// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include "common/archives.h" #include "common/file_util.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/settings.h" #include "core/file_sys/archive_sdmc.h" #include "core/file_sys/disk_archive.h" #include "core/file_sys/errors.h" #include "core/file_sys/path_parser.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FileSys namespace SERIALIZE_EXPORT_IMPL(FileSys::SDMCArchive) SERIALIZE_EXPORT_IMPL(FileSys::ArchiveFactory_SDMC) namespace FileSys { class SDMCDelayGenerator : public DelayGenerator { public: u64 GetReadDelayNs(std::size_t length) override { // This is the delay measured on O3DS and O2DS with // https://gist.github.com/B3n30/ac40eac20603f519ff106107f4ac9182 // from the results the average of each length was taken. static constexpr u64 slope(183); static constexpr u64 offset(524879); static constexpr u64 minimum(631826); u64 IPCDelayNanoseconds = std::max<u64>(static_cast<u64>(length) * slope + offset, minimum); return IPCDelayNanoseconds; } u64 GetOpenDelayNs() override { // This is the delay measured on O3DS and O2DS with // https://gist.github.com/FearlessTobi/c37e143c314789251f98f2c45cd706d2 // from the results the average of each length was taken. static constexpr u64 IPCDelayNanoseconds(269082); return IPCDelayNanoseconds; } SERIALIZE_DELAY_GENERATOR }; ResultVal<std::unique_ptr<FileBackend>> SDMCArchive::OpenFile(const Path& path, const Mode& mode) const { Mode modified_mode; modified_mode.hex = mode.hex; // SDMC archive always opens a file with at least read permission modified_mode.read_flag.Assign(1); return OpenFileBase(path, modified_mode); } ResultVal<std::unique_ptr<FileBackend>> SDMCArchive::OpenFileBase(const Path& path, const Mode& mode) const { LOG_DEBUG(Service_FS, "called path={} mode={:01X}", path.DebugStr(), mode.hex); const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } if (mode.hex == 0) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Empty open mode"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPEN_FLAGS; } if (mode.create_flag && !mode.write_flag) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Create flag set but write flag not set"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPEN_FLAGS; } const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::FileInPath: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Path not found {}", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "{} is not a file", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; case PathParser::NotFound: if (!mode.create_flag) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Non-existing file {} can't be open without mode create.", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } else { // Create the file FileUtil::CreateEmptyFile(full_path); } break; case PathParser::FileFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } FileUtil::IOFile file(full_path, mode.write_flag ? "r+b" : "rb"); if (!file.IsOpen()) { LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "Error opening {}: {}", full_path, GetLastErrorMsg()); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } std::unique_ptr<DelayGenerator> delay_generator = std::make_unique<SDMCDelayGenerator>(); auto disk_file = std::make_unique<DiskFile>(std::move(file), mode, std::move(delay_generator)); return MakeResult<std::unique_ptr<FileBackend>>(std::move(disk_file)); } ResultCode SDMCArchive::DeleteFile(const Path& path) const { const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::FileInPath: case PathParser::NotFound: LOG_DEBUG(Service_FS, "{} not found", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "{} is not a file", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; case PathParser::FileFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } if (FileUtil::Delete(full_path)) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Unknown error deleting {}", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } ResultCode SDMCArchive::RenameFile(const Path& src_path, const Path& dest_path) const { const PathParser path_parser_src(src_path); // TODO: Verify these return codes with HW if (!path_parser_src.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid src path {}", src_path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const PathParser path_parser_dest(dest_path); if (!path_parser_dest.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid dest path {}", dest_path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto src_path_full = path_parser_src.BuildHostPath(mount_point); const auto dest_path_full = path_parser_dest.BuildHostPath(mount_point); if (FileUtil::Rename(src_path_full, dest_path_full)) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } // TODO(yuriks): This code probably isn't right, it'll return a Status even if the file didn't // exist or similar. Verify. return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NoData, ErrorModule::FS, // TODO: verify description ErrorSummary::NothingHappened, ErrorLevel::Status); } template <typename T> static ResultCode DeleteDirectoryHelper(const Path& path, const std::string& mount_point, T deleter) { const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } if (path_parser.IsRootDirectory()) return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::NotFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Path not found {}", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::FileInPath: case PathParser::FileFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Unexpected file in path {}", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } if (deleter(full_path)) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Directory not empty {}", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; } ResultCode SDMCArchive::DeleteDirectory(const Path& path) const { return DeleteDirectoryHelper(path, mount_point, FileUtil::DeleteDir); } ResultCode