The deep recursion has caused issues in certain games with large numbers of files, especially with MSVC builds. Previously the recursion depth is about equal to the number of files present. With this the depth should be about equal to the maximum depth of the directory structure of the RomFS.
607 lines
22 KiB
607 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright 2020 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include "common/alignment.h"
#include "common/archives.h"
#include "common/assert.h"
#include "common/common_paths.h"
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/string_util.h"
#include "common/swap.h"
#include "core/file_sys/layered_fs.h"
#include "core/file_sys/patch.h"
namespace FileSys {
struct FileRelocationInfo {
int type; // 0 - none, 1 - replaced / created, 2 - patched, 3 - removed
u64 original_offset; // Type 0. Offset is absolute
std::string replace_file_path; // Type 1
std::vector<u8> patched_file; // Type 2
u64 size; // Relocated file size
struct LayeredFS::File {
std::string name;
std::string path;
FileRelocationInfo relocation{};
Directory* parent;
struct DirectoryMetadata {
u32_le parent_directory_offset;
u32_le next_sibling_offset;
u32_le first_child_directory_offset;
u32_le first_file_offset;
u32_le hash_bucket_next;
u32_le name_length;
// Followed by a name of name length (aligned up to 4)
static_assert(sizeof(DirectoryMetadata) == 0x18, "Size of DirectoryMetadata is not correct");
struct FileMetadata {
u32_le parent_directory_offset;
u32_le next_sibling_offset;
u64_le file_data_offset;
u64_le file_data_length;
u32_le hash_bucket_next;
u32_le name_length;
// Followed by a name of name length (aligned up to 4)
static_assert(sizeof(FileMetadata) == 0x20, "Size of FileMetadata is not correct");
LayeredFS::LayeredFS() = default;
LayeredFS::LayeredFS(std::shared_ptr<RomFSReader> romfs_, std::string patch_path_,
std::string patch_ext_path_, bool load_relocations_)
: romfs(std::move(romfs_)), patch_path(std::move(patch_path_)),
patch_ext_path(std::move(patch_ext_path_)), load_relocations(load_relocations_) {
void LayeredFS::Load() {
romfs->ReadFile(0, sizeof(header), reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&header));
ASSERT_MSG(header.header_length == sizeof(header), "Header size is incorrect");
// TODO: is root always the first directory in table?
root.parent = &root;
LoadDirectory(root, 0);
if (load_relocations) {
LayeredFS::~LayeredFS() = default;
u32 LayeredFS::LoadDirectory(Directory& current, u32 offset) {
DirectoryMetadata metadata;
romfs->ReadFile(header.directory_metadata_table.offset + offset, sizeof(metadata),
current.name = ReadName(header.directory_metadata_table.offset + offset + sizeof(metadata),
current.path = current.parent->path + current.name + DIR_SEP;
directory_path_map.emplace(current.path, ¤t);
u32 file_offset = metadata.first_file_offset;
while (file_offset != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
file_offset = LoadFile(current, file_offset);
u32 child_directory_offset = metadata.first_child_directory_offset;
while (child_directory_offset != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
auto child = std::make_unique<Directory>();
auto& directory = *child;
directory.parent = ¤t;
child_directory_offset = LoadDirectory(directory, child_directory_offset);
return metadata.next_sibling_offset;
u32 LayeredFS::LoadFile(Directory& parent, u32 offset) {
FileMetadata metadata;
romfs->ReadFile(header.file_metadata_table.offset + offset, sizeof(metadata),
auto file = std::make_unique<File>();
file->name = ReadName(header.file_metadata_table.offset + offset + sizeof(metadata),
file->path = parent.path + file->name;
file->relocation.original_offset = header.file_data_offset + metadata.file_data_offset;
file->relocation.size = metadata.file_data_length;
file->parent = &parent;
file_path_map.emplace(file->path, file.get());
return metadata.next_sibling_offset;
std::string LayeredFS::ReadName(u32 offset, u32 name_length) {
std::vector<u16_le> buffer(name_length / sizeof(u16_le));
romfs->ReadFile(offset, name_length, reinterpret_cast<u8*>(buffer.data()));
std::u16string name(buffer.size(), 0);
std::transform(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), name.begin(), [](u16_le character) {
return static_cast<char16_t>(static_cast<u16>(character));
return Common::UTF16ToUTF8(name);
void LayeredFS::LoadRelocations() {
if (!FileUtil::Exists(patch_path)) {
const FileUtil::DirectoryEntryCallable callback = [this,
&callback](u64* /*num_entries_out*/,
const std::string& directory,
const std::string& virtual_name) {
