From ff442d6cf906fc4f30a99d8ccaa7e16c742cabcc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lioncash <>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 16:35:27 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] chunk_file: General cleanup

- Remove unnecessary ifdefs
- Remove commented out code. Can be retrieved later if needed.
 src/common/chunk_file.h | 244 ----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 244 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/common/chunk_file.h b/src/common/chunk_file.h
index 7a3b537c71..dc8ac1fd98 100644
--- a/src/common/chunk_file.h
+++ b/src/common/chunk_file.h
@@ -32,35 +32,10 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <list>
 #include <set>
-#ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
-#if defined(IOS) || defined(MACGNUSTD)
-#include <tr1/type_traits>
 #include <type_traits>
 #include "common/common.h"
 #include "common/file_util.h"
-//#include "../ext/snappy/snappy-c.h"
-#if defined(IOS) || defined(MACGNUSTD)
-namespace std {
-    using tr1::is_pointer;
-#ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
-namespace std {
-    template <bool bool_value>
-    struct bool_constant {
-        typedef bool_constant<bool_value> type;
-        static const bool value = bool_value;
-    };
-    template <bool bool_value> const bool bool_constant<bool_value>::value;
-    template <typename T> struct is_pointer : public bool_constant<false> {};
-    template <typename T> struct is_pointer<T*> : public bool_constant<true> {};
 template <class T>
 struct LinkedListItem : public T
@@ -651,222 +626,3 @@ inline PointerWrapSection::~PointerWrapSection() {
-// Commented out because it is currently unused, and breaks builds on OSX
-/*class CChunkFileReader
-    enum Error {
-        ERROR_NONE,
-        ERROR_BAD_FILE,
-    };
-    // Load file template
-    template<class T>
-    static Error Load(const std::string& _rFilename, int _Revision, const char *_VersionString, T& _class, std::string* _failureReason) 
-    {
-        INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Loading %s" , _rFilename.c_str());
-        _failureReason->clear();
-        _failureReason->append("LoadStateWrongVersion");
-        if (!FileUtil::Exists(_rFilename)) {
-            _failureReason->clear();
-            _failureReason->append("LoadStateDoesntExist");
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: File doesn't exist");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        // Check file size
-        const u64 fileSize = FileUtil::GetSize(_rFilename);
-        static const u64 headerSize = sizeof(SChunkHeader);
-        if (fileSize < headerSize)
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: File too small");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        FileUtil::IOFile pFile(_rFilename, "rb");
-        if (!pFile)
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Can't open file for reading");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        // read the header
-        SChunkHeader header;
-        if (!pFile.ReadArray(&header, 1))
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Bad header size");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        // Check revision
-        if (header.Revision != _Revision)
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Wrong file revision, got %d expected %d",
-                header.Revision, _Revision);
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        if (strcmp(header.GitVersion, _VersionString) != 0)
-        {
-            WARN_LOG(COMMON, "This savestate was generated by a different version of PPSSPP, %s. It may not load properly.",
-                header.GitVersion);
-        }
-        // get size
-        const int sz = (int)(fileSize - headerSize);
-        if (header.ExpectedSize != sz)
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Bad file size, got %d expected %d",
-                sz, header.ExpectedSize);
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        // read the state
-        u8* buffer = new u8[sz];
-        if (!pFile.ReadBytes(buffer, sz))
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Error reading file");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        u8 *ptr = buffer;
-        u8 *buf = buffer;
-        if (header.Compress) {
-            u8 *uncomp_buffer = new u8[header.UncompressedSize];
-            size_t uncomp_size = header.UncompressedSize;
-            snappy_uncompress((const char *)buffer, sz, (char *)uncomp_buffer, &uncomp_size);
-            if ((int)uncomp_size != header.UncompressedSize) {
-                ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"Size mismatch: file: %i  calc: %i", (int)header.UncompressedSize, (int)uncomp_size);
-            }
-            ptr = uncomp_buffer;
-            buf = uncomp_buffer;
-            delete [] buffer;
-        }
-        PointerWrap p(&ptr, PointerWrap::MODE_READ);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        delete[] buf;
-        INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Done loading %s" , _rFilename.c_str());
-        if (p.error != p.ERROR_FAILURE) {
-            return ERROR_NONE;
-        } else {
-            return ERROR_BROKEN_STATE;
-        }
-    }
-    // Save file template
-    template<class T>
-    static Error Save(const std::string& _rFilename, int _Revision, const char *_VersionString, T& _class)
-    {
-        INFO_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Writing %s" , _rFilename.c_str());
-        FileUtil::IOFile pFile(_rFilename, "wb");
-        if (!pFile)
-        {
-            ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Error opening file for write");
-            return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-        }
-        bool compress = true;
-        // Get data
-        u8 *ptr = 0;
-        PointerWrap p(&ptr, PointerWrap::MODE_MEASURE);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        size_t const sz = (size_t)ptr;
-        u8 * buffer = new u8[sz];
-        ptr = &buffer[0];
-        p.SetMode(PointerWrap::MODE_WRITE);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        // Create header
-        SChunkHeader header;
-        header.Compress = compress ? 1 : 0;
-        header.Revision = _Revision;
-        header.ExpectedSize = (int)sz;
-        header.UncompressedSize = (int)sz;
-        strncpy(header.GitVersion, _VersionString, 32);
-        header.GitVersion[31] = '\0';
-        // Write to file
-        if (compress) {
-            size_t comp_len = snappy_max_compressed_length(sz);
-            u8 *compressed_buffer = new u8[comp_len];
-            snappy_compress((const char *)buffer, sz, (char *)compressed_buffer, &comp_len);
-            delete [] buffer;
-            header.ExpectedSize = (int)comp_len;
-            if (!pFile.WriteArray(&header, 1))
-            {
-                ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing header");
-                return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-            }
-            if (!pFile.WriteBytes(&compressed_buffer[0], comp_len)) {
-                ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing compressed data");
-                return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-            }    else {
-                INFO_LOG(COMMON, "Savestate: Compressed %i bytes into %i", (int)sz, (int)comp_len);
-            }
-            delete [] compressed_buffer;
-        } else {
-            if (!pFile.WriteArray(&header, 1))
-            {
-                ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing header");
-                return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-            }
-            if (!pFile.WriteBytes(&buffer[0], sz))
-            {
-                ERROR_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Failed writing data");
-                return ERROR_BAD_FILE;
-            }
-            delete [] buffer;
-        }
-        INFO_LOG(COMMON,"ChunkReader: Done writing %s", 
-                 _rFilename.c_str());
-        if (p.error != p.ERROR_FAILURE) {
-            return ERROR_NONE;
-        } else {
-            return ERROR_BROKEN_STATE;
-        }
-    }
-    template <class T>
-    static Error Verify(T& _class)
-    {
-        u8 *ptr = 0;
-        // Step 1: Measure the space required.
-        PointerWrap p(&ptr, PointerWrap::MODE_MEASURE);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        size_t const sz = (size_t)ptr;
-        std::vector<u8> buffer(sz);
-        // Step 2: Dump the state.
-        ptr = &buffer[0];
-        p.SetMode(PointerWrap::MODE_WRITE);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        // Step 3: Verify the state.
-        ptr = &buffer[0];
-        p.SetMode(PointerWrap::MODE_VERIFY);
-        _class.DoState(p);
-        return ERROR_NONE;
-    }
-    struct SChunkHeader
-    {
-        int Revision;
-        int Compress;
-        int ExpectedSize;
-        int UncompressedSize;
-        char GitVersion[32];
-    };
-}; */