Morph 99ceb03a1c general: Convert source file copyright comments over to SPDX
This formats all copyright comments according to SPDX formatting guidelines.
Additionally, this resolves the remaining GPLv2 only licensed files by relicensing them to GPLv2.0-or-later.
2022-04-23 05:55:32 -04:00

169 lines
5.3 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "common/common_types.h"
#include "core/hle/service/kernel_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/nvdata.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/syncpoint_manager.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvflinger/ui/fence.h"
#include "core/hle/service/service.h"
namespace Core {
class System;
namespace Kernel {
class KEvent;
namespace Service::NVFlinger {
class NVFlinger;
namespace Service::Nvidia {
class SyncpointManager;
namespace Devices {
class nvdevice;
/// Represents an Nvidia event
struct NvEvent {
Kernel::KEvent* event{};
NvFence fence{};
struct EventInterface {
// Mask representing currently busy events
u64 events_mask{};
// Each kernel event associated to an NV event
std::array<NvEvent, MaxNvEvents> events;
// The status of the current NVEvent
std::array<EventState, MaxNvEvents> status{};
// Tells if an NVEvent is registered or not
std::array<bool, MaxNvEvents> registered{};
// Tells the NVEvent that it has failed.
std::array<bool, MaxNvEvents> failed{};
// When an NVEvent is waiting on GPU interrupt, this is the sync_point
// associated with it.
std::array<u32, MaxNvEvents> assigned_syncpt{};
// This is the value of the GPU interrupt for which the NVEvent is waiting
// for.
std::array<u32, MaxNvEvents> assigned_value{};
// Constant to denote an unasigned syncpoint.
static constexpr u32 unassigned_syncpt = 0xFFFFFFFF;
std::optional<u32> GetFreeEvent() const {
u64 mask = events_mask;
for (u32 i = 0; i < MaxNvEvents; i++) {
const bool is_free = (mask & 0x1) == 0;
if (is_free) {
if (status[i] == EventState::Registered || status[i] == EventState::Free) {
return {i};
mask = mask >> 1;
return std::nullopt;
void SetEventStatus(const u32 event_id, EventState new_status) {
EventState old_status = status[event_id];
if (old_status == new_status) {
status[event_id] = new_status;
if (new_status == EventState::Registered) {
registered[event_id] = true;
if (new_status == EventState::Waiting || new_status == EventState::Busy) {
events_mask |= (1ULL << event_id);
void RegisterEvent(const u32 event_id) {
registered[event_id] = true;
if (status[event_id] == EventState::Free) {
status[event_id] = EventState::Registered;
void UnregisterEvent(const u32 event_id) {
registered[event_id] = false;
if (status[event_id] == EventState::Registered) {
status[event_id] = EventState::Free;
void LiberateEvent(const u32 event_id) {
status[event_id] = registered[event_id] ? EventState::Registered : EventState::Free;
events_mask &= ~(1ULL << event_id);
assigned_syncpt[event_id] = unassigned_syncpt;
assigned_value[event_id] = 0;
class Module final {
explicit Module(Core::System& system_);
/// Returns a pointer to one of the available devices, identified by its name.
template <typename T>
std::shared_ptr<T> GetDevice(const std::string& name) {
auto itr = devices.find(name);
if (itr == devices.end())
return nullptr;
return std::static_pointer_cast<T>(itr->second);
NvResult VerifyFD(DeviceFD fd) const;
/// Opens a device node and returns a file descriptor to it.
DeviceFD Open(const std::string& device_name);
/// Sends an ioctl command to the specified file descriptor.
NvResult Ioctl1(DeviceFD fd, Ioctl command, const std::vector<u8>& input,
std::vector<u8>& output);
NvResult Ioctl2(DeviceFD fd, Ioctl command, const std::vector<u8>& input,
const std::vector<u8>& inline_input, std::vector<u8>& output);
NvResult Ioctl3(DeviceFD fd, Ioctl command, const std::vector<u8>& input,
std::vector<u8>& output, std::vector<u8>& inline_output);
/// Closes a device file descriptor and returns operation success.
NvResult Close(DeviceFD fd);
void SignalSyncpt(const u32 syncpoint_id, const u32 value);
Kernel::KReadableEvent& GetEvent(u32 event_id);
Kernel::KWritableEvent& GetEventWriteable(u32 event_id);
/// Manages syncpoints on the host
SyncpointManager syncpoint_manager;
/// Id to use for the next open file descriptor.
DeviceFD next_fd = 1;
/// Mapping of file descriptors to the devices they reference.
std::unordered_map<DeviceFD, std::shared_ptr<Devices::nvdevice>> open_files;
/// Mapping of device node names to their implementation.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Devices::nvdevice>> devices;
EventInterface events_interface;
KernelHelpers::ServiceContext service_context;
/// Registers all NVDRV services with the specified service manager.
void InstallInterfaces(SM::ServiceManager& service_manager, NVFlinger::NVFlinger& nvflinger,
Core::System& system);
} // namespace Service::Nvidia