diff --git a/dist/languages/da_DK.ts b/dist/languages/da_DK.ts
index b416f18043..53587ec82a 100644
--- a/dist/languages/da_DK.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/da_DK.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Vil du ignorere fejlen og fortsætte?
+ Set Analog StickIndstil analogstik
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Vil du ignorere fejlen og fortsætte?
Gendan standarder
+ ClearRyd
+ [not set][ikke sat]
+ Restore DefaultGendan standarder
+ InformationInformation
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Efter du trykker OK, skal du først flytte stikket vandret, og derefter lodret.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][tryk på tast]
+ Error!Fejl!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Du har valgt en tast, der allerede er i brug.
+ New ProfileNy profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Indtast et navn til den nye profil.
+ Delete ProfileSlet profil
+ Delete profile %1?Slet profilen %1?
+ Rename ProfileOmdøb profil
+ New name:Nyt navn:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Vil du ignorere fejlen og fortsætte?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsol-id: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dette erstatter din nuværende virtuelle 3DS med en ny. Din nuværende virtuelle 3DS vil ikke kunne genskabes. Dette kan have uventede effekter i spil. Dette fejler måske hvis du bruger et forældet config-lager. Fortsæt?
+ WarningAdvarsel
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEngelsk
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonym data bliver indsamlet</a>for at hjælpe med at forbedre Citra.<br/><br/>Har du lyst til at dele din brugsdata med os?
+ TelemetryTelemetri
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Nuværende emuleringshastighed. Værdier højere eller lavere end 100% indikerer at emuleringen kører hurtigere eller langsommere end en 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Hvor mange billeder pr sekund spillet vises med. Dette vil variere fra spil til spil og scene til scene.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Tid det tog at emulere en 3DS-skærmbillede, hastighedsbegrænsning og v-sync er tille talt med. For emulering med fuld hastighed skal dette højest være 16,67ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesRyd seneste filer
+ Update AvailableOpdatering tilgængelig
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?En opdatering er tilgængelig. Vil du installere den nu?
+ No Update FoundIngen opdatering fundet
+ No update is found.Ingen opdatering blev fundet.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 ikke understøttet
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Dit grafikkort understøtter måske ikke OpenGL 3.3, ellers kører du måske ikke den nyeste grafikdriver.
+ Invalid ROM FormatUgyldigt ROM-format
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Dette ROM-format understøttes ikke.<br/>Følg venligst guiden for at dumpe dine<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spilkasetter</a>eller<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerede titler</a>igen.
+ ROM CorruptedROM beskadiget
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Dette ROM er beskadiget.<br/>Følg venligst guiden for at dumpe dine<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spilkasetter </a>eller<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerede titler</a>igen.
+ ROM EncryptedROM krypteret
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Dette ROM er krypteret.<br/>Følg venligst guden for at dumpe dine<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spilkasetter</a>eller<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerede titler</a>igen.
+ Video Core ErrorVideokerne-fejl
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Der opstod en fejl. Se venligst<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>logfilen</a>for flere detaljer. Sørg for at du har de nyeste drivere til dit grafikkort.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Du kører standard Windows-drivere til dit grafikkort. Du bliver nødt til at installere de rigtige drivere til dit grafikkort fra producentens hjemmeside.
+ Error while loading ROM!Kunne ikke indlæse ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.En ukendt fejl opstod. Kig i logfilen for flere detaljer.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA skal installeres før brug
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Før du kan bruge denne CIA, skal den være installeret. Vil du installere den nu?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFejl ved åbning af %1-mappen
+ Folder does not exist!Mappen findes ikke!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Fejl ved åbning af %1
+ Select DirectoryVælg mappe
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS-program (%1);;Alle filer (*.*)
+ Load FileIndlæs fil
+ Load FilesIndlæs filer
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS-installationsfil (*.CIA)
+ All Files (*.*)Alle filer (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 blev succesfuldt installeret.
+ Unable to open FileKunne ikke åbne filen
+ Could not open %1Kunne ikke åbne %1
+ Installation abortedInstallation afbrudt
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsInstallationen af %1 blev afbrudt. Se logfilen for flere detaljer.
+ Invalid FileUgyldig fil
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 er ikke en gyldig CIA
+ Encrypted FileKrypteret fil
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 skal dekrypteres før brug i Citra. En rigtig 3DS skal bruges.
+ File not foundFilen blev ikke fundet
+ File "%1" not foundFilen "%1" blev ikke fundet
+ ContinueFortsæt
+ Missing Citra AccountManglende Citra-konto
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Du skal tilknytte din Citra-bruger for at indsende testcases.<br/>Gå til Emulering > Konfigurer... > Web for at gøre dette.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo-fil (%1);;Alle filer (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboIndlæs Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileFejl ved åbning af Amiibo-datafil
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Kunne ikke åbne Amiibo-filen "%1" til læsning.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileFejl ved læsning af Amiibo-datafil
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Kunne ikke læse hele Amiibo-dataen. Forventede af læse %1 bytes, men kun %2 bytes kunne læses.
+ Record MovieOptag film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?For at holde konsistens med RNG'en anbefales det at optage filmen fra starten af spillet.<br>Er du sikker på, at du vil optage filmen nu?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS-film (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Optagelsen vil begynde når du starter et spil.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Filmfilen, du prøver at indlæse var lavet med en anden version af Citra.<br/>Citra har haft nogle ændringer i løbet af den tid, og afspilningen kan tabe synkroniseringen eller ikke virke som forventet.<br/><br/>Er du sikker på, at du stadig vil indlæse filmfilen?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Filmfilen, du prøver at indlæse var optaget med et andet spil.<br/>Afspilningen virker måske ikke som forventet, og kan føre til uventede resultater.<br/><br/>Er du sikker på, at du vil indlæse filmfilen?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Filmfilen, du prøver at indlæse er ugyldig.<br/>Enten er filen beskadiget, ellers er der sket for store ændringer i film-modulet.<br/>Vælg venligst en anen filmfil og prøv igen.
+ Revision DismatchVersions-mismatch
+ Game DismatchSpil-mismatch
+ Invalid Movie FileUgyldig filmfil
+ Play MovieAfspil film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?For at holde konsistens med RNG'en, anbefales det at afspille filmen fra starten af spillet.<br>Er du sikker på, at du vil afspille filmen nu?
+ Game Not FoundSpil ikke fundet
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Filmen, du prøver på at afspille er fra et spil, der ikke er i spillisten. Hvis du ejer spillet, så tilføj venligst spillets mappe til spillisten og prøv at afspille filmen igen.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Filmoptagelse afbrudt
+ Movie SavedFilm gemt
+ The movie is successfully saved.Filmen er succesfuldt blevet gemt.
+ Capture ScreenshotTag skærmbillede
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG-billede (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Hastighed: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hastighed: %1%/%2%
+ Game: %1 FPSSpil: %1FPS
+ Frame: %1 msBillede: %1ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 mangler. <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>Dump venligst dine systemarkiver</a>.<br/>Fortsættelse af emuleringen kan føre til crashes og fejl.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundSystemarkiver blev ikke fundet
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorAlvorlig fejl
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Der opstod en kritisk fejl.<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Kontroller logfilen</a>for detaljer.<br/>Fortsættelse af emuleringen kan føre til crashes eller fejl.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortAfbryd
+ Would you like to exit now?Vil du afslutte nu?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Spillet kører stadig. Vil du stoppe emuleringen?
+ Playback CompletedAfspilning færdig
+ Movie playback completed.Afspilning af filmen er færdig.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNavn
+ CompatibilityKompatibilitet
+ RegionRegion
+ File typeFiltype
+ SizeStørrelse
+ Open Save Data LocationÅbn mappe til spildata
+ Open Extra Data LocationÅbn placering af ekstradata
+ Open Application LocationÅbn programmappe
+ Open Update Data LocationÅbn mappe til opdateringsdata
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNaviger til GameDB-side
+ Scan SubfoldersSkan undermapper
+ Remove Game DirectoryFjern spilmappe
+ Open Directory LocationÅbn mappens placering
@@ -3628,81 +3628,81 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectPerfekt
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Spillet fungerer fejlfrit uden nogle problemer med lyd eller grafik, alt testet funktionalitet virker som forventet uden
midlertidige løsninger.
+ GreatGod
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Spillet fungerer med kun små fejl i grafik eller lyd og kan spilles fra start til slut. Kan måske kræve
at nogle fejl omgås.
+ OkayOkay
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Spillet virker, men med store fejl i grafik og lyd, men kan spilles fra start til slut ved at omgå fejlene.
+ BadDårlig
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Spillet virker, men med store fejl i grafik og lyd. Kan ikke komme forbi bestemte områder på grund af fejl,
selv ved forsøg på at omgå dem.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Spillet kan ikke spilles på grund af store fejl i grafik eller lyd.
Kan ikke fortsætte efter startskærmen.
+ Won't BootKører ikke
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Spillet crasher ved forsøg på at starte.
+ Not TestedIkke testet
+ The game has not yet been tested.Spillet er ikke endnu blevet testet.
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ Kan ikke fortsætte efter startskærmen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3718,27 +3718,27 @@ Kan ikke fortsætte efter startskærmen.
+ ofaf
+ resultresultat
+ resultsresultater
+ Filter:Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filterIndtast mønster til filtrering
@@ -4426,42 +4426,42 @@ Fejlfindingsbesked:
Genopfrisk lobby
+ Password Required to JoinAdgangskode krævet for deltagelse
+ Password:Adgangskode:
+ Room NameRumnavn
+ Preferred GameForetrukket spil
+ HostVært
+ PlayersSpillere
+ RefreshingGenopfrisker
+ Refresh ListGenopfrisk liste
@@ -5031,83 +5031,83 @@ Måske har de forladt rummet.
Spiller ikke et spil
+ Invalid regionUgyldig region
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ikke sat]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Akse %1%2
+ Button %1Knap %1
+ [unknown][ukendt]
+ [unused][ubrugt]
+ Axis %1Akse %1
@@ -5285,37 +5285,37 @@ Måske har de forladt rummet.
+ RegistersRegistre
+ VFP RegistersVFP-registre
+ VFP System RegistersVFP-systemregistre
+ Vector LengthVektorlængde
+ Vector StrideVektor-stride
+ Rounding ModeAfrundingstilstand
+ Vector Iteration CountVektorens antal iterationer
diff --git a/dist/languages/de.ts b/dist/languages/de.ts
index c435dfdf28..4d679fe3ec 100644
--- a/dist/languages/de.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/de.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Möchten Sie den Error ignorieren und fortfahren?
+ Set Analog StickAnalog-Stick festlegen
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Möchten Sie den Error ignorieren und fortfahren?
Standardwerte wiederherstellen
+ ClearZurücksetzen
+ [not set][Nicht konfiguriert]
+ Restore DefaultStandard wiederherstellen
+ InformationInformationen
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Drücken Sie OK und bewegen Sie den Joystick zuerst horizontal, dann vertikal.
+ Deadzone: %1%Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][Taste drücken]
+ Error!Fehler!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Sie benutzen eine Taste, die schon zugewiesen wurde.
+ New ProfileNeues Profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Geben Sie den Namen für das neue Profil ein.
+ Delete ProfileProfil löschen
+ Delete profile %1?Profil %1 löschen?
+ Rename ProfileProfil umbenennen
+ New name:Neuer Name:
+ Duplicate profile nameProfilname dublizieren
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Der Profilname existiert bereits. Bitte nutzen sie einen anderen Namen.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Möchten Sie den Error ignorieren und fortfahren?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsolen-ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dies ersetzt Ihren aktuellen virtuellen 3DS mit einem neuen. Der aktuelle virtuelle 3DS kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Es könnten unerwartete Effekte in Spielen auftreten. Sollten Sie veraltete Konfigurationen verwenden, könnte dies scheitern. Fortfahren?
+ WarningWarnung
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Ziehe Punkte, um ihre Position zu verändern, oder doppelklicke auf Zellen in de
Einzeiliger Modus
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEnglisch
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Ziehe Punkte, um ihre Position zu verändern, oder doppelklicke auf Zellen in de
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?Möchten Sie <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>anonyme Nutzungsdaten</a> an das Citra Team senden und so helfen, Citra weiter zu verbessern?
+ TelemetryTelemetrie
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Derzeitige Emulationsgeschwindigkeit. Werte höher oder niedriger als 100% zeigen, dass die Emulation schneller oder langsamer läuft als auf einem 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Die Anzahl der Bilder pro Sekunde die das Spiel gerade darstellt. Dies wird von Spiel zu Spiel und von Szene zu Szene variieren.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Die benötigte Zeit um ein 3DS-Einzelbild zu emulieren (V-Sync oder Bildratenbegrenzung nicht mitgezählt). Bei Echtzeitemulation sollte dieser Wert 16,67ms betragen.
+ Clear Recent FilesZuletzt verwendete Dateien zurücksetzen
+ Update AvailableUpdate verfügbar
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Ein Update ist verfügbar. Möchten Sie es jetzt installieren?
+ No Update FoundKein Update gefunden
+ No update is found.Kein Update gefunden.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 wird nicht unterstützt
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Ihre Grafikkarte unterstützt OpenGL 3.3 möglicherweise nicht. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der aktuellste Grafiktreiber installiert ist.
+ Invalid ROM FormatUngültiges ROM-Format
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Dieses ROM-Format wird nicht unterstützt.<br/>Bitte befolgen Sie die Guides, um Ihre Spiele (<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>Karten</a> oder <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>Downloadtitel</a>) erneut zu dumpen.
+ ROM CorruptedROM beschädigt
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Diese ROM ist beschädigt. <br/>Bitte befolgen Sie die Anweisungen, um Ihre Spiele (<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>Karten</a> oder <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>Downloadtitel</a>) erneut zu dumpen.
+ ROM EncryptedROM verschlüsselt
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Dieses ROM ist verschlüsselt. <br/>Bitte befolgen Sie die Guides, um Ihre Spiele (<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>Karten</a> oder <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>Downloadtitel</a>) erneut zu dumpen.
+ Video Core ErrorVideokernfehler
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Weitere Details finden Sie in der <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Logdatei</a>. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der aktuellste Grafiktreiber installiert ist.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Sie benutzen die vorinstallierten Windows Treiber für deine Grafikkarte. Sie müssen den korrekten Grafiktreiber von der Herstellerseite Ihrer Grafikkarte herunterladen und installieren.
+ Error while loading ROM!Fehler beim Laden des ROMs!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Details finden Sie in der Logdatei.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA muss vor der Benutzung installiert sein
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Vor dem Nutzen dieser CIA, muss sie installiert werden. Möchtest du sie jetzt installieren?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Konnte Video Dumping nicht starten. <br>Sieh dir den Log für Details an.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Slot %1-%2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFehler beim Öffnen des Ordners %1
+ Folder does not exist!Ordner existiert nicht!
+ Dumping...Dumpt...
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Konnte base RomFS nicht dumpen.
Sieh dir den Log für Details an.
+ Error Opening %1Fehler beim Öffnen von %1
+ Select DirectoryOrdner auswählen
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS Programmdatei (%1);;Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ Load FileDatei laden
+ Load FilesDateien laden
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Installationsdatei (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 wurde erfolgreich installiert.
+ Unable to open FileDatei konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Could not open %1Konnte %1 nicht öffnen
+ Installation abortedInstallation abgebrochen
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsDie Installation von %1 wurde abgebrochen. Details finden Sie in der Logdatei.
+ Invalid FileUngültige Datei
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 ist kein gültiges CIA
+ Encrypted FileVerschlüsselte Datei
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 muss entschlüsselt werden, bevor es mit Citra verwendet werden kann. Hierzu ist ein 3DS ist notwendig.
+ File not foundDatei nicht gefunden
+ File "%1" not foundDatei "%1" nicht gefunden
+ ContinueFortsetzen
+ Missing Citra AccountFehlender Citra-Account
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Sie müssen Ihren Citra-Account verknüpfen, um Tests hochzuladen.<br/>Gehen Sie hierzu zu Emulation > Configure... > Web.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Datei (%1);; Alle Dateien (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo laden
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileFehler beim Öffnen der Amiibo Datei
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Die Amiibo Datei "%1" konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileFehler beim Lesen der Amiibo-Daten
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Amiibo-Daten können nicht vollständig gelesen werden. Es wurde erwartet, dass %1 Bytes gelesen werden, es konnten aber nur %2 Bytes gelesen werden.
+ Record MovieAufnahme starten
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Um unterschiedliche Ergebnisse bei zufallsbasierten Ereignissen zu vermeiden, sollte eine Aufnahme zusammen mit dem dem Spiel gestartet werden. <br>Möchten Sie die Aufnahme dennoch jetzt starten?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Die Aufnahme startet, sobald Sie ein Spiel starten.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Die gewünschte Aufnahme wurde mit einer anderen Version von Citra erstellt.<br/>Citra hat seitdem einige Änderungen durchlaufen und die Aufnahme könnte asynchron oder fehlerhaft sein.<br/><br/>Soll sie trotzdem geladen werden?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Die gewünschte Aufnahme wurde mit einem anderen Spiel aufgenommen.<br/>Die Wiedergabe könnte unerwartete Fehler verursachen.<br/><br/>Soll sie dennoch geladen werden?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Die gewünschte Aufnahme ist ungültig.<br/>Die Datei ist entweder beschädigt, oder es wurden große Veränderungen an Citra's Aufnahme-Modul vorgenommen.<br/><br/>Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Aufnahme und versuche es noch einmal.
+ Revision DismatchRevision stimmt nicht überein
+ Game DismatchSpiel stimmt nicht überein
+ Invalid Movie FileUngültige Aufnahme
+ Play MovieAufnahme abspielen
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Um unterschiedliche Ergebnisse bei zufallsbasierten Ereignissen während der Wiedergabe einer Aufnahme zu vermeiden, sollte die Wiedergabe immer zusammen mit dem Spiel gestartet werden. <br>Möchten Sie die Aufnahme dennoch jetzt wiedergeben?
+ Game Not FoundSpiel nicht gefunden
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Die gewünschte Aufnahme ist von einem Spiel, das nicht in der Spileliste ist. Wenn Sie das Spiel besitzen, fügen Sie den entsprechenden Ordner zur Spieleliste hinzu und versuchen es erneut.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Aufnahme abgebrochen.
+ Movie SavedAufnahme gespeichert
+ The movie is successfully saved.Die Aufnahme wurde erfolgreich gespeichert.
+ Capture ScreenshotScreenshot aufnehmen
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Bild (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Geschwindigkeit: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Geschwindigkeit: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSSpiel: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msEinzelbild: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 Fehlt. <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>Bitte dumpen Sie Ihre Systemarchive</a>. <br/>Das Fortsetzen der Emulation könnte zu einem Absturz oder Bugs führen.
+ A system archiveEin Systemarchiv
+ System Archive Not FoundSystemarchiv nicht gefunden
+ System Archive MissingSystemarchiv fehlt
+ Save/load ErrorSpeichern/Laden Fehler
+ Fatal ErrorFataler Fehler
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Ein schwerwiegender Fehler ist aufgetreten. Details finden Sie in der <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Logdatei</a>.<br/>Das fortsetzten der Emulation könnte zu einem Absturz oder Bugs führen.
+ Fatal Error encounteredauf fatalen Fehler gestoßen
+ AbortAbbrechen
+ Would you like to exit now?Möchten Sie die Anwendung jetzt verlassen?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Das Spiel läuft noch. Möchten Sie die Emulation stoppen?
+ Playback CompletedWiedergabe abgeschlossen
+ Movie playback completed.Wiedergabe der Aufnahme abgeschlossen.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Sieh dir den Log für Details an.
+ NameName
+ CompatibilityKompatibilität
+ RegionRegion
+ File typeDateityp
+ SizeGröße
+ Open Save Data LocationVerzeichnis der Speicherdaten öffnen
+ Open Extra Data LocationVerzeichnis für zusätzliche Daten öffnen
+ Open Application LocationVerzeichnis der Programmdaten öffnen
+ Open Update Data LocationVerzeichnis der Updatedaten öffnen
+ Open Texture Dump LocationÖffne Texture Dump Standort
+ Open Custom Texture LocationÖffne Custom Texture Standort
+ Open Mods LocationÖffne Mods Standort
+ Dump RomFSDumpe RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNavigiere zum GameDB Eintrag
+ Scan SubfoldersUnterordner scannen
+ Remove Game DirectorySpieleverzeichnis entfernen
+ Open Directory LocationVerzeichnispfad öffnen
@@ -3630,79 +3630,79 @@ Sieh dir den Log für Details an.
+ PerfectPerfekt
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Das Spiel funktioniert fehlerfrei, ohne Grafik- oder Audiofehler. Sämtliche Features funktionieren wie vorgesehen. Workarounds sind nicht nötig.
+ GreatGut
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Das Spiel funktioniert mit kleineren Grafik- und Audiofehlern und lässt sich bis zum Ende durchspielen.
Eventuell sind einige Workarounds notwendig.
+ OkayOkay
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Das Spiel funktioniert mit größern Grafik- und Audiofehlern,
lässt sich mit Workarounds aber bis zum Ende durchspielen.
+ BadSchlecht
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Das Spiel funktioniert, aber mit größeren Grafik- und Audiofehlern. Spielfortschritt ist aufgrund von Glitches zum Teil unmöglich, auch nicht mit Workarounds.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menü
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Das Spiel ist wegen schwerwiegenden Grafik- und Audiofehlern unspielbar. Das Spiel lässt sich lediglich starten.
+ Won't BootStartet nicht
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Das Spiel stürzt beim Versuch es zu starten ab.
+ Not TestedNicht getestet
+ The game has not yet been tested.Das Spiel wurde noch nicht getestet.
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listDoppel-Klick um neue Ordner zur Spieleliste hinzuzufügen
@@ -3718,27 +3718,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofvon
+ resultErgebnis
+ resultsErgebnisse
+ Filter:Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filterGeben Sie Wörter zum Filtern ein
@@ -4428,42 +4428,42 @@ Debug Meldung:
Lobby aktualisieren
+ Password Required to JoinPasswort zum Beitreten benötigt
+ Password:Passwort:
+ Room NameRaumname
+ Preferred GameBevorzugtes Spiel
+ HostHost
+ PlayersSpieler
+ RefreshingNeu Laden
+ Refresh ListListe aktualisieren
@@ -5032,83 +5032,83 @@ Er hat eventuell den Raum verlassen.
Spielt kein Spiel
+ Invalid regionUngültiges Gebiet
+ Installed TitlesInstallierte Titel
+ System TitlesSystem Titel
+ Add New Game DirectoryNeues Spieleverzeichnis hinzufügen
+ ShiftUmschalttaste
+ CtrlStrg
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nicht gesetzt]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Achse %1%2
+ Button %1Taste %1
+ [unknown][unbekannt]
+ [unused][ungenutzt]
+ Axis %1Achse %1
@@ -5286,37 +5286,37 @@ Er hat eventuell den Raum verlassen.
+ RegistersRegister
+ VFP RegistersVFP Register
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Register
+ Vector LengthVektorlänge
+ Vector StrideVektor Stride
+ Rounding ModeRundungsmodus
+ Vector Iteration CountVektor-Iterationszähler
diff --git a/dist/languages/es_ES.ts b/dist/languages/es_ES.ts
index f0498c91e0..b2aea5961c 100644
--- a/dist/languages/es_ES.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/es_ES.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickConfigurar Palanca Analógica
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ ClearReiniciar
+ [not set][no establecido]
+ Restore DefaultRestablecer
+ InformationInformación
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Después de pulsar Aceptar, mueve tu joystick horizontalmente, y luego verticalmente.
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona muerta:: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%Modificador de Escala: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Zona muerta: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%Modificador de Escala: 0%
+ [press key][pulsa un botón]
+ Error!¡Error!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Estás usando una tecla que ya está en uso.
+ New ProfileNuevo Perfil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Introduzca el nombre del nuevo perfil.
+ Delete ProfileEliminar Perfil
+ Delete profile %1?¿Eliminar perfil %1?
+ Rename ProfileRenombrar Perfil
+ New name:Nuevo nombre:
+ Duplicate profile nameNombre de perfil duplicado
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Ya existe este nombre de perfil. Por favor, seleccione otro nombre.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID de Consola: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Esto reemplazará tu 3DS virtual por una nueva. Tu 3DS virtual actual será irrecuperable. Esto puede tener efectos inesperados en determinados juegos. Si usas un archivo de configuración obsoleto, esto podría fallar. ¿Desea continuar?
+ WarningAdvertencia
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Mueve los puntos para cambiar la posición, o haz doble click en las celdas de l
Modo Una Línea
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishInglés (English)
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Mueve los puntos para cambiar la posición, o haz doble click en las celdas de l
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Se recogen datos anónimos</a> para ayudar a mejorar Citra. <br/><br/>¿Quieres compartir tus datos de uso con nosotros?
+ TelemetryTelemetría
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.La velocidad de emulación actual. Valores mayores o menores de 100% indican que la velocidad de emulación funciona más rápida o lentamente que en una 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Los fotogramas por segundo que está mostrando el juego. Variarán de juego en juego y de escena a escena.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.El tiempo que lleva emular un fotograma de 3DS, sin tener en cuenta el limitador de fotogramas, ni la sincronización vertical. Para una emulación óptima, este valor no debe superar los 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesLimpiar Archivos Recientes
+ Update AvailableActualización Disponible
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Hay una actualización disponible. ¿Quieres instalarla ahora?
+ No Update FoundActualización No Encontrada
+ No update is found.No se han encontrado actualizaciones.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedTu gráfica no soporta OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver. Tu tarjeta gráfica no soporta OpenGL 3.3, o no tienes los últimos controladores gráficos para tu tarjeta.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormato de ROM no válido
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Tu formato de ROM no es válido.<br/>Por favor, sigue las instrucciones para volver a volcar tus <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de juego</a> y/o <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Corrupto
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Tu ROM está corrupto. <br/>Por favor, sigue las instrucciones para volver a volcar tus<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de juego</a> y/o <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Encriptado
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Tu ROM está encriptado. <br/>Por favor, sigue las instrucciones para volver a volcar tus<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de juego</a> y/o <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorError en el Núcleo de Vídeo
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Ha ocurrido un error. Por favor,<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>mira el log</a> para más detalles. Asegúrese de tener los últimos drivers de tu tarjeta gráfica instalados.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Estás usando los controladores por defecto de Windows para tu GPU. Necesitas instalar los controladores de tu tarjeta gráfica de la página del fabricante.
+ Error while loading ROM!¡Error al cargar la ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Un error desconocido ha ocurrido. Por favor, mira el log para más detalles.
+ CIA must be installed before usageEl CIA debe estar instalado antes de usarse
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Antes de usar este CIA, debes instalarlo. ¿Quieres instalarlo ahora?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.No se pudo empezar el volcado del vídeo.<br>Compruebe el registro para más detalles..
+ StartIniciar
+ Slot %1Ranura %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Ranura %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderError al abrir la carpeta %1
+ Folder does not exist!¡La carpeta no existe!
+ Dumping...Volcando...
+ CancelCancelar
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.No se pudo volcar el RomFS base.
Compruebe el registro para más detalles.
+ Error Opening %1Error al abrir %1
+ Select DirectorySeleccionar directorio
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Ejecutable 3DS(%1);;Todos los archivos(*.*)
+ Load FileCargar Archivo
+ Load FilesCargar archivos
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Archivo de Instalación de 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 ha sido instalado con éxito.
+ Unable to open FileNo se pudo abrir el Archivo
+ Could not open %1No se pudo abrir %1
+ Installation abortedInstalación interrumpida
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsLa instalación de %1 ha sido cancelada. Por favor, consulte los registros para más información.
+ Invalid FileArchivo no válido
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 no es un archivo CIA válido
+ Encrypted FileArchivo Encriptado
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 debe ser desencriptado antes de ser usado en Citra. Se requiere de una 3DS real.
+ File not foundArchivo no encontrado
+ File "%1" not foundArchivo "%1" no encontrado
+ ContinueContinuar
+ Missing Citra AccountFalta la cuenta de Citra
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Debes vincular tu cuenta de Citra para enviar casos de pruebas.<br/>Ve a Emulación > Configurar... > Web para hacerlo.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Archivo de Amiibo(%1);; Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCargar Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileError al abrir el archivo del Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.No se pudo abrir el archivo del Amiibo "%1" para su lectura.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileError al leer el archivo del Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.No se pudieron leer completamente los datos del Amiibo. Se esperaba leer %1 bytes, pero sólo se pudieron leer %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieGrabar Película
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Para mantener la consistencia con el RNG, se recomienda grabar la película desde el inicio del juego.<br>¿Estás seguro de que quieres grabar una película ahora?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.La grabación comenzará una vez que inicies un juego.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?La película que estás intentando cargar se creó en una revisión distinta de Citra.<br/>Citra ha tenido cambios durante ese tiempo, y la reproducción puede desincronizarse o no funcionar de la forma esperada.<br/><br/>¿Quiere seguir cargando el archivo de la película?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?La película que está intentando cargar fue grabada con otro juego.<br/>La reproducción puede no funcionar bien, y puede derivar en resultados inesperados.<br/><br/>¿Quiere seguir reproduciendo la película?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.La película que estás intentando cargar no es válida.<br/>O el archivo está corrupto, o Citra ha hecho muchos cambios al módulo Película.<br/> Por favor, elija una película distinta e inténtalo de nuevo.