auto* parent = directory_path_map.at(directory.substr(patch_path.size() - 1));
if (FileUtil::IsDirectory(directory + virtual_name + DIR_SEP)) {
const auto path = (directory + virtual_name + DIR_SEP).substr(patch_path.size() - 1);
if (!directory_path_map.count(path)) { // Add this directory
auto directory = std::make_unique<Directory>();
directory->name = virtual_name;
directory->path = path;
directory->parent = parent;
directory_path_map.emplace(path, directory.get());
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "LayeredFS created directory {}", path);
return FileUtil::ForeachDirectoryEntry(nullptr, directory + virtual_name + DIR_SEP,
const auto path = (directory + virtual_name).substr(patch_path.size() - 1);
if (!file_path_map.count(path)) { // Newly created file
auto file = std::make_unique<File>();
file->name = virtual_name;
file->path = path;
file->parent = parent;
file_path_map.emplace(path, file.get());
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "LayeredFS created file {}", path);
auto* file = file_path_map.at(path);
file->relocation.type = 1;
file->relocation.replace_file_path = directory + virtual_name;
file->relocation.size = FileUtil::GetSize(directory + virtual_name);
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "LayeredFS replacement file in use for {}", path);
return true;
FileUtil::ForeachDirectoryEntry(nullptr, patch_path, callback);
void LayeredFS::LoadExtRelocations() {
if (!FileUtil::Exists(patch_ext_path)) {
if (patch_ext_path.back() == '/' || patch_ext_path.back() == '\\') {
// ScanDirectoryTree expects a path without trailing '/'
patch_ext_path.erase(patch_ext_path.size() - 1, 1);
FileUtil::FSTEntry result;
FileUtil::ScanDirectoryTree(patch_ext_path, result, 256);
for (const auto& entry : result.children) {
if (FileUtil::IsDirectory(entry.physicalName)) {
const auto path = entry.physicalName.substr(patch_ext_path.size());
if (path.size() >= 5 && path.substr(path.size() - 5) == ".stub") {
// Remove the corresponding file if exists
const auto file_path = path.substr(0, path.size() - 5);
if (file_path_map.count(file_path)) {
auto& file = *file_path_map[file_path];
file.relocation.type = 3;
file.relocation.size = 0;
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "LayeredFS removed file {}", file_path);
} else {
LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "LayeredFS file for stub {} not found", path);
} else if (path.size() >= 4) {
const auto extension = path.substr(path.size() - 4);
if (extension != ".ips" && extension != ".bps") {
LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "LayeredFS unknown ext file {}", path);
const auto file_path = path.substr(0, path.size() - 4);
if (!file_path_map.count(file_path)) {
LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "LayeredFS original file for patch {} not found", path);
FileUtil::IOFile patch_file(entry.physicalName, "rb");
if (!patch_file) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "LayeredFS Could not open file {}", entry.physicalName);
const auto size = patch_file.GetSize();
std::vector<u8> patch(size);
if (patch_file.ReadBytes(patch.data(), size) != size) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "LayeredFS Could not read file {}", entry.physicalName);
auto& file = *file_path_map[file_path];
std::vector<u8> buffer(file.relocation.size); // Original size
romfs->ReadFile(file.relocation.original_offset, buffer.size(), buffer.data());
bool ret = false;
if (extension == ".ips") {
ret = Patch::ApplyIpsPatch(patch, buffer);
} else {
ret = Patch::ApplyBpsPatch(patch, buffer);
if (ret) {
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "LayeredFS patched file {}", file_path);
file.relocation.type = 2;
file.relocation.size = buffer.size();
file.relocation.patched_file = std::move(buffer);
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "LayeredFS failed to patch file {}", file_path);
} else {
LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "LayeredFS unknown ext file {}", path);
static std::size_t GetNameSize(const std::string& name) {
std::u16string u16name = Common::UTF8ToUTF16(name);
return Common::AlignUp(u16name.size() * 2, 4);
void LayeredFS::PrepareBuildDirectory(Directory& current) {
directory_metadata_offset_map.emplace(¤t, static_cast<u32>(current_directory_offset));
current_directory_offset += sizeof(DirectoryMetadata) + GetNameSize(current.name);
void LayeredFS::PrepareBuildFile(File& current) {
if (current.relocation.type == 3) { // Deleted files are not counted
file_metadata_offset_map.emplace(¤t, static_cast<u32>(current_file_offset));
