKey PrivateKey ;
typedef typename Keys : : PublicKey PublicKey ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 >
struct DL_SignatureSchemeOptions : public DL_KeyedSchemeOptions < T1 , T2 >
typedef T3 SignatureAlgorithm ;
typedef T4 MessageEncodingMethod ;
typedef T5 HashFunction ;
} ;
//! _
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 >
struct DL_CryptoSchemeOptions : public DL_KeyedSchemeOptions < T1 , T2 >
typedef T3 KeyAgreementAlgorithm ;
typedef T4 KeyDerivationAlgorithm ;
typedef T5 SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SCHEME_OPTIONS , class KEY >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_ObjectImplBase : public AlgorithmImpl < BASE , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : AlgorithmInfo >
public :
typedef SCHEME_OPTIONS SchemeOptions ;
typedef typename KEY : : Element Element ;
PrivateKey & AccessPrivateKey ( ) { return m_key ; }
PublicKey & AccessPublicKey ( ) { return m_key ; }
// KeyAccessor
const KEY & GetKey ( ) const { return m_key ; }
KEY & AccessKey ( ) { return m_key ; }
protected :
typename BASE : : KeyInterface & AccessKeyInterface ( ) { return m_key ; }
const typename BASE : : KeyInterface & GetKeyInterface ( ) const { return m_key ; }
// for signature scheme
HashIdentifier GetHashIdentifier ( ) const
typedef typename SchemeOptions : : MessageEncodingMethod : : HashIdentifierLookup HashLookup ;
return HashLookup : : template HashIdentifierLookup2 < CPP_TYPENAME SchemeOptions : : HashFunction > : : Lookup ( ) ;
size_t GetDigestSize ( ) const
typedef CPP_TYPENAME SchemeOptions : : HashFunction H ;
return H : : DIGESTSIZE ;
private :
KEY m_key ;
} ;
//! _
template < class BASE , class SCHEME_OPTIONS , class KEY >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_ObjectImpl : public DL_ObjectImplBase < BASE , SCHEME_OPTIONS , KEY >
public :
typedef typename KEY : : Element Element ;
protected :
const DL_ElgamalLikeSignatureAlgorithm < Element > & GetSignatureAlgorithm ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : SignatureAlgorithm > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
const DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < Element > & GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : KeyAgreementAlgorithm > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
const DL_KeyDerivationAlgorithm < Element > & GetKeyDerivationAlgorithm ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : KeyDerivationAlgorithm > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
const DL_SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm & GetSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : SymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
HashIdentifier GetHashIdentifier ( ) const
{ return HashIdentifier ( ) ; }
const PK_SignatureMessageEncodingMethod & GetMessageEncodingInterface ( ) const
{ return Singleton < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : MessageEncodingMethod > ( ) . Ref ( ) ; }
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class DL_SignerImpl : public DL_ObjectImpl < DL_SignerBase < typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : Element > , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PrivateKey >
public :
PK_MessageAccumulator * NewSignatureAccumulator ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng ) const
std : : auto_ptr < PK_MessageAccumulatorBase > p ( new PK_MessageAccumulatorImpl < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : HashFunction > ) ;
this - > RestartMessageAccumulator ( rng , * p ) ;
return p . release ( ) ;
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class DL_VerifierImpl : public DL_ObjectImpl < DL_VerifierBase < typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : Element > , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PublicKey >
public :
PK_MessageAccumulator * NewVerificationAccumulator ( ) const
return new PK_MessageAccumulatorImpl < CPP_TYPENAME SCHEME_OPTIONS : : HashFunction > ;
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class DL_EncryptorImpl : public DL_ObjectImpl < DL_EncryptorBase < typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : Element > , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PublicKey >
} ;
//! _
template < class SCHEME_OPTIONS >
class DL_DecryptorImpl : public DL_ObjectImpl < DL_DecryptorBase < typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : Element > , SCHEME_OPTIONS , typename SCHEME_OPTIONS : : PrivateKey >
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! _
template < class T >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE DL_SimpleKeyAgreementDomainBase : public SimpleKeyAgreementDomain
public :
typedef T Element ;
CryptoParameters & AccessCryptoParameters ( ) { return AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ; }
unsigned int AgreedValueLength ( ) const { return GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetEncodedElementSize ( false ) ; }
unsigned int PrivateKeyLength ( ) const { return GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) . ByteCount ( ) ; }
unsigned int PublicKeyLength ( ) const { return GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetEncodedElementSize ( true ) ; }
void GeneratePrivateKey ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , byte * privateKey ) const
Integer x ( rng , Integer : : One ( ) , GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetMaxExponent ( ) ) ;
x . Encode ( privateKey , PrivateKeyLength ( ) ) ;
void GeneratePublicKey ( RandomNumberGenerator & rng , const byte * privateKey , byte * publicKey ) const
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
Integer x ( privateKey , PrivateKeyLength ( ) ) ;
Element y = params . ExponentiateBase ( x ) ;
params . EncodeElement ( true , y , publicKey ) ;
bool Agree ( byte * agreedValue , const byte * privateKey , const byte * otherPublicKey , bool validateOtherPublicKey = true ) const