+ Revision DismatchNo coincide la revisión
+ Game DismatchNo coincide el juego
+ Invalid Movie FilePelícula No Válida
+ Play MovieReproducir Película
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Para mantener la constancia con el RNG, se recomienda reproducir la película desde el inicio del juego.<br>¿Estás seguro de que quieres reproducir una película ahora?
+ Game Not FoundJuego No Encontrado
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.La película que intenta reproducir es de un juego que no está en su lista de juegos. Si tienes el juego, por favor, añade el juego a su lista de juegos e intente reproducir la película de nuevo.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Grabación de película cancelada.
+ Movie SavedPelícula Guardada
+ The movie is successfully saved.Película guardada con éxito.
+ Capture ScreenshotHacer Captura de Pantalla
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagen PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Velocidad: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocidad: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSJuego: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Falta %1. Por favor, <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>vuelca tus archivos de sistema</a>.<br/>Continuar la emulación puede resultar en cuelgues y errores.
+ A system archiveUn archivo de sistema
+ System Archive Not FoundArchivo de Sistema no encontrado
+ System Archive MissingFalta un Archivo de Sistema
+ Save/load ErrorError de guardado/carga
+ Fatal ErrorError Fatal
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Ha ocurrido un error fatal. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Mira el log</a> para más detalles.<br/>Continuar la emulación puede resultar en cuelgues y errores.
+ Fatal Error encounteredError Fatal encontrado
+ AbortAbortar
+ Would you like to exit now?¿Quiere salir ahora?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?El juego sigue ejecutándose. ¿Quiere parar la emulación?
+ Playback CompletedReproducción Completada
+ Movie playback completed.Reproducción de película completada.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Compruebe el registro para más detalles.
+ NameNombre
+ CompatibilityCompatibilidad
+ RegionRegión
+ File typeTipo de Archivo
+ SizeTamaño
+ Open Save Data LocationAbrir ubicación de los archivos de guardado
+ Open Extra Data LocationAbrir ubicación de los Datos Adicionales
+ Open Application LocationAbrir ubicación de la aplicación
+ Open Update Data LocationAbrir ubicación de los archivos de actualización
+ Open Texture Dump LocationAbrir Carpeta de Volcado de Texturas
+ Open Custom Texture LocationAbrir Carpeta de Texturas Personalizadas
+ Open Mods LocationAbrir ubicación de los mods
+ Dump RomFSVolcar RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryIr a la base de datos de los juegos
+ Scan SubfoldersEscanear subdirectorios
+ Remove Game DirectoryEliminar directorio de juegos
+ Open Directory LocationAbrir ubicación del directorio
@@ -3630,82 +3630,82 @@ Compruebe el registro para más detalles.
+ PerfectPerfecto
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.El juego funciona a la perfección, sin problemas de sonido o gráficos, todas las funcionalidades probadas funcionan según lo previsto sin
la necesidad de soluciones temporales.
+ GreatExcelente
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.El juego funciona con pequeños problemas gráficos o de sonido y es jugable de principio a fin. Podría requerir de
soluciones temporales.
+ OkayBien
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.El juego funciona con importantes problemas gráficos o de sonido, pero el juego es jugable de principio a fin con
soluciones temporales.
+ BadMal
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.El juego funciona, pero con notables problemas gráficos o de sonido. Es imposible avanzar en zonas específicas debido a
fallos incluso con soluciones temporales.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menú
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.No es posible jugar al juego debido a importantes problemas gráficos o de sonido. Es imposible avanzar
más allá de la pantalla de inicio.
+ Won't BootNo inicia
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.El juego se bloquea al intentar iniciarse.
+ Not TestedSin probar
+ The game has not yet been tested.El juego todavía no ha sido testeado.
@@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ más allá de la pantalla de inicio.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listHaz doble click para añadir una nueva carpeta a la lista de juegos
@@ -3721,27 +3721,27 @@ más allá de la pantalla de inicio.
+ ofde
+ resultresultado
+ resultsresultados
+ Filter:Filtro:
+ Enter pattern to filterIntroduzca un patrón para filtrar
@@ -4430,42 +4430,42 @@ Mensaje de depuración:
Actualizar Lobby
+ Password Required to JoinContraseña Necesaria para Unirse
+ Password:Contraseña:
+ Room NameNombre de Sala
+ Preferred GameJuego Preferente
+ HostHost
+ PlayersJugadores
+ RefreshingActualizando
+ Refresh ListActualizar Lista
@@ -5035,83 +5035,83 @@ Puede que haya dejado la sala.
No está jugando
+ Invalid regionRegión no válida
+ Installed TitlesTítulos Instalados
+ System TitlesTítulos de Sistema
+ Add New Game DirectoryAñadir Nuevo Directorio de Juegos
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][no establecido]
+ Hat %1 %2Rotación %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Axis %1%2
+ Button %1Botón %1
+ [unknown][desconocido]
+ [unused][sin usar]
+ Axis %1Axis %1
@@ -5289,37 +5289,37 @@ Puede que haya dejado la sala.
+ RegistersRegistros
+ VFP RegistersRegistros VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRegistro de Sistema VFP
+ Vector LengthLongitud del Vector
+ Vector StridePaso de Vector
+ Rounding ModeModo Aproximado
+ Vector Iteration CountCuenta de Iteraciones del Vector
diff --git a/dist/languages/fi.ts b/dist/languages/fi.ts
index 6329087ed2..5a5b45b48c 100644
--- a/dist/languages/fi.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/fi.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Haluatko sivuuttaa virheen ja jatkaa?
+ Set Analog StickAseta Analogitikku
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Haluatko sivuuttaa virheen ja jatkaa?
Palauta oletusarvot
+ ClearTyhjennä
+ [not set][ei asetettu]
+ Restore DefaultPalauta oletusarvo
+ InformationInformaatio
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Sen jälkeen, kun painat OK, liikuta tikkusi aluksi vaakasuorasti, sitten pystysuorasti.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][paina näppäintä]
+ Error!Virhe!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Käytät näppäintä joka on jo sidottu.
+ New ProfileUusi Profiili
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Laita nimi uudelle profiilille.
+ Delete ProfilePoista Profiili
+ Delete profile %1?Poista profiili %1?
+ Rename ProfileNimeä Profiili Uudelleen
+ New name:Uusi nimi:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Profiilin nimi on jo olemassa. Valitse toinen nimi.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Haluatko sivuuttaa virheen ja jatkaa?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsolin Tunnus: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Tämä vaihtaa nykyisen virtuaalisen 3DS:än uudella. Nykyistä vituaalista 3DS:ää ei mahdollisesti voi palauttaa. Tämä voi aiheuttaa odottamattomia efektejä peleissä. Tamä voi epäonnistua jos käytät vanhentunutta konfiguraatiotallenusta. Jatka?
+ WarningVaroitus
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEnglanti
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonyymiä tietoa kerätään</a>parantaaksemme Citraa. <br/><br/>Haluaisitko jakaa käyttötetoa meidän kanssa?
+ TelemetryTelemetria
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Nykyinen emulaationopeus. Arvot yli tai ali 100% osoittavat, että emulaatio on nopeampi tai hitaampi kuin 3DS:än nopeus.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Kuinka monta kuvaruutua peli näyttää tällä hetkellä. Tämä vaihtuu pelistä peliin ja kohtauksesta kohtaukseen.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent Files
+ Update AvailablePäivitys Saatavilla.
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Päivitys on saatavilla. Haluaisitko asentaa sen nyt?
+ No Update FoundPäivityksiä ei löytynyt.
+ No update is found.Päivitystä ei löytynyt.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 ei tuettu
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Näytönohjaimesi ei saata tukea OpenGL 3.3:a. tai sinulla ei ole uusinta grafiikkaohjainta.
+ Invalid ROM FormatEpäsopiva pelitiedoston formaatti
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Korruptoitunut
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Salattu
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ Video Core Error
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.
+ Error while loading ROM!Virhe ladatessa ROM:ia!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Tuntematon virhe tapahtui. Katso virhelogi lisätiedon saantiin.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA pitää asenaa ennen käyttöä
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Ennen, kun voit käyttää tätä CIA:aa, sinun täytyy asentaa se. Haluatko asentaa sen nyt?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartAloita
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderVirhe Avatessa %1 Kansio
+ Folder does not exist!Kansio ei ole olemassa!
+ Dumping...
+ CancelPeruuta
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Virhe avatessa %1
+ Select DirectoryValitse hakemisto
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileLataa tiedosto
+ Load FilesLataa tiedostoja
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Asennustiedosto (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 asennettiin onnistuneesti.
+ Unable to open FileTiedostoa ei voitu avata
+ Could not open %1Ei voitu avata %1
+ Installation abortedAsennus keskeytetty
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details
+ Invalid FileSopimaton Tiedosto
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 ei ole sopiva CIA-tiedosto
+ Encrypted FileSalattu Tiedosto
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.
+ File not foundTiedostoa ei löytynyt
+ File "%1" not foundTiedosto "%1" ei löytynyt.
+ ContinueJatka
+ Missing Citra AccountPuuttuva Citra-Tunnus
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo tiedosto (%1);; Kaikki tiedostot (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLataa Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileVirhe avatessa Amiibo-tietoa
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileVirhe avatessa Amiibo-tiedostoa
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieTallenna Video
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS-video (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Kuvaus alkaa, kun aloitat pelin.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.
+ Revision Dismatch
+ Game Dismatch
+ Invalid Movie File
+ Play MovieToista nauhoitus
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?
+ Game Not FoundPeliä ei löytynyt
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.
+ Movie recording cancelled.
+ Movie Saved
+ The movie is successfully saved.
+ Capture ScreenshotOta kuvakaappaus
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG-Kuva (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Nopeus: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Nopeus %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSPeli: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKuvaruutu: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not Found
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal Error
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortKeskeytä
+ Would you like to exit now?Haluatko poistua nyt?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Peli on viellä käynnissä. Haluatko pysäyttää emulaation?
+ Playback Completed
+ Movie playback completed.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNimi
+ CompatibilityYhteensopivuus
+ RegionAlue
+ File typeTiedoston tyyppi
+ SizeKoko
+ Open Save Data LocationAvaa Tallennustiedon Sijainti
+ Open Extra Data LocationAvaa Lisätiedon Sijainti
+ Open Application Location
+ Open Update Data Location
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entry
+ Scan Subfolders
+ Remove Game DirectoryPoista pelihakemisto
+ Open Directory LocationAvaa hakemiston sijainti
@@ -3628,77 +3628,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectTäydellinen
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.
+ GreatMahtava
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Peli toimii vähäisillä ääni- tai grafiikkaongelmia ja on pelattava alusta loppuun. Voi tarvia korjauksia.
+ OkayHyvä
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Peli toimii suurilla ääni- tai grafiikkaongelmia, mutta on pelattava alusta loppuun korjauksilla.
+ BadHuono
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.<html>Peli toimii, mutta suurilla ääni- tai grafiikkaongelmilla. Ei voi edetä tietyissä auleissa virheiden takia edes korjauksilla.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Peli on pelaamaton ääni- tai grafiikkaongelmien takia. Alkunäytöstä ei voi edetä.
+ Won't BootEi Käynnisty
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Peli kaatuu, kun yrittää käynnistyä.
+ Not TestedEi Testattu
+ The game has not yet been tested.Peliä ei ole testattu.
@@ -3706,7 +3706,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3714,27 +3714,27 @@ Screen.
+ of
+ result
+ results
+ Filter:Suodatin:
+ Enter pattern to filter
@@ -4411,42 +4411,42 @@ Debug Message:
Päivitä aula
+ Password Required to Join
+ Password:Salasana:
+ Room NameHuoneen nimi
+ Preferred GameSuosittu peli
+ HostIsäntä
+ PlayersPelaajia
+ RefreshingPäivitetään
+ Refresh ListPäivitä lista
@@ -5014,83 +5014,83 @@ They may have left the room.
Ei pelaa peliä
+ Invalid regionVirheellinen alue
+ Installed TitlesAsennetut pelit
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game DirectoryLisää uusi pelihakemisto
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ei asetettu]
+ Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2
+ Button %1
+ [unknown][tuntematon]
+ [unused][käyttämätön]
+ Axis %1
@@ -5268,37 +5268,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRekisterit
+ VFP Registers
+ VFP System Registers
+ Vector Length
+ Vector Stride
+ Rounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/fi_FI.ts b/dist/languages/fi_FI.ts
index 3c7099110a..0483b05488 100644
--- a/dist/languages/fi_FI.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/fi_FI.ts
@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ Ei pääse Tietystä Paikoista Läpi Ongelmista Johtuen.</p></body>&
+ Set Analog StickAsetta Analooginen Sauvaohjain
@@ -1340,105 +1340,105 @@ Ei pääse Tietystä Paikoista Läpi Ongelmista Johtuen.</p></body>&
Nolla Asetukset Alkuperäisiksi
+ ClearNollaa
+ [not set][Ei ole Asetettu]
+ Restore DefaultNolla Asetukset Alkuperäisiksi
+ InformationInfo
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][Paina Näppäintä]
+ Error!Virhe!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Valitsemasi Näppäin on jo käytössä.
+ New ProfileUusi Profiilli
+ Enter the name for the new profile.
+ Delete ProfilePoista Profiilli
+ Delete profile %1?Poista Profiilli %1?
+ Rename ProfileNimeä Profiilli Uudestaan
+ New name:Uusi Nimi:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2528,18 +2528,18 @@ Ei pääse Tietystä Paikoista Läpi Ongelmista Johtuen.</p></body>&
+ Console ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?
+ WarningVaroitus
@@ -2737,12 +2737,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ English
@@ -2952,528 +2952,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?
+ TelemetryTelemetria
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesNolla Äsketäisen avatut Tiedostot
+ Update AvailablePäivitys Saatavilla
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Päivitys on saatavilla. Haluatko asentaa sen nyt?
+ No Update FoundEi Uusia Päivityksiä
+ No update is found.Uusia Päivityksiä ei löytynyt.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Ei ole Tuettu
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Invalid ROM FormatTuntematon ROM Tiedosto Muoto
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Tiedostosi on Corruptoitu.
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM Encrypted
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ Video Core Error
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.
+ Error while loading ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.
+ CIA must be installed before usage
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartAloita
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folder
+ Folder does not exist!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1
+ Select Directory
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileLataa Tiedosto
+ Load FilesLataa Tiedostot
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Kaikki Tiedostot (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.
+ Unable to open File
+ Could not open %1
+ Installation aborted
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details
+ Invalid Filepätemätön Tiedosto
+ %1 is not a valid CIA
+ Encrypted File
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.
+ File not foundTiedostoa ei löytynyt
+ File "%1" not foundTiedostoa "%1" ei löytynyt
+ ContinueJatka
+ Missing Citra Account
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLataa Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data file
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record Movie
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.
+ Revision Dismatch
+ Game Dismatch
+ Invalid Movie File
+ Play Movie
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?
+ Game Not FoundPeliä Ei Löytynyt
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.
+ Movie recording cancelled.
+ Movie Saved
+ The movie is successfully saved.
+ Capture ScreenshotOta Näyttönkaapaus
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Kuva (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Nopeus: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Nopeus: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSPeli: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not Found
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal Error
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortKeskeytä
+ Would you like to exit now?Haluatko poistua nyt?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Pelisi on Yhä Pällä Tasustalla. Haluaisitko Lopetta Emuloinnin?
+ Playback Completed
+ Movie playback completed.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3536,87 +3536,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNimi
+ CompatibilityYhteensopivuus
+ RegionAlue
+ File type
+ SizeKoko
+ Open Save Data Location
+ Open Extra Data Location
+ Open Application Location
+ Open Update Data Location
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entry
+ Scan Subfolders
+ Remove Game Directory
+ Open Directory Location
@@ -3624,77 +3624,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectTäydellinen
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.
+ GreatHyvä
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ OkayOk
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
+ BadHuono
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.
+ Intro/MenuAlku/valikko
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't BootEi Käynisty
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.
+ Not TestedEi ole Testattu
+ The game has not yet been tested.
@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3710,27 +3710,27 @@ Screen.
+ of
+ result
+ results
+ Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filter
@@ -4407,42 +4407,42 @@ Debug Message:
+ Password Required to Join
+ Password:Salasana:
+ Room NameChat Huoneen Nimi
+ Preferred Game
+ Host
+ PlayersPelaajat
+ Refreshing
+ Refresh List
@@ -5008,83 +5008,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid regionVirheelinen Alue
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ Shift
+ Ctrl
+ Alt
+ [not set]
+ Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2
+ Button %1
+ [unknown]
+ [unused]
+ Axis %1
@@ -5262,37 +5262,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRekisterit
+ VFP Registers
+ VFP System Registers
+ Vector Length
+ Vector Stride
+ Rounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/fr.ts b/dist/languages/fr.ts
index 5cfde2b2a7..4ea6853a7b 100644
--- a/dist/languages/fr.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/fr.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Souhaitez-vous ignorer l'erreur et poursuivre?
+ Set Analog StickConfigurer le stick analogique
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Souhaitez-vous ignorer l'erreur et poursuivre?
Restaurer les paramètres par défaut
+ ClearEffacer
+ [not set][non défini]
+ Restore DefaultRéinitialiser
+ InformationInformation
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Après avoir appuyé sur OK, déplacez votre joystick horizontalement, puis verticalement.
+ Deadzone: %1%Zone morte : %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%Échelle du Modificateur: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Zone morte : 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%Échelle du Modificateur: 0%
+ [press key][appuyer sur une touche]
+ Error!Erreur !
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Vous utilisez une touche déjà configurée.
+ New ProfileNouveau profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Entrer le nom du nouveau profil
+ Delete ProfileSupprimer le profil
+ Delete profile %1?Supprimer le profil %1 ?
+ Rename ProfileRenommer le profil
+ New name:Nouveau nom :
+ Duplicate profile nameNom de profil en double
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Ce nom de profil existe déjà. Veuillez choisir un nom différent.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Souhaitez-vous ignorer l'erreur et poursuivre?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Console ID : 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Ceci va remplacer votre 3DS virtuelle actuelle avec une nouvelle. Votre 3DS virtuelle actuelle ne sera plus récupérable. Cela pourrait avoir des effets inattendus pour certains jeux. Cela pourrait échouer, si vous utilisez une ancienne sauvegarde de jeu. Continuer?
+ WarningAvertissement
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Glissez les points pour modifier la position, ou double-cliquez les cellules pou
Mode simple ligne
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishAnglais
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Glissez les points pour modifier la position, ou double-cliquez les cellules pou
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Des données anonymes sont collectées</a> afin d'aider à l'amélioration de Citra. <br/><br/>Souhaitez vous communiquer vos données avec nous ?
+ TelemetryTélémétrie
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Vitesse actuelle d'émulation. Les valeurs supérieures ou inférieures à 100% indiquent que l'émulation est plus rapide ou plus lente qu'une 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Nombre d'images par seconde le jeu affiche actuellement. Cela varie d'un jeu à l'autre et d'une scène à l'autre.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Temps nécessaire pour émuler une trame 3DS, sans compter la limitation de trame ou la synchronisation verticale V-Sync. Pour une émulation à pleine vitesse, cela ne devrait pas dépasser 16,67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesEffacer les fichiers récents
+ Update AvailableMise à jour disponible
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Une mise à jour est disponible. Voulez-vous l'installer maintenant?
+ No Update FoundAucune mise à jour trouvée
+ No update is found.Aucune mise à jour n'a été trouvée.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 n'est pas supporté
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Votre carte graphique ne supporte pas OpenGL 3.3, ou vous n'avez pas le dernier pilote disponible.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormat de ROM non valide
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Le format de votre ROM n'est pas supporté.<br/>Veuillez suivre les guides afin de dumper (copier) vos <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartouches de jeu</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>les titres installés</a>
+ ROM CorruptedROM corrompue
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Votre ROM est corrompue. <br/>Veuilez suivre les guides afin de dumper (copier) vos<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartouches de jeu</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>les titres installés</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM chiffrée
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Votre ROM est chiffrée. <br/>Veuillez suivre les guides afin de redumper vos <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartouches de jeu</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>titres installés</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorErreur du moteur graphique
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>consulter le rapport</a>pour plus de détails. Faîtes en sorte d'avoir les derniers pilotes graphiques pour votre carte.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Votre carte graphique utilise les pilotes Windows par défaut. Vous devez installer les pilotes adaptés à votre carte à partir du site du fabricant.
+ Error while loading ROM!Erreur lors du chargement de la ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Une erreur inconnue est survenue. Veuillez consulter le journal pour plus de détails.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA doit être installé avant utilisation
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Avant d'utiliser ce CIA, vous devez l'installer. Voulez-vous l'installer maintenant ?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Impossible de lancer l'extraction de la vidéo.<br>Référez vous au fichier journal pour les détails.
+ StartDémarrer
+ Slot %1Emplacement %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Emplacement %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErreur lors de l'ouverture du dossier %1
+ Folder does not exist!Le répertoire n'existe pas!
+ Dumping...Extraction...
+ CancelAnnuler
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Impossible d'extraire RomFS de base.
Référez vous au fichier journal pour les détails.
+ Error Opening %1Erreur lors de l'ouverture de %1
+ Select DirectorySélectionner un répertoire
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Exécutable 3DS (%1);;Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ Load FileCharger un fichier
+ Load FilesCharger les fichiers
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Fichier d'installation 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 a été installé avec succès.
+ Unable to open FileImpossible d'ouvrir le fichier
+ Could not open %1Impossible d'ouvrir %1
+ Installation abortedInstallation annulée
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsL'installation de %1 a été interrompue. Veuillez consulter le fichier log pour plus de détails.
+ Invalid FileFichier invalide
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 n'est pas un CIA valide
+ Encrypted FileFichier encrypté
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 doit être décrypté avant de fonctionner avec Citra. Une véritable 3DS est requise.
+ File not foundFichier non trouvé
+ File "%1" not foundLe fichier "%1" n'a pas été trouvé
+ ContinueContinuer
+ Missing Citra AccountCompte Citra absent
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Vous devez rattacher votre compte Citra pour soumettre des cas test.<br/>Allez sur Emulation > Configurer... > Web pour procéder.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Fichier Amiibo (%1);; Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCharger un Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileErreur lors de l'ouverture des données Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Impossible d'ouvrir en lecture le fichier Amiibo "%1".
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileErreur lors de la lecture des données Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Impossible de lire l'intégralité des données Amiibo. %1 octets devaient être lus, mais seuls %2 octets ont pu l'être.
+ Record MovieEnregistrer une vidéo
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Pour être cohérent avec le RNG, nous recommandons d'enregistrer votre fichier vidéo depuis le début du jeu<br>Etes-vous sûr de vouloir enregistrer la vidéo maintenant?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.L'enregistrement démarrera au lancement d'un jeu.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Le fichier vidéo que vous essayez de charger a été crée sur une version différente de Citra.<br/>Citra a été modifié entre-temps, et la lecture peut être désynchronisée ou ne pas fonctionner comme prévu.<br/><br/>Etes-vous sûr de vouloir lancer le fichier vidéo?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Le fichier vidéo que vous essayez de charger a été enregistré avec un jeu différent.<br/>La lecture peut ne pas fonctionner comme prévu, et provoquer des résultats inattendus.<br/><br/>Etes-vous sûr de vouloir lancer le fichier vidéo?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Le fichier vidéo que vous essayez de charger n'est pas valide.<br/>Le fichier est corrompu, ou le module Vidéo de Citra a connu de profonds changements.<br/>Veuillez choisir un fichier vidéo différent puis réessayez.
+ Revision DismatchIncohérence de la version
+ Game DismatchIncohérence du jeu
+ Invalid Movie FileFichier Vidéo invalide
+ Play MovieJouer une vidéo
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Pour être cohérent avec le RNG, nous recommandons de lire votre fichier vidéo depuis le début du jeu.<br>Etes-vous sûr de vouloir lire la vidéo maintenant?
+ Game Not FoundJeu non trouvé
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.La vidéo que vous essayez de lire vient d'un jeu absent de la liste de jeux. Si vous possédez le jeu, veuillez ajouter le dossier du jeu à la liste de jeux et réessayez la lecture.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Enregistrement de la vidéo annulé.
+ Movie SavedVidéo enregistrée
+ The movie is successfully saved.La vidéo a été enregistrée avec succès.
+ Capture ScreenshotCapture d'écran
+ PNG Image (*.png)Image PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Vitesse : %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Vitesse : %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSJeux : %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msTrame : %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 est manquant. Merci de <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dumper vos archives système</a>.<br/>Continuer l'émulation peut entrainer des plantages et des bugs.
+ A system archiveUne archive système
+ System Archive Not FoundArchive système non trouvé
+ System Archive MissingArchive système introuvable
+ Save/load ErrorErreur lors de la sauvegarde/chargement
+ Fatal ErrorErreur fatale
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Une erreur fatale s'est produite. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Consultez le rapport</a>pour plus de détails.<br/>Continuer l'émulation peut entrainer des plantages et des bugs.
+ Fatal Error encounteredUne erreur fatale s'est produite
+ AbortAbandonner
+ Would you like to exit now?Voulez-vous quitter maintenant?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Le jeu est en cours de fonctionnement. Voulez-vous arrêter l'émulation?
+ Playback CompletedLecture terminée
+ Movie playback completed.Lecture de la vidéo terminée.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Référez vous au fichier journal pour les détails.
+ NameNom
+ CompatibilityCompatibilité
+ RegionRégion
+ File typeType de fichier
+ SizeTaille
+ Open Save Data LocationOuvrir l'emplacement des données de sauvegarde
+ Open Extra Data LocationOuvrir un emplacement de données supplémentaire
+ Open Application LocationOuvrir l'emplacement de l'application
+ Open Update Data LocationOuvrir l'emplacement des données de mise à jour
+ Open Texture Dump LocationOuvrir l'emplacement du vidage des textures
+ Open Custom Texture LocationOuvrir l'emplacement personnalisé des textures
+ Open Mods LocationOuvrir l'emplacement des Mods
+ Dump RomFSExtraire RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNaviguer jusqu'à l'entrée de la GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersScanner les sous-dossiers
+ Remove Game DirectorySupprimer ce répertoire de jeu
+ Open Directory LocationOuvrir l'emplacement de ce répertoire
@@ -3630,77 +3630,77 @@ Référez vous au fichier journal pour les détails.
+ PerfectParfait
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Le jeu fonctionne parfaitement sans bug audio ni graphique, toutes les fonctionnalités testées marchent comme prévu sans besoin de correctif.
+ GreatBien
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Le jeu fonctionne avec des bugs audio ou graphiques mineurs et est jouable du début à la fin. Peut nécessiter certains ajustements.
+ OkayOk
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Le jeu fonctionne avec des bugs audio ou graphiques majeurs, mais il est jouable du début à la fin avec des ajustements.
+ BadMauvais
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Le jeu fonctionne, mais avec des bugs audio ou graphiques majeurs. Impossible de se rendre dans certaines zones à cause des bugs même avec des ajustements.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Le jeu est totalement injouable à cause de bugs graphiques ou audio majeurs. Impossible de dépasser l'écran titre.
+ Won't BootNe se lance pas
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Le jeu plante au démarrage.
+ Not TestedNon testé
+ The game has not yet been tested.Le jeu n'a pas encore été testé.
@@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listFaites un double-clic pour ajouter un nouveau dossier à la liste de jeux
@@ -3716,27 +3716,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofsur
+ resultrésultat
+ resultsrésultats
+ Filter:Filtre :
+ Enter pattern to filterEntrer le motif de filtrage
@@ -4425,42 +4425,42 @@ Message de débogage :
Rafraîchir le hall
+ Password Required to JoinMot de passe nécessaire pour devenir membre
+ Password:Mot de passe :
+ Room NameNom du salon
+ Preferred GameJeu préféré
+ HostHôte
+ PlayersJoueurs
+ RefreshingRafraîchissement
+ Refresh ListRafraîchir la liste
@@ -5030,83 +5030,83 @@ Il a du quitter le salon.