current_file_offset += sizeof(FileMetadata) + GetNameSize(current.name);
void LayeredFS::PrepareBuild(Directory& current) {
for (const auto& child : current.files) {
for (const auto& child : current.directories) {
for (const auto& child : current.directories) {
// Implementation from 3dbrew
static u32 CalcHash(const std::string& name, u32 parent_offset) {
u32 hash = parent_offset ^ 123456789;
std::u16string u16name = Common::UTF8ToUTF16(name);
for (char16_t c : u16name) {
hash = (hash >> 5) | (hash << 27);
hash ^= static_cast<u16>(c);
return hash;
static std::size_t WriteName(u8* dest, std::u16string name) {
const auto buffer_size = Common::AlignUp(name.size() * 2, 4);
std::vector<u16_le> buffer(buffer_size / 2);
std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), buffer.begin(), [](char16_t character) {
return static_cast<u16_le>(static_cast<u16>(character));
std::memcpy(dest, buffer.data(), buffer_size);
return buffer_size;
void LayeredFS::BuildDirectories() {
directory_metadata_table.resize(current_directory_offset, 0xFF);
std::size_t written = 0;
for (const auto& directory : directory_list) {
DirectoryMetadata metadata;
std::memset(&metadata, 0xFF, sizeof(metadata));
metadata.parent_directory_offset = directory_metadata_offset_map.at(directory->parent);
if (directory->parent != directory) {
bool flag = false;
for (const auto& sibling : directory->parent->directories) {
if (flag) {
metadata.next_sibling_offset = directory_metadata_offset_map.at(sibling.get());
} else if (sibling.get() == directory) {
flag = true;
if (!directory->directories.empty()) {
metadata.first_child_directory_offset =
if (!directory->files.empty()) {
metadata.first_file_offset =
const auto bucket = CalcHash(directory->name, metadata.parent_directory_offset) %
metadata.hash_bucket_next = directory_hash_table[bucket];
directory_hash_table[bucket] = directory_metadata_offset_map.at(directory);
// Write metadata and name
std::u16string u16name = Common::UTF8ToUTF16(directory->name);
metadata.name_length = static_cast<u32_le>(u16name.size() * 2);
std::memcpy(directory_metadata_table.data() + written, &metadata, sizeof(metadata));
written += sizeof(metadata);
written += WriteName(directory_metadata_table.data() + written, u16name);
ASSERT_MSG(written == directory_metadata_table.size(),
"Calculated size for directory metadata table is wrong");
void LayeredFS::BuildFiles() {
file_metadata_table.resize(current_file_offset, 0xFF);
std::size_t written = 0;
for (const auto& file : file_list) {
FileMetadata metadata;
std::memset(&metadata, 0xFF, sizeof(metadata));
metadata.parent_directory_offset = directory_metadata_offset_map.at(file->parent);
bool flag = false;
for (const auto& sibling : file->parent->files) {
if (sibling->relocation.type == 3) { // removed file
if (flag) {
metadata.next_sibling_offset = file_metadata_offset_map.at(sibling.get());
} else if (sibling.get() == file) {
flag = true;
metadata.file_data_offset = current_data_offset;
metadata.file_data_length = file->relocation.size;
current_data_offset += Common::AlignUp(metadata.file_data_length, 16);
if (metadata.file_data_length != 0) {
data_offset_map.emplace(metadata.file_data_offset, file);
const auto bucket =
CalcHash(file->name, metadata.parent_directory_offset) % file_hash_table.size();
metadata.hash_bucket_next = file_hash_table[bucket];
file_hash_table[bucket] = file_metadata_offset_map.at(file);
// Write metadata and name
std::u16string u16name = Common::UTF8ToUTF16(file->name);
metadata.name_length = static_cast<u32_le>(u16name.size() * 2);
std::memcpy(file_metadata_table.data() + written, &metadata, sizeof(metadata));
written += sizeof(metadata);
written += WriteName(file_metadata_table.data() + written, u16name);
ASSERT_MSG(written == file_metadata_table.size(),
"Calculated size for file metadata table is wrong");
// Implementation from 3dbrew
static std::size_t GetHashTableSize(std::size_t entry_count) {
if (entry_count < 3) {
return 3;
} else if (entry_count < 19) {
return entry_count | 1;
} else {
std::size_t count = entry_count;
while (count % 2 == 0 || count % 3 == 0 || count % 5 == 0 || count % 7 == 0 ||
count % 11 == 0 || count % 13 == 0 || count % 17 == 0) {
return count;
void LayeredFS::RebuildMetadata() {
directory_hash_table.resize(GetHashTableSize(directory_list.size()), 0xFFFFFFFF);
file_hash_table.resize(GetHashTableSize(file_list.size()), 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Create header
RomFSHeader header;
header.header_length = sizeof(header);
header.directory_hash_table = {
/*offset*/ sizeof(header),
