diff --git a/src/video_core/gpu.cpp b/src/video_core/gpu.cpp
index 7d71371097..e8f763ce92 100644
--- a/src/video_core/gpu.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/gpu.cpp
@@ -140,71 +140,6 @@ void GPU::FlushCommands() {
-u32 RenderTargetBytesPerPixel(RenderTargetFormat format) {
-    ASSERT(format != RenderTargetFormat::NONE);
-    switch (format) {
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA32_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA32_UINT:
-        return 16;
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA16_UINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA16_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA16_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBX16_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG32_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG32_UINT:
-        return 8;
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA8_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA8_SNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA8_SRGB:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGBA8_UINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RGB10_A2_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::BGRA8_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::BGRA8_SRGB:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG16_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG16_SNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG16_UINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG16_SINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG16_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R32_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R11G11B10_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R32_UINT:
-        return 4;
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R16_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R16_SNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R16_UINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R16_SINT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R16_FLOAT:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG8_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::RG8_SNORM:
-        return 2;
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R8_UNORM:
-    case RenderTargetFormat::R8_UINT:
-        return 1;
-    default:
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented render target format {}", static_cast<u32>(format));
-        return 1;
-    }
-u32 DepthFormatBytesPerPixel(DepthFormat format) {
-    switch (format) {
-    case DepthFormat::Z32_S8_X24_FLOAT:
-        return 8;
-    case DepthFormat::Z32_FLOAT:
-    case DepthFormat::S8_Z24_UNORM:
-    case DepthFormat::Z24_X8_UNORM:
-    case DepthFormat::Z24_S8_UNORM:
-    case DepthFormat::Z24_C8_UNORM:
-        return 4;
-    case DepthFormat::Z16_UNORM:
-        return 2;
-    default:
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented Depth format {}", static_cast<u32>(format));
-        return 1;
-    }
 // Note that, traditionally, methods are treated as 4-byte addressable locations, and hence
 // their numbers are written down multiplied by 4 in Docs. Here we are not multiply by 4.
 // So the values you see in docs might be multiplied by 4.
diff --git a/src/video_core/gpu.h b/src/video_core/gpu.h
index 07727210c1..8bb6fc60e4 100644
--- a/src/video_core/gpu.h
+++ b/src/video_core/gpu.h
@@ -82,12 +82,6 @@ enum class DepthFormat : u32 {
     Z32_S8_X24_FLOAT = 0x19,
-/// Returns the number of bytes per pixel of each rendertarget format.
-u32 RenderTargetBytesPerPixel(RenderTargetFormat format);
-/// Returns the number of bytes per pixel of each depth format.
-u32 DepthFormatBytesPerPixel(DepthFormat format);
 struct CommandListHeader;
 class DebugContext;