Ne joue pas
+ Invalid regionRégion Invalide
+ Installed TitlesTitres installés
+ System TitlesTitres système
+ Add New Game DirectoryAjouter un nouveau répertoire de jeu
+ ShiftMaj
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][non défini]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Axe %1%2
+ Button %1Bouton %1
+ [unknown][inconnu]
+ [unused][inutilisé]
+ Axis %1Axe %1
@@ -5284,37 +5284,37 @@ Il a du quitter le salon.
+ RegistersRegistres
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registers
+ Vector LengthVector Length
+ Vector StrideVector Stride
+ Rounding ModeRounding mode
+ Vector Iteration CountVector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/hu_HU.ts b/dist/languages/hu_HU.ts
index 099967b390..a5660a7430 100644
--- a/dist/languages/hu_HU.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/hu_HU.ts
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickAnalóg Pad beállítása
@@ -1341,105 +1341,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Visszaállítás Alapértelmezettre
+ Clear
- [not set]
+ [not set]
+ Restore Default
+ Information
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][nyomj meg egy gombot]
+ Error!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.
+ New Profile
+ Enter the name for the new profile.
+ Delete Profile
+ Delete profile %1?
+ Rename Profile
+ New name:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2529,18 +2529,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konzol ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Ez ki fogja cserélni a jelenlegi virtuális 3DS-edet egy újra. A jelenlegi virtuális 3DS-edetet ne lehet majd később visszaállítani. Ez lehet, hogy váratlan hatást okoz a játékokban. Ez lehet hogy nem fog sikerülni, ha egy elavult konfigurációs mentésfájlt használsz. Folytatod?
+ WarningFigyelem
@@ -2738,12 +2738,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System>
+ English
@@ -2953,528 +2953,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?
+ Telemetry
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Jelenlegi emulációs sebesség. A 100%-nál nagyobb vagy kisebb értékek azt mutatják, hogy az emuláció egy 3DS-nél gyorsabban vagy lassabban fut.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Mennyi képkocka/másodpercet jelez a játék jelenleg. Ez játékról játékra és helyszínről helyszínre változik.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Mennyi idő szükséges egy 3DS képkocka emulálásához, képkocka-limit vagy V-Syncet leszámítva. Teljes sebességű emulációnál ez maximum 16.67 ms-nek kéne lennie.
+ Clear Recent Files
+ Update Available
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?
+ No Update Found
+ No update is found.
+ OpenGL 3.3 Unsupported
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.
+ Invalid ROM Format
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM Corrupted
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM Encrypted
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ Video Core Error
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.
+ Error while loading ROM!Hiba a ROM betöltése közben!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Egy ismeretlen hiba történt. Kérjük olvasd el a naplót több részletért.
+ CIA must be installed before usage
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartIndít
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderHiba %1 Mappa Megnyitásában
+ Folder does not exist!A mappa nem létezik!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Hiba Indulás %1
+ Select DirectoryKönyvtár Kiválasztása
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileFájl Betöltése
+ Load FilesFájlok Betöltése
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Telepítési Fájl (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Minden fájl (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 sikeresen fel lett telepítve.
+ Unable to open FileA fájl megnyitása sikertelen
+ Could not open %1Nem lehet megnyitni: %1
+ Installation abortedTelepítés megszakítva
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details%1 telepítése meg lett szakítva. Kérjük olvasd el a naplót több részletért.
+ Invalid FileIsmeretlen Fájl
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 nem érvényes CIA
+ Encrypted FileTitkosított Fájl
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 vissza kell legyen fejtve mielőtt a Citrával lehetne használni. Egy igazi 3DS-re is szükség van.
+ File not foundA fájl nem található
+ File "%1" not foundFájl "%1" nem található
+ ContinueFolytatás
+ Missing Citra AccountHiányzó Citra Fiók
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data file
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record Movie
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.
+ Revision Dismatch
+ Game Dismatch
+ Invalid Movie File
+ Play Movie
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?
+ Game Not Found
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.
+ Movie recording cancelled.
+ Movie Saved
+ The movie is successfully saved.
+ Capture Screenshot
+ PNG Image (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Sebesség: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Sebesség: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSJáték: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKépkocka: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundRendszerarchívum Nem Található
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorKritikus Hiba
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ Abort
+ Would you like to exit now?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?
+ Playback Completed
+ Movie playback completed.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3537,87 +3537,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Name
+ Compatibility
+ Region
+ File type
+ Size
+ Open Save Data LocationMentésadat Helyének Megnyitása
+ Open Extra Data Location
+ Open Application LocationAlkalmazás Helyének Megnyitása
+ Open Update Data LocationFrissítésadat Helyének Megnyitása
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryGameDB helyéhez menni
+ Scan Subfolders
+ Remove Game Directory
+ Open Directory Location
@@ -3625,77 +3625,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Perfect
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.
+ Great
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ Okay
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
+ Bad
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.
+ Intro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't Boot
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.
+ Not Tested
+ The game has not yet been tested.
@@ -3703,7 +3703,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3711,27 +3711,27 @@ Screen.
+ of
+ result
+ results
+ Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filter
@@ -4418,42 +4418,42 @@ Debug Message:
Lobby Frissítése
+ Password Required to JoinA Csatlakozáshoz Szükséges Jelszó
+ Password:Jelszó:
+ Room NameSzoba Neve
+ Preferred GamePreferált Játék
+ HostGazda
+ PlayersJátékosok
+ RefreshingFrissítés
+ Refresh ListLista Frissítése
@@ -5019,83 +5019,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid regionÉrvénytelen régió
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nincs megadva]
+ Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2
+ Button %1
+ [unknown][ismeretlen]
+ [unused][nem használt]
+ Axis %1
@@ -5273,37 +5273,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegisztrációk
+ VFP RegistersVFP Regsztrációk
+ VFP System RegistersVFP Rendszer-regisztrációk
+ Vector LengthVektorhossz
+ Vector StrideVector Lépés
+ Rounding ModeKerekítési Mód
+ Vector Iteration CountVektor Ismétlés Száma
diff --git a/dist/languages/id.ts b/dist/languages/id.ts
index 7b218aecd7..2e87eaa914 100644
--- a/dist/languages/id.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/id.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Maukah kau membiarkan eror ini dan melanjutkan?
+ Set Analog StickTentukan Analog Stick
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Maukah kau membiarkan eror ini dan melanjutkan?
Kembalikan ke kondisi Default
+ ClearBersihkan
+ [not set][belum di tentukan]
+ Restore DefaultKembalikan Ke Kondisi Default
+ InformationInformasi
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Setelah menekan tombol OK, pindahkan joystick anda secara horizontal kemudian secara vertikal.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][tekan tombol]
+ Error!Eror!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Kau menggunakan tombol yang sudah di pakai
+ New ProfileProfil Baru
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Masukkan nama untuk profil baru
+ Delete ProfileHapus Profil
+ Delete profile %1?Hapus profil %1?
+ Rename ProfileGanti Nama Profil
+ New name:Nama baru:
+ Duplicate profile nameDuplikasi nama profil
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Nama profil sudah ada. Mohon pilih nama lain.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Maukah kau membiarkan eror ini dan melanjutkan?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Konsol: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Ini akan menggantikan 3DS virtual anda saat ini dengan yang baru. 3DS virtual Anda saat ini tidak dapat dikembalikan. Hal ini mungkin akan memberikan efek tak terduga dalam game. Kemungkinan hal ini akan gagal jika Anda menggunakan pengaturan save game lama. Lanjutkan?
+ WarningPeringatan
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Mode Satu Baris
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishInggris
@@ -2957,528 +2957,528 @@ Perubahan pada token anda belum tersimpan.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Data anonim dikumpulkan</a>untuk membantu Citra menjadi lebih baik. <br/><br/>Apakah Anda ingin membagikan penggunaan data Anda dengan kami?
+ TelemetryTelemetri
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Kecepatan emulasi saat ini. Nilai yang lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari 100% menunjukan emulasi berjalan lebih cepat atau lebih lambat dari 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Beberapa banyak frame per detik yang ditampilkan oleh permainan saat ini. Hal ini akan bervariasi dari tiap game dan adegan per-adegan.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengemulasi frame 3DS, tidak menghitung pembatasan frame atau v-sync. setidaknya emulasi yang tergolong kecepatan penuh harus berada setidaknya pada 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesBersihkan Berkas File Terbaru
+ Update AvailablePembaharuan Tersedia
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Sebuah pembaharuan tersedia. Apakah Anda ingin memasangnya sekarang?
+ No Update FoundTidak Ada Pembaharuan di Temukan
+ No update is found.Tidak Ada Pembaharuan Yang di Temukan.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Tidak Didukung
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPU Anda mungkin tidak mendukung OpenGL 3.3, atau Anda belum mempunyai driver grafik terbaru.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormat ROM Invalid
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Format ROM Anda tidak didukung.<br/>Mohon ikuti petunjuk untuk redump<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>kartrid permainan</a> atau <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>judul terpasang</a>anda.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Mengalami Kerusakan
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM anda mengalami kerusakan. <br/>Mohon ikuti petunjuk untuk redump <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>kartrid game</a> atau <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>judul terpasang</a>anda.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Dienkripsi
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM anda dienkripsi. <br/>Mohon ikuti petunjuk untuk membuat ulang <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>kartrid permainan</a> atau <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>judul terpasang</a>anda.
+ Video Core ErrorVideo Core Bermasalah
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Sebuah masalah telah terjadi. Mohon<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>lihat catatan</a> untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Pastikan anda telah memiliki driver terbaru untuk perangkat GPU anda.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Anda menggunakan driver bawaan Windows untuk GPU anda. Anda perlu menginstall driver terbaru dari website produsen GPU anda.
+ Error while loading ROM!Error saat memuat ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Terjadi error yang tidak diketahui. Lihat log untuk detail lebih lanjut.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA harus di install terlebih dahulu sebelum bisa di gunakan
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Sebelum memakai CIA ini kau harus memasangnya terlebih dahulu. Apa anda ingin menginstallnya sekarang?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartMulai
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderKesalahan Dalam Membuka Folder %1
+ Folder does not exist!Folder tidak ada!
+ Dumping...
+ CancelBatal
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Kesalahan Dalam Membuka %1
+ Select DirectoryPilih Direktori
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileMuat File
+ Load FilesMuat berkas
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Semua File (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 telah terinstall.
+ Unable to open FileTidak dapat membuka File
+ Could not open %1Tidak dapat membuka %1
+ Installation abortedInstalasi dibatalkan
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsInstalasi %1 dibatalkan. Silahkan lihat file log untuk info lebih lanjut.
+ Invalid FileFile yang tidak valid
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 bukan CIA yang valid
+ Encrypted FileFile ter-Encrypt
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 harus di dekripsi sebelum digunakan dengan Citra. 3DS asli dibutuhkan.
+ File not foundFile tidak ditemukan
+ File "%1" not foundFile "%1" tidak ditemukan
+ ContinueLanjut
+ Missing Citra AccountAkun Citra Tidak Ada
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Anda harus menautkan akun Citra anda untuk mengajukan skenario pengetesan.<br/>Pergi Ke Emulasi > Konfigurasi... > Alamat Website untuk melakukannya.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboMuat Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileGalat membuka berkas data Amiibo.
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieRekam Video
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Untuk menjaga kekonsistenan dengan RNG,di sarankan untuk merekam video dari permulaan game.<br>Apa anda yakin masih ingin merekam video-nya sekarang?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Video (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Proses perekaman akan segera di mulai begitu kamu memulai game.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?File video yang anda coba untuk muat telah di buat dalam perubahan berbeda dari Citra.<br/>Citra telah punya beberapa perubahan selama waktu tersebut dan proses pemutaran kembali mungin tidak sinkron atau tidak bekerja seperti yang di harapkan.<br/><br/>Pa anda masih yakin untuk memuat file video-nya?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?File video yang anda coba muat telah di rekam dengan game berbeda.<br/>Proses pemutaran kembali mungkin tidak akan bekerja seperti yang di harapkan dan mungkin menyebabkan hasil yang tidak dapat di duga.<br/><br/>Apa anda masih yakin ingin memuat file video-nya?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.File video yang anda coba untuk muat tidak valid.<br/>Bisa jadi di karenakan file-nya rusak atau Citra telah membuat beberapa perubahan besar kepada Modul Video.<br/>Tolong pilih file video yang berbeda dan silahkan coba kembali.
+ Revision DismatchPerubahan Tidak Pas
+ Game DismatchGame Tidak Pas
+ Invalid Movie FileFile Video Tidak Valid
+ Play MoviePutar Video
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Untuk menjaga kekonsistenan dengan RNG,di sarankan untuk memutar video dari awal game.<br>Apa anda masih yakin untuk memainkan video-nya sekarang?
+ Game Not FoundGame Tidak Di Temukan
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Video yang anda coba untuk putar dari game yang tidak ada dalam daftar list game.Jika anda memiliki game-nya,tolong tambahkan game folder-,nya ke daftar list game dan coba mainkan video-nya lagi,
+ Movie recording cancelled.Perekaman Video Di Batalkan.
+ Movie SavedVideo Di Simpan
+ The movie is successfully saved.Video telah berhasil di simpan.
+ Capture ScreenshotTangkap layar
+ PNG Image (*.png)Gambar PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Kecepatan: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Kelajuan: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSGame: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 tidak tersedia. Mohon <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>buat arsip sistem anda</a>.<br/>Melanjutkan emulasi dapat menyebabkan kegagalan dan masalah-masalah lainnya.
+ A system archiveSebuah arsip sistem
+ System Archive Not FoundArsip Sistem Tidak Ditemukan
+ System Archive MissingArsip sistem tidak ada
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorFatal Error
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Sebuah masalah serius telah terjadi. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Periksa log</a> untuk informasi lebih lanjut.<br/>Melanjutkan emulasi dapat menyebabkan kegagalan dan masalah-masalah lainnya.
+ Fatal Error encounteredGalat fatal terjadi
+ AbortBatalkan
+ Would you like to exit now?Apakah anda ingin keluar sekarang?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Permainan sedang berjalan. Apakah anda ingin menghentikan emulasi?
+ Playback CompletedPemutaran Kembali Telah Selesai
+ Movie playback completed.Pemutaran kembali video telah selesai.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3541,87 +3541,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Name
+ Compatibility
+ Region
+ File type
+ Size
+ Open Save Data LocationBuka Lokasi Save Data
+ Open Extra Data LocationBuka Lokasi Data Tambahan
+ Open Application LocationBuka Lokasi Aplikasi
+ Open Update Data LocationBuka Lokasi Data Pembaruan
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryArahkan ke entri GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersPindai Subfolder
+ Remove Game DirectoryHapus Lokasi Permainan
+ Open Directory LocationBuka Lokasi Penyimpanan
@@ -3629,82 +3629,82 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectSempurna
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Fungsi Game-nya akan sempurna tanpa kerusakan audio atau gambar,Semua fungsionalitas yang telah di uji bekerja sebagaimana yang telah di tujukan tanpa
ada lagi perbaikan yang di butuhkan.
+ GreatHebat
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Fungsi Game dengan kerusakan gambar atau audio yang kecil dan dapat di mainkan dari awal sampai selesai.Mungkin membutuhkan beberapa
+ OkaySetuju
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Fungsi Game dengan kerusakan gambar atau audio yang besar,tetapi game-nya dapat di mainkan dari awal sampai akhir dengan berbagai macam
+ BadBuruk
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds. Fungsi Game,tetapi dengan kerusakan gambar atau audio yang besar.Tidak bisa berlanjut memasuki ke dalam area tertentu do karenakan kerusakannya tersebut
bahkan dengan berbagai macam perbaikan
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Game secara total tidak dapat di mainkan di karenakan kerusakan gambar atau audio yang besar.Tidak bisa berlanjut hingga melewati Layar
+ Won't BootTidak Mau Memulai
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Game ini mengalami kegagalan ketika ingin memulai.
+ Not TestedBelum Di Uji
+ The game has not yet been tested.Game ini masih belum di uji.
@@ -3712,7 +3712,7 @@ Mulai.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3720,27 +3720,27 @@ Mulai.
+ ofdari
+ resulthasil
+ resultshasil
+ Filter:Saringan:
+ Enter pattern to filterMasukkan pola untuk menyaring
@@ -4427,42 +4427,42 @@ Debug Message:
Segarkan Lobi
+ Password Required to JoinKata Sandi Dibutuhkan untuk Bergabung
+ Password:Kata Sandi:
+ Room NameNama Ruangan
+ Preferred GamePreferensi Permainan
+ HostHost
+ PlayersPemain
+ RefreshingMenyegarkan
+ Refresh ListSegarkan Daftar
@@ -5028,83 +5028,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid regionRegion Tidak Valid
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][tidak diatur]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1%2
+ Axis %1%2Axis %1%2
+ Button %1Tombol %1
+ [unknown][tidak diketahui]
+ [unused][tidak terpakai]
+ Axis %1Axis %1
@@ -5282,37 +5282,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegister
+ VFP RegistersRegister VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRegister VFP Sistem
+ Vector LengthPanjang Vektor
+ Vector StrideLangkah Vector
+ Rounding ModeMode Pembulatan
+ Vector Iteration CountHitungan Perulangan Vector
diff --git a/dist/languages/it.ts b/dist/languages/it.ts
index 58260d3c6d..f22f02bff1 100644
--- a/dist/languages/it.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/it.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Desideri ignorare l'errore e continuare?
+ Set Analog StickImposta Stick Analogico
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Desideri ignorare l'errore e continuare?
Reimposta Default
+ ClearRimuovi
+ [not set][non impostato]
+ Restore DefaultReimposta valori predefiniti
+ InformationInformazioni
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Dopo aver premuto OK, muovi il tuo joystick prima orizzontalmente, e poi verticalmente.
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%Scala del Modificatore: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Zona morta: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%Scala del Modificatore: 0%
+ [press key][premi pulsante]
+ Error!Errore!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Stai usando una chiave che è già in uso.
+ New ProfileNuovo Profilo
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Inserisci il nome per il nuovo profilo.
+ Delete ProfileElimina Profilo
+ Delete profile %1?Eliminare il profilo %1?
+ Rename ProfileRinomina Profilo
+ New name:Nuovo nome:
+ Duplicate profile nameDuplica il nome del profilo
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Il nome del profilo esiste già. Scegli un nome diverso.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Desideri ignorare l'errore e continuare?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Console: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Questo rimpiazzerà il tuo 3DS virtuale corrente con uno nuovo. Il tuo 3DS virtuale corrente non sarà ripristinabile. Questo potrebbe causare degli effetti inaspettati sui giochi. Potrebbe inoltre fallire, se usi una configurazione di salvataggio datata. Desideri continuare?
+ WarningAttenzione
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiarne la posizione, o fai doppio clic sulla tabella per
Modalità Linea Singola
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishInglese
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Trascina i punti per cambiarne la posizione, o fai doppio clic sulla tabella per
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Vengono raccolti dati anonimi </a> per aiutare lo sviluppo di Citra. <br/><br/>Vuoi condividere i tuoi dati di utilizzo con noi?
+ TelemetryTelemetria
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Velocità di emulazione corrente. Valori più alti o più bassi di 100% indicano che l'emulazione sta funzionando più velocemente o lentamente di un 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Quanti frame al secondo il gioco visualizza attualmente. Questo varia da gioco a gioco e da situazione a situazione.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Tempo necessario per emulare un frame del 3DS, senza contare il limite al framerate o il v-sync. Per un'emulazione a pieno regime questa dovrebbe essere al più 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesElimina File Recenti
+ Update AvailableAggiornamento Disponibile
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?È disponibile un aggiornamento. Desideri installarlo ora?
+ No Update FoundNessun Aggiornamento Disponibile
+ No update is found.Non ci sono aggiornamenti.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Non Supportato
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.La tua GPU potrebbe non supportare OpenGL 3.3, o i driver della tua scheda video potrebbero non essere aggiornati.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormato ROM non valido
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Il formato della ROM non è supportato.<br/>Si prega di seguire le guide per eseguire il redump delle<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuccie di gioco</a> o dei <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>titoli installati</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Corrotta
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.La tua ROM è corrotta. <br/>Per favore segui le linee guida per riestrarre i tuoi <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>giochi su cartuccia</a> o <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>titoli installati</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Criptata
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.La ROM è criptata.<br/>Si prega di seguire le guide per eseguire il redump delle <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuccie di gioco</a> o dei <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>titoli instalati</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorErrore Core Video
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Si è verificato un errore. Per favore <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>guarda il log</a> per maggiori dettagli. Assicurati di avere i più recenti driver grafici per la tua GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Stai usando i driver di default di Windows per la tua GPU. Devi installare i driver appositi per la tua scheda grafica dal sito del produttore.
+ Error while loading ROM!Errore nel caricamento della ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Errore sconosciuto. Visualizza il log per maggiori dettagli.
+ CIA must be installed before usageIl CIA deve essere installato prima dell'uso
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Prima di poter usare questo CIA, devi installarlo. Desideri installarlo ora?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Impossibile iniziare l'estrazione del video.<br>Consulta il log per i dettagli.
+ StartAvvia
+ Slot %1Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErrore nell'Apertura della Cartella %1
+ Folder does not exist!La cartella non esiste!
+ Dumping...Estrazione in corso...
+ CancelAnnulla
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Impossibile estrarre la RomFS base.
Consulta il log per i dettagli.
+ Error Opening %1Errore nell'Apertura di %1
+ Select DirectorySeleziona cartella
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Eseguibile 3DS (%1);;Tutti I File (*.*)
+ Load FileCarica file
+ Load FilesCarica File
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)File di installazione 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Tutti i file (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 è stato installato con successo.
+ Unable to open FileImpossibile aprire il File
+ Could not open %1Impossibile aprire %1
+ Installation abortedInstallazione annullata
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsL'installazione di %1 è stata annullata. Visualizza il log per maggiori dettagli.
+ Invalid FileFile non valido
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 non è un CIA valido
+ Encrypted FileFile Criptato
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 deve essere decriptato prima di poter essere usato con Citra. E' necessario un 3DS fisico.
+ File not foundFile non trovato
+ File "%1" not foundFile "%1" non trovato
+ ContinueContinua
+ Missing Citra AccountAccount di Citra Mancante
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Devi collegare il tuo account Citra per inviare dei resoconti. Vai su Emulazione > Configura... > Web per farlo.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)File Amiibo (%1);; Tutti I File (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarica Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileErrore nell'apertura del file dati Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Impossibile aprire e leggere il file Amiibo "%1".
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileErrore nella lettura dei dati del file Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Impossibile leggere tutti i dati dell'Amiibo. E' stato possibile leggere solamente %2 byte di %1.
+ Record MovieRegistra Filmato
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Per essere coerenti con l'RNG, è consigliato iniziare a registrare il filmato dall'avvio del gioco.<br>Sei sicuro di voler iniziare ora la registrazione?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.La registrazione comincerà quando avvierai un gioco.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Il file del filmato che stai provando a caricare è stato creato con un'altra revisione di Citra.<br/>Citra ha avuto alcuni cambiamenti nel mentre, e la riproduzione potrebbe subire la desincronizzazione oppure potrebbe non funzionare come dovrebbe.<br/><br/>Sei sicuro di voler caricare comunque il file del filmato?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Il file del filmato che stai provando a caricare è stato registrato con un altro gioco. <br/>La riproduzione potrebbe non funzionare come dovrebbe, e potrebbe avere risultati inaspettati.<br/><br/>Sei sicuro di voler caricare comunque il file del filmato?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Il file del filmato che stai provando a caricare non è valido.<br/>Il file potrebbe essere corrotto, oppure Citra ha avuto degli enormi cambiamenti alla gestione dei Filmati.<br/>Scegli un file di filmato diverso e riprova.
+ Revision DismatchRevisioni Differenti
+ Game DismatchGioco Differente
+ Invalid Movie FileFile del Filmato Non Valido
+ Play MovieRiproduci Filmato
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Per essere coerenti con l'RNG, è consigliato iniziare a riprodurre il filmato dall'avvio del gioco.<br>Sei sicuro di voler iniziare ora la riproduzione?
+ Game Not FoundGioco Non Trovato
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Il filmato che stai provando a riprodurre è stato fatto con un gioco che non è presente nella lista dei giochi. Se possiedi il gioco, aggiungi la cartella in cui si trova alla lista dei giochi e prova nuovamente a riprodurre il filmato.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Registrazione del filmato cancellata.
+ Movie SavedFilmato Salvato
+ The movie is successfully saved.Il filmato è stato salvato con successo.
+ Capture ScreenshotCattura Screenshot
+ PNG Image (*.png)Immagine PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Velocità: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocità: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSGioco: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 non trovato. Per favore <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>Estrai i tuoi archivi di sistema</a>.<br/>Continuare l'emulazione potrebbe risultare in crash o bug.
+ A system archiveUn archivio di sistema
+ System Archive Not FoundArchivio di Sistema Non Trovato
+ System Archive MissingArchivio di Sistema Mancante
+ Save/load ErrorErrore di salvataggio/caricamento
+ Fatal ErrorErrore fatale
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.È stato riscontrato un errore fatale.<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Visualizza il log</a>per maggiori dettagli.<br/>Continuare l'emulazione potrebbe risultare in crash e bug.
+ Fatal Error encounteredErrore Irreversibile riscontrato
+ AbortInterrompi
+ Would you like to exit now?Desideri uscire ora?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Il gioco è ancora in esecuzione. Vuoi arrestare l'emulazione?
+ Playback CompletedRiproduzione Completata
+ Movie playback completed.Riproduzione del filmato completata
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Consulta il log per i dettagli.
+ NameNome
+ CompatibilityCompatibilità
+ RegionRegione
+ File typeTipo di file
+ SizeDimensione
+ Open Save Data LocationApri Cartella dei Dati di Salvataggio
+ Open Extra Data LocationApri Cartella Dati Extra
+ Open Application LocationApri Percorso Applicazione
+ Open Update Data LocationApri Percorso Dati degli Aggiornamenti
+ Open Texture Dump LocationApri Cartella Estrazione delle Texture
+ Open Custom Texture LocationApri Cartella Texture Personalizzate
+ Open Mods LocationApri Cartella Mod
+ Dump RomFSEstrazione RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryVai alla voce di GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersControlla le sottocartelle
+ Remove Game DirectoryRimuovi Cartella
+ Open Directory LocationApri Cartella
@@ -3630,82 +3630,82 @@ Consulta il log per i dettagli.
+ PerfectPerfetto
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Il gioco funziona perfettamente senza alcun glitch audio o video, tutte le funzionalità testate funzionano come dovrebbero senza
la necessità di utilizzare alcun espediente.
+ GreatBuono
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Il gioco presenta alcuni glitch audio o video minori ed è possibile giocare dall'inizio alla fine.
Potrebbe richiedere l'utilizzo di alcuni espedienti.
+ OkayOkay
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Il gioco presenta considerevoli glitch audio o video, ma è possibile giocare dall'inizio alla fine utilizzando
degli espedienti.
+ BadScadente
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Il gioco presenta considerevoli glitch audio o video. È impossibile progredire in alcune aree a causa dei glitch
anche utilizzando degli espedienti.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Il gioco è del tutto ingiocabile a causa di considerevoli glitch audio o video.
È impossibile proseguire oltre la schermata iniziale.
+ Won't BootNon si Avvia
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Il gioco va in crash quando viene avviato.
+ Not TestedNon Testato
+ The game has not yet been tested.Questo gioco non è stato ancora testato.
@@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listFai doppio click per aggiungere una nuova cartella alla lista dei giochi
@@ -3721,27 +3721,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofdi
+ resultrisultato
+ resultsrisultati
+ Filter:Filtro:
+ Enter pattern to filterInserisci pattern per filtrare
@@ -4430,42 +4430,42 @@ Messaggio di Debug:
Aggiorna Lobby
+ Password Required to JoinPassword Richiesta per Entrare
+ Password:Password:
+ Room NameNome Stanza
+ Preferred GameGioco Preferito
+ HostHost
+ PlayersGiocatori
+ RefreshingAggiornamento in corso
+ Refresh ListAggiorna Lista
@@ -5035,83 +5035,83 @@ Potrebbe aver abbandonato la stanza.
Non in gioco
+ Invalid regionRegione non valida
+ Installed TitlesTitoli Installati
+ System TitlesTitoli di Sistema
+ Add New Game DirectoryAggiungi Nuova Cartella dei Giochi
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][non impostato]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Asse %1%2
+ Button %1Pulsante %1
+ [unknown][sconosciuto]
+ [unused][inutilizzato]
+ Axis %1Asse %1
@@ -5289,37 +5289,37 @@ Potrebbe aver abbandonato la stanza.