/*length*/ static_cast<u32_le>(directory_hash_table.size() * sizeof(u32_le))};
header.directory_metadata_table = {
header.directory_hash_table.offset + header.directory_hash_table.length,
/*length*/ static_cast<u32_le>(directory_metadata_table.size())};
header.file_hash_table = {
header.directory_metadata_table.offset + header.directory_metadata_table.length,
/*length*/ static_cast<u32_le>(file_hash_table.size() * sizeof(u32_le))};
header.file_metadata_table = {/*offset*/ header.file_hash_table.offset +
/*length*/ static_cast<u32_le>(file_metadata_table.size())};
header.file_data_offset =
Common::AlignUp(header.file_metadata_table.offset + header.file_metadata_table.length, 16);
// Write hash table and metadata table
std::memcpy(metadata.data(), &header, header.header_length);
std::memcpy(metadata.data() + header.directory_hash_table.offset, directory_hash_table.data(),
std::memcpy(metadata.data() + header.directory_metadata_table.offset,
directory_metadata_table.data(), header.directory_metadata_table.length);
std::memcpy(metadata.data() + header.file_hash_table.offset, file_hash_table.data(),
std::memcpy(metadata.data() + header.file_metadata_table.offset, file_metadata_table.data(),
std::size_t LayeredFS::GetSize() const {
return metadata.size() + current_data_offset;
std::size_t LayeredFS::ReadFile(std::size_t offset, std::size_t length, u8* buffer) {
ASSERT_MSG(offset + length <= GetSize(), "Out of bound");
std::size_t read_size = 0;
if (offset < metadata.size()) {
// First read the metadata
const auto to_read = std::min(metadata.size() - offset, length);
std::memcpy(buffer, metadata.data() + offset, to_read);
read_size += to_read;
offset = 0;
} else {
offset -= metadata.size();
// Read files
auto current = (--data_offset_map.upper_bound(offset));
while (read_size < length) {
const auto relative_offset = offset - current->first;
std::size_t to_read{};
if (current->second->relocation.size > relative_offset) {
to_read = std::min<std::size_t>(current->second->relocation.size - relative_offset,
length - read_size);
const auto alignment =
std::min<std::size_t>(Common::AlignUp(current->second->relocation.size, 16) -
length - read_size) -
// Read the file in different ways depending on relocation type
auto& relocation = current->second->relocation;
if (relocation.type == 0) { // none
romfs->ReadFile(relocation.original_offset + relative_offset, to_read,
buffer + read_size);
} else if (relocation.type == 1) { // replace
FileUtil::IOFile replace_file(relocation.replace_file_path, "rb");
if (replace_file) {
replace_file.Seek(relative_offset, SEEK_SET);
replace_file.ReadBytes(buffer + read_size, to_read);
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Could not open replacement file for {}",
} else if (relocation.type == 2) { // patch
std::memcpy(buffer + read_size, relocation.patched_file.data() + relative_offset,
} else {
std::memset(buffer + read_size + to_read, 0, alignment);
read_size += to_read + alignment;
offset += to_read + alignment;
return read_size;
bool LayeredFS::ExtractDirectory(Directory& current, const std::string& target_path) {
if (!FileUtil::CreateFullPath(target_path + current.path)) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Could not create path {}", target_path + current.path);
return false;
constexpr std::size_t BufferSize = 0x10000;
std::array<u8, BufferSize> buffer;
for (const auto& file : current.files) {
// Extract file
const auto path = target_path + file->path;
LOG_INFO(Service_FS, "Extracting {} to {}", file->path, path);
FileUtil::IOFile target_file(path, "wb");
if (!target_file) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Could not open file {}", path);
return false;
std::size_t written = 0;
while (written < file->relocation.size) {
const auto to_read =
std::min<std::size_t>(buffer.size(), file->relocation.size - written);
if (romfs->ReadFile(file->relocation.original_offset + written, to_read,
buffer.data()) != to_read) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Could not read from RomFS");
return false;
if (target_file.WriteBytes(buffer.data(), to_read) != to_read) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Could not write to file {}", path);
return false;
written += to_read;
for (const auto& directory : current.directories) {
if (!ExtractDirectory(*directory, target_path)) {
return false;
return true;
bool LayeredFS::DumpRomFS(const std::string& target_path) {
std::string path = target_path;
if (path.back() == '/' || path.back() == '\\') {
path.erase(path.size() - 1, 1);
return ExtractDirectory(root, path);
} // namespace FileSys