const DL_GroupParameters < T > & params = GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ;
Integer x ( privateKey , PrivateKeyLength ( ) ) ;
Element w = params . DecodeElement ( otherPublicKey , validateOtherPublicKey ) ;
Element z = GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) . AgreeWithStaticPrivateKey (
GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) , w , validateOtherPublicKey , x ) ;
params . EncodeElement ( false , z , agreedValue ) ;
catch ( DL_BadElement & )
return false ;
return true ;
const Element & GetGenerator ( ) const { return GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) . GetSubgroupGenerator ( ) ; }
protected :
virtual const DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < Element > & GetKeyAgreementAlgorithm ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual DL_GroupParameters < Element > & AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) = 0 ;
const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & GetAbstractGroupParameters ( ) const { return const_cast < DL_SimpleKeyAgreementDomainBase < Element > * > ( this ) - > AccessAbstractGroupParameters ( ) ; }
} ;
typedef EnumToType < CofactorMultiplicationOption , NO_COFACTOR_MULTIPLICTION > NoCofactorMultiplication ;
typedef EnumToType < CofactorMultiplicationOption , COMPATIBLE_COFACTOR_MULTIPLICTION > CompatibleCofactorMultiplication ;
typedef EnumToType < CofactorMultiplicationOption , INCOMPATIBLE_COFACTOR_MULTIPLICTION > IncompatibleCofactorMultiplication ;
//! DH key agreement algorithm
template < class ELEMENT , class COFACTOR_OPTION >
class DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm_DH : public DL_KeyAgreementAlgorithm < ELEMENT >
public :
typedef ELEMENT Element ;
static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName ( )
Element AgreeWithEphemeralPrivateKey ( const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & params , const DL_FixedBasePrecomputation < Element > & publicPrecomputation , const Integer & privateExponent ) const
return publicPrecomputation . Exponentiate ( params . GetGroupPrecomputation ( ) ,
COFACTOR_OPTION : : ToEnum ( ) = = INCOMPATIBLE_COFACTOR_MULTIPLICTION ? privateExponent * params . GetCofactor ( ) : privateExponent ) ;
Element AgreeWithStaticPrivateKey ( const DL_GroupParameters < Element > & params , const Element & publicElement , bool validateOtherPublicKey , const Integer & privateExponent ) const
const Integer & k = params . GetCofactor ( ) ;
return params . ExponentiateElement ( publicElement ,
ModularArithmetic ( params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) ) . Divide ( privateExponent , k ) * k ) ;
return params . ExponentiateElement ( publicElement , privateExponent * params . GetCofactor ( ) ) ;
if ( ! validateOtherPublicKey )
return params . ExponentiateElement ( publicElement , privateExponent ) ;
if ( params . FastSubgroupCheckAvailable ( ) )
if ( ! params . ValidateElement ( 2 , publicElement , NULL ) )
throw DL_BadElement ( ) ;
return params . ExponentiateElement ( publicElement , privateExponent ) ;
const Integer e [ 2 ] = { params . GetSubgroupOrder ( ) , privateExponent } ;
Element r [ 2 ] ;
params . SimultaneousExponentiate ( r , publicElement , e , 2 ) ;
if ( ! params . IsIdentity ( r [ 0 ] ) )
throw DL_BadElement ( ) ;
return r [ 1 ] ;
} ;
// ********************************************************
//! A template implementing constructors for public key algorithm classes
template < class BASE >
class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE PK_FinalTemplate : public BASE
public :
PK_FinalTemplate ( ) { }
PK_FinalTemplate ( const CryptoMaterial & key )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . AssignFrom ( key ) ; }
PK_FinalTemplate ( BufferedTransformation & bt )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . BERDecode ( bt ) ; }
PK_FinalTemplate ( const AsymmetricAlgorithm & algorithm )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . AssignFrom ( algorithm . GetMaterial ( ) ) ; }
PK_FinalTemplate ( const Integer & v1 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 ) ; }
# if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300)
template < class T1 , class T2 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 , T4 & v4 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 , T4 & v4 , T5 & v5 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 , T4 & v4 , T5 & v5 , T6 & v6 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 , T4 & v4 , T5 & v5 , T6 & v6 , T7 & v7 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 , class T8 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , T2 & v2 , T3 & v3 , T4 & v4 , T5 & v5 , T6 & v6 , T7 & v7 , T8 & v8 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 , v8 ) ; }
# else
template < class T1 , class T2 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 , const T7 & v7 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 , class T8 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( const T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 , const T7 & v7 , const T8 & v8 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 , v8 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 , const T7 & v7 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 ) ; }
template < class T1 , class T2 , class T3 , class T4 , class T5 , class T6 , class T7 , class T8 >
PK_FinalTemplate ( T1 & v1 , const T2 & v2 , const T3 & v3 , const T4 & v4 , const T5 & v5 , const T6 & v6 , const T7 & v7 , const T8 & v8 )
{ this - > AccessKey ( ) . Initialize ( v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v6 , v7 , v8 ) ; }
# endif
} ;
//! Base class for public key encryption standard classes. These classes are used to select from variants of algorithms. Note that not all standards apply to all algorithms.