+ RegistersRegistri
+ VFP RegistersRegistri VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRegistri di sistema VFP
+ Vector LengthLunghezza vettore
+ Vector StrideAndatura vettore
+ Rounding ModeModalità di arrotondamento
+ Vector Iteration CountConteggio dell'iterazione del vettore
diff --git a/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts b/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
index 0bd992a2dd..e50a4abc5e 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ja_JP.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog Stickアナログスティックを設定する
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Clearクリア
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Restore Default設定の初期化
+ Information情報
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.OKを押してこの画面を閉じたら、まず水平方向にジョイスティックを動かし、続けて垂直方向へ動かしてください
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][キーを入力...]
+ Error!エラー
+ You're using a key that's already bound.このキーは他の操作に割当済です
+ New Profile新しいプロファイル
+ Enter the name for the new profile.新しいプロファイルの名前を入力してください。
+ Delete Profileプロファイルを削除
+ Delete profile %1?プロファイル %1 を削除しますか?
+ Rename Profileプロファイル名の変更
+ New name:新しいプロファイル名を入力
+ Duplicate profile nameプロファイル名の競合
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.このプロファイル名は既に使用されています、他の名前を入力してください
@@ -2532,13 +2532,13 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1コンソール ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?仮想3DSコンソールを新しく作り直します。現在使用中の仮想3DSコンソールを復元することはできず、ゲームに予期しない影響を与えることもあります。
@@ -2546,7 +2546,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Warning警告
@@ -2744,12 +2744,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.シングルラインモード
+ <System><System>
+ English英語
@@ -2959,529 +2959,529 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>匿名のデータ</a>がCitraの改善のために収集されます<br/><br/>利用状況データの提供に同意しますか?
+ Telemetryテレメトリ
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.現在のエミュレーション速度です。100%以外の値は、エミュレーションが3DS実機より高速または低速で行われていることを表します。
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.1秒当たりの表示フレーム数です。ゲームタイトルや場面によって変化することがあります。
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.3DSフレームをエミュレートするのにかかった時間です。フレームリミットや垂直同期の有効時にはカウントしません。フルスピードで動作させるには16.67ms以下に保つ必要があります。
+ Clear Recent Files最近のファイルを消去
+ Update Available利用可能な更新
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?アップデートが利用可能です。今すぐインストールしますか?
+ No Update Foundアップデートなし
+ No update is found.利用可能なアップデートはありません
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3は未サポート
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPUがOpenGL 3.3をサポートしていないか、最新のグラフィックドライバがありません
+ Invalid ROM Format無効なROMフォーマット
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.このROMフォーマットはサポートされていません。<br/>ガイドに従って<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>ゲームカートリッジ</a>か<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>インストールされたタイトル</a>を再ダンプしてください
+ ROM CorruptedROMの破損
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.このROMは破損しています。<br/>ガイドに従って<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>ゲームカートリッジ</a>か<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>インストールされたタイトル</a>を再ダンプしてください。
+ ROM Encrypted暗号化されたROM
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.このROMは暗号化されています。<br/>ガイドに従って<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>ゲームカートリッジ</a>か<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>インストールされたタイトル</a>を再ダンプしてください。
+ Video Core Errorビデオコアエラー
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.エラーが発生しました。 詳細は<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>ログ</a>を参照。GPUに最新のグラフィックドライバが適用されているか確認してください
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.デフォルトのWindows GPUドライバを使用しています。製造元のWebサイトからお使いのビデオカード用の適切なドライバをインストールする必要があります
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM読み込みエラー
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.不明なエラーが発生しました。詳細はログを確認してください
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIAを使用前にインストールする必要有
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?CIAを使用するには先にインストールを行う必要があります。今すぐインストールしますか?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.ビデオのダンプを開始できませんでした。<br>詳細はログを参照してください。
+ Start開始
+ Slot %1スロット %1
+ Slot %1 - %2スロット %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folderフォルダ %1 を開く際のエラー
+ Folder does not exist!フォルダが見つかりません!
+ Dumping...ダンプ中...
+ Cancelキャンセル
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.ベースRomFSをダンプできませんでした。
+ Error Opening %1%1 を開く際のエラー
+ Select Directory3DSのROMがあるフォルダを選択
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS実行ファイル (%1);;すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ Load Fileゲームファイルの読み込み
+ Load Filesファイルの読み込み
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS インストールファイル (.CIA *)
+ All Files (*.*)すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1が正常にインストールされました
+ Unable to open Fileファイルを開けません
+ Could not open %1%1を開くことができませんでした
+ Installation abortedインストール中止
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details %1のインストールは中断されました。詳細はログを参照してください
+ Invalid File無効なファイル
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1は有効なCIAではありません
+ Encrypted File暗号化されたファイル
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 はCitraで使用する前に復号化する必要があります。3DS実機が必要です
+ File not foundファイルなし
+ File "%1" not foundファイル%1が見つかりませんでした
+ Continue続行
+ Missing Citra AccountCitraアカウントがありません
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.テストケースを送信するには、Citraアカウントとの連携が必要です。<br/>エミュレーション→設定→Webからアカウントの連携をしてください
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiiboファイル (%1);; すべてのファイル (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiiboを読込
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileAmiiboデータファイルの読込時エラー
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.読み取り用のAmiiboファイル %1 を開くことができません
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileAmiiboデータファイルの読み取りエラー
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Amiiboデータの一部しか読み取れません。%1 バイトの読み取りが必要ですが、%2 バイトしか読み取れませんでした
+ Record Movie操作を記録
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?乱数の一貫性を保つためにゲーム開始時から操作の記録を行うことを推奨します。<br>現時点から操作の記録を行いますか?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS ムービー(*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.ゲームを起動すると操作の記録が始まります
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?読み込もうとしている操作記録ファイルは異なるリビジョンのCitraで作成されたものです。<br/>現在のCitraは記録時のリビジョンから色々と変更されているため、Desyncを起こしたり正常に動作しない可能性があります。<br/><br/>それでもこの操作記録ファイルを読み込みますか?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?別のタイトルの操作記録ファイルを読み込もうとしています。<br/>期待通りに動作しなかったり予期せぬ結果を招く可能性があります。<br/><br/>それでもこの操作記録ファイルを読み込みますか?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.この操作記録ファイルは無効です。<br/>ファイルが破損しているか、Citraが操作記録モジュールに大きな変更を加えました。<br/>他の操作記録ファイルを試してみてください
+ Revision Dismatchリビジョンの不一致
+ Game Dismatchゲームタイトルの不一致
+ Invalid Movie File無効な操作記録ファイル
+ Play Movie操作記録ファイルを再生
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?乱数の一貫性を保つために、ゲーム開始時から操作記録を再生することを推奨します。<br>それでも操作記録を今すぐ再生しますか?
+ Game Not Foundゲームタイトルなし
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.再生しようとしている操作記録のタイトルがゲームリストにありません。タイトルを所有している場合は、ゲームリストにそのフォルダを追加して、もう一度再生してみてください。
+ Movie recording cancelled.操作の記録がキャンセルされました
+ Movie Saved保存成功
+ The movie is successfully saved.操作記録を保存しました
+ Capture Screenshotスクリーンキャプチャ
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG画像ファイル (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%スピード:%1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%スピード:%1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSゲーム:%1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msフレーム:%1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 が見つかりません。<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>システムアーカイブをダンプしてください<br/>。このままエミュレーションを続行すると、クラッシュやバグが発生する可能性があります
+ A system archiveシステムアーカイブ
+ System Archive Not Foundシステムアーカイブなし
+ System Archive Missingシステムアーカイブが見つかりません
+ Save/load Errorセーブ/ロード エラー
+ Fatal Error致命的なエラー
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.致命的なエラーが発生しました。詳細については<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>ログ</a>を参照してください。このままエミュレーションを続行すると、クラッシュやバグが発生する可能性があります
+ Fatal Error encountered致命的なエラーが発生しました
+ Abort中止
+ Would you like to exit now?今すぐ終了しますか?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?ゲーム実行中です。エミュレーションを中止しますか?
+ Playback Completed再生完了
+ Movie playback completed.操作記録の再生が完了しました
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3544,87 +3544,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Nameタイトル
+ Compatibility動作状況
+ Region地域
+ File typeファイルの種類
+ Sizeサイズ
+ Open Save Data Locationセーブデータの保存先を開く
+ Open Extra Data Location拡張データの保存先を開く
+ Open Application Locationアプリケーションの保存先を開く
+ Open Update Data Locationアップデータの保存先を開く
+ Open Texture Dump Locationテクスチャダンプの場所を開く
+ Open Custom Texture Locationカスタムテクスチャの場所を開く
+ Open Mods LocationModを開く
+ Dump RomFSRomFSをダンプ
+ Navigate to GameDB entry公式ゲームDBで動作状況を確認
+ Scan Subfoldersサブフォルダも検索
+ Remove Game Directoryゲームフォルダを削除
+ Open Directory Locationフォルダの場所を開く
@@ -3632,77 +3632,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Perfectカンペキ
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.音声や描画の問題は全くみられず、完璧に動作する
+ Greatサクサク
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ Okayソコソコ
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
+ Badガタガタ
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.ゲームの動作や音声、描画に大きな問題があり、特定の場面までしか進めない
+ Intro/Menuイントロ
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't Bootダメダメ
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.起動時にクラッシュするためプレイ不可
+ Not Tested未検証
+ The game has not yet been tested.このゲームはまだテストされていない
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listダブルクリックして新しいフォルダーをゲームリストに追加
@@ -3718,27 +3718,27 @@ Screen.
+ of件ヒットしました
+ result件中
+ results件中
+ Filter:タイトル名でフィルタ
+ Enter pattern to filterゲームタイトルを入力
@@ -4429,42 +4429,42 @@ Debug Message:
+ Password Required to Joinパスワードが必要です
+ Password:パスワードを入力
+ Room Nameルーム名
+ Preferred Gameプレイ希望ゲーム
+ Hostホスト
+ Playersプレイヤー
+ Refreshing更新
+ Refresh Listリスト更新
@@ -5034,83 +5034,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid region無効な地域
+ Installed Titlesインストールされたタイトル
+ System Titlesシステムタイトル
+ Add New Game Directory新しいゲームディレクトリを追加
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][未設定]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Axis %1%2
+ Button %1Button %1
+ [unknown][不明]
+ [unused][未使用]
+ Axis %1Axis %1
@@ -5288,37 +5288,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegisters
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registers
+ Vector LengthVector Length
+ Vector StrideVector Stride
+ Rounding ModeRounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration CountVector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts b/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
index 82abdaa439..a97a019a86 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ko_KR.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog Stick아날로그 스틱 설정
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
기본값으로 재설정
+ Clear지우기
+ [not set][설정 안함]
+ Restore Default기본값으로 재설정
+ Information정보
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.OK을 누른 후 먼저 조이스틱을 수평으로 이동한 다음 수직으로 이동하세요.
+ Deadzone: %1%데드존: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%민감도: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%데드존: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%민감도: 0%
+ [press key][키 입력]
+ Error!오류!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.이미 바인딩 된 키를 사용 중입니다.
+ New Profile새 프로필
+ Enter the name for the new profile.새 프로파일의 이름을 입력하십시오.
+ Delete Profile프로필 삭제
+ Delete profile %1?프로필 %1을 지우시겠습니까?
+ Rename Profile프로필 이름 바꾸기
+ New name:새 이름:
+ Duplicate profile name중복된 프로필 이름
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.프로필 이름이 이미 있습니다. 다른 이름을 선택하십시오.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1콘솔 ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?현재 사용하는 가상 3DS를 새로운 시스템으로 교체합니다. 현재 사용하는 가상 3DS는 복구 할 수 없습니다. 이러한 변경은 게임에 예기치 않은 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이 작업은 오래된 Config Savegame을 사용하는 경우 실패할 수 있습니다. 계속하시겠습니까?
+ Warning경고
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.한 줄 모드
+ <System><시스템>
+ EnglishEnglish
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?Citra를 개선하기위해 <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>익명데이터가 수집됩니다</a>. <br/><br/>사용 데이터를 공유하시겠습니까?
+ Telemetry텔레메트리
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.현재 에뮬레이션 속도. 100%보다 높거나 낮은 값은 에뮬레이션이 3DS보다 빠르거나 느린 것을 나타냅니다.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.게임이 현재 표시하고 있는 초당 프레임 수입니다. 이것은 게임마다 다르며 장면마다 다릅니다.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.3DS 프레임을 에뮬레이션 하는 데 걸린 시간, 프레임제한 또는 v-동기화를 카운트하지 않음. 최대 속도 에뮬레이션의 경우, 이는 최대 16.67 ms여야 합니다.
+ Clear Recent Files최근 파일 삭제
+ Update Available업데이트가 사용가능합니다
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?업데이트가 존재합니다. 지금 설치할까요?
+ No Update Found업데이트를 발견하지 못했습니다
+ No update is found.업데이트를 찾을 수 없습니다.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3이 지원되지않습니다
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPU가 OpenGL 3.3을 지원하지 않거나 최신 그래픽 드라이버를 가지고 있지 않을 수 있습니다.
+ Invalid ROM Format올바르지 않은 롬 포맷
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.지원되지 않는 롬 포맷입니다. <br/><a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>게임 카트리지</a>나 <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>설치된 타이틀</a>을 덤프하기위해 가이드를 따르세요
+ ROM Corrupted롬이 손상되었습니다
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.롬이 손상되었습니다. <br/><a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>게임 카트리지</a>나 <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>설치된 타이틀</a>을 덤프하기위해 가이드를 따르세요
+ ROM Encrypted롬이 암호화되어 있습니다
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.롬이 암호화 되어있습니다. <br/><a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>게임 카트리지</a>나 <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>설치된 타이틀</a>을 덤프하기위해 가이드를 따르세요
+ Video Core Error비디오 코어 에러
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.치명적인 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>로그를 확인하십시오</a>. GPU용 최신 그래픽 드라이버가 있는지 확인하십시오.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.GPU의 기본 Windows 드라이버를 실행하고 있습니다. 제조업체의 웹 사이트에서 그래픽 카드에 맞는 드라이버를 설치해야합니다.
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM을 로드하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하십시오.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA를 사용하기 전에 설치되어야 합니다
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?이 CIA를 사용하기 전에 설치해야합니다. 지금 설치 하시겠습니까?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.비디오 덤프를 시작할 수 없습니다.<br>자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하십시오.
+ Start시작
+ Slot %1슬롯 %1
+ Slot %1 - %2슬롯 %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folder%1 폴더 열기 오류
+ Folder does not exist!폴더가 존재하지 않습니다!
+ Dumping...덤프중...
+ Cancel취소
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.베이스 RomFS를 덤프 할 수 없습니다.
자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하십시오.
+ Error Opening %1%1 열기 오류
+ Select Directory디렉토리 선택
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS 실행파일 (%1);;모든파일 (*.*)
+ Load File파일 열기
+ Load Files파일 열기
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS 설치파일 (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)모든파일 (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1가 성공적으로 설치되었습니다.
+ Unable to open File파일을 열 수 없음
+ Could not open %1%1를 열수 없음
+ Installation aborted설치가 중단됨
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details%1의 설치가 중단되었습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하십시오.
+ Invalid File올바르지 않은 파일
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1은 올바른 CIA가 아닙니다
+ Encrypted File암호화된 파일
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 은 Citra에서 사용되기전에 디크립트되어야 합니다. 실제 3DS가 필요합니다.
+ File not found파일을 찾을 수 없음
+ File "%1" not found파일 "%1"을 찾을 수 없음
+ Continue계속
+ Missing Citra AccountCitra 계정 없음
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.테스트를 제출하기 위해서는 Citra계정을 연결해야합니다.<br/>연결하려면 Emulation > Configure... > Web 으로 가세요.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 파일 (%1);; 모든파일 (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo 불러오기
+ Error opening Amiibo data file아미보 데이터 파일 열기 오류
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Amiibo 파일 "%1"을 읽을 수 없습니다.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file아미보 데이터 파일 읽기 오류
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Amiibo 데이터를 완전히 읽을 수 없습니다. %1 바이트를 읽으려고 했지만 %2 바이트만 읽을 수 있었습니다.
+ Record Movie무비 녹화
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?RNG와의 일관성을 유지하려면 게임 시작시 동영상을 녹화하는 것이 좋습니다. 지금 무비를 녹화하시겠습니까?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.게임을 부팅할때 레코딩이 시작됩니다.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?재생하려는 무비파일은 Citra의 다른 리비전에서 만들어 졌습니다. <br/>그동안 Citra에는 많은 변경이 있었고 재생된 내용은 싱크가 맞지않거나 예상과 다르게 작동할 수 있습니다. <br/><br/>정말 무비파일을 여시겠습니까?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?재생하려는 무비파일은 다른게임으로 부터 녹화되었습니다. <br/>재생은 원하는 결과를 나타내지않거나, 예기치않은 결과를 만들 수 있습니다.<br/><br/> 정말 무비파일을 여시겠습니까?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.재생하려고 하는 무비파일은 올바르지않습니다. <br/>파일이 손상되었거나 Citra의 무비 모듈에 메이저한 변경이 있었습니다. <br/>다른 무비파일이 선택해서 다시 시도하십시오.
+ Revision Dismatch리비전 불일치
+ Game Dismatch게임 불일치
+ Invalid Movie File올바르지 않은 무비 파일
+ Play Movie무비 재생
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?RNG와의 일관성을 유지하려면 게임 시작시 동영상을 재생하는 것이 좋습니다.<br>지금 무비를 재생하시겠습니까?
+ Game Not Found게임을 찾을 수 없습니다
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.재생하려는 무비의 게임이 게임리스트에 존재하지 않습니다. 만약 게임을 가지고 있으면 게임 폴더를 게임 리스트에 추가하고 다시 무비를 플레이하세요
+ Movie recording cancelled.무비 레코딩이 취소되었습니다.
+ Movie Saved무비 저장됨
+ The movie is successfully saved.무비가 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.
+ Capture Screenshot스크린샷 캡쳐
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG 이미지 (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%속도: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%속도: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPS게임: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 ms프레임: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1이 없습니다. <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>시스템 아카이브를 덤프하십시오</a>.<br/>에뮬레이션을 계속하면 충돌 및 버그가 발생할 수 있습니다.
+ A system archive시스템 아카이브
+ System Archive Not FoundSystem Archive를 찾을수 없습니다
+ System Archive Missing시스템 아카이브가 없습니다
+ Save/load Error세이브/로드 오류
+ Fatal Error치명적인 에러
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.치명적인 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>로그를 확인하십시오</a>. <br/>에뮬레이션을 계속하면 충돌과 버그가 발생할 수 있습니다.
+ Fatal Error encountered치명적인 오류가 발생했습니다
+ Abort중단
+ Would you like to exit now?지금 종료하시겠습니까?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?게임이 아직 작동중입니다. 에뮬레이션을 정지할까요?
+ Playback Completed재생 완료
+ Movie playback completed.무비 재생 완료
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Name이름
+ Compatibility호환성
+ Region지역
+ File type파일 타입
+ Size크기
+ Open Save Data Location세이브 데이터 위치 열기
+ Open Extra Data LocationExtra Date 위치 열기
+ Open Application Location어플리케이션 위치 열기
+ Open Update Data Location업데이트 데이터 위치 열기
+ Open Texture Dump Location텍스처 덤프 위치 열기
+ Open Custom Texture Location커스텀 텍스처 위치 열기
+ Open Mods Location모드 위치 열기
+ Dump RomFSRomFS 덤프
+ Navigate to GameDB entryGameDB 엔트리로 이동
+ Scan Subfolders서브 디렉토리 스캔
+ Remove Game Directory게임 디렉토리 삭제
+ Open Directory Location디렉토리 위치 열기
@@ -3630,81 +3630,81 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Perfect완벽함
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.오디오 또는 그래픽 글리치가 없이 게임이 완벽하게 작동하며, 테스트된 모든 기능이 특별한 해결방안 없이 의도대로 작동합니다.
+ Great좋음
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.게임은 사소한 그래픽문제나 오디오 글리치와 함께 처음부터 끝까지 진행가능합니다.
몇가지 해결방안이 필요할 수 있습니다.
+ Okay양호
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.게임은 주요 그래픽문제나 오디오 글리치와 함께 처음부터 끝까지 진행가능합니다.
몇가지 해결방안이 필요할 수 있습니다.
+ Bad나쁨
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.게임은 작동하지만 주요 그래픽이나 오디오 글리치가 있습니다. 특별한 해결방안에도 불구하고
특정한 지역에서 글리치로 인해 진행이 불가능합니다
+ Intro/Menu인트로/메뉴
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.주요 그래픽 또는 오디오 결함으로 인해 게임을 완전히 재생할 수 없습니다. 시작화면을
지날 수 없습니다
+ Won't Boot실행불가
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.시작할 때 게임이 충돌합니다.
+ Not Tested테스트되지 않음
+ The game has not yet been tested.이 게임은 아직 테스트되지 않았습니다.
@@ -3712,7 +3712,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list더블 클릭하여 게임 목록에 새 폴더 추가
@@ -3720,27 +3720,27 @@ Screen.
+ of중의
+ result의 결과
+ results의 결과
+ Filter:필터:
+ Enter pattern to filter검색 필터 입력
@@ -4429,42 +4429,42 @@ Debug Message:
로비 새로고침
+ Password Required to Join참가시 비밀번호 필요
+ Password:비밀번호:
+ Room Name방 이름
+ Preferred Game선호되는 게임
+ Host호스트
+ Players플레이어
+ Refreshing새로고침중
+ Refresh List리스트 새로고침
@@ -5034,83 +5034,83 @@ They may have left the room.
게임을 하고 있지 않음
+ Invalid region올바르지 않은 지역
+ Installed Titles설치된 타이틀
+ System Titles시스템 타이틀
+ Add New Game Directory새 게임 디렉토리 추가
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][설정 안함]
+ Hat %1 %2방향키 %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2 Axis %1%2
+ Button %1 버튼 %1
+ [unknown][알수없는]
+ [unused][사용되지않음]
+ Axis %1 Axis %1
@@ -5288,37 +5288,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegisters
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registers
+ Vector LengthVector Length
+ Vector StrideVector Stride
+ Rounding ModeRounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration CountVector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/lt_LT.ts b/dist/languages/lt_LT.ts
index 32852dd98e..4ba15b4889 100644
--- a/dist/languages/lt_LT.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/lt_LT.ts
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickNustatyti analoginį valdiklį
@@ -1341,105 +1341,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Atkurti numatytuosius
+ ClearIšvalyti
+ [not set][nenustatyta]
+ Restore DefaultAtkurti numatytuosius
+ InformationInformacija
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Kai paspausite OK, pajudinkite savo valdiklio lazdelę horizontaliai, ir paskui vertikaliai.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][paspauskite klavišą]
+ Error!Klaida!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.
+ New ProfileNaujas Profilis
+ Enter the name for the new profile.
+ Delete ProfileIštrinti Profilį
+ Delete profile %1?Ištrinti profilį %1?
+ Rename ProfilePervadinti Profilį
+ New name:Naujas pavadinimas:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2529,18 +2529,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsolės ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Tai pakeis jūsų dabartinį virtualų 3DS nauju. Jūsų dabartinis virtualus 3DS bus nebeatkuriamas. Tai gali padaryti netikėtų pokyčių žaidimuose. Tęsti?
+ WarningĮspėjimas
@@ -2738,12 +2738,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishAnglų k.
@@ -2953,528 +2953,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anoniminiai duomenys yra renkami </a> kad padėtumėte Citra komandai. <br/><br/>Ar norite pasidalinti savo duomenimis su mumis?
+ TelemetryTelemetrija
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Dabartinės emuliacijos greitis. Reikšmės žemiau ar aukščiau 100% parodo, kad emuliacija veikia greičiau ar lėčiau negu 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Kiek FPS žaidimas šiuo metu atvaizduoja. Tai gali keistis nuo žaidimo ir scenos.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Laikas, kuris buvo sunaudotas atvaizduoti 1 3DS kadrą, neskaičiuojant FPS ribojimo ar V-Sync. Pilno greičio emuliacijai reikalinga daugiausia 16.67 ms reikšmė.
+ Clear Recent FilesPravalyti neseniai įkrautus failus
+ Update AvailablePasiekiamas atnaujinimas
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Atnaujinimas yra pasiekiamas. Ar dabar norite jį įdiegti?
+ No Update FoundAtnaujinimų nerasta
+ No update is found.Atnaujinimų nerasta
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 nepalaikomas
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Jūsų vaizdo plokštė nepalaiko OpenGL 3.3, arba neturite naujausių vaizdo tvarkyklių.
+ Invalid ROM FormatKlaidingas ROM formatas
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Jūsų ROM formatas yra nepalaikomas.<br/>Prašome pasižiūrėti į mūsų gidus kaip nukopijuoti jūsų <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>žaidimų plokšteles</a>arba <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>įdiegtus žaidimus</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedPažeistas ROM failas
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Jūsų ROM failas yra pažeistas.<br/>Prašome pasižiūrėti į mūsų gidus kaip iškopijuoti jūsų<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'> žaidimų plokšteles</a>arba<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'> suinstaliuotus žaidimus</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedUžšifruotas ROM failas
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Jūsų ROM failas yra užšifruotas. <br/>Prašome pasižiūrėti į mūsų gidus kaip iškopijuoti jūsų <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>žaidimų plokšteles</a>arba <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>suinstaliuotus žaidimus</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorVaizdo atkūrimo klaida
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Įvyko klaida. Prašome <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>pasižiūrėti į žurnalą</a>dėl daugiau informacijos. Įsitinkite, ar turite naujausias vaizdo tvarkykles jūsų vaizdo plokštei.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Jūs turite numatytasias Windows tvarkykles jūsų vaizdo plokštei. Jums reikia įdiegti tikrasias tvarkykles jūsų vaizdo plokštei iš gamintojo internetinio puslapio.
+ Error while loading ROM!Klaida įkraunant ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Įvyko nežinoma klaida. Pasižiūrėkite į žurnalą dėl daugiau informacijos.
+ CIA must be installed before usage
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?
+ Citra„Citra“
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartPradėti
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderKlaida atidarant %1 aplanką
+ Folder does not exist!Aplankas neegzistuoja!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Klaida atidarant %1
+ Select DirectoryPasirinkti katalogą
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS programa (%1);;Visi failai (*.*)
+ Load FileĮkrauti failą
+ Load FilesĮkrauti failus
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS instaliacijos failas (*.cia*)
+ All Files (*.*)Visi failai (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 buvo įdiegtas sėkmingai.
+ Unable to open FileNegalima atverti failo
+ Could not open %1Nepavyko atverti %1
+ Installation abortedInstaliacija nutraukta
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsFailo %1 instaliacija buvo nutraukta. Pasižiūrėkite į žurnalą dėl daugiau informacijos
+ Invalid FileKlaidingas failas
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 nėra tinkamas CIA
+ Encrypted FileŠifruotas failas
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 turi būti iššifruotas prieš naudojant jį su „Citra“. Tikra 3DS konsolė yra būtina.
+ File not foundFailas nerastas
+ File "%1" not foundFailas "%1" nerastas
+ ContinueTęsti
+ Missing Citra AccountNėra „Citra“ paskyros
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Jūs turite prijungti jūsų Citra vartotoją prieš pateikiant suderinamumą. <br/>Eikite į Emuliacija > Konfigūruoti... > Tinklo tarnyba.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)„Amiibo“ failas (%1);; Visi failai (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboĮkrauti „Amiibo“
+ Error opening Amiibo data file
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieĮrašyti įvesčių vaizdo įrašą
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Laikantis įvairių numerių generatoriaus taisyklių, rekomenduojama pradėti įrašinėti įvestis nuo žaidimo paleisties.<br>Ar tikrai norite pradėti įrašinėti įvestis dabar?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS vaizdo įrašas (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Įrašymas prasidės kai įkrausite žaidimą.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Šis įvesčių įrašas buvo sukurtas senesnėje „Citra“ versijoje.<br/>„Citra“ turėjo pakeitimų, ir įrašas gali atitrūkinėti arba neveikti.<br/><br/>Ar tikrai norite įkrauti šį įrašą?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Šis įvesčių įrašas buvo sukurtas kitame žaidime.<br/>Įrašas gali veikti netikėtai.<br/><br/>Ar tikrai norite įkrauti šį įrašą?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Šis įvesčių įrašas yra klaidingas.<br/>Failas yra pažeistas arba „Citra“ turėjo didelių pakitimų įrašų modulyje. <br/>Prašome pasirinkti kitą įrašo failą ir pabandyti iš naujo.
+ Revision DismatchRevizijų nesutapimas
+ Game DismatchŽaidimų nesutapimas
+ Invalid Movie FileKlaidingas filmo failas
+ Play MoviePaleisti filmą
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Laikantis įvairių numerių generatoriaus taisyklių, rekomenduojama paleisti įrašą nuo žaidimo paleisties.<br>Ar tikrai norite paleisti įvestį dabar?