SDMCArchive::DeleteDirectoryRecursively(const Path& path) const { return DeleteDirectoryHelper( path, mount_point, [](const std::string& p) { return FileUtil::DeleteDirRecursively(p); }); } ResultCode SDMCArchive::CreateFile(const FileSys::Path& path, u64 size) const { const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::FileInPath: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Path not found {}", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "{} already exists", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; case PathParser::FileFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "{} already exists", full_path); return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; case PathParser::NotFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } if (size == 0) { FileUtil::CreateEmptyFile(full_path); return RESULT_SUCCESS; } FileUtil::IOFile file(full_path, "wb"); // Creates a sparse file (or a normal file on filesystems without the concept of sparse files) // We do this by seeking to the right size, then writing a single null byte. if (file.Seek(size - 1, SEEK_SET) && file.WriteBytes("", 1) == 1) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Too large file"); return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::TooLarge, ErrorModule::FS, ErrorSummary::OutOfResource, ErrorLevel::Info); } ResultCode SDMCArchive::CreateDirectory(const Path& path) const { const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::FileInPath: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Path not found {}", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: case PathParser::FileFound: LOG_DEBUG(Service_FS, "{} already exists", full_path); return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; case PathParser::NotFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } if (FileUtil::CreateDir(mount_point + path.AsString())) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Unknown error creating {}", mount_point); return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NoData, ErrorModule::FS, ErrorSummary::Canceled, ErrorLevel::Status); } ResultCode SDMCArchive::RenameDirectory(const Path& src_path, const Path& dest_path) const { const PathParser path_parser_src(src_path); // TODO: Verify these return codes with HW if (!path_parser_src.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid src path {}", src_path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const PathParser path_parser_dest(dest_path); if (!path_parser_dest.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid dest path {}", dest_path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto src_path_full = path_parser_src.BuildHostPath(mount_point); const auto dest_path_full = path_parser_dest.BuildHostPath(mount_point); if (FileUtil::Rename(src_path_full, dest_path_full)) { return RESULT_SUCCESS; } // TODO(yuriks): This code probably isn't right, it'll return a Status even if the file didn't // exist or similar. Verify. return ResultCode(ErrorDescription::NoData, ErrorModule::FS, // TODO: verify description ErrorSummary::NothingHappened, ErrorLevel::Status); } ResultVal<std::unique_ptr<DirectoryBackend>> SDMCArchive::OpenDirectory(const Path& path) const { const PathParser path_parser(path); if (!path_parser.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Invalid path {}", path.DebugStr()); return ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } const auto full_path = path_parser.BuildHostPath(mount_point); switch (path_parser.GetHostStatus(mount_point)) { case PathParser::InvalidMountPoint: LOG_CRITICAL(Service_FS, "(unreachable) Invalid mount point {}", mount_point); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::PathNotFound: case PathParser::NotFound: case PathParser::FileFound: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "{} not found", full_path); return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; case PathParser::FileInPath: LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Unexpected file in path {}", full_path); return ERROR_UNEXPECTED_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_SDMC; case PathParser::DirectoryFound: break; // Expected 'success' case } auto directory = std::make_unique<DiskDirectory>(full_path); return MakeResult<std::unique_ptr<DirectoryBackend>>(std::move(directory)); } u64 SDMCArchive::GetFreeBytes() const { // TODO: Stubbed to return 1GiB return 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } ArchiveFactory_SDMC::ArchiveFactory_SDMC(const std::string& sdmc_directory) : sdmc_directory(sdmc_directory) { LOG_DEBUG(Service_FS, "Directory {} set as SDMC.", sdmc_directory); } bool ArchiveFactory_SDMC::Initialize() { if (!Settings::values.use_virtual_sd) { LOG_WARNING(Service_FS, "SDMC disabled by config."); return false; } if (!FileUtil::CreateFullPath(sdmc_directory)) { LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Unable to create SDMC path."); return false; } return true; } ResultVal<std::unique_ptr<ArchiveBackend>> ArchiveFactory_SDMC::Open(const Path& path, u64 program_id) { std::unique_ptr<DelayGenerator> delay_generator = std::make_unique<SDMCDelayGenerator>(); auto archive = std::make_unique<SDMCArchive>(sdmc_directory, std::move(delay_generator)); return MakeResult<std::unique_ptr<ArchiveBackend>>(std::move(archive)); } ResultCode ArchiveFactory_SDMC::Format(const Path& path, const FileSys::ArchiveFormatInfo& format_info, u64 program_id) { // This is kind of an undesirable operation, so let's just ignore it. :) return RESULT_SUCCESS; } ResultVal<ArchiveFormatInfo> ArchiveFactory_SDMC::GetFormatInfo(const Path& path, u64 program_id) const { // TODO(Subv): Implement LOG_ERROR(Service_FS, "Unimplemented GetFormatInfo archive {}", GetName()); return ResultCode(-1); } } // namespace FileSys SERIALIZE_EXPORT_IMPL(FileSys::SDMCDelayGenerator)