struct EncryptionStandard { } ;
//! Base class for public key signature standard classes. These classes are used to select from variants of algorithms. Note that not all standards apply to all algorithms.
struct SignatureStandard { } ;
template < class STANDARD , class KEYS , class ALG_INFO >
class TF_ES ;
//! Trapdoor Function Based Encryption Scheme
template < class STANDARD , class KEYS , class ALG_INFO = TF_ES < STANDARD , KEYS , int > >
class TF_ES : public KEYS
typedef typename STANDARD : : EncryptionMessageEncodingMethod MessageEncodingMethod ;
public :
//! see EncryptionStandard for a list of standards
typedef STANDARD Standard ;
typedef TF_CryptoSchemeOptions < ALG_INFO , KEYS , MessageEncodingMethod > SchemeOptions ;
static std : : string CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName ( ) { return std : : string ( KEYS : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) ) + " / " + MessageEncodingMethod : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) ; }
//! implements PK_Decryptor interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < TF_DecryptorImpl < SchemeOptions > > Decryptor ;
//! implements PK_Encryptor interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < TF_EncryptorImpl < SchemeOptions > > Encryptor ;
} ;
template < class STANDARD , class H , class KEYS , class ALG_INFO > // VC60 workaround: doesn't work if KEYS is first parameter
class TF_SS ;
//! Trapdoor Function Based Signature Scheme
template < class STANDARD , class H , class KEYS , class ALG_INFO = TF_SS < STANDARD , H , KEYS , int > > // VC60 workaround: doesn't work if KEYS is first parameter
class TF_SS : public KEYS
public :
//! see SignatureStandard for a list of standards
typedef STANDARD Standard ;
typedef typename Standard : : SignatureMessageEncodingMethod MessageEncodingMethod ;
typedef TF_SignatureSchemeOptions < ALG_INFO , KEYS , MessageEncodingMethod , H > SchemeOptions ;
static std : : string CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName ( ) { return std : : string ( KEYS : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) ) + " / " + MessageEncodingMethod : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) + " ( " + H : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) + " ) " ; }
//! implements PK_Signer interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < TF_SignerImpl < SchemeOptions > > Signer ;
//! implements PK_Verifier interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < TF_VerifierImpl < SchemeOptions > > Verifier ;
} ;
template < class KEYS , class SA , class MEM , class H , class ALG_INFO >
class DL_SS ;
//! Discrete Log Based Signature Scheme
template < class KEYS , class SA , class MEM , class H , class ALG_INFO = DL_SS < KEYS , SA , MEM , H , int > >
class DL_SS : public KEYS
typedef DL_SignatureSchemeOptions < ALG_INFO , KEYS , SA , MEM , H > SchemeOptions ;
public :
static std : : string StaticAlgorithmName ( ) { return SA : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) + std : : string ( " /EMSA1( " ) + H : : StaticAlgorithmName ( ) + " ) " ; }
//! implements PK_Signer interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < DL_SignerImpl < SchemeOptions > > Signer ;
//! implements PK_Verifier interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < DL_VerifierImpl < SchemeOptions > > Verifier ;
} ;
//! Discrete Log Based Encryption Scheme
template < class KEYS , class AA , class DA , class EA , class ALG_INFO >
class DL_ES : public KEYS
typedef DL_CryptoSchemeOptions < ALG_INFO , KEYS , AA , DA , EA > SchemeOptions ;
public :
//! implements PK_Decryptor interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < DL_DecryptorImpl < SchemeOptions > > Decryptor ;
//! implements PK_Encryptor interface
typedef PK_FinalTemplate < DL_EncryptorImpl < SchemeOptions > > Encryptor ;
} ;
# endif