+ Game Not FoundŽaidimas nerastas
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Įrašas, kurį bandote paleisti, nėra iš žaidimų, kuriuos turite savo žaidimų sąraše. Prašome įtraukti savo žaidimų aplanką į sąrašą ir pabandyti iš naujo.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Įrašo įrašymas nutrauktas.
+ Movie SavedĮrašas išsaugotas
+ The movie is successfully saved.Filmas sėkmingai išsaugotas.
+ Capture Screenshot
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Paveikslėlis (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Greitis: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Greitis: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSŽaidimas: %1 kadr./s
+ Frame: %1 msKadras: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Trūksta %1. Prašome <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>iškopijuoti sisteminius archyvus</a>. <br/>Jeigu tęsite emuliaciją, gali įvykti netikėtų išsijungimų ir klaidų.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundSisteminis archyvas nerastas
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorNepataisoma klaida
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Įvyko nepataisoma klaida. Prašome <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>pasižiūrėti į žurnalą</a>dėl daugiau informacijos. Jeigu tęsite emuliaciją, gali įvykti netikėtų išsijungimų ir riktų.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortNutraukti
+ Would you like to exit now?Ar norite išeiti?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Žaidimas vis dar veikia. Ar norite sustabdyti emuliaciją?
+ Playback CompletedAtkūrimas užbaigtas
+ Movie playback completed.Įrašo atkūrimas užbaigtas.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3537,87 +3537,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NamePavadinimas
+ CompatibilitySuderinamumas
+ RegionRegionas
+ File typeFailo tipas
+ SizeDydis
+ Open Save Data LocationAtidaryti išsaugojimo duomenų vietą
+ Open Extra Data LocationAtidaryti papildomų duomenų vietą
+ Open Application LocationAtidaryti programos vietą
+ Open Update Data LocationAtidaryti atnaujinimo duomenų vietą
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryEiti į suderinamumo puslapį
+ Scan SubfoldersIeškoti poaplankius
+ Remove Game DirectoryPašalinti žaidimo katalogą
+ Open Directory LocationAtidaryti katalogo vietą
@@ -3625,77 +3625,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectTobulas
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Žaidimas veikia nuostabiai be jokių garso ar vaizdo trikdžių, visos išbandytos funkcijos veikia kaip numatyta be problemų apėjimų.
+ GreatPuikus
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Žaidimas veikia su smulkiais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais ir gali būti pereitas nuo pradžios iki galo. Gali reikalauti keleto problemų apėjimų.
+ OkayGeras
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Žaidimas veikia su dideliais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais, bet žaidimas gali būti pereitas nuo pradžios iki galo su problemų apėjimais.
+ BadBlogas
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Žaidimas veikia, bet su dideliais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais. Neįmanoma pereiti keleto vietų net su problemų apėjimais.
+ Intro/MenuRodo tik pradžios ekraną
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Žaidimas yra visiškai negalimas žaisti dėl didelių garso ar vaizdo trikdžių. Neįmanoma pratęsti žaidimo toliau negu pradžios ekranas.
+ Won't BootNepasileidžia
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Žaidimas netikėtai išsijungia pasileidžiant.
+ Not TestedNetestuota
+ The game has not yet been tested.Žaidimas dar nebuvo išbandytas.
@@ -3703,7 +3703,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3711,27 +3711,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofiš
+ resultrezultatų
+ resultsrezultatai
+ Filter:Filtras:
+ Enter pattern to filterĮveskite raktinius žodžius filtravimui
@@ -4418,42 +4418,42 @@ Debug Message:
Atnaujinti sąrašą
+ Password Required to JoinReikalingas slaptažodis
+ Password:Slaptažodis:
+ Room NameServerio pavadinimas
+ Preferred GamePageidautinas žaidimas
+ HostVartotojas
+ PlayersŽaidėjų skaičius
+ RefreshingAtnaujinama
+ Refresh ListAtnaujinti sąrašą
@@ -5019,83 +5019,83 @@ They may have left the room.
Nežaidžia žaidimo
+ Invalid regionKlaidingas regionas
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nenustatytas]
+ Hat %1 %2Pusė %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Ašis %1%2
+ Button %1Mygtukas %1
+ [unknown][nežinomas]
+ [unused][nenaudojamas]
+ Axis %1Ašis %1
@@ -5273,37 +5273,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegistrai
+ VFP RegistersVFP registrai
+ VFP System RegistersVFP sistemos registrai
+ Vector LengthVektoriaus ilgis
+ Vector StrideVektoriaus žingsnis
+ Rounding ModeApvalinimo režimas
+ Vector Iteration CountVektoriaus iteracijos skaičiavimas
diff --git a/dist/languages/nb.ts b/dist/languages/nb.ts
index f3f0730d89..273a7c9e63 100644
--- a/dist/languages/nb.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/nb.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Vil du ignorere feilen og fortsette?
+ Set Analog StickStill Analog Stick
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Vil du ignorere feilen og fortsette?
Gjenopprett Standardinnstillinger
+ ClearSlett
+ [not set][ikke satt]
+ Restore DefaultGjenopprett Standard
+ InformationInformasjon
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Etter å ha trykket på OK, flytt først joysticken horisontalt og deretter vertikalt.
+ Deadzone: %1%Dødsone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%Modifikasjonsskala: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Dødsone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%Modifikasjonsskala: 0%
+ [press key][trykk på tast]
+ Error!Feil!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Du bruker en tast som allerede er bundet.
+ New ProfileNy Profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Skriv inn navnet på den nye profilen.
+ Delete ProfileSlett Profil
+ Delete profile %1?Slett profil %1?
+ Rename ProfileEndre navn til profilen
+ New name:Nytt Navn:
+ Duplicate profile nameDuplikat profilnavn
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Profilnavn eksisterer allerede. Vennligst velg et annet navn.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Vil du ignorere feilen og fortsette?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsoll ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dette erstatter din nåværende virtuelle 3DS med en ny. Din nåværende virtuelle 3DS kan ikke gjenopprettes. Dette kan ha uventede effekter i spill. Dette kan misslykkes, hvis du bruker et utdatert konfigurasjon lagret spill. Fortsette?
+ WarningAdvarsel
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbeltklikk på tabellceller for å re
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEngelsk
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Dra punkter for å endre posisjon, eller dobbeltklikk på tabellceller for å re
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonym data samles inn</a> for å forbedre Citra. <br/><br/>Vil du dele dine brukerdata med oss?
+ TelemetryTelemetri
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Nåværende emuleringhastighet. Verdier høyere eller lavere enn 100% indikerer at emuleringen kjører raskere eller langsommere enn en 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Hvor mange bilder per sekund spillet vises for øyeblikket. Dette vil variere fra spill til spill og scene til scene.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Tid tatt for å emulere et 3DS bilde, gjelder ikke bildebegrensning eller V-Sync. For raskest emulering bør dette være høyst 16,67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesTøm nylige filer
+ Update AvailableOppdatering Tilgjengelig
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?En oppdatering er tilgjengelig. Ønsker du å installere den nå?
+ No Update FoundIngen Oppdatering Funnet
+ No update is found.Ingen oppdatering ble funnet.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Støttes Ikke
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Din GPU støtter kanskje ikke OpenGL 3.3, eller du har ikke den nyeste grafikkdriveren.
+ Invalid ROM FormatUgyldig ROM Format
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM-formatet støttes ikke.<br/>Følg veiledningene for å redumpe dine<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spillpatroner</a> eller <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerte titler</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Korrupt
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM er ødelagt.<br/>Vennligst følg veiledningene for å dumpe din<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>Spillpatronen</a> eller <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerte titler</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Kryptert
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Din ROM er kryptert. <br/>Vennligst følg veiledningene får å dumpe <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spillpatroner</a> eller <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installerte titler</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorVideo Kjerne Feil
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.En feil har oppstått. Vennligst <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>se loggen</a> for flere detaljer. Kontroller at du har de nyeste grafikkdriverne for GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Du kjører standard Windows-drivere for din GPU. Du må installere de riktige driverne for grafikkortet ditt fra produsentens nettsted.
+ Error while loading ROM!Feil ved lasting av ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.En ukjent feil oppstod. Vennligst se loggen for mer informasjon.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA må installeres før bruk
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Før du bruker denne CIA, må du installere den. Vil du installere det nå?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Kunne ikke starte videodumping.<br>Se loggen for detaljer.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1Spor %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Spor %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFeil ved Åpning av %1 Mappe
+ Folder does not exist!Mappen eksistere ikke!
+ Dumping...Dumper...
+ CancelKanseller
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Kunne ikke dumpe basen RomFS.
Se loggen for detaljer.
+ Error Opening %1Feil ved åpning av %1
+ Select DirectoryVelg Mappe
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)
+ Load FileLast Fil
+ Load FilesLast Filer
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Installasjons Fil (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Alle Filer (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 Ble installert vellykket.
+ Unable to open FileKan ikke åpne Fil
+ Could not open %1Kunne ikke åpne %1
+ Installation abortedInstallasjon avbrutt
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsInstalleringen av %1 ble avbrutt. Vennligst se logg for detaljer
+ Invalid FileUgyldig Fil
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 er ikke en gyldig CIA
+ Encrypted FileKryptert Fil
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 må bli dekryptert før den kan bli brukt av Citra. En ekte 3DS er nødvendig.
+ File not foundFil ikke funnet
+ File "%1" not foundFil "%1" ble ikke funnet
+ ContinueFortsett
+ Missing Citra AccountMangler Citra Bruker
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Du må koble din Citra-konto til å sende inn testtilfeller.<br/>Gå til Emulering > Konfigurasjon... > Web får å gjøre det.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLast inn Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileFeil ved åpning av Amiibo datafil
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Kan ikke åpne Amiibo-filen "%1" for å lese.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileFeil ved lesing av Amiibo datafil
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Kan ikke lese Amiibo-data fullt ut. Forventet å lese %1 bytes, men kunne bare lese %2 byte.
+ Record MovieTa Opp Video
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?For å holde konsistens med RNG, anbefales det å ta opp filmen fra spillstart.<br>Er du sikker på at du fortsatt vil spille inn filmer nå?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Film (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Opptak starter når du starter et spill.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Filmen filen du prøver å laste ble opprettet på en annen revisjon av Citra.<br/>Citra har hatt noen endringer i løpet av tiden, og avspillingen kan de-synkroniseres eller ikke fungere som forventet.<br/><br/>Er du sikker på at du fortsatt vil laste video filen?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?video filen du prøver å laste ble tatt opp med et annet spill.<br/>Avspillingen fungerer kanskje ikke som forventet, og det kan føre til uventede resultater.<br/><br/>Er du sikker på at du fortsatt vil laste filmfilen?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Filmfilen du prøver å laste er ugyldig.<br/>Enten er filen skadet, eller så har Citra har gjort noen store endringer i filmmodulen.<br/>Vennligst velg en annen filmfil og prøv igjen.
+ Revision DismatchRevisjon Avvik
+ Game DismatchSpill Avvik
+ Invalid Movie FileUgyldig Video Fil
+ Play MovieSpill Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?For å holde konsistens med RNG, anbefales det å spille av filmen fra spillstart.<br>Er du sikker på at du fortsatt vil spille filmer nå?
+ Game Not FoundSpill Ikke Funnet
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Filmen du prøver å spille er fra et spill som ikke er i spillelisten. Hvis du eier spillet, må du legge til spillemappen til spillelisten og prøve å spille av filmen igjen.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Filmopptak avbrutt.
+ Movie SavedFilm Lagret
+ The movie is successfully saved.Filmen ble lagret vellykket.
+ Capture ScreenshotTa Skjermbilde
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Bilde (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Fart: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Fart: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSSpill: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msBilde: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 mangler. Vennligst <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump systemarkivene dine</a>.<br/>Fortsatt emulering kan føre til krasjer og feil.
+ A system archiveEt System Arkiv
+ System Archive Not FoundSystem Arkiv ikke funnet
+ System Archive MissingSystem Arkiv Mangler
+ Save/load ErrorLagre/laste inn Feil
+ Fatal ErrorFatal Feil
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.En fatal feil har oppstått. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Se loggen</a> for detaljer.<br/>Fortsatt emulering kan føre til krasjer og feil.
+ Fatal Error encounteredFatal Feil Oppstått
+ AbortAvbryt
+ Would you like to exit now?Vil du avslutte nå?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Spillet kjører fortsatt. Vil du stoppe emulering?
+ Playback CompletedAvspilling Fullført
+ Movie playback completed.Filmavspilling fullført.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Se loggen for detaljer.
+ NameNavn
+ CompatibilityKompatibilitet
+ RegionRegion
+ File typeFiltype
+ SizeStørrelse
+ Open Save Data LocationÅpne Lagringsdata Plassering
+ Open Extra Data LocationÅpne Ekstra Data Lokasjon
+ Open Application LocationÅpne applikasjons plassering
+ Open Update Data LocationÅpne Oppdateringdata Plassering
+ Open Texture Dump LocationÅpne Tekstur Dump Lokasjon
+ Open Custom Texture LocationÅpne Tilpasset Tekstur Lokasjon
+ Open Mods LocationÅpne Modifikasjoner Lokasjon
+ Dump RomFSDump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNaviger til GameDB oppføring
+ Scan SubfoldersSkann Undermapper
+ Remove Game DirectorySlett Spill Mappe
+ Open Directory LocationFjern Mappe Plassering
@@ -3630,82 +3630,82 @@ Se loggen for detaljer.
+ PerfectPerfekt
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Spillet fungerer feilfritt uten lyd- eller grafiske feil, alle testet funksjonalitet fungerer som tiltenkt uten
behov for midlertidige løsninger.
+ GreatBra
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Spillet Fungerer med minimale grafiske- eller lyd feil og kan spilles fra start til slutt. Kan kreve noe
midlertidige løsninger.
+ OkayOk
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Spillet fungerer med omfattende grafiske- eller lyd feil, men er spillbart fra start til slutt med
midlertidige løsninger.
+ BadDårlig
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Spillet fungerer, men med omfattende grafiske- eller lyd feil. Umulig med fremgang i spesifikke områder på grunn av feil
selv med midlertidige løsninger.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Meny
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Spillet er helt uspillbart på grunn av store grafiske- eller lyd feil. Kan ikke gå videre forbi Start
+ Won't BootVil ikke starte opp
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Spillet krasjer når du prøver å starte opp.
+ Not TestedIkke Testet
+ The game has not yet been tested.Spillet har ikke blitt testet ennå.
@@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ Skjermen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listDobbelttrykk for å legge til en ny mappe til spilllisten
@@ -3721,27 +3721,27 @@ Skjermen.
+ ofav
+ resultResultat
+ resultsResultater
+ Filter:Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filterSkriv inn mønster for å filtrere
@@ -4430,42 +4430,42 @@ Feilmelding:
Oppdater Lobby
+ Password Required to JoinPassord kreves for å bli med
+ Password:Passord:
+ Room NameRom Navn
+ Preferred GameForetrukket Spill
+ HostVert
+ PlayersSpillere
+ RefreshingOppdaterer
+ Refresh ListOppdaterer Liste
@@ -5035,83 +5035,83 @@ De kan ha forlatt rommet.
Ikke i Spill
+ Invalid regionUgyldig region
+ Installed TitlesInstallerte Tittler
+ System TitlesSystem Tittler
+ Add New Game DirectoryLegg til en ny Spillmappe
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ikke bestemt]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Akse %1%2
+ Button %1Knapp %1
+ [unknown][ukjent]
+ [unused][ubrukt]
+ Axis %1Akse %1
@@ -5289,37 +5289,37 @@ De kan ha forlatt rommet.
+ RegistersRegistre
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registre
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registre
+ Vector LengthVektor Lengde
+ Vector StrideVector Stride
+ Rounding ModeRounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration CountVektor Gjentagelse Antall
diff --git a/dist/languages/nl.ts b/dist/languages/nl.ts
index 52fd96f989..d4057ac821 100644
--- a/dist/languages/nl.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/nl.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Wil je de error negeren en doorgaan?
+ Set Analog StickAnalog Stick instellen
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Wil je de error negeren en doorgaan?
Standaardwaarde herstellen
+ ClearWissen
+ [not set][niet ingesteld]
+ Restore DefaultStandaardwaarde herstellen
+ InformationInformatie
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Na op OK te drukken, beweeg eerst de joystick horizontaal en dan verticaal.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][Druk op een toets]
+ Error!Fout!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Je gebruikt een toets die al gebonden is.
+ New ProfileNieuw Profiel
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Voer de naam in van het nieuwe profiel.
+ Delete ProfileProfiel Verwijderen
+ Delete profile %1?Profiel verwijderen %1?
+ Rename ProfileNaam Profiel Wijzigen
+ New name:Nieuwe naam:
+ Duplicate profile nameDubbele profiel naam
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Wil je de error negeren en doorgaan?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Console ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Dit zal je huidige virtuele 3DS vervangen met een nieuwe. Je huidige virtuele 3DS is niet herstelbaar. Dit kan onverwachte effecten hebben in spellen. Dit kan mislukken, als je een verouderd configuratie opslagbestand gebruikt. Doorgaan?
+ WarningWaarschuwing
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEngels
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonieme data is ingezameld</a> om Citra te helpen verbeteren. <br/><br/> Zou je jouw gebruikers data willen delen met ons?
+ TelemetryTelemetrie
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Huidige emulatiesnelheid. Waardes hoger of lager dan 100% geven aan dat de emulatie sneller of langzamer gaat dan een 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Hoeveel frames per seconde het spel nu momenteel laat zien. Dit kan variëren van spel tot spel en scene tot scene.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Tijd verstrekt om één 3DS frame te emuleren, zonder framelimitatie of V-Sync te tellen. Voor volledige snelheid emulatie zal dit maximaal 16.67 ms moeten zijn.
+ Clear Recent FilesWis recente bestanden
+ Update AvailableUpdate Beschikbaar
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Een update is beschikbaar. Zou u hem nu willen installeren?
+ No Update FoundGeen update gevonden
+ No update is found.Geen update gevonden.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Niet-Ondersteund
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Jouw GPU ondersteunt OpenGL 3.3 misschien niet, of je hebt niet de laatste grafische stuurprogramma's.
+ Invalid ROM FormatOngeldig ROM-formaat
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Beschadigd
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Versleuteld
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Uw ROM is versleuteld.<br/>Volgt u AUB de handleiding om uw <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>spelcartridges</a> of <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>geïnstalleerde titels</a> opnieuw te dumpen.
+ Video Core Error
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.
+ Error while loading ROM!Fout tijdens het laden van de ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden. Zie het logboek voor meer details.
+ CIA must be installed before usage
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderFout bij het openen van de map %1
+ Folder does not exist!Map bestaat niet!
+ Dumping...
+ CancelAnnuleren
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Fout bij het openen van %1
+ Select DirectorySelecteer Folder
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileLaad bestand
+ Load FilesLaad Bestanden
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Installatie bestand (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Alle bestanden (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 is succesvol geïnstalleerd.
+ Unable to open FileKan bestand niet openen
+ Could not open %1Kan %1 niet openen
+ Installation abortedInstallatie onderbroken
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsDe installatie van %1 is afgebroken. Zie het logboek voor meer details
+ Invalid FileOngeldig bestand
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 is geen geldige CIA
+ Encrypted FileVersleuterd bestand
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 moet worden gedecodeerd voordat het met Citra kan worden gebruikt. Een echte 3DS is vereist.
+ File not foundBestand niet gevonden
+ File "%1" not foundBestand "%1" niet gevonden
+ ContinueDoorgaan
+ Missing Citra AccountCitra Account ontbreekt
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Bestand (%1);; Alle Bestanden (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboLaad Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileFout bij openen van Amiibo gegevensbestand
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Kan Amiibo bestand %1 niet openen om te lezen.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileFout bij lezen van Amiibo gegevensbestand
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Kon Amiibo gegevens niet volledig lezen. Verwachtte %1 bytes te lezen, maar kon maar %2 bytes lezen.
+ Record MovieFilm opnemen
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.
+ Revision DismatchRevisie komt niet overeen
+ Game DismatchGame komt niet overeen
+ Invalid Movie FileOngeldig filmbestand
+ Play MovieSpeel Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?
+ Game Not FoundSpel Niet Gevonden
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.De video die je probeert af te spelen is van een game die niet in de game lijst staat. Als je in bezit ben van deze game, voeg de game folder toe aan de game lijst en probeer de video opnieuw af te spelen.
+ Movie recording cancelled.
+ Movie Saved
+ The movie is successfully saved.
+ Capture ScreenshotMaak Schermafbeelding
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG Afbeelding (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Snelheid: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Snelheid: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSSpel: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msFrame: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundSysteem archief niet gevonden
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load ErrorOpslaan/Laad fout
+ Fatal ErrorFatale Fout
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortAfbreken
+ Would you like to exit now?Wil je nu afsluiten?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Het spel draait nog steeds. Wil je de emulatie stoppen?
+ Playback Completed
+ Movie playback completed.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNaam
+ CompatibilityCompatibiliteit
+ RegionRegio
+ File typeBestandstype
+ SizeGrootte
+ Open Save Data LocationOpen opslag data locatie
+ Open Extra Data LocationOpen Extra Data Locatie
+ Open Application LocationOpen Applicatie Locatie
+ Open Update Data LocationOpen Update Data Locatie
+ Open Texture Dump LocationOpen Texture Dump Locatie
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods LocationOpen Mods Locatie
+ Dump RomFSDump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNavigeer naar GameDB item
+ Scan SubfoldersScan Submappen
+ Remove Game DirectoryVerwijder Game Directorie
+ Open Directory Location
@@ -3628,78 +3628,78 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectPerfect
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.
+ GreatGeweldig
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ OkayOké
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Het spel functioneert met enorme grafische of geluidsproblemen, maar het spel is speelbaar van het begin tot het einde met
+ BadSlecht
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't BootStart Niet
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.
+ Not TestedNiet Getest
+ The game has not yet been tested.Het spel is nog niet getest.
@@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3715,27 +3715,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofvan de
+ resultresultaat
+ resultsresultaten
+ Filter:Filter:
+ Enter pattern to filter
@@ -4423,42 +4423,42 @@ Debug Message:
+ Password Required to Join
+ Password:Wachtwoord:
+ Room Name
+ Preferred Game
+ Host
+ PlayersSpelers
+ Refreshing
+ Refresh List
@@ -5026,83 +5026,83 @@ They may have left the room.
Speelt geen spel
+ Invalid regionOngeldige regio
+ Installed TitlesGeïnstalleerde titels
+ System TitlesSysteem titels
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][niet ingesteld]
+ Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2
+ Button %1Knop %1
+ [unknown][onbekend]
+ [unused][ongebruikt]
+ Axis %1
@@ -5280,37 +5280,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRegisters
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP Systeem Registers
+ Vector LengthVector Lengte
+ Vector StrideVector Schrede
+ Rounding ModeAfronding Modus
+ Vector Iteration CountVector Iteratieteller
diff --git a/dist/languages/pl_PL.ts b/dist/languages/pl_PL.ts
index 26869c1ebf..331ab612f1 100644
--- a/dist/languages/pl_PL.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/pl_PL.ts
@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickUstaw Analog
@@ -1341,105 +1341,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Przywróć Domyślne
+ ClearWyczyść
+ [not set][nieustawione]
+ Restore DefaultPrzywróć Domyślne
+ InformationInformacja
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Po naciśnięciu OK, wykonaj ruch analogiem horyzontalnie, a następnie wertykalnie.
+ Deadzone: %1%Martwa strefa: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Martwa strefa: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][naciśnij przycisk]
+ Error!Błąd!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.
+ New ProfileNowy Profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.
+ Delete ProfileUsuń Profil
+ Delete profile %1?Usunąć Profil %1?
+ Rename ProfileZmień nazwę Profilu
+ New name:Nowa nazwa:
+ Duplicate profile name
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.
@@ -2529,18 +2529,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID konsoli: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?To zastąpi twojego obecnego wirtualnego 3DS. Odzyskanie twojego obecnego 3DS będzie niemożliwe. To może spowodować niespodziewane efekty w grach. Operacja może się nie powieść jeżeli korzystasz z przestarzałej konfiguracji zapisów gier. Kontynuować?
+ WarningOstrzeżenie
@@ -2738,12 +2738,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System>
+ EnglishAngielski (English)
@@ -2953,528 +2953,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonimowe dane są zbierane</a> w celu wsparcia rozwoju Citry. <br/><br/>Czy chciałbyś się z nami podzielić danymi użytkowania?
+ TelemetryTelemetria
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Obecna szybkość emulacji. Wartości większe lub mniejsze niż 100 % oznaczają, że emulacja jest szybsza lub wolniejsza niż 3DS
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Jak wiele klatek na sekundę gra wyświetla w tej chwili. Ta wartość będzie się różniła między grami, jak również między scenami w grze.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Czas potrzebny do emulacji klatki 3DS, nie zawiera limitowania klatek oraz v-sync. Dla pełnej prędkości emulacji, wartość nie powinna przekraczać 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesWyczyść Ostatnio Używane
+ Update AvailableAktualizacja dostępna
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Aktualizacja jest dostępna. Chciałbyś ją teraz zainstalować?
+ No Update FoundNie znaleziono aktualizacji
+ No update is found.Nie znaleziono aktualizacji
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 nie jest wspierane
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Twoje GPU nie wspiera OpenGL 3.3, albo nie posiadasz najnowszych sterowników do karty graficznej.
+ Invalid ROM FormatNieprawidłowy format ROMu
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Format Twojego ROMu nie jest wspierany.<br/>Wykonaj ROM ponownie korzystając z naszych poradników <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>gry na kartridżach</a> lub <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>tytuły zainstalowane</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM jest uszkodzony
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Twój ROM jest uszkodzony.<br/>Wykonaj ROM ponownie korzystając z naszych poradników <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>gry na kartridżach</a> lub <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>tytuły zainstalowane</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM jest zaszyfrowany
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Twój ROM jest zaszyfrowany.<br/>Wykonaj ROM ponownie korzystając z naszych poradników <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>gry na kartridżach</a> lub <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>tytuły zainstalowane</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorBłąd Rdzenia Wideo
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Wystąpił błąd. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Spójrz w log</a>, aby dowiedzieć się więcej. Upewnij się, że posiadasz najnowsze sterowniki dla swojej kraty graficznej.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Korzystasz z domyślnych sterowników systemu Windows dla swojej karty graficznej. Zainstaluj sterowniki dostarczane przez producenta twojej karty graficznej.
+ Error while loading ROM!Błąd podczas ładowania ROM'u!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Wystąpił nieznany błąd. Sprawdź logi, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.
+ CIA must be installed before usage
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderBłąd podczas otwierania folderu %1
+ Folder does not exist!Folder nie istnieje!
+ Dumping...
+ CancelAnuluj
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Błąd podczas otwierania %1
+ Select DirectoryWybierz Folder
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileZaładuj Plik
+ Load FilesZaładuj Pliki
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Plik Instalacyjny 3DS'a (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Wszystkie Pliki (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 został poprawnie zainstalowany.
+ Unable to open FileNie można otworzyć Pliku
+ Could not open %1Nie można otworzyć %1
+ Installation abortedInstalacja przerwana
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsInstalacja %1 została przerwana. Sprawdź logi, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
+ Invalid FileNiepoprawny Plik
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 nie jest prawidłowym plikiem CIA
+ Encrypted FilePlik Zaszyfrowany
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 musi zostać zdeszyfrowany przed użyciem w Citra. Prawdziwy 3DS jest wymagany.
+ File not foundNie znaleziono pliku
+ File "%1" not foundNie znaleziono pliku "%1"
+ ContinueKontynuuj
+ Missing Citra AccountBrakuje konta Citra
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Musisz podłączyć Citrę do swojego konta, aby móc zgłosić przypadek testowy.<br/>Przejdź do Emulacja > Skonfiguruj... > Sieć, aby tego dokonać.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboZaładuj Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data file
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.
+ Error reading Amiibo data file
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieNagraj Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Nagrywanie rozpocznie się wraz ze startem gry.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Nagranie, które próbujesz odtworzyć pochodzi z innej wersji Citry. <br/> Citra wprowadziła pewne zmiany w tym czasie, odtwarzanie może być niezsynchronizowane lub może nie działać zgodnie z założeniami. <br/><br/> Jesteś pewien, że chcesz załadować ten plik?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Nagranie, które próbujesz załadować pochodzi z innej gry. <br/> Odtwarzanie może nie działać zgodnie poprawnie i może wiązać się z nieoczekiwanym rezultatem. <br/><br/> Jesteś pewien, że chcesz załadować ten plik?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Nagranie, które próbujesz odtworzyć jest nieprawidłowe. <br/> Może być uszkodzone, lub Citra wprowadziła spore zmiany w module Filmów. <br/>Spróbuj ponownie z innym plikiem nagrania.
+ Revision DismatchNiepasująca Rewizja
+ Game DismatchNiepasująca Gra
+ Invalid Movie FileNieprawidłowy Plik Filmu
+ Play MovieOdtwórz Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?
+ Game Not FoundNie Znaleziono Gry
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Nagranie, które próbujesz odtworzyć pochodzi z gry, której nie masz na swojej liście. Jeżeli posiadasz tę grę, dodaj ją do swojej listy i spróbuj odtworzyć nagranie ponownie.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Nagrywanie zostało przerwane.
+ Movie SavedZapisano Film
+ The movie is successfully saved.Film został poprawnie zapisany.
+ Capture Screenshot
+ PNG Image (*.png)Zdjęcie PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Prędkość: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Prędkość: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSGra: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKlatka: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Brakuje %1. <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>Zgraj swoje archiva systemowe</a>.<br/>Kontynuowanie emulacji może wiązać się z błędami oraz awariami gry.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundArchiwum Systemowe nie zostało odnalezione
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorBłąd Krytyczny
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Wystąpił błąd krytyczny. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Spójrz w log</a>, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.<br/>Kontynuowanie emulacji może wiązać się z błędami oraz awariami gry.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortPrzerwij
+ Would you like to exit now?Czy chcesz teraz wyjść?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Gra jest nadal uruchomiona. Czy chcesz przerwać emulację?
+ Playback CompletedOdtwarzanie Zakończone
+ Movie playback completed.Odtwarzanie filmu zostało zakończone.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3537,87 +3537,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNazwa
+ CompatibilityKompatybilność
+ RegionRegion
+ File typeTyp pliku
+ SizeRozmiar
+ Open Save Data LocationOtwórz Lokalizację Zapisów Gry
+ Open Extra Data LocationOtwórz Dodatkową Lokalizację Aplikacji
+ Open Application LocationOtwórz Lokalizację Aplikacji
+ Open Update Data LocationOtwórz Lokalizację Aktualizacji
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryPrzejdź do wpisu w bazie gier
+ Scan SubfoldersPrzeszukaj Podkatalogi
+ Remove Game DirectoryUsuń Katalog Gier
+ Open Directory LocationOtwórz lokalizację katalogu
@@ -3625,78 +3625,78 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectIdealna
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Gra działa bez zarzutu, bez błędów graficznych lub dźwiękowych.
Nie potrzebuje żadnych obejść ani poprawek.
+ GreatŚwietna
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Gra działa z pomniejszymi błędami dźwiękowymi lub graficznymi, jest grywalna od początku do końca. Może wymagać kilku obejść/poprawek.
+ OkayW porządku
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Gra działa z większymi błędami dźwiękowymi lub graficznymi, ale jest grywalna od początku do końca. Może wymagać kilku obejść/poprawek.
+ BadZła
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Gra działa z większymi błędami dźwiękowymi lub graficznymi. Niemożliwe jest przejście konkretnych miejsc nawet z obejściami.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Gra jest całkowicie niegrywalna z uwagi na poważne błędy graficzne lub dźwiękowe. Działa jedynie ekran startowy.
+ Won't BootNie uruchamia się
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Gra wysypuje się przy próbie uruchomienia
+ Not TestedNieprzetestowana
+ The game has not yet been tested.Gra nie została jeszcze przetestowana.
@@ -3704,7 +3704,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3712,27 +3712,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofz
+ resultwynik
+ resultswyniki
+ Filter:Filtr:
+ Enter pattern to filterWprowadź wzór filtra
@@ -4419,42 +4419,42 @@ Debug Message:
Odśwież Lobby
+ Password Required to JoinWymagane Hasło, aby Dołączyć
+ Password:Hasło:
+ Room NameNazwa Pokoju
+ Preferred GamePreferowana Gra
+ HostGospodarz
+ PlayersGraczy
+ RefreshingOdświeżanie
+ Refresh ListOdśwież Listę
@@ -5020,83 +5020,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid regionNieprawidłowy region
+ Installed TitlesZainstalowane Gry
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game DirectoryDodaj Nowy Katalog Gier
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nie ustawiono]
+ Hat %1 %2 Kapelusz %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2 Osie %1%2
+ Button %1Przycisk %1
+ [unknown][nieznany]
+ [unused][nieużywany]
+ Axis %1 Oś %1
@@ -5274,37 +5274,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersRejestry
+ VFP RegistersRejestry VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRejestry Systemu VFP
+ Vector LengthDługość Wektora
+ Vector StrideKrok Wektora
+ Rounding ModeTryb Zaokrąglania
+ Vector Iteration CountIlość Iteracji Wektora
diff --git a/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts b/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
index 886cb2244d..23faa86138 100644
--- a/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/pt_BR.ts
@@ -396,13 +396,13 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
Report Compatibility
- Relatar compatibilidade
+ Informar compatibilidadeReport Game Compatibility
- Relatar compatibilidade de jogo
+ Informar compatibilidade de jogo
@@ -1104,7 +1104,7 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
VSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.
- A sincronização vertical evita que as imagens do jogo pareçam cortadas, porém algumas placas gráficas possuem um desempenho reduzido quando esta está ativada. Deixe-a ativada se você não reparar alguma diferença de desempenho.
+ A sincronização vertical evita que as imagens do jogo pareçam cortadas, porém algumas placas gráficas apresentam redução de desempenho quando esta está ativada. Deixe-a ativada se você não reparar alguma diferença de desempenho.
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
+ Set Analog StickDefinir direcional analógico
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
Restaurar padrões
+ ClearLimpar
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Restore DefaultRestaurar padrão
+ InformationInformação
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Após pressionar OK, mova o seu direcional analógico primeiro horizontalmente e depois verticalmente.
+ Deadzone: %1%Zona morta: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%Escala do modificador: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%Zona morta: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%Escala do modificador: 0%
+ [press key][pressione uma tecla]
+ Error!Erro!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Você está usando uma tecla que já está em uso por outro atalho.
+ New ProfileNovo perfil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Digite o nome do novo perfil.
+ Delete ProfileExcluir perfil
+ Delete profile %1?Excluir perfil %1?
+ Rename ProfileRenomear perfil
+ New name:Novo nome:
+ Duplicate profile nameDuplicar nome do perfil
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Esse nome de perfil já existe. Escolha outro nome.
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
Could not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.
- Não foi possível receber dados válidos do servidor.<br>Verifique se o servidor está configurado corretamente e se o endereço e porta estão corretos.
+ Não foi possível receber dados válidos do servidor.<br>Verifique se o servidor foi configurado corretamente e o endereço e porta estão corretos.
@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
- aaaa-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
+ yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Deseja ignorar o erro e continuar?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID do console: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Isto substituirá o seu 3DS virtual atual por um novo. O seu 3DS virtual atual não será recuperável. Isto pode causar efeitos inesperados em jogos. Isto pode falhar caso você use um jogo salvo com configurações desatualizadas registradas nele. Continuar?
+ WarningAlerta
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Arraste os pontos para alterar a posição ou clique duas vezes nas células da
Modo de linha única
+ <System><Sistema>
+ EnglishInglês (English)
@@ -2778,7 +2778,7 @@ Arraste os pontos para alterar a posição ou clique duas vezes nas células da
Sign up
- Cadastrar-se
+ Registrar-se
@@ -2843,7 +2843,7 @@ Arraste os pontos para alterar a posição ou clique duas vezes nas células da
<a href='https://profile.citra-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Sign up</span></a>
- <a href='https://profile.citra-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Cadastrar-se</span></a>
+ <a href='https://profile.citra-emu.org/'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Registrar-se</span></a>
@@ -2957,530 +2957,530 @@ Arraste os pontos para alterar a posição ou clique duas vezes nas células da
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Dados anônimos são recolhidos</a> para ajudar a melhorar o Citra. <br/><br/>Gostaria de compartilhar os seus dados de uso conosco?
+ TelemetryTelemetria
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Velocidade atual de emulação. Valores maiores ou menores que 100% indicam que a emulação está funcionando mais rápida ou lentamente que num 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Quantos quadros por segundo que o jogo está exibindo atualmente. Pode variar de jogo para jogo e cena para cena.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Tempo levado para emular um quadro do 3DS, sem considerar o limitador de taxa de quadros ou a sincronização vertical. Valores menores ou iguais a 16.67 ms indicam que a emulação está em velocidade plena.
+ Clear Recent FilesLimpar arquivos recentes
+ Update AvailableAtualização disponível
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Há uma atualização disponível. Deseja instalá-la agora?
+ No Update FoundNenhuma atualização encontrada
+ No update is found.Nenhuma atualização encontrada
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedIncompatível com OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Ou a sua GPU não é compatível com o OpenGL 3.3 ou você não tem o driver de gráficos mais recente.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormato de ROM inválido
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.O formato da sua ROM é incompatível.<br/>Siga os guias para extrair jogos de seus <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de jogo</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM corrompida
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Sua ROM está corrompida.<br/>Siga os guias para extrair jogos de seus <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de jogo</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM criptografada
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.A sua ROM está criptografada.<br/>Siga os guias para extrair jogos dos seus <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cartuchos de jogo</a> ou <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>títulos instalados</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorErro no núcleo de vídeo
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Ocorreu um erro. Para mais detalhes, <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>consulte o registro</a>. Verifique se os drivers mais recentes da sua GPU estão instalados.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Você está usando os drivers padrão do Windows para a sua GPU. Você precisa instalar os drivers adequados para a sua placa de vídeo disponíveis na página da fabricante.
+ Error while loading ROM!Erro ao carregar ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Verifique o registro para mais detalhes.
+ CIA must be installed before usageO CIA precisa ser instalado antes de usar
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Você precisa instalar este CIA antes de poder usá-lo. Deseja instalá-lo agora?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Não foi possível iniciar a extração de vídeo. <br>Consulte o registro para ver os detalhes.
+ StartIniciar
+ Slot %1Espaço %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Espaço %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderErro ao abrir a pasta %1
+ Folder does not exist!A pasta não existe!
+ Dumping...Extraindo...
+ CancelCancelar
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Não foi possível extrair o RomFS base.
Consulte o registro para ver os detalhes.
+ Error Opening %1Erro ao abrir %1
+ Select DirectorySelecionar pasta
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Executável do 3DS (%1);;Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ Load FileCarregar arquivo
+ Load FilesCarregar arquivos
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Arquivo de instalação 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 foi instalado.
+ Unable to open FileNão foi possível abrir o arquivo
+ Could not open %1Não foi possível abrir %1
+ Installation abortedInstalação cancelada
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsA instalação de %1 foi interrompida. Consulte o registro para mais detalhes
+ Invalid FileArquivo inválido
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 não é um CIA válido
+ Encrypted FileArquivo criptografado
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 precisa ser descriptografado antes de ser usado no Citra.
É necessário um 3DS de verdade.
+ File not foundArquivo não encontrado
+ File "%1" not foundArquivo "%1" não encontrado
+ ContinueContinuar
+ Missing Citra AccountConta do Citra faltando
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Você precisa entrar com a sua conta do Citra para enviar casos de teste.<br/>Para isso, vá para Emulação > Configurar... > Rede.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Arquivo do Amiibo (%1);; Todos os arquivos (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboCarregar Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileErro ao abrir o arquivo de dados de Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Erro ao tentar ler o arquivo de Amiibo "%1".
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileErro de leitura do arquivo de dados de Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Não foi possível ler completamente os dados do Amiibo. O Citra esperava ler %1 bytes, mas foi capaz de ler apenas %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieGravar passos
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Para manter consistência com sistemas de geração de números aleatórios (RNG), recomendamos começar a gravar assim que o jogo iniciar.<br>Você ainda deseja iniciar uma gravação agora?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Arquivo de gravação TAS do Citra (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.A gravação será iniciada assim que você iniciar um jogo.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?A gravação que você está tentando carregar foi criada numa revisão diferente do Citra.<br/>O Citra sofreu algumas mudanças com o passar do tempo e, por causa disso, a reprodução pode dessincronizar ou não funcionar como o esperado.<br/><br/>Você ainda deseja carregar esta gravação?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?A gravação que você está tentando carregar foi criada num jogo diferente.<br/>A reprodução pode não funcionar adequadamente, podendo causar resultados inesperados.<br/><br/>Você ainda deseja carregar esta gravação?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.O arquivo de gravação que você está tentando carregar é inválido.<br/>Ou o arquivo está corrompido ou o Citra passou por grandes mudanças em seu módulo de gravações.<br/>Escolha um arquivo de gravação diferente e tente novamente.
+ Revision DismatchDiscrepância de revisões
+ Game DismatchDiscrepância de jogos
+ Invalid Movie FileArquivo de gravação inválido
+ Play MovieReproduzir gravação
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Para manter consistência com sistemas de geração de números aleatórios (RNG), recomendamos começar a reproduzir a gravação assim que o jogo iniciar.<br>Você ainda deseja reproduzir uma gravação agora?
+ Game Not FoundJogo não encontrado
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.A gravação que você está tentando reproduzir é de um jogo que não está presente na sua lista de jogos. Se você tiver esse jogo, adicione a pasta dele à lista de jogos e tente reproduzir a gravação novamente.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Gravação cancelada.
+ Movie SavedGravação salva
+ The movie is successfully saved.A gravação foi salva.
+ Capture ScreenshotCapturar a tela
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagem PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Velocidade: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Velocidade: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSJogo: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msQuadro: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 está faltando. <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>Faça a extração dos arquivos do seu sistema</a>.<br/>Continuar a emulação pode causar travamentos e bugs.
+ A system archiveUm arquivo do sistema
+ System Archive Not FoundArquivo de sistema não encontrado
+ System Archive MissingArquivo de sistema faltando
+ Save/load ErrorErro ao salvar/carregar
+ Fatal ErrorErro fatal
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Ocorreu um erro fatal. Para mais detalhes, <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>consulte o registro</a>. Continuar a emulação pode causar travamentos e bugs.
+ Fatal Error encounteredErro fatal encontrado
+ AbortInterromper
+ Would you like to exit now?Deseja sair agora?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?O jogo ainda está em execução. Deseja parar a emulação?
+ Playback CompletedReprodução concluída
+ Movie playback completed.Reprodução dos passos concluída.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3543,87 +3543,87 @@ Consulte o registro para ver os detalhes.
+ NameNome
+ CompatibilityCompatibilidade
+ RegionRegião
+ File typeTipo de arquivo
+ SizeTamanho
+ Open Save Data LocationAbrir local dos dados salvos
+ Open Extra Data LocationAbrir local dos dados extras
+ Open Application LocationAbrir local do aplicativo
+ Open Update Data LocationAbrir local dos dados de atualizações
+ Open Texture Dump LocationAbrir local de extração das texturas
+ Open Custom Texture LocationAbrir local de texturas personalizadas
+ Open Mods LocationAbrir pasta de mods
+ Dump RomFSExtrair RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryAbrir artigo do jogo no GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersExaminar subpastas
+ Remove Game DirectoryRemover pasta de jogos
+ Open Directory LocationAbrir local da pasta
@@ -3631,82 +3631,82 @@ Consulte o registro para ver os detalhes.
+ PerfectPerfeito
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.O jogo funciona impecavelmente, sem nenhum problema de áudio ou nos gráficos. Todos os recursos testados
do jogo funcionam como deveriam, sem nenhuma solução alternativa necessária.
+ GreatÓtimo
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.O jogo funciona com leves falhas gráficas ou de áudio e é jogável do início ao fim. Pode exigir
algumas soluções alternativas.
+ OkayRazoável
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.O jogo funciona com graves falhas gráficas ou de áudio, mas é jogável do início ao fim
com o uso de soluções alternativas.
+ BadRuim
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.O jogo funciona, só que com problemas significativos nos gráficos ou no áudio. Não é possível progredir em áreas
específicas por conta de tais problemas, mesmo com soluções alternativas.
+ Intro/MenuIntro/menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.É impossível jogar o jogo devido a grandes problemas nos gráficos ou no áudio. Não é possível passar da
tela inicial do jogo.
+ Won't BootNão inicia
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.O jogo trava ou se fecha abruptamente ao se tentar iniciá-lo.
+ Not TestedNão testado
+ The game has not yet been tested.O jogo ainda não foi testado.
@@ -3714,7 +3714,7 @@ tela inicial do jogo.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listClique duas vezes para adicionar uma pasta à lista de jogos
@@ -3722,27 +3722,27 @@ tela inicial do jogo.
+ ofde
+ resultresultado
+ resultsresultados
+ Filter:Filtro:
+ Enter pattern to filterDigite o padrão para filtrar
@@ -4431,42 +4431,42 @@ Mensagem para depuração:
Atualizar lobby
+ Password Required to JoinÉ necessária uma senha para entrar
+ Password:Senha:
+ Room NameNome da sala
+ Preferred GameJogo preferido
+ HostHost
+ PlayersJogadores
+ RefreshingAtualizando
+ Refresh ListAtualizar lista
@@ -4756,7 +4756,7 @@ Mensagem para depuração:
Report Compatibility
- Relatar compatibilidade
+ Informar compatibilidade
@@ -5036,83 +5036,83 @@ Ele pode já ter saído da sala.
Não está jogando
+ Invalid regionRegião inválida
+ Installed TitlesTítulos instalados
+ System TitlesTítulos do sistema
+ Add New Game DirectoryAdicionar nova pasta de jogos
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][não definido]
+ Hat %1 %2Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Eixo %1%2
+ Button %1Botão %1
+ [unknown][desconhecido]
+ [unused][não utilizado]
+ Axis %1Eixo %1
@@ -5290,37 +5290,37 @@ Ele pode já ter saído da sala.
+ RegistersRegistradores
+ VFP RegistersRegistradores VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRegistradores de sistema VFP
+ Vector LengthComprimento de vetor
+ Vector StridePasso de vetor
+ Rounding ModeModo de arredondamento
+ Vector Iteration CountContagem de iterações de vetor
diff --git a/dist/languages/ro_RO.ts b/dist/languages/ro_RO.ts
index 089121b80b..2c081b515b 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ro_RO.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ro_RO.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Doriți să ignorați eroarea și să continuați?
+ Set Analog StickSetează Stick-ul Analogic
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Doriți să ignorați eroarea și să continuați?
Restaurează Setările Implicite
+ ClearRestabilește
+ [not set][nu este setat]
+ Restore DefaultRestaurează Setările Implicite
+ InformationInformație
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.După ce apăsați OK, mișcați joystick-ul pe orizontală, apoi pe verticală.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][apăsați tasta]
+ Error!Eroare!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Utilizați o tastă care este deja asignată.
+ New ProfileProfil Nou
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Introduceți numele profilului nou.
+ Delete ProfileȘterge Profil
+ Delete profile %1?Ștergeți profilul %1?
+ Rename ProfileRedenumește Profil
+ New name:Nume nou:
+ Duplicate profile nameDuplichează numele de profil
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Numele de profil există deja. Alegeți un alt nume.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Doriți să ignorați eroarea și să continuați?
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID Consolă: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Aceasta va înlocui consola virtuală 3DS cu una nouă. Consola virtuală 3DS actuală nu poate fi recuperată. Acest lucru ar putea avea efecte neașteptate în jocuri. Este posibil să eșueze, dacă utilizați o salvare configurată veche. Continuați?
+ WarningAtenționare
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEngleză
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Date anonime sunt colectate</a> pentru a ajuta îmbunătățirea lui Citra. <br/><br/> Doriți să partajați uzul de datele cu noi?
+ TelemetryTelemetrie
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Viteza actuală de emulare. Valori mai mari sau mai mici de 100% indică cum emularea rulează mai repede sau mai încet decât un 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Câte cadre pe secundă sunt afișate în prezent. Variază de la joc la joc și de la scenă la scenă.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Timp luat pentru a emula un cadru 3DS, fără a pune în calcul limitarea de cadre sau v-sync. Pentru emulare la viteza maximă, această valoare ar trebui să fie maxim 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesCurăță Fișiere Recente
+ Update AvailableActualizare disponibilă
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?O actualizare este disponibilă. Doriți s-o instalați acum?
+ No Update FoundNu s-au Găsit Actualizări
+ No update is found.Nu s-a găsit nicio actualizare.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Nesuportat
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Placa video s-ar putea să nu suporte OpenGL 3.3, sau nu aveți cel mai recent driver de grafice.
+ Invalid ROM FormatFormat ROM Invalid
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Formatul de ROM nu este valid.<br/>Vă rugăm să urmați ghidurile pentru a redescărca din<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'> cardurile de joc<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'> sau titlurile instalate</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM Corupt
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM-ul este corupt.<br/>Vă rugăm să urmați ghidurile pentru a redescărca din<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>cardurile de joc</a> sau <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>titlurile instalate</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM Criptat
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.RUOM-ul este criptat.<br/> Vă rugăm să urmați ghidurile pentru a redescărca din<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'> cardurile de joc</a> sau<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'> titlurile instalate</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorEroare de Nucleu Video
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.A avut loc o eroare. Consultați <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'> log-ul</a>pentru mai mult detalii. Asigurați-vă că aveți ultimele drivere grafice pentru placa video.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Aveți driverele de bază Windows pentru GPU. Trebuie să instalați driverele pentru placa video de la site-ul fabricantului.
+ Error while loading ROM!Eroare la încărcarea ROM-ului!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.A avut loc o eroare necunoscută. Vă rugăm să vedeți log-ul pentru mai multe detalii.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA-ul trebuie instalat înainte de uz
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Înainte de a folosi acest CIA, trebuie să-l instalati. Doriți s-o faceți acum?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartStart
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderEroare Deschizând Folderul %1
+ Folder does not exist!Folderul nu există!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Eroare Deschizând %1
+ Select DirectorySelectează Directorul
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Executabilă 3DS (%1);;Toate Fișierele (*.*)
+ Load FileÎncarcă Fișier
+ Load FilesÎncarcă Fișiere
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Fișier de Instalare 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Toate Fișierele (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 a fost instalat cu succes.
+ Unable to open FileNu s-a putut deschide Fișierul
+ Could not open %1Nu s-a putut deschide %1
+ Installation abortedInstalare anulată
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsInstalarea lui %1 a fost anulată. Vă rugăm să vedeți log-ul pentru mai multe detalii.
+ Invalid FileFișier Invalid
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 nu este un CIA valid
+ Encrypted FileFișier Criptat
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 trebuie să fie decriptat înainte de a fi folosit cu Citra. Este necesar un 3DS autentic.
+ File not foundFișier negăsit
+ File "%1" not foundFișierul "%1" nu a fost găsit
+ ContinueContinuă
+ Missing Citra AccountCont Citra Lipsă
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Trebuie să vă conectați contul Citra pentru a trimite cazuri de probe.<br/>Mergeți la Emulare > Configurare... > Web pentru a o face.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Fișier Amiibo (%1);; Toate Fișierele (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboÎncarcă Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileEroare deschizând fișierul de date Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Nu s-a putut deschide fișierul Amiibo "%1" pentru citire.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileEroare citind fișierul de date Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Nu s-a putut citi integral datele Amiibo. Se aștepta citirea a %1 biți, dar s-au putut citi doar %2 biți.
+ Record MovieÎnregistrează Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Pentru a menține consistență cu RNG-ul, este recomandat să înregistrați filmul de la începutul jocului. Sunteți sigur că doriți să înregistrați un film acum?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Film Citra TAS (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Înregistrarea va începe odată ce porniți un joc.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Fișierul de film care încercați să încărcați a fost înregistrat cu o revizie diferită de Citra.<br/>Citra a avut niște schimbări între timp, și redarea s-ar putea desincroniza sau nu ar putea merge cum trebuie.<br/><br/>Sunteți sigur că încă doriți să încărcați fișierul de film?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Fișierul de film care încercați să încărcați a fost înregistrat cu un joc diferit.<br/>Redarea s-ar putea să nu meargă cum trebuie, și poate provoca rezultate neașteptate.<br/><br/>Sunteți sigur că încă doriți să încărcați fișierul de film?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Fișierul de film care încercați să-l încărcați este invalid.<br/>Fie este fișierul corupt, sau Citra a făcut schimbări majore către modulul de Filme.<br/>Rugăm să alegeți un alt fisier de film și să încercați din nou.
+ Revision DismatchNu Coincide Revizia
+ Game DismatchNu Coincide Jocul
+ Invalid Movie FileFișier de Film Invalid
+ Play MovieRedă Film
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Pentru a menține consistență cu RNG-ul, este recomandat să redați filmul de la începutul jocului.<br>Sunteți sigur că doriți să redați filmul acum?
+ Game Not FoundJoc Negăsit
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Filmul care încercați să redați este de la un joc care nu este în lista de jocuri. Dacă aveți jocul, rugăm să-l adăugași la lista de jocuri și să redați filmul din nou.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Înregistrarea filmului a fost anulată.
+ Movie SavedFilm Salvat
+ The movie is successfully saved.Filmul a fost salvat cu succes.
+ Capture ScreenshotFă o Captură de Ecran
+ PNG Image (*.png)Imagine PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Viteză: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Viteză: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSJoc: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msCadru: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 lipsește. Rugăm <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>să descărcați fișierele de sistem</a>.<br/>Continuând emularea poate provoca prăbușiri și erori.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundFișier de Sistem Negăsit
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorEroare Fatală
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.A avut loc o eroare fatală. Consultați<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'> log-ul</a>pentru mai mult detalii. Continuând emularea ar putea rezulta în prăbușiri și erori.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortAnulare
+ Would you like to exit now?Doriți să ieșiți acum?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Jocul încă rulează. Doriți să opriți emularea?
+ Playback CompletedRedare Finalizată
+ Movie playback completed.Redarea filmului a fost finalizată.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameNume
+ CompatibilityCompatibilitate
+ RegionRegiune
+ File typeTip de Fișier
+ SizeMărime
+ Open Save Data LocationDeschide locația datelor de salvare
+ Open Extra Data LocationDeschide locația Datelor Suplimentare
+ Open Application LocationDeschide locația aplicației
+ Open Update Data LocationDeschide locația datelor de actualizare
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryNavighează baza de date a jocului
+ Scan SubfoldersScanează Subfolderele
+ Remove Game DirectoryȘterge Directorul de Jocuri
+ Open Directory LocationDeschide Locația Directorului
@@ -3628,82 +3628,82 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectPerfect
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Jocul funcționează perfect, fără probleme audio sau grafice, toate funcționalitățile testate funcționează fără
să fie nevoie de vreo soluție temporară.
+ GreatGrozav
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Jocul funcționează cu probleme grafice sau audio minore și poate fi jucat de la început până la sfârșit. Poate necesita unele
soluții temporare.
+ OkayBun
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Jocul funcționează cu probleme grafice sau audio majore, dar poate fi jucat de la început până la sfârșit cu
soluții temporare.
+ BadRău
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Jocul funcționează, dar cu probleme grafice sau audio majore. Imposibil de parcurs în anumite zone din cauza unor probleme
chiar și cu soluții temporare.
+ Intro/MenuIntroducere/Meniu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Jocul nu poate fi jucat din cauza unor probleme grafice sau audio majore. Nu se poate trece dincolo de ecranul
de pornire.
+ Won't BootNu Pornește
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Jocul se închide atunci când încearcă să pornească.
+ Not TestedNetestat
+ The game has not yet been tested.Jocul nu a fost încă testat.
@@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3719,27 +3719,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofde
+ resultrezultat
+ resultsrezultate
+ Filter:Filtru:
+ Enter pattern to filterIntroduceți un tipar de filtrare
@@ -4427,42 +4427,42 @@ Mesaj de Depanare:
Actualizează Lobby
+ Password Required to JoinParolă Necesară pentru Alăturare
+ Password:Parolă:
+ Room NameNume de Sală
+ Preferred GameJoc Preferat
+ HostGazdă
+ PlayersJucători
+ RefreshingActualizând
+ Refresh ListActualizează Lista
@@ -5032,83 +5032,83 @@ Este posibil să fi părăsit sala.
Nu se joacă niciun joc
+ Invalid regionRegiune invalidă
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][nestabilit]
+ Hat %1 %2Rotație %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Axă %1%2
+ Button %1Buton %1
+ [unknown][necunoscut]
+ [unused][nefolosit]
+ Axis %1Axă %1
@@ -5286,37 +5286,37 @@ Este posibil să fi părăsit sala.
+ RegistersRegistre
+ VFP RegistersRegistre VFP
+ VFP System RegistersRegistre de Sistem VFP
+ Vector LengthLungime de Vector
+ Vector StridePas de Vector
+ Rounding ModeMod Aproximat
+ Vector Iteration CountNumărătoare de Iterații de Vector
diff --git a/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts b/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
index 1fd4df3d8e..442cdc0bcd 100644
--- a/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/ru_RU.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickНазначить аналоговый стик
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Восстановить по умолчанию
+ ClearОчистить
+ [not set][не назначено]
+ Restore DefaultПо умолчанию
+ InformationИнформация
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.После нажатия OK двигайте стик по горизонтали, а затем по вертикали.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][нажмите кнопку]
+ Error!Ошибка!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Вы используете комбинацию, которая уже занята.
+ New ProfileНовый профиль
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Введите название для нового профиля.
+ Delete ProfileУдалить профиль
+ Delete profile %1?Удалить профиль %1?
+ Rename ProfileПереименовать профиль
+ New name:Новое название:
+ Duplicate profile nameДублирующееся название профиля
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Название профиля уже занято. Пожалуйста, выберите другое название.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Бермудские острова
+ Console ID: 0x%1ID консоли: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Это заменит вашу нынешнюю виртуальную 3DS новой. Вашу текущую виртуальную 3DS нельзя будет вернуть. Это может иметь неожиданные эффекты в играх. Генерация может не сработать, если вы используете устаревший "Config Savegame". Продолжить?
+ WarningПредупреждение
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System><System>
+ EnglishEnglish
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?Для помощи в улучшении Citra <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>собираются анонимные данные</a>. <br/><br/>Вы хотите поделиться с нами своими данными об использовании?
+ TelemetryТелеметрия
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Текущая скорость эмуляции. Значения выше или ниже 100% указывают, что эмуляция работает быстрее или медленнее, чем 3DS.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Сколько кадров в секунду сейчас отображается в игре. Это будет варьироваться от игры к игре и от сцены к сцене.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Время, затраченное на эмуляцию кадра 3DS, не считая ограничения кадров или вертикальной синхронизации. Для полноскоростной эмуляции это значение должно быть не более 16,67 мс.
+ Clear Recent FilesОчистить последние файлы
+ Update AvailableДоступно обновление
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Доступно обновление. Вы хотите установить его сейчас?
+ No Update FoundОбновления не найдены
+ No update is found.Обновления не найдены.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedНе поддерживается OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Ваш ГП может не поддерживать OpenGL 3.3, или у вас установлена не последняя версия драйвера видеокарты.
+ Invalid ROM FormatНекорректный формат ROM
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Формат вашего ROM не поддерживается.<br/>Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы сделать новый дамп ваших <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>игровых картриджей</a> или <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>установленных продуктов</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM повреждён
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Ваш ROM повреждён. <br/>Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы сделать новый дамп ваших <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>игровых картриджей</a> или <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>установленных продуктов</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM зашифрован
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Ваш ROM зашифрован. <br/>Следуйте инструкциям, чтобы сделать новый дамп ваших <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>игровых картриджей</a> или <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>установленных продуктов</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorОшибка видеоядра
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Произошла ошибка. Информацию вы найдёте <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>в логе</a>. Убедитесь, что у вас стоит последняя версия драйвера для вашего ГП.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Вы используете стандартные драйверы ГП Windows. Вам необходимо установить подходящие драйверы для вашей видеокарты с сайта производителя.
+ Error while loading ROM!Ошибка при загрузке ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Более подробную информацию см. в Журнале.
+ CIA must be installed before usageПеред использованием должен быть установлен CIA
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Вы должны установить CIA перед использованием. Установить сейчас?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartЗапуск
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderОшибка открытия папки %1
+ Folder does not exist!Папка не существует!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Ошибка при открытии %1
+ Select DirectoryВыбрать каталог
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.Исполняемый файл 3DS (%1);;Все файлы (*.*)
+ Load FileЗагрузить файл
+ Load FilesЗагрузка файлов
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Установочный файл 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Все файлы (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 был успешно установлен.
+ Unable to open FileНевозможно открыть файл
+ Could not open %1Не удалось открыть %1
+ Installation abortedУстановка прервана
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsУстановка %1 была прервана. Более подробную информацию см. в Журнале.
+ Invalid FileНеправильный файл
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 не является корректным CIA
+ Encrypted FileЗашифрованный файл
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 должен быть расшифрован перед использованием с Citra. Требуется реальная 3DS.
+ File not foundФайл не найден
+ File "%1" not foundФайл "%1" не найден
+ ContinueПродолжить
+ Missing Citra AccountАккаунт Citra не найден
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Для отправки тестовой информации вы должны привязать аккаунт Citra.<br/>Это можно сделать в Эмуляция > Настроить... > Веб.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Файл Amiibo (%1);; Все файлы (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboЗагрузить Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileОшибка при открытии файла с данными Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Не удалось открыть файл Amiibo "%1" для чтения.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileОшибка при чтении файла с данными Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Не удалось полностью прочитать данные Amiibo. Ожидалось %1 байт, но удалось прочитать лишь %2 байт.
+ Record MovieЗаписать ролик
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Чтобы сохранить согласованность с ГСЧ, рекомендуется записывать ролики с начала игры.<br>Вы уверены, что хотите записать ролики?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)TAS-ролик Citra (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Запись начнётся после загрузки игры.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Файл ролика, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, создан на другой ревизии Citra.<br/>С тех пор в Citra были произведены изменения, и может возникнуть рассинхрон или другое неожиданное поведение.<br/><br/>Вы уверены, что хотите загрузить данный файл ролика?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Файл ролика, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, записан с другой игры.<br/>Воспроизведение может привести к неожиданным результатам.<br/><br/>Вы уверены, что хотите загрузить данный файл ролика?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Файл ролика, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, некорректный.<br/>Или файл повреждён, или в модуле записи роликов Citra произошли большие изменения.<br/>Пожалуйста, выберите другой файл ролика и попробуйте снова.
+ Revision DismatchНесоответствие ревизии
+ Game DismatchНесоответствие игры
+ Invalid Movie FileНекорректный файл ролика
+ Play MovieВоспроизвести ролик
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Чтобы сохранить согласованность с ГСЧ, рекомендуется проигрывать ролики с начала игры.<br>Вы уверены, что хотите проиграть ролики?
+ Game Not FoundИгра не найдена
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Ролик, который вы пытаетесь воспроизвести, из игры, которой нет в вашем списке игр. Если у вас есть эта игра, пожалуйста, добавьте папку с игрой в список игр и попробуйте воспроизвести ролик ещё раз.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Запись ролика отменена.
+ Movie SavedРолик сохранён
+ The movie is successfully saved.Ролик успешно сохранён.
+ Capture ScreenshotСделать скриншот
+ PNG Image (*.png)Изображение PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Скорость: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Скорость: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSИгра: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msКадр: %1 мс
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 отсутствует. Пожалуйста, <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>создайте дамп ваших системных архивов</a>.<br/>Если продолжить эмуляцию, могут быть падения и ошибки.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundСистемный архив не найден
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorКритическая ошибка
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Произошла критическая ошибка. Более подробную информацию вы <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>найдёте в логе</a>.<br/>Если продолжить эмуляцию, могут быть падения и ошибки.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortОтмена
+ Would you like to exit now?Вы хотите выйти сейчас?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Игра всё ещё запущена. Вы хотите остановить эмуляцию?
+ Playback CompletedВоспроизведение завершено.
+ Movie playback completed.Воспроизведение ролика завершено.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameНазвание
+ CompatibilityСовместимость
+ RegionРегион
+ File typeТип файла
+ SizeРазмер
+ Open Save Data LocationОткрыть местоположение данных сохранений
+ Open Extra Data LocationОткрыть местоположение доп. данных
+ Open Application LocationОткрыть местоположение приложения
+ Open Update Data LocationОткрыть местоположение обновления
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryПерейти к записи в GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersСканировать подпапки
+ Remove Game DirectoryУдалить каталог с играми
+ Open Directory LocationОткрыть местоположение каталога
@@ -3628,81 +3628,81 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectИдеально
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Игра работает безупречно, без звуковых и визуальных искажений. Все функции работают, как положено, без использования способов обхода.
+ GreatХорошо
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Игра работает с небольшими графическими или звуковыми искажениями и играбельна от начала и до конца. Может требовать
способы обхода.
+ OkayСносно
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Игра работает с серьёзными графическими или звуковыми искажениями, но играбельна от начала и до конца со
способами обхода.
+ BadПлохо
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Игра работает, но с серьёзными графическими или звуковыми искажениями. Некоторые уровни невозможно пройти из-за глюков,
даже со способами обхода.
+ Intro/MenuРолики/меню
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Невозможно играть из-за серьёзных графических или звуковых искажений. Нельзя пройти дальше начального
+ Won't BootНе запускается
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Игра падает во время запуска.
+ Not TestedНе проверялась
+ The game has not yet been tested.Эта игра ещё не проверялась.
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3718,27 +3718,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofиз
+ resultрезультат
+ resultsрезультатов
+ Filter:Фильтр:
+ Enter pattern to filterВведите шаблон для фильтрации
@@ -4425,42 +4425,42 @@ Debug Message:
Обновить лобби
+ Password Required to JoinДля входа требуется пароль
+ Password:Пароль:
+ Room NameНазвание комнаты
+ Preferred GameЖелаемая игра
+ HostХост
+ PlayersИгроки
+ RefreshingОбновление
+ Refresh ListОбновить список
@@ -5029,83 +5029,83 @@ They may have left the room.
Не в игре
+ Invalid regionНекорректный регион
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][не задано]
+ Hat %1 %2Миниджойстик %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2Ось %1%2
+ Button %1Кнопка %1
+ [unknown][Неизвестно]
+ [unused][не использовано]
+ Axis %1Ось %1
@@ -5283,37 +5283,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ RegistersРегистры
+ VFP RegistersРегистры VFP
+ VFP System RegistersСистемные регистры VFP
+ Vector LengthДлина вектора
+ Vector StrideВекторный шаг
+ Rounding ModeРежим округления
+ Vector Iteration CountКоличество векторных итераций
diff --git a/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts b/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
index 79398aaf03..7ec64cadcd 100644
--- a/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/tr_TR.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Hatayı yoksay ve devam et?
+ Set Analog StickAnalog Çubuğunu Ayarla
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Hatayı yoksay ve devam et?
Varsayılanlara Dön
+ ClearTemizle
+ [not set][ayarlanmadı]
+ Restore DefaultVarsayılan Ayarlara Döndür
+ InformationBilgi
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Tamam'a bastıktan sonra oyun kolunu ilk önce yatay, sonra da dikey olarak oynatın
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][tuşa bas]
+ Error!Hata!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Tuş zaten kullanımda.
+ New ProfileYeni Profil
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Yeni profil için bir ad girin:
+ Delete ProfileProfili Sil
+ Delete profile %1?%1 profilini sil?
+ Rename ProfileProfili Yeniden Adlandır
+ New name:Yeni adı:
+ Duplicate profile nameKopyalanmış profil adı
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Profil adı zaten var. Lütfen farklı bir ad seçin.
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Hatayı yoksay ve devam et?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Konsol ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Bu mevcut sanal 3DS'nizi yenisiyle değiştirecektir. Mevcut sanal 3DS'niz geri alınamayacaktır. Bu oyunlarda beklenmedik etkilere sebep olabilir. Eğer eski yapılandırmalı oyun kayıtı kullanırsanız bu başarısız olabilir. Devam edilsin mi?
+ WarningUyarı
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Tek Satır Modu
+ <System><System>
+ Englishİngilizce
@@ -2956,528 +2956,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Citrayı geliştirmeye yardımcı olmak için</a> anonim veri toplandı. <br/><br/>Kullanım verinizi bizimle paylaşmak ister misiniz?
+ TelemetryTelemetri
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Geçerli emülasyon hızı. 100%'den az veya çok olan değerler emülasyonun bir 3DS'den daha yavaş veya daha hızlı çalıştığını gösterir.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Oyunun şu anda saniye başına kaç kare gösterdiği. Bu oyundan oyuna ve sahneden sahneye farklılık gösterebilir.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Bir 3DS karesini emüle etmekte geçen zaman, karelimitleme ve v-sync hariç. Tam hız emülasyon için bu en çok 16,67 ms. olmalı.
+ Clear Recent FilesSon Dosyaları Temizle
+ Update AvailableGüncelleme Mevcut
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Bir güncelleme mevcut. Şimdi yüklemek ister misiniz?
+ No Update FoundGüncelleme Bulunamadı
+ No update is found.Güncelleme bulunamadı.
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedOpenGL 3.3 Desteklenmiyor
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.GPU'nuz OpenGL 3.3'ü desteklemiyor olabilir, veya grafik sürücünüz eski olabilir
+ Invalid ROM FormatGeçersiz Dosya Biçimi
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Oyun dosyanızın biçimi desteklenmiyor. <br/>Lütfen <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>oyun kartuşlarınızı</a> veya <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>yüklenmiş oyunlarınızı</a> yeniden dump etmek için rehberleri takip ediniz.
+ ROM CorruptedDosya Bozulmuş
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Oyun dosyanız bozuk. <br/>Lütfen <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>oyun kartuşlarınızı</a> veya <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>yüklenmiş oyunlarınızı</a> yeniden dump etmek için rehberleri takip ediniz.
+ ROM EncryptedDosya Şifreli
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Oyun dosyanız şifreli.<br/>Lütfen <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>oyun kartuşlarınızı</a> veya <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>yüklenmiş oyunlarınızı</a> yeniden dump etmek için rehberleri takip ediniz.
+ Video Core ErrorVideo Çekirdek Hatası
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Bir hata meydana geldi. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>kayıt dosyasını okuyunuz.</a>. En son grafik sürücülerinin yüklü olduğuna emin olunuz.
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Windowsun varsayılan GPU sürücülerini kullanıyorsunuz. Üreticinin sitesinden ekran kartınız için geçerli sürücüleri yüklemelisiniz.
+ Error while loading ROM!ROM yüklenirken hata oluştu!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Bilinmeyen bir hata meydana geldi. Lütfen daha fazla detay için kütüğe bakınız.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA dosyası kullanılmadan önce yüklenmelidir
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Bu CIA dosyasını kullanmadan önce yüklemeniz gerekir. Şimdi yüklemek ister misiniz?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.Video dump'u başlatılamadı. <br>Detaylar için kütük dosyasına bakınız.
+ StartBaşlat
+ Slot %1Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folder%1 Klasörü Açılırken Hata Oluştu
+ Folder does not exist!Klasör mevcut değil!
+ Dumping...Dump ediliyor...
+ Cancelİptal et
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Temel RomFS dump edilemedi. Detaylar için kütük dosyasına bakınız.
+ Error Opening %1%1 Açılırken Hata Oluştu
+ Select DirectoryDizin Seç
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS Çalıştırılabiliri (%1);; Bütün Dosyalar (*.*)
+ Load FileDosya Yükle
+ Load FilesDosyaları Yükle
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS Kurulum Dosyası (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Tüm Dosyalar (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 başarıyla yüklendi.
+ Unable to open FileDosya açılamıyor
+ Could not open %1%1 açılamıyor
+ Installation abortedYükleme iptal edildi
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details%1'in yüklemesi iptal edildi. Daha fazla detay için lütfen kütüğe bakınız.
+ Invalid FileGeçersiz Dosya
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 geçerli bir CIA dosyası değil
+ Encrypted FileŞifrelenmiş Dosya
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 Citra ile kullanılmadan önce deşifre edilmelidir. Gerçek bir 3DS gereklidir.
+ File not foundDosya bulunamadı
+ File "%1" not found"%1" Dosyası bulunamadı
+ ContinueDevam
+ Missing Citra AccountCitra Hesabı Eksik
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Testlerinizi göndermek için Citra hesabınızla giriş yapmalısınız.<br/>Bunu yapmak için > Yapılandır... > Ağ kısmına gidin.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo Dosyası (%1);; Tüm Dosyalar (*.*)
+ Load AmiiboAmiibo Yükle
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileAmiibo veri dosyasını açma hatası
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading."%1" Amiibo dosyasını açarken bir hata meydana geldi.
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileAmiibo veri dosyasını açma hatası
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Amiibo veri dosyasını açma hatası. %1 baytlık bir veri istendi fakat dosya sadece %2 bayt gönderdi.
+ Record MovieKlip Kaydet
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Oyunlardaki rastgelelikten dolayı filmlerinizi oyun başından itibaren kaydetmeniz önerilir. <br>Yine de kayda başlamak istiyor musunuz?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Kayıt bir oyun başlattığınız zaman başlayacak.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Açmaya çalıştığınız film dosyası Citra'nın başka bir sürümünde oluşturulmuş. <br/>Bu sürümden sonra Citra bir takım değişiklikler geçirdi, bu yüzden filminiz doğru bir şekilde oynatılmayabilir.<br/><br/>Yine de bu film dosyasını oynatmak istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?İzlemeye çalıştığınız klip dosyası başka bir oyun ile kaydetilmiş.<br/>Oynatma beklendiği gibi çalışmayabilir ve beklenmedik sonuçlar doğurabilir.<br/><br/>Klip dosyasını hala yüklemek istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.İzlemeye çalıştığınız klip dosyası geçersiz.<br/>Dosya bozulmuş veya Citra Klip modülünde büyük değişiklikler yapılmış olabilir.<br/>Lütfen varklı bir klip dosyası seçin ve tekrardan deneyin.
+ Revision DismatchTetkik Uyuşmazlığı
+ Game DismatchOyun Uyuşmazlığı
+ Invalid Movie FileGeçersiz Film Dosyası
+ Play MovieFilmi Oynat
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Oyunlardaki rastgelelikten dolayı filmlerinizi oyun başından itibaren kaydetmeniz önerilir. <br>Yine de kayda başlamak istiyor musunuz?
+ Game Not FoundOyun Bulunamadı
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Oynatmaya çalıştığınız klip oyun listenizde olmayan bir oyundan, eğer oyuna sahipseniz lütfen oyun klasörünü listeye ekleyin ve klipi tekrardan oynatmaya çalışın.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Klip kaydı iptal edildi.
+ Movie SavedKlip Kaydedildi
+ The movie is successfully saved.Klip başarıyla kayıt edildi.
+ Capture ScreenshotEkran Görüntüsünü Kaydet
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Hız: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Hız: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSOyun: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKare: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 eksik. Lütfen <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>sistem arşivinizi dump edin</a>.<br/>Emülasyona devam etmek çökmelerle ve hatalarla sonuçlanabilir.
+ A system archiveBir sistem arşivi
+ System Archive Not FoundSistem Arşivi Bulunamadı
+ System Archive MissingSistem Arşivi Eksik
+ Save/load ErrorKaydetme/yükleme Hatası
+ Fatal ErrorÖnemli Hata
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Önemli bir hata meydana geldi. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>kayıt dosyasını okuyunuz</a>. <br/>Oynamaya devam etmek programın çökmesine sebep olabilir.
+ Fatal Error encounteredKritik hatayla karşılaşıldı
+ AbortVazgeç
+ Would you like to exit now?Çıkmak istediğinize emin misiniz?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Oyun hala çalışıyor. Emülasyonu durdurmak istiyor musunuz?
+ Playback CompletedOynatma Tamamlandı
+ Movie playback completed.Klip oynatması tamamlandı.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3540,87 +3540,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Nameİsim
+ CompatibilityUyumluluk
+ RegionBölge
+ File typeDosya türü
+ SizeBoyut
+ Open Save Data LocationKayıt Dosyası Konumunu Aç
+ Open Extra Data Locationİlave Veri Konumunu Aç
+ Open Application LocationUygulama Konumunu Aç
+ Open Update Data LocationGüncelleme Dosyası Konumunu Aç
+ Open Texture Dump LocationTexture Dump Konumunu Aç
+ Open Custom Texture LocationCustom Texture Konumunu Aç
+ Open Mods LocationMods Konumunu Aç
+ Dump RomFSRomFS Dump
+ Navigate to GameDB entryOyun Veritabanı Girdisine Git
+ Scan SubfoldersAlt Dizinleri Tara
+ Remove Game DirectoryOyun Dizinini Kaldır
+ Open Directory LocationDizinin Bulunduğu Yeri Aç
@@ -3628,12 +3628,12 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectMükemmel
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Oyun grafik veya ses hataları olmadan sorunsuz çalışıyor, tüm test edilmiş özellikler
@@ -3641,12 +3641,12 @@ geçici çözümler gerektirmeden
beklendiği gibi çalışıyor.
+ GreatGüzel
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Oyun küçük grafik veya ses hatalarıyla çalışıyor ve baştan sona kadar oynanabilir. Bazı
@@ -3654,12 +3654,12 @@ geçici çözümler
+ OkayYeterli
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Oyun büyük grafik veya ses hatalarıyla çalışıyor fakat geçici çözümler ile baştan sona
@@ -3667,12 +3667,12 @@ kadar
+ BadKötü
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Oyun çalışıyor fakat büyük grafik veya ses hatalarına sahip. Geçici çözümlerle bile
@@ -3680,33 +3680,33 @@ hatalardan dolayı
bazı alanlar geçilemiyor.
+ Intro/MenuGiriş/Menü
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Büyük grafik ve ses sorunlardan dolayı oyun oynanamaz durumda. Başlangıç ekranından ileriye geçilmiyor.
+ Won't BootAçılmıyor
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Oyun açılmaya çalışıldığında çöküyor.
+ Not TestedTest Edilmedi
+ The game has not yet been tested.Bu oyun henüz test edilmedi.
@@ -3714,7 +3714,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listOyun listenize yeni bir klasör eklemek için çift tıklayın
@@ -3722,27 +3722,27 @@ Screen.
+ of'nun
+ resultsonuç
+ resultssonuçlar
+ Filter:Filtre:
+ Enter pattern to filterFiltrelenecek düzeni girin
@@ -4430,42 +4430,42 @@ Ayıklama Mesajı:
Lobiyi Yenile
+ Password Required to JoinKatılmak İçin Şifre Gerekiyor
+ Password:Şifre:
+ Room NameOda İsmi
+ Preferred GameÖncelikli Oyun
+ HostSunucu
+ PlayersOyuncular
+ RefreshingYenileniyor
+ Refresh ListListeyi Yenile
@@ -5034,83 +5034,83 @@ Zaten odayı terk etmiş olabilir.
Bir oyun oynamıyor
+ Invalid regionGeçersiz Bölge
+ Installed TitlesYüklü Başlıklar
+ System TitlesSistem Başlıkları
+ Add New Game DirectoryYeni Oyun Klasörü Ekle
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ayarlanmadı]
+ Hat %1 %2Şaft %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2%1%2 Ekseni
+ Button %1Tuş %1
+ [unknown][bilinmiyor]
+ [unused][kullanılmıyor]
+ Axis %1%1 Ekseni
@@ -5288,37 +5288,37 @@ Zaten odayı terk etmiş olabilir.
+ RegistersRegisters
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registers
+ Vector LengthVector Length
+ Vector StrideVector Stride
+ Rounding ModeRounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration CountVector Iteration Count
diff --git a/dist/languages/vi_VN.ts b/dist/languages/vi_VN.ts
index de1c4d7eaa..a8626bf89f 100644
--- a/dist/languages/vi_VN.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/vi_VN.ts
@@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog StickThiết lập Con xoay
@@ -1343,105 +1343,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
Khôi phục mặc định
+ ClearXoá
+ [not set][chưa đặt]
+ Restore DefaultKhôi phục mặc định
+ InformationThông tin
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Sau khi Đồng ý, cử động con xoay theo nhiều ngang, sau đó cử động theo chiều dọc.
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][nhấn phím]
+ Error!Lỗi!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.Bạn đang sử dụng một phím đã được thiết lập.
+ New ProfileHồ sơ mới
+ Enter the name for the new profile.Nhập tên cho hồ sơ mới
+ Delete ProfileXoá hồ sơ
+ Delete profile %1?Xoá hồ sơ %1?
+ Rename ProfileĐổi tên hồ sơ
+ New name:Tên mới:
+ Duplicate profile nameTên hồ sơ bị trùng
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.Hồ sơ người dùng này đã được sử dụng. Vui lòng chọn tên khác.
@@ -2531,18 +2531,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1Tên Máy: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Điều này có thể khiến máy ảo 3DS của bạn thay thế bởi một chiếc máy mới. Điều này không thể hoàn tác. Một số game có thể bị ảnh hưởng bởi điều này. Và có thể xảy ra lỗi nếu bạn đang dùng thiết lập lưu game cũ. Tiếp tục?
+ WarningCảnh báo
@@ -2740,12 +2740,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Chế độ đơn dòng
+ <System>
+ English
@@ -2955,528 +2955,528 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Dữ liệu ẩn danh được thu thập</a> để giúp cải thiện Citra. <br/><br/>Bạn có muốn chia sẻ dữ liệu của bạn với chúng tôi?
+ TelemetryTheo dõi từ xa
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Tốc độ giả lập hiện tại. Giá trị cao hoặc thấp hơn 100% thể hiện giả lập đang chạy nhanh hay chậm hơn một chiếc máy 3DS thực sự.
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Tốc độ khung hình thực trong game. Nó sẽ thay đổi tùy game và tùy màn chơi.
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Thời gian để giả lập một khung hình của máy 3DS, không gồm giới hạn khung hay v-sync Một giả lập tốt nhất sẽ tiệm cận 16.67 ms.
+ Clear Recent FilesXóa danh sách tệp gần đây
+ Update AvailableCập nhật khả dụng
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Một bản cập nhật mới đã sẵn sàng. Bạn có muốn cài đặt ngay bây giờ không?
+ No Update FoundChưa tìm thấy bản cập nhật mới
+ No update is found.Chưa tìm thấy bản cập nhật mới
+ OpenGL 3.3 UnsupportedKhông hỗ trợ OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Card đồ hoạ của bạn có thể không hỗ trợ OpenGL 3.3, hoặc bạn chưa cập nhật driver lên bản mới nhất.
+ Invalid ROM FormatĐịnh dạng ROM không hợp lệ
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Định dạng ROM của bạn không được hỗ trợ.<br/>Vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn để trích xuất dữ liệu từ<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>thẻ game</a> hoặc <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>game eShop</a>.
+ ROM CorruptedROM hỏng
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM của bạn đã bị hỏng. <br/>Vui lòng thực hiện theo hướng dẫn đển trích xuát dữ liệu từ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>thẻ game</a> hoặc <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>game eShop</a>.
+ ROM EncryptedROM được mã hóa
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.ROM của bạn được mã hóa. <br/>Vui lòng thực hiện theo hướng dẫn để trích xuất dữ liệu từ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>thẻ game</a> hoặc <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>game eShop</a>.
+ Video Core ErrorLỗi Video Core
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Đã có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>xem tệp ghi nhật ký</a> để biết thêm chi tiết. Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn đã cài driver mới nhất cho card đồ họa của bạn
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.Bạn đang dùng driver mặc định của Windows cho GPU. Bạn cần phải cài đặt bản driver phù hợp cho card đồ họa của mình từ trang chủ của nhà sản xuất.
+ Error while loading ROM!Lỗi xuất hiện khi tải ROM!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.Một lỗi không rõ đã xảy ra. Vui lòng xem nhật ký để biết thêm chi tiết.
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA cần được cài đặt trước khi dùng
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Trước khi sử dụng CIA, bạn cần cài đặt nó. Bạn có muốn cài đặt nó ngay không?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ StartBắt đầu
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 FolderLỗi khi mở thư mục %1
+ Folder does not exist!Thư mục này không tồn tại!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1Lỗi khi mở %1
+ Select DirectoryChọn thư mục
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.
+ Load FileMở tệp tin
+ Load FilesMở các tệp tin
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)Tệp cài đặt 3DS (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)Tất cả tệp tin (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 đã được cài đặt thành công.
+ Unable to open FileKhông thể mở tệp tin
+ Could not open %1Không thể mở %1
+ Installation abortedViệc cài đặt đã bị hoãn
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsViệc cài đặt %1 đã bị hoãn. Vui lòng xem bản ghi nhật ký để biết thêm chi tiết.
+ Invalid FileTệp tin không hợp lệ
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 không phải là một tệp CIA hợp lệ
+ Encrypted FileTệp đã bị mã hóa
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 cần được giải nén trước khi dùng với Citra. Điều này cần đến một máy 3DS thực sự.
+ File not foundKhông tìm thấy tệp
+ File "%1" not foundKhông tìm thấy tệp tin "%1"
+ ContinueTiếp tục
+ Missing Citra AccountMất tài khoản Citra
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.Bạn phải kết nối với tài khoản Citra của bạn để gửi mẫu thử.<br/>Vào Emulation > Configure... > Web để kết nối.
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data fileLỗi khi mở tệp tin Amiibo
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.Không thể mở và đọc tệp tin Amiibo "%1".
+ Error reading Amiibo data fileLỗi đọc tệp tin Amiibo
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.Không thể đọc toàn bộ dữ liệu Amiibo. Tệp tin gồm %1 bytes, song chỉ có thể đọc được %2 bytes.
+ Record MovieQuay phim
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?Để đảm bảo ổn định với RNG, bạn nên ghi hình lúc bắt đầu trò chơi.<br>Bạn có chắc vẫn muốn ghi hình?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.Ghi hình sẽ bắt đầu ngay khi bạn mở một game.
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Tệp tin phim bạn đang cố mở đã được tạo ở một phiên bản không tương thích khác của Citra.<br/>Citra có vài sự thay đổi lúc này, và bộ phát có thể bị bất đồng bộ hoặc không hoạt động chính xác.<br/><br/>Bạn có chắc tiếp tục mở tệp tin phim?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?Tệp phim bạn đang cố gắng mở đã được ghi từ một trò chơi khác.<br/>Kết quả phát lại sẽ có thể không chính xác, hoặc gây ra lỗi.<br/><br/>Bạn có chắc muốn tiếp tục mở tệp phim này?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.Tệp phim bạn đang cố mở không hợp lệ.<br/>Có thể tệp tin đã bị hỏng, hoặc phiên bản này đã thay đổi lớn về mã hóa tệp phim.<br/>Vui lòng chọn một tệp phim khác xem sao.
+ Revision DismatchPhiên bản không phù hợp
+ Game DismatchTrò chơi không phù hợp
+ Invalid Movie FileTệp tin không hợp lệ
+ Play MoviePhát tệp phim
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?Để đảm bảo ổn định với RNG, bạn nên phát lúc trò chơi bắt đầu.<br>Bạn có chắc muốn phát ghi hình lúc này?
+ Game Not FoundKhông tìm thấy trò chơi
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.Phim bạn đang định phát dường như từ một trò chơi không nằm trong danh sách game hiện có. Nếu bạn đã mua game này, vui lòng thêm vào danh sách game và thử lại.
+ Movie recording cancelled.Ghi hình đã bị hủy.
+ Movie SavedĐã lưu phim.
+ The movie is successfully saved.Phim đã được lưu lại thành công.
+ Capture ScreenshotChụp màn hình
+ PNG Image (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%Tốc độ: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%Tốc độ: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSGame: %1 FPS
+ Frame: %1 msKhung: %1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.%1 bị thiếu. Vui lòng <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>trích xuất các tệp hệ thống từ 3DS</a>.<br/>Nếu chạy tiếp giả lập có thể tự thoát hoặc lỗi.
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not FoundKhông thể tìm thấy mục Lưu trữ hệ thống
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal ErrorLỗi nghiêm trọng
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Lỗi nghiêm trọng đã xảy ra. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Kiểm tra tệp ghi nhật ký</a> để biết thêm chi tiết<br/>Nếu tiếp tục chạy giả lập có thể tự thoát hoặc phát sinh lỗi.
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ AbortHủy bỏ
+ Would you like to exit now?Bạn có muốn thoát ngay bây giờ không?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Trò chơi vẫn đang chạy. Bạn có muốn dừng không?
+ Playback CompletedPhát lại hoàn tất
+ Movie playback completed.Phát lại phim hoàn tất.
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3539,87 +3539,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ NameTên
+ CompatibilityTính tương thích
+ RegionKhu vực
+ File typeLoại tệp tin
+ SizeKích thước
+ Open Save Data LocationMở thư mục lưu game
+ Open Extra Data Location
+ Open Application LocationMở thư mục ứng dụng
+ Open Update Data LocationMở thư mục dữ liệu cập nhật
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entryĐiều hướng đến GameDB
+ Scan SubfoldersQuét thư mục con
+ Remove Game DirectoryLoại bỏ thư mục chứa game
+ Open Directory LocationMở thư mục
@@ -3627,80 +3627,80 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ PerfectHoàn mỹ
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Các chức năng trong game hoạt động trơn tru và không có lỗi nào về âm thanh hay đồ họa. Mọi thành phần
hoạt động như mong đợi không lỗi.
+ GreatTuyệt vời
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Các chức năng trong game chạy với vài lỗi nhỏ nhưng có thể chơi được. Có thể cần vài bước thiết lập thêm.
+ OkayỔn
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Các chức năng game xuất hiện nhiều lỗi lớn về đồ họa và âm thanh, nhưng có thể chơi được khi thử
thiết lập tinh chỉnh hợp lý.
+ BadKém
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Game chạy được song với lỗi lớn về đồ họa hoặc âm thanh. Không thể chơi đến một tiến độ nhất định vì lỗi
kể cả khi tinh chỉnh hay tìm cách tránh.
+ Intro/Menu
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Không thể chơi được do lỗi lớn về âm thanh hoặc đồ họa. Không thể qua được mục Bắt đầu hay giới thiệu.
+ Won't BootKhông mở được
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.Trò chơi bị văng ngay khi thử mở.
+ Not TestedChưa thử
+ The game has not yet been tested.Chưa có dữ liệu hoặc trò chơi chưa được đánh giá.
@@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game listNhấp đôi chuột để thêm thư mục mới vào danh sách trò chơi
@@ -3716,27 +3716,27 @@ Screen.
+ ofcủa
+ resultkết quả
+ resultskết quả
+ Filter:Bộ lọc:
+ Enter pattern to filterNhập mẫu ký tự để lọc
@@ -4424,42 +4424,42 @@ Mô tả:
Làm mới
+ Password Required to JoinYêu cầu có mật khẩu để vào
+ Password:Mật khẩu phòng:
+ Room NameTên phòng
+ Preferred GameGame khuyến nghị
+ HostHost
+ PlayersSố người
+ RefreshingĐang tải
+ Refresh ListLàm mới
@@ -5029,83 +5029,83 @@ Có lẽ họ đã rời khỏi phòng.
Đang không chơi game
+ Invalid regionVùng không hợp lệ
+ Installed TitlesCác tiêu đề đã cài
+ System TitlesCác tiêu đề hệ thống
+ Add New Game DirectoryThêm thư mục chứa game mới
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][chưa cài đặt]
+ Hat %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2
+ Button %1
+ [unknown][không rõ]
+ [unused][chưa được dùng]
+ Axis %1
@@ -5283,37 +5283,37 @@ Có lẽ họ đã rời khỏi phòng.
+ RegistersĐăng ký
+ VFP RegistersVFP Registers
+ VFP System RegistersVFP System Registers
+ Vector LengthĐộ dài vector
+ Vector StrideBước đi vector
+ Rounding ModeRounding Mode
+ Vector Iteration CountSố lần lặp vector
diff --git a/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts b/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
index 0319274217..4ec4fc4e0a 100644
--- a/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/zh_CN.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog Stick设置摇杆
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][未设置]
+ Restore Default恢复默认
+ Information信息
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.在按下确定后,首先水平移动你的手柄,然后垂直移动它。
+ Deadzone: %1%摇杆死区: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%摇杆灵敏度: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%摇杆死区: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%摇杆灵敏度: 0%
+ [press key][请按一个键]
+ Error!错误!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.您正在使用的按键已经被其他操作绑定。
+ New Profile保存自定义设置
+ Enter the name for the new profile.为新的自定义设置命名
+ Delete Profile删除自定义设置
+ Delete profile %1?真的要删除自定义设置 %1 吗?
+ Rename Profile重命名自定义设置
+ New name:新名称:
+ Duplicate profile name重复的自定义设置名称
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.该自定义设置名称已存在。请选择一个其他名称进行命名。
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1设备 ID: 0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?这将使用一个新的虚拟 3DS 取代你当前的虚拟 3DS。您当前的虚拟 3DS 将无法恢复。在部分游戏中可能会出现意外效果。如果你使用一个过时的配置存档这可能会失败。确定要继续吗?
+ Warning警告
@@ -2742,12 +2742,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.单行模式
+ <System><系统>
+ English英语
@@ -2957,529 +2957,529 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>我们收集匿名数据</a>来帮助改进 Citra 。<br/><br/>您愿意和我们分享你的使用数据吗?
+ Telemetry使用数据共享
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.当前模拟速度。高于或低于 100% 的值表示模拟正在运行得比实际 3DS 更快或更慢。
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.游戏当前运行的帧率。这将因游戏和场景的不同而有所不同。
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.在不计算速度限制和垂直同步的情况下,模拟一个 3DS 帧的实际时间。若要进行全速模拟,这个数值不应超过 16.67 毫秒。
+ Clear Recent Files清除最近文件
+ Update Available更新可用
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?有更新可用。您想现在安装吗?
+ No Update Found没有发现更新
+ No update is found.没有找到更新。
+ OpenGL 3.3 Unsupported不支持 OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.您的 GPU 可能不支持 OpenGL 3.3,或者您没有安装最新的图形驱动程序。
+ Invalid ROM Format无效 ROM 格式
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.您的 ROM 格式不受支持。<br/>请按照 wiki 文章来重新转储您的<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>游戏卡带</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>已安装的游戏</a>。
+ ROM CorruptedROM 损坏
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.您的 ROM 已损坏。<br/> 请按照 wiki 文章来重新转储您的<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>游戏卡带</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>已安装的游戏</a>。
+ ROM Encrypted加密 ROM
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.您的 ROM 是加密的。<br/> 请按照 wiki 文章重新转储您的<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>游戏卡带</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>已安装的游戏</a>。
+ Video Core Error视频核心错误
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.发生了错误。 请<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>参阅日志</a>了解更多详情。请确保您已安装最新的 GPU 图形驱动程序。
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.您正在运行默认的 Windows 驱动程序。您需要从制造商的网站为您的显卡安装正确的驱动程序。
+ Error while loading ROM!加载 ROM 时出错!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.发生了一个未知的错误。详情请参阅日志。
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA 文件必须安装后才能使用
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?在使用这个 CIA 文件前,您必须先进行安装。您希望现在就安装它吗?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.无法转储屏幕录像。<br>有关详细信息,请参考日志文件。
+ Start开始
+ Slot %1插槽 %1
+ Slot %1 - %2插槽 %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folder无法打开 %1 文件夹
+ Folder does not exist!文件夹不存在!
+ Dumping...转储中...
+ Cancel取消
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.无法转储 RomFS 。
+ Error Opening %1无法打开 %1
+ Select Directory选择目录
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS 可执行文件 (%1);;所有文件 (*.*)
+ Load File加载文件
+ Load Files加载多个文件
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS 安装文件 (*.CIA*)
+ All Files (*.*)所有文件 (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.%1 已成功安装。
+ Unable to open File无法打开文件
+ Could not open %1无法打开 %1
+ Installation aborted安装失败
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details%1 的安装过程失败。详情请参看日志
+ Invalid File文件无效
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 不是有效的 CIA 文件
+ Encrypted File文件已加密
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 需要解密才能被 Citra 识别。解密过程需要一台实体 3DS 游戏机。
+ File not found找不到文件
+ File "%1" not found文件 "%1" 未找到
+ Continue继续
+ Missing Citra Account未设置 Citra 帐户
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.您必须设置您的 Citra 帐户来提交测试用例。<br/>请前往模拟 > 设置… > 网络进行设置。
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 文件 (%1);;所有文件 (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo加载 Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data file打开 Amiibo 数据文件时出错
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.无法打开 Amiibo 文件 %1。
+ Error reading Amiibo data file读取 Amiibo 数据文件时出错
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.无法完全读取 Amiibo 数据。应读取 %1 个字节,但实际仅能读取 %2 个字节。
+ Record Movie录制影像
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?为保持随机数的一致性,推荐从游戏开始起录制影像。<br>你确定仍然要现在开始录制影像吗?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra TAS 影像 (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.一旦启动游戏,录制就会开始。
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?您要加载的影像文件是在另一个版本的 Citra 上创建的。<br/>Citra 在此期间有一些更改,您的影像可能无法正常工作。<br/><br/>您确定仍然要加载影像文件么?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?您要加载的影像文件是使用不同的游戏录制的。<br/>播放可能无法正常工作,并且可能会导致意外结果。<br/><br/>您确定仍然要加载影像文件么?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.您要加载的影像文件无效。<br/>可能是文件损坏,或 Citra 已对影像模块进行了一些重大更改。<br/>请选择其他影像文件重试。
+ Revision Dismatch版本不匹配
+ Game Dismatch游戏不匹配
+ Invalid Movie File影像文件无效
+ Play Movie播放影像
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?为保持随机数的一致性,推荐从游戏开始起播放影像。<br>你确定仍然要现在开始播放影像吗?
+ Game Not Found游戏未找到
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.您尝试播放的影像来自一个不在游戏列表中的游戏。如果您拥有该游戏,请将游戏文件夹添加到游戏列表中,并尝试再次播放该影像。
+ Movie recording cancelled.影像录制已取消。
+ Movie Saved影像已保存
+ The movie is successfully saved.影像已成功保存。
+ Capture Screenshot捕获截图
+ PNG Image (*.png)PNG 图片 (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%速度: %1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%速度: %1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSFPS: %1
+ Frame: %1 ms帧延迟:%1 毫秒
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.未找到 %1。 请<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>转储您的系统档案</a>。<br/>继续进行模拟可能会导致崩溃和错误。
+ A system archive系统档案
+ System Archive Not Found未找到系统档案
+ System Archive Missing系统档案丢失
+ Save/load Error保存/读取出现错误
+ Fatal Error致命错误
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.发生了致命错误。请<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>参阅日志</a>了解详细信息。<br/>继续进行模拟可能会导致崩溃和错误。
+ Fatal Error encountered发生致命错误
+ Abort中止
+ Would you like to exit now?您现在要退出么?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?游戏仍在运行。您想停止模拟吗?
+ Playback Completed播放完成
+ Movie playback completed.影像播放完成。
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Name名称
+ Compatibility兼容性
+ Region地区
+ File type文件类型
+ Size大小
+ Open Save Data Location打开存档位置
+ Open Extra Data Location打开附加存档数据位置
+ Open Application Location打开应用程序位置
+ Open Update Data Location打开更新数据位置
+ Open Texture Dump Location打开纹理文件转储位置
+ Open Custom Texture Location打开自定义纹理文件位置
+ Open Mods Location打开 Mod 位置
+ Dump RomFS转储 RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entry查看兼容性报告
+ Scan Subfolders扫描子文件夹
+ Remove Game Directory删除游戏目录
+ Open Directory Location打开目录位置
@@ -3630,77 +3630,77 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Perfect完美
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.游戏功能完美,没有音频或图形问题。所有测试的功能均能工作,不需要任何特殊技巧去完成游戏。
+ Great良好
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ Okay一般
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
+ Bad较差
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.游戏能运行,但是会有大量图像或音频错误。即使使用一些技巧仍无法通过游戏的某些区域。
+ Intro/Menu开场 / 菜单
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't Boot无法打开
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.在启动游戏时直接崩溃了。
+ Not Tested未测试
+ The game has not yet been tested.游戏尚未经过测试。
@@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list双击添加游戏文件夹
@@ -3716,27 +3716,27 @@ Screen.
+ of/
+ result结果
+ results结果
+ Filter:搜索:
+ Enter pattern to filter搜索游戏
@@ -4425,42 +4425,42 @@ Debug Message:
+ Password Required to Join需要密码
+ Password:密码:
+ Room Name房间名称
+ Preferred Game首选游戏
+ Host创建者
+ Players玩家
+ Refreshing正在刷新
+ Refresh List刷新列表
@@ -5030,83 +5030,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid region无效的地区
+ Installed Titles已安装的项目
+ System Titles系统项目
+ Add New Game Directory添加游戏目录
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][未设置]
+ Hat %1 %2方向键 %1 %2
+ Axis %1%2轴 %1%2
+ Button %1按键 %1
+ [unknown][未知]
+ [unused][未使用]
+ Axis %1轴 %1
@@ -5284,37 +5284,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Registers寄存器
+ VFP RegistersVFP 寄存器
+ VFP System RegistersVFP 系统寄存器
+ Vector Length矢量长度
+ Vector Stride矢量步长
+ Rounding Mode舍入模式
+ Vector Iteration Count矢量迭代计数
diff --git a/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts b/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
index 381e21f53c..54f70f218d 100644
--- a/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
+++ b/dist/languages/zh_TW.ts
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Set Analog Stick設定類比搖桿
@@ -1344,105 +1344,105 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Clear清除
+ [not set][ 無設定 ]
+ Restore Default還原成預設值
+ Information說明
+ After pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.按下確定後,水平移動手把,然後再垂直移動手把。
+ Deadzone: %1%
+ Modifier Scale: %1%
+ Deadzone: 0%
+ Modifier Scale: 0%
+ [press key][ 請輸入按鍵 ]
+ Error!錯誤!
+ You're using a key that's already bound.這個按鍵已被其他動作使用。
+ New Profile建立設定檔
+ Enter the name for the new profile.請輸入新的設定檔名稱。
+ Delete Profile删除設定檔
+ Delete profile %1?删除設定檔「%1」?
+ Rename Profile重新命名設定檔
+ New name:新名稱:
+ Duplicate profile name設定檔名稱重複
+ Profile name already exists. Please choose a different name.設定檔名稱已存在,請選擇其他名稱。
@@ -2532,18 +2532,18 @@ Would you like to ignore the error and continue?
+ Console ID: 0x%1裝置 ID:0x%1
+ This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?更換 ID 等同於更換一台 3DS,產生新 ID 後將無法還原目前 ID,且可能造成部分遊戲出現錯誤。如果您的遊戲存檔使用過期設定,可能造成這個動作失敗。確定繼續嗎?
+ Warning警告
@@ -2741,12 +2741,12 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <System>< 系統 >
+ EnglishEnglish
@@ -2956,530 +2956,530 @@ Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.
+ <a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>Anonymous data is collected</a> to help improve Citra. <br/><br/>Would you like to share your usage data with us?<a href='https://citra-emu.org/entry/telemetry-and-why-thats-a-good-thing/'>收集匿名的使用資料</a>可以用來改善 Citra。<br/><br/>您同意將您的使用資料分享給 Citra 嗎?
+ Telemetry遠端遙測
+ Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.目前模擬速度,
「高於/低於」100% 代表模擬速度比 3DS 實機「更快/更慢」。
+ How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.遊戲目前的 FPS,不同的遊戲和場景會有不同數值。
+ Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.不計算影格限制或垂直同步時,
模擬一個 3DS 影格所花的時間。全速模擬時,這個數值最多應為 16.67 毫秒。
+ Clear Recent Files清除檔案使用紀錄
+ Update Available有新的版本
+ An update is available. Would you like to install it now?Citra 有新的版本,您要馬上安裝嗎?
+ No Update Found找不到新的版本
+ No update is found.找不到新版的 Citra。
+ OpenGL 3.3 Unsupported您的系統不支援 OpenGL 3.3
+ Your GPU may not support OpenGL 3.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.您的 GPU 可能沒有安裝最新的驅動程式,或者它不支援 OpenGL 3.3。確定支援後,請嘗試更新 GPU 驅動程式再執行模擬器;若不支援,則代表您的硬體不符合 Citra 的最低需求。
+ Invalid ROM Format不支援的 ROM 格式
+ Your ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.Citra 不支援這個 ROM 的格式,常見的可執行格式為 .3ds、.cci…等。<br/>請參考以下 wiki 網頁重新取得 ROM:<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>傾印遊戲卡帶</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>傾印已安裝的遊戲</a>。
+ ROM CorruptedROM 不完整
+ Your ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.這個 ROM 檔案不完整。<br/>請參考以下 wiki 網頁重新取得 ROM:<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>傾印遊戲卡帶</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>傾印已安裝的遊戲</a>。
+ ROM EncryptedROM 未解密
+ Your ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>game cartridges</a> or <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>installed titles</a>.這個遊戲沒有解密,Citra 只能執行已解密的遊戲。正規的解密方式需要 3DS 實機。<br/>請參考以下 wiki 網頁重新取得 ROM:<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-game-cartridges/'>傾印遊戲卡帶</a>或<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-installed-titles/'>傾印已安裝的遊戲</a>。
+ Video Core Error視訊核心出現錯誤
+ An error has occured. Please <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>see the log</a> for more details. Ensure that you have the latest graphics drivers for your GPU.Citra 執行視訊核心時出現錯誤,請<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>參閱日誌</a>了解細節。請確定您已安裝了最新的 GPU 驅動程式。
+ You are running default Windows drivers for your GPU. You need to install the proper drivers for your graphics card from the manufacturer's website.您正使用系統預設的 GPU 驅動程式。請從 GPU 晶片製造商網站下載並安裝正確的驅動程式。
+ Error while loading ROM!讀取 ROM 時出現錯誤!
+ An unknown error occured. Please see the log for more details.出現未知的錯誤,請參閱日誌了解細節。
+ CIA must be installed before usageCIA 檔案必須先安裝
+ Before using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?CIA 檔案必須先安裝才能夠執行。您現在要安裝這個檔案嗎?
+ CitraCitra
+ Could not start video dumping.<br>Refer to the log for details.
+ Start開始
+ Slot %1
+ Slot %1 - %2
+ Error Opening %1 Folder開啟 %1 資料夾時錯誤
+ Folder does not exist!資料夾不存在!
+ Dumping...
+ Cancel
+ Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.
+ Error Opening %1開啟 %1 時錯誤
+ Select Directory選擇目錄
+ 3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS 可執行檔案 (%1);;所有檔案 (*.*)
+ Load File讀取檔案
+ Load Files讀取多個檔案
+ 3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS 安裝檔 (*.CIA)
+ All Files (*.*)所有檔案 (*.*)
+ %1 has been installed successfully.已成功安裝 %1。
+ Unable to open File無法開啟檔案
+ Could not open %1無法開啟 %1
+ Installation aborted安裝中斷
+ The installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more details安裝 %1 時中斷,請參閱日誌了解細節。
+ Invalid File無效的檔案
+ %1 is not a valid CIA%1 不是有效的 CIA 檔案
+ Encrypted File檔案未解密
+ %1 must be decrypted before being used with Citra. A real 3DS is required.%1 需要先解密才能在 Citra 執行,正規的解密方式需要 3DS 實機。
+ File not found找不到檔案
+ File "%1" not found找不到「%1」
+ Continue繼續
+ Missing Citra Account找不到 Citra 帳號
+ You must link your Citra account to submit test cases.<br/>Go to Emulation > Configure... > Web to do so.提交遊戲相容性測試樣本前,必須連結您的 Citra 帳號。<br/>請點擊介面上方:模擬 > 設定…,然後在「網路」標籤頁中連結您的帳號。
+ Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)Amiibo 檔案 (%1);;所有檔案 (*.*)
+ Load Amiibo讀取 Amiibo
+ Error opening Amiibo data file開啟 Amiibo 資料檔時出現錯誤
+ Unable to open Amiibo file "%1" for reading.無法開啟 Amiibo 檔案「%1」 。
+ Error reading Amiibo data file讀取 Amiibo 資料檔時出現錯誤
+ Unable to fully read Amiibo data. Expected to read %1 bytes, but was only able to read %2 bytes.無法完整讀取 Amiibo 資料。預計讀取 %1 位元組,但只能讀取 %2 位元組。
+ Record Movie錄影
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to record the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to record movies now?為確保遊戲亂數相符,建議在遊戲開始的同時就錄影。<br>您確定要在現在錄影嗎?
+ Citra TAS Movie (*.ctm)Citra 電腦輔助競速影片 (*.ctm)
+ Recording will start once you boot a game.將會在啟動遊戲的同時開始錄影。
+ The movie file you are trying to load was created on a different revision of Citra.<br/>Citra has had some changes during the time, and the playback may desync or not work as expected.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?您讀取的影片是在不同版本的 Citra 中製作的。<br/>Citra 在這兩個版本間做了一些更動,可能會造成播放時不同步或無法播放。<br/><br/>您確定要嘗試讀取這個影片嗎?
+ The movie file you are trying to load was recorded with a different game.<br/>The playback may not work as expected, and it may cause unexpected results.<br/><br/>Are you sure you still want to load the movie file?您讀取的影片是在不同的遊戲中製作的。<br/>可能會無法播放和造成其他無法預期的結果。<br/><br/>您確定要讀取這個影片嗎?
+ The movie file you are trying to load is invalid.<br/>Either the file is corrupted, or Citra has had made some major changes to the Movie module.<br/>Please choose a different movie file and try again.無法讀取這個影片。<br/>可能是檔案不完整,或是 Citra 在您使用的版本和影片的版本間對影片模組做了大量更動。<br/>請選擇其他影片。
+ Revision Dismatch模擬器版本不符
+ Game Dismatch遊戲不符
+ Invalid Movie File無效的影片
+ Play Movie播放影片
+ To keep consistency with the RNG, it is recommended to play the movie from game start.<br>Are you sure you still want to play movies now?為確保遊戲亂數相符,建議在遊戲開始的同時就播放影片。<br>您確定要在現在播放嗎?
+ Game Not Found找不到遊戲
+ The movie you are trying to play is from a game that is not in the game list. If you own the game, please add the game folder to the game list and try to play the movie again.在您的遊戲列表中找不到您要播放的遊戲。如果您有這個遊戲,請將這個遊戲的資料夾新增到遊戲列表中再播放這個影片。
+ Movie recording cancelled.錄影已取消。
+ Movie Saved已儲存影片
+ The movie is successfully saved.影片儲存成功。
+ Capture Screenshot畫面擷取
+ PNG Image (*.png)可攜式網路圖形 (*.png)
+ Speed: %1%速度:%1%
+ Speed: %1% / %2%速度:%1% / %2%
+ Game: %1 FPSFPS:%1
+ Frame: %1 ms影格:%1 ms
+ %1 is missing. Please <a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.找不到系統檔「%1」,您讀取的遊戲需要<a href='https://citra-emu.org/wiki/dumping-system-archives-and-the-shared-fonts-from-a-3ds-console/'> 3DS 實機傾印的系統檔案</a>才能執行。<br/>繼續模擬可能造成當機、存檔不完整或其他錯誤。
+ A system archive
+ System Archive Not Found找不到系統檔案
+ System Archive Missing
+ Save/load Error
+ Fatal Error嚴重錯誤
+ A fatal error occured. <a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Citra 出現一個嚴重的錯誤,請<a href='https://community.citra-emu.org/t/how-to-upload-the-log-file/296'>參閱日誌</a>了解細節。<br/>繼續模擬可能造成當機、存檔不完整或其他錯誤。
+ Fatal Error encountered
+ Abort中斷
+ Would you like to exit now?您確定要離開嗎?
+ The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?遊戲還在執行中,您確定要中斷嗎?
+ Playback Completed播放完成
+ Movie playback completed.影片已結束播放。
+ Citra %1Citra %1
+ Citra %1| %2Citra %1| %2
@@ -3542,87 +3542,87 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Name名稱
+ Compatibility相容性
+ Region地區
+ File type檔案類型
+ Size大小
+ Open Save Data Location開啟存檔位置
+ Open Extra Data Location開啟其他資料檔位置
+ Open Application Location開啟應用程式位置
+ Open Update Data Location開啟更新檔位置
+ Open Texture Dump Location
+ Open Custom Texture Location
+ Open Mods Location
+ Dump RomFS
+ Navigate to GameDB entry開啟遊戲相容性網頁
+ Scan Subfolders掃描子資料夾
+ Remove Game Directory在列表中移除此路徑
+ Open Directory Location開啟資料夾位置
@@ -3630,82 +3630,82 @@ Refer to the log for details.
+ Perfect完美
+ Game functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.遊戲完美執行,沒有音效或圖形錯誤。
+ Great良好
+ Game functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
+ Okay普通
+ Game functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
+ Bad不好
+ Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.遊戲可以執行,但有許多圖形或音效錯誤,
+ Intro/Menu片頭/選單
+ Game is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
+ Won't Boot無法啟動
+ The game crashes when attempting to startup.遊戲啟動時當機。
+ Not Tested未測試
+ The game has not yet been tested.遊戲尚未收集到測試樣本。
@@ -3713,7 +3713,7 @@ Screen.
+ Double-click to add a new folder to the game list
@@ -3721,27 +3721,27 @@ Screen.
+ of/
+ result項符合
+ results項符合
+ Filter:項目篩選
+ Enter pattern to filter輸入項目關鍵字
@@ -4429,42 +4429,42 @@ Debug Message:
+ Password Required to Join需要密碼
+ Password:密碼:
+ Room Name房間名稱
+ Preferred Game首選遊戲
+ Host建立者
+ Players玩家數
+ Refreshing正在重新整理
+ Refresh List重新整理
@@ -5033,83 +5033,83 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Invalid region無效的地區
+ Installed Titles
+ System Titles
+ Add New Game Directory
+ ShiftShift
+ CtrlCtrl
+ AltAlt
+ [not set][ 無設定 ]
+ Hat %1 %2方向鍵 %1:%2
+ Axis %1%2軸 %1%2
+ Button %1按鈕 %1
+ [unknown][ 未知 ]
+ [unused][ 未使用 ]
+ Axis %1軸 %1
@@ -5287,37 +5287,37 @@ They may have left the room.
+ Registers暫存器
+ VFP RegistersVFP 暫存器
+ VFP System RegistersVFP 系統暫存器
+ Vector Length向量長度
+ Vector Stride向量跨步
+ Rounding Mode進位模式
+ Vector Iteration Count向量疊代計數